60. t ! tlliOO ASSlFltD RATES Qtfl AND SUNDAY BLIC LJiur-K TYPE (Of lixe mis, 1 . IBo Pf line 5m, m a wM....lSJSPr lye ,, ..;;I08 r,n, TYPE (or like this) ,,, ii classifications pt Help .? w-nted, Lost and Found. Per 3"!a!M0r:.....o p.Mi. "IJiMii in a week. ...,17Ho per line rt'"in,r..r(lnn....lBfl Mr Una W'v1 i..i ih airata mtaauremenr. ire dh" " - art to the Inch. f J)TICE? "her PDer . time . SiMrtlon . ? " . . lOMBINATION RAT- DAILY ONLY j I. fcotn ins mornmis inn evening l es dey pUBLIU LCUUCK MORNING) Evening ledger (EVENINU1 ... . linn tint trt rnt. .Iv.n rjjer " .- Si AND SITUATIONS Wtedadvertisingin BiVftiBlJC LEDGER IS IN- fffiffFD IN THE EVENING fift&FR WITHOUT AE)DI f .CHARGE. Stii a drug store near your a&.i fitt arrrnt LcHcrnr want lrW" ""! r " fi&Wffice rates. j-g WANTED FEMALE CwnYCRSE. per., rel.. Prot., suburbs; gySg, itf..:Mc. Q 243, Led. Central. ! . . ""T T KMfM Kief ladnnaa n ma! 77n ninin. oreferablr teacher or col. ggi.ojeiit, wanted, for vacation monthai fly,jgSS; teft. M 323, Ledger Office. SEE waller toppers winua on mil JiSitl tX, Thomas Buck Hosiery Com- iw, :.jyrn5i2LK: firm no EVENI UAWONlWAKTEIFEilAtE" 8TJOflAltifn . " frrr---Jg-J?, Ltd, Cent -it-l!!IrndSScd,!d L W: JjSSch. 7th and Ox?orVow 18r .EPfl Et.--PHTLAPBLPHlA'. TtJE !JWbk3sS ftr pdger 6 jent !'. jpyin durinf".,S5r,..eJnW.lv S-i20o,iton"v. " B- SOftfflewraHBsrir ROOMS FOR RENT A?unnniTSr.5ln,,,u.b i'd h,k 0n,,l 3ALTlMonn front rooma r, unfurnished parlor i phone. rtnl Umiti IVaaJiI.j v Crn11(SilTCJ??19-N'"fn'hldf?o'ni T.iYii i -V """" p"v" tarn,; prione. aSf h doubli eferneei phone. Preaton HAMILTON. 86i7i.nr... .ai' .......I...,t tjttlng roam. 6 window.. ph. Proton 6423. lag' Slti? ioT ht housekeeping; . ! single rooma: conven..' aummer ritea bi Hike SBtSSBPSgfS r o.i t"1-' uurce !S?En'ii?T?S UMLK)HAPliit-A.. - r"-!1!-icacturt.S5."A,:'t.rpkir "e;&rsAss. ;..?.. ...? 3SflES3i 8lS?.At'HLH-.TIiorouM; .. ..- ' i !QUIck I pr!LIl JER Neat. rllahi :'.. .-r SSigSrKlTlD5 J Ifli-!" 1 l " any iv 7th ftl.1 h'iSyS. J nr kind: ii.aj Vv!f.6'JBi .. won? ? " o. ioin 4iiAJ!.' vc.J.orA Ueha general hou...,: .fl. .r .. can 2i! Sharawood. WC'KKINO llrIufctrr.i.r.-;: rr RH'NO nouaekeeper Prot.i. mm f ,;n.-: Vri?.,,.y,rJ. old. perlmced in "trifORK White girl, 15 rer week, laun- fc Miciuaao. iM5. " ' . .. . . i : i SeisB rur nuaoana a income: large iSftf ceptlonal opportunity; .JrtMBf. g S50, Ledger Central. rs3ro's UCLPER to assist with 3 chll Wrrn.Ki rhambarwork i In euburba whera CTBA.'" -.:-. n t j ..m- - Help It KCPi. J' ""8'r which. office wortT An.,V.'aL. P. nced In MICbrl.tlneir1;Vn,'9i31-drf,anCHC-.t,yI'l't- CAI'AULB atenographera. bonkiti.n" ii.. through6 th.lpcnJn55S.,.lM"n b urei Ledsar r.n.i CVn?f rclaI DPrtment at ni5 r.P'.n!raL WW your needs to Mil! Dean, or te ephono her at Walnut Horn J Sn0O,Uhli.rJ',C9 w'" " rndearedUt Vou ,1 rSMMi'u". re,lulr,9 aubetltute-Ledger 5r,"'rAl ' ,a B00d P'aco ,0 And one. Thli ll a fret tervlce to Ledger adverlleera. SITUATIONS WANTED MA SflvMla Proteatant girla, one di it mtlafi on9 V""l 8,rl "rtalr IHS8 "' " 13-1; downatalra at wait- Reference re- ffiilEt-W" ?Irl l0r Beni houaeworkj liUl!tl. Cllliu.en in imij, iMifitD fu. flwt T 't"r' 1J0X ' "anercn, t-a. Sisofrood appearance and refinement liiii suncy for houaa and porch nreaeea, kffr.A-. f.lArtr ti rnn.tlmer fni, T)hllA- Mt!t at auburba, oxclualve territory and 'Siepporttialty to earn 15 or $8 dally. For it St'tU colored girl for general houaework In irtneat! no launary or waenj eioep nt Kai 6318 Walnut at . Apartment D. foal SERVICE to BookkceDors. 'Clerk. V.,.?nFira ard alt othei vounr u-nm.n .ntttriconiDierclal positions. Consult .Mlra ihWMtnlfer Central She will help you VKUliiposuiuii it yuur siiuaiiaii wamea m&VH. una exaciiy Lite opening you warn, lEEIiP WANTED MALE AgaCRBUt?Tni;iiT,!;0Iou.1;ly "mpetant. will en a?f I0..0.?!"' ?'0"' "Jt. audit booka. pre- aaytima or evening. etc , Addrets B 118, Ledger Office pare etatementa. uareie u lis, : audit K,S. thoroughly experienced, will vaii accounta, open, cloaa and write up uoJlCKEBP'BR and etenographer. exp.; A1 i-r -' . ""jihiik worK. u i. Lea. Off. BOOKKBEPBR. thor.compToT '"eipTTdea" PQ. with rellablej;nMrn.Wi3. Letf jfj" BOY. 10, nmbltloua to aecure poeltronwUh advancement. O UP, Ledger Central. BH???EiIAN- w,ltn nefgylTnrffiillty. do airea connection, lajexperienced bookkeeper, Sii AfnJn' cdlt. correspondence and all office detalla; also good salesman; exp. lu . yre. In mfg. bualnetay F 09. Led. Central BUSINESS MANAGER with executlvo. sales: m.?n5!P.1. Pu"haBlng. financial and mechani cal ability, desires connection, has traveling oxperience: understands drawings and eatl- matlng. B 135, LedgerOfnce. CHAUFFEUR carofufdrlver. good mechanic! strictly temperate, best refs., anywhere. O 41,Ledger Central. ' CHAUFFEUR, single, well recommended, good driver and mechanic. O 211, Ledger Central. furn.i alto sing o room. Walnut jito vt. ":HV'-. ?UZ2-I)elrable furnished roomai . privats baths, summer rain. Locust ie63 i. "'.""g" St-. 031-Nlce. large, cool rooms! BUmm.r nt.'. .r..'.VrV,.'i?r' wul u"li -' .ioviioiHi pnone. WALNtrf. .15-Cherful. furn!.hM7m.: porcn nouae. Telephone Preston K64 W. Viil" f.iiw"New.Iy.IVrnlh' rni Pri --- """', vuuvenient to tntCfl Car Hnt8. tt8mlAlJlI Carlton)-Neatly lurnlihed m r f Ka'l'ciiio, ciean ana coon Dim- PAtm,eJLprefl"edi everything first claasi an J2J!t' h2m9 whr.your dollar will buy the ?in.,n?m,otUb' lh"ngi Inapectlort ln vltedi reference given and reaulred. KTH. B., IS JtJ B7M41Iare' airy front room; gents only. Apply grt iw. tfh0ne Walnut 7ftg ' By 310 Two communlcntini' frSt iT?n .iniifii11"1 .od and. living roomei airo single accommodations. Locust 6S02 J. 16.it5ri'a-' Sir-Large, cool furnished rooma, nle or en suite, convenience ' 1HTH N. I. ' I,, Track Term BSPAY. JULY 13s 191 K; s?jr3-3: 13 SCRAPPLE M V3 . . Lampoon- Three Lappa around the Track. m Complimentary m!,Ul,uy?r0U mV .n0t JIV It. bUt ache r"My (or my htad-WI(ey-Moat p!n ftrs cured that way. SONGS WITHOUT WORDS t .1.4iltt at n4Mnl.s .i. In ,.a..j -."...".""il""""" '"fni.oea room. ii,..T. . !"" noma ooara optional! all conveniences! nn.m. ...via- 1OErDrlTfiOoor7s"tSi -1 ",',, Tg" mrn. i gentleman i: irv front iioga a.ii a THE PADDED CELL i5li.it,i.721tTw' i0" 'umlshed rooms i Housekeeping conveniences :irJnmmiVniirTwo Sher'ut urnlhed rooms," communicating or single near L, gentlemen. Mn71.nBT.V.i.N" 153-jTwo untur. rooma, eingio or en suite; suit, for hakpg.i private home. L"-'- '-'-Nicely furnished room, private i m,V..new. hou,ei unlimited phones all conv , square from Li gentlemen pret.; reaaon'le. ':.l...'?om, a.nd. fr!yat"- t"1- with board; strictly prlvato family; Cheater ave. acctlon. . L .51. Ledger Central. 52 and Sansom Furnished wr-oi. nm . ,. rooms; man onlyi meals; WEST URANCH ahower baths; near L; all the . M. c. A. comforta of home. Phone Bel- mont 4681. Key. Weat 386. Atlantic City. N. J. i.Vft.ntLc..c iy- N' '-Private family will rtnt urge outalde room, next to bath; short or on?uea"lni "mer apartment, one block to beach: referencea exchanged. BOABDINQ Zrk' : i ' )i ,-i rr v f ex i u i r r?c ii - r l tu i hi v f r rvf l i (V s I J A (r 3 IuBm' " rP? It"' ' - vvt v I IfiiiP lillffii PW ' ill ilnW HIS Expetience To Bad j ?f 1 1 If flilifiKK S MW CsJjL-' Farmer So you got Into the circua ' S iijlllvllll l MUL t iulnliflir Mr- Love Beauty may draw us with free .uat tor carryin" water to tho I -g MlEs. Ijjilju;- s PUiliisPj?--c. a tingle hair. elephants? '1 1 " " v-7''c- jttJ 1 Mr. Sick-She may. but after mar- Rastun Teg, ah! But by de time J Tf l.-'t . ,v l, i,.. ,n j s. rlee she Is mofe likely to grab a ah finished waterln' de elephant de a It isn t easy to carry homo a bottle of milk in a paper' bag handful. "how was ovah! si s4- ' DID IT EVER HAPPEN T0 Y0U7 ;J m. X I !StC5MJT5a5I?ra load.. I t - 'a. . ' rzzmj M". T&ik pop ready : .' ' ' rlfflsBBv S r- fI. Va.i nuc '"I T " ' " f 0--ii Wi WsL jTOOlMnEr? (Jfap i;. nsssl k&. isSrTESl H s. cn 1 - s-Tf? Yxn . - V- .H -v ffe-Jf Ag-' ;- &. triffll . ? &-. I)fl --v5.lSM IfrZ&Z F "- - Jfc2l jssWFAr!--25HPri ,- . ( "IVf-p lfr v Irac-ir 9Kirj 1 lsn y . VT T ..?1SsMBBBJPS3 IH I 7 elm V I XKlr aV I '-, uS flj, S ' , IK -ss-i-Hf e J.Cce-s s; -ig.iHi i v '- m tW IB-EL -.,. "" M jsSSwSIn' v ,v inf.rtfjR7VT-l Y7m 1 i " fTlfi IJ i i J. j .iu'1 " II ei atS i V& Sysrk -K fC -2L lffl i J l?? 7. ICllSTtRJOflEVWHy WlsW JOrlEJ.IH' rl6T I , , J fn t LI S) WfXSiiwS? 4ffifMtS J WELL, CAN i i iv T A J Vvg -iilllWllilill llAi--!l'-Hrt7y 3r ATI ?SaCwn ,,,ru ,urTfc' , ' Man And how nlrl arn vou. mv little -sr -i. 'v ll f .-Lf r "fe MiM TU -VaSttjBt v Little Man-I'm not old at all. I'm Wttn JST 3 VHiVIX Wi UAww A s- "wKw " ' nearly new. hfflff llt-fc ii 'VT nr SJ&ftXt. js6Tllrv( V MIrsr-L-- ' M(Fru aor- - x-jiBrill--pl' liV7Mw t i Making a Hit (I llmM 'frV IhtWlWlZTM k JSS''Ill' 1 1 35- ,J An aavenisement ot a recent eaie mi 1Ha(ri-w" WJf t"j?V GX.l KpBlv af -Hwt&i I 7'4 19 I eSSSE5 bric-a-brac effered for sale Is so un- ffVrSV i? s &J5fsr - S3sl jSsCfrySZZA ViOOrtnJi 3iJii 3 L- t i piece In it la calculated to create a -. uL r&7j2-s' "tfC-LVT"1 (Al M r ifaf fS:r? sensation amoni? neonle et nrtlntln TPtVfcJwe?S&?-s?033!rf,f7iv?- V5? -WrftTT-i M Wi II Bsssn t "iSc.twr lors- .. sense. Immediately on entering the WWti,iSr?j''-SIf- YSZiSi&ryis& I ftflMfj(W SsX -" room tho visitor's eye will be struck 36l3Ep5b5?'"l3?T"' "JeSSeT -W?IT-(OrrafllP SSSi.- ' by a carved walking atlck of great -ScPki -7"?s. 1?vrrSrrTV' "iSvv ,f ML ' weight and beauty." Christian Regis- sPy'4iL- Vjri SSEP'iis JM -"SSI? IU"' 3 , , j - AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME The Whole Thing A Human Organ 3 iJS .lini: ,H if 1 m f ff I5lf-VK'C ti -Sll rii-H .-H-i SLMU fcr l'iP w l sH"rslW sasasasaH PP BH- SSBA a r H "9CTgg JP v iSiiL i , b Is 5 -- bir isfik firJrt Jl I M w 5r et Wl-. tk "Cr Wllle Pa, what U the cowensua of jtej- - "ni 1 W0&M 3S opinion? Mater jl ' r-WCttiui ZdL" Pa Your aother'a jlalon, my aoa. - '5::' yf HtLLKtvs ?atmerA5Am! why is Father SO SAD? HAS HE LOST & 460,741. -4-Oi ? HO, BUT HE'S LOST SOMETt-MG VORTH 4UCH MORE. THAM THAT. HE HAS LOST HIS FAMILX F6R TWO VHOLE VJEEKS TH-VVE ONE TO THE C-UA1TRV. FATHER S ALL CUT UP BECAUSE He CANT 'SET AWAY from the "hot ctty'-to -oim them, Re has to work hard, vey likely at aikshts For He Has se.ve.rau LITTLE" DEALS OH. POOR E.AR FATHER ! He'll,.-Be. s& lomely For two YE.EKS, VOMT HE tEAR CHILDREN ! KaBfTS receivable bookkeeper and asslst- Isttttwt man; must have experience In rlHsgicoHectlon letters; state age. expcrl oul salary desired. Q 152, Led. Cen t. OUSIERED ACCOUNTANTS require ex" ttVKUi seniors and Juniors, also cost oo loottnt istle to work out plan with slight cjCTUIon; must have had experience with iiri!i Arms of qualified accountants; re jliitsllni age, experience and salary ex- aari. O 216. Ledger Central. 0U.EOD STUDENT or teacher wanted for Biitlsn months; $60 mo. M 324, Led. Off. UTER-Experlenced In cutting1 leathortor TOHi. Chesterman. 12T N 7th St. (fEBIENCED drug sundry man.; state agol gptrletcs and salary B 201'. Ledger Office. JSlERt-Competent .fixer on Benner ma huts nrst-ciass position to right man. AP IfHvallace Wilson Hosiery Company, Orch ri T.telow Unity, Frankford HfANICAL PRAFTEMEN Good opportun lUfor two nrst-ciass men. salary $75 per inth Glie full particulars of experience and hicstlon. alio send specimen of work. ajuiu.-v uunruiiAfiUK, foot of Mitch- ue, xiagersipwn, ia- CHAUFFEUR, mechanic. IS yra.' exp , careful u.ci., MbQi. icib, ivw Aoston ave. ixc. luoi. CHAUFFEUR Careful driver, exp. gar.: tin gle, sober man; ref.B 125, Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR wishes position with prlv. fam- ny. a years exp. t no. i-eagcr central. CHAUFrEUR wlshca pos., make owo repairs. J. Ooss, Rockland Garage, 4S28 N. ilarvlne. COACHMAN, with first-class referenco, who can also run car. B ID, Ledger Office. rtwnu iECURITlES SALESMEN men of clean record and nhliltv stock of a new American enter- J DO managed hv man ftt nn- Jeputallcn. Application by letter FINANCE CORPORATION Washlnstnn. TV n BWRAPHER. ljlljperstor for reports and general offlco nrtflsut age, experience nnd salary de WlJivf full particulars or aDDllcatlon will acwalva attention. G 130, Ledger Central. USiBPRivn itivii.' OIiTst. i5KWn of excellent character recently ifra or retired from tho Marine Corps WArny. Exceptional Inducements and per tcy to ilgh grade men who can qualify. 'M?T?inM1.liy- Klv'ne 'ult particulate. -ioi uinca. fr..,Suarf man- al aaiesman In flret Jit business, with soma experience; polite and have, good appearance; ... 'h reference from last emnlover. idierCentral. QAHDENEIt and florist desires permanent po sition; private family, first-class, all-round man, present employed by city; call per sonally or If not convenient write, giving time for Interview. Jamea Jackson, Municipal Hos pital, 2d and Luzerneaie , city. OARDENLn, single"", "wants" position, besVref- erencoa. B 133, Ledger Office. GARDENER single, desires situation, gentle man's place, exper.. ret. B 205. Ledger Office. HANDY MAN, hatchet and saw man, can furnish references, need work as soon as possible Address Matthew Hirst. Montrose Boat Club, Wost Falls, Philadelphia. MAN AND WIFE, white; butler and house man; wife, good plain cook and laundress; will do entire work of small family; refcr encea. U 127, Ledger Office. MAN ANDVflFE (white), wife good cook and chambermaid, man, butler and houseman; gooa reis. irom nisi piaco. xr ajs, Lea un. MILLWRIGHT, bevss, American. 34 years, un- aeraianas ereciinv, elevator, macninist, car penter, oeit worn, nanaung men. uacninist, spruce St., south Mancneatcr, conn. nentet llOW, MR. EMPLOYER If you can use tho services of a man with 10 years' experience In the selling, soliciting and collecting line, who con show a clean, successful tecord and furnish a surety bond, write Q 147, Ledger Central. SALES REPRESENTATIVE OR MANAGER Exp. In metals, power machinery, heavy chemicals: excep. rets. F 055, Led. Cent. SALESMAN 10 yrs, exp., various lines; also gei.erai otnee worK; opportunity more ooject than salary to start. F 856, Ledger Central. SHIPPING and receiving clerk, understanding parcel post, express ana freight shipping, de sires pooeiireuuiaii:ijcusorjLciiirai SHIPPER and packer: capable and energetic; can jurnlsh referencea O 154. Ledger Cent. SHOE SALESMAN, joung man, 30, wlahes noxltlon in retail shoe store; experienced. Q 153. Ledger Central 6TEAMFITTER as foreman in a bleachery or largo plant, understand all pipe work; now roreman oi consirutwuii luuifaity, iniuui tit. ''iJJ.5. SJ- SMI-Small adult family has large rront room, suitable for two. furnished, with board; refs. exchanged. Belmont 4028 D ?'?' Mll-SOie-Deautlfully furnished rooms. . "".! m-ma mm Bgrvice, o weeKiy. LEHIOH, W" 1313-15-Beautlful rooms, with .noitrdjill conv.; phone; new management. PQWelton AVE.. 4037-Larse, airy room; mjrne; conv. u; excellent taoie SPRUCE. 1224-20 (Brlsmonde)-Furn. rooms; slnglo, en suite, prltato baths; table board. SPRUCE, 102b-3O 2d-floor room, southern ex- posure; choice table board WALNUT, Walnut 7235 W, 4ASi 3,1-nnnr mnm. nlih Ka.f.i near i-., soutnern expos.; rets, exchanged WALNUT, 6000 Large rooms, single or com. ref. home: excellent table; $fl each: phone. 10TH, 8.. 318 (Cravenhurst) rooms, cleallness, comfort, ciass tame. Single, double civility; !2D. N. , 2100 (cor. house) Large, airy front private family. Diamond t!27 D. 10S Handsomely furnished rooms, 3STH. S.. private fam., excellent table. Preaton 64S0 W CHEERFUL rooma, board, care for elderlv per son, Invalid or convalescent. Preston 65S3 D. LAROE front room; couples pref.T" excellent table board: conv, to cars Belmont 1058 L. BOTH, N , 121 Private family will board gen tlemen: telephone, elec. lights, home comforta. Suburban OVERBROOK 0003 Drcxel road; boarding, tennis, swlm'g pool. Phone Preaton 5553 W. COUNTRY BOARDERS WANTED BIRMINGHAM STOCK TARM Historic Bran dyulne Bectlon; shade; home cooking; rates reas O. L. Jones, West Chester. R. F. D. 5. APARTMENTS SPr.ING GARDEN, fOlO Excellent apts. In 8 different houses; some turn.: kitchenettes West Philadelphia 40TH ST., S , 303 Attractive apt., 3 rms. and bath: S. W. exposure; Janitor aerv.; brd near. FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST, 131S Elegant apartments. 2 rooma, private bqtli, also single rms Wat. 7005 W. West Philadelphia -,- WALNUT ST.. 4614 (Th BfunswlckJ-Af-tractlvely furnished 6-room apartment; elec trie fan; porch, newly renovated; Immediate possession; long or short lease; owner going west; two oiocKB trom eievatea. 34TH, N.. 07 Well-furnished bachelor apart- ment. - rooms sioeping porcn ana Dam; private fam.: all conts. Ph. Baring 7S05 W. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DIAMOND. 2112-3 rms.. bath, kitchen, hot- water heat- ref., .'a noor. t.'j; 4 rms. bath, Kltcnen. an cor rms.. mo. maraonq lata w "in AND PINE SI'S DE LANCEY AITS. New, light, 1 to 6 rooms, 1 and 2 baths, Kitcnenette; central location. Apply janitor POPLAR. 1522 Attractive housekeeping apts , 2 and 3 rooms, bath, kitchenette, modern conveniences. Apply aui Empire mag. Bl'li. GARDEN. 2101 (cor.) Cool, well turn ; eiec. : private patn; pnone. reasonapie. PRIVATE family will rent unfurn. S unfurn. rms .tvitn Kitcnenette; rent moq. oau n.uroaa 11 yrs.' exp , non-union. F Ledger Cent. KrHfn ac1ualnted In clay and clay ?ffi V4 "'stents, with some capital In mi-'? Ptontahle business. Address Box ilJttBrock Station P. p.. Pa. iHV' ' g0O(1 Penman, quick and ac fi.V '"res. as billing clerk; age 18 to iiS'.,xpArA?ne ana lary expected. L i"!! Office. fe,1; UNIVERBITY to advertise directly .jSSjSI'S.". ,aw. department will place a SjIf.'Wwr of $160 tuition credits free: SSf.f m?,t ot a and furnish best gatti. Apply to Mr. Lively. Adelphla IS. General - 1 flfcTr'kE? aa"5' tot operate moving pic itslMVi,4 ,'ach y?u "J"101 method. kf,poi,i".n' ."cured, paying $15 to star $J2 iarta vV'Pfn dall' and gl2-E-i gjtlONS WAN.TED EEMALE fstftn"Bef l.n'l,r, wou'd, like position JlW" ""'Pd: know-ledge of stenog. S "3. Ledger Central. Sa.?fcanJr"-toun'orw.. r.- -.mn.nr.i. f j-, eager Off. STENOGRAPHER, with knowledge of book keeping, young man, desires secretarial or . Bimlexecutlva position, thoroughly experl enced, best references. O 153, Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER. 10, neat, willing, good pen man; a: Al rcis. tj iiw, 1-cuBor v.eiini. STENOGRAPHER-bookkeerer, 8 yrs." exec. 6XD.. aes. cnange, oeet tei. u taa. xu. i.cni. STENOGRAPHER, bus. college, come experience, graduate reas. salary. V T55. Ledger Cent. knl. STENOGRAPHER. 10, High School grad., knl bookkeep.: $8. 8501. Led. Br., aid Glrard WAITED Situation as model maker or de signer of special machinery by expert tool maker and electrician who will dellvor the goods or no pay. B 112, Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN. student evening engineering course. Drexel Institute des. pos on corn, or contractor, builder's offtcp. G 148. Led. Cent. YOUNG American man desires position with automoMle firm, at presfnt employed by hardware concern. Box 202. Jenklntown. Pa. CORNER ROOJI. prlvato bath. $4. room, kitchenette, hath $5i Apply 1401 rf. lflth. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY REALTY and Insurance brokers. Albrecht. 373 Urexel mag.; ;i v. t-enittn ave. Logan LOGAN REAL ESTATE SIALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith. Broad at., opp. Logan Station. MAIN LINE. PA. It. It. ic irrtr.q Main Llna. P. It. R. Barealn: (50 per acre; 85 acres; stone buildings; fins wattr. timber: THOMPSON 113 N. High St.. West Chester. YOUNG MAN, knowledge of stenography, tsre wrltlr.it. clerical, newspaper work, desires nnililon: moderate salary, "a 151. Led. Cent. u8ifti,n? w'l'n or assist' with aa'ooseamstres3. P 321. Ledger Off. 5Ka,S.?7You" aerroan. ejtper, for Eg war 2 years; refs. P 825? LeJ. Oft. HV$i!?,n.kd white womani highest ref.; SJi'0 Apply Room 230. Led. Off. njoermald and waitress (2 sis- j.t.fBii.r aoj, meager on. through engagements Augus? ,""Kn to last until septem Aa A?uln Prtyate. family BOS', P5" and Wyaluslng ave. ft and Inrii.B' ..ii n... ii? toFeI,ha-m'.loaO Spring OardeS' will tearn conversation; gen- O HI, Led. Cent terms mod gytrness-Eng . Ger. Fr. music": ;aay orwt.sk. Ph. Wal 7178 W. -e oouseworK wo cath SiitD,e, and experlenoed set; - 9wm twta. - an, iq. urr. . - Ensll.h Pmli.ni UAmA". gfsrence P 830, Lg.fi otrie,. 1tSRT ..-. .' ;-...nr. Khoi r4Jtined arid compe P 82. Ledger Office 'US. wl.ha. n.al. ' i -. '" rook 854 ..w 1 SS to nl... .- l. . .4.1.- 1L S P 323. Ledter flfflr. Orst rl... .U.J.IM .' J.'.t. L' wish home, best Mfsrence. .,o06 voits'O MANJ, high school education, desires clerical position. Q 150. Ledger Central. . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES SWEDISH COOK, best reference; girls, cham berwork and waiting, housework girls, under stand cooking, wish situations. Mrs. Kane, Bit 8. 10th. Locust 3910. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT to sell 6000 or 6000 baskets of peaches on the t'eesj; orchard In Jersey within 20 rnlnut of Philadelphia market; would asll for SO cents a basket, easy to handle, as they do not all Tlpen at once. U 138. Ledger Of nee PENROSE MOTOR STOCK Any one Interested In purchase com municate with advertiser. F 63. Ledger Central. CARPET CLEANING, WB6T PHI LA. Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack. Ing and shipping. 3870 Lancaster ave. 100 ACRES Reasonable, 3 sets buildings; one mile Bradford Hill", amid hills, dales, springs and wooaiann- cwmnui tui-auuu. A. D HEALD, West Chester. Pa. NEW JERSEY Bl'NOXLOWS, $T00 cash. $10 monthly: lota 25 xlBO: near trolley, conv. to river; National Park. Greater New jersey t:o., s. intn. Haddonfleld. N. J. 1IAVE 8EVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. WM CAREY MARSHALL, B31 Federal St.. Camden. Woodbury Heights. N. J. SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg. lots at reasonable prices. John Mayhcw. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monthly payments of from I IT to $50; bouses located N. Phils, and fltn.. worm irom "lov" iu .-. Marcama Union Truat 10. 715-710 Chhestnut at. REAL ESTATE EOR RENT OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS. KTO. DREXEL' BLDG.' OFFICES. Annual Rentals. Ground ft,. $120. Single rms.. $10. $225. 1273 Silt." 2 rms $18. 1M. $175.3200. $225.250. eS 3 rms. $200. $275. $400. $150, JsOO IjSO. Corner aultes. 2 to 10 rooms. $500 to $1875. ELLIS P. WILLIAMS. 560 Drexel Building. ONE-HALF of office for rent, with telephone ..rvlce. 1310 Commonwealth Building Desk Room CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND. FANCIES C LtjitiBD, DYED. MAILHOT. 1610 Chestnut DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY '.woBan UAN refined, trustworthy, .co7"V3 or anythlosr of ri Ue Ledger BrenchTTerk lane t-PER WgKJcBriXTTrm -olorea .iri deslrte general f1' Phoi feff rer Phona PrAatf J! eesSMniSn", hospiui tra-esiJ wi . .?r8 "tperleace In private gaoaral houwork: pliTn an .lul.,. r.s or wi.si.o ; -" . iwiu .r ' good ill .St i.Ua. Mti cay UrtM jQte XT to high wages far tasanyj ess: e to ni Ledger 4e- tch 1 best Ug-atrifUi?-g 01. woaoan Sd. OR. 9KR3 tlfnk4r..M... .1..V. '. j( aov klni can b CirJi, r ;. ""s'ai uetwrtiueiit ul .1 Writ, vour n..H. rt ":ltNiart her at IV.lnn. Sifcl j,."v1- wl'l be rdra4 "Mly reautr a autttT. HEMSTITCHING done while you wait. A. "trlx.j .1.0 rK.-.n. I9l..ft.l.l n.vl.nr n.t. tteicwa'. . .m...mh .. .-.. ... - DREBBMAKINtl taught; short, prac. course. MacDowell. 307 DeufkU Bldg.. 11th & Market OR BALE TBWT3 FOR HALS U WAT BBBNA. TO JUHS ipfpQfiNa UtD UcbjDY PH&N ril SRT -13 !...': H'Ji serfect eeadiuea. L 84. BELL FOR SALB-Wtitte eye, teeui " (Ml eoet W 4t1ffi3TfcH MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 7 A DADDY WALKBW. il P. M- Buys ell record. xchaes aU. 5c. gel! Victor double f 3c 3 f $1. 2W2 Ridge atwve Columbia. 8TOKA01S DESK R06-Free use of phone. perr) B'Sir. Oftlce always operl. L TW, Led. Pent CEHMANTOWN lt. Airy 'DESIRABLE PBOPEHTIEd -n . rrnu'iHii.s. LUiivcicni' SedOvVICK STATION OR CEHMANTOWN AVE? CARS. POSSESSION JULY IS; SaND TO? yURlSONTTOU BOYER ST FOR RENT FURNISHED CITY reia SRtJCB ST-PfUVATE RESIDENCE, l9i? 5u BATHS:' F 743, LED. CENT, "en ROOMS. B BATH Wlldwood. N. J. TirtkACTIVLY iurn.. NortnwqodApt-. 28th X4Atltto vV. bio from Ocean Plsr Sod Bwilk. now op. tflld(o4 agent, w,"iai.a Frankford 1208 W. MASSAaiUSETTS. T NANTUCKET . ttaie. 10 rooms, eo-plets-Iy furnished. h end eoM water, coowlete bU; ampls SVi froStTshaJvltgr be, Utblag. broad iiSs' wilSS vfSwe; ' .ehlMraa. JSJrt far adalts: toedsrate rentsl. ABTHUtt JJ'"g!-' Comparatively He is ho a rood daaetr? She Not sarupiUouily. Pelican. "The mot wonderful organ I tvtt saw was at Petrograd. It bad over a hundred stops." "Th most wonderful organ I ever saw Wi-Mra. Smith' tongue. It had no stops at. all." Flimsy Finance "l started In lf on borrowed pe tal." said Casst Obex. "And bow you bave no debts what ever?" "On the contrary. I -pa&dt4 sy credit 10 that I muW go e tmHvfUu mora and. more, Was Mogtsa VU M0RTGAGB6 "TlHveV VOR MORTGAaES $500 S51000 S1300 giSOO J?t600 $50Q0 p yr.H.M0(S. ! Too Airy "There's a broken window In that room you gave me." complained i guest at the country hotL "wen, you said jw wanted a nit airy toata. iiiat reur resiled th No Chaace "Xo you think the bene wiU wr vlve the automobile?" "H may. but he U be the oaly livto m .i t-' r u ) , , !: f I rrfgrvfy!t,!r,rwTr;m irr. ..j. jp w i ' &fttj&jii&ur 'earfe-aafci. jjiss, ltraaasawfis-rtt