Bt V T " EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY. JULY 9, 1Q15. ii CERTAINTY OVER INTERNATIONAL . SITUATION KEPT MARKET IN A WAITING MOOD EW HAVEN WEAK; COAL PRODUCTS UP IK ijjgs0tlri Pacific nt New Low. iff Banks Lost $23,562,000 on r Currency uperatiuno. k..pV tonK, July 9 -Operations on the i" . . . ,...,... wMfi, tvtitnVi 41, , ,1,1. exchange """J . ""',"' i!r . ..those of yesterday. There wan n m,n upward spurt the ilrat few mln 5),rp upwnrn ' i ntlvftncc9 wcro RWp up d d njvttnceg wcro E oVS in many parts of the list, but a I ', of Important Issues were sup ESS t concessions mid In not a few "?.. .t.. Inltlnl gains were soon wiped r.h l( . .d moro besides. Much nervousness r.7rlvl Of tllO Adriatic l myelinic , nnu Mvf. iih the favorable Government crop Pf was used to boost prices In the tjport, ": k,i ilift eont nued un- If "!nfJ over the German reply, which ! "rU on Its wy, and the belief that It caution, anu ..,..." E6,a record 5 lehl of wheat; the rail ctl "cri i .rood demand during JSVIt cart of the session, but pressure '... mitred against eevernl members K?i.Prtup anil ft sagging tendency de it tMr;"P. '", urrnlnut whloh the IIOJOMOOO restitution suit was dismissed , r !rKn yesterday, wns a very weak y Boston estc LZ. IridTng, and this resulted In unsot Snt Although foreign llnuldatlon """ i .nme pnrt in the pressure on the SKTlt S 'not M heavy as It was earlier In the week. a new low record was mado by Missouri ftcM. .which .old at S, alt a half, while lill.ouri. Kansas and Texas fell a frac tlen Xrc, Bt. raul also weakened off rimI was nrm. The trade Is looking tip fad 'priS - eltlns 1,cUor' U ,B ox" reeled thflt tho monthly tonnage state ment tit June, duo tomorrow, will show '""",.'.. ..tlmnlml bv soma at 200.- I'MO tons, and upward. Tho optimistic r iMech of Judgo Gray last night, In San i Francisco, In which ho predicted an im- eipectcd QUICK cnuing ui we .uiuic." ursr and that peaco would brine about .unprecedented prosperity for this coun (W had a favorable effect. I(?Amerlcan Coal Products made another ijjniatlonnl upward leap, gaining- 10 points ikfore noon afrmrrovement wna shown after mid- ST) J .....It- ,,.,..... ....... flnnllnllArl ...nnl-- 'SitJJ In n 'cw Issues, tho general trend uim! to bo toward betterment, which Stji ld by some of the standard rnll' -- ,.J U.. mnnA nf i Vl A aflinilnivl mil. 1 fhare Now Haven and Hock rrvau n" ' .... ......... .- --- k. .noma .- mtr .invnn iiiiii iujl:h fjiliwl, which liad droppcil Doioro noon, STcftioback slightly Deforo tho close, how i tvir. another batch of Bellini; orders np- Sjwed. driving prices to the low of tho W, the market cndlntr weak. jparnfnt of Income and corporation Ttxa this week wan largely responsible Va, r. nt Inaa nf tM.fUi3.000 1) Now York k.t.1.a nn MiTrortpv nnrntlnnR. 1rnm the. Interior tha banks received $7,612,000, Wl they Fhlpped 15,785,000 to tho Interior, ji ln,lml,il snr.OOn nntlnnnl linnk riqtes, sent to Washington for rodemp itlori, and J300.000 transferred through the Subtreasurj to Now Orleans Tho gain Irnm IVin Interlnr wns 11. 817.000 Oohl lin- rporis wore i,tiin,w irom iwiuiaim. v,r i Unary disbursements by tho Subtrcasury iwero 112.tS6.000 I'ayments by banks for customs. Internal revenuo taxes, etc, totaled (39.574,000, showing loss on Sub- troaaury operations proper or zi,usuw This mado a net loss by banka of 123, ,1 62,000 ' isTEEL MILLS WORKING FK03I CO TO 90 PER CENT. fPrlces Showing a Firmer Tendency. I Collections Fair. According to tho local weekly trado rc- rltv of R a Dun & Co , conditions In he local cotton nnd cotton yarn trndo 'ilioFbut llttlo change over previous week. Business was moderately actlvo during trie early part of tho week, bur became jery quiet tho latter part, l'rlccs remain tbout the same und collections uro re ported satisfactory Thcro has been no chance of moment In tho local wool mar-kft-durlnir the last week: fair aunn- Bltlcs of wool liavo been purchased by unanuiacturcrs in neca ot supplies. Put Bhire appears to bo but llttlo disposition .10 anticipate futuro requirements. Deal- Bin are mostly In foreign wools, which Wirt available nt loner prices than asked lor the domestic product. KAmonff the Jobbers of hoslory, undcr- Lwjar ana notions thoro Is reported more itrtlvlty In business nnd somo lmprove fijnt In collections. Bhlrt manufacturers rtoort the season's huntnpRn nn n nntin. futory one. The Iron and steel market continues tlhout material clianirn ami mills nm r. Mrted operating on a basis ranging from M per cent of full capacity, with wme plants running full time Prices nro Wrofore showing a firmer tondency, par Wylarly those Involved in export trade Jiallroads aro maklnr nomewhat mnm Mgamerous Inquiries, but fow important Mders are reported Shipbuilders are well Rfaiplojed and locnl yards are busy. l.llu118.' W(Jek Indicated some Increased r " Issued and the estimated cost of -uuns smrtea oatn exceed the pre- miW nk,.?nd ,h0 corresponding week &,h7 , Dulloers report a fnlr amount of ... ..I ruumaung rooms, nnd while 3 lUSt Six mnntlm nf thl .. 1 Sri T i mo of busness of 12.27l.K0 over i . monins or ISH. it la believed t VoTi ot thls ear wl" rcsn,n NEW YORK CURB S'rtttn zinc Bid. Askfd. ... OH GT SAmerlVa'a'TobiccooiJ::'.:::: 1S& 1 ISfiai,ta,-:Eii!i:iiii 2 S- tapper ....... ai. :r ,lny coai siioi:. :::;;:::. ftw iu5H 4lBR.tor .. - - 3 ,.T 'fll"it.i IU i&flSiW" 0.j....! .... 2K 3 IIS" 8,0r. .... Ml U) .... OT 10-.' 10S its w2s,M :' 2i 211 4 ' uoia BANK CLEARINGS BlelSJU,i5., Vy...l?.,re w"h "rr- - -- -wv vatai wp-u !.& jaSSfcu i28,04aa,47t W. Amahs ,!. 'amm RATES FOR BIONEY Ichlo. "" .. iUMtv. 3 "Vi' iPr lhr, to 'fix meittui rtatf -LHtH inr cent FOREIGN EXCHANGE ( YORK T..1- o mt .. .... M aikf taW. "" "" "-W rtatTc sr ic r DIVIDENDS DECLARED J'EW YOBK MCT4, Minirnn Mft v,:..r"'..J-"M'v1 "i .iai.i , ly -T"nl inaft iL a2Vm- 2HiU iitai eu) Torft Stock Sales Jj. .. Last clow. Hlh Low Clete. Adams tjpresi. . . 8t i!) Ml Ml Allls-Chalm Mfj pref. mi CI ftt f.T Am Agt Chemical fin 4I)) 4MJ 4U1. AmBrakoS&Fte.. lom lo-t mi mi AmalMmated CoppM. ;2M 72U 70'X 70 Am cn... ,., 4M 4,lS 4ft)f 4fit i2S "P,? ' lc0' 101 HOM If 0' Am Coa product!..... 130 141 13. 13SH aSS?,9"",1- - 4,! 4 ' 4 aSI 5t i i ? V0 0 r' ni n aS SScciItltl 20J.J 2QH 1) 20 I',; ion vm ion io aid Mali c 4J 4J1 .j Amsteel loundtlaj .. 30' 3fl"f 3Vf 355. Amsueat HefinorlM.. lno'f 10U lo:,U 100 Am?-?a. cpf 1HW Htlf 114U 111U AmTfl &Iel 120JI 120)1 11W 110' 'J"3 To bacco 22.T 221!. 223) 22.l' Am Woolen pref .... 8.5 81)4 lli 814 Anaconda Copper 34)J 344 ?3 mlj A iS80" 1 ?,K 00 B!l" IW AhL!?nJ31',)f-' 7 M os '7 Alhnlle Coait Uno.. 0S)i 10.) VOJf iro niMtlnUni 07H 00 00 00)j adwln Loco pref... 101 101H 101H 101!l altlmoro ft Ohio.... 7f 7f,5l 73 76H I alt ft Ohio ptaf .... IQH 70 01 H 0.1)4 Ijatopllas Mlnln. ... l). 1M m u, llcthchem Steel 107M 1C0) 10(U 100U Htookljn Hap Trani. 87 87 80)4 8 )4 Dulle . Superior.... 70)4 70U 70 70 Cal Petroleum pf 33 3S 35 35 Canadian Pacific 14 Mi 11.1 14 Hi 14 1H Cent Leather Co 40J( 41H 40i 40 Chcaapcako A Ohio.. 30)4 301i 30M 35) ChlnoCoppor 44)4 4l'i 41)i 41H Chlcajo Ot West 1(1)4 10'i 10)4 10? Chlcajo Ot WeU pf.. 27 2'J 2U 20!f Chle Mill ft bt Paul. 80 H)U 78)4 74 O M ft St V ptcf ... 121 123 122 122 Chi It I ftP MM 11)4 12)i 12J Chi ft Northwest . .. 120'i 121 1111 H0 Chi ft Northwest pf . 170 103 10.1 103 Chi ht P M ft O... Ill 115 lift 115 Colluolftlun Hit JM4 flOli 'Ml Col ft Southern 23 20 20 2'1 Col ft South 1st pf.. 51)4 mV, 40) i 60)4 Conutoclc funnoi... 10 12 12 12 Continental Can GUM GO 00 0) Continental Tan pf . . 09 l)!i)4 ll)i D0) Corn Products Hof .. . 13)( 13)i 13 13 Corn Prod. Itef. pf... 70)i 78 78 78 Truelblo Stud 30i 3H54 30 30 DecroftCopf 00)f 00 00 00 ucn. ft Illo dranda . . 5 1 5)4 6'f 6)4 Den ft Illo 0 pf ... ) an 8JS m Dcs M ft Kt Dodjo 7)f I ii (1)4 (1) Distillers' hcciiriliji .. 2Hi 22 J0V4 2())d Uomo Mines inl 1!) iy'( 10)f Erlo ?5)i 2ui 21)i L'lJ. Krlo -1st pf 38)i 3'J 38 .11) Gen. Chemical 205 21)4 2b'J 290 General Klectrlc 101 105 103)j 1C3 General Motors 168 158)4 150 15il General Motors pf ... 101)4 10MJ 101)4 101), Ooodrlcb, II. F. Co. 52)4 63 52 62 Goodrich, U K , Co. pf 104 10JH 10X'4 103)4 Great Northora pr..H7 115)4 114)4 114JJ Gt N cfs. for oro pro.) 31)f 34!. 33h J3)i Gocgrnhclm Kzpl'n .. (dU 01U CO (,()!-, Jlomcstako MInln.... 120 l'O 110 119 Illinois Central 10 !i 101 1)3) S H;Ji Int Con Corp 211)4 20i 10' 10k Int Coil Corp pf .... 71 71)4 70)4 0)i Int llarv N J 08 97h 07)4 04 Inter-Met vot t c... 21 21 10)J 10), Inter-Met pf 72)4 72)4 71f 71)f Inspiration Copper... fO ZOH 20i 2VH Kan City Southern.... 23W 2.IH 23 23 Krcszo R S Co pf . 110 107 10 107 Lakb Ilrlo ft West .8777 Lackbtecl 42 13)4 43)4 43)4 Lchlch Valley 140)4 140 138)i 1.I8M Louts ft Nashvillo-... Ill) 10u)i 105)i 10-,! Manhattan El .id... 125 125 125 125 Maxttcll Motors 35 35)4 35 35 Max Motors 1st pf . . . H2 82)4 i2)4 b2)4 May Dept 6toros.... 38 .'10 30 30 Mnxlcan Petroleum... 7DJ 71. 70)i 70)S Minn ft fat LouU.... 14)1 13 12)4 12)4 M 01 P ft S fa M... 10') 109 10) 109 Mo Kan ft Texas.... 0i 0 l)4 Mo Kan ft T pr.... 21 Slii ISM 19)i MUml Copper 27U -.7)i 20JS 10 Missouri Pacific. . . 3)4 t 3 ' :i)f National lllscult pf .. 124 121 121 121 Nat Knauiel ft a lf)) 10 10 10 Nat Lead 69)4 69i 503 69U Novada Con Cop 14) 143J 11)4 14H New York Air Drake. DO 00!i Wl 00 Now York Central... t&H bO yH b2)4 N Y N II ft II GOh CO'i 55)J 65Ji N Y O & West 20)i '.0)4 20)i 20)i Norf ft West 10-')4 102lf 101J4 101J4 Northern Pacific lOUi 102)4 101)4 101K Pacific Mall 3IJi 33 31 3.1 Penn it It 105 105 10154 10Ui Peoples Gas Chi 115 114)4 111)4 114)4 Pettlbone-Mulllkcn... 41 42 41 42 Pittsburgh Coal 22 22 21H 2Hi PltUburgh Coal pf... 03 0M1 00 90 Pressed fateel car 451i 45)4 41 44 Pullman Co 1C51J 168 155)4 155)4 Quicksilver Pf 3)4 3)1 3( 3)1 ltay t.oa Copper... . 2.1 2.'J'1 22)1 22)1 Iteadlnc 145): 140)i 114 114)4 Itcp Iron ft bteol 28)4 2811 28)4 28)4 Itep Iron ft fatool pf.. 87 b7Ji fcO'i 87H Rock Island Co pf... Ji 54 Ji Ji Ilumley M Co pf.... 5)i 6)i 6'i 6)4 bt L ft 8 V 2d pf... 0)4 0)4 0)4 0)4 Bt Louts Southw'n.... 11 14 It 14 beaboanl Air Line.... 13 13)1 13 13 Seaboard Air h pf.... 32)4 33)1 32)4 32)4 Sears ltoe ft Co 143 143 142 142 bloss-Shef 8 4 I Co. . 32 32 31)4 31)4 , bouthcrn Pacific 14)1 P6W 81 e4 fcoulhera Ity 14 14)4 13)4 14 touthern Ily pf 45)4 45 43)1 4J)4 btandard Milling 63)i 64 64 64 btudobaker Co 704 W))4 78)4 7t-4 Studcbaker Co pf..... 100 09 00 09 Tenn Copper 35)1 35)1 iM)4 34!i Texas Co 125Ji 125)4 125)1 125M Third Avenue 61J4 C2 61H 01)4 Twin City It T 03)1 00 00 00 Union Ilag ft P pf- 21 21 21 21 Union Pacific. H4 j 1.-5)1 Ui l.'3)l Union Pacific pf ... . 80 N))4 80 feO U B Ind Alcohol 65W f.IJi 63)4 63J U 8 Ind Alcohol pf . OIJi 02 OJ 02 U B Realty ft Imp.. 35 3531 3511 35)1 U 8 Rubber 4"l 40)4 40 40 U 8 Rubber 1st pf... 100)i 100 10d 100 U 8 Steel 6i4 0M f8H MH V B bteol pf 1WJM 100. 109)4 10J)4 Utah Copper T55i C0)i 115 05 Va-Caro Chom 31 30 28M 2WS Wabash pf i. W ( 31 Western Union Tel... 07 10)1 tn 00 Westlo. L'ftM U7H 0o)i W31 07 Whtel ft L B 2d pf. I 1 1 1 Willys Overland IJfiW 125 122 125 Woolw'U l" W Co.... 101)1 105 105 105 Woolortb pf. 120 120 120 120 MQuot4 dividend. . PUBLIC UTILITIES For May tha consolidated earning state ment of subsidiaries of tho American Power and Light Company shows gross of 187,018. an Increase of 111,173 compared Mltli Miiy. 19M expenses nnd taxes were ?SWl laftsor and net earnings wera 1M8.SM, or iftm ahead of last year. For the 12 months ended May 31 gtoss earnings ag gregated 7,g70,et0, as against J6.tCD.i28 for the prsvloijs year Kxpensea and taxes ware 1JM23 higher and net earnings wer3 3,387,390,' or 1386,1st better than for last 1 car Gross earnings of the United States Public Servlee Company, which has u number of elwtrlc, gas. water and other properties In several Western and Middle Western States, for the ar ended May SO, IBIS, amounted to Jt76,l, as compared with 1764.314 In 1914. The balance after taxes and Interest on underlying securi ties came to tUs.M. or W.We more than last year After the Interest on toe ll.3M.0OO t per cent nates, which was earned 3.38 times, there remained a bal ance of 3U.3M. aatnst 18,M4 In 1M In Hny, IMS. the gross was tfS.aOl, com pared with 11.831 tat the same month ef IMt. The bul.aoe after taxes, etc, of list, compared with 1U.878 In Hay, mi The June gross eenttHf of tne Kduum Company, of Boston, were KM, Ml. an In crease of HO 960. or II per cent , the largest percentage of increase since !at September In the fiscal year ended June j0. gross irnlns wrr 17 42S U. a new tilth record and a gain 0 HSOWt, cr I per cuui over the previous er New York Bond Sales llUh lwS . et U 1xr t'loaf. U(W Albany A Sua 3H w,J Amer Hide It 0 3A ai. ' t hmelt Mec lie 4jik Anier c 14a 2U0io Amer Writ Pap St.. touij Alchlton ndj Ta ... 4idM Atchieon cv 4a 1M who Aunlaon cv h lai7 aeuw Uit ft U aHa HIM 111. lcnu !' nin 81 1 .W iuin Mi'4 SI JoX, 7H4 tS Wl IV fcoji 70'i 1W 101 1 Wt M i PIS 81 WS luim (x) Mil 851, 7hi lWM VK fiO uu tiy4 .?" lla uwvv u ,B 171011 Halt A O cv 4V. JWHl li,o 1 1. UW V 4s 2l1l lleth St.. I l.l !u 2H1U Drill Hterl r((l t . winy linnkn II T 4 lew Hrook, Un Klv I at M .liMl Cent fxelher 1st 5a. liouu Cent l'ao Ut 4, . i-wo cent II 11 N J 8a Mmiii cn A o cv 44s . 1UI . IM?n . SO , W :& ,iu li.v'i l'"J( Cht Alton 8 2WM chl ui at 4a liiuo cm Nwn H TOUO (hi It A n Inln, . nv . SIM M la .. lllC 01i: JjOOll Chl II A Q ill JV4I Touo r m a m 1 r.a .101, 101 ; HlHiO do CV 4W II I J? romi do (an 4Vis . . 1'BS liMI do ts.. . N7S .10 C O ,81 I, qui 4s (W TlUi) ))fl A lllld enn 43 'lOlOO't I AW UI Htc Corp 3a , . UjU IfOWl thl Pont 1'owd 4)is... 115)5 UH nils En 4j.... . .. (ID 4IAXI do tunv 4a Bar A... 0 ,WI tfK 4a 7 lUK-ll Hud Mnn In oa 23H 12n) ill sirei ,iu 44a .. . m W) Iowa (-cnlr.i 4a . 48)d loon III Ctnt 4a IBM . . 71,1, KWI Ind Top rv Da '10 12J 4iU" Inap cv l. .. ... 121't 17000 Intfrb Met 4k 78(J MOO Intctb 11 T rf Sa . . t)7 (1W)(I Inttr Msr .Mar 4'ja . AI 11IWO Ind Steel B . . . 10UV4 2IMO Japannaa new 4'4a . 7il icon K CI1B it 4a 71i 1UM1 Knn Clt So lat 3a... Hi', 1III0O lick Huol Ca lliSU . . 714 (WOO I.k Hll dtli 4a 1II2S . . W 1 7H4 ! SI?' 71( W lot umu L.g & m t (la . 101 iw , iAriiuirii na ... 1I1X) l.orlllanl 7a .. . C(HK) 1oula & Nnah 4a . ii'4 wit u)4 121 121K lilfr rt 83, 8Ui MtH) Mo Kan & 1 lit 4a , .17 R7 r' 7CO0 do 2.1 41 . M 20OD Mo I'no 4a .. .. M 7II do c C . . . ilftH lloou do com (la . . Ii'j'. 7'JIKI N Y C I. H'.llii 7JH l(li N Y C-M C cot ,U4 m IfiIHA! M Y t & II n'ln . . 7U', !II(V(, do Ca ret . irtlt. -mo do 4s . . h; 70, N Y City .IVim ll4 77 TAOO do ret 4V,a . . 101', 20U0 do 4V,a 1U0.1 .. .102 7IOI I do 4(.!i 111(14 .. .. (M r.i ill ;n)k ?." mi 10.1 M 10tt 102 M 72 Ml 7I' 1li.i 7.1 87'(, 1()1, 10J 18 llll'd C.1U 110(5 "I'W M)i SJJi 8S K)U m ion. 11714 H7ll ii.i 112 81 02 4194 w no? iS UVi 8014 18 84'J (12 III) 7nw w H'N ao 414a NOV 11157 v 1BS7. , 101 ldltt II cv .1V4j ex'? ml 110)4 110 if 4a . 70'f 70j :iij( 1 ,v KKX) do tla . .luiM N Y 1I ro OTI.VI .1 l K WIH .vU! BOON Y Stato 4'ta 12U(K) N Y Tel gen Jjja U)0 N Y W C ft II 4Vjs 21O0O Norf ft Went 4b Btooo Nor Pae prior 4a 4(1000 Ner toc Ben la. r.000 Ore lly & N 4a 110(10 Ore a Cat ris 1000 Ont Tower n 40C0 l'enna cv ."H4 8K0O0 IVnnn. pen o I 114a 0MI Penra AMv 1021 , MOO PCCiRIL. VkH Her H MPD Hay Ton Copper 0a HCK10 llcadlnp Ren In Him Itoek Island 4b rafln Hock Islinil rfd 4s nruno Iloelt laljnd St 7in st 1. I M ft h oir la inoo Sil. 8 P rM 41 . inno Hrnbooril A I, a I) r... IIKKl South Hell Tm tMion south rae rv 4 1000 do cv ret f p 6a '4 KifKH) routh Pao rfd J .(inn south Hftv gen 4 mat South Hwy con .'a WV) Texaa fun l loron Tlilrd Avo adl Tin . 1000 l S Healtj fia 'POO t' 8 Illlbber On . 11)000 1; S Stoel r. (fOO Tnlon l'ac lat 4 21000 ITnlon l'ao cv to MM Va llsy Sa . 1000 Wnbnah 4a ... 100O Wnhn'h lat la 8700" Wal, V(i ct ma 4s . rnn Wnh-P Tor lat ct 4n iron Vrat niec .14 irryi ui m,i lat v . . r.loro Wont P, X. M rv .'.a lOH'k O'l'i 77 87 ti IK)'i (UN. 81 100 V 01 117$ no'J 07 111 112 81 (,2 4 m mi nos nijt, n7; 7l"'fc PS fll'i 02 !11J4 , 14 77 87tt 87 DO S'a JliH. 01 10.IM, . 07 1. . out; l71. lin 01 . Kl t.2 , 42 no (101, IllHf, 07'. R0I! m 8174 02 01) on". vin ,r.' 102!! lot' 111 lll't 20 100 17 VS Total salef. 12 tnj.OOO compared with 12,100,. OfMi jenterday. thus far thin week. 10,2.11,000: samo period last we6k, 111,70.1,000. Sales in Philadelphia Yen clone Hljh, 41 12(1 1'iS 2(0 ni S2l) .in no 41 70 2110 ion i..i .17 81 n .171 20 ins lis 420 in 111 10(11 HI 120 :m 1 fl.")l II) 41 no 40 41 AUianro Inn Am Pan Am Gun Uald I-oid do prer Com iron Cam Steel .. CatawUba 1st pf uo .ti pr Fleo Storago . . llo . . . . den Aap pf . Interboro Met .. Lake flnp Corp CehtRh Na . . . IchlKh tnl . . Nor Central . Penna It It .. . Phllo. Co .. . Phlla, l.tce . Phlla It T t c Heading .. .. Ho Pacific South Ilwy ... Ton Ilel Ton Mln Un Traetlon ... P a I Hn Con N J . P S htfel II 8 H'rtjtcr .. W Jer A 8 fl .. Wintm'd Coal York Hy . . . do pref BONDS. Ijist prev, mlo. .lino 21 !I7 (1 100(1 10OO iroo "ni'O XWft OlXM 4000 1100 2000 Am i a r. na co-,4 n Ot unln Mil HltT Cum S 8p M '17 07' do Pel) 1U17 071 city 4a mil res.iot Inlir ilwya 4a . RHA Leh N cona 4W P8'i V pen eons 41 do conn tt rts . . ra gen 44a t o H7Vj Phlla Klx: 4a 70 Phils. II T Sa 101 Un Kwy Inv Cs til Local Bid and Asked Todaya Hid. Aiked. Ilald-vln I'd livi do prnt 101 HUH xiunuio AC DUarj k C ... l. da -re( 3(1 Cambria Sttel 47 I.lectrli' StoruK" -U (Jensral Asphalt . ... ni do pref I10K Key Tel 1' do t 0 1J do pref On Lake Sup Corp 8 I.ehlch Nav 7.1 Lehlch Val " tu ,r.i r. 1 ,&r 1-1.1,11 ,, , ........ dn nref 2W PennsylianU Ki i-nna neo :, J'lilia 10 l do ft rwr eent nrer.. do a per cent prat. .. 30 rhlla II T his do t 0 i neadlng 72 NEW YORK COFFEC MARKET NBW YORK. July 0. Trading on tho Cof fee Bxcluinge at the start waa extremely quiet. ani pic vi,js, ..... ....,w". Tdaay's Yesterday's openmr, April My . ... foa cioae 7.14 TOO 0.81.36 80 ass a'Mse.or 0 07 7.08 July . . . September October NuvmU.r Deeetritxr January . . February . lurch .... Hid. '... France Prohibits Gold Exports PAHI8, July P A doers baa been publUlia-1 KotdMtUu; tie taPoH of .old except by the ink ot Frano TWs I a prscautloaary meas ure, taksu at Iha ausgMilou ot Minister of ftosnei ulbof It has beu found Ibat x DOTtsT Said has net bMB d4llad al.y for neutral oMiotry In Mttlooient ot tecomu A tr eutnow mffht result ia a o.ugrous traffic, cording to M Hlbot. NOTES OF THE RAIL The Pennsylvania Railroad, on July 11. will put the new paMtwger station at gltiabstbtown In ssrvlca and abandon the td station. Tho Masonic Home Is located at thl mt Purlng tha month of Hay 17 principal railroads In the United States earned f237 A,Wi and expended 1163.J7,SJ9. accord Ins; to a statement Issued by ths Inter- LttlV .Uil"UC. v v'..i,(-vH 11 ...w r- . ii.-t ieviiue amounted to Jiv.ui.wt, as I cuwvajred witb HH.JutsOt for May. 1N imi i'-;a i"? ioi loin ion; oiii ni 04 M R1W 88', Oil! tll'J IMI 20 20 20 100 100 10') IS 17 17 2 1H 2 101 101 101 nsit sh ORVi 10V, 10HI 10t , Low. Clone. IT IT 41!4 41 4- 41?, 101 KHrti lOOtJ iwjiJ l.H (17 U IK.Uj ll'i 102 KIP. 1(11 '3 Kll'4 41 41 41 48W 41 47'. 4S 12 n2 ..-' K , n j p.. B214 S2S 02 52 25)4 2.1 25 6014 1,1), m 21 20 20 0 II H), HI 71 7a',i 71 n 70?, 70 70 70 S.1k SIM MU KIW r,2J .12: 12)5 12)5 :cii4 nt? 8.IJ5 -alt 2lJ V1t 2.1: 2liJ 7 72I 72 728. ,! a6 ti" ?$ V1 4T ?" .12U .12 IU .12 8.1VC Kilt MU 8.IU Ut4 221(4 221J4 2.MJ5 BSK 5111, Will ,1R(, 4(17. 4(1, 4I.S 4 4 4S 4S vnb 00 00 on 7 7 7 7 30 30 30 .10 HUh. Law Closo B1. 8.1U 8.114 llQl I1Ut tlill' fi ItTJs IiJV, H7 la 7V, oW Il77i 10U'. Kill', 101 H r,7ti H7JS trtj; tl8ti II8 HSU 87(5 87U 87(5 lasii losw lost; II7W 07(4 H7( 7l)il 7HVi 7I)P, 101V4 101 lOlff CO to CO Yesterday's Hid Aaked f7 U7S Hit Vt 102 1., 1 1 37 IIOVi ST 4N(t 4N 4SVj m nj u .'ll. 31 .12 lillU 110 (1011 14 11 11 II Kl 14 UO OS Ld II H',4 II U 71(4 71 7l( Wi 701! 70(5 7 - 7 11 K LI) JHU ''! II 1 IB' a P &$ $$ 5; ? rj - Is nt .'ii m 32H H2 H2V, 30U !Wu J 1 M 7. 5 rSs 7. WOT. H) T.1657.17 7,jo7 23 7qi47 0i asaSe.ST es.wq.ig aoirtu.0! 8 Ufljd es 0 07(l 01 7 617 01 7.0ST.(JT mam-mmmm' Photo 111 P.i'nnn Studio W. CLIFFORD WOOD Who has been elected cashier of tho Third National Bank. RAPID TRANSIT SAGGED IN STAGNANT SESSION Investors Have Been Steadily Picking Up Local High-grade Stocks and Bonds. Uncertainty as to tho outcomo of tho Qormnn roply to tho Prealdent'a note re (rardlnrr tho rlghtB of American citizens on tho high sen- checked the trading on tho locnl exchange to such an extent to day that tho markot wna practically stag nant exoept for United State- Steel That stock was fairly actlvo for a time, but after opening firm gradually receded nnd then bicntno dull. It waa -aid that thcro was again a llttlo liquidation for foreign ac count, but that utiles uoro not being pressed rtoadltig, lcnuslvanla, Llildwln Locomotive, Asphalt preferred and Loko Superior wcro all Inclined to nag, but tho dealings wcro for the most part confined to odd lots Incidentally It was stated thnt u. largo stock exchange hou-o In this city during tho last week has bought no less thnn 11100,000 worth of standard railroad shares for Philadelphia capitalists, who feel they nro chenp nround present tiuotntlotin Interests closo to tho Pennsylvania Rail road predicted todny that tho Juno earn ings will show n big Increaso In both gross mid net They base this partly on the showing of Idlo cars on tho lines cast nnd went, which showed a decrease. as of July 2d ot 22,232, or SV per cent , from April 1. Tho number of cars now Idlo arc ut tho lowest point of the year Tho fact that tho Jitney fraternity had nppnrently found a waj to evade tho now" ordinance through colling them sight seeing vehicles, together with tho ad mission by tho authorltleo that It would be Impossible to enforco tho onllnanco anyhow, been nee. Councils had omitted to piovldo tho rcuulslto funds for tho pur poso, excrtod a depressing effect upon sentiment with regard to the traction atockn Hnpld Transit lost a small frac tion, but offerings wrro negligible, and tho other Isiuen, such as Union and Phila delphia Traction shares, remained quiet. In considering tho reduced earnings shnnti till sp'rlrfff by tho Rapid Transit Company It must bo borno In mind that most other Important tractions In the East have mado a poor showing. For Instance, tho gross receipts of the Brook lyn Rapid Transit Hjstcm showed a loss In Juno of 122,000, or nearly 1800 per day. Tho samn tan bo said of tho cntiro June quarter, every month producing a shrink age, the aggregnto loss being 1123,000 This Indicates that not only Jltr.eys, but closed mills, bnd weather and general business depression havo had much to do with tho losses , of tho big eastern traction systems In tho bond division, too, stagnation reigned, except for n slight advanco In American dan and Electric Ss nnd mod erate sales of Pennsylvania general 4s and Philadelphia Electric 4s. Lake Su perior Income Cs were offered down to 3014 without a sale EMPLOYERS OP LABOR TO PROTECT THEMSELVES Will Establish Manufacturers Cas ualty Insurance Company. Tho manufacturers nnd employers of labor have not been Idlo In making ar rangements to protect themselves under tho now workmen's compensation act, which goes Into effect January 1, 1918. They havo formed on organization which will later bo chartered under the namo of tho Manufacturers' Casualty Insurance Company, a stock corporation which will be owned, managed and controlled by em ployers of labor In the Stato of Tonnsyl vnnla and elsewhere where workmen's compensation laws are In operation. The premiums paid last year by tho employers of labor to tho casualty com panies were over 131,000,000, and tho losses paid were less than 9.600,000 It Is esti mated the premiums In Pennsylvania under tho new act will amount to 120, 000,001) annually. A meeting was held last week at ths Merchants' Union Trust Company, and Thomas S. Oando, of tho Dando Printing Company, was elected chairman of the board of trustees, which trustees are to bo the custodians of tho funds until the Incorporation of the company. The Mer chants' Union Trust Company was elected treasurer of the trustees The trustees are at present composed of Thomas fl. Dando, chairman, president of tho Dando Printing Company, Joseph P Mack, second vice president of the Union Paving Company, Perclval 13. Poerderer, president of Robert II. Focrderer Com pany, Ino . Iforace B. Bpackman, second vice presldont of the Lukens Iron Com pany, and Itussell Duane. Esq., of Duane, Morris & Heckscher. Counsel for the trustees aro Dunne, Morris & Heckscher, The organization of the company Is based on tha non-agency principle, which means that as tho Insurance Is compulsory, agents to secure the business will be un necessary, and, therefore, a large saving will be netted to the employers of labor In placing their Insurance direct with the company. The office of the trustees has been opened at 807-C8f00-B10 Franklin Bank Building. Denies Change of Control NBW YprtK, July O.-Posltlvo d.nlal Is nude by ths Standard Meter Oonstnutien OSwopany that any clung has been nude In control 01 th obmeaoy or that ttwre are nsotltliis for cbspse in control Aa official 0 ths company saUT that reports of suth a ufcange were ontlrelv new to him sod had probably been circulated fer stock tabbing wirpoMs On reports of chaoses lsvHtirol thMe Has a flurry In stock of lb TObpaay Mstsrday ou ttw curb after regular closing LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOO July 8.-11008 -Receipts, 000: WWJJ SKOc. low. Hurt and Butchers', CA-TTI.E.- Retslots, 200. market stedr iMMfflrlfc .. fc. m.A . ' " i iwiu u. cow and heifers fl TW w( end heifers II 7 caivss anil l n't t lMUc, ' ..WBit. and 1 4 laigHS. W. H-)"- Financial Briefs The ftew York Stock Bxchange admit ted to the list city of New York comp troller's temporary receipts for 4H per cent corporate stock, due IMS, nnd for 44 per cent serial corporate stock, duo 1916 to 1930, and Interest from Juno ), 1915, There has been stricken from tho list city of New York comptroller's tem porary receipts for 4H per cent, corporalo slock when Issued Bank clearings In the United States In Juno totaled 114,006,172,678, or an Increase of 1 per cent, over June, 1911, and of 2 7 per cent over June, 1913. Now York city clearings were 18,028,481,613, or 2 3 per cent, better than a year ago nnd 3.S per cent. Better tlinn two yeirs ngo Announcement Is mndo by the Amalga mated Copper Company that statutory proceedings for dissolution havo been completed and distribution of assets can now be made Kcli holder of one share of Amalgamated will receive ono share, of the now Issue of Annconda Copper slock, of tho par valuo of ISO, and n. cash distribution estimated nt about 13 a share Tho New York Stock Hxchango lifts ad mitted to tho list lnterhorough Consoli dated Corporation ictlng trust certificates for common stock Wostlnghouso Elec tric nnd Manufacturing Company rights have been admit ted to dealings. Lordncr Howell waa elected real citato ofllccr of tho airnnt Trust Company, suc ceeding Mlnturn T Wright, resigned. John M. Oklo waa made assistant rent estate nfllcer nnd Q I.. Bishop assistant trust officer. A special meeting of stockholders of tho Trumbull Stoel Company will bo held In Warren. O , August 0, to tako action on tho unanimous recommendation ot the di rectors to Increase tho company's capital stock from t2.t00.000 to H.OOO.OOO Tho pro posed 11.C00.00O Increaso will be divided equally between the common and pre ferred. Tho proceeds will enable tho con stmctlon of additional sheet nnd tin plate mills. , Exports of copper from thp Atlantic ports the week ended July S totaled 3S71 tons. Hlnco July 1 tho exports wore 3977 tons nnd for tho name period Inst year 90S9 tons. Tho Board of Freeholders of Hudson County has rejected bids for H.O'iO.OOO 44 per cent bonds. A syndicate made, up of A B Leach & Co, N. W. Hnlsov & Co , 'Iarrla, Forbes & Co nnd J S Rip ple & Co sobmltud tho only bid, which was 100.091 for 1550 000 of tho bonds nnd a request for n CO-dny option on tho re maining 1,500.000 nt 100 181. TUn ll.nOO.0OO K pinl. nntna nt flu. Aetna Explosives Company, which wcro purchased by n sndlcnto of Now York bankers, havo all been sold. J P. Slorgan & Co. today received 11.- 200,000 In gold from Cnnartn. making tho total amount received by tho film 156, 200,000 Bradstrcct's exports of wheat this week aro 3,162,000 bushels; Inat weak, E,C3,0OU bushels; last year. 5,034,000 bushels Corn nhlpmonts this weekv CS9O0O bushels, last week, 1.261,000, Inst venr, 310O0 Tho report of tho Distillers' Securities Corporation for tho year ended June 30 last, which probably will bo Issued In August, will, It Is expected, show n net for division count to moro thun 5 per cent, on tho !30,S18,2SO outstanding capital MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAK STOCKS. Did. Asked Jim liuller 07 W) MaeNamara 01 .04 Mldnay 11 .17 Mlzpnh Extension 21 .21 Montana 21 .2(1 Northern liter 11 .111 Tonopnh riclmom I'm 4'i Tonopah Kttenslon 2"i, .1 Tonopnh Merger 40 .41 Tnnnpnh Mining 7 71 Rescue. Eula 08 .1,1 West Und ... , R2 .Rl aOLDPini.D STOCKS. Atlanta 10 .ni Clue Hull 0.1 .01 llnoth n ..11 llulldog n .01 COD Ol .Oil Combine Traction OS .iti Dlamondfleld 1) II 02 01 Dilay n .07 Florence 50 .11 rioldrield Consolidated 11 1'., Ooldrlcld Merger .22 .21 Jumho Kxtenslon l.' 101 Keuanaa - Oro 22 .10 Panil Ken 07 .04 Slher Pick 10 .12 MISCBMiANHOPS. Palrv Ateo 02 on Kimberly 01 .0(1 Nevada Hill SI .24 Nevada Wonder 1.00 1 03 RAILROAD EARNINGS CIIICACIO OltllAT WEHTUItN 111.1 Increase Fourth week June .... 1212,1.10 112.24 Month 1,171,221 fi,Mi3 Prom July 1 . . .. 1 l.lKri.Tn 139.004 ILLINOIS CENTRAL. June groaa . J4.77n.2u1 '1111 228 Twelvo monttia gross . m,ini,4iii "),.iii,os.i VAZOO AND MIBHISSIPPI VALLRY. Tune gross. ... . JW)1,71.1 111.20.1 Twelve months' gross. . . 11.S18.1SS TIl.W Dicreaie City's Foreign Trade in June Tho commerce of the port of Philadelphia for ths month or June. Kiln compared with June, 11)14, Is represented as follown Exports . .... fR 041,02.1 14,7H,7U1 imports ... . K.40.1, MJ 0 UlS.Tiil lotal for the six months ended June 30, 1013, as compared with the rrovlous yesr Exports 134 6fla'v37 t.10,42K,4l7 Imports 88,0.15,411 Sl,lu3,2vd COTTON MARKET WEAK NEW YORK, July 0 Business In cotton this morning ns moro actlvo on tho call, with the undertone steady, prices being unchanged to 3 points higher. Continued liquidation and overnight selling orders were In evidence, believed to have been brought about by further calls for mar gins. Well street Interests operated on both sides, but probably took more than they sold The weather In the belt con tinued favorable As the trading progressed prices grew weaker, and by I o'clock futures were down 18 to 21 points below yeoterdaj's finals The close brought no noticeable recovery. 11 1130 2 30 Ys close Open a tn am. am January ... . j f.7 P.SS US v 31 July H.K5 SM October . P.27 0 2.1 0 22 9 20 nil December .0V1 I) S2 I 4 0 43 11 si Marth . .. O8.1 vM . , .. May laou 10.00 .. U. S. Debt $1,089,88,OOG WASHINGTON, July fl.-The net debt of I he United Btates at the close ot the fiscal year on June 30, was 11. OSS 813,00), the Treasury Department today announced. DIVIDENDS LEH Id II VALLEY UAILBOAD COMPANY Philadelphia, June 18. 1015. The board of directors of ths Lehigh Val. ley Railroad Company Have this day de clared a quarterly dividend of tivo and one half pe "' (or fl.M per share) on tts referred stock to stockholders of record uno M. 1918. and a quarterly dividend ot two and cue-half per tent, (or 11. tS per share) on Its common stock, to stockholders of record June 36, 1916. both payable July 10. 1913. Checks will be mailed. C J KULP. Treasurer LEGAL ADreilTlSjKMlSNTd KbTAlK OF HEUCUKL I'AIiHIS, fiAseI-Lsttars ot adnalBlstswtlon on tha sfeote att baling been granted n the uadwalgneil. all persona Indebted to the said estate; re requested 10 inane pyment, and luo hating claims to praaent the em without Uslay ... . TWOUA8 9 1 ANARS. Attorney at-Law. Wl Ballsy Suitdlog PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUU MIIIIAT-ltecelpta, .10.017 bush The mar ket continued nrm nnd prices further advanced 2lc , due to bulllah peculation In the Vet. Neither millers nor exporters. However, manp feated murh Interest uuoiatlona .car lot, in export eleiator .Vo 2 red, nen, July, J; y;;5f 111, No 2 red IVeatern, ne, July. l.lfP 1.14, No. 1 Northern Duluth. old, 1 101 ' COILS', Itecolpta, 4000 bush. . Trade was quiet, tint oiimIiihm wei-e light and price wire lc higher miotatlons tsr lota, lor local trade, n to location No. 2 jellow, fniMllVaf. I steamer yelliw, 8mflS3c No ,1 jellow, il iitr"hii. OATH-necolpts. 28,811) bush Supjillee ere eninll and 1 rices wero J4t. higher unuer a ftlr rtmnnd QiioUlleiia No 2 tihtte, J BOf., standard white, S7V4D6SC , No .1 white, uuVMr"17c .. 1'I.OUn-HeeMpts, 1710 bble , 1,083,189 lea in Metis There waa little trading, but values were firmly hell higher In ennpothv wltii wheat, Uiioiattona follow! Old, por 1 (I lb In wood-Winter, clear, P.WM,' 'irilght, J.in0fri7i1, do., patent, 1.1 78J0 28. Kawms, atrnlght, lute .mrke, l(W0 23i do., patent. Juio mck, il.25fl (W, aprlne:, flrnt, clear, 10 21o.rl, do. alrolsht, ?0 W1I8 .5, do 1. Ca'"., Wft;, do. favorlto hranila, I7.10r Iis?jl,,,v mill', eholoe and fancy talent, 17.1087. I3 rlty mills, regular grades-Winter, clear, 11 2lOfl fco, j0 , straight. S 0e3.73 do , patent, 3 7nft21. IIYIJ FI.OL'11 waa quiet and without Im portant changes Quotations Nearby and Western, In wood, at suite Go. as to quality. PROVISIONS Tho market ruled nrm with a fair Job bing demand, quotation Uly beef, In acta, smoked nnd nlr-ilrlid, 2511200 , Western beef. In aets, smoked, 21(12(10 illy beef, Knuckles and tenders, smoked und air dried 2728f , W'a trn heef knuckles and tenders, amoked, 2( Sc, beet lur.ia, .1112, poik, family, $22i 22.50; ham 8. P cured, loose, lTOaltc , do, sklnne.1 loose, lH,rt3c. do, do. smoked. Ui41M4c , other bams, smoked, city cured, aa to brutid ana average. 14it,flfc.i hams smoked. Western ctteil 14MtTlre., do, Iwtled, Loneleas. 2.1S24c, p nlo shoulder", H P, cured, lnoae, ltvs2c.. dt , smoked. 12'4 I21ic: helllea In nlckle acc.rdlng to ner age, looo l'.'MBiac . brenkinai lcon, aa to I rand and ntcruge, city cured, 17lSe , brrak (fat bnton, Western eurrd. 17!(18c 1 lard. Uietem, rerintd. tierces, luViSICrV "1 ,l11 do tube. 10'4101.P , lanl. puro city, kettle rendered, In tlorcca, 10Uei1tc , lard, puro city, kettle rendered in tubs 10MiOlOc. REFINED SUGARS Trade wns quiet and prices were unchanged. e quoto refiners list prices. Btandard gran ulated 0 ISc. extra fine granulated 0 10c , powderod, 0 20c confectlonera A, Oc, aolt grades, B.SS'JS.SSc. DAIRY PRODUCTS Ill'XTISK. Offerings of foncj grsdes of butter wero moderate and talues ruleil siendy on thle description, with demand filr. llc celpts, however, were largvli of dofectlxe stocks, which were dull and Irregular In lalue Qu.UKllons Western, solld-pnclied catnerj. fan iy eprclnln ,10Hc , extra, 2SVic enn. firsts. 27iu28c : nuts, Itfc , seconds, 25ii2ilc . nearhy iirlnts, (one, .'lie , nvcrago extra, tfuu'llc , do , Ian U coo'l, 2115127c , Jobbing Kiles of fnniy prmu, .Iii.iik.. LCHIH. There was a fair demand for strictly lino eccs anl prices 01 this description ruled steady llcut-damaged or otherwise un attractive slock bad to bv told ut beet rutin ob tainable Quotatlgjis In free uincn. nearby ex tras. 24o. per doz , Orats, 15 81 per standard caso: nearby curront receipts, K'-o-l er caao. Western extra firsts 10 per case, firsts. 15 53 ter can,; f mey selected candled tRga wero Job liig nt 2.KH271. per 1I02 (lli:nsr. Tliero waa llttlo trading and prices wcro weak and lower Quototlona. Now ork, full cream, fnnc, now l,1145X10c., do , do., ralr to good, new, lH.ylSn. , do , part tlUnu, U' POULTRY H1K-l'owls wero In fair demand and firm Ilrolllng crlckcns worn weak and lc. loner under a light demand Quotations: Fowls, us to quality, lotiiuc , rooatrin, 11(1) 12c , broiling chickens fancy, not leehorni, weighing l''.-4f2 llis. npleco. 22i!?24c., broiling chickens, not leghorn, weighing llU lbs. nptece 17ti'21c , broiling chickens, leghorns, weighing Hi'ii2 lba aplere, lsii'.'uc brolllnj chickens, hghorns, weighing Piill, lba oplocn. lutf 17c . ducks 1'ekln, old I4(fl5c , do , In dun llunner old, )2Vl'li ducks jounp, nc tcrdlnit to alio. 11W17i , pigeons old per pair 11112.1c., do, souug, por pntr, 201i'21c DHLHKD Tho market for fresh-killed stock waa In good nhapo and firm with aup pllcx well cleaned uu QuoUitlonn rrcsh-ktlled pouUr). fowls 12 to box. dry-picked, fancy selected. 10c , neighing 4W31 lbs. nphec, 114c . weighing .I"jiu4 lo apiece. IHH1C . weigh Ing 3 lbs apiece. 10Viftl7'nc . under .1 Ibj aploce, lmwisiic Ico-juickcd Wealtrn, 4'4 Inn anil over nplecc 17'c , do , smaller sties. !HA7c . old roosters, dry-nlchcd, 12c , broiling chickens, Jtraoy fancy !S0fl32c , other nearb, fancy, JJlf.tOc W esteru, weighing 1'jHJ lba . 2Hi'J((c., do. wolghlng 10l" lbs A&aa . spring diicka, 10ffl7c , aquaba per dox white weighing 11 to 12 lbs per doJ.. 13 0T4 (in. white, weighing to 10 lbs per dot , S.Ia.oO, while, weighing 8 Urn .er dox . 12 .13572 0-1, do . 7 lb. per doi 12 1082 20 do do . OiJUVi lbs. per doz. 11 COiQl 05, darlt. 11.50ifl 05. small end No 2, 11 FRESH FRUITS Iiecelpta of apples, peaches and lemons wcro In excess of requirements and the market was wcaK and tower watermelons wero aiai, ,vvu and lower quotations Apples, now, trans parent, per hamper. Ilifl.50, peaches, ilenrgla, per crate, 12.Vtv'.'. lemons, per box, (1 SOjfZ. oranges, Florida, per box, 2tfil 50. grapefruit, llorlda, per bbx, HC'J.SI. pineapples Pr irato Porto IUco, II 50 IP.'. CO. Florida, 11 50O 2M), cherries, sweet, (or lb , 5117c.: do. suur, per lb. UtCc. plums. Georgia, per carrier, 11 50112, currante, led. per qt . 54j7c, straw berrleo, per qt New York, 14Clflc black berries. Delaware. JInryland and Jersey, per qt , GBOc. gooseberries, per qt.. Sffflc., huckle berries, per qt. SWIIc . raspberries, red. per Pint. JVjlNc , cantaloupes. Georgia, car crate, llOi 2.1, watermelon?, llorlda, per 100, 12of.'13 VEGETABLES l'otatoes were In liberal supply and barely stealy. Other vegetables wore In fair demind and generally steady Quotations White po tatoes, Norfolk, per bhl.. No 1. 11S1 10, do.. No s. 4C-380c , do , North Carollnn, per bbl., No. 1, OOc t7l do. No 2, 403S0C., onions, Hermuda. per crate 50li75c., do , Jersey, per -buah. bosket, .181.1e do Eastern Shore, per hamper, BOWJIo , eggplant, norlda, per iox, 11 7S8S. do, Norfolk, per crate. 2 G05a, cucumbers North Carolina, per ty-bbl basket. WfibOc, do. Norfolk, per M-bbl basket. 75W t)c . do , Norfolk, per bbl , 11 2.1A1 00 corn, North Carotlno, ner crate 756.011, peppers, Florida, per carrier llfll 23, tomatoes, Jersey, per basket 11 25W1.7.1, do, Mississippi, per rase, WWidOe . asparagus per hunch, .IfllSc.; mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, tOc.011.50. FRENCH CREDIT HERE Negotiations Now Being Carried on by New York Bankers. NEW YORK. July 9. Hrown Brothers and Company havo Issued the following statement regarding the reported 120,000.000 French credit with local bankers- "It Is true that we havo been requested by a mimber ot rtench Institutions of un doubted standing to arrange a commercial export credit. Negotiations nre now In progress, but we aro not In a position to make any announcement at present, ex cept to say that the proposed credit is a commercial export credit with the double object of supplilng tho necessities of the French merchants nnd facilitating ex ports of American merchandise nnd Is not for the purpose ot financing the sale of war materials to the French Government. BIG RUMANIAN LOAN mjCIIAttBST. July 0. The Rumanian Gov ernment lias contracted, through ths llunianlsn National Hank, for a iww loan of llil.WO.OOO at 3 per cent , rayable In two years. No pub lic explanation fas been nuula ot the use to which tha fund Is to ba put. rnopnHAij DEPAHTJIENT OF CITY TKANSIT 754 Hours Building Philadelphia. July 1, 1018. Bealed proposals, properly Indorsed and addressed to (he undersigned at th office, above mentioned, will be received until 13 o'clock noon on Monday. August J6. 1015, and oDenod immediately thereafter, for con atructtsn ef ths City Hall Station Section of the Broad Streat Subway under City Hal) and tha Market street Subway. and work ap nurtenant thereto, known aa Contract No. 101 This section will bt about 700 feet Ions- and will Include tha underpinning of the west aids of City Hall and the Murkat Straat Subway. Plans tad specification can bo seen at Room 78. Hoarse Bulldlsg. and copies of same with Wank fuaw for proposal will be supplied to fnUailag Adders upon dt Doalt of 109 (cash or csrtlBeU cback) per Jet. pending return. Ths plaa JS?" " "Wet to ap proval by the PuWle srvioe CoawUatoa ef the Stato ot PeBWtvanU Uforo award of contract. Dlddsrs must bf sklllsd and regularly sa ga god In tfc els ot work fer wblob. they aro competing No bid wlu b considered, unless accom panied by a certificate front lb. City Sollc- rl -, aA nltAvIallflM a.f ISSt a.Bl I a, . itor that tb povilon of an Mdlnanca re n.,i.inp urosaual bonds of IIOO an all hl.l. exceeding In amount Ave hundred dollars iisooi aDsroved May S3. IStk). hva bau compiled wltn. The Director reserves to himself th right to rslact any u all bids, as n may dsum but for tb Utrtu of the City of PhlLs.4.1 pnta. A. U. TAYLOR. Olroctor. JULY WHEAT GAINED MORE THAN TWO CENTS Old Staple at a Premium, New Whoat Arrivals Expected to Alter Conditions. CHICAOO, July P.-somo traders looked upon the Government's report of crop conditions aa bearish nnd In consequent tho market today at the opening held firm Bears sold on the bulges, but buy ing tins light In tho early hour Buns are looking for the foreigners to atart buying on the breaks Speculators are taking advnntagc of the) nervous condition of the marget to mnka profits. Old grain Is at n premium In fluence of new wheat arrivals Is expected to niter conditions. It g reported that southwestern fanners, not satisfied with present prlcen, nre withholding shipments until tho market Improves, July wheat, opening at U less than ICSterunVa nine t.Mwrt.. ,.. ..,-- , ,l following sule. September sold ttt 11 03'i "'"'V""1 Hn""' a ,0M of w'len com pared to yesterday. December Bhowed a 1089 Of X nf Iht. nhithlnec .1..M .. - "- w w"-.iiiiss( wucii rules wcro recorded nt 11.06 Vcstcrdaj s closing prlco wns ll.OC'4. In tho later trading July wheat ad vanced 10 n net gain of .',4 dents Sep tember nnd December ivero also up a ft action Despite tho Government's prediction of 11 record-breaking corn crop, that product was fairly firm nt tho opening Julj was I'i conts over yestordny's closing hut September nnd December fell off n trifle Oats followed In tho footsteps of corn, tho opening being n llttlo off, but later prlcos stiffened Imports recorded were for 500,000 bush els novv wheat from the. Gulf nnd 100 CW bushels of corn. Chicago cash houses sold, It Is reported, 125,000 bushels of old oats, to fill an old export order Winter offerings on the Liverpool ex change wero light cargoes held firm Unfavorable European weather reports hnvo been received. Tho American Gov ernment report wns considered bearish, making tho market nervous. Argentina conditions wcro reported favomblc, with prices llrm. Lending futures ranged as follows. W'hent- fJren. High Low Closo 'close luly ...... 1.1 1st l.onti ill tl Hi's September .. I O.IU i.oi. 1.ti2 1 01H t ortli rfbfr .,1,4 107 10H 1.O0S fLobi! Corn (new delhery) "' ' in . . .... . lestas .i.,r""" Vre" " IE, ",. V'?" c'ose !!(.. December '"' 77 77 7 77U 7.11. Mcplember .. 7.T), 7l'k 7H4 74t, 74t VaS-' """' " "'' "" " July . 4(1 4S14 4(1 4V4 4(iy. Hiptombcr . :t7l .!M S7H :tll J7tJ IrI3-r " S"'" :i" Ct)1 "M Jul)' S07 8.57 S.00 8.47 ley ombcr .. 8 70 S.&7 8.(12 fi N) Julv . 0 77 0.00 P.77 lltlf) P70 H"ptcniber ..1007 10.15 1000 10.12 'IUiS f'ork r , Jul 1.140 11.02 in 40 18.02 1,1.45 September .10.75 11. (M ir,.75 1.1U2 15 70 l)ld. tAlkail. TRY TO PREVENT DOND ISSUE Bondholders of Lakewood nnd Sea const Want Rehearing. TOnNTON. N. J , July 9.-Charglngthat tho amount of bonds approved by the Public Utility Commission for lsuohco by the Trenton, Lakewood and Scacoast Railway Company Is excessive, bondhold ers of the company, hcadod bv former Senator George O. Vandcrbllt, or Prince ton, applied to tho commission for a re henrlni: on tho Issue today. May 20 last tho utilities board npproved ni) Issue ot bonds tp tho amount of 1193. 000 and of stock to tho nmount ot 83,0C0 Tho petitioners sny that 1133,000 will be sufllclcnt to covtr the tost of building und equipping 10 miles of electric railroad between Lnkonood nnd Point, Pleasant NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NUW YprtK, Jiiy n.-urjTTna-Jfarket ?T??,kJina dull, receipt St540 packages. Extra. 27lic. higher scoring, 2X"4tr2lic , , Stato dlr, 2,27ttc , Imitation creamery, 22'49 LOOS Market Irregular, receipts. 10 173 packages. Rxtrn firsts. 20f)21c. regular racked, flrsta, 18'f 1014c . regular rn kedi tearby whites, 2dfi2,c., mixed color. levjSIc : nearby browns, 24jj2.1c. Seek Receiver for Ship Co. NEW YORK, July V -An Involuntary petl Hon in bankruptcy has been Plod In the United Btates District Court against the New Yorlc Transittsntlc Steamship Company. Inc , a Urltleh corporation with offices nt 17 Battery Plate, by Phs Von Ommeren (London) Ltd, of London, with a claim ot 1V07 Halnh J 51 Bullowa, of 10 Ilroadwny, Is attorney for tho petitioning creditors Nothing Is stated as to assets or llubllltlou Composite Condition1 of Crops Higher WASHINGTON, July n The Department of Agriculture In a general revlow of crop con dltlons, states composite condition of all crops ot the t'nlted K Ultra on July 1 was 2 3 per cent, abovo their ten-ear aerago condition on that date compared wtth a condition 1 (I per cent, above tho average on June 1 Ii 1 eating a slight Improvement In crop prospc ta during tho last month. 'Frisco Railroads Want Rehearing NUW YORK. July O Tho United Hallro,ds of San Francisco has filed an application witn the California, Railroad Commission for a re hearing of the case In which the commljslon ordered tho company to set aaldo lHO.Oou a jear from income for Improving Its sjatt-m und also directed the company to mskc ier. tain radical changes In its system or ac counting. The (ompany questions the Jurisdiction of the commission, especially In jhe announ e ment that Instead ot a surplus the ronvany has a deficit in Its profit and toss ac ount INVESTHTS Frazier&Co BANKERS 132 South 15th Street American Can Co, We are preparing- a special letter on this issue, which will be ready for distribution in a few days. A copy will be mailed on application. Hughes & Dier IIKKUItS & lintlKliHH Members Philadelphia Block Exchange Jlmbrs Chicago Hoard of Trade 1435 Walnut Street Vhiladelphi Electrical Utility Inyeitments Their Record asd Wags StnU for HoakUt HO William P.Oonbrllit Co., Inc. MORRIS VI8TAR STROUD, Jr. Manager (17 CUBeJTWUT HTBHT 11lUdliUa New York Bo tan Detroit London. Wllllani P staabrlobt Cs Pares: fkeotKiiKt S. Co. t