Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 02, 1915, Night Extra, Page 8, Image 8

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crura 11 k cuhtis, i mhhht
Oiarle Jr Lo-llnirion, Vice TTealdenli John C" Martin,
gtcfjtury ni1 Trtamiter; Ptilllp B Collin John B.
Williams, Director
Citioalt K Ccitis, Chairman
T. it tVHALHT ... Bieqitlta Bdlter
JOHM C HAnTIN Genarat ButlniM Mantr
Published dally at FcuMC tcHI ftulMInc,
Inaprrdene. Square, Philadelphia.
toon CrxniL nroad and Chwtmit Slrta
ATtlKTto ClTT Pr-t7nlon nallrtln
w Toa. . 1T0-A. Metropolitan Tnnrr
Arraorr. . BM FoM UolWInu
RT. Meja . . . .400 Woo Democrat Bulldlriir.
tfjnwto , . ,1805 Trlbwnd Building-
lx6o:t , S Waterloo riaee. rll Mall, S W.
wHiwitioH ncnwu Th rf ituiiain
Nw YDt Bimii ..Th Timet nutldlnc
nntlK IIcimc ....R0 FrladrlchatraMa
Lo-too-c ntatiu 3 rll Mull nt, 8 W
run ncttio 32 Itue Louis t Grand
Bfn!CTiiPTioJ terms
,, cniuvri UX1I.I unitli BIX cpnil uy Tnn.ll. roaipnirj
eutalda of Philadelphia, except hri forclim pouat
ia rvqulrad Dairy Oiii, one month, twentr-flre cental
jii.i uht, ona year inree uouara ah
aenpuona raynM in advance
NOTieD -Suhrffhr wlshlnr AAra rtianrfwl mint
(Ira old aa well aa new addreea.
fcy AdArti all communication fo JJteftlnp
Ledotr, Indtptndtnot Bouare, rMIadIMo.
FiTtxto at tiik rniupKLrnu roiroriics it iteoiD
cum uiil tunta.
Happy lie who Is on livable terms tvtth Ms job.
Jitneys Neither Regulated Nor Destroyed
COUNCILS lifts (succeeded In muddling tho
wholo Jitney situation. The problem be
fore It was to regulate tho Jltnoys. It en
deavored Instead to extirpate them. It has
done neither, for the Anal result Is a law tho
constitutionality of which Is apparently so de
batable that Its enforcement during1 tho sum
mer Is not at all sure. Even if tho courts do
not como to the relief of tho Jltnoys, tho
ordinance Is so full of loopholes that Us prac
tical nullification will not bo at all Impos
sible. Tho Idea of separating motor vehicles Into
sheep and goats may bo clever, but It Is
wholly un-American. Nor Is the poor man
likely to have much sympathy with tho Idea
that the broad highway Is Intended for peoplo
who cau afford to own automobiles and not
for thoso who can afford to pay only for a
short rldo now and then. He Is Milling to
have tho Jitneys regulated, for thoy ought to
be regulated; but he Is utterly opposed to tho
procedure that forces on them a confiscatory
The Jitney cannot be driven out of business.
Tho sewing- machine came to stay, so did tho
1 steamboat and the locomotive, desptto tho
outcry against each and all of them. Show
tho American a better mode of transporta
tion than the one ho has and he will havo
It, politicians to tho contrary notwithstand
ing. It may be that the sum the trolley cars
are losing dally represents what was tho
contribution of straphangers only. It Is at
least questionable whether the city should
guarantee tho trolley cars sardine loads.
There are some people, for Instance, who be-
llve that the trolley cars Bhould bo compelled
to provide a Beat for every passenger. Urban
roads without watcied stock would bo profit
able under ouch a system. But Councils un
dertakes to say that a straphanger once must
be a straphanger forever and that no man
should havt a seat In a Jitney who can got
standing room In a trolley car
On tho other hand, unregulated Jitneys are
worse than no Jitneys at all Yet unregulated
Jitneys wo may havo with us all summer.
Granted that the motive of Councils was
good. Its incapacity haB been monumental. It
has cooked tho goose that was laying tho
golden eggs.
"We Don't Know Where We're Going-
DWINDLING interest in battles is not at
all Inexplicable. What American wants
to entangle himself in such an Inextricable
mazo of words, as "on tho front at Zuzav
nodemeszkovltzo." "near Martynovorouzdl
any," "in Kosmlerjlne," "approached Bezy
mianna" and "in tho direction of CzlJIkouft
and Emltroyitzo"? The armies may realize
what they are doing, but to tho ordinary
American they seem to be marching to the
air, "Wo don't know where we're going, but
. we're on tho way."
Education Nothing- Without Character
THE London Times, which has been giving
publicity to many disagreeable truths, de
clares that tho British system of education Is
at fault, "not because It does not nt a boy
efficiently Into the wheels of tho money
tnaUlng machine, but because it turns out
young men without character, which nlono,
tn tho last resort. Is of value to tho nation."
There Is much aslnlnlty In discussions of
man as a money-making machine. Money
represents frugality, achievement, courage,
brains. Jt Is the visible evidence most often
of efficiency Who makes It, nlno times out
of ten earns It Its possession, when earned,
raises a presumption of valuable service to
society in favor of the possessor. "Money
maker" Is a badge of honor, not of dishonor.
But tho Times touches the quick. There is
h pp wealth worth while unless there is char
aeter back of Jt. Our criminals, our wayward
boys and gills, our mollycoddles should havo
bet)i saved In the nurseries. Our preventive
measures- otherwise are locked stables empty
of horses. Education wlthtjut character Is
nothing-. On personal character nations are
bullded, prosperity, everything that Is worth
While. Any system of education that falls to
apply this cardinal principle builds moral
skeletpDs, not men. about whoso rattling
bones homes and country allka must topple
to Inevitable ruin.
A Fallacy That Han Amuck
FALLACY which has gained considerable
, eaBsequenoe tnrough frequent quotation
rJn Jie last fifteen vaara h hn nni.j ...
p enmlttM of th Natteual Clvla Federation.
rue jjsus or jsee ajjowM & grss produot
f MI0 pr worker in manufacture aBd an
averse wage of HH per worfeer. Prom
Mmm Hguxes somebody deduced that labor's
t ! toe product was only JS nor cent.
tCMtmml W P" for capital.
1 TM fonmutUe baa now supplied the mlM.
In fgwres. From the gross produat. tttW
jr works must b deducted for cost of ma-j-rlai;
U3 tor taes. Insurance, royalties
If-aiKl so a, and J12 per worker as a dsprecls,-
. ftrc of J ! fn- leaving m to bo
vided On this rvWJ reckoning about M
fr cnt t il-e ejro product gota to labor
mad 10 i mju fu capital as interest ani
u-tt L.' 4,u, Lb jkl giMM ttXv bu u-
proved the division of the product of Industry
between labor and capital has reached In
every Instance a fair adjustment the report
ot the Clvle Federation merely removes one
misconception of thr frx-is
Tho Transit Victory
WHEN the Evbmno LBfttum fired the first
gun for real rapid transit Isst fall, wise
men liughcd. "It can't bo done." they said.
A few weeks later Director Taylor began
that wonderful series of public meetings In
which ho oxptnlned to nit sections ot tho city
his pomproh'enslvo plnns.
By January 14 public opinion had become
so fixed In favor ot the program that a great
mass-meeting In tho Academy' ot Music was
February 11, at a hearing beforo the Sen
ate Coinmllteo on Municipal Affairs, on the
McNIehol schemo to kill rapid transit by pro
venting tho passage at Ilarrlsburg tho second
time of tho transit amendment, ho and his
supporters were overwhelmed by tho argu
ments of tho advocates of the Taylor plan
Ono week later. Finance Commltteo of
Councils, daring no longer to defy public sen
timent, reported out tho loan election ordi
nance, aftor a delay of bIx weeks
Tho commltteo Introduced Into It, however,
a phrase devised to render unconstitutional
tho wholo loan and coupled with It a change
of routo that threatened to bo disastrous.
The next day the Evening LEDOEn polled the
business organizations of tho city and ex
posed the trickery of Councils.
On Washington's Birthday, Director Taylor
named a Committee of 1000 to aid In tho
transit fight. Tho next nfternoon John G.
Johnson declared the "Joker" ordinance to bo
fatally defective nnd tho next night tho sec
ond mass-mcetlng at tho Academy of Music
gave a great demonstration In favor of tho
Taylor plan and In condemnation of the
Couiicllmanlc ordinance
March 4, Councils answered public demands
by removing from tho ordlnanco Its Illegal
features It retained, however, tho Costello
routo, thinking, so It was surmised, that this
would ho sufficient to causo a veto by tho
But Councils overstepped Itself. A close
study of the ordlnanco rovcaled tho fact that
It could ho accepted without serious hurt to
tho Taylor comprehensive plan. If tho
achievement of rapid transit was to bo ob
tained by 11 matching of wits, the friends of
good government wero not without brains.
Tho Mayor was quick to seo the opportunity.
On the ndvlro of Director Taylor ho signed
the ordinance, March 0.
April 2!) tho transit loan was authorized by
a vote of approximately 10 to 1.
Yesterday legislative routine to make this
loon effective was completed.
This marked the culmination of one of the
hardest battles over fought for a great public
lmproement. It Is a source of gratification
to tho Evenino Ledger that It and other
public-spirited newspapers played so promi
nent a part In tho fight and wero able to con
tribute materially to the victory.
There are pullbacks left, of course Thero
are obstructionists who would like oven now,
If porslble, to prevent construction woik. But
their number happily Is small and their op
portunities are limited.
Director Taylor has Justified his appoint
ment by tho Mayor. It Is a great victory
which he has nehieved, and gratitude to him
for It flows from the wholo community.
Giving Germany Her Dues
THE American people patriotically rejoice
In tho fact that nothing In tho circum
stances surrounding the torpedoing ot tho
steamship Armenian can affect tho expecta
tion of a favorablo reply to tho President's
secord Lusltanla note or of a contlnuanco of
friendly relations between the United States
and Germany.
Pirates of Public Health
THERE can be no penalty too severe for tho
so-called practitioners recently arrested if
the courts provo them guilty of practicing
without a license and duping sick patients
with fake medicine. It Is not alone a question
of "bunco," of money stolen. It Is a question
of health, of happiness, even of life. How
many sick people may havo delayed a cure
and even waxed critically worse as a result
of such ministrations?
Thero ore many reasons why Intelligent
citizens have fallen victims of such mothods
tho honesty ot doctors who promiso no
"cures," as well as the unfortunately high
cost of good medical service. But all these
reasons point allka to tho tremendous Im
portance of tho doctor and surgeons, of tho
wholo science of healing It touches life closer
than almost any other profession
City, State and nation havo recognized this
In their free hospitals, dispensaries, medical
service and general work In public hygiene.
City, State and nation cannot tolerate tho
pirates of quackery.
His Weight in Bullets to Kill a Man
IF AN efficiency expert applied his tests to
war, What would he make of It? Putting
morals and humanity aside and concentrat
ing on the mero physical facts, could he name
any business tn which a larger effort Is spent
for a smaller outcome? Of the millions of
shots each day, how many reach their mark?
The proportion of misses to hits Is literally
so staggering that it has been said It takes
the weight of man In lead and steel to kill
Some one of the short-story cameos of
Trench literature pictures a peasant whose
village fame has lived on the fact that In
1870 he killed Ave Germans at Sedan. That,
of course, Is the boyhood Impression of every
soldier's oareer. And yet It oannot be one
In Ave who has killed a single enemy with
all the myriad shots and bayonetlngs of a
war. When Sergeant O'Leary kills eight Ger
mans tn a single charge, It Is varlly a case
for King George to honor htm with a personal
IWI , -t.,-ynn,.S
Villa seems suspiciously willing to "be
Textbooks can teach anything except ex
perience. in i.ij .1
They have battlefields In Europe, but we
have our own sort of Fourth,
1 j. 1 1 ' ' '' 'i ,1 !
Tfee Organisation seems to be timid about
seleeUng a candidate for Mayor during tho
silly season.
Tfce Is some reason to believe. tUat peace
In Mexico is mucb nearer now that Mr. Bryan
Is eat of the way.
Out in Missouri they never pj!4 siuch at
tention to the Lusltanla outrage, but they
can never forgive the Germans far nut sav
ing tUe AriseHian mules.
There are some people In this town who
will nce torsive the Myor tor having
wwa 5 000 000 'fhey re tfte oues wno
sot U in oUMr A.4aliistrttous.
Sir Gilbert Parker Defends British
Good Fnith nnd Denounces Ger
man Treacher y Nietzsche's
"Blond Boast" Rampant.
UCII of the British comment on the war
reminds me of the country lawyer who
lost his case nnd then went to tho vlllagS
tavern and damned the Judge. I do not mean
to suggest that the British have lost thelf
ease, but Germany was so well prepared to
fight when the war began that all tho Allies
have been compelled to strain "bvery nerve
to hold tho Germans back while they trained
their men nnd secured tho equipment neces
sary to wngo wnr on n great scale.
David Lloyd-George's remarks In Parlia
ment tho other day disclose tho British point
of view at tho present moment, and If ho
had neen denouncing In tho barroom an ad
versary who had got tho better" of him In
court ho could not havo chosen language bet
ter fitted to reveal the stoto of mind of a
man who Is still soro from a metaphorical
beating. Ho said that Germany had been
piling up war material while she was walk
ing about Europe arm In arm with Great
Britain. She had n benevolent and friendly
smllo for Franco and "wo all thought that
an ern of peace nnd good will had como" But
tho Minister of Munitions charges, with a
flno confusion of dates, that "at that moment
she was forging and hiding away for months
war stores to attack her neighbors unawares
and murder them In their sleep If that
trickery Is to succeed, nil the bases of Inter
national good-will will crumble to dust!"
Lloyd-Georgo forgets that Germany might
say that while Great Britain was walking
arm in arm with her through tho chancel
lories of Europo tho British Rhlpyards were
building warships to bo used against Ger
many. An Antidote to Eernhnrdi
But oven n show of Judicial Impartiality
can hardly bo expocted from tho British. Wo
In America, soparntcd by 3000 miles of cool
and soothing sea from tho great conflict, find
It difficult to preserve our own Judicial calm
Some of us fall entirely nnd arc ns purtlsan
as tho British or as tho Germane. Tho antl
Gcrmans will bo delighted with Sir Gilbert
Parker's book on tho wnr which ho calls "Tho
World in tho Crucible," becouse In It they
will find tho British case stated with a clear
ness and directness that leaves no ono In
doubt of tho detestation of Sir Gilbert for
everything German and his admiration for
ovctythlng British At tho satno time, If one
makt-s allowance for Its partisan bias. It Is
a valuablo compendium of facts and near
facts that ought to bo read as an antidote to
Ho devotes considerable spaco to setting
forth tho ambitions of modern Germany
which NIetzscho characterized ns "a blond
beast, lustfully roving In senrch of booty nnd
victory." Bismarck sought to glvo to his
country what ho callod a "backbone of Iron
and ribs of gold" by bringing about after
tho sucessful union of the German States at
homo a German dominance In commerce nnd
Industry abroad Prlnco Buelow, In "Imperial
Germany," has described tho taik whleh tho
Kaiser set himself after ho dismissed his
great Premier. The retirement of Bismarck
left tho Germans depressed and disheartened.
"This oppression could bo lifted," wrote Bls
marck's successor, "If tho German Emperor
could set before his peoplo a now goal
toward which they might attain On tho
other hand patriotic feeling must not bo
roused to such .an extent as to damngo Ir
reparably our relations with England, against
whom our sea-power would for years be In
sufficient, and at whoso mercy wo lay in 1897
llko so much butter beforo the knlfo."
This policy, which "aimed at nothing less
than a political and ethical reconstruction of
the world," was to bo carried out In threo
stages, tho Prusslanlzatlon of Germany, the
Prusslanlzatlon of Europe under tho hege
mony of a Prussianized Germany nnd tho
Prusslanlzatlon of tho world under tho canons
of Treltschke, Nietzsche and Junkerdom.
Germany Was Bound to Fight
Granted this, the war was inevitable. And
the provocation to war by Germany was also
inevitable. But Sir Gilbert devotes much
space to proving- by tho document nnd by tho
course of events last year that It was really
Germany that brought about tho wnr. Tho
first sentence in his book declares that tho
crime of Sarajovo was In no leal sense tho
cause of tho war. Competent observers were
awaro of this last August Tho cause lay
deeper than any sflnglo assassination. Every
ono familiar with European politics was
awaro that tho war was ono of thoso inevita
ble things which no ono expects to happen.
Tho mines wero placed and tho train was
laid, but it was not believed that any ono
could bo found so rash as to light tho fuse.
Sir Gilbert declares that the negotiations oer
the Servian assassinations were farcical and
that there was no Intention to como to any
agreement. When tho difficulties between
Austria and Servla began to disappear now
difficulties between Austria and Kussla wero
found rendy to prevent an agreement, Ger
many first blamed Itussla for mobilizing and
said that peace could have been maintained
If Russia had not taken action and then she
blamed England for not announcing her posi
tion either for or against war If England had
declared for war, the Germans said, the other
Powers would havo come to terms; and If
England had said she would not light the
other Powers would not have dared to con
tend with Germany, Sir Gilbert, however,
holds that Germany would have fought under
any circumstances.
Ths British position Is set forth most sym
pathetically by Sir Gilbert. He Is properly
shocked at tho offer of Germany to buy Brit
ish Indifference to the violation of Belgium
neutrality and he quotes with approval Prime
Minister Asqulth's declaration In Parliament
that the British nation Is not fighting for the
maintenance of its own selfish Interests, but
"to vindicate the principle that small na
tionalities are not to be crushed In defiance
of international good faith by the arbitrary
will of a strong and overmastering Power."
The Justification for the title of the book
Is found in the assertion that German success
weans the remaking of the world by the ex
tension of Germany Influence In North and
South America, Africa and Ada as well as
In Europe. In other words, Germany would
take the place of Great Britain aa a. great
world Power with dominions beyond the seas.
Yet Sir Gilbert lays great stress on England's
dUin teres tedneB In fighting for Bebjiuni and
ay little Hbout the direct and vital Interest
of toe British tbeniMlvea la the coaJUot.
Silence on the Golf Links, Calling Cards to Be Left in the
Punch Bowl and Wall Street Are as Useless as the Super
fluity That Always Rolls Under the Bureau.
FOUR years ago a man said to me, "Do
you wear a back collar button?"
"Certainly," said I, "when I wear a collar."
"Then you'ro on Idiot," ho replied "You
don't need to. It's only a nuisance Your col
lar will stay put Just as well without It."
Of rourso I didn't belloo him. You don't
belldvo mo now when I tell you ho was right.
Bert Lcston Taylor, In his column In tho
Chicago Tribune, has recently been crusading
against tho back collar button, nnd peoplo
didn't bcllevo B. L. T. No doubt a benighted
world will go right on wearing back collar
buttons In spite of all Bert and I can say
about It. Still, nobody who has becomo
emancipated from this masculine cuisc can
rest happy till ho has at least tried to eman
cipate his fellow-males.
Four ycats ago, when tho man first told
mo that the back collar button was useless,
to bo answered with a pitying smile, I had
a particularly annoying tlmo pulling my tlo
through my collar tho next morning. In order
to get tho knot tightly Into place As a matter
of fact, first I tore tho button hole of tho
collar, and then tho tlo Itself gavo way, with
n protesting rip. I tore tho offending collar
from my neck took up n fresh one, put In
another tie, and reflected Why not glvo tho
thing a trial? I could slip tho collar button
Into my waistcoat pocket, and If my collar
wouldn't stay down, I could resort again to
tho nnclent method. Of course, It wouldn't
stay down. I was quite suro of that. But at
least I could get my tlo tied before breakfast.
An Unpleasant Senso of Insecurity
I put tho collar on without the back collar
button, nnd enjoyed tho delicious sensation of
feeling the tlo slip In the collar with compara
tlvo ease. Then I started out for tho day. At
first I had a vague, unpleasant senso of in
security My collar was always on tho point
of slipping up In tho back, especially when I
stooped forward. Now and again, I would In
sert my finger warily to feel If tho shirt band
was still In Its rightful place. It nlways was.
After a tlmo the senso of Insecurity began to
wear off. When jou oro waiting for some
thing dreadful to happen to you, and It
doesn't happen, sooner or later you are bound
to assume normal relations with life again
nnd go about your business. By lunch tlmo
I had fully decldd my collar wasn't going to
rldo up under my cars. By dinner time I
had forgotten nil about It.
I havo never worn a back collar button
from that Cay to this, except with a standing
collar, and then only to hold my necktlo In
The advantages are multitudinous. For one
thlntr, thero Is one less collar button to loll
under tho bureau. (I am awaro that most
peop.o don't believe that collar buttons loll
under bureaus except In romlo papers, but
mine always did). In the second place, your
necktie slips more easily In the third place,
your collar no longer gets that abominable
little black spot on It where tho back button
makes a bulge, when all tho rest of it may be
comparatively clean, it you don't live In Chi
cago, Indianapolis, Pittsburgh or Altoona. In
the fourth place and thla Is perhaps the most
Important you aro rid of at least one piece
of harness, you havo by so much simplified
the process of dressing and undressing, In
which process so much of our lives are
wasted. Half an hour a day, at the very
least, S iours a week, JB hours a month,
180 bours a year uselessly given over to putting-
on and taking off silly clothesl It Is
something to be rid of even so small an Item
as the back collar button!
Wall Street na a Collar Button
I fancy there are a good many back collar
buttons In all departments of our life which
we would find on trial much to our surprise
could be given up, and the world would way
on Just as well. There are those who go so
far as to olass the Stock Exchange as a finan
cial back collar button If Wall street were
wiped off the map, they say, we would feel
mighty unoomfortable for a time, as If our
collar were going to do something disas
trousand then we would gradually realize
that we were getting on as usual, and forget
all about It. But this Is a matter concerning
Which X know very little. Once I made a
trip to Wall street to Interview the late J.
p. Morgan, and became remotely acquainted
with hla office "boys", and once I made a
trip there to see the late F. Hopklason Smith,
who had an office near the Bast River, which
was full of pictures of lighthouses, pots of
blooming geranium, and Mr Smith's genial
ity So I don't know much about Wall street
Still, I know whet I like
I have often speculated on what would be
come at the social back ol!&r button if jire.
Borden Bugson, when she calls on my wlfo
and unfortunately finds her at home, didn't
leave a pack of catling cards In a punch
bowl In tho hall ns sho departs. I believe ono"
card, her own, Is for my wlfo, and two cards,
Mr. Boiden Bugson's, aro for my wlfo and mo
respectively. I supposo If Mr. Borden Bug
son's cards wero not loft In our punch bowl,
and my cards wero not left In tho Borden
Bugson's punch bowl (only theirs, I am told,
Is a silver cako dish affair), tho result would
be that Borden Bugson would havo to call on
me In person, and I would havo to call on
him. Perhaps It Is Just as well not to elimi
nate this back collar button! On general prin
ciples, I nm In favor of votes for women. But
if the franchtso Is going to rob our wives of
their present willingness to bo bored by the
Bordun Bugsons for our sakes, then by all
means let us keep the ballot to ourselves!
Silcnco on tho Green
Another back collar button Is the fetish of
silence when a player Is making a shot In
golf. I am awaro that la uttering this I am
promulgating heresy, blasphemy, Infamy, Im
becility. Nevertheless, I bellove It to be true.
I will even go so far as to say that I bo
llovo half tho duffers who play the gamo
would play better If tho hush which precedes
their superhuman effort to drlvo 225 ynrds or
mako a four-foot putt did not breed in
them an exaggerated self-consciousness.
McLaughlin Isn't supposed to need utter
silence In order to deliver a servlco ace. Sev
eral peoplo In tho Stadium aro permitted to
talk when Brlckloy Is kicking a goal. There Is
usually a certain amount of nolso when a
shortstop picks up a hot grounder and fields
It to first AH theso acts requlro dellcato
and also rapid mental and muscular co-ordination.
But nobody has over maintained that
slleneo was needed to bring them off success
fully. Golf Is a different game, of course.
It would hardly do for your opponents In a
foursome to taunt you as you wero making a
putt ns ball players taunt each other. But
wo carry this rule of silence to ridiculous ex
tremes, because It always has so been. It Is
a back collar button.
And only think, If tho rule wero abolished,
or rather the otlquette altered, what an nw
ful havoc It would make among the alibis!
Thero Is n last word you will need a llttlo
starch In the band of your shirt. It always
takes starch to throw over a convention.
To the Editor of Evening Ledger:
Sir Will you please let me know the na
tionality of the war expert, Mr. J. W. T.
Philadelphia, June 30.
To the Editor of Evening Ledger:
Sir Me your corrowpondent "John Bull." As
a Britisher, allow me to protest against his
vaporlngs and to question his nationality. Ills
nom de plume may have an Anglo-Saxon ring,
but his sentiments are absolutely un-Brltlsh.
There Is an odor of "Lleber krantz" about his
vaporlngs, and he uses a subterfuge to bring
on an Anglo-Amerlran controversy.
Philadelphia, July 1.
To the Editor of Evening Ledger:
Sir Handicapped by lack of space, I wilt en
deavor to answer my opponents. To "Five Irish
mn". Sure, my country Is "democratic," In
finitely more so than Uncle Sam's, but the exi
gencies of "this great crisis" force her to
adopt different methods. She must "dictate the
policy of the United States" or risk Germany's
doing so. Though a Briton. I still understand a
Jokej but accusing me of being a German la
buffoonery, which Is not an argument
Now. Mr. Qulgley! The P. O. S. ot A. is not
the U. S. Of A., as you seem to believe. It Is
not representative of the colony. Step forward,
Mr. Brlner! I fancy you are an average Amerl
can, and address you as such. On your vlllase
roads ypu take the dust from the heels of an
Engllah hackney, driven by an English groom,
you vltlt BrltUh-named theatres showing Brit,
lah plays acted by Britons, your clothes are
a cheap replica of styles worn by our lamented
Edward VII, you sing "America" to (almost)
the tune of "God Save the King," when the
King (whom God preserve) Is mentioned you
know George V Is mnt, and yet you tell ne
England does not control the States.
Palmyra. N J, July 1 johN bulu
To the Sdltor of Evening Ledger:
81r-I read with mueh interest "Fencer's
Mayoralty Prescription." Also your editorial re.
niarkB on the same. Mr. Pspoar anrt r ill
both of the same rlltfj. ffi .' anoVhave
always been willing to follow bi, leaderehis Tin
church atfalra But for some years BMt hu
politic have been an enigma, to me. for the
reason that I felt six-h m.n a, u. cosLT jj ,1
great power for good to rid our cit. ,hi
Gang- roasquerudmg as RepubUcnsf L !
Betreury hoot so well a.ct,b4 tbjfn, Yoa
wm realize now dlfMcult it 1 tor m T to
dese t of ,a. wettLJuJtae25.
of Mr Pepper aro not found on the elds ot
reform and good government. I am reminded
of an Incident that occurred during ono of ou?
lato city elections, Mr. Pepper nad indoratd;
with others, ono of tho "Gang" candldtttes.il
Was surprised to oeo It. Talking with the re
tor of one of our largest churches I told hla
of rriy feelings. Ills answer was regret ali
And that it mndo It moro difficult for til
clergy to teach joung men high Ideals wh5
men llko Mr. Pepper would sot them the jj
ample of favoring n body of men whoso atuj
In tho post caused us to bo looked upon ill
corrupt and contented " I need hflrdly t(1
iou I voted for our good old Mayor Blanken
burg. Ha 0 no regrets for It. Will oto for tifl
other good mnh for i-nyor, no matter what Wi
Philadelphia, July 1.
To the Editor of Evening Ledger
Sir Your editorial on the Sunday quoatlcfl
"makes tho law ridiculous " If some pcom
wish to obey the Old Testament commands let
them try It. Exodus, chapter 3ri, says si daftl
shall work bo done, but "the seventh day thiSI
be to you a holy day. a Sabbath of rest to itn
Lord, whosoovcr doeth work therein shall If
atnnnrl in denth Yn nhnll have no fires In voSp
1 homes on tho Sabbath day," and the punish?
merit Is stoning to death These command!
wero not given to Hindoos, Egyptians, ChlneilJ
Persians or Christians, but to "my peoplj
Israel " Truth never changes
Philadelphia, June 29 JUSTICB.S
To the Editor of Evening Ledger.
Sir Answering "John Bull" I will say tluT
while as a German I loathe his country,
am I convinced that tho fellow Is largely right
Tho United States has Ignored its best friend
Germany, and cast Its lot with Great Britain
The seizure of Its vessels by England It gloewl
over, the sinking of vessels by German
I unllko "John Bull," am naturalized
will stand by my adopted country, but Ifyj
foreign ruler Is to domlnato It 1 would prefti
the Kaiser to George V HANSl
Philadelphia, July 1.
To the Editor of Evening Ledger
Sir I was much Interested In reading a V
ter In last night's Evenino Lgdoer slgritl.
"Roxborough nnd headed "Travels at Horm
I am a stranger in Philadelphia, having betf
here only since May 1, but expect this wIlLj
my home for some little tlmo to come. I hut
searched the morning and evening papers li
day trips by boat, and so far have been rw
warded by finding but one such trip advertise!'
tho trip to Wilmington and Brandywlnjf
faprlngs, and when to go and how to get then
I have been hoping that tho Evenino Lcdoz:
would publish, as do many ot the New Yor!
papers, a list of tho places where week-end!.
may be spent, with full directions for gettlnt
there, accommodations, etc I nm not Inter?
ested In trolley trips, as I cannot ride on thf
trolley without becoming ill, but would WsgM
10 tone several Doai trips a weeK an sumraerj
Philadelphia, June 29.
From the Milwaukee Journal.
Sometimes the only things we remember
the things we wanted most to forget.
I don't know when I've ever seen a little boj
that was so very
Contrary: yes, that's what you are, you'rfi
nothing else but just contrary! is.
When no one's here you do the things I tell
you to, as sweet as honey; -M
But when I want you to cut-up, and when!
want you to be funny, m
So'o folks can see how wonderful you are, anS
how well worth the showln'. M
I can't with all my coaxln' jou somehow eearal
iu get you 10 gom I
When I ask you: "Where Is tho moon?" yovi
point your nnger at the roses; I
And when I tell you to kiss folks ou reach oil'
ana grao ineir noses.
And that's the way with everything, you'M
nothing else but Just contrary!
But am I angry when ou do the things you
, ,c,, ub pu very i h
You are my boy, I am jour dad, and I am herja
to stick richt tn vaiiI '
You don't know why I tell you to do all
11111150 tew yuu, uo your
I s'pose a boy that can't do much but gurgl
IFAA In nlo.A . ,all.l
Who Is so small that he can't trust his wobb
nine icoi jor warning.
Has trouble understanding what the dadd
means who leans above you;
And jou're the best boy ever born, and csn'
mi jvu iuw A JOVO yOUl
Houtton Pott
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