Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 03, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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ll 111,11 llVll!
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brinton Coxe Will Give Their Annual Recep-
Dainty iGourns Arc Worn by Fashionable Throngs at the Tennis
and Golf Tournaments Which Have So Occupied
Society Recently at the Clubs.
imons Entertain at Beverly Farms', Mass.
Bff, satiteMYT
& independence Day, th Brtat national
EtAtlflAy, will DO geicuinj nu jei uii
wend mnr entertainment of varl
eJji kinds have been planned to celebrate
Ihe oceaalon. Mr. and Mra. Henry Brln
' coxe. who are now occupying their
toiintfy home In Penllyn, will give their
annual dance and exhibition of flreworka.
itr and Mr. Charlea Edward Ingeraoll
will live a dinner at their home, Forreet
intl alo in Penllyn Mr. and Mrs. Byd-
Emlen Hutchinson will be Moat at
Sfhsuee party ovr th holiday at their
Sir 'Walter Llpplncott, of AUcot, Bryn
Mawr, will entertain a party on board
ihtlr yacht, iaay eyi over wio
ind Mr. and Mra. II. Evan Taylor, of
!M5Plne atreet, will have a number of
cuesU at their house at laland Heights.
Mr John Wagner, of Four Oakes, der
mVntown, will give his annual all-day en
KrttlMntnt and Mr. and Mra. William
Wurta Harmar will keep open houae at
their cottage on Victoria place, Venlnor.
Mr and Mra. W. Seton Henry, of Pen
rhvn Cornwells. will entertain a large
hnuti party over the holiday, as will also
Mrs Henry h. Davis. Jr., at her cottage
In Buck Kills Falls. In honor of her
daughter. Miss Eleanor Davis. Miss
IMnnah Randolph will, be hostess at a
houre party at her home In AVlldfleld
Farm, Narragansett Pier.
Thlladelphlans will also ngur Inrgely
In the entertainments to be given In New
r,ort Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Astor will
entertain In their usual delightful way
and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Duncan will glvo
a tea with dancing at their home Bonnie
Very few entertainments will bo given
during the week, but a number of persona
will leavo on various trips. On Wednes
day Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton Llttlo and
their family, of Glen Bogle, Folcroft.
will leavo for a two months' cruise on
their house-boat Mary Ann.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brinton Coxe will
leavo their Penllyn estate on Thursday
and go to Isleaboro, Me., for two months,
There will bo several weddlnus of lm-,
rortance on Saturday. At noon, in Cape
May, Miss Placlde Thompson Vogt will
become the bride of Lieutenant Charles
S, Kerrlck, U. S. N.
The marrlago of Miss Edith Rtdgway
-.. mil daitrrhtt ft "tr And AIfS
John V. Towneend. of Bryn Mawr, and
Dr. Hunter W. Scarlott, of Erlo, will take
place In Holy Trinity Church, Paris.
In the evenlnrf Mr. Walter S. Wheeler
will give a dinner In the Pickering Valley
Hunt Club, In, celebration of his birthday.
Mri. Alexander E. Patton and nor
daughter, Miss Edith D. Patton, of 135
South 18th street, will entertain a house
party it their country placo In Curwena-
f vllle, Pa.
Mlsa Ituthnnna Johnson, daughter of
' Mr. and Mrs. Alba Johnson, of Caat-
ana. Hoaemont, has as her guests Miss
i Ann Woodln and Miss Dorothy Haight,
. DOln 01 wnom jnuuo uivit uuwv ,aw
I season In New York.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Oalsor. Mlsa
rEleanor Qalser and Mlsa Marie Galaer,
of Iilandrlllo road, Cynwyd, will motor
to Atlantic City today to remain over
the week-end at the Hotel Traymore.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn, of Plne
hurat. Woodbury, announce the marriage
of their daughter. Miss Elizabeth Mabel
Dunn to Mr. Olln Metiel, of Baltimore,
on Thursday, July 1. The ceremony took
place In the home of the bride's parents,
u T. n TVtlMn nfflMtltlnir. fiwlnff to
a 'recent death in the bridegroom's family
the ceremony was a very quiet one.
Along the Main Line
' OVEnBBOOK Mr. and Mrs. W. Logan
MaeCoy and their little daughter. Miss
Janet McCoy, motored up to Jamestown,
It.1 1., today to spend the summer with
Mrs. JfacCoy'a grandmother, Mrs. Wlater
Morris, of Overbrook, at her Rhode Island
coture. Dr. and Mra. Charles Wood, of
Waihlngton, D. C, also made the trip
with them and will stay several days
with Mrs. Morris before leaving for the
Weat to visit the Exposition.
tfi, MEMON-Mr. and Mrs. William Y. C.
'PAndrrton, Miss Louise Anderson and Mr.
HVllJon Anderson, of South Highland ave
gpue. will spend the week-end over the
Fourth of July with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Lay Evans, at their Atlantic City cottage.
i Mr. and Mrs John H. McClatchy and
.family, of Highland and Montgomery
avenues, have opened their Ocean City
cottage for the summer.
WYNNEWOOD-Mr. and Mrs. George
H. Boles, of Kent road, are spending sev
eral days In the Pocono Mountains.
, Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Drinker, Jr.,
.have opened their cottage at Beach
Haven for the summer.
UllDMORB-Mr. and Mrs. Frank P.
Martin. Mils Isabelle Martin and Mr.
Kndrlck Martin, of 141 Llanfalr road, left
for Yentnor, N. J., where they will spend
July and August Mr. Bryan Martin has
gone to a camp In Maine, where he will
atay two weeks before joining them.
TbHYN MAWIl-Dr. and Mrs. Samuel O.
Dixon and Mtas Katharine Dixon, of Old
Quit road, are spending six weeks in CaU
Ifornli, visiting the Panama-Pacific Ex
position. Mra. Howard Brown, of Morris avenue,
will leave today for Chester, where she
Will visit her aunt. Mra. 8. Moore, for a
VMr. and Mrs. Harry noss Wilson, of
trenn street and Gulf road, ore spending
verai weeks at Clalrlngton. Pa.
WVILLANOVA-Mr, and Mrs. Ralph C.
tgTana, of Perin road, left several days
rlfO for Tlnrnftt V wham thv huvA
ftken & cottage for the summer.
' Chestnut Hill
V Mlis Lucie Reed, of Gowen avenue, haa
aa her guest Mlae Lucia Parvln, of Lees
port, Pa. Miss Parvln came down to at
tend th wedding of Miss Doris Wayne
Elkins and Dr. Harold Shoemaker Broom
all, which took place Wednesday at St.
Martlna-ln-the-Flelds. Chestnut Hill.
'& Mr. and Mrs. James 8. Taylor and fam
uli oi .ait Mt Airy avenue, are oc-
" meir cottage in Chelsea for the
fHIss May Bell, of 218 Evergreen ave-
apendlng the week In Cape May,
U" wh-rB ahe Is taking In the Women's
ywiicn lisir Tournament.
H E'nor Harvey Wood, of Mount
I, ha just returned home after having
IM tWO waelca with bar rntmln. Ikffaa
SB. B. Harvey, of Chestnut Hill.. at
jnuner home, The Hardy Farm, near
sjfe rvl Mrs. W. P. Barba, qf SWf Weat
Pr street, win leave Thursday on
inp to maine.
te,nd Mr"- Charles Mervin araham.
Lf "Mt Seyrnowr street will spend
u.f yi ana pari qi eepiemoer at
' rSUwtw, Moylan, Vs,
ail1 Mn tlmtr If..,. JUII.rh n
ivSt Chtlten avenue, hav gon to
"fi mountains to speua jttJy aa
Wllt!.M u a . - a-i , XI
ua lU,o Kveaue, accoaiBioied by
his two daughters, Mies Helen Scott and
Mlsa Dorothy Scott, yesterday left .town
to open their Spring Lake cottage.
The Misses Grove, of HO School House
LAne, have gon to Atlantld City, N, J
to stay until September.
The Rev. Charles Henry Arndt, M. A..
rector of Christ Church, Tulpehoeken
and McCnllum streets, has Joined Mrs,
Arndt and their eons, at their summer
home on Orr's Island, Me.
Mr. John Mcllhenny and the Misses Se
nna and Georgia Mcllhenny, of West Up
sal street, left this weeik for Chelsea,
where they will occupy their cottAge until
Mr und Mrs. Edward T. Flood and
Mu.a Eleanor Flood nre occupying their
cottage nt Ventnor.
Mr. Edward I. II. Howell and his sister,
Miss Anna H. Howell, of 6218 Germantown
avenue, have gone to the Homesteod, Hot
Springs, Va.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bnnes, of 401 West
Price street, wilt spend the holidays at
the Chelsea Hotel, Chelsea, N. J.
The Tuesday Evening Drop-In muslcales
at the oina Women's Christian Associa
tion continue to be of Interest.
A recreation leader has been secured
for the two remaining summer months.
There will be folk dancing, volloy ball,
tennis and other gumes for the seniors;
hikes, games and picnics for the Juniors.
Tho tennis court Is now In readiness, and
Is a membership privilege. On July B the
association building will be open nil day.
The swimming pool hours aro from 2:30
to 0 p. m. Tho Kopper Kettle will be
open from 3:30 to 8:30 p. m.
Along the Reading
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B Wents, of
Washington lane, Chelten Hills, accom
panied by Master Daniel B. Wents, Jr.,
and Miss Dolly Wents, have gone to
Eagle's Mere, where they have taken a
house for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wolker. of Wash
Ington lane, Chelten Hills, nccompanled
by Mlsa Gertrude Walker and Master
ewion waiKer, have left for a. sojourn
of several weeks at tho Aberdeen, Long
port, N, J.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spalding, nccom
panled by Miss Sarah Spalding and Mas
tor Warren Spalding, have left their
home on Webster avenue, Wyncote, to
spend tht summer In Now Hampshire.
Miss Theodora Culver and JIlss Evelyn
Armstrong appending their vacations at
tho homos of their parents in Jenklntowu.
They both attend Wilson College, Cham
bersburg, Pa.
Miss Helen Duncan, of Camac street,
Oak Lane, will bo hostess at a garden
"500" this afternoon. There will be six
out-of-town guests, Including Miss Jano
Culjy, of West Chester; Miss Corlenne
Baldorston. of Merchantvlllo; Miss Helen
Dutton, of Merchantvlllo: Miss Leonft
Lurn, of Camden, and Miss Evelyn Weir,
of Wilmington.
West Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murphy, of 2CES
Douglas street, and their children. Law
rence and Catherine, will leavo next week
to spend the summer In Anglesea, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Kelly, of 2065
South 67th street, havo left for Wlldwood,
N. J where they will spend the summer.
Mr. George Wood, Jr., and Mr. Russell
Wood, of "203 Paschall avenue, are on a
visit to their aunt, Mrs. Duer, In Elk
ton, Md.
Mr. Harry D. Beaston, of 64th street
and Chester avenue, is spending the
summer at Wildwood, N. J.
M. Samuel Zlnsburg, of 6067 Vine street,
will spend the Fourth at Collegevllle.
Miss Rosalind Murphy, of 733 North G3d
street, entertained the Friday Afternoon
600 Club yesterday afternoon. This was
the last party of the soason for the club.
Mies Murphy will spend the week-end at
Atlantic City.
Mrs. Harry Smith, of 6024 Vine ntreet,
with her two sons, Robert and Harry,
will leave today for Pennsgrove to spend
Sunday with Mr. Smith, who Is employed
South Philadelphia
Mr. William Kucker, 4121 Marshall
street, and Mr. Chris Crlblear, 2167 Clem
entine street, start Sunday on an auto
mobile tour through the upper part of
the State, stopping at Reading and Will
lomaport to visit relatives, and expect
to return the latter part of July. They
ore going In Mr. Crlbltar'a Studebaker
touring car.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Light, of 1729
South 8th street, gave a delightful dinner,
followed by dancing, this week, when
they announced the betr-thal of their
daughter, Miss Reba Light, to Mr. Ben
jamin Sllber, of Bristol, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Sllber, of this city.
ilr, and Mrs. William Heckert of 15th
street and Snyder avenue, have taken
apartments at Wlldwood. N. J where
they will spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. McGlnty, of
1409 South 19th street, gave a, reception
at Toomey's Hall, 22d and Dickinson
streets, Wednesday evening. There were
400 guests present. There was dancing,
muslo and a buffet supper. One of the
features of the evening was the singing
of Mr. James Black, Mr. and Mrs, Mc
Glnty will shortly occupy their new home,
2J25 Watklns street
Mr. and Mrs. John Walmsley, of 62S
East' Hermitage street, have announced
the engagement of their daughter. Miss
Mima N. Walmsley, to Mr. Ralph
Prlckett, pf Tioga.
The engagement Is announced of Miss
Ida Ruth Brobk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Joseph Brook, of 6217 Ridge avenue, to
Mr. Joseph a Robinson.
Announcement Is made of the marriage
of Miss Marian Zell, daughter of Mr, and
Mrs. Franklin Zell, of 4351 Freeland ave
nue, to Mr. Horace J. Allen, of Esslngton.
Pa., on Wednesday evening, June 16, at
iv, hnma nf tha bride's Darents. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
Arthur H. wans, pastor oi me o"f
Methodlat Epiaeopal Church. Upon their
..mm from their honavmoon trio Mr. and
Mrs. AlUfl will live in Roxborough.
J.ot!c fr th Society page will be
,cecpUd sad printed In the gtenlni
Ledger, ba all such notices mast bi
written 0BA w of ,bo PW' mo
be algncd in nil, with fall address, and
when ikm1M telephone number must t
Bend all such communication to
"Society Editor," Bvsnuig ledger. MS
Chestnut etrect
Dnlas tneao renlrements are caJTied
out o that verification mar be peaalbte,
tbs notice will not b poblUasd.
Of Washington, D. C, who ar- lilt 1& ti&8& &m $ Yk)mf$m
rived in this city yesterday to bo flKis ! '''HPt'ffc Mm&tf&mmMMiWm
tho guest of Miss Marinn IPCC - 3r- WJ$$W$3MM
Williams, of 2302 Pnrrish street. Upr' K&W , , 4iigiffl:f1lTO
Dr. nnd Mrs. Edward Kirk, of South
Lansdowne avenue, will spend the sum
mer In Glen Haven, N. Y.
Miss Jean NIohols, of Stewart avenue,
has returned from Passaic, N. J where
she was teaching during the past year,
Mrs. E. T. Darby, of South Lansdowne
avenue, has as her guests Mrs. Frank
Eton, of Fort Washington, L, I nnd
Mrs. D. M. Wlllnrd. of Hempsted, L. I.
Under the auspices of the Associated
Charities of Eastern Delawnre County
about 350 children were entertained for
tho day, Thursday, nt Grinith Park.
Among those who helped provldo lunch
and amusements for tho youngsters were
Miss Cora Yeager, Miss Catharine Jones,
Mrs. Samuel Pcnnock, Mrs. Robert Ander
sen, Dr, Nathan Stauffter, the Rev Lynn
C. Drake, Miss Clara Ingram, Miss Mary
Ingram, Miss Mary Adams, Miss Ruth
Chalmers, Miss Emma Riddle, Miss Mary
Havlland, Miss Elma Wallace, Miss
Blanche Boyd, Miss Fleming, Mr. Donald
McLean, Mr. Harrison Matslnger, Mr.
Samuol Pcnnock, Mr. Nobel Beecham, Mr.
David Andersen, Mr. Cook McLean, Mr.
Jack Ingram, Mr. Louis McLean, Mr.
Jnmes Adnms, Mr. Robert Alexander and
Mr. Raymond Uhl.
Tennis Matches and Cabaret Dinner at Germantown Cricket
Club Open-air Play to Be a Feature at Whitemarsh.
Other Affairs of Interest.
The celebration of Independence Day
has already begun at a number of the
nearby rountry clubs and will continue
throughout tomorrow and Monday when
numerous dinner dances will be given as
n fitting wind-up. The Germantown
Cricket Club at Manhelm will attract Its
usual coterlo of tennis enthusiasts today,
where the find matches of tho present
tournament will bo played off. Monday
will be tho red-letter day at tho club, for
beginning early In the morning tho ten
uis courts will be filled with tho small
boy who Is Just beginning to wield the
racquet, the tired business man who firm
ly believes that this one day In the year
belongs to him nnd last but not least the
veteran, of whom Manhelm boasts a
goodly lot.
Then there will be luncheon served on
the balcony of the main club house, which
will be attractively decorated with hang
ing baskets of ferns and summer flowers.
The guests of honor will be the members
of Team A of the Philadelphia Cricket
Club, who will, after luncheon, play Ger
mantown Team A In a Halifax Cup cricket
match. A platform will be erected under
neath a huge chestnut tree where a band
concert will be given during the afternoon.
The crowning feature of the day will be
the cabaret dinner In the ball room. Red,
white and blue bunting and flags will be
used In decoration and the tables will have
flowers of the same shades to carry out
the color scheme. Favors anprnnrmt- to
the day have been secured for the diners
and the dancing will last until midnight
Among those who will glvo dinners are
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Lloyd, of 233
Harvey street, whose guests will Include
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Easton, of New
York ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Burton Mustln nnd
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Collins. Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Clement, Jr , will entertain
Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Lnndenberger, Jr..
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter and Kirs.
Lewis Moore. Another dinner will Include
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haywnrd Roberta,
who will have as their guests Mr. and Mrs.
Frank IC Roberts, of St. Joseph, Miss.,
who are their house guests, and Mr. and
Mrs. James B. Franke. Mr. and Mrs.
William R. Tucker will entertain their
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
William R. Tucker. Jr. Others dining will
be Captain A. W. Stahl, U. 8. N.. Mr. John
A Leeds, Mrs. Charles B. Pearson, Mr.
Samuel IC Fassmore, Mr, E. J. Moore, Mr.
H. D. Hershey. Mr. Ewlng Stllle, Mr. and
Mrs. William B. Kurtz, whoso guests will
Include Mr., and Mrs. William T. Newhall,
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kurtz and Mr.
Paul Kurtz, who has Just returned from
At the Philadelphia Cricket Club the
usual weekly dinner-dance will be given,
the club reserving their big day for Mon
day, which will open with a luncheon,
to be followed by the Halifax cricket
match. Then there will be muala and a
dinner-dance and later a fireworks dis
play. The clubhouse will be attractively
decorated, Mr, and Mrs. Edward 8. W.
Farnum will give a dinner of 12 covers
at the club tonight, and among other
who have reserved tables are Kirs.
Dorothy P. Potter, Mr, and Mrs. Edward
V. Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Slmonln,
Miss Elizabeth McCuen Smith and Mr.
Allen Smith. Mr. and Mrs, J. Andrews
Harris, Jr and Mrs. C. R. Barton will
be among those entertaining on Monday
evening. The Country Club at Bala, In
addition to holding it weekly dinner
dance tonight, will also have muslo and
dancing on Monday night, and several
luncheon parties will be given tomorrow.
Altogether unique will be the celebra
tion at the Whitemarsh Country Club on
Monday, for, Instead of the usual dis
play of flreworka, the house committee
ha,ve provided an open-air play, for which
tho Devereux Company, of New York,
will be brought over A French comedy,
entitled "The Fee Unexpected," will be
presented, the plot dealing with the trial
and tribulations of 11 rogues, each at
tempting to outwit the other, from Pierre
Pateltn, the country lawyer, down to the
humblest among them, a half-witted
shepherd. The sketch, which furnishes
an insight Into early French provincial
life, promises to be moat artistic Th
play will be preceded by numerous dlnr
ner parties and later, after the curtain
ha been rung down, there will be danc
ing until 11:90 o'clock. A dinner-dance
will be given at Whltemarth this eve
ning also.
The Huntingdon Valley Club will hold
an Informal golf tournament on Monday
morning for it member, and In the eve
ning a dlnner-dano will be given. The
picturesque clubhouse veranda and the
tree urrounding It will be strung with
varl-oolored electric light.
The Merlon Cricket Club, In addition to
It regular weakly dans thl evening, will
hold oDcn house on Monday, the faatlvl-
tt beginning with a cricket match The
Marlon team.
unaer inej aermp oi mt
J R Vatisrleln. will meet the Prankforc I
team. In tho evening added Interest will
Miss Hnines' betrothal Is announced today by hor parents, Mr. nnd
josepn names, oi joe
bo given to tho dinner-dance by a scries
Of competitions In tho one step, fox trot
and hesitation. Tho committee In charge
of tho arrangements Included Mr. Lothrop
Lee, Mr. W. R. Rossmassler, Mr. M. E.
Bethel. Mr. E. Y. Townscnd and Mr. H.
J. Lawrence, Jr.
A golf tournament will bo held at the
New Torrosdalo Golf Club on Monday
morning. Mr. Rush Rowland has charge
of the entries.
The Overbrook Golf Club will also hold
a golf tournament for Its members on
Monday morning. This will bo followod
by n the dansant at the clubhouse from
2 until 6 o'clock. Mr. Charles Hoffman
has ohargo of the arrangements.
Cynwyd Club At 11 o'clock Monday the
baseball team of the club will play the
Cynwyd Boys' Club on the field. Lever
ing Mill and State roads, and at 3 o'clock
exhibition tennis matches will bo played
or tho Cynwyd courts by special play
ers from the home team and other coun
try clubs.
Open house and the dansant will be
Interesting afternoon attractions, which
will draw many of the young peoplo over
to the clubhouse between 3 and 6 o'clock.
In the evening at 8:30 elaborate firework
celebrations will be given, following by
dancing In the clubrooms and spacious
Tho Curtis Country Club on Springfield
road. Media, will hold nn all-sports day
for girls under tho direction of Mr.
Thomas McCafferty, the president of the
club, assisted by Mrs. McBlano, tho
chaperon for the girls. A large number
of the employes of the Curtis Publishing
Company expect to participate. Races of
all sorts will be held, among which the
lemon race, bag, three-legged and water
carrying race sound promising. The
tennis courts will be In use throughout
the day. The "All Star" baseball game
at 2:30, In which tho girls' team will play
the boys' team, will be the most Im
portant event of the day. A pitcher and
a catcher from the ranks of the boya will
be given to the girls' team as a handi
cap. Other amusing features will be the
ple-eatlng contest and the peanut-scramble
for children. Refreshments will be
procurable at the clubhouse, and there
will be dancing, muslo and flreworka dur
ing the evening.
Tha 21st Ward has made unusual
preparations for the observance of
a "safe and sanr" celebration of Inde
pendence Pay. At 7:!S o'clock on Monday
mnrn'tig there will bi n parade of Sunday
schocl children licndd by mounted po
lice; Mr. Hiram I Wynee, chief marshal;
and these aides appointed by the various
schools: Mr, William Robinson, Jr.. Mr.
John Moore, Mrs. Frank Carlisle, Mr.
Frjnk Wager. Mrs George Ehly. Dr.
William Holdt. Mr. Harry Heale. Mr. Ed
want Harp, Mr George Katzenbach, Mr.
Loula Rlebel, Mr. Horace V. MacFadyen
and Mr. George Btumenauer.
Each school will be preceded by a band
o' music. They will march in the follow
ing order; Leverlngton Presbyterian,
Galilee Baptist, Fourth Reformed, Rox
borough Baptist, Central Methodlat,
Grace Lutheran. Ebenezer Methodlt,
Epiphany Lutheran, Talmage Memorial
and Bethany Lutheran. The parade will
form at Lyceum and Manayunk avenues
and march out Lyceum avenue to the
Ridge, when the schools will turn, passing
north or south to reach their picnic
grounds for the day. In Manayunk, the
Catholic schools will parade separately.
Mount Zlon Methodist will picnic in
McMaster'a Grove, Lower Merlon, where
a program of athletic sports and a eon
cert of instrumental music will be given.
In the evening there will be a grand dis
play of fireworks In the Roxborough Ball
Park, on Rector street, under tha direc
tion of Mr. C. A, Rudolph.,
Under the auspice of th Athletic As
sociation Lansdowne will have a com
munity safe and sane celebration equal to
any to be held In the county. Beginning
at 10:30 there will be a baaeball game be
tween Media and the Union Athletlo As
sociation. At 1:30 the Marine Band from
Philadelphia will arrive to play during th
afternoon and evening. At 2. IS Mr.
Fred Underbill will make an address.
This will be followed by field sport la
which there will be over 300 children to
take part On of the novel feature will
be a pie eating contest. More than 60
prize will be given to winner. In the eve
ning, from 7:30 to 8:90, moving pictures will
be shown and will be followed by a Urge
display of Artwork. Tha latt piece of
firework ( to be Lansdowne' new pub
licity slogan, 13 feet In diameter It will
read, "Superb Suburb. Lansdowne, the
Place to Live In." Th committee In
charga consist of Mr John Jarvla, Mr.
Thomas Barren, Mr Walter C Powell
Dr Q Victor Jaavttr, Mr. WUlUm Htu-
abaw, Mr Joseph A. O'Brien Mr
Underbill and Mr. James Stewart
neicn, oomerton, to Mr. Walter
North Philadelphia
Mr. Charles S. Kny, of 702 Master street
nnd Mr. Samuel Banks will spend tho
week-end in Atlantic City.
Mr. and Mra. Robert E. Tracy, whoso
marriage took place last week, will Bpend
sovoral weeks In Bnss Rocks, Gloucester,
Mass., boforo returning to this city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis H Hcmpcrly, 1S10
North Park avenue, and niece, Mrs. John
Helm, of Sunbury, will go on Saturday to
Big Templo Lnke. In the Adlrondacks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Cully, of Arrott
street, announce tho engagement of their
daughter, Miss Josslo F. Cully, to Thomas
R. Talley, of Ardmore. The wedding will
take place during the early part of Sep
tember. Mrs. Joseph Garr, of Holmesburg, will
bo hostrs nt a euchre, July 7. given nt
St Domonlc's School Hall for the benefit
of tho school fund
Mrfr Leonard Ott. of Frankford, ave
nuo, will act as hostess. July 11th.
Mrs. Ella Patterson, of Holmesburg, has
entertained a few friends from out-of-town
this week. Including Miss Edith
Wltzel, Miss Bessie Rawson nnd Mr.
Nathan Rowland.
KEITH'S Conroy nnd Lehalro In "The
New Physician" ; Theodore Bendlx and
his Symphony Playera; Ben Welch,
character comedian: Mosconl Brothers,
dancers; John E. Honshaw and Grace
Avery In "A Vaudeville Table d'Hote" ;
Ethel MacDonough, In new songs ; "A
Twentieth Century Courtship," a nov
elty movie; The Regent Quartet; The
Skaters' BIJouve; Kelt and Demont In
"College Nonsense," and Hearst-Sellg
News Films.
MXOX'S ORAND"Tht Fashion Shop,"
by Hugo Jansen, a musical show of
gowns j Van and Carrie Avery In "Has
tus, the Night Porter" ; Denny nnd
Boyle, singing turn ; Montrose and Sar
dell ; Little Miss Jean, comedienne and
dancer: the Guzmanl Troupe of gym
nasts, and comedy movies.
WOODSIDE PARK Vaudeville program
for three performances dally. The
matinee, at 2:15, will be free to Wood
side Park patrons, except on Saturday;
In the evenings, two shows, at 7:15 and
9:45, with a small admission fee for the
front rows.
CR088 KEYS First half of week: Tho
Marattt Opern Company; Troy and Al
bany, singers and dancers; Marjorle
Fairbanks and company In "The Elope
ment"; Norrls and Park, The Threo
Escardes, gymnasts, and Mary Pick
ford's "Heart's Adrift." Second half of
week, Marlnba Bank; Healy and Healy;
Wayne and the Warren Sisters; Gaylord
and Wilson and Mary Plckfonl In "Tess
of the Storm Country."
KEITH'S Belle Baker, singer of popular
BUJlgB -!, JVCCIC4 l WW,. in satl fc-
.bbbbbbbB A JbbbbbbbbbbB
At Keith's next week.
"aoBf. UUk. a HawpaniwK in mm
Saturday, Auc
SoWari, Headay. An. '.
The Clayton Casino figp"
St. Tha CunU04 School, 15-M CBMiaul at.
The pcrenlally popular Panama hat with
Its tailored band seems to have been sub'
plahted this year by every conceivable
fahcy In outing hats, those In first fAVur
being the large floppy vnrl-colored affAlrs
of straw, felt and cloths which, however
picturesque they may appear, are not as
comfortable and safely worn when breezes
blow as tllose snugly fitting ones of yes
teryear True it Is that these wlde-brlm-med
garden hats seem quite In keeping
with tho flat linen collars and smocks nnd
full skirts of the) season, quite a flutter
wns caused soveral days ago on the court
nt Manhelm by the appearance of n hunt
er's green linen smock which wns worn
over a short full skirt of wide grcii
nnd while striped material nnd topped off
by a drooping brimmed hat of coar'ie
straw. But it pulled the wearer admir
ably. Miss Ellznbeth Wlster, who was
one of the Interested spectators, wore over
n slmplo white frock the most ravishing
brllllnnt pink silk sweater nnd with It nj
wide brimmed leghorn hat wllh pink roses)
around the crown. A ilhntniitn.ln.hn .
Miss Agnes Brockle. who had with herf
her sister, Miss Elizabeth, nnd Miss Sarahj
Franklin, of Lancaster, wore one of the
now iiiiKc iiuin oi uarK uiue iiueriy Biraw
flaring sharply at one side. Her silk
sweater was of a. lighter shade of blue. '
Mrs. Harry C. Thayer looks extremely'
well In a shimmering sweater coat of
green and white silk worn over a white
linen frock, and a large leghorn picture.
nat a sweater of white Bilk worn with
a sheer white frock and a drooping brim
med hnt of whlto trimmed with whtto
flowers Is worn rather affectively by Miss
Chnrlotte Harding Brown. Miss Agnes
Clarke Kennedy, while on tho courts,
wears with the regulation whlto linen
frock a cupped down hat of yellow liberty
Mr. William Schnaufer and Mr. George
Elssler, of Kensington, wilt motor down
to Atlantic City today as the guests of
Mr. Lewis Snyder.
Mr. Jack Clarkson will
Fourth at Bucks County.
spend the
Mr. and Mrs. Malr and Miss Margaret
Mair will spend tho week-end In Frank
llnvllle, N. J.
The Darby PI ensure Club will hold Its
annual wagon picnic Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brodbcck. of 2113
West Ontario street, with their daughter,
Miss Brodbeck, have gone to the coast
of Maine for the summer.
Mr. James Thompson, who Is travel
ing abroad, is at present In Berne,
Mrs. William Jennings, of 3323 North
10th street, will spend the summer In
Seasldo Park as the guest of her son-in-law
nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs, John
Weaver. Miss Alice Jennings, after a
short stny in Seaside Park, will go to
Bradley Beach for the remainder of tho
What's Doing Tonight
Municipal Band, Connell Tark, Clmwood ave
nun and did atrett; R o'clock. Freo.
I'hlladelph'a. Hand, City Hall Fluia; 8
o'clock. Free.
Talrmount Park Band, Belmont Mansion; 8
o'clock. Free.
Enterprise Band, Hunting Park; 8 o'clock.
Fourth of July banquet, Bellevue-Btratford;
T o'clock.
Ing "Mnrried" ; Four Antwerp Girls,
Belgian refugees, In a musical diver
tissement; Laddie Cliff, English come
Late Stars of "THE PA8SINQ 8IIOW OF 1013"
In Their Funniest Comedy Skit. "THE NEW PHYSICIAN"
Theodore Bendix and Symphony Players
In a Dsllghtful Fsast, "A VAUDEVILLE TABLE D'HOTE"
B. F. Keith's Palace Theatre 2SSHrAlh.
i iigiiMoiiiii
Standard Acts 3 Shows Daily
Afternoons at 3:30 All Seats FHEU
Evenings at T :45 and 0:45
Admission I'ree Reserved Seats 10c
July 3 Spacial Matlawa at 3 and 4
o'clock IUaart4 Bull.
Grand Fireworks Display
Frae admlnUn te Park te all patrooa ef
Fairmaunt Park Trolley.
nixons GRAND
Frad O. Nlton-Nlrilllnitfr, flan. Mar.
The Fashion Shop
Moalrqae Sardll Utile 3II Jajiu
Gommapl Trio I Laughing I'letureat
ouy nnn ? w
Enln 7 JUUU JBH9 16f aflc
straw nnd a voluminous cont of blanket
cloth to match the hut. Miss Eugenia
Kelso Cnssatt while wearing a rose
colored silk Bweater with a rolling collar
,ahd a girdle tied In front, dons a small
i rose-colored silk hat
Mlsa Rthel Altcmus Byrd looked well at
(one of the recent matches In ft white flan
nel sports suit The skirt was made
snort, aceoraing to trie mode of the hour.
And the coat was quite loose nnd belted
in nt the waistline A black and -white
sailor hat trimmed with ribbon was ex
tremely smart. Mrs. Morris Wlster Was
lecen lately at one of the country club
wearing a short w h te linen skirt and a
(white crepe de chine blouse, over which
was worn an unusually smart white silk
sweater. Mrs. Wlster's hat Was a broad
Iwhlte sailor, trimmed simply with blue
I and whltn feather pompons Htrlklrx?
black and white pumps worn with black
And white striped silk stockings completed
this attractive costume.
The sweater coat of silk or Its proto
type In angora wool seems to be Just a
much tho uniform for the golf links or
tha tennis courts as tho trig little tallleur
Is for shopping excursions In town Mis
Hope Bcaie was noticed recently wear
ing a smnrt little two-piece suit of covert
cloth, belted at tho waistline, nnd re
lieved by a collar of fine white batiate.
Wllh It aha wore a small rfarrow brimmed
sports hat of yellow and white striped
hemp. Mrs. laaao II. Schllohter, Jr , while
taking a train recently wore a good-looking
two-piece suit of navy blue cloth. The
skirt was elaborately braided in deep gar
net over each hip to slmulato pockets,
the design also being carried out on the
short bolero Jacket. The young matron'
hat wns a large straight-brimmed model
of black straw, trimmed with several
flaring black wings.
Hotel Arrivals
OnKEN'fl-W. Van Dyk,
Ham Davis. Banter. Fa.;
Inglon, D. C.
Bangor, Pa,;WH
D. lnslls, Wsah-
Wataon, Reading,
Fa.i Mr. and Mra. It J. More. Brldgetoo,
II. Conway. Xewark. N. J.
DOONEIV8-B. TV. rornham, Boston, Maes. J
O. J. Powers, ltarrlsburg. m,; J. M. Ly
all. Atlantic City, N. J.
NEW BINOHAM-Mr. and Mr. E. Barter.
Plttaburgh. Pa.; John Davlea. Allantown.
Pa. II. F. Harper, DuncanavllU, Pa.
HAKOVElt II. B. Bpence. "Wakefield, Pa.s B.
It tenial, Frlcka, Pa.
WINXSOn-H. W. Bloomnela. Tullytown, Pa. I
CharUa II. Hughca. Newtown Square, Pa.;
Chart.. II. lun, rteadlng. Pa.
VENDIO F. Howell. Roadlnr. Pa.: O. Vf.
Marne, U O. Vf. Marvll, Laurel, Del.! J.
C. Kay. PaisaJe. N. J.
ADELriIIA-n. C. Knapp, Scranton, Pa.s F.
O. Burk. Atlantic City, N, J.; H. B. Brad-
ner, Enslawood, N. J.
ST JAME3 Oeorgo M. Collin. Piiteburgh.
Pa.; E. O. Usury, Loa Anteles, Cat; Mr.
and Mra. B. F. Lewie, Chicago. III.
WALTON Mr. and llm William Liggett
Fltuburrh, Pa.; T. 8. Little, Maplewood, N.
J.i O. W. Henry, Plttaburgh, Pa,
STENTON Mr. and Mra. H. Jlexenberger.
ariifc SiiSr5!orD.n,rav""'
COLONNADE A. I Scott, Lebanon. Pa.:
Howard K. Bunting. Chester, Pa.: Mr. and
Mra. W, C. Ilosa. Joraey City. N. J.
RITTENlIOUaE Mtaa Dorothea Lynde, Chat
tanooga. Term.', s. Hoblnsan, Washington,
D. C.i V. 11. Jonea. Walla Walla, Waah.
IHTZ-CARLTON Frank Carthew, Boalon,
Mass.: Mrs. E. B. Emmett, New York KM
ward Wright, Jr., Kanaaa City, Mo., B. F.
Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa.; O. F. Under Pltta
burgh. Fa.
anon, Pa.: M. O. Brumbaugh, Harr'aburg,
Fa.: Oacar La port, Patsrson. N. J.i C Pear
non, New Orlrana; C A. Hunt, Orcensburq,
Pa.; W. P. Wallace, Newcaalle, Pa.; It K
Brown, Clavnland, O.; I. VT. Crockett. Mail
Chester. N". H.; .Mrs. W. W. Carter. Bed
ford. Pa.
dian; Ward and Fitzgerald; Ward. Bell
and Ward, dancing gymnasts; Carbrey
Brothers, and others.
Direct From htrand Tfreatr, N. V-
Maratti Opera Cmpan
Other Die Vaudeville Acts and
"HEARTS Ten of ike
AqKlFT" I bWrm Country."
SttvlOe t h't 10c, 15c, 20c
TO II 15 ? U
"T U A U
rtr Mowini
tr, -WII.D 0UVB
-r..i,-.,ffla4y fcan Tue tfuii dim
linaana jMa lfef nrfu bjM !! ta.-
JftS DisrLAY op xlm
if Fireworks i
ffl Monday Night Next J9
Ivn Dally 3:30 P. M. A Eyga. '11!
JiTl KVG8. E8. SEATS 10c. fig
l! Fireworks Every tJ!jl
W AT 8:30 P. 31. f
I(HiIZaUUi i TboAKiay
..! '!. I -l
M " TgK f ! klltltfi n tTTrBHwi")