Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 15, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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    I u
Mezzo Milione di Soldati
Sfcretti nolla Sanguinosa
Lotta sul Fiume Isonzo.
Precauzioni a Venezia
Contro Raids Aerei.
HOMA, IS Lugtlo.
Jteno mtllon dl soldati Itatlnnl ed aus
trlatl sonrt Imiwgnatt nella bnttnKllo, del
I'lsomd, 1a prima, grand battagtla della
ftumn lUlo-auatrlacn. Oil Italian! pro
feredlscono Icntmenle ma metodlcamente
verso la fortezza dl dorlzln, cho e' II loro
prima Important oblettlvo che ' la
chluvo dl Trieste,
81 sa che Is perdlle sono srnvl da umbo le
parti, e la bnttnglla o' ora nel ruo quarto
elorno. on itnllanl esegulscono vioienti
nttacchl cd Incontrano ferma rcslstcnza
da parto degll nuatrlncl, ed It re corre
contlnuamcnte da un punto all'altro della
llnea dl combottlrricnto.
It Mlnlatero della guerra annuncla che
la sttutulone e' Immutata, a non dara'
alcuna Informnslono Mno a che II gen
eral Cadorna non avr&' raggtunto -II ubo
obictuvo strateglco. El dice che ngll
auatrlacl at aono unlto notevoll forze
Oggl I fedell che si sono recall nella
cattedrato dt San Marco a Venezia hanno
trovato soltunto una plccola statu dl
Crlato, Nell notte scorsa tutte le atatue
degll apostoll o del santl erano state
coperte id Impaccato per proteggerlo
contro la bombo degll neroplant nustrlncl.
questo provvedlmento e' atato preao ad
lnlzlatlva delle autorlta' mllltarl cho
crano ta(o Informate cho gll auatrlacl
avevano declao dl faro un grande raid
ncrao su Venezia. La pollzla dice che
flnora non si sono avuti dannl alia catte
drale. Attorno alio colonne, marmorre aono
stall collocatl numerosl sacchl dl sabbla
cho glungono flno at soflUto delta famosa
chlesa. Uguall provvedlmentl sono statl
preal per altrl monument! storlct dl
La "Morning Post" dl Londra pubbllca
Un Interessante dlapacclo da Iludipest
circa la sltuazlone sul fronte ltalo-aus-trlacp.
11 tctegramma dice che la bat
taglla che ancora e' )n corao lungo II
flume Isonzo e1 ccrtamente la plu grapdo
cho si sla Dnora combattuta su quel
fronte, anche perche' gll attacchl esegultl
dagll Italian! sono Incessant! e vlolentls
Iml. La testa dl ponto dl Gorilla ha sofferto
cravt dannl per II bombardamento a cul
la hanno assoggettato gll ttallanl, cho
cmbrnno dedal a conqulstare la poslzlone
ad ,ognl costo per eaaore llberl pol dl
svlluppare la loro offenilva ad est del
flume. Notlxlo glunte a Budapest da
font prlvata o dal fronte dell'Isonzo dl
cono che tutta la llnea e' coperta dl cada
Verl dl Italian! e dt auatrlacl.
una nuova ben determlnata ofTcnslva
Itallana sembra vada svlluppandosl nel
Tlrolo, nel Trcntlno e nella Carnla.
In queatl clrcoll dlplomatlcl romanl si
dice che II prlnclpo von Duclow, ex
ambasclatore dl Oermanla a noma e
negozlatore nelle trattatlvo per le note
cession! austrlache, sta per pubbllcaro
un llbro nel quale fa cadere tutta la re
sponsablllta' dell'lnaucccaao delle tratta
tlvo sul cancelllere germanlco, von
Bccondo quanto si dice, 11 prlnclpo dlra
net suo ltbro die ordlnl perentorll rlcevutl
dal cancelllere e la corta vista della dlpjo
rnazla, austrlaca rese Impoaalblle per lut
connnuare le trattauvo Intavolate con II
governo. Itnllano ed ottenere un rlaultato
Hanno luogo ogni glorno conferenzo tra
II minlstro dl Bulgaria accredltato presso
It Qulrlnale, M. Stuntcloff. ed 11 minlstro
dl Rumania pure accredltato prcaau II
Qulrlnale, prlnctpe Ghlka. Questo fatto
conferma le vocl secondo cul la Rumania,
la Bulgaria e la Orecla si preparano ad
aglre dl accordo e slmultoneamente o
lntcrvenendo nella guerra a flanco degll
alleatl a dlchlnrando dl rlmanere ncutrall
per II reato dell'anno. Ierl 1 rapprescnt
antl della Rumania e delle Bulgaria ten
nero una lungu conferenza nella Lega
zlone rumena, ma gll addett! della Lega
tions dlcpno die si tratto' dl una sempllce
vlalta dl corteala fatta da Stunlcloft al
prlnclpo Ghlka.
Notlzie da Atene dlcono che la data
della rlapertura del Parlamento groco,
che era stata tlaaata al M Lugllo, aara'
probabllmento rlmandata ad nltra epoca
a causa della perslstente malattla del
re Coatantlno, Come e' noto s! nttenda
con la rlapertura del Parlamento
pi CmiSiaMi!Siiiii-ll-'i'' " ' ' -vv,'f isiiiiiiiiHlBsiiiisssiiiiiiiiV'sMlfwH"
II liBnlPKS !bHsBsiiBbIsiiiiiSIRsiiiH
1 All lMmmmtmlr t
M&jz&rwtmMMMmkx? -b zsjsr;? mmmmm i
iigiiiiiiiiiimiiwwiiiiiiiii wi in
Consul Siltiman Roports Them to fio
nt Toluiift nnd Cuernnvaca.
WA8IIINOTON, July 15. The conven
tion government, driven out of Mexico
City by General Gonzales' nrmy, has re
established Itself In the Zapatista strong
holds of Toluco and Cuernavnca, accord
ing to n Stale DeDnrtment dispatch, for
warded from Mexico City to Vera Cruz
July 10 and transmitted frorn there to
the department last night by Consul Gen
eral Gunman.
Among those who escaped to Cuerna
vaca were Soto Y. Onma, president of the
Committed of Tublle Safety, which had
mAde accusations of treason against more
than a thousand Mexicans before the
city was evacuated.
Consul General Sllllman said that cor
respondents In Mexico agree that the
Mexican capital now Is quiet, nnd that
the populaco appears Indifferent to the
political change.
' ,-'T'V?' e''(KT&m ( K
Cop) right, I'nderwvod & UmlfrwooJ
This British convoy in a Flanders town was struck by n German shell. Tho horses nro dead, but tho
driver of tho wagon is plucklly trying to rise to his feet. An officer has just reached his sido.
Aaks That Exports to Allies Be
Stopped Unless Teuton Na
tions Are Supplied.
That tho United States refuse to ex
port arms nnd ammunition to tho Allies
unless they guarantee safe paaaage of
similar shipments to Austria nnd Gcr
many was tho Buggeatlon mado by tho
Austrian Foreign Ofllce In n note de
livered to American Ambassador Pcnflcld,
according to Vienna dispatches today.
The Vienna advices said the noto was
delivered June 29, but that publication
was delayed for some unexplained rea
son. Tho Austrian Foreign Ofnco ox-1
pressed confidence In the Intentions of
the United States to maintain strict neu
trality, but questioned whothcr America
was not deviating from that course by
permitting the sale of munitions to the
Allies when conditions at sea provented
similar shipments to Austria and Ger
many. WASHINGTON.'.July 15.
Rccretnry of State Lansing today stated
that Austria has made representations to
tho American Ambassador at Vienna, ob
jecting to tho wholesalo production of
munitions of war for tho enemies of
Austria In plants established In tho
United States for that purpose. Tho
statement made to Ambassador Pcnflcld
by the Austrian-Hungarian Minister of
Foreign Affairs, In a noto dated June S3,
was received In Washington just previous
to the receipt here of Germany's latest
noto on the Lusltanla case.
Tho Secretary admitted that the re
ported text of the Austrian note handed
to Ambassador Penfleld appeared to be
In harmony with the actual note received
from the Ambassador at the department.
In tho reported text It la pointed out that
"a neutral government cannot bo allowed
to trade In contraband Unhindered If It
takes tho form or dimensions whereby
the neutrality of the country will be en
dangered. Tho export of war material
from the United States as a proceeding
of the present war la not In consonance
with the definition of neutrality. The
American Government, therefore, Is un
doubtedly entitled to prohibit tho export
of war material."
Continued from Tflge One
not put In an appearance, tho Justice nnd
the lawyers began to get nervous.
In the meantime, Thaw, In the custody
of Sheriff Grlfenhngen nnd two deputies,
wns In tho courthouse, In the nnmo room
In which tho prisoner's sanity had been
tested during tho Inst fortnight.
Finally Justice llendrlck received word
that Thaw was at the courthouse and
simultaneously Thaw received word that
the Justice wns In his ofllccs waiting to
conduct tho proceedings there.
It was at this point that tho petitions
were presented to tho Justice, Mr. Smith
nsklng for an order granting Thaw ab
solute freedom, and Mr. Bamberger ask
ing for mi order sending Thaw back to
Sheriff Orlfenhagcn with his prisoner
started for the Justice's office nnd Jus
tice llendrlck, In order to render tho pro
Eyewitness Describes Capture
of Motzeral and Sondernnch
by the French.
PARIS, July 13.
French chasseurs dashed Into tho at
tache on Metzernl, with buglers playing
"Le Marseillaise" nnd drums beating, nnd
swept tho Germans out of tho Alsatian
stronghold amid a great tumult of cheers
that went echoing down the Vosgcs Val
leys. An official "eyewitness" statement to
day, denllng with tho capture of Mctzcral
nnd surrounding German positions west
of Kolmar. declared thnt 20 German offi
cers, C3 nnn-commlsstoner officers and
633 men were taken prisoners.
ino operations wcro remarkable In
ceedlngs formal, stnrtod for the court- their conception nnd execution," said tho
house In order to announce tho adjourn- I "eyewitness." "Tho battln boenn on
Ik chs
ft greco 11 partito della guerra capltanato
da. Venlzelos, che ha la maggloranza,
rltornl al potore e declda per l'lntervonto
della Grccla nella guerra a flanco degll
St sa mtanto che 1 tre sovranl degll
Btatl balcanlcl neutrall, re Ferdlnando dl
Rumania, re Ferdlnando dl Bulgaria e
,,.. "w m urecia. sono contraril
all Intervento non foss'altro che perche'
sono tedeachl. ma ohe in fin del contl la
volonta" del popolo flnlra col prevalere e
col determlnare l'lntervento.
II regno del ten-ore Inaugurate dal gov
rno austrlarn nelle provlnde Itallana
oggette all-Austria ha fatto al che In set
Bettlmaue dl guerra dl 800.000 ttallanl delle
terre Irrtdente ne rlmancasero nel loro
paeal soltanto poco plu dl 200,000. Oil altrl
a aono emlgratl In Italia o sono atatl In
ternal in altrl paeal dell'Auatrla,
lultlma impresa del governo austrlaco
e atato l'arreato del slndaco dl Levlco, In
Val Sugana. Mentre gli ltallanl hanno
eotto t loro cannon! la clttadlna dl Levlco
e st astengono dal bombardarla perche'
non e" fortlflcata. bands dl tepplstl aua
trlacl hanno sacchegglatp 1'Hotel Mllano
otmpllcemente perche ne e" proiirletarla
un uanano, ll slndaco reclsmo preaao le
airtorita. austrlache per queato aaccheg
gte e domando' l'lntervento -delle truppe
che fa rtfiutato, e slccome II slndaco es
twM indlgnazlone per queato rlfluto,
U fa una'altro arrestato. ""
$375,000 MISSING
Continued from Fate Ooo
fcsd Cisappeared. and that all that re
mained were a collection of 700 Judgment
note of doubtful value, whoae aggregate
would not amount to over $30 000
Ibay also jearned that aeve'ral days
pwvtoua to the cnun Biau had made good
jized. deposit under differed names In
banks, but Investigation of these accounts
showed that the funds had all been with
.r 7. ' uanaerai disappearance.
Another indication that Blau tnt.ndS
to make a good elen-up was given the
receiver, witbla two days after tMrUk?
Wg charge of affair when tbey reo.4v.ul
own a packag, containing IWJOO
worth of noif-neaoliahle sourltIu tuTi
with the .Mil aj 35,r pawtb. "JiSu
Blau took tits dwrti(fe. "'a1'
Tha. and the m -dutul Judgwent
with trio fetal, cotnpttte M oaWuJi
2ff WtH " M
UlB) QOii 11
Vin iu been varkmaiy iumwUi! as tx.
i m eo4 m Cuba, ttut no wttutnik,
.fsrojstlou , bl, TMwrtgw J
-. t.j tumi m irtuuu fw bin atrt
r-,v.s twrc teue4 44 ika 4ijl it
Morgan's Wife's Relatives Object to
His Alleged Habit.
A man who had a mania for Ateallng
clothing from his wife's relations wns
held under WOO ball today by Magistrate
Harria in the 32d and 'Woodland avenue
police station. James Morgan, known
na "Skeets," who said he had no home,
had the habit, his famlly-In-law said, of
tcvitiiioiiing nia waruroDe at tliclr ex
pense. It annoyed them, nnd finally tho
patler.ee of William Freer, 351S Market
street, a brother-in-law, waa exhausted
wnen ms Dest suit or clothes was stolen.
While he was out looking for Morgnn he
met Edward Kelley, 2317 Peurl streot,
Morgan's father-in-law, who was also on
tho warpath became he had been robbed
ui a mrgo amount of clothing. Tho two
!n-lawa finally found Morgan arrayed In
their Sunday beat, and took him to the
police atatlon, whero he was' given a
home In the.utatlon house.
Cucumbers, sold at advantageous prices
from a pushcart through Ilttlo Italy yes
terday, netted Samuel Snyder, of 17 Ger
rltt street, the pushcart proprietor, $78.
Snyder, well pleased with the day's
work and wondering about tho extent of
the available supply of cucumbers,
walked to a tobacco shop at the corner of
Cth and Mountain streets, and reached
for his roll to buy some cigars, it waa
missing. Snyder believes some one
picked his pocket.
A fractured thigh, caused by a fall
down tho stulra In her home two months
ago. caused the death of Mrs. Josephine
Drummond, years old, of 3635 Walnut
street. Mrs. Drummond waa born In Lan.
.Bnfr.Ciuni5r' ?ml,.w'h her husband
went Into the furniture transportation
business in 18M at the Walnut street ad
dress. Flvo of her H children are- now
Canned spaghetti and baked beans, left
too long In the open can, caused tho
death of 6-year-old James Sparka. of 514
llrown street, who succumbed laat night
at the Roosevelt Hospital. Ptomaine
poisoning caused his death, physicians
Four members of the Knock-Em-Deart
gang of boya who are blamed for many or
the West Philadelphia robberies were held
under H00 ball each today by Magistrate
Harris after a further hearing nt the 32d
??' nnU WoodIand avenue station.
William Wharton, ll. of m nitn.r ..,..,.
Btmer Eddlngton. of 730 South th street:
William Connor, of Hit cedar avenue, ani
Jewton Bpelse. of E030 Summer street, tho
offenders, had been readln- dime novels
f '?elnir t0 roany movie, according
to Bdward A. K.lly, who represented
r.ilK,0trrtM. ?81aW waa taken to St
J?,lh.I,lMp,Ui 'u morning wlh se.
yere brulae ami cuts sustained In a fall
from a northbound Ktork road trolley aar
Hunting Park, She Uvea at J7t firth
Mrs. Louta Bailey, who lives at South
Hth street. ha sueh faith In human na
ture that the gave a waiter In a ree
tayrant whljh be was In the habit of
Ptroltog W to redeem tut worth of
3Srfy fw Vwn lhP' was aur
PJ14 M that sentlorasn repawMd
the Jewstry fo i aBd w,at ftW),y, xj,,
ootu. howvr. twuia Wra after Mrs.
Hajley had gett ever ta ibovk susB
citiy to ttl ikeai ibs story The waiter,
i hrlt Chapman, of U South Wilkins
4 today laflNlMUA
ment there.
In front of tho Industrial Bank 13ulld
Ing about 300 hart gathered. When they
saw tho Judgo they sot ua a shout and
started across tho Btreet toward tho
courthouse. Just nbout the same tlmo
Thaw, with a crowd of nbout 00 or 600
around him, emerged from the court
houso nnd started for tho Industrial
Bank Building. Tho two crowds ininorf
forces In tho middle of tho street, forming
a Jam of humanity that resisted tho
efforts of tho police to disperse.
When Thaw wns finally able to get into
tho bank building his clothing wns torn
half off, but he had n hnppy look upon
his face, for the attitude of tho peoplo
had been markedly friendly.
It was some time before the police
could clear the streets nnd It was nearly
32 o clock before Thaw was started back
to Ludlow street Jail.
Justice Hendrick announced that he
would render his decision at ll o'clock
tomorrow mornlnir. nt which Hm. th.,
w learn whether he Is a frco man or
will have to go back to Mnttcawan. As
each side hns the right of nppeal, Thaw
can be liberated on ball, even If tho Jua-
..i.-o ui'viucs against him.
Thaw nnd his mother are confident that
the court decision will free him. Tho
State lawyers that fought Thaw's efforts
In the trial that ended yesterday after
noon apparently are of tho same opinion,
as they havn announced they will appeal
.nfJv. Tm ,a decl8!on "1 demand that
110.000 ball bo required of Thaw If ho la
set free, pending the hearing of tho ap
peal. "Hapny? Of cnum. tmi i,nn.. -.j
Mrs. Thaw today. "We have proved that
Harry is sane. That has been our con
tention for years."
Tears filled the eyes of the grny-halrcd
mother and ho turned away, trembling
with emotion. Ab her Interviewer turned
Lt Sh? '""ed her self-control and
declared In firm tones:
unrry will bo freed,
tlco llendrlck will see
meted out."
I am sure Jus
that justice la
courses are open to Justico
It Is UOS.slblh (nr him - --
prove tho verdict nnd free Thaw; he may
wvt.th?,J!'.ry'8 ulslon and send Thaw
back to Matteawan for an Indeflnle time;
or ho may remand Thaw to tho asylum
aervatlon, nnd order his roleaso If ho
time insanity in tho fixed
Thaw expects the first. Ho sold ho was
confident or being a free man wJthl"
hours. Before the court session today
he was i busy reading letters and tele?
grama that poured in upon him
i :;8t of.uthe messaBe3 were congratu
latory; others expressed regret of the
iWh decl3'on- The "nt were answered
by Thaw; the second he tossed aside.
If the court fixes ball for Thaw pending
ately. The counsel for Whites slayer
are prepared to furnish any amount.
Juno IB and ended on Juno 21, when tho
winiuiin iiunicu iiicizcrni nnu evacuated.
"Tho fall of Mctzcral forced the Ger
mans to cvacunto-tho Wlnterhngel woods
nnd tho village of Sondernnch. Tho
French occupied Sondernnch during tho
night of Juno 21, desplto a frightful flro
from German mitrailleuses, plnnted on tho
right bank of the Fccht River.
"Tho attack on Motzornl had been
carefully planned long In advance. More
than 20 miles of roads wero constructed,
by tho French troops nnd preparatory
trenches dug under a steady fire from
tho enemy's batteries.
"Tho assault was ordered on the 15th.
nftcr a. violent cannonade. One battalion
of chasseurs charged Hill No, 830 to tho
muBlc of tho bugles and the beating of
drums. In his enthusiasm the bass drum
mer burst hlB (rum nnd Jt was gem tQ
tho rear. In retaliation ho later captured
a German soldier.
"Braumkopf was stormed nnd taken by
our troops on tho 16th, opening tho road
to Metzernl. The German resistance was
definitely broken on tho 20th."
The "eyewitness" paid trlbuto to the
daring of one group of chassours who
penetrated tho cnomy's wire entangle
ments in the face of a raking mitrailleuse
fire. The Germans shouted, "Surrender!"
nnd temporarily ceased their fire. Tho
chasseurs rushed on and leaped into tho
German trenches, engaging the defenders
In a hnnd-to-hand struggle, though
grcntly outnumbered. When the Germans
were driven from the positions several
hours later, advancing French troops
found every member of tho gallant band
of chnsseura dead In the trenches.
After several positions around Motzcral
liad been taken tho Germans evacuated
the town, fearing capture. They left a
few mitrailleuse squads behind to cover
their retreat. The village was In flames
when tho French entered tho city.
Vessels Arriving Today
Ktr. Oaaabaw, Jacksonville, inereham'lu.
Southern Sienmthlp Company. ,ncrcnan,-'e.
air. Cretan. Jacksonville, passengers unA
n'l'l?I1J!?.r, "1mp2. t-rsen.), New York, cargo
in trsiult. John 0. rnunce. -
Sir. itlver Crovlles (Hr.), Alexandria. m
merchandise, Oalley, liaMa 4 Co. '
Fruit CopanV0:-'' rt An,0n,' fru". Un"
Mahttar' aenoai biu"t- ch-
Steamships to Arrive
cvsmt. From
Art Objects Caso Wns to Havo Been
Tried Today.
LONDON-, July 16,-Tho suit brought
against tho executors of tho estate of the
late J. Plerpont Morgan by Dianlnc, Com
tcss da Beauregard, a French woman, to
recover $30,000, alleged to be duo for art
objects sold to Mr. Morgnn shortly be
foro his death, wilt bo settled out of
court, It was announced today. The cnae
was to havo como to trial In tho high
court mis morning. Chief of tho art ob
jects which the French noblowoman Bold
to tho American banker wns a Venetian
vase which waa onco the rjrouerty of tho
Comtcss do Beauregard, through her
counsel, declared that sho was on terms
of warmest friendship with Mr. Mornnn.
consequently there wbb no written agree
ment, but only vorbnl negotiations. She
Bnld It had been Mr. Morgan's custom
when communicating with her to do so
through tho "personal" column of n
Parisian newspaper.
Man Was Reported Killed in Alleged
Accident at Carney Point,
WILMlNGTOrVJuIy i5.-OfTlclnla of the
Dit Pont Powder Company are endeavor'
Ing to ascertain who was reapohslblo for
the statement tnat one man wn jwho
nnd aeveral Injured In nn explosion at
Carney Point Tuesday. There waa no
explosion and nothing on which to base
the rumor, and yet a story was sent
out, not only asserting that there was
nn explosion, but giving tho name of
the man alleged to have ueen Kiiiea ana
thoso supposed to havo been Injured,
Tnero have been no explosions of any
kind nt Carney Point for soverat weeks,
In fact, there have been more explosions
In tho black powder plant near Wil
mington, since the war opened than at
Carney Point Two men died yesterday
from tho effect of nn explosion In tho
mills here, and there havo been aovernl
explosions In tho black powder yards
within a short time.
In most cases tho explosions, both hero
and at Carney Point are supposed to
have been due to the fact that the ma
chinery In tho mills was run too rapidly,
This also Is supposed to havo caused a
lire In tho plant of tho Canadian Ex
plosives Company In Canada, which re
sulted In tho death of Elmer G. Brown,
of this city, who was superintendent of
tho plant
Pro-German Intrigue Back nf
Charge Balkan Ministers '.
uonter at Kome.
Italians, Stirred, Say Slain Husband
Abused Her.
"Little Italy" Is moro deeply stirred
over the murder of Loula Llsta by hlB
wife, Mrs. NelJIo Llstn, than over nny
othcr crlmo committed In that quarter for
many years. Tho woman surrendered to
tho pollco late yesterday after hiding
over night In tho homo of her sister, Mrs.
Joseph Marchlano, of 1152 South 6th street.
Residents of the neighborhood, rather
thnn condemning her act, are making
concentrated effort to give her tho best
financial nnd legal support.
The unlvorsal opinion In tho Italian sec
tion Is that Mrs. Llsta is a "good
woman." For years sho supported her
family by selling herbs on Christian
street near Oth, nnd In return for her ef
forts Is said to have suffered almost con
stant abuse nnd beatings from her hus
band, who refused to work nnd had the
reputation of being a perpetual drunkard
who gambled away all that his wlfo
earned. It Is generally believed that Bho
stabbed her husband In self-defense.
Among the prominent Italians who have
organized to support Mrs. Llsta are C. C.
A. Baldl, Captain Constantino, Vlto Bald!
and Emanuel Nardl.
Camden Man Shows New Liquid Mar
vel at Chester Blaze.
CHESTER. July lS.-After the flro In a
CO-foot oil tank at the plant of tho Crew
Levlck Company had begun to affect the
sides of the metal tank hero yesterday
W. W. Wnlkcr, a fire-protection engineer
of Camden, N. J., turned a stream of a
now liquid of his own discovery on the
flames, smothering them In Just 10 sec
onds. A white fonm wns left on top of tho
oil nftcr the tent, and Mr. Walker ex
plained thnt this would evaporate within
U hours. What little water tho solution
n-r-Vncd will sink to the bottom of the
rAHtS, July 15. - ExPremler ah.,-i
aiew, ot uuigaria, wno was arrealeit .
t(ie cliargd of, plotting against the HfevM
ot King i'erainanci, una telegraphed toJ
a irienu ncre tnat his arrest was due
to a pro-uerman intrigue, tho object be-
ing to kin him politically and secure r.
vengo for his nttltudo on neutralit"
Dally conferences between the new pul. J
garlan Minister Stunlcloft and the Hu. "
mnnlan Minister Chlka, nt tne Rumanian J
negation in iiorr.e, strengthen the report
mac uuigaria, aiumnnia nnd Creole art
preparing for Joint notion, either by j0n
ing tho Allies or announcing their neu
tratlty for tho remainder of the war. Th
two Ministers held a lengthy ennf....;
today, but attaches declared Stunlcleff M
wo" .-.. ,.sta Micnuij call, -i!
Advices from Athens today repent-''
that the meeting of tho Greek parii, ,,.
ment July 20. when lifts "war party" m v
ex-i-i ciiiiei y cui.oiun nun 10 nave Comf.;!..'
Intn .inteer. nrohnhtv will fc .?. "m
because of tho continued tltneas of MIm
Conatantlno. ""
Announcement Is made that delegate's
hiu i uu viwicv vu iciireseni Eplrtis in1
tha Greek chamber nf .InniiH.. n.t ' '"'a
rf.i.vaifl. tit ..-. !.. . ... nese,
...cn- n... (., t:.,.:,, io icrTiiory wo,
ho n.ra In Ihi Ttnllrnn n.A ' "1
Botha Praises Germans' Bravery
BERLIN, July 13. - Official dispatch.,''
today regarding the surrender of theQer" '
mans In Southwest Africa showed that
only 201 officers nnd 3094 men. wtin ,.
carried on a prolonged wnrfare against
20,000 troops, laid down their arms. Oen.'
eral Botha acknowledged the bravery of
wio ucriiiauo uy jjcriimuns even the non
commissioned officers and privates to
tieey invir diuu uuus.
Wedding Secret Kept a Year
Tho announcement of tho marriage of
Dr. C. Atwood Rose, resident physician at
tho Bryn Mawr Hosnltal for two venm.
nnd Miss Myrtle O. Hallamore. nn .Tun.
10, 19H, which reached friends In Bryn
Mawr and Philadelphia today, was re
ceived with surprise. Moro thnn a year
ngo, it developed, Miss Ilnllamore nnd
Doctor Rose went to Baltimore and wero
married. Mrs. Rose Is a daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. John E. Hallamore, of Mahone
Bay, Nova Scotia.
Elf" LL E? IF
is here with the BECKER guarantee of Quality
and Service on every article. We are opening a
BUILDING. Our stocks must be re-labeled. So
we've gone the limit on making prices you can't
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n.tiov ; : ; : . : v. . .'.'. V.KnSon"
irS!lciht!,8r Eschsnis. .MsnchestVr '
ll.l.l.l....- mi.i.ilniuun .
June in
June IT
June 23
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5'vo .......Cardiff ..v.::. -.jui1;; 5
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m:,:"v. u" 1 t Liverpool Jni m
"RK?1" July 8
.London July s
Kridland .
Malna ....
For Children, Misses and
Growing Girls
Trot-Mocs that
were $2,50 t o
$3.50 Now .,.,.
Pumps and Ankle
Straps in -Patent and
White Wve $3 &
$J,50-Now ...,...,
Growing Girls'
Pumps Patents and
Gun Metal, newest
styles -Were $3.50
to 55
I it
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uvmir: GAMES 3
1 '1 I
All Geuting Shoes, none bought for the Sale and all
Bold with the Geuting famous care and fitting service.
Shoes and
for the
jrl -
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Store d FftmoUa flhoTTI
T -l HI II iy INI I
Every Foot PronsnonaUu MdlmAVi. ..... ..
Sunday's Sports Magazine gives America first news
of the great Far East Olympic Games held last
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sporting publications, A. C. K. Fitch selected the PUBT TT
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field and track news to sports fans of the western world Mr
Fitch describes the bio;p;est and mosf nZ ,? I?i ' . 5
1 e1.!??!?' ihe W0Lk of American trainers and
. b-ubu ui,uo pruress. iwo lull pages of interesting
A Phoos are included. Remember, Sunday's Sports S2
I fl 'T; L Prllcatl" ln the United States to rlceive
t ivw jjujjuiiaiH dliUUUniS,
Other Big Sports Articles
M YounTS f th! Minr Leaguer?" fcy "g
PhllHp"!10" f ,he 0vwld Caddie" by G. B.
l ma Novice Among Baseball ManaMri w D.,
Lewis takes-Pat Moran'ilKSS!- '.?CTtJ'
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