Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 16, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Mi Austriaci Sorpresi An-
Icora Una voita aane
jjorze di Cadorna Tri-
' ..11.-. TVTovno' rlollo
.-rtjte ana
ROMA, 16 Lugllo
k. rlo dl fnnterla detle forze itnl-
K, .he Avaniano datla conott di Cortina
M0 VerSO OVCSl, III m.,uuo u.
&T..t.o dove mlrano per tagllnro la fcr-
w a1 Brennero cho unlsco Innsbruck
MY1I " .I...I- i,.i o.o1tn
WlnW a com,"."""" " -
Lresa II ptcco dl Falzarcgo, alio
pltdl 0" "llanl Bcainrono la mun
- ...... tinriA Intn rnAa nrn pnn
in un r
if fit como linpassablle. OH auntrlacl
rliroho "1 nprcnacro iu ijubi;iu.iu, uiu
freno resplntl
lu. (1 testo del comunlcato utTlclnlo
Stl Cadorc, dove la noitra ortonalva
A ivlluppanuo meiuuiuttiiiumui iiu. u.u-
.nnilnuato II bomlrardamentd delte
Kctlonl dl I'latzwclse o dl Landro,
liSono buonl rlsultatl. Una nostra
E battaella con succoseo nl nemlco
HIM9 " lliirli.tnll. nnlla Vnlln dot
R BKOV " "
"J.V1 tetloro UI ruizarcKu un nuaiiu
miiHO dl fanterla sorprcso II norrtlco cho
!Lmva II l'lcco dl Falzarcgo o no oc-
t nnsizlonl. ragglungentlolo per una
iSalA the era consldcrota como Impao.
151. m l.rillnnitlll nilalrlnul r1(llltn
Mil del 14 LugHo furono resplntl.
sil resto del fronto la sltuazlono o'
iCal rnpporto del generalo Cadorna rl
Talta cho lo forze alplno Itallano hanno
Wpato non soiiumu u piwtu ui !
: mi nncho altro sommlta' Imnortantl
Si redone dl Ampezzo, rlprcndondo
;! t vlcorosa ortenalva. La conqulsta
Rrl rlcco dl Falzarcgo e dl grantlo Im
ffwranza percho' dl la' I'artlgllcrla ltnll-
ra, uie oru vi vrenu jiu. .h.ui ..wi........
3 rnrscchl mlclla la strada cho porta
Inno la vallo doH'Adlgo o la ferrovla
felfttanto gll Itallanl comlnceranno presto
5 hnmhardare lo trlncco austrlache alia
Ftfis nord-ovest dclla montagna. Questa
Ira ttata ben rormicaia aagii ausinaci
fee vl BVBvnno ancho costrulto una
rada. Gil Alplnl inveco ui scguiro la
rida fecero nucllo cho avevnno fatto In
Ifrecedenti occaslonl c scalarono la roccla
taicecsslbllo durante la notto o durante la
tolls sttaccarono lo poslzlonl austrlache.
iAll'alba II nemlco era in fuga prcclpltosa
ptr I lianch! della montngna.
j jljla ocopo dl coallzzaro tuttl gll ele
ment! pofltlcl In itana uuranto ia gucrra.
presmonto aci uonsigno aoi minisin,
n, Baianura, na annunciaio osgi ja
Eimlna dell'on. Salvators Barzllal, Icad
itr republlcano nella Camera cd orlundo
' ol Trieste, o dell'on. Leonlda Blssolatl,
!l7ln. .1 Tlnrtltn Qnnlnllatn T?tfnrmtatn
t ralnlitti mcmbrl del Gablnetto, senza
portatoillo. L'on. Blssolatl ' al fronto
ed ha glaprcso parto a uivcrsi comoat-
GU nuatrlacl sono cosi lrrltatt per la
raplda occupazlono dl Jlonfalcone da
parte degll Itallanl, cho essl fan no tutto
quanto possono per dlstruggcre la cltta
dfni, tenza punto curarsl del perlcolo a
iUI sottopoivrono ,3000 ex suddltt auntrlacl.
irKnesi e nun comiiaiienii. icr uum
irdare Monfnlcoho gll austriaci hanno
illocato batterle sullo alturo dl San
Avannl dl Dulno ed 11 cannonogglamento
quasi Incessante.
ilcunt ifel principal! cdlflzll dl Monfnl-
We hann gla' sofferto dannl per ouesto
tombardamento, ed 1 cannonl austriaci
iwlgono speclamcnto e chlcse per farto
jeraagio at oro copi. Un langolo della
ttltedrale e' gla stato dannegginto, come
S, e- stata puio la chlesa dl Sant"
Giibroglo. Quella parte della cltta cho e'
iworeettata al bombardamento non. ha
Iowa, Importanza mllltare.
id eat delt'Isonzo gll austriaci dls-
rugeono tutto nuanto mis' essoro utlllz-
ijato dagll Ttnllanl nella loro nvanzata.
ms rnccoltl dello campagno, ed edinzll,
la popol.irtono civile o" stata Internata.
JI Glornale d'ltalla, commentando led
;ra la eltuazlone, dlceva che II fatto cho
i ntuazlone rlmaneva lmmutata, come
!i!unclaa 11 raDDorto del uenernlo
Worna, era percho' gll Itallanl stanno
xtteAdo In Doslzlone In Inro ei'nsRa artl
tjleriasu Importantl alture domlnantl le
9lzlonl AllstHnnhm nH ad HlVT8nnin
gfta appena questo lavoro sara' com-
aetato ravanzata degll Itallanl procedera'
'Maamente. Nel frattempo la sltuazlono
i uaicam si 'a facendo sempre prr
per gll imperl contrail e quando
IVra"-I'lnlnrvpntn Hor-ll otntl hnlKnnli.1
Pora la Oermanla o 1' Austria saranno
Scitrjtte a doroandare la pace.
I'M! II piinclpe dl Plemonto si reco' in
w3iooiie alia stazlone dl Termini per
'ware I soldatl ferltl che provenlvano
t 'ronte Austrlaco. EgU voile che al
W terltl fossero adaglatl nella sua auto-
iOMe, con lul, o converao' con quelll cho
m vlclno durante II tragltto dalla
pw all ospedale.
".ft BtazlonA A dnvnnll nTI'nanttniliiTn
prlnclpe (u fatto segno ad entuslastlcho
,.? "Plosna. dove e' 11 quartlere generals
til., dl artlgllerla spno in como aulla
".wwa uroiese
Kiornale Idea Naz(onale dice che
luogo a Roma trajtative per un
"u uenniuvo tra Bulgaria Ru-
per cul 11 mlnlstro di Bulgaria
iu ui itumanla hanno glornnlmente
1 colloaull. Tori n mini.i kni.
nlnojf, s reco a4 Consulta ed
' mngo conoqulo con 11 mlnlstro
orrtepondento dell'Idea Nazlonalo da
aa inervlstato qna rlfuglata dl
' Biuuitt m queua ottta' Italians, la
"lna Emflln nnfiA i r.naiA un .itn.
BriMte e completamente alia merse' del
"- i. negozii appartenentl ad Itallanl
Itatl SacrhoLPcHnll Art InitunillaH a In
mf le autorlta" mllitarl nulla hanno
- rsr impemra cne at commetteisero
" ftttl dl hrlfanrla frnln It mnn,i-
a Verdi e stato vergognosamente
WleSIQ A BIlllA has, HaIIa alalMa mnnn
ioclse iscrizlonl snll.ltnllsinn Ijj.
toIone emlgra per mantanza dl vl-
lay's Marriage Licenses
.-TWl'OW camdui. H. J . nnj Annl.
'v, ontonavllU, pa.
u "? HT C.rolla.
h"Br'.fi y!?L " .. . ....
A l7Zri"X l VW"'. ." '
W F Strmut. w2Mft.Jn ..
Bervuifk -.."?" '"" ""
otwy i tt'm t
and BUaa V.
it8,saa,o.Mw jij.
aad Brna.
and Mta
Ui, .nd
h M
uT- ? criaii.
- t wii mi
-ri iiuiuu
g. CrUfltW. Ud.
ffOfiAar 1 ralUilAnm m a t4
ar-t'- "... r-'Wfr.TV'" . "
hux. Pa.
anuMk. t, bb4
"WUi, ITOfl Aliir
arr.Ti ,ws"f . ..
Sprinfcncld. Mnss.. mnn. who
waa elected Grand Exalted Ruler
of the B, P, 0. Elks at their
convention in Loa Angeles, Cnl.
Porsonnl Prejudice- Caused Lemon Hill
Order, Says Doctor Ely.
The fight by tho Lemon Hill Associa
tion to hold religious services In Talr
mount Park will bo continued Indefinitely.
Tho Rev. Dr. James B. Ely mndo this
assertion last night nt tho Lemon. Hill
meeting on City Hall Plaza
Members of the Park Commission re
fused permission to hold tho services
there, ho said, on nccount of personal
prejudice. "Tho opposition to tho serv
ices, ho added, "has been reduced to
two men. Originally thoro were three,
but one haB seen tho wickedness of
such opposition. Ono member- objected
because ho disapproved of religious serv
ices outside of consecrated buildings. Our
Saviour preached outsldo of consecrated
blllMlnCTH ntlrl whall TTa rattl,n. 4n .nl.
over tho world I beltcvo Ho will do so
ouismo or sucn DUiitungs."
In conclusion Doctor Ely urged all to
orav that Czarism wnulrt rnnn n Phlln.
Factory Employes Will Have Special
Train to Shore.
Tho Stetson Athletic Association has
arranged to conduct a ono-tlny excursion
to Atlantic City on Saturday for em
ployes of tho John B. Stetson Conipiny
and their frlrnds.
The following committee of omp.Ioes
has had charge of arranging for the out
ing: John Zelher. general chairman; Robert
Montgomery, neorctnry, Frank Hess, treasurer:
i:d McPeik, P Thompson, George Knppes,
Patrick Courtney, llllnm Illttner, Charles
Trltz, itamuel Wntson, Leonard Stetson, Albert
Ternpftowltz. J. Thompson, John Yost, Harvoy
Price, D. Wattle, C S. Baber. William II.
IHo and Walter Gross.
A special train leaves tho Market Street
Ferries at 7:30 a. m.
Many fonturcs hae been arranged for
tho entertainment of the excursionists.
The Htceplechnse Pier will be tho head
quarters The Stetson A A baseball tenin, which
will accompany tho excursionists, has
scheduled a game with the I'lcnannU lllo
team, to bf plaved at the PleasanUllIo
Ball Park on Saturday afternoon
Swindler Takes Himself to Prison
NBW YORK, July 16 A new Idea In
prison reform will be tried tomorrow
afternoon when David Essacson, head of
tho Kales Manufacturing Company, a
convicted swindler who Is said to have
mado $300,000, starts his Journey to the
Atlanta Federal Penitentiary unshackled
and unaccompanied by a guard. Essacson
Is CO years old. He used the malls to de
fraud. IIIM
Heppe No. 4 Outfit
Victrola IV $15. rfr
Records 4.S0 Jft,)
Total .$19.50 DOWH
Heppe No. 8 Outfit
Victrola VIII, $40. (tA
Records 5. ni-
Total W D0WS
Heppe No. 10 Outfit
Victrola X
Records .
Tajal $85. DOWN
Heppe No. 14 Outfit
Victrola XIV $150. (j1A
Records j tplU
Total $'60- DY
. . . , . , , , , , LONDON, July 16.
Rriit.kt Len,?"''''l'ninlo tar uncontradicted, thct the totat
Z?t,.?J! "eatfd. ,"en dUagreeabh Imprenton htr, that teriaut attempt,
are being made to modify it.
ll .. fcV' ihVo tnfihoi' l oto that England', .malt army, while
whal nS.l!i"iy .riV".?,' altat f to guard, ha. really occupied.
Ki. Af5 U ealUd ',,? Moy "' ' " battte line, and that ite
lo.tet have been appalling.
a ttulh?Wn by latl"ie -P' ''"it o itatcment made by Premier
3327jfrt "P!AUnn,1B "" t0lat ,kilhi "J. th' Brit"h -rmynZbTed
3327 officer, and 47,015 men, a total of S0.342. and 207,727 wounded.
tn 1. ,;. 71 tmndi thaJ th"e are 5"eord.r',M ''" a" W"rM, and
lo prove thi. the following figure, are adduced:
BWtfc fot.et in northern France
..-.-.. (la wtidiaq, aaatfaa,
German lot.e. in the Franca.Pru.tlan War. ,
Rutiianlo..e. in Ru.to-Turhi.h War
Bntiih lo.tem in I1nr lt. .
... ... ,U1t 76,B30
Hi. contended that when the .Ue of the variou. force, in the above
campaign, i. compared with the "little army" of the Briti.h in Flanler.
""North France, it will .how that the Englfh have .fcMceJZa'.
or have been .acrtficed with a carele.mett that it unprecedented.
Breitinger Says They Shall Not
Be Shown in Philadelphia.
May Go to Court.
Tho troubles of Harry K, Thaw, Who
was liberated today, hmc caused compli
cations In tho local motion picture field.
Pictures of Thaw wcro advertised for
appcaranco at several of tho local the
atres, but on seeing their announcements,
J. Louis Breitinger, motion picture censor,
got busy, and after seeing the pictures
forbade their appcaranco here.
A representative at the Board of Cen
tors headquarters said that the pictures
wcro barred for tho present, but added
that the board often reconsiders Its ac
tion. Ho declined to say why tho pic
tures wero condemned, but at tho olTlco of
tho U. B. O Feature rilm Company, 227
North 13th street, which directs tho pro
duction of tho pictures, It was learned
that they wcro condemned under section 6
of tho censorship act,
Charles J. Kraus, general manager of
tho film company, said that tho act for
bids tho presentation of any immoral pic
ture, any obscene scene, or any which
might corrupt public morals. Ho declared
that the pictures had been shown else
where without opposition and asserted
that tho Thaw pictures could not bo
classed In any way whatever aa In viola
tion of tho act.
Tho plctutes, ho said, show Harry Thaw
eating his meals In prison and leaving
the prison amid tho cheers of crowds,
tho Judges leaving tho court and Thaw
talking to a friend In prison
"I do not propose," said Mr Kraus,
"to havo tho concern which I represent
suffer financial loss through misinterpre
tation ot tho censorship lans by tho
Board of Censors, and I shall tako tho
necessary steps to nullify tho condemna
tion which has been placed on tho pic
Ceremonies for New Buildings at Eliz
abethtown Institution.
Ceremonies of great Importance to the
Masonic fraternity of Pennsylvania wcro
conducted today by prominent Masons at
EUzabcthtown, Lancnster County. Sev
eral thousand peisons attended two cor-ner-stonelaylngs,
ono for the Paul S.
Levis cottngc, connected with the Ma
sonic Homo, and the other for tho brnnch
ot homo to bo built by the Berks County
Tho first of theso Is tho gift of Mr.
Lels, a retired merchnnt, of this city.
The building, which Is In course of con
struction, will cost $35J000. Ground was
broken by tho Right Worshipful Grand
Master J. Henry Williams, of Philadel
phia, assisted by the donor.
The Berks Home Is to cost $25,000 Three
hundred Masons were present from Berks
County. Four officers of the order took
part In thi ceremony. Grand Master Wil
liams, William B Hackcnburg, grand
treasurer, of Philadelphia; John A. Terry,
grand secretary, of Philadelphia, and Jen
kin Hill, district deputy grand master,
of Reading Ten lodges were represented
Music of all kinds is possible on a Victrola. It can be used for various forms of
entertainment. It lends enchantment on any occasion.
-To secure a Victrola is a very simple matter. There are styles ranging in price
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the way of your purchase have now been removed by
Heppe Victor Service
Victor prices are alike all over the United States, but at Heppe's you can buy AT
THE CASH PRICES, and settle either in cash or charge account or our rental payment
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outfits and terms of our rental-payment plan are listed herewith:
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In pianos, remember
t I 1417PP17 &v QAM 11174119 Chestnut btreet
Lo J. JrlJliJrirll iSC DJF 6th and Thompson Streets
tf'tt Ji
More Than 30 Pilgrims From
This City Among the Par
ticipants. Dv a Staff Correspondent
KENNETT SQUARE. Pa.. July 16 -Mora
than 30 pilgrims arrived ncre todav lo
toko part tn tho Kcnnctt Square pllgrlm-
ago which Is to bo continued In this town
during tho next two weeks. The opening
session was held at 0 o'clock this morn.
Ing on tho lawn of tho FHcnds' Meeting
House. Following devotional services tht
early Quaker movement was announced
as tho aubject for consideration nnd
papers on this topic wero read by Miss
Bertha K. Cleavar and Miss Florence N.
Cleaver, both nl Ynrlr Tin Tl. ....I..
v then devoted to a gcnor.tl discussion
iuuuiuiib on current day topics, such as
the evolution of dress, tha war In Europe
vid the progress of tho Quaker faith In
thli country.
At noon the session was adjourned until
this evening, when It will reconvene at
tho Meeting House, and Edward A Pen
oock will deliver an address on "Worship,"
During tho courso or the pilgrimage here,
delegates aro expected from Philadelphia,
Plymouth Meotlng, Somcrton, Nowton
Square, Swartnmoie, xansaownc, Chat
ham, Kcnnctt and York, Pa and also a
number of delegates from Now Jersey
Tho pilgrimage Is under tho auspices of
tho Young Friends' Association, nnd the
Best Interests Committee of the Kennett
Will Give $5 if Thoy Prove Knowledge
of Their Own Books.
The "antls" nnd the "surfs" are at It
Uhls tlmo tho tilt has arisen over a chal
lenge offering f5 to any suffragist or other
person who can name correctly the pago
and volume of tho "History of Woman
Suffrage," from which a number of quota,
tlons havo been taken. Tho antl-suITra-glsts
are bent on proving that suffragists
are woefully unacquainted with one of
their best-known works. On the other
hand tha suffragists say that the chal
lenge ot the "antls" Is not fair, because
no ono can be expected to carry In on'e's
head the pages where certain passages
are to bo found.
Miss Florence Hall, the challenger and
an avowed antl, said that all that was
necessary to answer the challenge cor
rectly was to read tho suffrage volumes
and make occasional notes.
"So you 800 all that It amounts to Is a
premium on reading the work." she said,
"and wo wish to encourage the reading
of It as It Is the best argument against
woman suffrage."
Keeping in Touch With Home
You nerer quite forget the home town,
even on thr most enjoyable vacations Keep
In touch with home affairs by neelnr to It
that your favorite nrnspaper follow you
wherever you ro. Notify the Kvenlnr Ledger
before jou leuva to send your paper to you.
Specify the edition desired.
is a necessary companion
or a pleasant vacation
ictroia Air .
lctrola XIV
aiiiii!ii)i i mi npnBir
Write for Urge illustrated catalogues.
we have the Heppe patented three-eoundtng board'intlrumenU and the world
These instruments also sold on the rental-payment plan.
Commission to Study Wants of
the People nnd Satisfy Them,
Says Governor.
HAnnisnuna, Pa , July 1 -Tho newly
appointed State Agricultural Commls
slon, which under an act of 1915 will
havo charge of the affairs of tho Btale
Department of Agriculture, today met at
tho request of Governor Brumbaugh and
elected H V. While, Bloomsburg, chnlr
man, Tho Governor told the Commission
ers ho Is not yet ready to name a Sec
retary of Agriculture to succeed N It
Crltchfield, who Is hot a candldntc to suc
ttcd himself, and asked them to mako
what ho termed an "agricultural survcj
of the Btate'
Tho Governor said he thought It wise
for the commissioner thoroughly to
familiarize themselves with tho object and
work of tho several bureaus In the de
partment and gave them to understand
that ho believed It unwise to make any
attempt nt reorganization Until thoy have
acquainted themselves with tho various
phases of their duties He suggested that
tho commission meet frequently with him
and left no doubt that he means to be a
big factor In reshaping the department lo
carry out a program over which he has
been to-orklng nt Intervals over slnco tho
Legislature adjourned and concernln.!
which ho has been In conference with
agriculturists from all parts ot the
The Governor said that any changes will
bo mnde Blowly, so as not to Interfere
with tho working of tho department.
After tho meeting commissioners, who are
Frank S Black, Somerset; Mnrvln E
Bushong, Lancnster, Alba J. Gltllllnn, Mc
Kcan: Henry T. Moon. Bucks, M. T. Phil
lips, Chester, nnd L. B. Sexton, Bradford,
nnd Chairman White, went to the onices
of tho department for a talk with Secre
tary Crltchfield.
Governor Brumbaugh said:
"At my suBBcstlon tho commission will
mako a survey of ngrlculturo nnd they
will carefdlly study tho department's
work boforo making any changes. I want
them to ascertain the feelings of the peo
ple and to glvo them what they desire. In
any constructive work to bo undertaken
State Collcgo must bo considered.
"I shall sit with tho commission fre
quently In order to glvo them the results
of my observations over tho State nnd to
mako some suggestions I havo In mind.
Thoro Is a great Hold for tho commission,
but It must work out Us problems slowly.
Under tho circumstances no appointments
may bo expected for a month, nt least."
Collapses When Wnrrnnt Is Rend to
Him in Restaurant.
TRENTON, July 16. Frederick D Clay
ton, 55 years old, who wns tho cashier
of the First National Bank at English
town, Monmouth County, nbout two ycai
ago, was arraigned before United Statoi
Commissioner Richard S. Wilson nt tho
Federal Building here today charged with
falsifying reports to the Treasury Depart
ment. Tho man's alleged trickery was
uncovered by examiners who came from
Washington somo tlmo nKo Clayton re
fused to commit himself as to whother
ho was guilty or not, nnd was released
under J3000 ball for arraignment nt the
Federal criminal term here In September.
Tho bond was furnished by Nathan Clay
ton, a brother, who conducts a store at
South River.
Tor several months past the accused ex
official hns been the owner ot a palatial
restaurant at Belmar, whero he had a
host of friends who wero surprised lato
lust night when Deputy United States
Marshal LInf6rd A. Denny went Into tho
restaurant nnd presented a warrant for
tho arrest of Clayton. The latter col
lapsed. Ho wns then hurried to this
city. It is said thnt the changing of
tho reports shows a shortage of more
than 7000.
Danger Zone on Main Line
A whlto line an Inch wide nnd run
ning tho entire length of tho station
platform establishes the "danger zone"
for Maine Line commuters on the Penn
sylvania Railroad along the newly elec
trified section of the tracks. So power
ful Is the current sent out on the over
head wires nnd roturnlng by wny of the
tracks themselves that on wet days there
Is enough "Juice" In the rails to Jump
a spark out at tho unwary should ho
approach too close.
Victrola XV
lHUWIt III ' 18
L-mreamsmi WWHBSBB v
J. Putnnm Stovcns, of Portland,
Mc., past potentato of tho Mystic
Shrino of Maine, wns elected to
tho office of imperial potentate
by tho Imperial Council, Ancient
Arabic Order, Nobles of tho
Mystic Shrine, at their nnnunl
meeting in Seattle, Wash.
Clergyman Wants Girls Trained for
SAN FRANCISCO. July 16.-Mcn have
failed as ministers nnd women must take
their places In the pulpits If the church
Is to bo saved.
That Is tho opinion of tho Rev. Olympla
Brown, president of tho Federal Suffrage
Association of tho United States, In con
vention here today.
"Wo must encourage our girls to Btudy
for tho ministry," said Mr. Brown. "Mon
havo been lured away from their duties
as ministers by ping pong, tennis nnd
pink teas. Today thcro is moro brawn
than brains In tho pulpits and tho women
must take their places.
"Our men ministers today spend too
much tlmo writing pretty essays thnt
will plcaso parishioners, Instead of In
sisting upon reform.
"Many of our ministers aro Influenced
b rich men In their churches. They nro
afraid to attack chlld.labor, white slavery
and other evils."
Mir k
is more than soap. It's a cake
of. cleansing energy. The
naptha, combined with other
cleansers liberated by water,
dissolves the grease and dirt.
No need of long back-breaking
rubbing on the wash-board.
Makes washday a half-holiday
because you can finish-' an
average wash by noon.
Just as wonderful for all household cleaning.
- famous Pianola.
Chestnut Street D?WN
j IrCroln VIII Huff Wfl lWK f
- i i i i- i
Former Brown Miler to At
tempt Feat at Cambridge To
dayBoston Hurdlers Ready
In order to glvo Norman 8 Taber. ot
Oxford University and t'no Boston A A.
an opportunity lo break the world'n
record for tho mile, tho Boston A A.
bM arranged a special mil Mr sanc
tioned by the Amateur Athletic Union, to
take placp today al tho llarvntd Stadium
In Cambridge
Georgo Brown wired Frederick W
Rublen, secretary of tho A. A t; , tor
his approval of the event, and It wn
readily granted, for it Is believed that
Taber Is In form to beat W George1
professional record of l:Ui. The Oxon
ian will direct his efforts on John Paul
Jones's amateur mark of 4 It 2-5, which
he enmo within four-flft'ns of a second of
equaling In tho Eastern tryouts threo
w ecks ago, but If he has n chance he will
also try for tho professional figures Long
handicaps will be allotted most of his
Opponents In an effort to draw out Taber
to his limit.
Last Saturday In fho Mtllrose A A
games at Celtic Park, Tabor, running by,
himself after the first half mile, turned
tho mllo In 4:173-5, nnd two weeks boforo,
without pace, ho did IB 1-5 for tho dis
tance In order to make the race today official
there will also bo a 410-yard high hurdle
contest, in Which W. II Moanlx, of tho
Boston A. A., tho national champion, will
start from scratch arid endeavor to super
sede G, R. L. Anderson's amateur record
of 68 4-5 acconds, mado In England flv
years ago.
Soveral Ofllces Filled by tho Stato
HARRISBURO, July 1 -Governor
Brumbaugh today announced the follow
ing appointments:
J. Herman Knisely, Harrtsburg, In
chnrge of municipal, legislation In tho
bureau ot statistics and information In
tho Department of Labor and Industry
Bernard Manton, Justlco of tho peace,
E. S. Bayard, Pittsburgh, trustee Stata
College, reappointed.
John Z. Mahon, Carlisle; W. A. Riddle,
Lancaster, clerks InTJepartment of Labor
and Industry.
Heppe No. 6 Outfit
Victrola VI $25.
Records 4.50
Total $29.50
Heppe No. 9 Outfit
Victrola IX $50.
Records 10
Total $60.
HeppeW 11 Outfit
Victrola XI $100
Records 10.
Total $110.
Heppe No. 16 Outfit
Victrola XVI . . $200
Records .. 10
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