Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 02, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9
EVENING LEPOEB-PHITJAPELPHIA. FBTDAY, JULY 2, 1915; 4 LARGE SUBSCRIPTION DANCE FOR AMERICAN RED CROSS Philadelphia Will Go to Columbus, N. J, Tomorrow Night to Play Bridge and Dance The Proceeds Will Be Given to the lied Cross Society Fourth of July Parties. A number of persons of this city nre Interested In thrt subscription bridge and dunce which will bo given tomorrow night t Grunge Hall, Columbus, N. 3 at S 6'elock, under the patronage of Mrs. Caleb S, llldgway and Mrs. John I. Bishop, for the benefit of the American Red Cross. Among thosfl present will be Miss Hen derson and Mrs. Henderson, of Johnstown, K Ji Mr. anrl Mrs. Mahlon Hutchinson, Mr, and Mrs' Leon Freeman, of New Va.I fi nrvl Mta. .Tnhn T.. tfilflnr. MIna IF Agnes Dunn and Miss Tessa Dunn, Mlsa p Allea Hutchlnion, Mr. Newbold Hutchin son, Mr. and Mrs, John P. Hutchinson, Miss Helen Pommeyer, Dr. and Mrs. Newton Chaffee, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher I. Boyd, of Haverford, Pa. Miss Anna Tay lor, Mr Frank R. Wallace Miss Florence Brakeley, Miss Dorothy Landon, Mr. Philip Brakeloy, Miss Dorothy Brakeley, Mlsa Shelp, Mr. and Mfs. Reamer, Mr. Courtland Reamer, Mr, Allan Walker, Miss Sarah Rldgway, Mr. and Mrs. Jncob Rlds".ty, Mr. and Mrs. John V. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Shcpard Dillingham, of New York! Miss Josephine Brodcrlx and the Meier. Broderlx, Miss Fanny Roussclt, Mr. Charles RousBell, Mr, and Mm. Mor ris, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McK. Black, Mr. James D, Black, Miss Markell and Miss Taboct, of Now York, and many others from Mt. Holly, Pcmberton, Burlington and Bordentown, who aro Interested In the work of tho Red Cross, Mrs, Byron P. Moulton, of Ardmoro, ac companied by Mrs. George A. Brooke, of Gcrmantown, Is motoring to Chicago to attend tho Men's Whist Congress, which will be In session there next week. From Chicago they will motor to Poland Springs, Me., where Mrs. Moulton will remain until autumn. Mrs. Brooke will go on to Boston. Among tho Philadelphia girls, who will act as bridesmaids nt tho marrlago of Miss Mnrgaret B, Andrews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Andrews, which will tako placo on August 14 In Newport, will bo Miss Ethel Huhn, a cousin of Miss Andrews and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Huhn; Mies Dorothea Watts, dnughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. John Watts, and Miss Hannah Randolph, daughter of Mr. Philip S. P. Randolph. lallons on the birth of a son, on Friday. June 25. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Dunlap, of Oak hni5?;,.wm l6y t6r thelr ummer placo at Wlldwood Crest, t6day. They win en tertain week-end parties durlhg July and AUgUSt, air. and Mrs. Denis J. Sheehan, Jr., upon their return from Atlantic City, where they aro spending their honey moon, will reside at 454 Lecdom' street. Mrs. Sheehan was formerly Miss Emily C. Anderson, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Anderson, of Willow Grove. Ml"8 Alice Meckler Is home from Nor walk, Conn., and will remain during the summer with her parents, at their home on Greenwood avenue, Jenklnlown. West Philadelphia ,.Ml anA Mfs- A. Southern Conway, of f, ,Avon1'1e. 39th nnd "Locust streets, will leave today for Lake Sunapce, N H., where they will Join rt house pnrty to bo given over Independence Day by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis May for their daugh ter, Miss Margaret Ann May. The other guests will bo Miss Marlon Moyn. Miss Alexander, Mies Dorothea Hackett, Mr. Clarence Peterson and Mr. Charles Con. ru. un aaiuraay ovcnlng Miss May will give a dance In honor of her guests. Miss Mary Kcr Christian, daughter of -."."J MrB- Addison A. Christian, of 12 Walnut street, who has been camp mg nt Lnko Bherldan with Miss Kntherlne nor nnci miss Minnie Endlcott. re turned tolicr homo last nlaht. With her sisters, Miss Elizabeth Christian nnd Miss Margaret Christian, sho will leave tomor row for Grecnsborough, Md., to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Christian, who will accompany their daughters, will re turn on Monday. IIlailtl ,JIrs- Hlehnrd Van Glider have closed their town house, 4931 Hazel ave- Si.0' ? , O.vo takcn a cottago at Ocean City, N. J., for July and August. 0 Mario Loulso Starr, who nro ocupylng their cottago at Capo May, will glvo a small houBo pnrty over tho week-end. Mrs. Dorothy Potter, who has been In Now York, will return to her homo In Chestnut Hill tomorrow evening. Sho will attend tho dinner dance at tho Philadel phia Cricket Club that ovcnlng. Tho Rev. Alfred Wagg and Mrs. Wagg, of Colllngswood, N. J., nnnounco the be trothal of tholr daughter. MIbs Ethel Wagg, to Mr. Howard Williams Selby. Miss Wagg graduated from Dickinson College last month. Mr. J. Bertrnm Ltpplncott, Jr., of Melmar, Bcthayrcs, Pa., has gone to Panama to be tho guest of General George fr W. Goethals for a month. Mr. Henry I. Levlck, of Bala, Pa., has taken rooms at tho College Settlement. Front and Lombard streets, for tho summer. n.?Ir' a.!LMrs- AIbert B- KI"S. t the Tracy, 38th and Chostnut streets, will spend tho Fourth of July holidays as fVL0,' J,Ir nml MrB- Howard Ham mona nt the r home on hn i?n.irK a,.. Dr. nnd Mrs. R. Walter Starr nnd Miss They will return to this cltv on Wrdncul any. Ac?ltB Horry B "'ckmnn. of 617 South wh. i ' m. leavo lodaj' for Cannda, whero sho will spend tho summer months. A party of young people who will spend the weok-end nt Atlantic City will Includo Miss Emma E. Owens, Miss Anna L. Owens. Miss Marie Boston. Mlas Lulu n.Mm0ll;,a,r: JnmeB O'Neill. Mr. Joseph ?r !I",,.M Jam" Brltt an(1 Mr. James a IrJ" Tll0y wl" bo chaperoned by Mrs. A. Owens, and will return to tho city on Monday evening. i..0Ja. Mrs- Alfred D. Thomas have JV."101 fr.-m. tholr wedding trip and nro occupying their new home. C815 Catharine street. Mrs. Thomas boforo her marriage last month was Miss May A. Neville. Mrs. J. F. Bates, tho Misses Bates, En Mgn John Frederick Bates. Jr.. and Mr. ran Win F. Bates havo motored to Wild wood, N. J., for n stay of several days. ?Jr-c.an1 Mrs John MIIIar Hannn, of 4512 Hansom street, will leave on Satur day for Ocean City, whero they will spend tho summer at tho Oceanic. Miss Roso Appelbaum. and Miss Sadie Appolbaum. of 209 South B8th street, will IhT t11nlorrow r Collegovllle. where they will remain over tho weok-end with their brother, Mr.Winiam Appelbaum. "" William McNeal, of Quthriesvllle, IT" . ... 5. . ol " u- Clinton Guth rie, of 723 North 40th street. Miss Anne B. Bennett. Ill North Chel sea avenue. Atlantic City, will entertain Miss Marjorte Needs, of Colwyn Pa., for tho week end. Miss Bennett Is the daugh- l J .Mr' ,and Mrs- Qeoro M. Bennett, MOS'Catharlno street. Miss Florence Bethel, of Key West. Fla.. has returned to her homo there. She i ., no Bue" ot "er Bister, Mrs. Likes Turner, of South 63d street. Mr. Charles Brown, 7210 Gray's avenue, entertained a number of his frfmria of Bnapper dinner on Sunday. Girard Estate Dr. Charlotte Steckel Farrlngton, of 2130 Pnssyunk avenue, who. with her husband, has been visiting her brother. Dr. Harry Steckel, nt King Park, L. I., for tho last thrco weeks, has returned to her home. She Is entertaining at the present time her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Bartholo mew, of Allentown, Pa., who will remain her guest for about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Mellvllle. of 21'3 Rltner street, with her little son. Norbert. Jr., and their daughter, Ella Louise, loft yesterday for Deer Park. r, I., where they have a summer home. They will remain until the opening of the school term In the fall. Mr. Mellvllle has Just completed a most successful year as teacher In the School of Pedagogy. Sir. and Sirs. Earl B, Putnam, Jr., with their little daughter, Shirley Grace, have closed their home In the Girard Estate, 2310 South 21st street, and have gone to Spring Lake, N. J., where they havo a, summer home. They will remain until tho fall. - ' WEDDINGS ARE ANNOUNCED; ENTERTAINMENTS PLANNED Miss Ruth Rosen and Mr. Nathaniel Human Married 6n Sunday. Fourth of July Celebrations are to Be Elabo rately Carried Out. riwto by nembrandt, MISS ALYSE MATTHEWS Whoso engagement to Mr. Wlllinm Cooper Hunncmnn, Jr., of Brookline. Mass., was announced by hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Matthews, at a small dinnor-danco given at their homo. A quiet but pretty home wedding will tako place this afternoon at 4 o'clock nt tho home of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Huff. XJ South 61st street, when their daughter, Miss Graco Elisabeth Tate Huff, becomes the bride of Mr, Frederick Hamilton Rtler, ot Lansdowne. The Rev. ueorgo Venn Daniels, pastor of tho Way Innd Memorial Baptist Church, B2d street nnd Baltimore avenue, will officiate. The bride, who will bo unattended, will wear a trnellng suit of midnight blue taffctn and will carry pink rosebuds. There will bo no reception. Only the ImmodlatA families nnd a few Intimate friends of the couple will bo present, and after tho ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Stler Will leave for tho South where their honeymoon will be spent. They will live in Wilming ton after July 15. whero Mr. Stler. who U a civil engineer, Is engaged In his pro fession. The marriage of Mils Ruth Rosen nnd Mr. Nathaniel Hymnn took place on Sun day ovcnlng, June 27, at tho home of the bride, 2117 North Douglas street. A large reception followed tho ceremony, stter which the young counle loft for their wedding trip. They will spend tho sum mer In Wlldwood, N. J. Announcement Is made of tho marriage of Mies Grace M. 1. Ircy nnd Mr. Clar ence Laudeman on Juno 13. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lnudeman will be nt home Friday, July 11, at 29 North St. Bernard street. Elaborate preparations aro being made for t'ne relebrntlon of Independence Day. on Mondny, July 6, in Hunting Park, by the Hunting Park Section of tho Safe and Phiio Fourth Association, Included In the flreuorks dlsplny will be several sne cinlly manufactured pieces, one depicting Nisgarn Falls, 40 feet wide, and another the American flag, 6 by 8 feet. The names of the captains nnd their nsslstnnts in tho various districts who aro working for tho success of the great celebration are: Mr. Edwin Gerlnch, Mr. J. F. Kass, Mr. Gcorgo Eckcrt, Mr. George Wllllg. Mr. Henry Bclber, Mr. J. Hanr, Mr. W. B. Alexander, Mr, C. Nndel, Mr. E. P. Worfhlngton. Mr. E. P. Lenahnn, Mr. Martin P Fitzgerald, Mr. James Gorman, Mr. William F. Gormley, Mr. Jnmes Mul grow, Mr. Hugh O'N'ell, Mr. Goorgo El- sasser, Dr. J. Allen Harrison, Mr. Thorna Holllngsworth, Mr. Clmries Pfelffer, Mr. Frederick Pfelffer, Mr. Geore Fuller, Mr. Arthur B. Hudson, Mr. George M. Holcbmb, Mr. Walter WeUel, Mr Georffe) Frantf, Mr. Francis L. Bailey, Mr ,T A. Molhtlre, Mr. Walter Skerrett. Mr. J. H. Renter, Mr. J. Y. Loux, Mr. George W. Jackson, Mr. George W. Van Ronk. Mr. Joseph Gllnske, Dr. Samuel J J Kelly nnd Mr. Albert J Schumacher. The very Interesting program Includes a parade of school children to start In the morning ot 10 o'clock at Broad and Allegheny ave nue; singing by t'ne children In Huhtlng Park j nddrcsses by Rev. Dr Forrest B. Dager, Bov. Dr. J. M. S. liehberg, Pro fessor C. O. Althouse of the Central High School and Director George D Potter, music by tho Munlclpnt iJand, athlettc sports under the direction of Mr Wil Ham G. Frledgen; and a pageant. "The May Festival," by tho Nlcetown Bovs Club nnd tho Camp Fire Girls The speakers will be Introduced by the chair' man of the speakers' committee. Mr. Robert C. Bbnner, and tTio Rev. John F. McQuade will make the opening prayer. Mr. Walter A. Nash, of 4033 North Broad, street, Is chairman of tho finance com mlt The wedding of Miss Margaret McCorV noil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jamca McConnelt, and Mr. Jerome McDonald took place on Wednesday afternoon, June 30. Tho ceremony took place In tho Church of the Ascension, Westmoreland and U streets, at S o'clock, the Hev. Father Dale officiating. The bride, who was given In marriage by her father, was attended by Miss Elizabeth O'CoijiClt as maid of honor. The beet man a Mr. Harry Davis, and the ushers Included Mr. Edwnrd Doyle, Mr. Leo Cdnnor, Mr. Ed ward MoBrldo and Mr. Daniel Rayboulgh. A reception followed at tho home of tho brldo's parents, 2017 East Pacific avenue, after which tho young couple left for their wedding trip to the Panama. Expo sition, and on their return will be at home nfter September 1 at 3132 F strtt. Tho Auxiliary of the North Eastern Ladles' Benevolent Society held t'nelr an-' nual picnic on Sunday, at Clementon. N. J. Along the Main Line OVERBROOK Mr. nnd Mrs. Qorir Allen and their family, of 6387 Overbrook nvenue, left Wednesday on a motor trip to Lexington, Ky., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Warren C. Burnett. Miss Helen Forster Glase, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Glase, will leave today for Chelsea, whero she will be the guest of Miss Gertrude Miller at the homo of her parents. Dr. nnd Mrs. Mllo Mlllor, on Providence avenue. Sho will return next Friday. WYNNEWOOD.-Mlss Eleanor Rushton, of Lancaster avenue, has been entertain ing Miss Mario McCandicss. of Avalon. N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Evans, of Penn road, left several days nco for Dorsnt. Vt, whero they hava taken a cottage for the summer. ARDMORE Mrs. William Wvr T.n. kens, of 12S Edgewood road, Is spending the summer at Southwest Harbor. Mo.. whero she is stopping at tho Hotel Dirlgo. Mrs. George Black Rea. of 140 Vnllnw road. Is spending a month with hoi- mother, Mrs. Ingham, at Salem, N. J. DRYN MAWR Mrs. Elizabeth T.bvIo ana ner daughter. Miss Christine Zle oarth, of Lancaster avenue, aro leaving today for Seaside Park. N. J., where they will spend the week-end at the Manhasset Hotel. Northeast Philadelphia Mr. and JlrB. G. P. Schoonhut nnd fam ily, of 1930 East Cumberland street, have gono to Wlldwood, N. J.,- for sovernl weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. Whltakcr and family, of 2011 East Huntingdon street, havo gone to Wlldwood for tho summer. Mr. Harold Garvin has returned from a short stay In Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Silverman and daughter, of '1008 East Cumberland street, will spend tho months of July nnd August at Atlantic City. South Philadelphia Miss Agnes Mohan, of 1527 Rltner street, and Miss Isabello Hill Drummond wltl leavo today for Wlldwood, whero they will remain about two weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Phayro, of 1738 East Pnssyunk avenue, aro receiving congratu lations on tho birth of a daughter. Mr. Donaldson Leopold, of 1507 South Broad strcot, has gono to Ocean City for tho summer. Germantown Mies Marv Kllburn. rimiirhtxi- nf f- and Mrs. John R. Tintinc. -MS nr... UDSal street, hfis no !iai rr.iAef flc T .li Williamson, of Pottstown, Pa, Miss Kll ourn entertained at luncheon Tuesday In ner honor. Mrs. Edward Comfort, of. East Penn wreet, motored with a party of friends to the Huntington Valley Country Club Mon oay afternoon where she was hostess at 4 o clock tea, . Ji' w Natale Bllzard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Bllzard. of 6145 Morris ftireet. Is ntrtnlnln Kfl. Y.n rr t Bpeese, of Oak Lane. Miss Speese will fj? ompany Mr. and Mrs. Bllzard and . ui.wiro on their trip to Stofford. ar!nrV.mi? M"- Charles Stewart Wurts tar !' .f, 9larl8n nvenue and Wis- BrnH. wl" W".1 JftVe " Jul' r NoVft w..vt r.h? V they wm remaln 'or several weens as the guests of Mrs. John Wlster. r.M,Ef-riy.of men from Germantown have i!! Vom. a flsn,nf tr'P to Chaffey's u?i n Snt' Th8 party Included Mr. Sam. Uo?d Si?!! M,T- Dllks' Mr- William S. Deetar of 0MI Potter and Mr. Paxson ueeter, of Bryn Mawr. Mr, and 1ra yp.-j, Icsva .. V """""a uraves win remainder n,f,H Capa May- N' J" to h" remainder of the summer. Mr. Harrvrs n0i . .. . IKstrest ' ' u ea C'ast oeymour Mr CharlT. p,::""...","r "?v,f:. l? Tomona VtViet. 6""c WM llJt- iS?uV?c.!J A"n-e- ' s By He w iirem. '.Y''?wooa' w- . w"re . ., ,ur lJ)0 summer. ft n.tif.r.8- """m W. Bu.by. of tWwe.kV. .... VnJih nav '" ' , , b.bjt in nioago. Along the Readimr W. Edward TrQ-,i . . .. rM. Qildl Lm"lL,M" moatu. to Virginia a'nTThe slutlT" Wnds 0f mu, Jul. n. ..,., o i fSV5nue; G'Wdm will bo glad to rLT. ' '" "veriRg rapidly after J-ent oMratlon at the Ablnston and Mrs DntiAi-t ir n.i. a uv rt r ;-- ? HM ., i rynwool avenue, QIntd, "."UU J UIV Frankford Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, of Pino road, Fox Chase, have as their guests their daughter and grandchildren, Mrs. Fred. Thomas, Charles Thomas nnd Wil liam Thomas, of Norfolk, Va. Tha Rev. and Mrs. C. W. MacGeorgo. of Bustleton, aro receiving congratula tions on tho birth of n daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Held, of Holmes burg, announce tho betrothal ol their daughter, Miss Marlon Elsie Held, to Mr. Frank Peoples, of Frankford. The officers of the Rockledgo Tennis Club have been elected as follows: George Ecret, president: William Wright, secretary, and Albert Husted, treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crossan and fam ily, of Elberon avenue, Fox Chase, are spending tho summer at their cottage at Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Strange, of 6032 Grlscom street, announce the betrothal of their daughter. Mies Jean Strange, to Mr. Albert J. Blair. 3 for a and Augiwt at Octao North Philadelphia Mr, and Mrs. Robert C, Thompson. 823 North 18th street, while quietly enjoying their Wth wedding anniversary on Monday evening, were surprised by the visit of 30 friends bearing favors. Mr. and Mrs. Milton C Schwerln, of 1813 Diamond street, have gone to At lantlo City for the remainder of the season. An attractive open air meeting at 35th and Cambria streets has been arranged for tonight by the Woman Suffrage Party or tiie xa legislative unmet. The speak ers will be Mrs. George II. Wobenamlth, Miss Florence P. Bernhelmer, Mlsa Hahn and Miss Sarah Fisher. Miss Mary Peacock will spend part of tho summer In Northfleld, Mass, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' Lee have gone to "Wlldwood for the summer months, Mrs. Harry Lodenburg and her family, of mi Nqrth Broad street, are sp.end- lag the summer at Longport. Camden and Vicinity Mrs. Horace Traubel and Miss Gertrude Trnubel, of 3d and Elm streets, have cone to Arden to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pancoast and family, of 205 Cooper street, left today for their cottage at Ocean City, where they will remain until September. SUMMER RESORTS SEA ISLE CITY, July 2. Among the Philadelphia families who are now occupying their cottageB here are Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Farrell and Mr. Walter Snow, Mr. E. Grafley, Mr. and Mrs. William Shea. Mr. Oliver P. Wald ran, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J, Downey. Tioga Mrs. Cosgrovo nnd her granddaughter. Miss .Margaret Cosgrovo Clark, of 3S55 North Broad street, aro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent do Taul Larkin, at Hazleton, Ta. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Fisher, of 3106 North 22d street, left on Wednesday for a tour through tho West to tho Pacific Const. They will spend a month In Call fornlo, Mr. and Mrs. W. Burt Thompson nnd Mr. und Mrs. Hugh Kerr, of West Onto rlo stroct, will bo tho guests over July 4 of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Jennings, of North 18th strcot, nt their summer homo In Ocean City. Mrs. Evan T. Jones, of 3102 North 22d sircet, returned yesterday from Balti more, Md., whero sho was tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Gcorgo Sullivan. Mrs. William Zlndel, of 3114 North 15th street, will represent tho Women's For eign Missionary Society of the Tioga Presbyterian Church at tho convention in Northfleld, Mass. Roxborough Miss Anno Burwell, of Rochcllo ave nue, WIssahlckon, gavo a luncheon today at her home. Her guests, who nro mem bers of hor sewing club, wero Mrs. Ben jamin Johnson, Sirs. Albert C. Rommel, Mrs. C. C. Keever, Mrs. William Patton anu iurs. jonn Warrington. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan L. Jones, of 5630 Ridge avenue, and .their family are occu pying their summer home nt Capo May A UUll, i, .J, The Rov. William R. Rearick. of 4CD Lyceum avenue, has returned from a visit to McAlovys Fort, Huntingdon County. Tho Men's Bible Class of tho Emanuel Methodist Episcopal Church will hold a bread and enko salo tomorrow afternoon at Rldgo avenuo nnd Green lane. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Brennan, of Manayunk, are entertaining Mr. nnd Mrs. Augustus Getz and Mr. Philip Mcssner, of Newark. SUMMHR ltr.SOHTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. SUMMKR ItnSOUTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. riUMMim RKSOKTS ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ATLANTIC CITY - . s l fMJJtKfl 'I .SL&WK t?TS iWfjtrlRIi hffl ' V - tUTW"- 'TTT-, Wfl t VCI .'1 . Delaware County Mr. and Mrs. Gustavus W. Knowles, of Chester, nro entertaining this 'week at their cottago on the beach front nt Cape May, N. J. Their guests Include Judge Knowles and Mrs, Knowles, Mr. and Mrs. Morton R. Alexander nnd Miss Florence Crozer Knowles. Miss Emma J. Hahn and Mrs. Edward Smith, of Jacksonville, Fla., are being en. tertalned by the Misses Smith, In Chester. Dr. and Mrs. Trimble Pratt, of Media, havo returned home from Atlantlo City, where they spent a short time. A talk, entitled. "The Cry of the Chil dren," will be given In the Prospect Meth odist Episcopal Church at Moore this eve. ning. Tne speaker will be Proressor Bur ton L. Rockwood, a member of the National Christian Citizenship League, of Newark, N. J. 1 The &Ch liM jsSjijnjiiiIi1 fill rai ruyliy New HOTEL TRAYMORE v TR.YYMOHE FRIDAY CHATS Where The Englishman Grew Wings Tho Exchange of tho typical British . hotel is nn offlco whero you get your num. ber. You ccaso to bo a namo; you nro a number say 176 Just llko any Jailbird. In American hotels tho Exchango Is tho heart of a social life. Even parlors are falling Into what Grover Cleveland called "Innocuous desuetude." The Traymore, In harmony with the Bplrlt of America, has Incorporated drawing rooms, pnrlorottes, music halt all Into ono vast Exchange. Down the main corridor college boys could run a hundred yard dash. Thero Is one straight vista In which tho Washington Monument could llo at length with only a slight exposure of tho tip. Low glass panels and banks of palms nnd flowers mako sheltered nooks for small groups. Llko tho country at largo, tho Traymore Exchango expresses a spirit of Interest In all things human. Tho Englishman likes to shut himself up in something marked "Private." Tho American finds Joy In an atmosphere of genial comradeship. "When I landed In America," said an Englishman in a great hotel recently, "I felt as If I had grown wings." The Largest Fireproof Resort Hotel in the World MUSIC IU FOUR ORCHESTRAL CROUPS Supper Dance Club in the Garden Over the Sea SUBMARINE GRILL RESTAURANT TRAYMORE JU Ails Julian Knan .T P h 1 Vuiu.s.u, ! miyinj coogratu- Notices for the Society PI will be accepted and printed ' la the Evening Ledftri but all such notices nml be written on one side of the pper, most be signed la full, with full addreu, and when poMlbU telephone number must be Circa. Bend all such communication' to "Society Editor,1 Evening Ledzer. CSS Cbutuut street. Unless these requlresaoBta are eanltd out to that vortnsatloa mar to poulM, tao settees W not bo pubUjlwd. JS.V GM- --'SBBh Atlnntic City's Best Restaurant THE INN 15 South Delaware Ave. Al. Wuldron, Troprlrtor Talm (Jarden Open. Air Dancing 1'rlvoto Dining Itoomt Hcu Food u Specialty LOUIS HOU.XKL. .MAUHICi; LEE ST, Chef N. Y. Orchestra Dins In the Open OSTE N D Occupying an entire tlock of ocean front and connected with tha famous Boardwalk: In tho popular ChU& section: capacity 500: unuauallylargs, tool rooms with unobstructed view or tha ocean from all; every appoint ment and comfort i tea and freah water In all baths; running water In room-; 4000 ft of porchaa surround the hotel; tha new dining room overlooks the sea; flneet culelne and white service; orchestra of aololtts; dancing twice dally; social diversions; magnlncent new Palm Iounge. Special H7.BO up wkly. booklet mailed; auto meeta trains: msnag. ment by owners. JOHN C. GOSSLEIt, Mgr. MR. AND MRS. Will KM J CLARK Mr. nd Mre. Clark were married on Wednesday by the Rav. Elmer Powell. Mrs. Clark will be remembe4 aa Miss Ethel Archibald. 12.50 .Up Weekly; 52.50 Up Daily American Plan HOTEL WILLARD NEW YORK AVE. AND J1EACII CoolMl Hotel fireproof Central) Leeattt Elevator; private baths; running water In rooms. Bathing from hotel. Excellent table. Capacity 400. EUROPEAN AND AMBRICAN PLAN XVTOUOBILB PAKTIE3 A. BPBOlAltTY BOOKLET NEW HOTEL MERION oV Vermont av. & Beach. Cap. 300. Very mod. raies xor ins oomiorts. appointments 4 daily, special The best place for rest or recreation or recuperation is ATLANTIC CITY ( and j CHALFONTE is especially well adapted to accom modate those who come to secure them. Write for Illustrated Folder and Rates to THE LEEDS COMPANY On the Beach Always Open ABBCBY fAKK. H. J. table of Uri-eat hotels, weeaiy. Booklet. IB UD Large, com ooean view rooms, etc. C. B. PKBTTTTMAN. Leading High-Class Moderate-Rate Hotel, ALBEMARI F Virginia ave.. near Beaah. baths, etc: excellent table. June rates. flO up wkly. ; 12 up dally. Bklt. J. P. COPB. OCEAN CITY, tt. J. Co to THE BRIGHTON For Over the Fourth BpaclaJ attractions. Fireworks display and bts band conoert Monday evening at 8:10. Aa eatabllsamaat noied (of cuUlae and TV' lea; Invigorating breeaas from ocean, bay aad inlet ,, hour by trolley (rain Atlantic Clt bpeUaf rates. R R 800Y, Prop. -X Hotel Trvraore j',. fcHOTEL .CK I LiV Y.lQRCWJPARSONg BPHINQ LAKE 11EACU, N. J THE BREAKERS DmscZkIjSF TllB SPRING LAKE BEACH, N. J. HOW oem I N. MQ6fl, Prop. CAPE MAV, N. J. THR WINinROn On BeaetL " " iaia nariArm MISS ilALPIN view THE EL WARD " . Elberon 1 Vl f1" "t ; cooPEnsTQWN, y. Y. O-TE-SA-GA ON OTSEGO LAKB. Cooperslowu, H, X, OPEN UNTIL OCTOBBK flu hours by rail (row New York city. fSfcfci. ffi& Ifglr0,? ETTERTOW. UD. The Chesapeake ajSYua S. OWEM. . ueaiue cuetueie. J. AnUtONQAOiC MOUNTAINS. N, X. Lake George, N. T. Fort William Henry Ho te Ouria NT. HOTBL CHAMFLAIN oa IaH. CIauIaIa. Blu Potat. K t. AIJBURT THIWilOf Her. Raaoheij by tbe DoUwaie Hydaoa. KtialCK UKKiMW. PA. THE ESS1CK tt. llikthitif os Aiiearsss K.a.Bino. mm aauk aatr GMUtafAA. (-ij.ra . i. bt. srs, tok. axkftr tsutti -"m "51 leti i4fci L JL Id. Jftti.' :