EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1915. 15 , it. JAYEtt DIDN'TWANT MUCH . jflgee Refuses to Give Cubnn this Wooiwortn uuiiuiiiK Ltr YORK July S-Angelo ArAejon. IS". . ,ii,w with Mehmond. who CoBBn '' u nwn Inma n lkeo 1 immu "' - . n.ufii. Kent In his eoln- . i, value jesteMay. "Give me Rfh. said In hi letter. M.naser Lee S?!'. renlltd. "Sorry I can't glvo you ' - ,. --,i iim woo wonn uui ii- tKi? Knowing jou couldn't bo happy tW, 1 :. we'd better tall It It OBITUARIES r-.nA V.. Atnlnnn iwASTEK. "" ' ,.;" .r- K .. ffxil 71 yearn. "" " vui n,ninent railroad bulldcra here, died .prow'"" I . ,nn of Major James Ma- Wrt Vounty Cavan. Ireland, and SAf the late Richard A. Malone, EIK1. . oticen Lano reservoir, Phlla- lfW- . nr...... Ann Ttntianlt ii Mrs. iW """ :W Mary Ann Bonsall, wife ot the late P K Bonsall, died last night In K,.i7ia. after an lllnees of four 6U.1. The funeral will bo held Satur ?.4rnoon. at 2 o'clock, from tho resl fTbei -daughter. Mrs. II. Walter i TO Parker avenue. Colllngdale, SiittS Mr. Beatty. the tloconBed U sur iSs fcv her daughters. E. Jano and 3SM. ontd ',CPa-0n "arry K W MT.MOMAM ''' .nin loving memory of MARMA 'BOJFfewicsB. Br. Dlerl July S, 1911. "DIKE BOVVK-'fyfj.jj AND cutLDnCN. 3Bcatljf ,... .TOn July 7. 10t. MARY ANN, DOfiSA,Hrfte Ml K- Bonsall. Relatives '".'.ti.Vi. tnvltea to attend the runeral na ,'.'. 5 sVtorcaV afternoon, at S o'clock, .er!Le.,fcr..?ane t her daughter, Slti. n. ' tfalt.r Beit". 7 Parker ave Colllhgdale. .tis On July 0, 1915, LOUIS M hu. CES?orBIMtt&M- Curtis (nee Mclntyre). 'SilfllvM iiiJl friends, alio members of En Stlf.i.. itirbor No. 2. 'Amer can Association Mi(.r Mts an? mots, aro lnvite.1 to M',hf, funeral Monday morning-, at 8:00 iSfit from his l residence, 151S Eml y 152? floltmn nequlem Mass at St. Monicas SKh, ,1 ' fl o'clock, interment at Holy rtcii Cmcttry. MfflumsT. On July 0, 1015, ANNIE rEWHUhST. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, on rvMir at 1130 p. m , at the residence of Mr lftter. Hannah M. McOahey. 20 N. Sta it. Darby, Pa. Interment private. (IftitUEV. On July 0. 1018, OEOROD M.. Mibtna of Roto arauler. Relatives ana iwmdi are Invited to attend the funeral serv JSE oa Friday, at 3 p. m., from his lata niSrice, 2250 N. 13th at. Interment private. wiJlimUBST. On July 7. at "Clover Hill." "vilWIy. N. J- JAMES "W. HA'ZLEHURST. '.".,.- .. .htt rnnnnt wilt H .k.n ;0nXeON-At her residence, 23 8. Jld st, cam. Pa, on July 7. iio. juuia. u E Sfiiiir-of Edward P. Johnson, aged 81 eara. lb 'tll' of funiral later. lEIfrilrnv. On juiy 7, luio, ahuiu,w .VnoDitv nlflttvM and friends nro ln- Bied ta attend the funeral services, on Sat-E-SiVr. at 1 P m, from late residence, 4011 iffcrlnt Bt. Emplcyoa of Robinson & Craw Kfcra ire, Invited to view the remains Friday r'nenlafc from 8 to 0 p. m. Interment private, rpleaie omit flowers. IMIROEfiEn. Entered Into rest in laneas- Ster, Pi. onuly 0. loin KATHERINE IUP.R. widow ot the late rrancls Schroeder, fitlie 801h year of her age. Services and In- TAN IIF.II.. At her residence, North Hleh- 1CAHY, wire of the lata David Van Bell. lOUCe Ul iuutini mi". CLASSIFIED RATES nAir.Y AND SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER YiwKndi STYLE TYPE (or like this) One Insertion loo per line Torre insertion in a -weeic.. .jz)C7riino Keren consecuiire insertiuua... juq (iriinq lllwitlons wanted, three Inter Cons In a week lOo per lino p SIZE TYPE (or like this) fcnnttted In all classifications except Help 111 Stautlons Wanted, Lost and Found, Per cnilf. Roardlner and Rooms. mi insertion sue per line Van Insertions In a week. ,...nVtC per line ifiia lonsecutlye Insertione....l6o per line ''All rates are based on aeata measurement. II trite lines to the Inch. Dttm NOTICES either piper 10 Unei. one time . ... BOo vti insertions. ii.uu COMBINATION RATE DAILY ONLY (rlniirtlon In both the mornlne and evenlnc lifers ot tame day ; PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNINOi EVENING LEDGER IBVRMtKOI r 111 four cents per line net to ratea given lUmt. hflpru mm o it.ti a m t r -vr a EiWAUTED ADVERTISINGS & ruiiut ucuuiii ia iin- SERTPTi 1M THP trVIT'MTMr: LEDGER WITHOUT ADDI- flQNAL CHARGE. icre is a drucr stnrci nrnr vnur lOffle that will ncnnfr T.pHrrpr want ait at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMATjE DISTANT MANAOER-Acttve lady -of edu- ' : .". ......cuivtii, uiiu tu) eLficiiva lyen Hoarding house; neighboring wojrDi, one desiring a good home, as a f.Vi'f,0' family, with light and pleas lot duties-nothing menlal-rather (ban high IS i I'r,'r"1; unexceptional references ro MreJ. F H8. Ledger Central. CM.B??AID.n1 tJyM maid! two girls to r?fii.?S'1,Si8.nJ0,?,t,,1,,! muat hav BOoa i "- "". Mwior utiice. :Pis!i?Hf,5?R.s-ller Rna bunch makers !Vr.l"i!?!..T, & O, Company. 1MI-11B3 North .w "ireei. !iG r.J"mM py Jarge corporation for cler u SV ' mu,t be KO01 Penman, accurate siJaS!' "J ln. appearance. State agA tSSSS " " reference. P 35.3, Ledger $tn tS?.?IEneIlabl sin or woman wanted . tTf.l.UStal hOUSeWOrk With rminlft nnH hah. JUTUSJUburba. 318. Ledger Office. ' 80D8BWOHKiiu... ,.i ...j . ' S5KaitaPP!Ki'-T"rbA!..,ma11 'am"'l -i - nvi ucuanr mjj lILtJ. aaEWS!?"'oml;,el,nt 'rl for apt. In W. " sleep home rtinnn n.im.,1 mm w trerlencjd chlldnursa and gov rif?S.n. UU'J. ' of ehlld four S l8&i 'V.b "11'n? o jo to seashore, i...-. "r Sl"r o ! m. ai i i il.!?b,8 X0r.g girl for cooking In kA-l mKSSI "J""il """ and obllglngi ESroo I Tf' b'"llih or NorwegUn pre Sa? lbu""5ay. O Wayne .. ErStfiS. b.,"',',n.? wi ffr.perma- UBuHt .J" "i-'o-wii" iuuai. uve i no i ni a huh ...V. - J...t !.tan f?". 'h. "'!! ..?o?d 'f?l..n'l X?e st , between irt .nj i SwuSS .eoIrd wonu 'r cooking .iTsSJiSsargas fiVWa lra L bfj;i 74U "vw' HELP WANTED MALE IB V. . " '. t iLi.il M'-f"-, to take 's:?,St"?,c.,!la butctuw, Who undsmtandi lmhl. ZtZk,T. ",.!??. . who '- iiy to u"1 "L lh front- Apply t O-r"'." U'fl; jaf,-"- K" .rtd k i... Ell LtirL '". .UitVIBUUU fjr " at 4gures ni.. i . t'"1 lVrii.e and i.fi;"i Mat pw inm - - - aor. Nrttj. '. or. "-u'ler ahop. lucuatinwd ta r- w ujfEua.t wrtf ma i 19. glfc "'H F.-rUtjd phote3BUI- ' i,ory l atwctvai) Ml .uUio, HELP WANTED 1VIAI.E SALasMAN, yoon man. About 2S yeorti ot T56.,n. nl:tbllslied bulne, most t tJt of high school, ot good pernoflailty; SUi? '" 14 er week, atata rieter ences hen anawerinr. Add, n 4. Ltd.. Off, ?.!i? "MEN-Ynung men of good edu ji!ri.l")ftjriince, energ and ambl tren wlm are desirous of making a permanent good future In a fast-gtow-!Er bi'.1 "! men of undeveloped stll ilT.5. 5,bl"!'' who "HI eventuslly develop into district sale managers that will pay bftler than liSOO annually. This la n hlsh-grnde. hropoaltion of meritorious ?rlel.jrt only men of the above cal JbCS,wlJl receive nn Interview. Address L SOS, Ledger Office. WANTED Experienced Bmyrna rug aelttrsi run time, steady work and good wages guar- --...w. ... .. oiimn K cons, ou una x,emgn .T0. . Draughtsman, experienced hy raiillo tools: state experience and salary. . Address M 8U, Ledger Otnce. WANTED-Four competent double-entry book- keepers, state salary req. V 440. LeJ, Cent. WANTBD-Salesman for stock of mfg. concern! , no agenta; references. F 243. Ledger Cent. A LAR3E2 university to advertise directly Its Ud number of SlOO tuition credits trtt: Applicants muit be of sr and furnish, belt wrencM. Apply to Mr. Uvely, AdetptiU IIOTAl. HlUH.onAnE ertdlt and offlce man with ex- torienc ii v, imager urnc. TWO neat ounif men. aced 23, to travel. Ap- t'U twj nrnway uiay,, p k, m. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE DOOKKKKPEn and purchasing agent, excep. exper. In buying paint materials, building and contracting supplies, etc.; apeak Italian fluently) good exec abll F 43, Led. Cent. BOOKKEtSrER-HIgh School grad,: knowl. ot stenography; etp. F 440. Ledger Central. ISOOKKEEPEIi and office assistant! eip.ae. cunitej moderate salary. IT 444, Ledger Cent. CHILDNimSB, young girl, wishes position for summer) moderate wages. P 2.U, Led. Oft. CLCRK, asst. bookkeeper, cashier! exp.i high school education. F 54 ii, Ledger Central, COOK, Oerman rrotestant woman: understands ery branch. V S02, Ledger Office. COOK AND WAITRESS (2 alaters). cap. and exp,, best rafctencm P 1110, Ledger Office. COOK, first class; go anywhere; public or private, bui wmoQiey si, COOK, German Protestant: thoroughly experl ciiccui reterences. iuo Aieion si. COOKINU and downitalra work; capable and exp.; nrst-ciasa reis. r aui. meager ugico. C1HU 22 years old, well educated, good refer ences. experienced office work, would like position, anas iesne. aaa t. aq ct. OOVlSHNEas or companion; English Prot.i Koon neeotewomaji; pest reia. t' ail, leo. un. liUUUhiYvuKK. or cooking: exp., settled, white woman; pen rgtorenco. 1 au, meager miice. 1IOUHBWOHK, light, small adult fam.; sefd whito woman! ret. 2, Led. Br., 2660 Otn. aye. INFANT'S NURSB; exp.; capable of taking iuii cnorge; rets. eaa, meager lenirai. LADY closing house wishes to placo chamber mold, waitress, also cook; seaanore or country preferred. 6824 Lena at., Qermantown. MOTimrTs hEEPER Toung Prot. woman as- sin nn sewing; rer. i' huo, imager uince. NURSE, companion or mother's helper; refined, educated young woman; dootor'a reference 1'i.one rox i;naae 10. NURSE wants position to take care of Invalid or intent, uau ciKins ave Tabor. BTENOORAl'HERS Neat and dependable; would consider moderate salary with oppor- lunmes; reierenccs. u lit, leager mncc, STENOORArilBR. & asst. book'r. lndua., de- p pd.. begin., rapid worker. F 453, Led. Cent. 8TENOORAPHER, exp., knowl. of eookkeep- ing; moucrate salary, fhone spruce ooog. BTENOORAPIIER-Thoroughly exp., law, real est.; quick and accurate. F B46, Led, Cent. bTENOORAPIIER, quite rapid on typewriter; a ccur. notes; depend, speller. F 811, Led. Cent. TYPIST, rapid, easy writer, fast on machine; references. F B40. Ledger Central. WOMAN, refined, colored, wants day's work or housework In small family, city or suburbs; reference. 2440 N. 17th st. WOMAN wants position as helper or worker In Institution. P 314. Ledger Office. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK, sleep home. 41)91 'Stiles st. YOUNO, refined lady, colored, wishes position as lady's maid; understands halrdresalng and manicuring; best reference; willing to travel. .t iv, meager uince YOUNO LADY, experienced as stock clerk, knowledge ot stenography, deslres'offlce posl tlon; steady worker. F 54T, Ledger Central YOL'NO college woman desires position as clerk, private tutor or companion; willing to travel F 43T. Ledger Central. . , WHITE PROTESTANT WOMAN wishes house work In adult family; good baker; reference; city or country, ixi iai st. NEAT, experienced colored girl desires general or chambcrworki ref. Phone Preston 4251. CAPABLE stenographers, bookkeepers, clerks, commercial help of any kind can be se cured through the Commercial Department at Ledger Central. Wrlto your needs to Miss Dean or telephone her at Walnut U0U0. and prompt service will bo rendered. You will undoubtedly require a substitute Ledger Central Is a good place to find one Thin It a free service to Ledger advertisers. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT. AUDITOR, trained, executive, IL ot F. graduate, open for permanent or limited engagement; will take charge ot office staff and corporate affairs. F 41, Led. Cent. ACCT. and expert penman desires posl. with Oppor.l nigU-greUB liittll. u A,, ieujpr ynng. BOOKKEEPER Practical bus. man: thorough ly comp.: aten. exp.; steady, reliable; agoSJ, mar.; must be perm. Phone Woodland 8612 X. BOOKKEEFER-Practlcal and exp. D. uL bookkeeper open, for position; capable taklns full charge of office, r 247. Ledger Centra h BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. 7 yeara' ex perience; Al reference, desires evening work. B 10, Lodger Office. BOOKKEEPER. Wharton School U. of P., 3 i ears' experience, F 454. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, ago 30. efficient, will appre ciate a gooa Job. FM2, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER Exp, young man. married; flrst-claasrefertnco. B2,Ledger Of flee. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer desires per manent position. V 447. Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR American, single, 5 yeara' ex perience, drive and repair any car; go any where; pood record. F 310, Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, 10 years' experience; capable mechanic and conscientious driver; excellent references. 2010 Boston ave. CHAUFFEUR, slrgle; ' strictly aober; well - ..... anv ,. IT A1A T..Av.r Cm nt recqmmciiup-.t .. -.. - ..... . ..... -... . CHAUFFEUR, good mechanic, S years at laat nlace: reference; sober. 853 Watts st. CHAUFFEUR, colored, wants position; any "ar: beat ref.j good mechanic. F 157. L. Cen. CHAUFFEUR, colored; 10 years' exp.; refs. r-.ll write. 1820 Ellsworth at. COACHMAN OR STUDGROOM, HOLLAND. ER.A1 HORSEMAN, AGE S3. FIRST. I l!X8S RFFEP.BNCE, WISHES POSITION; uQtAWl Wlli.ni.. i "W. i.ii.c.i jv - , COACHMAN, with first-class references, who can also run car. D 10, Ledger Office. DRAUaHTSMAr-'. young man. 4 yeara' archi tect's offlce; experienced residence, school and concrete work! beet references. B 11, linger uino. ELECTRlCIArJ- Mechanic skilled and Inven tive; perim, with prospects F 147, Led. Cen. 7JARDENER. Oermin; flrst-claas exp. and ref.. desires position, ri,vS family preferred, by July la. C. It.. 2M2 Flora st. MAN AND yW)S white, butler and cook; good Yeferenee. P glO. Ledger Office. OFFICE MAN have handled correspondence, advertising an sales routine: roarrlod; best reference H l Ledger Office.. IrrSAMFITTER aa foreman In a bleachtry or large plant; understand ail pipe work: now foreman of construction company! married; 11 ears' exp.t non-union. F 441, Ledger Cent. BTENOflRAPHER-Young msnof good ad dress, quick and accurals: mod. salary: good reference. Address F 455. Ledger Central. SktRMAN couple; wife, cook: man. butler, generally useful! best references. CaU31f) N uin st.. rnuauetpn--. SSP. stenographer, best ot refs , wishes posl. In any office. Add. Stenographer. 2.8 B. 3d. ST6aDY. aetlve. elderly man, city or country. il t, logger mtivp. AUTOMOBILES For Sale TAXICAB and fturlng cars. 30 II. P.: some slightly used; good for private use. Jitney or livery business: a few chassis, suitable for light delivery service; extra parts, radiators, pumps, fens, limps, acetylene gas tanks, storage batteries, colls, magnetos, spark plugsT carburetors, running .boards, fenders, dustpans, hood, windshields. Jacks, tires. ?lnid.miBtsbJe and quick detachable Jims. eiigllir bodies. framM. springs, axles, wheels, steering gears, mufflers, etc. Call at wichlne shoo. Driveway. 4W8 Sermantown CADILLAC T-passetiger tourlog. Jlrsf-etaii run. For Bale ar Kxehange eJALB OR TRADE for tot or dUmoads. one Tltsmas Flyer autiiiVlU. will do 16 to M mUwV excellent cuudlttoo; too fast fbr pres ent owner M 318. Ledger Ofo " AUTO LIVERY AND GARA0B6 want '?,?" 29 S1? ttBTIfiSfttl.! faiBSt IP .1 " waa . , -t- . TO IHBE-Pal touring car, wtva,t. II jw hour Phone wyomuig uat x. .. fob"hiriv f'iy Wl11 il!r 8'iaffS?"' touring low nt' Bbone Dlamoad 41M. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RF.PRESFNTATIVF?-MAr.fe OTt FTOtALB wanted In every nearby town, seashore and Phils., to represent a Wholesale house telling dlret lo consumers; retail quantities, whole sle prices. M 319. Ledger Office. BXECTJTIVK and business manager deslrts ronnectlon, wide experience In Oreat Britain and United States, comprehensive references. AddresRH7L LedgercjentraJ. CLEANING AND DYEINQ OSTRICH FEATHKRB AND FANCIES CLEANED. DYED MA1UIOT, 1810 Chestnut DRESSMAIUNa AND MILLINERT. DRB8SMAKINO taught; short, prao. course. t MacDowell, 307 Denda Bldg., 11th & Market, I1BM8TITCHINO done while you wslt. A. . Mtelchard, 1113 Chestnut, Pictorial Review pat. rOR SALE TDNT3 FOR 8ALD OR TO HIRE ALL SIZES WATERPROOFING BERNARD MCCURDY 110 N. BTH BT. BELL PHONE, FILBERT 2313 STORAGE WEST Monsreh Storage Co Auto and pack ?JUJktlJJCJlJLnJj?JiL,ni!.MI0inCM,rjy WANTED GENTLEMEN'S second-hand clothing bought, highest prices. Benjamin, 620 N. Front st, Market 4623 W. ROOMS FOR RENT CARLISLE, N 2010Nlcely furnished front room, all conveniences; private fam.i phone. CHESTNUT. 1004-ROOMB SINOLB OR EN . SUITE. TELEPHONE LOCUST 731. CHESTNUT. 3144-DESIRABLn VACANCIES; single, double; reference; phone. Preston 620U D. SPRUCE. 1117 Large, airy, front room; well furn.i also stnglo room. Walnut 7170 W. VENANGO. W JUl-tcorner house). Private family will rent 2 large airy roome: single or en suite; will unfurnished. Ph. Tioga 7551 12TII, S., 114 Large, airy front room, gents only. Apply 2d floor. Phone Walnut 030. 16TH, N., 14,10-1 tandsomely furnished rooms In refined pilvnte home; board optional, all conveniences; phone service. 418T. N.. 880 (cor. Westminster) Single end communicating rooms, fur, or unfur.j ref. 5&TH ST.. N 152S Two unfur. rooms, single or en suite; suit, for hskpg.; private home. MD, 6., 123-Nicely furnished room, private fam.; new house; unlimited phone; all conv., 1 square from Li gentlemen pref.; reqson'le. BEAUTIFULLY furn. rooms, adjoining bath; o.uiu.iTt wrction .v. folia, j'resion ..PI li. 63 and Sansom Furnished tuuiun, iiieii uiujr, IIICKI., WEST BRANCH shower balne; near L; all the Y. 3t. C. A, comforts ot home. Phone Del- mom 4r,ai. Key, west ago. Atlanllo City. N. J. THE ARNOLD APT., No. 1, 1521 Paclflo ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Private family will rent large outside room, next to bath; short or long season; comer apartment, one block to btach; references exchanged BOARDING ARCH, 2011-2016 Beautifully furnished rooms. hotel table and service; so weekly. BROAD, S., 770 (The Graham) Cool and at- ,w,, .U,,I,.,,CU lUUlUB. .11 ItlVUCttl blHI.Eir lenccs; excel, table board: hotel serv.; 17 up. LEHIGH, W., 1313-15 Beautiful rooms, with" uparu, an conv.; pnone; new managomer.t. PINE ST., SOU Small adult family has large iront room, suitaDie ror two rurnisneti, witn board, refs. exchanged. Belmont 4028 D. POWELTON AVE., 4037 Large, airy room In private tamny: excellent taeie; pnone. SPRUCE, 1028-30 2d-floor room, southern ex- nninrn rhnlp. tnhl. tinnrA. WAlmit T3.VS V. SPRUCE, 2022 Desirable furnished rooms; private ptuim, summer rates uicust iuui j. WALNUT, 4K11 2d-floor rooms, with board. near ir eoutnern exposure: reis exenangeu. 22D, N., 2300 (cor. house) Large, airy front room; private ramny. Diamond ioot u 38TH, S . 10 Handsomely furnished rooms, prUnte family: excellent table. Preston 048'IW. .40TH. N.. 700 Prlvato family will board re fined gentleman: convenient to city. Bar. 818 Suburban m:rtMANTOWN 235 W Rlttenhouie st. (be tween Wayne and Oreene) De vacs., single or com.; gooa taoie- urn. 101a ji. OVEIIBROOK 6063 Drexel road: boarding, tinnls, awlm'g pooL Phone Preston 5553 W. OAK LANE, 703 Desirable rms. , congenial sur. rounilngs: good home table Oak Lane 388 W APARTMENTS SPRINO GARDEN. 1010-BxceIlent apts. In 8 oirrerent nouses: some rurn. , mtcneneues. West riillmlelphla 40TH ST..S., 303 Attractive apt 3 rms. and batn; h.w exposure; janitor serv : org, near. EURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST, 1318 Elegsnt spartments, 2 rooms, private bath: also single rms Wal. 7f03 W. West Philadelphia 34TH, N.. 67 Well-turn bachelor apt , 2 rooms, sleeping porch and bath, private fam- liy, an conveniences. iJnone paring looa w HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DIAMOND. 21123 rms.. bath, kitchen, hot- water neac; ret,; a jioor, e.o; t rm. , uaiu, kitchen, all cor, rms.. 135. Diamond 1813 W. pnpi.AR. 1522 Attractive housekeeping apts., 2 and 3 rooms, bath, kitchenette, modern contenlences. Apply 801 Emplwi Bldg. gpij OARDEN, 2101 (cor ) Cool, well furn, elec private bath; phone; reasonable. West I'hllndelphln WALNUT, 40BO (oorner) Modern apt , six rooms and bath: Janitor serv Preston 4105 D REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY FIRE INSURANCE ALBRECHT'S 878 Drexel Bldg.. 2114 W. Lehigh ave. Logan LOGAN REAL ESTATE SALE RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith. Broad st.. opp. Logan Station. NEW JERSEY BUNGALOW8. 1100 cash. 20 monthly: lots 25 xl50; nesr trolley: conv. to rtier; National Park. Greater New Jersey Co.. 31 B 16th. Hnddonfleld. N. J. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. WM. CAREY MAR8HALL. 681 Federal St.. Camden. Woodbury Heights, N. J. SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg. lots at reasonable prices. John Mayhew. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 50 ACRES, Main Line; stone buildings; good frultt timber: make offer. J. D. THOliP SON. West Chester. Pa. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR. HOME by monthly payments of from 117 10150; houses located N, Phlla. and ,u.t. .. VAm tlRAA In 1,1941 lLf..h.M. Union Trust Co.. 715-719 Chhestnut st. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OFFICES. BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC. DREXEL BLDG OFFICES. Annual Reptals. law. Suites. 3 rms.'. 2i IM. iloo. jjjo USi. 1350, Cor, suites. 2 to.10 rms., 3&?.to 1675. Ellli P. Wllliaroj. oou urexei Hldg. ONE-HALF of office for rent, with telephone gCrVlCV. JiU CmUII'VUW asm tail AJi4timin. ML Airy PSelRABLB PROPSaiTIES 132 50 UPWARDS; CONVENIENT TO &de?a;Sts4ns,8n ?i?i5rwftMfg 5. l&ll&g-mi BOYER ST. BKABHORE Ocean City. N. J. THRBB LADIES can have ue of bungalow EOR RENT FURNISHED SEA81IOBE AtaJon. N. J. NSW furnlfhed huogalow xH&tttJs: sear oeean, .rent . . J., ot Josb amwjji W'ElsrS: ?,w2 6d Walnut st- PtUktielphte. MORTGAGES iinuuiv win KfiRTninBD 500 J51000 S1200 SiSOO $1600 . S5000 WW HOOU. iVi .NOtUUS 1 fefc3 SCRAPPLE "" gONGS WITHdUT WOUDS t- ; i if ' ' " ' " Ills Card Said The Latest in Proposals London Opinion. Angela Of course, It seems rather out of place to think that you are golns to fight for your hearth and homo, when you haven't a wife! Wo Love This Man Goodness gracious hen!?, ! where hame "you been?y0ur. cu3wes are a sv3ht.' VrWlYE JUST BEEN BRUSHED X H,E SIMP WHO'S ALWAV5 PICKIN' ON WOUR SUIT. AND THE WORST : "I. 111 lltffi n b ijMilEr2aM9 &" Morlaruy, instructor in Uoxlng" War Hclicf "My dear, l'vo got an Idea," said old Mrs. Ooodnrt to her caller. "You know we frequently read of the sol diers making sorties. Now, why not make up a lot of those forties and send them to the poor fellows ot tho front?" Boston Transcript. Sexton (to youn,s farmer who has vicar be fishing o' Toosday. Farmer Well, then, say Monday, Lack of Appreciation After shaking hands at the depot one colored man Inquired of another: "Didn't you marry de widow Jones de first of January?" "Dat's me I did," was the answer, "but I've dun left her." "Why, how's dat?" "Well, de fust week she called me honey, de next week she sulked around and called me old Rlaharda, the third week she cum for me wjd a flatlron an' I'se kinder got a hunch she didn't like me." Exchange. IS YET TO COME v9sssiiSa. w ' "" -'wwm'Y.- THE PADDED (JELL ) ?Jb to ( Juhe QRrjESA?. YJ rp MOW rMWMG C? 1. douy, Biscuits gJ-g ;.- 1 y : j -K ( J - ' W":- t 'osfw vrrTvuT, Literally 1 '" IHftT H II I r T T Tttyfjp' (MtHIHUlliHmlllllL'y "The suite, my dear, on the ground floor Is 175, but those on top aren't so high." called to arrange for the christening of his Sexton Noa not Monday. Font'll be full -i- Ji i--j. I. '""' Mi "' """ "T" "" T -r - irn m 1 1 in ! ii r- ''. - m i issx mnsm Byttaader. Chief Stoker (to culprit whose silt trousers have given offante) I've tpld yer before abaht comtn' dahn 'ere with these 'are French fashions. Now I arsk yer, are yer a stoker, hor a blooming Mannyqueen? Adapted from a sketch by an offlser of 11. M. 8. InAaxibie of an, Incident whlah actually occurred on board of her while sfce waa operating Is the Darda-nallea. Vicar's Daughter "Whera did you get thoe sice khaki mutes. Palsy? Did your mother knit thaoa for you? Daisy No. rale. Daddy swat thsm home from the front at Christinas. ' Puneh. - - - Tho Philosopher "Alan! An umbrella la like one's friends. Never to be found ln foul weather." -pUnch. child) Doantee bring 'e Toosdayj o' minnows Monday, A Brace The Ootleoter I bought two WhU tlers t?aj-. The Lady Ah' A, saaU aat a fe iaa.1. ) prunje.-Jui. SWSWilL iijj Ml l l iqgw-WPPIWHl a Hi llll " . ii ii I' r l n