Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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i wiuu on ui A vn id At IS ED TONIGHT
ms Charlotte Rush Will Be Honor Guest at Small Dance This
I Evening Miss Mary Frances Fisher and Miss ,
P ,1fifi4 AtHnhr)! flit- -j. nt....
The Marriage of Mrs. Dayse Haskill to Mr.,LouU F. J. Hepburn
Took Place at Noon Today Various
Entertainments of Interest.
"ui " .unuotff wt. dinner.
...... rtkimlttop I ...
I ..M.mlnx a WII Mouse rflftr t
ft, her homo In Uerwyn. The rumU
BfO, I'" . -I-.- In.
attend the "nnrc " " ""
uti hv Mr nnd J'"1 wenjamin nusii,
FfWIr home, "L-neseiiun. .......(
f ..... nrht Mrs, Cnsentt entertained
.1 If ".Vm honor of MIm Mfy I'mnces
in"1"" " ... ,-... Miii,tl
Bfcr and 3i
K.- .nrlMis. John "n'"X..-uo.S"u.,",t
ay" "XV.M.tine. nre spenninp; me sum-
;r at their coVtaBe In Manchester, Vt.
I i m John D. Angenj. Jr., and
tyr and M. Jonn d ,he um.
i,lr inisnv - ., narenti, Mr. and
K John ' Anseny, nt their country
fc nr Uoyle.jojyn.
. t.. Mnrrl and her dnunh-
rV.... riuabetii Norrls, havo returned
LUr,, city from Cuba and will spend
ttSfurt of the B.immr In Cape
. .,. t awls Btocvcr, of tho Delmnr-
J,r,1.' mb TRone to Maine with Mr. and
JSMSh Dallam, Jr., for sev-
(Ml .
ir, and Mrs. Marcel StclnbrusKe.
j(f, una .'' , . I ... r
' "... . ittihtr. rati, nre in iinnuc
Aue --- ,.,. Tlu.y wln co t0
K.llfernla. in August.
f Tk MIimi Williamson, of 1321 Spruce
VI6,. .n MM Julia V. l,nKl,erenno are
IrkvVln through the West. They will
;"lt"hlmitP)lllon8 before loturtihiK
hme. ,
Mr and Mr. Abel P. WethcrM. of.
Wnntweod, ent.ru ne.l Dr ana Mrs.
tfrinds E. raliemoii mm air. juiiu j.
Francis ' ., ,lnnr In5t n it it.
Along the Main Line
fr.nrtnnorc.-Mri!. P.oticrt T. O'llcllly,
iUI rranceicA O'ltcllly ami MIbs Martha
S n-rtelllv have taken n houao oil Old
Uncaster road, Brjn Mawr, for Hie
jummer months.
EnlO.V.-Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln God-
... f. 6 rintmfln nvfinll. Will lfiaVO
i'flitordsy to spend the summer at their
I'lVentnor cottage.
J hill j Ellu Davids will open their camp
"InlMPocorto Mountains nriy in aubusi.
Vlr. and Mrs Wnltor V. Hnrtel. of
Wraneffood nnd t'nlon nvenucs, nro
ipenffinr tho summer at Cnpo May, N. J.
uinnnnTfr Mrs. ttcslnatd Clorham,
Ih'jjjjjmpden nvenue, has Bono to Brazil,
Uui h will remain until next wlntor.
L MM. Robert O. Seymour and Miss Mabel
Ifiymoiir, of Woodsldo ncnue, Jiavo rc
Kinistl from a visit nt Olen Illdgc, N. J.
AHDJtOItE -Mr nnd Mrs. "William H.
SllOriR and family, of Rdgcwood aenuo
uiJ Wlstar ronil. nnvo openci ineir sum
fcer Jtottaco nl Fisher's Island, Mo.
RflllM Gladys Supplcc, of Montgomery
ITrtnue, Is spending the summer nt n
jSimp Ih Mnlnc Miss Caroline Itced will
IMn her early In August.
IfDRVX 51 A Wit Mr. and 5Irs. Edwnrd
lipjile, of Philadelphia, are spending the
liiimmcr here
jMr. nnd 5Irs. AVIUInm W. Austin, Miss
Anna Austin, Miss Jean Austin nnd 51r.
ISyUllam W Austin, Jr., of Gulf road nnd
lllhan nvenub. havo gono to California,
! where they will visit tho Pnnnmn-Pnclflc
Exposition, jcturnlnu August 8.
of tho
OSEJION'T Jlr nnd 5Irs. Itobert K.
.ttiatt, of Bcauprc, will open their sum-
.cottage on Eellevuo avenue, New-
Mxt week.
, ihd Mrs Kdwln H. FItlcr,
.... ...Ill ov.An.1 A,I,,c, tif
.irrjLC, ,, ,, Diim bo, av
litis!. He.
JIfland 5Irs A J. Dioxel Paul, of Old
EwcMter road, will leavo shortly for
Jileilorfl, Me , v, hero they will spend the
1ST. DAVIDS -5Ir. and Mrs. James M.
Rt'.d have tnken a houso here, wnicn
ey will occupy July W.
fillls Lucille H. Llpplncott, of Cynwyd,
prtltlng her aunt, Mrs. Edgar L. Shep-
itd, at KcnncbunKnoi t, ale. Miss L,ip-
ilncott will spend August In Summit, Me.,
m iir, Ttiomas uay nnn nis uaugnior.
I Helen Gay
iir, and 5Irs. Ddwnnl I.cgse, of Ilos-
0. and Mrs Henry Kuhl Kelly, Jr., of
liomla. who is nt present vlsltlnc In
Baltimore, ancnt the week-end over July
tlth Jlr and 5Irs. J. Samuel Stephen-
lV.i vuy avenue. .Airs, oicpiienson en-
pilnea nt luncheon In honor or nor
daughters during their stay In Hala.
:r. and Mrs. J. V. B. Titus, of Edgo-
roacl, Daln, nro occupying their cot-
i( at Chelsea.
Mr, Walter Courtney, of D537 Chew
t, was a visitor nt WUdwod, N. J.
Mr, Martin Conner, of Germantown and
votuen avenues, will leavo shortly for a
tojr throueh Cnllfnrnla. vliltlnir San
fJrincUco and the Panama Exposition.
Si llls Margaret Kent, of Tho Melrose,
s'...uhw,u utciiun nuu iiuiiiiii Diitui,
ipenmns several weeks at Capo May,
r. and Mrs. William, of 620fi Baynton
it, apent tho week-end at Weaslde
It. A. Dloul, of ZWi Qermantown
will leave for Chlcuco on Sunday.
"I be the guest of friends for sev
nd Mrs. Arthur H. Blackburn, Mr.
r Henry V. 5Iende and Sllss
otored to Lake Hopatcong, N. J
wneo; by way of Delaware Water
the holidays.
Ucf Ami If.. m - . .iir
If"""! Hreet. nrn snemllm- n fnw rfnva
Atliuitle city
Pf, and Mm John T 'E'i.lln n.l om.
' ' West AValnut lane, are spend-
t-i iime at the Delaware Water
and Mrs. Robert J. Sillier and
Of (9 West Form otr.t will .nonil
elt-end at the Delaware S'ater
end Mrs. Charles J. Wllkle, of 118
"reet, win open their cottage
n City today for the summer,
fiut.Z ?'t, ."' f uverurooK
.-..! J" " 7 'BrR0 "Umher ot women
present frrrt along the Heading.
rtr?.'Xj IE'1. A,fs- Mtt-,fthan have Juet
opened their magnificent home nt Ocean
l-I.l.nn,, Mr ,Joh" Kl"(f ro oceupy
rh1tfLllr .na,T Ilomo fll ' "feet and
i,l.tr. ?J'.l,fn 8- "emmerly tins leased
!i iv,0Jln,,n vemie home Irt Oak Lane
to the nev. Oeorge Scheer nnd family for
the summer month, Mr. ltemmerly and
nJT y,V ne"1lng tho summer at
ucean City,
.m5. J-."-.Ln"elere, of Wyncote, will
teturn about the middle of July from
cape Mft,., ,vh(.r6 gll0 g spenrtnB ptltt
of tin summer.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles It. Jacob, of
Taunton avenue, Oak Lane, have left for
Ocean City, where they will remain dur
inn the summer. Their daughter, Mrs.
i'.nri v. Breeding, who was one of Inst
month b popular hrldrs, will spend part of
the summer with her parents. Mies Char-
im ?ftcob, n"l Miss Jtnrgarct Jacobs
win also accompany them.
Miss Unrrlet Head, daughter of 5tr. and
Mrs. a. II. Head, of Bhnrpless nvenue, 5Iel
ro, has as her guest Miss Julia Aspln
wall, of Pittsburgh, Pa., while Miss .Mar.
garot Uatermnn, daughter of Mr. and
.Mrs. Wnlter H. Waterman, of Strntfonl
avenue, Melrosf, hns as her house piest
Mis Ittilh Carpenter, of Delnnd. Fin.
bevernl affairs mvo alrcndy been given
In their honor and a number of events
mu ui-iiik planned.
Ml.is ElBle llepuurn, dnURhter of Mr.
nna sirs. Samuel D. Hepburn, of 6310
.North 13th street, OAk Lane, will r-ntcr-taln
5tlss Helen Houston nnd Miss Mar
garet Hnllowell nt luncheon today.
5trs. J. M. Hunsborgor, of Ashbourne, Is
ontertnlnlng MIsh Carroll, of Lynchburg,
5 a. Jlfsjt Carroll Is a. niece of Mr. Ed
ward allies.
Jlr. Davis Smith, Mr. Marshall Moss,
tiM-,WRrrn Smith. Mr. Ralph Ralr, Mr,
W Ilium Roberts, Mr. Frederic Whltnkcr
nnd Mr. Andrew Whltnkcr, of Glcnsidc,
,.', p.ena thIs ummer at Lake 5Vinola
wltli tho members of tho Roscmoro Club.
West Philadelphia
Miss Sadie Wlnrlng, 1303 North Cist
street; Mr. Ernest Andrews, Jllss Lillian
Kargo and Mr. Alfred Ferry spent the
week-end at Point Pleasant.
Mr. nnd 5Irs. Jnmca Taylor, 6066 King
scsslng avenue, will leave shortly for
Atlantic City, whoro they will remain for
tho rest of tho summer.
.Mr. Thomas Kennedy, 5217 Hazal ave
nue, wflt leavo for Wlldwood In tho near
5Ir. nnd 5Irs. J. Y. Dugan, 1430 South
Allison street, were tho Kucsts of Mr,
and Mrs. B. C. Onntz, In Pittsburgh, last
5Ir. ami 5trs. Isaac C. Booth, BUS Irv
ing street, will visit their daughter, 5Irs.
George 51. Bennett, at her home. 111
North Chelsea nvonuc, Atlantic City,
N. J., for a fortnlBht.
5Ilss Hoso Stelnberir. nf film n,,,i r-
kct streets, Is spending tho month of July
at Wlldwood, N. J.
5Ir. nnd Sirs. Edwnrd B. Gardner nnd
their daughter, 51lss Janet Gardner, of
5SH Wcbs,ter streot, nre spending tho
month of July with 5Ir. Gardner's sister,
sirs. John Rencar, of 227 Indiana ave
nue. Atlantic- City.
5Rss Nora Dowllng. of. 6I1S Westmln
Btor avenue, is spending two weeks with
her mint, 5Irs. J. 51, Gallagher, nt Stone
Miss Harriet Hanllne, of 3S00 Locust
street, ts spending the summer at Cedar
croft, Konnett Square, Pa.
Jlrs. C. A. Bergen and 5Ilss Agnes Ber
gen, of tho Warrington, 36th nnd Walnut
streets, nro visiting Mrs. Howard at her
Chelsea cottage.
51r. Emerson Treney, of -I2J3 .Chestnut
street, und .Mr. Ralph Connolley. of 3I
Chestnut street, left last week for Camp
Namaushoue. Hpofford, N. H whero thoy
will remain for tho season.
51lss Anna Keller, of 6515 Woodland
avenue, left last week with a number of
ltn.1a nf TlnltlMn.. . .
...,..lt.o ui .rauiiuuio iur uii exienueu tour
through the Canadian Rockies, Great
Lakes, Seattle, Vancouver, California and
Panama Canal, returning nbout tho 1st
of September.
Mr. and 5trs. Herbert Reese Smith have
returned from their extended wedding
trip spent In Atlantic City and will be nt
home after July 15, nt their new home
731 South Cecil street. Sirs. Smith n,m
bo remembered as Jllss Edna E. Cooncr
of Baltimore, 5Id. ' '
Mrs. 51. Treadway, of 3S0O LociiBt street
la spending the summer months at Ocean
L J-" . ' "" ' i' i in
Dntightcr of Mrs. Kntherlno Tny- J K H M, - , " ' h -; ' i.
lor, of 5918 Pino street. Miss f (MEgM mW ' 'VX' "' flfest)' ' -' W
Tnylor nntl her cousin, Mlaa ' RJK Jfifl If Vf( i '-shm'tySlt 1
Emma Collins, loft Inst week for 'HBgl fA' W" 'r'ilW"''l,''l
Tioga WWs&M SSiimJ-kMm
5tr. nnd Sirs. Wnlter A. Ennls, Miss
Knthryu Ennls, Sllss Starlet! Ennls nnd
Sir. Wnlter A. Ennls, Jr., 3713 North 16th
street, will leave on Saturday to occupy
their now home In Plensantvllle, N. J.
Sllss Knthryu Ennls has been passing tho
early summer In Ocean City.
Mr nnd Sirs. Benjamin T. Neall, Miss
Itnnnnh Tox Neall. Sir. Earl Neall. 1823 '
West Ontario street: Sirs. Itnnnnh liny
Fox and Sllss Schofleld formed n house
party at Ocean I'lty over the helntilng
of tho week, Sirs. Fox nnd 5IIs Hehoileld
returned last week from a tour through
tho West to California.
Sir. and Sirs. Frank Thomson, of West
Tioga street, with their sons nnd dnugh
ter. In-law, Sir. and Mrs. Frnnk Thom
son, Jr., nnd Sir. nnd 5!m. WIHInni Thom
son, of West Kstnugli street, have Joined
the colony of Tioga cottagers at Octun
Sir. nnd Sirs. Ilnynor Bowman, 1822
West Tioga street, nnd Sir. nnd Sirs.
Wlllsrd Bowman, of PhoeiilxvlUc, Pn.,
am taking nn automobile trip to Bush
kill Falls and tho vicinity.
Sir. nnd Sirs. George Bernstein, ' of
North Park nvenue nnd Onlnrlo street,
are occupying their summer homo In At
lantic City.
Sirs. George Crotton. of 1S03 West 5'o
nnngo street, who Is spending tho sum
mer at Norfolk, Vn has none tn Wash
ington, D. C, for u fortnight's lslt.
I'lrnto hy Marcenu.
Sir. nnd Sirs. J. Harry North, of Black
wood. N. J., nre tho guests of Sir. and
Sirs. Edmund St. Kelly, ot 3W Green lane,
Sir. and Sirs, lt.irry Stiller, of Ridge
avenue nnd Crense'a lane, will leavo on
Saturday for n tour through tho West
to tho Pacific coast. They will vlBlt tho
exposition, anil spend some time In Cali
fornia. Sir. nnd Sirs. Frederick Foulkrod nnd
their children, Rny and James Foulkrod,
of Pittsburgh, Pa., nro visiting Sirs.
Foulkrod's parents, Sir. and Sirs. Oliver
S. Kcely, nt their home on Lyceum ave
nue. '
Sir. and Sirs. Albert Hays, of Lyceum
avenue, have gone to Asbury Park to re
main until autumn
Sir. and Sirs. James Hlndlc, of Slnnn
yunk nvenue, will spend August In Capo
Sir. nnd Sirs,
their daughter,
who havo been
Washington, D.
.1. Wnlter Keely nnd
Sllss Kathnrlno Keely,
spending some time In
C., have returned to
Along the Readme
LM"r Q Sharpies, qf "Labar
iLm I neltfcn Hills Ta ht, aa ha
yrktt fortn'ebt Mta PlMMbUS. of
Caroline T.lnrtlnAriftt aI "T?Y.l.lt
Chelten llilu, pa., lia kobb to
e. Mass. In visit Ulu Kmllv
nd Mr Ezekui in.nn t, nt
"aye taken a cottage at miwMH
". which thy are oseupylng
uinnier months.
VUitinir tJH.. ..,,, ... ,.
.- "-... o Au&iiiry rtiu DO-
n iibvt,:rlii Church. Ocean
r . iiay aiirnoi aur-
South Philadelphia '
Sir. William 11. Work, Sir. A. R. Don
dero nnd Sir. I'. J. Sillier hnve Just re
turned from a week's fishing trip it
Reach Haven, N. J., where they mailo
soma big hnuls, among which wero three
drumflsh, weighing from 0 to CO pounds
Sllss Lpulse Work, of liiz Ellsworth
street, has left the city to spend several
weeks at Atlantic City ns the guest of
Mr. and Sirs. Ralph Wonders, at- their
cottage on Pacific avenue.
St Rita's Catholic Club has chartered
the Oshlng schooner Thomas I'. Hew
lett Mr a day's fishing at Cape Slay on
Sunday, July 11.
Sllss Angela Dondero, of 1435 Ellsworth
street will leave the city onaturda.
to spend several weeks with relatives at
Altonna, Pa.
their home on Green lane.
Sir. Albert Hudson, of Alnsllo street,
Fnlls of Schuylkill, Is visiting his sister.
Sirs. John D. Brookes, of Slount Holly,
N. J.
Sllss Edith Robinson, of Garrottford, Is
ontertnlnlng Sllss SInrlon Bcbc.
The Camp Flro Girls, of Tendon, will
hold a tea July 10 In the borough building.
Sir. and Sirs. Jennings Hood, of Runny
mede nvenue, will spend the summer In
Sirs. Henry Zahn, of New Tork, Is the
guest of Sirs. George T. Walker, of
Shadeland avenue.
Sir. Frank C. Nloweg, of Prlco nvonue,
left today to spend the summer at St.
Albans, N. V.
Mr. and Mrs. Frances B. Irwin nnd
family, of 19 North Maple avenue, will
spend tho week at Stone Harbor.
Mr. and Sirs. A. F, O'Danlel have re
turned from a visit at Chelsea.
Sir. J. II. Stewart, of the Oaks Apart
ments, returned yesterday from a trip
through the State.
Sir. Arthur Shrlgley and family, of Hill
Dale road, will spend tho summer at Bel
mar, N. J.
The Rev. Crosswoll McBce has left for
ICennehunkport. Me., where ho will Join
Sirs. AIcBee and his daughter, Sllss Eliza
beth McBce.
Sir. Frederick Leopold and fnmlly, of
North Lansdowno -avenue, will spend tho
summer nt Avalon,
atpjvuitf ZTAtrsyi.
Miss Wctherill will be nmonp tho debutantes of next season. Mr.
nnd Mrs. Wctherill will probably introduco thoir daughter in tho
early fall.
The Slagnolla Beneficial Association
will glvo its Silth nnnunt excursion this
year to Headlirg. Pu., and tho mountains
on Sunday, July 18.
Tho nnnunl opening of tho 50-50 Coun
try Club will be held Sunday, July :.", at
Ncwportvlltc, Pa. This Is ono ot the
best-knonn clubs In the city.
Sir. and Mrs. Jnckson llclss nnd famll,
of East .Montgomery ncnuc, havo taken
npaitmenls ut 5th street nnd Boardwalk,
Ocean Clty.ifor tho summer,
Sllss Charlotte Cooloy, of Arrott street,
who Is entertaining Sllss Rcba Hoolc, of
Bridgeport, Conn., wus hostess ut u
luncheon Wednesday, given In honor of
her guest. Those present wero Sllss
Esther Pnsslster. Sllss Slay Wei In, Sllss
Frances Kirk, Sllss Coilnlio Sloyor, Sllss
Rny Lcntz, Sllss I.conu Jnmcs, Sllss
Marlon Dceley, Sllss Stnrgnret Currnn,
Sllss Jane Hughes, Sllss Rca Hughes,
Sllss Pauline Curtz and Sllss Helen Sic
Klnley, Wltd (lowers formed tho urtlstlc
Sllss Elslo Denkync, of Penn uvcnuo,
Fox Chnse, has left for nn extended tilp
through tho AVest. Sho will visit Yel
lowstone Park, Salt l.Jko City nnd tho
Panama Exposition at San Francisco.
Sllss Louisa Klnateln, of Washington,
D. C, who has been the guest of Sllss
Carrie Campbell, of 1133 Marlborough
street, has left, with Sllss Campbell, for
Atlantic City, where thoy will be the
guests of Sir. and Sirs. William Campbell,
of 21 South California avenue, for a few
weeks. .
Sirs. J. W. Vanaman and Sllss A Bes
sie Vanaman, of 305 Bast Glrard avenue,
are at Port Bllsabeth, N. J., for tho
summer. Mlw Wllma Chew Ib their
guest for the wMk, Miss Sara Vanaman
will leave shortly to Join them.
Miss Jda B. Powll. of UK Jlarlbor
ough street, will leave today for Nor
folk, Va-, to ba the guast of Mrs. Claude
Vtfor the rwl-ler of the month.
Mrs. Gegenhelmar, of 417 Bast Glrard
avenue, lias returnatt from Tuckerton,
" ' ,
Mm. Jacob Kaufman, at mi Franklin
street. hs annowiad th betrothal of
her daughter. Mlaa Rok Kaufman, to
Mr Albart Rubin.
Mrs. Hyser and Mra. Lyther, of Mojer
lrct, ha gone to Atteatk City for
Sirs. 15. Tntnall Warner has Issued In
vitations to nbout SO of her young friends
for n supper-dance at the tea houso
nt Nainaan'B-on-the-l)elav.arc, Saturday
evening of this week. Tho dance will bo
In honor of Sllss Elizabeth Edsatl.
Sirs. Frederick Bart Rcrger and her
mother, Sirs. J. Ernest Smith, returned
last week from a motor trip to New
Hnmpshlro and Vermont..
Judgo and Sirs. Gcorgo Gray motored
to Capo Slay Saturday, and BPcnt tho
week-end with Sir. and Sirs. Henry
Thouron, who hnvo a cottage there for
tho season.
Sirs. A. Felix du Pont and Sllss Lydla
Chichester left Tuesday for a motor trip
to Rockvlllo and other towns In Slar
land. They will return tho last of this
Hotel Arrivals
unCEN'S' Mnrtln P. tolly. Scronton. Ta.
Ueoriie A, Toners. Rilem, N. J., Sir. und
Mrs. I- A. llailsor, Trenton, N. J.
CONTINENTAL-C1. Jackon, JlarrUbunr, Pa.,
U. M. llrltlon, Hcullng-, la.; T. K. f.arfon,
Ktono llurbor, N. J.
DOO.VIIII'S D. J. Por. I!arrlbur(f. Ta-. T.
W. Templeton. I'lymouth. l'a., J. M. I.jall,
Atlantic City.
NI'W BINOIIAM-W. O. Itunkle, Uelletonie.
l'a., I), lllnghum, Nowark, N. J.. 1'. W
Muiitxck. HarrtiburK. 11.
HANOVBIl-E. J.ReIfi Norrltowri, Pa.: S
lleflherr- I'ottsMlle, -i'a.; A. W. Ildy,
Kuaton, r.
VfcNDIO W. 5V. iJindla. Allenlown, Ta. : W.
It. Diinlap, C.innonburir, l'a.; Charles Rtea,
faterion. N. J.
A&EI.l'lllA I'etfr I)kuter, Ouiont. Ta.; r.
It. Curry, Welln N. Y.i Ml 1 M. IMugh-
iriy. Atlantic city. N. J.
WJN'PSOH A. L. Pepptrmon. Wllllamaport,
l'a ; V O. llariTety. Dover. Del,, F. K. l.en-
Uer. MUlerstoKn. Pa.
BT JAM US-Mr. and Mra. P, It. Morris, New
WALTON'-John Mills, Aabury Park. N. J ,
William Miller, Dttrclt, Stick.; J. Preemun,
Claveland, O.
STIJXTON O. Ijimbert, Akron. O.: Mr. and
Sire. C. W. Ttende, New York; 5V. P. Fanning-,
Urlilgeport, Conn.
COIJNNADR William Wray. Downlngtown,
Pa.; N. I. Harrington, EvnnrUllf, Jnd.,
Tliomni St. Wilson, Milton, Pa.
ItITTENHOUBI-Jlrs. If. SI Sweltland, Mont
rlalr. N. J.; U. II Johnson. Monlclalr, X. J .
W If. Croft. Slontclalr, N. J.
ItlTZ-CAHLTONi-S. Y. Constumlne. Washing--to,,
li. Ci Mr. an.1 Mrs. Wltll.nn Itldnewsv.
Iick Haven, N. Y ; George 1. Stone, New
II. n llamlll.
miss. WllkeB-IlArrn
la U W. Iloatetter, Pittsburgh. Pa., It. K.
Marnhall, rioltlinore, Md., (. '.'. Chadwlek,
Hartford. Coon., Major James Morton. Ijjii
unn, Uusland; C. K, Henderson. Kaston, Pa.
Camden and Vicinity
sir, nntl ills. A. It. Promo, of 523
Cooper Rticcl, hnvo gono to the Dclawnro
Water Chip lo enjoy n few weeks' vaca
tion. Mr. nnd Sirs. F? Storsc Archer, of Had
donlleld, are now at their cottage at
Harnegat Bay; also Sir. Archer's sister.
Sirs. Richard Devclln, and her son and
Sir. nnd Mrs. Samuel Clark and children,
of 311 Cooper Btreot, nnd Sirs. Clark's
mother, Sirs. David Stodden, nf Olen
Campbell, Pa., nro cottagers at Ocean
Sllss Eva Smith, of 317 North 4th street,
hits gono for n western trip, which will
extend to the Pacific Const.
Sir. and SIis. Robert Slovls nnd Miss
itnrlo Stevls, of 502 Linden street, nro
summering nt Pitman.
Cnptnln Charles Barnard nnd
nro nt Wlldwood until the fall.
Tlll announce the marriage of their
slawr, Sirs. Dayse Carter Haskill, to Mr.
Louis T. J. Hepburn, of this city, which
took place today at noon at ll Spruce
street. The ceremony wns performed by
the Rev. Dr. W. O. Alexander.
The bride of today l a member of the
well-known Virginia fnmlly of Carters.
Mi. Hepburn Is n lawicr, n member of
tho linn of Hepburn Ac Hepburn, of this
Thn uiwMincr wx n. verv oulct one, only
tho Immediate members nf the families
telng present. Until September 1 they
will be nt home nt 4010 Pino street.
Tho marrlaao of Sllss Mary Agnes
Croson nnd Sir. .Michael Joseph Brown
wa solemnUed last week at a Nup
tial Slass In the Church of the Nrttly
rn. Allegheny avenue nnd Belgradu
street, the Rev. John 51. Crosson, brother
or tho bride oinclatlng Among those .n
the sanctuary were tho Rev. James SI.
Williams, a cousin of tho hi lite, the lit.
Rev Slonslgnor James P. Tinner, D. !.,
the Hnv Frnncl J. Ross, D. I' . tho Hev
Thomas J .McKay, li. D, the Rev. Jo
seph A. iteCuIlough, the Hev. William
T Brady, "the Rev. S P .Manning, tho
Rev Joseph 9 Kelly, tho Rev. Robert
T Riddle, the Rev. Frnncls J. Flood, th
Rev A. It. Rees. the Hev. Thomas J.
IlHrron, the Hev. Thomas L. Clooney, Hie
Rev. Joseph A. Kane. Sir. Daniel Toner
and Sir Thomas llrnd, seminarians,
n ted as niMlMcs.
Tho bride, who wns attended by Sllss
Rose Al. Diamond ns mnld of honor, woro
a gown of white duchess satin nnd chnn
tilly Inre, embroidered with pearls. Her
oll was ot tulle, held In place by lilies
oi the valley, und she carried a shower
hnimtict of bride roses nod 111 lea of the
nlley. Tho ti'nld of honor wns gowned
In white cunntllly Inco oxer pink crepo
do chine. A plcturo hat of white trimmed
with pink roses nnd streamers completed
her costume.
A bienkf.ist followed at the homo of the
bride, 2631 East Monmouth street, after
which tho joung couple left for their
wedding trip to tho Delawaio Wntor Gap,
and on their return will occupy their new
home, 2931 Arnmlngn sticet, where' they
will receive after July .
Sllss Lillian P.ickmnn nnd Miss Tllllo
Packman entertained the ofllcors nnd
members of tho Friends of tho Inde
pendent Hebrew Free School nt an eve
ning gathering on Saturday at their home,
1510 E.ist Sloyamenslng avenue. Among
thnso present wctc Sllss Clnru Globman,
Slls Lena Andls, Sllss Rebn Stazcr, Sllss
Yetta Knlin, Sllss Gertrude Shapiro, Sllss
Roso Shapiro, Miss Robecca Andls, Mr
David Aionberg, Sir. Joseph L. Knhn,
Sir. Dnvlil Globe, Sir. Jacob Slnrkus, Sir.
Jack FoltiHteln, Sir. Sam Glttlomnn, Sir.
Julius Straus. Refreshments woro
served, followed by dancing A pleasant
feature of tho evening wns tho delightful
singing of Sllss Y. Knhn. Tho humorous
nnd witty Introductions of Sir. Dnvo
Aronberg, president of the organization,
who acted as toastmaster, were much
Tho Young SIcn's and Young Women's
Hebrew Association will glvo nn Infor
mal musical and dnnee tomorrow evening,
Sllss Jane Bussett nnd Sllsi Colby, of i 8:30 l- '., nt ,h rooms ot Uio Starr Gar-
. .- ..- ,.!.. rtt. n,t tAi'ASrast est siAnt a
North Cth streot, nro nt Buckingham, Pn
for '.wo months.
Sirs. William Burrel nnd son,
urn nt Ocean City.
den. 6th nnd Lombard streets.
During Intermission the following young
ladies will servo refreshments to the
mcmbcis and thoir guests: Sllss Esther
RojenSiwclg, Sllss Fnnnctto Blank, Sllss
Bsther KornfeM. Sllss Gertrude Lcnhardt
and Miss Minnie Stolllver.
The llymouth Pleasure Club chartered
the cruiser Welrowe on Monday and had
a ptcnle at Riverside Bfaeh Among those
present were- Ml Agnes Blmmlns, Sllss
Katharine Maclnnls, Sllss Rose Kln
selle, Sllss Rllsnlitli .Merlnnls. Miss Irons
Sweeney, .Miss FMrntn Metrslf, Mies Slay
Ooyle, Mls Kllribetn Bohus, Miss Starr
Jsninlsh, Mls Delk Ludwlg, Mr. A. 3.
Hart. Air GeoMre Care)', Mr. H. J Brown,
Sir. n. J. mnnaman, 4r v. J. iioguot,
Sir. John Doyle, Sir. Ncleon Llndsirnnd,
Sir. P. lilllnger, Jr, Mr. Frank Jaimlsh,
Sir . J Bennett, Jr. ahd Sir 3 51c
Carthy. Sirs. Mnelnnis chaperoned tho
Mr and Sirs. Adnm II. Fox and their
daughters, Sttss Lucy Fox nnd Mis
Hlttntreth Fox, nre entertnlnlng a house
party at their Wlssahlckon home. 233
lloehelle avenue. Their guests nre Sllss
Florenco Nichols, of Pottstown. Pa.;
Sllss .Marian Young, of Atlantic City, N.
J.; Sllss Elsie Beok, of Wilmington. Del.;
Mr. Frank Whltcomb, of Washington,
D. C nnd Sir. nnd Sir. Milford Fox, of
Camden, N. J.
A block party will be luld Saturday
night at Central and Franklin avenues,
Cheltenham, for the benellt of tho Chel
tenham baseball team. A number of
prominent women have become Interested
In this nffalr. In cuso nf rain tho event
will ha held In Doctor Johnson's gnraga.
Summer Resorts
CAPE SIAY, July 9.-Thc SInryland Bar
Ansoclntlun nrrlicd nt Hotel Capo Slay
Wednesday anil will remain for thfeo
days Tho annual bnnriuet will bo held
today. Slany or Baltimore's prominent
lawyers find their families nre registered
nl tho hotel.
A motor pnrtv arrived In Capo Slay
fiom Atlantic City lo spend a few days,
consisting of Sir. nnd Mrs. Jack Slc
gnrgce, Sir Grant Stegargce and Sir.
James Conlcy.
Sirs. Robert Fnlrmnn Is upending a few
dnvs as the guest of Sir. nnd Sirs. J.
t'linord Wilson nt their cottago on Jot
ferson slreet.
Sllsa Lcnoro Roussel Is with her fam
ily. Dr. and. Sirs. Albert Roussel, In Capo
SIny for tho romnlndor of tho summer.
Sir. Ornhnm French, Sllss Rousscl's
Ilnncc, Is their guest for a few days.
North Philadelphia
Sllss Flavin H. Mitchell, daughter ot
Sir. and Sirs. It. J. Mitchell, of 3106 North
2Jd street, has gono to Columbia, Pa..
where Bho will bo tho guest of her aunt.
Sirs. J. N. Block, until tho 1st of September.
Family Excursion Steamer lo
Stopping nt Chester nnd PennsgroTe
Only Ilout to Aucuatlne Uracil
LnmlInK In fiont of grove; safe salt-water
bathing, 500 sanitary bathrooms. Tull or
chestra on bo-it and beach, dancing all day.
Artesian water, plenty tablet, benches and
ehndo. All lilmls of nmurements at bench.
rare, Hound Trip, r,0e. Children, S to 10, 23c.
J.caics Arch Street Wlinrf 8)30 Dally.
Numbly, 0 A. SI.
JAMKS H. OTIS. Mgr., 3 Arch St.
The Language of Heaven
1.0CK liaven, n, x ; uroi
YorK. II. II. Chllds. New
uri.i.HVUB-sTnATPonr) -
Trenton, N. J.i K. A. In
What's Doing Tonight
Municipal Band, Ulockley, 31th acd Spru-o
fjireets Free.
Palrmount Park Band, Strawberry Mansion.
8 u clock. Pre.
phlladitphla. Band, City Hall Plata. S
o'clock Free.
whose marriage to Mr. H. Lowell
' WmIcuU, of Muntctair, N. J., will
take place on July 2.6.
Suffrage Events Today
Noon-Ooen-alr rneotlnir at the Fels Soap
Workk. TSd street and Woodland avenue.
Snsakor, Sllss llertba BJpovlts.
S an p. rn. Open-air meeting at Front and
Dauphin streets. Speaker, UIm Anna MoCue.
7 P. m Open-air nwotlnz at Krankford ave
nue and Adaiua strwrt. gpejlcars, Mlu M. Xs
tell ItusMl and Mlsa May Mat-ken
Notice for the Society pace will be
accepted und printed in the Eienlns;
Ledger, but all auth nulieea inuit be
Written ono side ot the paper, must
Im aimed In full, with full address, and
Hhen possible telepbese number must be
&oad alt such communications to
'8ol4y Kdltor." Uieolna I.edier. eoa
Cbaetwit street.
Caleu tbe requirements are rarrled
out aw that iMuUaa way ke patsllile,
the ualioee nrlU not be pubUeoad.
Tho old monks, who debated how many
tiugels could danco on tho point of n
needle, used to speculate nbout tho nngello
language. Semitic, Greek and French havo
all had advocates, but tho Impartial man
known thut tho languago of Heaven la
Tho Trayinoro Is helping to Introduco the
heavenly laqguago upqn this earth. It linn
twenty-six musicians ten ot thorn soloists
divided Into four musical groups. There
Is ono with verve and Spanish castnnota
for tho Submarine Grill; another, skilled
in popular airs, for tho dancing In tho
Restaurant; a third for tho classical com
positions of tho Sunday Muslcnles In the
Hoso Hall; while tho Qulntotto offers
nightly a program In tho Exchange.
Traymoro muslo Ih froo from constraint.
Devotees may sit around tho players In tho
Forecourt nnd listen with rnpt uttentlon.
Those who prefer to chat nnd listen casu
ully hnvo tho open pnrlorottes and sheltered
nngles ot the Exchange. The disinterested,
at tho far end, may still find pleasure In
the echoes vibrating down tho vast pil
lared marble spaces.
At tho Traymoro one may hnve muslo
according to ono'.i Inclination and mood.
Supper Dance Club in the Garden Over the Sea
The Largest Fireproof Resort Hotel in the World
DANIEL S. WHITE, Prctldent. JOSEPH W. MOTT, Manager.
finuicu ,iiriy
im d srlMi sVf.TJlCl-1 '
TUB WINnCtnR Oo Beaeb, ocean view
sua parlors;
umamn Cool Cape May: near beach; rate
ClBeronJgmabJi J. b. Wlla 4 Boa.
reonw and bib. for re by weak or season.
UtcpOJJg3J0le and pMlfta.
Hotel TAymorejjVTfflgff
Casino, nlns
Mat. carai
SHO feet. deUbUuU?
sitwatM ixtAiiesawua
Occupylna an entire tloek of oeean front and
connected with the famous Boardwalk; In
the popular Chelsea section: capacity SOOi
unusuallylarie, cool rooms with unobstructed
lew of the ocean from all: every aDDOlnt.
ment and comfort; sea and freeh water In all
baths, running, water In rooms. eOOO fl of
porches sur rewind the hotel 1 the new dlolna ,
room overlooks lb sea; flneet cultlne and I
white service) orchestra of soloists; dancus
tnlce dally; social diversions, matninesnt
new I'slm .ounce. Special lit so up wkly 1
booklet mailed; aula meets train menace
ment by owners. JOHN C OOBeU.Bn. Utt
Vermont ate. & Beach. Cap. S0O. very mod
erate rates for Ihe comforts, appolntoMats A
laoie or largest noieis. tc up uaiiy, special
I I Re-opens July 10th
I I'mlrr perkoniil direction of the oirner. 3
I TTIECTI.Y on the oiean lih unob
I J nui,ie.t Mew uf buj or Ha from nil
viiuia s nt lutai utuuvi 11 iMJlfcsl ui
til lnoit atcr.tle and
41MJ guetii, ftoU uuul
Iai, oel
tt JSaWfflSfcr-
Leading Illfb-Class Moderste-Itate Hotel.
Al RPMARI p Vlrjlola eve. near Beaea
rtLDCAIAHLC c,p jjo aievator, private
baths, etc.: excelleul Utile. June rata. )
MP wkly ; il up dally Hit J P OOPK.
G corse. N, Y.
Fort William Henry Hotelc
. -Oarrt. MV
nOTBX. ClIAilPIAIN og I).. CfcaJBBlala.
DllUirwill,. I. Jt.J3ll. 4IISkVkIWi.
iteacBsq ay las wiewite a nuoaaa-
St $$! i Tje Xftfigp
aV nn the N Jtrati luaet. I apaclti fur
loronuiiiui a tuuroua
uf auuolnimnt wtth the ht8bet d,
lifbtful resort
it I
an III
of lomiort Pro aad ssa water In all
; bat as, teieynooes la iomu, tu. TOO feci of
hlcb, broad porches surround itw hotel.
! New i(e and grill- or. histra. daadnc.
! frequent social Iralures. tennis and out-
door sports. Anaat flatuVac. aalltac aod batk-
ing Cerac Table supplied JireU from
I nearby farms and datclM
j i.ff era tare oad lrm Mailed upa request.
j Only Vt hour' ui mac the laiiwm
Ueewa Itoaletard.
Qtj OTtSOO LAKK. COMrslowo,'N T.
tfc Mists bj i all (run Kn York cm
soAfiMa MmtMirfa
SATttWiO auTiN'o