ra- CmER FUNERAL CAR caies of mere sunburn are frequent and caus much pain to visitors who are un aware of the liavou caused by the sun's fays. Many ara surprised when they bo Into tho ocean on a murky day, with the sun hldlns behind banks of clouds, to find that their arms, shoulders and neck are reddened and blistered as much as when the day Is sunshiny and clear. Many preventives and cures are advised by peo ple w10 ay they know. Bathing the arms, neck and shoulders with vinegar before taking a bath, or smearing the un protected portions of the body with cocoa butter or cosmollne are the favorite remedies prescribed, but the only safe and suro way to avoid sunburn Is for bathers to wear suits that are cut high In the neck and have sleeves. The porch singers are now out and on the Job at nil of the smaller hotels and boarding houses, They generally travel In trios, usually two children and a man. and they are satisfied to take a collec tion, either as a reward or as a bribe to move on. CONVfeUTED FUNEIIA1, CAtt Borne time ago the street railway com pany built a funeral car, sufficiently largo to accommodate 50 persons, expecting It to be much used, Inasmuch as the cem eteries are all on the mainland. This car did not prove profitable and has not been used for months. Now It has been put to ft new use, that of a pleasure car, and yesterday a merry crowd of young folks chartered It, Installed a small phonograph, and during the time It was running to Ocean City they passed the time by dancing and playing bridge. Afternoon teas, followed by dances, are tho rage now. Many of tho larger hotels are holding these affairs twice a week, admission being onJy by Invitation. Every day parties are made up for a trip to Sea View, where the big golf links are. Rumors about the building of new hotels and the enlargement of old-estab lished plates are flying thick and fast, and In several Instances thero seems to be much truth In the published or spoken statements. TALK OF NEW HOTEL. The latest story Is that tho owners of the McAlpln. In New York, are to build a huge hotel on the silo formerly occu pied by the Hotel Windsor, ndjolnlng the Traymore. The old Windsor was torn down threo years ago after the site had been purchased by P, A. B. Wldcner. He had plans rirawn for tho erection of a huge hotel, but the project was abandoned and the site has since been used as an open-air moving picture the atre, but this has not been successful. The Hotel nudolph will bo rebuilt this winter and the Bhelburne will havo, many additions and Improvements. The St. Charles Hotel will be brought out to the beach line, tho foundations already having been laid for this Improvement. Atlantic City politicians are pulling wires and trying to Influence voters for the nomination of certain men for the New Jersey Assembly, the election taking place In the fall. The favorite slogan of the prospective candidates seems to be "Bane Sunday Amusements." although some of the more radical are talking of fln "open Sunday" with saloons The Franciscan Sisters, of New York, were here today and gave an exhibition of beautiful laces, made by members of that order, at the Llpplncott cottage, on States avenue. It was a social event, at tended by many society people from hotels and private cottages. Many of the laces were sold, bringing good prices. Cleorge H. Broadhurst, playwright, has been here for a week and will remain for the rest of the month. Ho Is at work on sovcral new plays scheduled for New York production early next season. George B. Mansfield, who will manage "Sweethearts" when It goes on tour next season, will linger here until the season opens. Joseph Morris, music publisher of Phil adelphia, spills each week between New York and the shore. Mrs Bmmo, W Bach, formerly of rhll adelphla, but for the last five years a resi dent of Hamburg, Germany, will spend tho greater pbrtlon of July and August here. Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Booth, of West Venango street, are here, and expect to remain until October 1. F. Wayland Ayer and his daughter, Mrs. Wilfred W. Fry, will remain for several weeks. .... ., Mr and Mrs. Samuel Wlnlcrboltoni, ef Philadelphia, rtro here for a two weeks vacation. , . .. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Edmunds, of South 16th street, are hero for the season Ht their own cottage on Winchester nvenue. Albert E. Berry, vice president of tho Philadelphia notary Club, attended the banquet of the Atlantic City Itotarlano, and was accompanied by Ouy OundnKer. Both delivered nddrcsses, Ex-CongrcsS-man J. Waehlngton Loguo also spoke In their apartments hero Mr. and Mrs. Danlet J. McLaughlin, of North Broad street, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son on Independence Uv Mr. and Mrs. D. Clarence Olbboney. Philadelphia, have arrived In Chelsea ant will remain some time Mr and Mrs. Henry J Larklns and family, of Tioga, will remain until Sep tember In their own cottage on Monmouth nuc Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter, of Phil adelphia, are enjoying life UM m-STM'WAUi FUlt SHUIili liliVliLliUS Ipleasure Seekers Seem to Plan to Itcstricl Jitneys in Lancaster LANCASTER, Pa., July 8.-Clty Coun ells last night Instructed the clerk of the Police Committee to Investigate the Jitney regulations In Philadelphia and other cities, with n, view to restricting the activities of this new form of trans portation. The Conestoga Traction Com pany la said to be losing patronage and has found It neclssary to Improve the service on several of the routes. P, Place to Die New Hotel rn.niflftta Rumored. J- J. V j - Many Play 1011. Ltt.ANTIC CITY, July 8.-Now that 1"' .Mion Is In full swing, with l Mitt Mftck with bathor. .very day, 5 Gimbel Brothers Store Opens at 8:30 1 Gimbel Brothers Store Closes at 5 Gimbel Brothers Thursday, July 8, 1915 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1015. STORE WILL BE CLOSED ALL OF SATURDAY DURING JULY AND AUGUST Make tee Most Simpson - Crawford Bargains In Every Section Money Does Double Duty in Buying Goods You'd Gladly Pick Even at Full Price It means much to Philadelphia this taking over the stock of a big, fine New York I paid out to helpers, new positions for many hundreds with opportunity to qualify for our Store and handling it right at the dullest time of year! it means thousands of dollars I regular store family. And for you A Wonderful Collection of Seasonable Goods at an Average Half Price I Store was There's style and nifty goodness to the garments for the Simpson-Crawford I closing, vas famous and careful, and kept on buying goods till within a week of the 1 All floors and the Subway Store packed with good things. Women's Coats Save Double Corduroy and sunshine Sports Coats at K.90 to $12.50, values $12.75 to $25. Feather-weight tweed Travel and Auto Coats at $5.90, value $7.90, Bengaline, poplin, moire silk Street ana i..ira,iM, Wran. in hlnck and colors, at $8.90 to $10, values $15 to $19.75. Pure linen Dust Coats at $1.95, value $3. Salons of Dress, Third floor. Women's and Misses' Bathing Suits 500 satin, taffeta, mescaline, silk poplin one- and two-piece Bathing Suits at 54.85, value $7.50. , , . . 1500 fine quality black or navy mohair Bathing Suits at $2 to $4.85, values $3 to $7.50. Salons of Dress, Third floor. RIBBONS i, Roman-stripe and Warp-print Ribbons t 20c a yard, values 28c, 30c and 35c. Satin Taffeta Ribbons, S'A inches, at '' 25c, value 35c. Warp-print Ribbons at zoc, vaiue ooc. Roman-stripe Ribbons, also Warp-print, at 30c, values 42c, 50c and 95c. , Fancy Jacquard Sash and Hair-bow Ribbons to match at 22c and 30c, values 30c and '15 c. Hair and Sash Ribbon to match at 28c and 40c, values 50c and 75c. First floor. GLOVES Women's $1 to $1.25 Lambskin Gloves, 2-cIasp, at 68c. , Women's $1.50 to $2.75 Kid and Suede Gloves, at 88c. Long : Short. W-.n ? lfi.hntKiM-lenpth Milanese ISilk Gloves, at 95c. I Women's $1 (12- and 16-button) Milan ese Silk Gloves, at 5HC nrst noor. Dress Trimmings All are marked at half price, some 'way below half; the collection includes cotton or silk braids, silk or beaded passemen terie, silk fringe, tassels, coat loops, etc, in black or colors, at 2c to $2.50, values 5c to ?5. First floor. Boys' Clothing Boys' $6.50 shepherd-check and fancy cheviot Norfolk Suits at $3.75; ages 6 to 17 years. Boys' $10 Norfolk Suits at $5; and fancy tweeds; ages 6 to 18. . Boys' $12.50 and $13.50 Norfolk Suits at $7.50; fancy tweeds and fancy worsteds; ages 6 to 18. Boys' $15 and $17.50 Norfolk Suits at $8.75; fancy worsted and velours. Boys' $1.50 washable Suits at 75c; ages 3 to 8 years. Boys' $250 Washable Suits at $1.35; , ages 3 to 8 years. uoys- $j.m) and ?4 wasn suits at :.au; gts 3 to 8 year. Boys' $1 Blouses and Rompers at 50c. Third floor, Women's Tailored Suits Silk Suits at $20 and $24.50 for $32.50 to $65 Suits High-class models; all clever up-to-date styles, of poplin, Chinese shantung or taffeta. $15.75 for $27.50 to $45 Suits The finest kind of cloth suits spend a little time to inspect these $15.75 would not cover the cost of materials. $8.90 values $15 to $22.50 Suits It is unusual to find the most wanted and spic-span new Suits for $8.90. Hairline striped Palm Beach Suits, at $8.90. Natural or jasper Palm Beach Suits at $8.90. Creamy navy or black serge sports Suits at $8.90. Corduroy sports Suits at $8.90. Salons of Dress, Third floor. Misses' Tub Dresses and Tailored Suits Tub Dresses at $3.65, $4.85, $6.95 and $8.85, values $7.50 to $45. Misses' Coat Suits all worth Much More Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 $4.85, $8.85 to $14.85 Values Values $15, $25 to $45 Salons of Dress, Third floor. STATIONERY Boxed Stationery at 10c to 25c, values 25c to 50c Desk Accessories at 35c to $1.50, values 75c to $3. Greeting Cards at 5c a dozen to 10c each, values 10c a dozen to 25c each. Dennison Paper Articles at 5c to 25c, values 10c to 50c Autograph Albums at 50c and 75c, values $1 and $1.50. Perfection Typewriter Paper at 45c, value 60c First floor. Baby Coaches, Toys, Dolls $22 to $35 Baby Coaches at $12 to $20. Folding Sulkies at $1.25, $1.75 and $2.50, values $2.50, $3.50 and $5. Children's golden oak-finish Rocking Chairs at 78c, value $1.39. Reed Doll Coaches at $2.50. $3.98, $4.95 and $5.95, values $3.98, $6.98, $10 and $12, Dishes, in china and tin, at 40c to $1.35, values 79c to $1.98. Iron Toys at 15c to $1.25, values 25c to $1.98. Mechanical Trains at 35c to $3.50, values 59c to $5. Undressed Dolls at 10c to $2.50, values 25c to $4. Dressed Dolls at 48c to $2.50, values 75c to $4, Fourth floor. Untrimmed and Ready-to-Wear Hats Rcady-to-wcar and trimmed at 75c, values $1.50 to $2.95. Ready-to-wear and trimmed at $1.50, values $2.95 to $4.95. Leghorns, trimmed with lace, ribbon, flowers -and silk, for children up to 16 years, at $1.25, value $2.95. Tailored sennits for street or sports wear; very mannish, all out-door wear, at 50c, values $1.50 to $2. The children's hat stock was some of New York's finest merchandise, and this is next to giving it away, at 95c, values $1.95 to $3.95. First floor, Millinery Section. Women's Waists Thousands ! $1.35, values $2 and $2.50 lingerie Blouses of voile, lawn, organdie ,and batiste. $1.85 and $2.65, values $3.95 to $8.00 silk, lace and chiffon Blouses. Also tub silk Waists. $3.95, value $5.90 and $8.90 striped satin Blouses. $3.95 to $13.75, values $5.90 to $29.75 hand-made sample French Blouses. Salons of Dress, Third floor. Separate Skirts $1, value $1.50 washable Skirts of cordaline, pique and Panama, $2, values $3 and $3.95 washable Skirts of imported gabardine, Bedford cord, ratine and linen. $2.65, value $3.90 corduroy Sports Skirts. $3, value $5.90 tropical-weight worsted checked Skirts. $5, value $7.50 black taffeta Skirts, three new and very effective styles. Salons of Dress, Third floor. Infants' Wear $1.50 to $2 Dresses at 85c; white and colored, 2 to 6. $1.50 to $5 Dresses and Petticoats at 85c to $2.50. $1 to $1.50 Sweaters and Sacques at 50c to 75c. $1 to $1.50 Caps and Hats at 50c. $3 to $5 Carriage Covers at $2. $2 to $6 Lingerie and Straw Hats at $1 to $3. $5 wash Coats at $2; sizes 1 to 4 years. Second floor. Underwear : Aprons 75c to $1 Petticoats at 38c and 55c; 12 to 16 years. $1 Nightgowns at 50c; 6 to 14 years. 40c to 85c Aprons at 25c to 50c. 50c Rompers at 35c. Second floor. Women's Summer and Silk Dresses $18.95, values $27.50 to $65 beautiful afternoon and evening Dresses of taffeta, chiffon and radium satin. $2.95, $3.65 and $4.85, values $6.75 to $19.75 Dresses of embroidered net, lin gerie, linen, flowered crepe and voile; sizes 32 to 48. Salons of Dress, Third floor. CORSETS High-grade $5, $6 and $7.50 Corsets, in cluding Binner, La Vida and Madame Lyra Corsets, at $2.50. $3 C. B. a la Spirite Corsets at $1.35. All sizes in the lot. $2.50 La Markette Corsets at $1. $5 to $10 high-grade Corsets at $2.90; French and American makes. $1,50 Bust Confiners, dainty styles, 75c. Second floor. Umbrellas and Parasols Children's Parasols at 35c, values 65c to 85c Silk Umbrellas, colors and black, at $1.55, values $3 to $5; slight imperfec tions. Silk Umbrellas at $2, values $3 to $3.75. Silk Umbrellas at $2.65, values $3.75 to $5. Silk Umbrellas at $3.75, values $5 to $7.50. Silk Umbrellas at $5, values $10 to $17.50. Women's silk Parasols at $1, values $1.50. Women's Parasols at $2.15, values $3, $3.50 and $4. Women's Parasols at $3, values $5 to $10. Women's Parasols at $3.75, values $12 to $15. - Men's Walking Sticks at 65c. First floor. Negligees : Dressing Sacques : House Dresses : Japanese Kimonos $14 to $25 crepe de Chine Tea Gowns and Negligees at $9.75. Lace trimmed. $1 to $3 Dressing Sacques at 50c to $1; lawns, Swisses, batistes and other sum mery fabrics. Imported $7.50 Japanese Mandarin Coats at $3.95. Good shades. Imported $1 Japanese Kimonos at 65c, $2 and $2,50 House Dresses at $1. House Dresses, Third floor. Buttons at Half Price The assortment includes black and colored ivory, white crochet and pearl Buttons; prices 10c to 45c a card, values 20c to $1, First floor, Grand Aisle. Toilet Goods 50c Toilet Waters, sprinkler tops, at 12140 50c Florida Water and Bay Rum, 12J4C. 50c Kismet Face Powder, all shades, at 21c. 75c Kismet Toilet Water at 25c Ivory Toilet Pieces, assorted, at one half and less. A few high-grade Perfumes at half price. First floor. brushes" Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail and Military Brushes, much below half. First floor. Hand Bags Beaded Bags, in various color combina tions; light and fancy, dark and fancy, white, white and gold, at 25c to $1.95, regularly 50c to $5. Silk Bags, variety of silks and styles, at 50c to $2.50, values $1 to $5. Leather Hand Bags, in wide range of styles and leathers pin seal, goat seal, vachettc, morocco, long grain and saffian, at $1 to $5, values $2 to $12 50. Small Leather Goods card cases, purses, wallets, bill books and various other necessaries; in alligator, seal, pin seal, morocco, long grain and vachettc, at 25c to $2.50, values 50c to $5. First floor. Art Needlework Miscellaneous lots of stamped pieces at 2c, value 10c up to $1.75, value $3.75. Assorted Embroidery Materials at about one-third their value. Finished models in Scarfs, Center Pillows, children's Dresses, Towels and others, at 75c, value $2.25, up to $4.50, value $13. Many prices between. Third floor. $35 Howe Sewing Machines at $18.50 Drop-head model with automatic lift; on terms of $2 cash and $1 weekly. Fourth floor. Men's Hats Boys' and Little Boys' Men's Straw Hats, sennets and rough braids, at $1, values $2, $2.50 and $3. Men's Panama Hats, newest shapes, at $3.50, values $5 and $6. Men's Soft Felt Hats, newest shapes, at 75c, values $2 to $2.50. Men's Silk and Tweed Caps at 38c, values 75c and $1. Men's Outing Hats, in silk and mohair, at 50c, value $1. Little boys' Straw Hats at $1, values $2 to $3. Boys' silk and tweed Caps at 38c, values 75c and $1. Little boys' Duck Hats, in various shapes, at 50c, values 75c and $1. First floor, Market and Ninth. Men's Clothing Men's $20 and $25 Suits at $12.50. Men's $20 Suits at $10. Men's $25 to $35 Suits at $15 and$17.50. Variously worsted, tweeds, cassimeres, unfinished worsted and serges, in the fore going three groups, Men's $8.50 Palm Beach Cloth Suits at $5. Men's $35 Full-Dress and Tuxedo Suits at $17.50. Men's $15 Sumar-Cloth Suits at $8.50. Second floor, Ninth street. Sporting Goods Couch Hammocks, cotton-and-straw filled mattress, strong frame and springs, adjustable back rest, at $4.90, value $8. Men's Coat Sweaters, for seashore and camp, mostly shawl collar, all-wool, at $3.50, values $5 to $9. Harry C. Lee (some slotted throat) Tennis Racquets, all high-grade, at $3.25, value 'S8. Mission Porch Swings, with arms; strong and durable, at $3.50, value $5.. Fourth floor. House Furnishings 25c to $3.75 Kramer Tinware at 12c to Si 85 $8 Vacuum Cleaners at $4.50. $30 to $95 Alaska Refrigerators at $20 to $76. 18c Corrugated Garden Hose at 7J4c a foot. I 35c to $1.50 Galvanized Ware at 25c to 90c. $5.50 to $6.50 Royal Stuart Lawn Mow ers at $3. House Furnishings, Fourth floor. Pianos $285 Schumann Upright Pianos at $175. $450 Auerbach Player-Pianos at $300. $92 Kimball Upright Pianos at $65. And Others, Piano Store, Sixth floor. Notions : Including Clark's O. N. 7. 2 Spools for 5c O. N. T. Spool Cotton at half price 200-yard spools always sold at 5c a spool sale price 2 spools for 5c. We have 5000 spools to sell at this low price. De Long Press Buttons at half price sold everywhere at 10c a card sale price 5c a card. Melba Garment Shields, sizes 3, 4 and 5, regular price 25c, sale price 2 for 25c. And so we might continue with scores of good items equally low in price. Grand Aisle. Furs $12.75 to $250 Fur Sets at $7.50 to $125. $95 Near-Seal Coats at $50. $150 Near-Seal Coats at $75. $350 Hudson Seal Coats at $125, Hudson Seal Coats made to order at $145 and $185; values $250 and $300. cAll turs purchased during this sale will be stored tree IF not taken out of the Store. The Sale in the Subway Store Offers Dependable Lowest Priced Merchandise Men's $15 and $16.50 Suits at $9 SUBWAY STORE. Men's Summer Suits at $5 value $' 0 Serges (blue or black), worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres and neat mixtures Iaiens summer weight trousers 't 12. values $3.50 and $4. Women's $3 Low Shoes at $1.45 SUBWAY STORE. Women's $1.50 canvas Pumps' at $1. $19senS 3 Shoc and Oxfords at B?ys' $2 50 and $3 Shoes, $1.50. Damask : Towels SUBWAY STORE. 60c to 75c mercerized Table Da mask at 40c. 10c Turkish Wash Cloths at 5c seconds. 10c absorbent Toweling at 5c yd. 14c Irish linen Toweling at 10c a yard. 50c satin-finish mercerized Table Damask at 28c a yard. $1 satin-finish mercerized Nap kins at 68c a dozen. $1 to $1.50 lacctrimmed Fancy Linens at 50c. 50c assorted. Bureau Scarfs, 20c. $1.10 mercerized round scalloped Table Cloths at 60c, 12j$c union Toweling at 9c, $1 Lunch Cloths, mercerized, at 50c. 16c hemmed Turkish Towels at 12c. Silverware SUBWAY STORE. $5 Silver Coffee Sets at $2.50 three pieces. Other specials in silver-plated ware Butter Dishes at 75c, value $1.50, Sugar Bowls at 50c and 75c, values $1 and $1.50. Fern Dishes at 75c, value $1.50. Toilet Sets at $1.50 to $2.50, values $J to $5. Berry Spoons at 10c, value 35c $8 White Enamel Bedsteads at $4.75 SUBWAY STORE. Steel tubing; 2-inch continuous post, heavy fillers. $3 for $5 white enameled Bed- .J KAntirtiiAin nnnti. 75c to $1.75 House Dresses at 35c and $1.50 SUBWAY STORE. $2 crepe Kimonos at 75c. $1 to $2 House Dresses at 65c. 10c and 12Vzc Muslins at 5c a yard SUBWAY STORE. 5000 yards; useful mill lengths; bleached and unbleached. Odd China Pieces SUBWAY STORE. Austrian, Japanese and French china and English and American porcelain ware hints Cups and saucers, dinner plates, Japanese bread ana butter plates, berry bowls and the like, at 10c, values 25c and 35c 75c to $1.50 Long Silk Gloves at 38c SUBWAY STORE. Mostly colors, double-tipped. Vjl Ml IV! JO JlLs JLi Market : Chestnut : Eighth : Ninth Silk Remnants 18c to $1.85 Yard Values 38c to $3.50 SUBWAY STORE. $1 to $1.50 Pussy Willow Taf feta and Crepe de Chine, remnants, at 50c a yard. 75c to $1 Messaline and black Japanese Silks, remnants, at 38c a yard. Boys' Clothing Half ' Price or Near Half SUBWAY STORE. $2 Wash Suits at $1. $1.50 Wash Suits at 75c $1 Wash Suits at 50c 50c Romper Suits at 25c. Women's, Misses' and Girls' Outer Summer Apparel SUBWAY STORE. Cotton Dresses at 65c, $1, $1.50, $2, $3, $4 and $5 for $1 to $10 values. ' Silk Dresses at $4, $5, $5.95 and $7.95 for $7.50 to $16.50 values. Coats at $4, $5, $5.95, values $5 to $10. Suits at $3, $4.90, $6 JO and $7.50 for $7,50 to $17.50 values. Skirts at 45c, 85c, $1 and $1.25 tor Sue to 940 values. $3.75 $2.50. white corduroy Skirts at Girls' Dresses at 28c, 55c, 75c $1 and $1.50 for 50c to $3 value A .J e.