Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 03, 1915, Night Extra, Image 1

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VOL. I NO. 251
CorinonT, 1S1B, xf iri Pnstta Ltpom Coutknl.
m a "V i pvj' vWj aJJS Wmt' CfST A GJc v fff&KtCr MS
V ,
1 -
Federal League Wrecked Champion
Team by Completely Changing Spirit
of Players, Says Greatest Manager
in First Interview Ever Given Any
. Newspaper.
I Was Caught Napping When the White Ele
phants Began Slipping, He Says, but I'll
Have Another Top-Notch Aggregation
Within Two Years.
Manager of tho Athletics
Copyright 1015 by Publl'o Ledger Company.
8 -. HAVE bcon asked time and again to
L and why it is mat wo nro noi up in mo ugiu iur uiu juuciikuii .uvut,uu so
nant Tho only answor I can glvo Is that I was caught napping. It may
sound egotistical, but I want to say that I broke up tho greatest baseball ma
chine ever put together. Tho Athlotlcs wero tho greatest machine ofall time,
because they had longer to go than any of tho other famous machines In baso
ball. When tho team was broken up It was In a position whero'lt could havo
gone along winning pennants for about five years, had not a combination of
circumstances compelled mo to tear apart a team that It took much effort to
put together.
Three soparato machines I havo built, and I will havo another In two years
that will bo greater than tho ono I Juat broke up. I was prepared for tho
breaking up of tho other two combinations, becauso tho men were older, and
I saw them slipping. With my 1914 team there wus no sign of decay when I
had to break up tho team. I hated to do It before I had prepared and laid my
lines for a new combination, but somebody was forced to lead the way in pre
venting tho ruin of baseball, and I think In a few years tho fans will look back
and say that I was not such a bad fellow and will ngreo with mo.
Tho claim has been mado th"at I broko up my team for tho sako of economy.
In fact, you cannot convinco some people that I did not, so I do not bother
trying. Tho Federal League wrecked my club by completely changing the
-spirit of tho players. After that change
do but protect myself and tho club. Before last season tho Boys tnougnt only
of victories, but when tho Federal League agonts started offering salaries'' all
out of proportion) they forgot there was something clso besldo money in tho
Thoy say I llko money too much. Well, if half of tho people who make
this claim were as poor as I am, they would havo my sympathy,. I turned down
propositions from the two biggest basoball cities in tho country In order to
remain with tho Athlotlcs, and I would havo been Independently wealthy If I
1 had accepted cither. As It stands now
call meeting a bunch of newspnper boys In the lobby of tho Astor House dur
ing the wintenof -1018. when tho Athletic club was Kivintr Its banauet on win
ning therworld's champions'nTpTho discussion of baseball turned tcrtbcflnan
JJlaLfin c-f tho gime, and ono of them intimated that had mado a fortune out
jjf, the game. I said, "Boys, I hope I won't dio tomorrow, becauso tho peoplo
'Would say, 'What did ho do with his money'?" That Is tho truth.
Money had nothing to do with the breaking 'up of my team, except that I
Gli Austriaci Respinti Dapper
tutto Tolmino Sarebbe Sta
ta Occupata dalle Forze di
Dlspaccl gluntl a noma da corrispon
dentl Itallanl clio si trovano nelie vlcl
Miue del fronto dt battaglla dlcono che
til austriaci sono sfatl battutl su tutta
la llnea sul fronto Plava-Gorlzla o sono
ital resplntl. Essl avevano preso" l'offen
slvs, ma non sono Vluscltl ad avere che
gravt perdlte ed a perdere altre Impor
tant! poslzlonl.
Uravl pordlto hanno pure sublto git
aujtriacl ncl settoro di Marborghotto
prtsUamente a nord-ovest dl quella Im
porUute, fortezza, dove gli cssl hanno
tentato dl rlprcndo riprendere le perdute
triages a Ploeken. In un solo punto ell
itallanl hanno seppelllto 160 austriaci.
Vn dlspacclo da ainevra dice cho gll
austriaci hanno evacuate la fortezza dl
y Tolmino, che e' stata sublto dopo occu
pit Italian). Sebbene la notlzla non
abbia ancora la conferma ufflciale, pure
son e' tnveroslmlle, glacchc so sapeva
-che Tolmino era vlolentemente attaccata
d nord e da oveat.
Lb poslzlonl austriache dl Flezzo, dove
' una buona fortezza, sono clrcondate da
tr latl dagll Itallanl e gll austriaci noml
dano a eaplre che non potranno re
elstere a lungo nello loro poslzlonl. Bl
dice anil che essl abblano dl gla' portato
via dalla fortezza I lora gross! cannon!.
(Leggere In Ba pagtna le ultimo eplu edt
utflate notlzle sulla guerra. In Italiano.)
Berlin Denies "Sinking" of Cruiser
BERLIN, July S.-In regard to the Rus
Jlan report that a German cruiser had
been destroyed off the Couriand coast, the
Admiralty Issued the following succinct
The Russian report that one of thelH
torpedobeats sank a German cruiser Is
pure Invention."
TilS BcrooareB tn whnm A hnlMav tm nil
tbomlnatlon and who are planning to
urate me jfuth dictating letters to a
ograpn had a mighty poor time rid
to work today The trollava cannot
better described than as occupied with
i entirety surrounded by suitcases.
!. portmanteaus and what-nots,
the Sunday best. "swell-dresser"
s brushed up and set off with blaok
Oink.-fitrtn Bhltu B.M lariflu Ir.
Weace Verily. America, anllelnatlnir
Mtest anniversary of It history Is
v wonderful ftivh, n... .. t...in.. ,. .
E wiurnt tb8Lt- aeerdlng to the pre-
afaur ln,ns, tne etotoes ana get-up
grentloned are likely u come back
-- n iuesoay without having been
Jsed on
krry Fourth of Junew Tearl
V -Z
rtr PhUadelnhia ami tuaaitti Jin.
W tamgkt and Sunday with prob-
wwiwt tkundtrahmm's; not
change i Umntraturn: a&uils
ble MfituU.
explain why I broke up tho Athletics
came, thoro was nothing for mo to
I have absolutely nothing. I can ro-
Continued on Page Thirteen, Column On
BERLIN, July 3. Tho German Admlr
nlty Issued a statement today justifying
the destruction of tho Leyland liner Ar
menian. The statement supporting tho
destruction .of the Armenian by the sub
marine U-38 was evidently called forth by
me lact tnat a number of Americana lost
their lives.
The statement follows: "In regard to
tho sinking of the Armenian It Is ascer
tained that the captain refused to heave
to when ordered to do so, and for an hour
tried to escape. In his own words he did
not want to give up without a. fight, and
he only stopped his ship when 13 or 13 men
lay dead upon the decks. The submarine
acted In strict accordance with interna
tional law throughout."
Woman and Her Husband Declaro
Latter's Brother Attacked Her.
On a charge of assault and battery com
mitted by her brother-in-law, Mrs. Annie
It. W. Bassett and her husband have
brought suit to recover damages aggre
gating $25,000 from the accused, James
Bromlley, a mill owner, 4701 Lelper street,
According to Mrs. Bassett, she went to
hfer brothor-ln-law'a office, at Lelper and
Adams street, March 22 to transact busi
ness. She asserts that without reasonablo
provocation he attacked her, pushing her
from the ofllce and causing her to
fall. Mrs. Bassett suffered a dislocated
houlder and Internal Injuries, and on
this ground claims J20.000 damages. Her
husband Is seeking to obtain J5000 paid
since that time for medical attention to
his wife.
June Circulation of
June 1 88,976
2.." 85,613
3 90,479
4 93,235
5 93,885
7 t. 94,683
8 92,603
9 94,250
JO 95,317
11 94,413
12 101.7QO
14 94.37B
I? 98,131
Daily Average for January
Daily Average for February . . 64,045
Daily Average for March , . 70, 94 7
Daily Average for April , . 82,104
Daily Average for May 88,614
Bally Average for June, 92,857
The foregoing figures represent the actual net paid circular
tion of this ttu;paper, efanitiatimg all returned and free copies.
J. P. Morgan, head of tho banking firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., was
shot at his country home. His wounds nro not considered serious.
Financier Slightly ' Wounded in Side
and Leg by Assailant Who Seeks to
Force Way Into Summer Home.
MaiT 'ShoutT TBirWto Has Got to
to, Stop" Arrested After Deed.
GLBN COVE, N. T., July 3.-J. Plerpont
Morgan, head of the great banking firm
of J. P. Morgan & Co., was shot twice at
his summer homo today by Frank Holt,
of Ithaca, N. T., a former professor of
modern languages at Cornell University,
who is believed to have been driven In
sane by reading accounts of the European
war. One buuet, entorea mo nnancmra
leg and the other his left side, penetrating
the groin, but the attending physicians
declare that neither is serious.
Holt had two revolvers fully loaded and
two suit coes, one of which contained
a great quantity of dynamite, together
with fulminating caps. Tho shooting was
done with a .32-callbre revolver.
Holt talked In an Irrational manner
after his arrest, saying:
"I have been sent by God to do this.
Morgan la tho onl yone who could end tho
war and I was a divine agent In trying
to, destroy him."
In HoU's pocket was found an Amer
ican Express Company receipt showing
that ho had recently shipped a package
from Ithaca to F. S. Slnsabach, 101 Mar
seilles street, Dallas, Tex. Holt said he
had recently obtajned a position near
Holt visited East Island, the Morgan
summer home, three days ago to recon-
nolter before he tried to kill the financier.
Holt, who was overpowered after the
shooting by servants In the Morgan home,
was brought here pending his removal to
the county Jail at Mlneola. Before Jtidge
VlUlam B. Luyster he made the follow-
Ithe Evening Ledger
June 16 , 94,902
" 17 .'. 93,609
" 18.,, 92,445
" 19 91,456
" 21 95,042
" 22 93,905 "
23,..' 93,017
" 24 92,045
" 25; 91,917
M 26, ,.,.. .... 92,701
" 28 91,891
" 29 88,782
" SO, 89,134
t . 58,726
Ing statement, sotting forth tho reasons
why he shot the financier.
"'I. P. Holt, o Ithaca, N. T lately a
professor at Cornoll University, do hereby
swear before Judge William D. Luyster,
of Glen Cove, to tell fully the facts of
my attempt to assassinate J. Fierpont
Mrogan on tho morning of July 3, 1915, at
East Island, Glen Cove, N. T.
"About three days ago I decided to come
to Glen Cove, tho country home of Mr.
Morgan. My previous trip to his home
was to And out where ho lived and study
the surrounding country.
"This morning, July 3, I decided again
to come to Glen Cove. I caught an early
train out of Now York to Glen Cove.
The purpose of my coming here was to
catch Mr. Morgan before ho wont away
for the day, I arrived at Glen Cove at
9:30. I walked up to a gentleman who
runs a taxlcab at the station and asked
him to take me to tho homo of J. Fier
pont Mongan, Tho purpose of my visit
to Mr. Morgan waB to see If I could
influence him to stop sending ammuni
tion to European countries.
"On entering the grounds of Mr. Mor
gan's estate, Mr. Ford, who was driving
the taxlcab, drove up to tho door of Mr.
Morgan's house. The butler asked me
what I wanted to see Mr, Morgan about.
I told -him that It was very Important
that It concerned the European war. The
butler told mo that Mr. Morgan was busy.
that he was In conference with the Brit
ish Ambassador to the United States, and
that he couldn't see me. I insisted upon
eeelng M Morgan. The butler continued
to tell me he was busy and couldn't see
"Then I drew a revolver, pointed It at
the butler android him I had to see Mr.
Morgan. The butler backed Into the main
hall and I fololwed after him. Mr, Mor
gan, hearing the commotion, came to the
door leading Into the hall, and I fired
two shots at him. One hit him In the
leg and the other hit him In tho side.
"I am very sorry to cause this injury
to Mr Morgan, but I wanted to ask him
If he would stop this slaughter of our
European brothers.
"I do hereby testify and swear to the
above sKJement to Judge William E.
Luystsr., P, holt."
The British Ambassador to the United
States, Sir Cefll! Sprlng.Itlce, was a guest
at the Morgan hqme apd witnessed the
shooting of the financier.
Physicians who examined the prisoner
deeJarsd he undoubtedly was Insane. The
man Is tall, thin and dark. His age is
about 30.
Holt arrived on the 930 train on the
Long Island Railroad and approaehed
M. F. Ford, who operates a taxlcab serv
ice n Glen Cove.
"I want to be driven to the residence
of J. P. 'Morgan." he said.
"I want you to take me there quickly
for I am In a big hurry " He was well
Damaged Cruiser Low
ers Teuton Flag and
Runs Ashore on
Gothland Island.
Slav Squndron Attacks Foe's
Flotilla in Fog Enemy Re
turns to Action With Arm
ored and Light CruiBer and
Hontllo Wnrcraft Forced to Rotiro
Undor Muscovlto Fire During
Retreat Another Cruiser Attacks
Pursuors U-Boats Finally Cover
Flight Russian Losses Small.
Russian and German warships have
met In their first big naval battle In the
Baltic Sea, and the Czar's fleet has won,
according to an official statement Issued
by tho Admiralty today.
A German cruiser was badly damaged
by the fire of the Russian gunners, and
was run ashore to eacapo sinking, the of
ficial statement says. Tho battered war
ship lowered Its flag before It was
"Tho battle took place off the Island
of Gothland.
Tho text of tho Admiralty's report fol
lows: "Friday morning our cruisers encoun
tered during n fog two light cruisers of
the enemy and some torpedoboats on b.
lino parallel with Oeatergnrn lighthouse,
on the cast const of the Island of Goth
land, and engaged In battle with tbem.
"A German cruiser, at 9 a. m., being
badly damaged, lowered its flag and ran
ashore. The other cruiser and torpedo
boats retired.
"At 10 n, m. our squadron encountered
the armored cruiser Roon, one light
cruiser and one torpedoboat. Tho battle
was renewed.
"At 10.30 a. m. tho enemy began to roUro
southward. During his retreat tbe
enemy, who had now been Joined by an
other light cruiser, was attacked by our
cruisers. The enemy's warships then fled
hurriedly and tho pursuit ceased at 11:30
a. m.
"After the battle our squadron was un
successfully attacked by submarines. The
damage Inflicted upon our cruisers waa In
significant." The armored cruiser Roon Is a sister
ship of the Torick and carries a crew
of SIS men. Her displacement Is 9359 tons
and her armaments feonstat .jf the fol
lowing: J
Four &2-Inch (40-callbro) guns in pair
In turrets for and oft; ten 89-inch mini,
six in main deck battery and fdilr lit tur
rets on the upper deck; li 3.4-lnch (21
poundcrs); four machine guns and four
18-inch torpedo tubos, submerged fore,
aft and amidships. Tho Roon Is capable
of 20 knots and Is protcated by Krupp
armor throughout.
German 'Host Again
Driven Back by
French on Third Day
of Battle.
Joffre's Troops Resist Success
fully Desperate Night and
Day Attacks of Foes Teu
tons Suffer Heavy Losses in
PARIS. July J.
Another repulse of the German Cronn
Prince's army In the Argonne is an
nounced In the communique liaued by the
French War Office this afternon. Tho
battle is still In progress, however.
Very heavy losses have been Indicted
upon the Ocrmans, but they havo main
tained their attacks. This Is the third
day of the conflict.
The French have succeeded in holding
their positions, although subjected to
fierce assaults, both by night and by day.
The text of the afternoon communique
follows :
"The struggle In the Argonne continued
all night with the same tenacity. We
maintained our positions and inflicted
very great losses on the enemy.
"In the region of Metzeral (Alsace) two
pew attacks against our positions on the
crest located to the east of the village
were repulsed.
"On the other sections of the front there
waa a fairty active cannonade with shell;
of all sources. Some shells thrown on
Arras set fires which had been extin
guished. "Our aviators have bombarded success
fully Challerauge, Zarlon and Lange
marcke, as well as the German batteries
at YImy and at Beauralns."
The Dally Mall's correspondent at Rot
terdam has received information that tbe
Continued on Pa Four, Column Two
There will be no issue of
the Evening Ledger on Hon'
dag, July 5, which will be 06.
served as Independence Itcy.
BOSTON, 1st 1 O O O O O
SHirMES 0 0 2 2 0 0 -
piudolph nntl Qowdy; lUxcy nnd Kiliefer.
ATHLETICS, 1st 1 O O 1 O
BOSTON 0 2 0 0 0
Crowell nud Lapp; Collins and Thomas,
WASHINGTON, July 3. Minister Morris, nt Stockholm, orfci
, to the State Department today thnt a naval battle had tnltcn plam
hclwcen Russian and German vessels off Visby, Sweden, and that t- o
German ships wore reported lost. Part of his message was illegible,
so that tho department wns not certain as to the exact fate of tho
two ships . ...,.
CARDIFF, Wales, July 3. tfhnt the crew of the German nh
mailno TI-30 fired upon the British steamship Inglemoor wh'.lc Eli"
was engaged, In rescuing the crew of the steamship Caucasslan, was
the charce made here today by Chief Steward Owens of tho Ingle
moor. Tour shells were filed, Owens said, while the crow of tho
torpedoed Caucassiau were being picked up.
WINDSOR, Vt., July 3 President Wilson Icaimed of the at
tempt on the life of J. r. Morgan and of tho bomb exploding In tre
Senate building when he letumed from 18 holesNof golf. Ho male
no comment and retiied to his study where he wot Iced until lunch.
A loug important code message on conditions in Mexico arrived here
at midnight. The Piesidcnt remained up to decode it.
WASHINGTON, July 3. Thos. J. Spellacy, of Hnrtford, Conn.,
wns today appointed by President Wilson United "States Attorney
for the district of Connecticut.
MOBILE, Ala., July 3. Mrs. Metn Fuller Sinclair, former wife
, "ton .StajLIrj .dchmicjery gui at Gulf pOKf Migtodny
for. possession of her 13-ycni-dld-son, now, she said, in his rni.hcr,s
custody. She asseitcd Sinclair .pronilsedVshe would have the boy
with her Several months ench. year, but kept this alleged agreement
only a bhot time. "
City's Financiers Deeply Stir
red by Shooting of Great
Deep sympathy for J. Plerpont Mor
gan was expressed In every banking
house In the city when news of tho shoot
ing reached here. Philadelphia financiers
united In expressing their rcgnrd for him,
not only as the most Influential banker
In the country, but also as nn Individual.
"I think wo all feel deeply grieved to
learn that Mr. Morgan has been Injured,"
said William Huhn, of George A Huhn
& Sons. "Our appreciation of him was
not only for the able financier, but also
for the man."
James Francis Sullivan, president of the
Market Street National Rank, said:
"I was extremely grieved to hear the
bad news concerning Mr. Morgan, I only
hope the wounds may not prove serious
I regard him as the moat Influential In
dividual banker In the country. Re has
a keen sense of responsibility and en
joys the confidence of the business com
munity." Karl Mendenhall, of Chandler Brothers
& Co., said: '!Mr. Morgan possessed the
entire respect of everybody In the finan
cial community The general feeling
that he nlled his father's shoes better
than any other man could."
John J- Henderson, of Newberger, Hen
derson & Loeb, saldi "Mr Morgan has
represented the highest attributes of his
dstlngulihed father, modified with a deep
regard for public opinion. He has been
an Inspiration and a help to all of us In
the banking business In the economlo
revolution brought about by the war- We
are deeply sorry that he has been
harmed "
"If Mr- Morgan was not seriously hurt
the shooting probably will have no ef
fect on the money market," said Herbert
Clark, of E. W. Clark & Co., bankers.
"I am anxious to know the detsjls. If
the report Is true that he was pot badly
shot we can expeet nothing serious re
sulting." Bdward R- Ronsall, vice president of
the Land Title and Trust Company, said
"The reported attempt on the life f Mr.
Morgan Is most deplorable and we grieve
to learn that he has been Injured. Mr.
Morgan, as a fltwneler, retains the deep
respect of the entire banking oommuultj .
Cooper WUUr Morris, of Bikini. Mor
ris & Co., said.
"We are grieved to learn that Mr. Mor
gan ha baea she, and we trust the 1b
jurlM natajr uot prove to be eeriotut. He U
an able mutnelw and baa alwajra merited
the cenndsnee of tb entire banktag
world '
Charles S. W Packard, president ot the
Pennsylvania Company fr IwwtfuBC'M e
Uvea aad Oraatteg AwnwHIes. maM-
"It's rwt rfiwtty.
Constantinople Reports Attacks
by Anglo-French Forces Fail
ed to Turn Flank.
News of terrific fighting on the OallipoU
peninsula, In which the Turks repulsed
all attacks of the Anglo-French allies and
captured tno lines of trenches, Is con
tained In the following statement Issued
by the Ottoman War Office today:
"On the Dardanelles front, In tho north
em section of AvI Burnu, on Tuesday,
there was nn exchange of fire, In the
southern section of Sedd-El-Bahr fight
ing continued all day. The enemy aimed
at the Investment of our right wing and
delivered an attack, supported hy. Violent
artillery lire, but It failed owing to our
"North of Avi Burnu. on Tuesday night,
wo repulsed the enemy's attacks against
our central Intrenchmenta. Our right
flank attacked and captured two lines of
the enemy's trenches, one -situated be
hind the other. On the same night, north
of Sedd-Bl'Bahr, we attacked the enemy a
left wing, the fighting lasting all night
We penetrated several trenches and main
tained all our positions. The battle did
not come to an end until sunrise
"All day Wednesday there was fighting
on the right and left wings and south of
Sedd-Bl-Bahr. Our attack proceeded very
75,000 for Suicide's Widow
It was learned here today that Mrs.
Bird D. Pancoast wilt receive J75.Q0O be
sides her dower rights from the oo.)
estate left by her husband, who com
mitted suicide some weste ago. by Jump
ing from th window of an Atlantic City
hotel The money will be given her by
her husband's brother, who was chief
beneficiary in his will. Mrs. Paneoast was
not mentioned in the will when it was
oered for probate In Woodbury, N J
hut it was Bald that Mr Paneoast, before
his death, had the Intention of waking
another will. In which hl wife would
be a full bwelWary. Mr. PaneeaH w a
resident of t&JU city. Mrs Paneoast Is
now UvHUT In Cincinnati
The Kansingtonlan Say.
Stanley Stewart, the ueU Ickoibm Cariyn
hov, it mow enptnter en a peanut-refuting,.
machine dawn at WihfcKMd. N. J.
ixnvr ohs
-Drk taki a4 wfctt collie bUch
I . nBTand P6
TtMaMwhltA b
cvw it ys rW.vi.
to vVb
spa vprut- JWnV
fw touu. 5e jMtti t. . .
OenUimed ea V a j Two, Celuwo Two.
Qikmt ctiMi a m