UNA GRANDE VnTORIA ITALIANASULFRONTE TRA PLAVA EGORIZIA Tolmino Sarebbe Stata Evacuata dagli Austriaci ed Occupata dalle Forze Italiane II Nomico Bat tuto su Tutta la linea. nOMA, 3 Lugllo, Mcntre I comunlcatl urriclall emonantl dal nuartlera Generate si llmltano a dnr nolUI ' Blirccssi ,ocn" d patte trupp Italiane. I corrlBpondertll Itallanl ch0 sono netfe vlclnanze delta frontier invlano 0K8l dlspaccl da cul rlsulta cho 1'oftenslva nuslrlaca sul fronto Nava Oradlseaft' stata tomptetamente rotta, Un corrlspondento dice: "Per la prima yoltft daccho' Bll ltatlanl lnlzlarono la loro campagna dl Invaslono dell'Austrla eono state Impeitnate grnndl forze. Oil nusttlael sono Btatl resplnil dappertutto wn gravl pcrdlto od hanno pcrduto Im portant! poslzlonl a Plava o ad est dl Sagrado." Un altro corrlspondento dice della con miuia dl alcune- poslzlonl nustrlacho a Si nimeros? prlslonlerl fattl dagll itallanl silla strada tra. Oorlzlao Plava. dove ell austriaci hanno vrcslstllo accanlta mento me senza rlusclro ad arrestaro lavanzata dcgll Itallanl. Un dlspacclo da Udjno dice cho nil avlatorl Itallanl hanno fatto saltaro palecchl convoglt dl munlzlonl facendovl ndera sopra bombe dall'altezza dl 2000 pledl e dlatruggenuo uw ui vU. .. austriaci avevano plu blsogno. TOLMINO EVACUATA? TJn telegramma da Ginevra dlco cho dopo un mese dl contlnuo bombardamcnlo da parte degll Itallanl la foterin austriaci dl Tolmino o' stata evacuata dagll austriaci ed o' stata occupata dallo truppe italiane. Oil austriaci cho M rltlrarono verso lo olturo sul flumo Baclo, ad est della fortezza, bombardano ora 1b poslzlonl italiane. mentro I cannonl itallanl vengono portatl In poslzlone per rldurro al sllenzlo lo batterlo nemtche. Come e' noto, Tolmino si trova a sud cvest dl Monto Nero, cho da parecchlo tempo a' occupato dagll Itallanl o dove I sono nvoltl sangulnosl combattlmentl. Tolmino e' a novo mlglla da Plezzo ed a circa sedlcl da Gorilla. L'AVANZATA CONTIINUA. Nonostanto II cattlvo tempo lo truDpe Italians operanti sul fronto dell'Isonzo contlnuano ad avanzaro polllco per pol llce, come dlco 11 rapporto del generate Cadorna. Plezzo, cho o' una poslzlone austrlaca assal bene fortlflcato, vlene a poco a poco clrcondata dalle forze itallano Impcgnats nella lmportanto avanzata trateglca che comlnclo' con l'occupaztone della sommlta' dl Monte Nero, c che st o' estesa pol alio alture vlclno. It'avanzata ltallana in tuttl qucstl puntl e' fortemento sentlta dagli austriaci che si sono lanciati a furlose controffenslve alio scopo dl stogglaro gll itallanl dallo loro poslzlonl vantagglone. II plu' recente dl questl furiosi contrattacch! si c' auto sabato e domentca scorsa, ma gll austri aci furono resplntt con gravl perdlte. Da questo lnsuccesso auatrlaco gll Itallanl approflttarono lmmedlatamente per spln gero le operazlont lungo 1'alto Isonzo, ed hanno ora occupato duo Important! ptcchl, 11 Banjflkl e lo Skeden, che domlnano ap Junto l'alta vallo dell'Isonzo. Lo poslzlonl nustrlacho dl Plezzo sono cosl cjreondate da tre latl e dovranno presto dlvenlre Insostenlblll. Sembra cho (II austriaci, prevedendo questo, nbblano gia' rlmosso alcunc, se non tutte, delta loro batterlo dl grosso callbro. Tutte questo operazlont sono esegulto Imultaneamente con altre dl non mlnore Importanza plu a nord, davantl al forte Hermann cd al fortl dl Rolbl. II forte Hense fa parte dl questo slstema dl dlfesa dl Val Itaccolana e della strada o ferrovla dl Pontebba, sulla quale la fortezza dl Malborghetto o' sotto II fuoco del cannonl Itallanl. IL COMUNICATO UFFICIALE It Mlnlstero della Guerra ha pubbllcato 11 seguente comunlcato ufllclalo: "L'azlone dell'artigllerla va dlvenendo plu' Intensa su tutta la frontlera e ipectalmente sul fronte della Carnla, dove II fuoco e' stato aperto contro le opere dl dlfesa. del passo dl Predll ottenendone In. breve tempo un efllcace rlsultato. "Un campo nemlco dl circa 500 tende nello ticlnanzo dl Elder, al dl la' del Ploeken. e' stato dlstrutto. II fuoco delle r.ostro artlgllcrle slogglo' anche 11 nemlco dal suol trlnceramenti In costruzlone a Etrehlca ed alia Sella dl Prasnlk. "Ieri un dtstaccamento dl truppe alpina conqulsto' delle trlncee nemlche sul vcrtante settentrlonale dl Val Grande, da dove II nemlco dlsturbava col suo fuoco la nostra occupazlone dl Frclkofel. Durante la notte ed all'alba 11 nemlco ctrco' con due vlolentl contrattacch! 'dl stozglare le nostre truppe dalle con QultUte poslzlonl, ma fu resplnto con travl perdlte. J nostrl fercero alcunl prlglonlerl e presero al nemlco parec chle armi "Sul flume Isonzo l'azlone contlnua II mo coro. "II fuoco della nostra artlgllerla In cendlo' il vlltaggld dl Crltnlca, ad est dl riezzo, dove un grande deposlto dl dtfornl njentl fu dlstrutto. Un deposito dl munl zlonl fu pure dlstrutto facendolo espjo Gere "Nella notte II nemlco nttacco per due volte le poslzlonl da not presa sull-alto-P'ano carnleo, ma fu resplnto." IL RE NELLA DATTAGLIA. durante la battaglia dal 21 al 23 Gtugnp ul fronte del flume Isonzo, quando gll austrtacf furono battutl dagll Itallanl o niessf In fuga. II re Vlttorlo Emmanuels Preae parta realmente alia battaglia, como arrerrnanp dlspaccl gluntl qui oggl. . m 'mpI dat0 dal re 'ncuoro' tanto I loidatt che esai si lanciarono con un eii tuiiasmo Indescrlvlbilo all'attacco dello PO'Wipni nemlche e dlvennera Invlnclblll, alee un rtiin.-i- -i n, . . ......' P. , "" "'.vw ui uiurnaie a liana. . "1,arono ,e PooWonl austrlache wiii punto penaare al pericolo a mlsero UNA AUDACE IMPRE3A. om 'eamml d Qrcla dtcno che dn- roving" Anar l!allanl ,ono rlU80"l a eZJL f, ilmPlao elettrlcodal quale le Bn l '0tncnxlon del slstema Itlva rtir?.M Sfendevano l'nerga per I loro iisoiti d ferro o per altrl scopl, oltre quello deirillymlnazlpne. ueu cinque montanarl rlusclrono, .ih. Mera vUU ad avvlolnarst alio taWUmentQ elettriCQ del Ponale, durante k,U,J ?"' Mr Jua'tro nottl dl eegulto. i9aendo ognl volta la vigilanza delle 5"ntlle. EmI porUrono sefto. loro una "wna quantlta' d dlnamlto che coiro- ffii '.Huon8 P1ii in diversl pyntl gwo ublllmento alls cascate dej Fonale. ,i UWLlroBO n coKmento dl quuto Wtehe dl duiamlte a mno dl fll) wwtrtel con un posto avaniato ttallarto wve era una dinamo. Debs in Suffrage Talk Here Today Sugjae v nb, See-lillet leader and w tl(nM candidate for th Preri- tSZ 'LSS . StftM & bu. v. "" " w woman ',: In Central Park. H0O North : B M?Mt, this afternoon at 4.30 o'elock I?!kTMn,s wl" u,,,er lu" Plces B, i.H"3" cta1t ! organisation. oawn uriigUit, will pwrtde. Mr j)b STANDS IN INDEPENDENCE SQUARE READY TO HOID AUDITORS ON JULY 4TH In the middle foreground Is the BECKER MAY REVEAL NAMES OF SIX MEN WHO DIVIDED GRAFT Convicted' Murderer Ex pected to Tell of Identity of "Higher Ups" Behind New York Strong Arm Squad. NEW YOItK, July 3.-Charles Becker, In tho death house at Sing Sing, will reveal before he goes to tho electric chair tho names of tho Police Department of ficials, living and dead, with whom he divided the $100,000 graft money that was wrung from the gamblers and Illegal resort keepers In hla violent career as commander of the strong arm squad, That was the prediction mado yester day by the condemned man'a lawyer, Martin T. Manton, who gave to tho Gov ernor on Thursday the names of six men who worked In the background and took tho cash that Becker ground out of evil doers. No( all of these men aro living, but those that aro allvo ought to be shak ing In their shoes, according to Mr. Man ton, because Becker Is desperate now that hope Is virtually gone. Tho lawjor himself would not make public tho names of the officials accused by Becker. Ho said ho wan bound not only by the ethics of his profession and his promise to Governor Whitman, but was rcstrnlned nlso by tho possibility that Bomo of tho men named by Becker might bo falsely accused. He is certain, how ever, that Becker Intends to tell, and ex plains that Becker Is swayed mostly by tho feeling that he doesn't want other men to be used as tools and then cast asldo when they are no longer useful and merely dangerous. "I am convinced," said Mr. Manton last evening, "that Charles Becker will glo to tho public tho information that he gave to Governor Whitman through me last Thursday. I wish I could publish the names myself. It ought to be dono In tho Interest of Justice. Tho Governor ought to do It, but of course that Is hla business. 1 may not criticise him. "But Becker will make a clean breast of the grafting. He will Issue a state ment, not for money, but for the pur pose of Justly dividing the guilt of graft. He doesn't want to die, if die he must, and leave on earth a set of men who might use otherB as he has been used. A large amount has been offered to Mm to make a statement that could be published by one newspaper alone. He has refused that offer. When he Is ready to talk, he will talk for all the newspapers and all tho people." ALCORN FOR HIS OLD POST Ex-City Solicitor May Opposo Con nelly for Nomination. James Alcorn, who was defeated for re election as City Solicitor four years ago by Michael J. Ryan, Is being groomed by his friends to make the fight against John P, Connelly for City Solicitor In the ap proaching campaign. It was also said today that he may be a candidate for one of tho Common Pleas Judgeships. Although nomination petitions will not be ready to be given, out by the City Commissioners until next Tuesday, can didates for places on the Common Pleas bench are already circulating their papers among their friends. Among those cir culating petitions are Joseph P. Itogers, Henry N, Weasel, Judge D. Webster Dougherty and Horace Stern. A. Mitchell Palmer continues to with hold Intimation oa to whether or not he will accept the place on the Federal Court of Claims to whlchvho was appplnted by President WIlBon several months ago. Palmer passed through Philadelphia last night and would give no Intimation of his plans. Police Court Chronicles Mike Tobln, who occasionally has a sneaking suspicion that he Is Orpheus reincarnated and sometimes a sly notion that he Is Orpheus and Terpsichore com bined Into the greatest song and dance team that ever stepped and warbled "15 mjnutes In one," sauntered from his homo at Hope and Cumberland streets in search of entertainment. Mike loves all kinds of music, and one of his favorite Instru ments Is a rather tall glass with soma Ice and water and some other Ingredients therein. Mike stopped at several "music stores" and played numerous tunea before he reached Kalrhlll Square. 4th street and Lehigh avenue, where the Municipal Band wai giving the vivacious villagers a little something" In the way of reward for their taxs. It petmed to Mike as if there was some thing lacking in the entertainment It wasn't "getting over," and he was afraid somebody might be getting bored. After pondering the problem Mike concluded a few fancy steps were needed to complete the exercise and he was the man to execute Wieni He presented the Lehigh bunny ga.llop. the Kenalngton avenue cavort, th Gerrnantown grind, the nidge avenue rag the Darby dash, the Jenktn town Jerk. Vd the Bucks County bantam bob (Wllaf, applause ) Mike purchased peanuU, th whlph he hurled with un erring aim !Mo the bass horn, producing i raagnl&eant'eft ect Then Detective Ited mfliuj, of the ,4th a,n4 Yo.rk streets police station, advfcied him to thank the ladles and gentlemen "one. and all 'or their kind attention" and conclude the evealnc'e fMtlviUes- He W . He hadn't the punch to refuse. Magistrate aientt gave him a tree 39-day course in rautc and hard wqrk in the county Prison Cosstrvatory. EVENiyft liBPGBB-PHIIiAnKLPnTA", ATTTRDAYt JTrLT 3. shelter for the speakers. On the left Is uuub against 1110 boumi WILMINGTON SEES CHANCE TO TURN OUT 600,000 RIFLES Firm With Big Contract May Manu facturo There. WILMINGTON, Del , July 3.-Wllmlng-ton Is In hope of securing a gun, factory Which will bogln operations with con tracts for 600,000 rifles, tho number to be Increased If tho first order can bo handled In good time. Tho rifle, made by the Sterglanopolus Anna Company, has been tested In tho presence of foreign repre sentatives at tho plant of the Standard Arms Company and found to bo satisfac tory. Tho company now experts to re cflvo tho order, which hns been pending for somo tfmc. Tho tompany has no factory, but It 19 understood that tho plant of tho Stand ard Arms Company, equipped for making rifles and owned by persons connected with tho dtiPont interests, can make them and that a contract may be entered Into for this purpose. If the contract Is secured employment will bo given to n largo number of men. igEigiMiMgiBiiMSfsiMaBigiaHaMgigaM Gimbel Brothers ens at the m ' THIS fine old Avenue (by for a song, The store carried the same good grades of merchandise- that are carried by the Gimbel Store in fact, the Simpson-Crawford Store was, we believe, the first American store to establish buying headquarters in London. Prices Will Average Half meaning savings of a third to much more than half on all lines Upper Floora Store closed Fourth. So this the mnln stand for guests and spectators. On the right Is a row of seats Biuo oi independence linn. INSPECTION DATES SET FOR NATIONAL GUARD Examinations Will Be by Units of Companies Instead of Ecgiments. HAimiSBtma, Pa., July 3 -The most noticeable feature of tho general order Issued from National Ouard headquarters In this city for the summer enenmptnents Is tho abolition of the regimental Inspec tions with tho entire command drawn up In line. Instcnd, Hits jenr cuch unit ulll bo Inspected In Its company street, and It will parado by company, batter)' or troop, dismounted and In light marching nttlre. nations, condition of camp dur ing and after occupation, entraining and detraining wilt (lauro In tho Inspec tion ratings In addition to the usual re quirements. Tho schedule for Inspection by organization and other Important Store Opens Tuesday Morning at 7:50 Gimbel S . , w .. ,&:J'Xr. 4 "m? wmm'-MkssdmA -mw . wwzs ., 'Z'K Simpson-Crawford Store Block of 19th to 20th Street, Sixth Ave., New York store, founded half a century ago, driven io liquidation reason of store removals) ceased to be a retail street, sold and Subway Store Monday observed as the sale opens Tuesday, points In the encampment orders follow: Plrt Infantry, at Mount Oretn, July 15, at 7 ii. m Second Infantry, at Mount Oretn, Juty 1 at 0 a m Third fnfuntry, l Mount Gretna, July IS, at II n. m. I'ouilh Infantry, at Mount Gretna, July It, at 7 it m Sixth Infantry, at Mount Gretna, July It, at D n m. r.lijhth Infantry, at Mount Orttna, July 14, at II a. m Ninth Infnntry, at Mount Gretna, July 14, at S n m Tenth Infantry, at Indiana, Auxuat 11, at 8 b tn. Thirteenth Infantry, at Mount Gretna. July 14, ni 4 i) m fourteenth Infantry, at Indiana, August 11, at ii n. in Mlvl.nnth Infnnlrv at Indiana, August 12, at I" n m l.lichteenth Infantry at 2 i m crarato llottnllon at Indiana, August 12, Infantry, at Mount Gretna. Julv IV at L' n FleM Company A. Sldnnl Corps, at Indiana, August 1.1. at 7.10 a m ('unipanica A and II, rnitlneera, at rtcholr Tract, Va., dato to be arranged, Hoi I Hospitals Nos 1 and i, at Tobjhanna, dnto tu Ii arranged l"lm ltexlment Cantry, at Mount Gretna, date to Ito arranged I loin Artillery, at Torjynanna, date to De or- rnnef.il Division headquarters, July 1.1. at 7 a. m, at Mount Gretna, tore $680,000.00 Stock 1911: Plmt Hflgarta headquarters, l Mount OrMnn, Jftlv 11 t t m Perond rtrlfrnda headquarters, at Indiana, Aiiauet 12. l 1 p m Thtni llrlirnde headquarters, at Mount atetns. Fourth llrlftade. neadqur(er, St Mount trrtn, July ft, at o-fto am, Th . following anljnmenl tit efllcer ana their dutle for this inapeetlon la announced . olonel Frank O Sweeney, Infantry and Field fomp&ny A, Blgnal Corps, Inspector fjmera, " r olonel Jeweph K Weaver, Field Hospitals Unit I and 2, Burgeon General r-olonel Howard 8 Wllllama, tA Artillery and r.nglneera Chief of Ordlaijee mlonel John V. Wood, Caralry. commanding Urat Caralry c'olohr' Howard J Wllllama, enlistment rir of tho Infantry and Field Company A, Blgnal Corpa, Chief of Ordinance. Orsnnknilons will parade for Inspection by company, troop and battery (all troops dismounted), in their respective street Field, headquarters, company, supply compiny and sanitary detachment of each regiment will form In front.of regimental headqunrters Held uniform woolen, light marching order, will bo worn by all troops Tho Inspection will Include personal nppearnnee, condition of clothing anil arms Tho Inspection of books and paper with exception of enlistment papers, will lie omitted, Tho Inspection of enlistment papers will be made on the same dates ns the troops are Inspected. Enlistment pa pers ttlll be arranged In the leather file furnished for that purpose In tho order In which tho names of the enlisted men ap pear on the muster and payroll. WOMAN, GO, BEATEN BY MAN Her Brother Falls to Interfere When Boarder Attacks Her. A 60-year-old woman was severely beaten early today In tho presence of her brother by a boarder In her home. Sho la In the episcopal Hospital with three ribs broken nnd body bruises. Her condi tion Is serious. She Is Mrs. Catharlna Davidson, 271S East Cambria street. Late last night John Mtillgan, 27 years old, the boarder, becamo abusive, according to tho police, and after several hours of wrangling be gan beating her. Cries for help brought a policeman, who arrested the man Tho woman's brother, Edward Doer, 67 years old, also was arrested, and tho two nlcn noro held In J300 ball each for further hearing by lluglatrato Campbell. Tho police say Mulligan and Devor wcro drunk. Gimbel Brothers of Store Tuesday M GIMBEL BROTHERS V Market : Chestnut : Eighth J Ninth E33 w 2600 CHILDREN TO HONOR ZIONIST FOUNDEIt'8 MEMORV iri Parade and Exenilsea In B'na! Abra ham Synagogue. Twanty-flve hundred children, flylrnt the banners of ZlOn, will parade; tomor row afternoon In the annual mamorlal x erdttta tor Dr Thomas Merxl. founder of the Zionist movement, who died II years ngo The observance Is under th Auspices of th Council of Jewish Clubs. rormlnpr at tho Ponl Zcdek Synagogue, Bth and Catharine streets, at 1.39 o'clock, the parade Will march on Catharine, 3d, Bninbrldge, Bth, Pino and 6th streets to the II nal Abraham Synagogue at 6th and Lombard streets, Whero the memorial ex erclses will be opened with prayer by thft Itov Hjmnn Harris Addresses will be delivered by George J Bufrlaon, presi dent of the council; Joseph Gross, Rabbi Louis O Haas, of Woodbine, N J i Babbl n L, Levlnthal, M. Katz nnd B Leort Hurwltz. Little Miss Eva Segal of the Helpers of ZIon, will read a founder's poem, written by Isaac E Felnsteln, and four prlie-wlnnlng essays on the founder will be read. The medal presentations will be made by Bernard Harwltx, vie president of the council. Tho marshal of the parade will be George J. Burrlson, who will be assisted by Bernard Markwltx, Jules Grossman, Isaac E. Felnsteln and Daniel Llpschut Abraham Allen Levlnthal, Bernard Mark wltz, B, Leon Hurwltz, Jules Grossman nnd Isaac E. Felnsteln compose the Ho ception Committee. VON BERNSTORFF IN SECLUSION Threats Made Against Life of German Ambassador. NKW VOIIK, July 3.-Count von Bern slorff, tho German Ambassador, Is seek ing a rest with friends In an undisclosed retreat In the country from the worries of hla position This became known to day, together with the fact that he has received more than 100 threatening letters within the last few months Most of these letters, It was learned, threatened bodily Injury to Count von Bernstorff, a few wore of a "Black Hand" nature, and some of the letters predicted that harm would befall the German sum mer Embassy at Cedarhurst, L. I. Saturday, July 3, 1915 th e m m ornin; Store opens Tuesday at 7:50; other days at 8:30. Gl6ies"ata5. ' , because Sixth its '