Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 15, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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jrst General Advance
Against uenerai vuia
ecun by 4uu men unaer
Kdommand of Relative of
I I- First unier.
J Ktctnent Issued Declaring
r'mt,ot ronatitutionalista Will
nnminate All Of Sonora
hVlthln 30 DaysWill Safe
guard Foreign interests.
. ) '
fotfOkAS, July 15. Carranzlsla' troops
sL -f Antral Francisco Villa In all
ffo of northern Mexico. Tho first en-
aiJvance was Begun Dy iuu me" iw
i uarr"""'.'. "-"'., :::
if, who left A(?au i-rieui am. tn.'-
. Annavacachl I'aBS, " rnnea 10 mo
. nittlnir oft tho Vllllsta forces
S... ...t and west of.TruJIlllo. A force
l 800 Vllllsta troops, 12 miles south of
' Frleta, is rcponcu m nave ircm.
.. --1....1..M f fVift Mft-vtran trnnn
ijXI CalleV closed tho
Srt Mtwen Douglas and Agua Prleta,
igjjf (topping an intercourse uu.vv;ji. wo
MS Can" issued a statement de
US. ...-. n.tiornl Pnrrnnin. will (lom-
Wth .entire State of Sonora within
1!7n The statement says in pan:
iirfc lis frco of mcn wltn ovory BUar"
' . Kniniinn. il win iiul icuuuo
i'tiLlve taxes nor expect them to obey
inr ddcrees other than thoso set forth
itftthe original Mexican laws."
Tuck dye, American made
Ifjar of Fnmlno in Coloring Material
Said to lie Kenevca.
READING. I'a., Juiy io.-j.iiis uu,
t:. . i 4a hnalArv mlHn find Bnvern.1
fin works, Is oxcltcd by the announce-
Btllt 01 Jamea . .".. -.. .-
Die worKS, or me uibuuvc.j . . wen
St black dyo'that has relieved all his
fun of a dye famine.
illls cstabllslimem is runnmg any unu
rtbemlcal obtained solely from vegetables,
h-. .... ......... .? aiinnlv nn hn nhtnlnH
Suns' part of America. But Its composl
f t- .nnit TMwnrrl flrhular. th
company's chemist, has produced a dyo
which has Blood severe tests and has
Ijiet all requirements "perfectly." Rcbcr
ii. HTirA .nn't run nhnrf nt thA Hva
materials, and wo have a dye that Is
iwfectiy sausiaciory.
lr AorA that nnrntftn cont tar
j.. I n 1tni.Ap TmnArl In AmArlnn. TA
K uya the dye can be made In any quan
; p tlty ai a reasonable figure.
p So valuable are dyestuffs becoming at
! Reading mills that some of the owners
E are locking them up In a safe, aa a Jew
R elkr would his diamonds.
R No-fall Until Conference Ends, Says
Their Counsel.
IttEW YORK. July IE Between 250,000
ful 300.000 clothlnir workers In six of tho
Muxest ciucs in tne united states ana
: liq In Canada, are awaiting a strike or
Sr' from headquarters hero "today, ac
icordlncr to J. Fanken. general counsel for
KUje -Amalgamated Clothing: Workers of
ftNone will bo called out, however,
pending the results of tho present confer
fen?ej," said Fanken.
JiThlrty-flvc thousand roat workers who
f're to strike this morning went back to
pkorlr to await tho outcome of the nego
tiations. Approximately 21,000 are etill
iffearly 6000 cutters will meet tonlcht to
inake plans for striking. , '
fArtitrators Will Award Increase in
Wage Schedule.
".CHICAGO. Julv-ilS. The street car and
ytented railway employes of Chicago will
ln a big victory tomorrow, when tho
IJward of the Board of Arbitration, which
gju been considering the demands of the
jwni, Is handed down. Mayor Thomp-
I'on, neutral arbiter, and States Attorney
ijlfcklay Hoyne, representative of the
ifiiD, today iad agreed upon granting
lie JTien substantial Increases In waees.
R,The award, decided upon by the two
soitmoers of the board, provides for a
pyo-year contract, containing a graded
tiJJ'a of wages. An employe In the uerv-
"lore than three years will receive 3a
P 33 r,ntB nn linni. PT.a MMn.nna... nAva
4J men a maximum of 32 cents. The
IfrMent maximum is 32.
Said to Be Due to a Series of Threat
ening Letters.
jbOaiNGTON, Del.. July 15.-Unuaual
Kscantlons for tfce safety of persons
Jwufthe Du Poht Powder Company's
f"""B in this city are said to be due
line fact that n nnmh.r nt thrcatenlnr
Httrs have been received there. Officials
n company deny that they have re
d any such letters, but It Is asserted
oiners have.
6e letters, it Is said, began to come
two years ago. At first they were
u at Individuals and attracted little
intlon, because the average man In
mwaer company thinks he can taKe
9 Of himself. L&telv. however. It Is
Sired the lett r)lr.vnttrt nenlnfit
M cempahy, and It was this that caused
wtaiiatlon of detectives.
f III ! H.IWI.1IM llll I
mington Has Two Officials Who
Have Nothing to Do.
nUIINQTON. Del., July 15.-TWS qlty
T oai two munlclD&l oiflclals at S3000
Jr each who will have, nothing to do
year The last Legislature fixed a
vry fn .. ...... n nii..M. i..
Ct.-. - ""a h,ia vv iOA VWilUIV,a HBt"
f-Jf provided that they should be ohcuen
toiiowmg eleotlpn. At tpo, same
7 "w taw provided that the presefll
Buectors, who work on a percentage
"j nouia hold on until WIS.
: w eipiaind that tho new collectors
I av to write nn lh tax books for
imr Wi, which, wji) give them con-
r u uu, out h x Ufia in) mt
Ak done hv a AnitnU nt AiArka Bt a
f few than a third at what will bo
itt collators.
Avalon Slayor for Assembly
i.yjn N T. Jul ltaillirt H.
Ma, or of thU teaaiMH' rort.
uu , ed tht be is a Hwublleai.
at ror Aiwetably for Gjm May
Mjyor amith a native. ldantiSed
lStl0ens at 8:30 Closes at 5 I Gimbe.l Brothers
We Are N
early Half
Saturdays Store Closes All Day IT Thud. Jut? ls 1J-
'one Selling the
ifte1'! kfca
rom New Yor
-is far
,. The Philadelphia idea which, of course, we carried into our New York store-
uiuclcul irum uie wiaeiy-practiced metliods ot fNew York.
We believe in big stocks in offering in every line a comprehensive variety from every
maritct -
This means direct imports; a stream that even war has only calmed a bit of new, fresh
supplies of everything.
Gimbcl buyers arc in Europe now our Five-Million-Dollar Stocks will keep as lively
as ever through our hard work
Simpson-Crawford Stock though the holdings of a large business that took a whole block
for its housing are to us very small. ;
We'll sell them out this month yes, and with all the fine lots of goods we've gotten from
other sources.
Make the most of it.
It surely is worth while to buy standard, well-selected goods at close to half.
During the summer with its whole Saturday closings we will get all ci
delivered Friday night. Out-of-town orders go Monday.
city purchases
Gentlemen : Yours for Comfort
Gimbel Clothes : Summer Comfort and Well Groomed
Appearance Can Be Combined
vvc arc selling what Philadelphia semi-tropic-summcrcd Philadelphia always should have
The weight clothing worn in Rome, in Dixie, in South America wherever it gets and stays
worn :
But, alasl we've overdone the tendency; what's left is marked at hurry-out prices.
Next year the demand will be double that of this year. And this year we trebled
year's sales.
$8.50 Palm Beach Cloth Suits $5
Natural color and gray. Men's and young men's.
Specially cut models for young men, also Norfolks
or "belted style."
$20 English Lounge Suits $10
Flannels, cassimcres, worsteds, in neat stripes
and checks no lining br padding, but finely tailored
and will keep their shape and style.
$15 Priestley's English Cravenette Mohair
Suits and the Famous Sumar-
Cloth Suits $8.50
$2 to $6 Auto- Dusters of Linen and Mohair,
$1 to $3.50
In sizes to 48 chest measure.
$4.50 and $5 Outing Trousers, white striped and
plain gray flannel, neat striped worsteds, at $3.
$3 and $3.50 Trousers, of natural linen and Palm
Beach cloth, at $2 and $2.50.
$1.50 to $3 Trousers, of white thick and khaki
cloth, at $1 and $2.
$20 cutaway Coats and Vests at $10.
$25 Full Dress and -Tuxedo Suits at $12.50.
$35 Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits at $17.50.
$38 Full Dress Suits (2 pieces) at $19.
Second floor.
Men's $2.50 Mohair Office Coats at $1.50
Grand Aisle. First floor. Ninth street.
Vacation is Hardest Wear Time on Boys' Clothing. This Sale Brings Renewals
at Lowest Prices.
Mothers can greatly lessen outlay for clothing- for their boys, by turning to
full account the price advantages this sale offers.
The $3.50 to $5 washable suits at $2.50, for boys 2 to 8 years, are in Junior
Norfolk, Tommy Tucker, Oliver Twist and other styles, in colors and color com
Boys' $2.50 Washable Suits at $1.35
Tommy Tucker, Oliver Twist and Junior Nor
folk, in many colors and color-trimmed combina
tions': sizes 3 to 8
Boys $1 and $1.50 washable Knickerbockers at 50c.
Boys' $6.50 Serge and Tweed
Norfolk Suits at $3.75
Blue and gray serge and fancy tweeds; full-lined
Knickerbockers. Third floor.
Pure linen and khaki, black and white
Grand Aisle, First floor and Third floor
Women's Mid
Summer Tailored
Light weight, well tailored models
and these arc the very itnusual
savings that this sale offers
Linen tailored Suits at $5, $7.50
and $10, values $8.50, $12.50 and
Palm Beach-cloth tailored Suits at
$8.90, $10 and $15, values $15 to
$22.50, $17.50 and $25.
Silk Poplin tailored Suits, at $20,
value $32.50.
Silk Shantung tailored Suits at
$24.50, value $45.
Skeleton - lined tropical - weight
tailored Suits; white, navy, black
serge, at $B.90 to $12.75, values
$16.50 to $17.50.
White corduroy tailored Suits at
$8.90, value $20.
Salons of Dress, Third floor.
Women's and Misses'
Bathing Suits
In the Simpson-Crawford Sale
Of sturdy quality, and well made;
tastefully trimmed, too. Of black
or navy blue mohair.
$1.85, values $3 and $3.95.
$2.85, values $5 and $7.50.
$3.95, values $8 and $10.
The $3.95 lot arc of silk.
Third floor.
Women's Tub Skirts
These Savings are Timely
In the Simpson-Crawford Sale
Skirts of reps, pique and cordaline
at $1, values $1.50 and $2.
Skirts of imported gabardines,
fine linens, Horrick's reps, genuine
khaki and cordaline at $2, values $3
and $3.95.
Salons of Dress, Third floor.
All the Men's Fine Straw Hats are
$1, $2, $2.50, $3 and $4
Panamas are $3.50 and $5
Into this great clear-up go all the split straws, sennits,
Mackinaws, Leghorns, Porto Ricans, soft splits and Milans
our whole good stock of $2, $2.50, $3 and $4 Straw Hats at $1.
$5 and $6 Panamas are $3.50
$7 and $8 Panamas We $5
Ninth-street Corner Hat Section and Grand Aisle.
Misses' Summer Outing Apparel
In the Simpson-Crawford Sale
Wearing-time straight ahead months of it, yet in this sale
you re choosing at end of the season prices.
$9.85, values $15 to $18.75
white go! fine Suits, belted sport
style; also rose and blue.
Smart linen Dresses at $5.75,
value $7.50 Norfolk or waist
style. Some trimmed with em
broidery, others with velvet.
Misses' Smart polfine Coats at
,$6.95, value $9.75 in all pretty
sports styles; in rose with large
pocket, in sand and all blue and
black. i
Misses' summer tub Dresses at
$4.65. values $8.75 to $10 garden
Frocks, Norfolk styles in linen, fine
ratine, dotted and striped lawns
and voile. For ages 14 to 20,
Salons of Dress, Third floor.
Porch and House Dresses, $1.95
Values Are $3, $4 and$5
In the Simpson-Crawford Sale
Accumulated small lots from the Simpson-Crawford and our
own stocks. Few of a kind, but all sizes and colors arc well repre
sented. Materials are madras, gingham, voile, ratine, percale,
chambray 'and tissue crepe. Many are trunmed with embroid
eries, others have velvet girdles; some have sailor collars; yoke
effect waist; 'great bargains at $1.95. Good wanted shades.
The Thoroughfare, First floor, and Third floor.
85c for $1.75 to $3 Dressing Sacques
Lawns, dotted Swisses, crepe noyelties, nainsook and so on. Neat,
attractive styles; some trimmed with fine embroideries, some ribbon-run,
some with shawl-collars; seemingly an endless variety. Pinks, blues.ilaven
ders, black and white.
Grand Aisle, First floor, and House Dresses, Third floor.
Trunks : Specials
n a mw
In the Simpson-Crawford Sale
Choice is among the regulation style of trunks or the Innova
tion wardrobe trunks.
( $22.50 Trunks at $16.75
$45 Trunks at $32.50
.fW y $55 Trunks at $40
$5 for $7.50 to $8.50 trunks all sizes at the
one price.
$7.50 for $10.50 to $13.50 trunks all sizes
at the one price. .
$10 for $15 to $18 trunks all sizes at the
one price.
TPihrr Steamer Trunks. $5 and $7.50 values $7.50 to $13.50.
And $10, values $15 to $18.
FIVE DOLLARS for $6.75 to $8.50 canvas-covered trunks
steamer model and dress. Usual sizes.
The Thoroughfare, First floor and Fifth floor.
Boxes of 200 Business Envelopes 1 Thousands of Dainty Waists
6y2-inch at 20c value 30c
In the Simpson-Crawford Sale
. Maximus Fountain Pens at 75c, regularly $1. Choice of fine,
medium or stub points.
London Club Lawn stationery combination, consisting of 35c
box,paper and 100 envelopes, value 35c ; total, 70c value, at 35c.
In' blue only. Stationery Store, First floor.
Women's Summer and Silk Dresses
Many Styles And Most Tempting Bargains
We've Known
In the Simpson-Crawford Sale
$2.95 linen Dresses, $3.65 sheer voile Dresses, $4.85 black Jap. silk
Dresses, $4.85 lace-trimmed net Dresses, $7.95" finest sheer lingerie Dresses,
$8.85 to $14.95 all kinds of smart silks taffeta, habutai. plaid silk, crepe de
Chine and chiffon, summer Dresses; values $7.90 to $20
Salons of Dress, Third floor.
In the Simpson-Crawford Sale
To these have been added a favorite maker's after inventory
stocks of tailored and lingeries waists. Styles of indescribable
daintiness. ' '
$1; values $1.50 and $2.
$1.35; values $2 and $2.50.
--Grand Aisle', First floor and Third floor.
Women's Belts : Also Hand Bags
In the Simpson-Crawford Sale '
5000 newest belts, in black-and-white effects, in checks, stripes
and other designs; various widths at 30c, values 50c to $1; sizes
24 to 32. Grand Aisle, First floor.
$1.65 to $2 Hand Bags at $1
Wide range of styles and wanted leathers; self-covered and metal
frames; lot includes some silk and beaded bags. $1.
Regular Section, First floor.
New Interest in the Subway Store Tomorrow : In the Simpson-Crawford Sale
MrJciimrrmv Sale Men's Clothing
Plenty of blue serges, worsteds, in gray or brown, mixed cheviots and cassimeres. Excep
tional ojjjto -gcctWff value, $g
Suits regularly $18, now $10 suits regularly $10, now $5
Suits regularly $15, now $7.50
Men's and Young Men's Trousers
t, i in t!4 values at $2 Regular $2.50 to $3 values at $1.50
' -r1. $"$& ipes m ". worsteds and cheviots.
I Mpn's $5 White Flannel 1 rouser$ at $Z.au
Clark's Cotton
25c, instead of 32c
25c a dozen, regularly .
John J. Clark's 3-cord Machine
totton-black, white; numbers 24
to 100.
Traveling Bag and Suit Cases, at
$1,35 to $3.95 j vals. $2 to $6.50
X.35, valura 3 nd 3.3S -mat-
At 11.35, tuum a Jtuu 'rT "
..ivT... J..ir r-ri all-around straps,
catobM. look and key: 24- and 88-lnch.
Soeclil t 1J!0 black light-weight
leAthur Droteoted corners.
$1 to $3 Corsets at 75c
Slight seconds of the famous C.
R. a, la Spirite.
25c for 50c summer net Corsets
50c to $1 Dress Goods
at 25c yd.
All-wool French Crepe, worsted
Check Suitings. Granite, Eponge
and mixed Suitings,
38c, yd. for 75c to $1 all-wool
French Serges, Crepe, Challis,
Albatross . and English Tusser
50c yd. for $1 Summer Coatings
54-inch; stripes and checks.
600 Kimonos unusual assort
ment at, 85c each, "values $1 to $2.
Maternity House Dresses, at
$1.50, instead of $2.25.
Dressing Sacques at 18c and 35c,
instead ofSQc to $1.25.
25c Flowered Organdies .t lfVk yard
-.-.t rnloriims. highly merceriwa
Fllsse a
New nrintines, nev'
oli- for 18c Printed
pretty flowered "crepy
.-..- f. tt Anrnn tiinphams
standard quality; wanted bjue-and-white
, "' i o &d lew Shoes at $1,50
women s ? w - -- ubway store.
Want summer styles, pfcS5 $1?
ChUtW. 11.80 and $2 Shoes at $1
Wnman'8 $3 K 3 w - -"-
$1ftnn Wi.fh of Linens for $700
Hints of some of the substantial offerings .Mlt. ,, ,c
Towel?, table damask., napkins and fancy linens, variously at 5c
to $1.50, values 10c to $5. , , ... .
10c Turkish Wash Cloths at 5c slight seconds,
$U0 round T scalloped Table Cloths at Mc-58.Uich diameter; satm
fipish, mercerized. , , .
,ogg yaras izjc ana c iuwc.u., .. j.
Women's and Misses' Dresses
Thousand $5 & $6.50 Values at
Dainty voile, tissues, crepes and embroidery, good, up-to-the-minute
styles and colors, many flowered effects, sizes 14 to 44
Women's and misses' Skirts cotton, gabardine, cordaline, rep,
ratine, lineen and linen. Regular sizes at 45c to $1, values $1 to $2.50.
Girls' white Dresses lingerie and embroidery, some nets; beau
tifully trimmed: single and double skirts.all sizes, 6 to 14 years at $2
and $3, values $3 to $6,50. ,;
35c to $3 Framed Pictures at 15c to $1
$8 Pure Felt Mattresses at $4.95
tick; all sizes. 100
Bedsteads 2-inch
all sizes, at $4,75, value $7.50,
r- .i-i.. ,n .,. liY nf l.m SUBWAY STORE.
Brass Bedsteads 2-inch post, heavy fillers, bright- or satih-fi.lih,
85c to $3 Muslin Underwear at 45c" to $1.95
All garments included; good sizes.
Alsfl Petticoats at 35c, instead of 85c.
Also Petticoats, at 25c, instead of 75c and 85c,
t ... . mmt i '' aWII.iJ i '
Boys' 75c to $2 Wash Suits at:45c to SI
Best washing, best wearing materials; all Mel , ap-to-dit $
toys' wash Knickerbockers at 38c and 50c W 5Sc to $1 grades,
oyS' $4 cheviot Norfolk Suits at $2.
Men's $1 to $2 Sfiirts at 65q each
Sanfole. seconds and clearance soft er stiff cuffs, Heyr r
pleated, white or colored, size 14 to A.
.. Jt
VN ,. ... - -" ' -,-" i.. - iv-mssz? j
r wh iu Meld resort InUr-
i '
- ".m h,,.. ii 3-ua a masy tnui.