fkmm.- EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA', SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1915: 15 m-mmHm tw tmmtmifflgmv. I M sail I! CLASSIFIED RATES fjAlLT AND SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER . ....M ItaVs. ttslest . HTTLE Ii r " "-'.-. ,,... Ei inMrtion . , . . ;;?.. :,"; ! JSSSJSiW nm:.MBn..V.:ioS" 'per line tBwtfWi rftek 1 W " I... L i-c TVPR (nr ilk tri,. KHIS o-u ' li' ....m i. all classification except Help Bf'ffliitlo! Wanted, na Found. Per- isisr,iftn n..-w per line rriir- -,.uir insertions... .ion par line Vrnrto f?.n'5; i,.rt on Ogata measurement. jvys "- ,m ,nch- iTfl NOTItJwa -siwioi " , i .al llffl' aA Kir iflitt liens A iinan. uiiv .. - ., on- . ----- i nietllon ----- , COMBINATION RATE iittiitm 11.00 r,,o . lnfSaIn.rath,,na,n,,,'faB4'veB,n, SA1UI UA-IAIA PUBLIC LEDUbK 1 (MonMKQ) EVENING LEDGER (BVENINa) .. ttr Centi per line net Id rates given m , - , FiiprP AND a i 'i' u a x i u a KFTED A DVERTISINGIN W PUBLIC LEDGER IS IN IprTED IN THE EVENING tBP.?.KTKr-AG A Tfure Is a drug store near your konte that will accept Ledger want ' i. .i ffir rates. ia "l " HEtP WANTED PEMALE SALESWOMEN 'mtnei, BPOTHEnS RECJUIRB BALES- cwu EX OATS I ITS nnESs nnEflSES t n Tltf X 1 RTS aptly EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 'WANTED ITc-r country, rood plain cook, alio ;'i reference! required; Prot. prat. ay 131. lQgar ww YOUNO WOME1 TO -VAP AND IN8PBOT MERCHANDISE nnorf. linOTHERS reoulro vouna- women t u wriP and Inspset msrchandlai; only those r. ,.,.. Ik lama Una . etLs Is A unn - rLe Art atulaYrl In O.iDft lltlA Of WflfK 111 dPPart .a.. (( aais'ini4 trnin t'Mn'AlrMaHt fearm. Fourth floor. X WORD Of adrlao to BTENOa RArHERH, UUJlluvrt'iiu Anu .citivp; uau (a , lie MIM Dean at Ledger Central If you ara inArgr far a mafiA noitlllnnhA will aiatut t'-.J'u Is wrltlnt an nttractlvo adverllaemfnt. fill'l 7VUL VAUVIlCllQ III IUD l.V.UMr.ilU!Al. ppEPARTMRNT and help you to locate a LfA noilttan. Thla la a frmtt. nnfldanllnl LMnlee to Ltdier Advertleera. HELP WANTED MALE iiUTOUATIC acratv machine operator on iBrown & Sharp machlneg; muat be first claa. SAtwiter Kent Maiutacturlnr Works, Btenton lire, and Kaat Login at., near Wayno Juno. COLLEGE MEN or teachera Two wanted for F vacation montns; i-'.ou per aay. L. -jm, efciaier uince. SurVEtl for bread route: muet bo atrietly .cuijiMia kuu iviiauiv, n.Mia agv oiiu SL ierencee. M 80S. Lodger Office. 111! AN AND.WIFB Colored) to do all tho work tor amati lamuy in near auDuros; wire, cook and homework, helper on Mondays i man. wilier ana renerai uiuiiy mm to lawn ana IMrden; city reference. A 480, Ledger Of I tee. BStENOOnAPHEtl Wanted, flrnt-claea aeno Knphr: rapid and accurate; food salary; re iartWiIlvlng full details, experience, references. lottery Addreia I, 229. Lodger Central. WASTED A smart man calling on retail ata- - in4 .v.. .u ,,tnDiiv ua IUI Bliurfc 11Q 1tr thj nlKClnar nf nrlvnte nhrlitmik r.i i uaph books; good remuneration. Lonsdale wnnoiomew, i.ia , 08 warren at., Now 'r Turn city WASTED A competent engineer for small h"i fia. uaiiii. Biifl aim uiei;ir(u injwer. Pnait be steady and reliable and bo capable- Kfif ItMtillnD. n,l...llDn.nti. m...!.. nnl Ka m. Ledger Ofllce. WANTED For foundry near Tacony, welgh- LWMtcr anu unie cieiK, energetic man, oc auvu usuiu. cupaoje ul auperinienuins com Iman lihe- anH aenufatA In flnirln A J'it pwiirviiico, 'ltflVP - !.. a .... Il ......uw .vuiijia.sio! la. nan uii yiu-, jik and fixture work; In reply state age, experi ence, sitlonallty and wages expected. A. jajiyiiui..pyriiniieiq, Juaaa, LWANTED yirst-claaa man. flmflli- tiUh fln. fK-'Kh.II1!f lCf r0l and acetylene welding, tf fLU. Ledger Central. ivyP1 .wl,lL teneral experience and oxy Jitylena torch; state experience and reler m fees. A 458. Ledger Office. ."""'- university to advertise directly Its BSMX" v1,w department will place a Mm. Ia6tii..r. "" "' ilu" ""lion cream iree; MfPffiJ11!' must be of age and furnish, best Pi'otil pply t0 Mr' Llvely Adelphla 1T i ' i , . . . iirrjATioNa wanted pemaljr .iP.'."--1"" English. Latin; tMetwsrd pupiin refs, E TM, Led. Central. nu, will travel; ret. P 2.1. Le. Off, contr ...... . . : ''eef'tYnaM1, ,,po5lt? wman. shore or " T ' g- .-. t mmrf an,jt;a). S?S?1.E?S-IA.Ka 1rt-class work. la. 11 ffiSL'J"."'' "y '"e day or omo. iaJl,,,4iill0U,,w?rlc0r downstairs; larr JPiJ, i Harvev a Oermantown. ilDr) ....-... ... iLSFaSWifW. 1E7.,; .w.nWl w. i?w..??'Jre.rn"2d,,S,?,,"'-K Jppo !l!8S!nW!rnP J?OOKKPH . Sgrn-qLggP'- f 88. Ledger d.ntr.l. -. . --j. yq iUTailim MlSKerVrrl5?.J "nder. through the CCmf,A,. ggPAHTMBNT at LEDOER tKotV,U,fiDJl?j:" "ho ars'ln need of h'J Sm. i12Sni,n,ri elrks or office WsiM..1 !S "'"d. Tsleohona Mia. ni. trou? JJoSiv.m.'n. ppyni-. Wh0 Iwrilce'toLsd... .mn'.!' T"1' free h worry ,r Mv'tlser and saves time ACCOUNTS AtJDlTKn nnnua v;' hi-jis.. . monthtw itn ,,r atsiuu)r. Kin i-' zt. " ,. -. rnpna tva srket I'hone Walnut me. '"o AUlITTin hk. I . "- 1. ' nu AIiriTTmiS ..-1... I. "ii i. "stalled A 228 lauilid -VoS' " "At nd sya- "ANT T a-LiiS MAWASrr ---..- m.ici, BSll1.l.l.W"? !! and rusd -SjCKSterCeMr.""1' m-"u'- L?.??Ri eot accountant. er..n, .. RrS.T." . ""olesal. or ret wholesale or-retail, eapibjl, sssistsnt to tun ..?r.r.,!r fcersfy .i?t "'V."t o puy exsauilve. nct. : "ILiyi . A-Sd. cant n aocepti en ptaoucal bus. man , Stan exp SMw 111. t Sfttlia at Aeai-" . 1 ' " 'JJ .' P In nT-. ft.'W' - Led. cat . OMBed, clou? JitB -.-.- .ifb&j uS8& Ktl- ttr1 J 4dri X i.'SV? WWwUnThLJLB41!bJ, wish., m. BOYS B0Y8 r "" "r NO CHAHOKS " VSKNIL .SWeMI' BURBAII U7 , aV ofs r - - ,Hta aST. r, mt. BITUATtONB WANTED MAtE 5S1?11 r nonsenwn, in prlrate ti U?i'.. "Jil"1 -Hit xperlene PiWafiMft v. ftl cerlnlhlan av fsmlly; eur- rtrerence. nve CARPKNTBlV-rorehian, tnp. In WoM or nrepr6of construction. B Dl, Ledger rent. CltAUrFEtm, mecrmnle, S8 ycArn. 10 years' n . Frenrh, nerrnnn bst references from Rurotieandtl S A., willing to do housework, city or cnunirr. P R2. Tj-,lr- Tan)rl. ClIAtTFFEUn, white, sober, exp.; rfsj tirtv.. .Jitnyi.rftmifcljilsA 421, Ledger Office. CHA"l)FFEUn, mechanic, while, M years: only . Al pos. J 2T, Leaser Dr.. B2d and Alleslienr. CHAUFFEUn, rooiI mechanic. S years til last .places taterencsi sober. BM Witts St. CHAtlFFBUIt Jtef, A trust's youne Irani own . repairs; best ret. fur.c.F ll&ncotk.Oia N.luthj CHAUFFEUn-MECirANlC-lS years' exp.t ex- v.ii igiw. yiv xiqaton atq or P n. JUf I Amu CHAUFFEUIt, single, good driver and mech I ..well reo, T25 Lancaa'r av., Dryn Mawr, ra. uiiAurrEUR, white, married, careful driven 8 yrs. exo. t soberi etc. rafa. P 14ft. Letl.Cant. CHAUFFITtm, experienced On Packard cars! - food private ret. It, Wilson. (310 Addlonst. CHAUrrsUR. mechanic) 10 yrs.'Vxp.i Mass. ann i.nn. Hi..... b- ji i.ak.a .h.i -- - ,- v-jL,.ii5.,-J-ji-,A-Juit.riii-i, CLKRIf. 27. married, snealt Preneh. Rnsllah. Italian, Greek; a yra,' exp, steamship anil . bank'g buelnessl best cred. B 048, Led. Cent. ELKCTniCtAN-Meohanle, skilled and InYan. . tlv; perm.i with prospects. F 1IT, Led. Cent. HOtJflEWOnK Japanese Just .from Japan wishes position and attend school i city or country; amallfamliir. E PM, Ledger Cent. MAnrttED ilKU, whpe. agsTSScoesn'tTrlnkT Industrious, best of reference, wliheai posi tion with private family; willing to learn to run auto; trade at present! not evening work; personal interview. Heply A 41 o, i-eager uince NUItsE urtAOttATB as companion: no oBTec tlon to traveling; doctor's references; terms ress.; call Dla. SOfll W. 1B31 Montgomery av. OFFICE MAri, 8 years' experience Inlocarac coiintlng nrm and a New York corporation office, open for engagement offering advance ment. tl M8, Ledger Central. iTni?SSMAN, Job, Al, best references, desires permanent position. A 401, Ledger Office, IPRlNTEJl, 10 years' experience, competent Industrious, reference, desires position. A 405, Ledger Office. FltlrlTEnrtake charge of medTum'si plant", competent, good references, desires position. A tua, Aveager nines M EAL ESTATE SALESMAN, nged 20, mar- riea. aisires position in rmiaaei Dhla or sub urbs. P 140. Ledsir central. BTEtfofillAPllErt, 0 years' generaP experi ence, wants position . offering advancement. F 180, Ledger Central, TOUNO MAN, 27, married; a years' experience automobiles; also oler. work. F 42, Led. Cent. AUTOMOBILES jjor pauy CAD1LLAO T-paasenger touring, flrst-olass run nlng order; excellent for Jitney purpois; ni 1..7 .... ....t itllih,.,.. uriil. en.flt Tor Sate SCUbEllAiiliit S6, slirhtly used modsl. hell, 1231 Arch L Filbert 6287. raa. UIIW l"""i uiiiiuumiin inim.... ETX 1013 CHALMERS "80" roadster, fully equip ped. newly painted. HOP. Waverly Mills, Fkd, AUTO LIVER"? AND QARAQES nOUND TIllP to Atlantlo City. 13 per pas senger. Touring cars to hire, II. to per hour up; careful driver. Thone Kens. 2H0O-4703 WANT to rent garage on main thoroughfare; curiae, , IB to as cars, uraeser, ami a airnm TO HtnE Paige touring car, private, 12 per hour. Phone Wyoming 1484 Y. FOR HIIIE Classy hlgfT"powcr B-paTsenger touring; low rates. I'hone Dlsmond 4103, TO HIIIE Fine limousine and touring cars. Call Harrison Oarage. Fkd. 888 or East 280. CLEANINQ AND DYEINQ OBTnicii iniATH'Ens and fancies CLEANED. DYED. MAILHOT, 1810 Chestnut DKESBMAKINCr AND MILLINERY DnESSMAKINO taught; short, prac. course. MaoDowsll, 807 Denckla nidg-llth & Market. ilHMBTiTOlIINO donewhllo you watt. a7 Uelohard. 1113 Chestnut, Pictorial rtevlow pat. FOR SALE BILLIARD, pool, combination, 2d-lnd bought, sold, rented, exch'd. Keafer. 320 Olrard vs. CASH TIEOIBTERS. new and second-hand: to tal adders sa low as 10, on easy monthly payments; all registers sold by us fully guar anteed. The National Cash Register Co., 7J0 Chestnut at. FLAOB ALL BIZIF-S AND GRADES DDCOrtATINCJ WEDDINO CANOPIES TO HIRE BERNARD McCURDY 110 N. OTH ST. ' SECT. PHONE 'PlLTinrtT 5.113. FLAO POLES WOOD AND SI EEL ALL HIKES. UP TO 200 FEET. FLAO POLB TRIMMINGS BERNARD McCURDY 110 N. OTH ST. BELL PHONE. FILBERT 2.113. STORAGE WEST PHILA. Monarch Storage Co Auto and pack ing and ahlpplng, 3870 Lancaster ave. ROOMS EOR RENT BATIINO ST., 3810 Two rooms, first door, par lor, for light housekeeping. BARINO. 4028 Nicely furnished second front) convenient to bath, near L. phone. BROAD ST.. ti.. 411-Second floor front, large. nlry, attractively furnished, two-room apart ment, prUate hath, olenty of hot water, re flned surrounding good cari service, phone. CARLfsLB, N.. 2010-Nlcely turnTshed front room, su conveniences; privaie ramny; pn. CHESTNUT. 1004-ROOMS SINGLE OU EN SUITE. TBLEPIIOND LOCUST7J1. LOCUST, 1803 Attractlveirooms, single or en suite, turn, or unfurn.; single room, $10. PAnK AVE., 1733 Newly furnished room; conv. to pqtn; renn, surrouna.; conv. pnotie. SPRUCE. 010 (Haielhurat) Furnished roomsT single, en suite; pny. pams; lame poarq opt, 6PRUCE, i022 Desirable furnished rooms; private pains: summer rates. icust icoj j. BI'UUCE, 120.1 2d -story front room furnlshod; running water; convenient to new bath. VENANGO, W . 1821 (corner house). Private family will rent 2 large airy rooms i alngla or en suns; wm muuriuaneu. All. AiuBifc io.ii. WALNUT. 6008 Newly furnished rooms, ,prl vats iamuy, convenient to mree car unaa. 1BTH N., 1410 Handsomely furnished rooms In refined private home; board optional; all conyenlenoes phone service. 418T, NTTSOilcor. Wsslmlnstsr) Single and communicating rwiai, mr. or uniur.; rat. B2D. N.. 342 Furnished rooms, 12 up; IVisrd optional: table board. Call Belmont 2781 D. 82d and Bansom "Furnished reomat man only meals: PVVEST RRANC1I shower baths; near L; all tho X, 1. v. A. cumiuria at duiiie. i-uuii iiei moni soai. At.ey. vveai oou. BEAUTIFULLY fum. rooms, adjoining bath; exclusive secuon v. A'niia. ; x-reaion .ua u. Atlantlo City, N. J. THE ARNOLD APT tfo. 1. 1324 Pacific ave,, Atlantlo City. N. J, Private family will rent large outside room, next to bath; short or long eesson: corner apartment; one block to beach; references exchanged. BOARDING BROAD. 3., T70 (The OrahamJ Cool and at tractive furnished rooms; all modern conven- lences; excel, lauie poaru; nmai e My. BROWN, SOifl Cheerful iront room ;Vrchj nne table; gentleman or couple. Bering 1447 P. LEI1I01I. W.. 181S-1S beautiful' room, with board, i all cony.; jphonei new management. POWELTON AVE. 4037 Large, alry'rooraTn private family, excellent table; prior mvcp- .&:& io,.joos5',;?.i;,5 Doaura. cnaica iaui- uuiu. -...., ... SPRUCE, 12I4-2U (Brlimonds) Fum. rooms, SlnglS. Bn SUIie. lAIVl-a Mma. .i..i vwmttM, SPRUCE. 10D0 Bachelor aots.. 2 largs, airy rma.. private bath" electric lights) phons. WALNUT. 4531-Sd-floor rooms, wit h board; near L: aoutbsrn expos, i rsfs. exchanged. loTil. l, l646-Scond story front;" running Water, oiasr vaiauwjiaa, ai- "vim, yiw.,'- fSTH. tC8AS-IIandfomey f private family, axcellent tsbl' IWHWUIU .ww.a, I'restonustiw. Suburban nunUI MTOWM 383 W. Rlltsnhouie st. (be- u----- T-Iifll. u tween veen naiuaauu ! VJt4 -5 . com.; good table. Oln. 1878 X, ei ajs, vacs single or oTiTtTArfit, TO-E"eslrabis rms..oongenlal sur raunOlngsgOvd lhinetjej0cLane 343 W. 5TOnnl160W-C6eB tlraxel road, basrdlog, ttSuli, swlS7!! Paul. Phone rresUnTMg W. COUNTRY BOARDERS WANTED RYLMONT. W. Conlhohocken, Pa.; 3 R. R., near station, elevated, healthy, attractive, floe views, lawn, ihads, good taMe: will take few naraoaa for auavaver, Is, 19. Phono KmSJvi- U " -" B O Siyth. APARTMENTS SPRlWa GRD7K. IMO-Bxoeilent spts. la 8 tttgweat houaas. sagos fyn., kltcaenettw W4?rUiT, 1481 Very attrsctlve uots.. rms.. Vith also stuale nui sad bath, furs, or un RTro. i eiHent leMtioB; Dret-elSM service. Phmie Spruce tsavTor AHly to l.altor. , FURNISHED APARTMENTS fUarrt8l8?'t ,wtmisit. I M private bath slso alngle rnm. Wql TtW W WlUweed, K. i. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DIAMOND. 2112-3 rm . bath, kltohen, hM water ht; ref.LSd noff, 823; 4 rms,. bath, kltohen, all cor, rmi L W. Diamond 1813 w. pWI.aTi. 1812 Atlfftetlve housekeeping apis , 3 And t rooms, bath, kltehenette: modern conveniences. Arly 801 Fmplre Bldg. West Philadelphia nintrti.irtn A tt A nir.-.tA-a Facing beautiful Clark ratk; located kl4Blh st , one block south of Chester ave (al Wood Und nve ). Every modern Improvement and convenience, Including hardwood floor throughout, spacious porches, awnings and screens, unlimited hot water, tennis court on tho grounds, even and beautiful heating in winter and n cool and beautiful location In summer. 1 offer a number of these apart menis, Including first and second floors, never hifn-a HAKiml-M. at nrleaa frnm 130 to I3o per month, Owing to the unfavorable tlmo tor renting in wnicn turan niiiiiirin-,""; been completed, those who act Immediately mar obtain these apartment on a yearly lease If desired at these prices, which are fully 110 .per month below, their full value. Do not delay It you deslrer one of these apartments, . , . . .. We have tastefully, furnished . sample apartment, which will be open for Inspection day and evening, and wilt give you a definite inea or now unusually attractive ii- ---ment really are. ,...-,. NORMAN s. SHERWOOD 1411 Walnut St., Phlla., Pa. THE RUTLAND APTS. JUST COMPLETED 1.0CUBT ST.. BIT.t TO BJT H ST. , and 7 room apartments, with all the latest conven encee. sns to feaper '""; ltODDItT A. PITA-8..AOBNT .Bell phone Belmont 4 tri.J443lricuttst. REAL ESTATE "OR SALE CITY 1040 N. 0T1I .Br.-A reAl bsrgsln to dtjlck purchaser; thre story, eight rooms, good order: lsrgn yard. ..... W. It. HOOD. B Norrls st. . OVERLOOKINO N. B. BOULEVARD JOBnPlI A. BLAm,ULDR,. S23 N. BTlt Chestnut Hill NDW SALE AND IIENTLIST REAOY. Polham, Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill ' PELHAM TRUST CO.. 0710 Oermantown ows. Logan. IIQAN rtKAL ESTATE Bale, rent, ana uiiii". ,.,,. M. M. Smith, Broad at., opp. Logan Station. Elklns Pnrlt. Tn. ' W E S T V I E W ELKIN8 PARK Beautiful building tracts; high location! extended view over fine homes of Elklns Park; near train and troey. Price 81100 and upward. Our automobile by ap pointment. Phono Melrose 1374. RHOADS & PAUL gffJKk BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH HOUSE about to bo erected at Elklns Park. Special price of 10830 at this time, and purchaser can make changes to suit Individual lasts. Terms to suit. Plans and plcturo on application. RHOADS & PAUL Apak MAIN LINE. T.. It. It. Haverforil BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE of the late Thomas r. Hunter, situated at the corner of Montgomery ave, and Booth lane, containing about BW acres. OIRAUD TRUST CO. NEW JERSEY BUNGALOWS. 1100 cneh. 110 monlhlyaot" . 160: near trolley; conv. to rlvJri"5y,,nM park, uroator new jeracy .o.f ui o. .m.... llnddonflelil. N. .7. HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices, wax. uaiia-x aiaiujiiaiu., OHl r saerai si.., v.aiimrn. Woodbury Heights. N. J. SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg. lots at reasonapio pneee. .mim wanw-. SEASHORE Oeenn City. N. J. mt A,ian s.etnrv sr.d bssement cottage. 7 rooms, 2 bsths, laundry, a open fireplaces and gas range; cheap to quick puyer. LVTEItlfRBAN REALTY CO. 4310 Frankford ave. Furnished WUdwood. N. J. FUUNIRIIED cottage, 7 rooms and large loft; modern convs. , front porch: lot 30x13. In rerurhan Realty Co.. 4K10 Frankford ave. Chelsea. N. J. MODERN furnished cottnge, 10 rpoma and bath, heater; lot 38x78. cheap. Interurban Realty Co., 4310 Frankford ave PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 103 ACRES, fruit farm, modern buildings, convenient to Philadelphia: price, il5,(X0, J. p. Thompeon. West Che-iterPa. go ACRES, 80300. Bradforil Hills Station. Main Lino, good land, lino springs. A. D. Heald, West Chester. Pa, REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monthly payments of from 817 to 830, houses located N. Phlla. and Gtn worth from 81800 to J8230. Merchants' Union Trust Co.. 718-710 Chhestnut st REAL ESTATE TOR RENT CITY 1013 N. 4th 21M Lelthgow, 11 rooms 1015 Mutter. 8 rooms MfU 4th. 8 rooms, all convenience 1028 Mitter. 4 rooms ami bath, W. At A1UUU, n- '"'" !5,T N. CARLIHL15 s"T, $tl per month: 22S9 N Sydenham t 2t per month. IL L. llOOVEIt. 430 N. 13th St. Vnctorles, Warehouses, Mfg. Floor MODERN FACTORY FLOORS U.00O Square Feet, N E. COR. ARCH AND 23D STS. Rieelm and electric power, 2 elevators, low InwSuJS automatic, sprinklers watchman. i il siding, extra large window and high tellings. Owner management. Apply O. P. FILLING A SON CO. on premises. nifMCES, BUSINESS ROOMS, ETC tn 1fl '.T,L T"i.-iii. TV W llama. 680 Drexel Bldg. ON1VHALF of oftlco for rent, with telephone Llr--f'- ....A ivmmfliiwu lh llulldlnr. fvrvice. a.,.."'"---!",,, is- PAI?r"of Urge offlce, 1201 Commonwealth "" liable for professional msnjjphons. WK9T rHILADEI.rilIA itHDUCDD TO US I AVONDALB BT . SIX "roomf, all cinvenlences; view of Cobb'. CrSek l-arK. oatn hiiii u -,.. - .-ir"-- - - . Vino st.E. BAl'A, ouovine st. fnR nENT 3819 Ashlsnd ave.; new houss; 8 rooms; 832.50 per month, every Improvement! built by Downsbrough: open. it SAUNDERS AVE. 10 rooms and shad: like 4 nfw; 20 i feet wide; eomeri 832.60; free till Sart.mber: cheap. Owner. Preaton 4478 W. ' BUHURDAN Illdlay Tark. Psi. 1'... -rtiTM rtv Pf.ACE. old ahada. mod. "i,nva. T rooms, beautiful surroundings; 5 mtn. from sta.i tv yr .'" ". . iii"i. POR RENT-PURNISHED SEAHHOItE Atlantlo Clty N. J. nvWT futnlsnsai 1U peuruuiua, a paina. eiao lltiril., """- . 'v.rv nanvanlencS! baat loea. .tin oijfnsr VerrnoVlt and Papino. Apply Joa'Hoove at Sons Co.f 460 N. flth St.. pitfla. '" " A I.. XT 1 -.Tim", -. NBW furnished bungalow, nsar oosanj rent "JiSn Any agent. Avaton, N. J., or John JoT'Ml North 4ih St.. Philadelphia. Af,'itf:..,s.'.0.h1,ter!r;h.r,lon' N-J" 4r Ml wwy ' .. i , Cape May, . J. vilRNISHHD cottages all Jllons; moderate pfices" VYT R- Bheppqrd. 4 Wasbliigten st. lluan Oats. N. J. Tivuawooa. n. ti. II. Y fum.. Northwaod Aurtmaat. H? aid Sfeardwalk, OMaSaturday, Sun- MORTOAOE3 MONBY FOR MORTaAOBa) JS500 J51000 $1200 StSOO $1600 S5O0O w H HODO. ttllt KOmtmgT i. .5.- .TuKBljTnyji nxTtltnat a-ffVrST. -.y. . i A- ... - - - - , r , , . , ., ,. ... ,1 i - r - i - - -- r1 .. ,. , -- - - - - - i , i mm ------ . 1 - , - ,,,.... , ,, . - mi i i i r--t n i - i - i ' i ii f i i -r-mrnr 1 ' '' ' &&- SCRAPPLE ! : . .. I r, ,, i, . ITS ALL niftllT IF YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT TIIE PADDED CELL v j M Ho fMOTIeft-IN-LAvV AtJO-JND OE,.DEr.jCHlLDRtN 1 C?,ss &ZZ l s it 1 zzJ -r-: V JUti THe ilDAif- M3irt- i-" s.Mi tt iM jM wymu&WS: ? l l JUST LIKE A MAN ll. 7 "I I f A MBiioarAT uaiT MOTHiNOj If 3mn, Ybu PgoMiMi) tt If 'Vmhcn you t,iT TVMtaiK,H 1 I " JM I TViX I uLMr I I to 60 l XL HAve a 6006 Rm Mto tmi tyt. tiBvc on youo; rMiftc vooo rtrrtxrTu,r aW'vT7 "e I V "7-DAy ' riftr hoooav Tt rtccNi in. VoJwe pot iaPI IrJ a ILooicl ' n v i ' ' " j. V"1 J , yjpti f Hi If tn i wih vcWo uv V ano RfHmaeiY THevr 1 ry-n TV trAiR CAHT6T ytiu "rUo INO Vttu'O ria"TMC - " --. i - - -5?Ji Lfl wonr te- fsNOTMtH cHiHNty -rvtsfr'.'" L" s.-" s" T sA t rCT-T v n'H'!t0 900W ' 'ii ' -r . r, ; .. , N Wimfc) vW ' 111 ?. Ch ' yz& JZk Ho' won , '$3F SaKBI -to day's a j&r.r hyk. AiiM xiii4cjfi3wjiMSsiix CS (aa Day to '9 AKgSr trOTJ ''tfimf Ju2CMyit35AiTC II II Ogonoen run- Nsjk -5itS) X'JX.'WfiA T"lClSX L--JWSrjCTiiS!'v,l. fS NiTurtn (i X XHIW? - -4 wJOG5) a- '-i2SSIi4 TS.rflor0 l.heAVV-6rM WJ S l'WJ3F f J If? s-. fiT rf?rv rfTS?Si TI '''JSwyC;i ?9r,i vVf v SU ' Q I IJIi lliill ' l-!i .'Wf3iL, vx) I vwsssm mnmijimr vnsr hr 72? $m - 3- "WVA yr ssrm yA T'K4 '"AtX 1 ( '''KwJv W s S'V -London Opinion. jily' E?3m y&&v 5- T'1 Offlcsyr Illi name will to down to 'posterity wh-m thl horrible war 1 -xsi( . jr. JySx y XAAX xCy wnotwn. van Ls?J' vV VV V V wvl I Am wil uuito AHliao. AJJ hid wiajt it aai. ta tttm aaimiiq I B. J Wsmyir 'PtvY'-V AAAaJLsM , N, Th omeei-rm duhed if I can remember it tor the. moment! ) si X A. atfg-l if - kgxasVxysgiy T jaf I ueuinff dock xnn juiva3 ur icoicuiiit Wrs Jii!l Doctor Wliv hav you deducted a ...niws. . .j a - fN iy J y qwM uxa ,ri, you rok whn you thumped my riulfllw tjl 1 Vi?ra; J illfe 'lfff!iWff Punch. 818 iginyjgTB Sartorial Euphemlsrrti is WmWifmrjl w'trmiKKmrrWfvn kS9bbK "Meisurementa about the eame -a so ufXnVmJNtmSmSlStf GSlWemSSIv!M'-JmlmKml tltey used to be, SnlppoT" 13 ItilllllM'iini i (BsiBllMl lTriYirir'lH'lilaxWlaMTTn VTITlfriiil i WV ")' riWIlw ilWT I iT "isT nilili llfff 'fffHflfi a7 f Yes. air. Cheat a trifle lower down. yiMmfmWSBSBiSriL JgSig 5JHHftf?f Bir th HS IwwffVSRwwiSBll Jlll Desperate Moments 1iffiTrlniOMntiAor 1 YTiVn TiK?nW W &cilll, lsiSMSIt&wP fl? 1 vm, rr'a cuvta W i" iW wmPS A 3liWlaHr!uLliiJ 4v J-u .SX'Vyffjjj fsw isBa'c but, what is it i -, MKfeftjLyl JifffffjjWVtf Tjjr OwH jY Lffi iT CTSffilffraB& FD I supos-d td eti ' Punch. 3yS?M BJv KtH Benevolent Visitor (to dams who has a son at ths war) Can't you tell mo what he Is lnf la It the Infantry, or cavalry CmSmtBUk I "Y PH or. artillery? flKL l I &S Dame Well, Mum, where 'tla I don't exactly belong; to remember. But I know 'Us ahootln. aPSl U r'" i -------------- -r r"nriTr i svn rrir Ttrnno TO vm n rr --x.s L. d.i-a s vi.... 8 I lB!i 0 I VSr'y'T'' mil' iAAAJ IIUIIUA AU a,a. xw uuiuu 4 nc arum us I lew i m pnH II I - Ws " "Contentment la alwaya a compara- 1 19 J&jjK ( i Mrr2, i ' - i " 1 .t ... I . w? sPBaal Ai IMlH.n Q . """"- - T - --" r-. "Blggy used up a doien tM tlrsa ; A f QjjQr i ixm r i i -r . i aiwiii auim in uviiuuvf, vm iia viuniau ipz& i -1 i r ff r r I IBI IZl A.. A-.lL A........ A.. ...J. A.I- . A.- J 8. tkIV.41 Hb j efiSSS Jc5s - "S-saB.agar. and buated garden hoae laat through JBssSaSS" jll "SS ,l IfeT '!,"" ' 'r the summer." Cleveland Plain Dealer, " -&-m -4-5 h TT 'wTyis in rvrji fhiw-a un t v as- x. ill Le-a.j " -.7 a ; r Li.ti I va y .s ft- &zi2 . j(e ) V l ll A Y l" "What do vou moant" H g V-aZ.7t Loodeo tsa(a, lecturer on First .Id Now, young lady, Jf I had an app4e4l fit, what la the first, thing you would dot The StudentCarry you to a place of aafty. Some Doubt "What are you colng to ruaWhe mile or the two-wlUT" "I d t know. I cad tell ye beMW at the etui of the faAUe.''-Pawylv-.eUa. Cnty FHtnd There' yer frt MiM stwftosi', avu (, W 4o(tr. yM so vr utd weafc vt rt ttt-What. tttoa; siH hi mt paid ii 1 iJ 09 JS WII Dv"" li, n J JIU Ui K4JJ S W, JFiw. Ylbrscht'S. m trxl U. . I41 LaWt6, :BlU PtLLu-batd Ititl. iii i ii i, i TUT i 'i"i'i ,