BE5B3 W& Vnfln-- EVENING LEDGER-PHIUADELPHIA', FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1916; NfllTH OF A NATION" HERE NEXT SEASON Griffith's Mammoth Photoplay, Already Licensed in Penn sylvania, to Be Shown in Regular Theatre Here. 1 J i fat 1 ARDEN, FAMOUS FOR ITS BEAUTY, MOST DELIGHTFUL "VACATIONETTE" SPOT VISITED COST OF VACATIONETTE Philadelphia to Arden (Harvey Station) and return via B. & O..$i.0S Return can be made from WIN mlngton by boat. Automoblllsta will have to pay 20 cents tolls In, each direction be tween Darby and Chester If they take the Chester pike... 40 Arden Is full of delightful picnic spots for basket lunches. There Is also an attractive llttlo restaurant In the settlement. The name "Arden" has a mystic charm about It. Shakespeare has woven delight fill tales of the forest of the same name, of which the beautiful scene between Or lando and Itosallnd, In "As You Like It." aro the most charming. In the Impres sionistic days of our youth our Imaglna- DAVID THOMPSON 1 With the Thnnhouscr Players. By the Photoplay Editor Crimth's greatest photoplay, "Tho Ulrth of a Nation," which has been crowdlnK n New York theatre at $3 n scat halt tho year and has Just finished 150 perform ances In Hoston, will bo shown In Phila delphia next fall at ono of tho major thea tres as a regular J2 booking If very do elded rumors In Now York nro to bo be lieved. Hitherto It had been thought very im probable that tho Him would bo shown hero owing to tho dimcultlcs raised In New York, and especially In Hoston, over Its alleged "anti-negro" propaganda. It Is now said, honovcr, that tho film was passed by tho Pennsylvania censor last winter beforo presentation In cither of tho other cities. The Birth of a Nation," It need .hardly be added. Is at tho forefront of tho grow ing tendency toward spectncular photo plays, beautifully filmed and realizing ef fects that tho stago can never nchlevo. A view of tho film lost winter convinced one that tho battlo scenes wcro tremendous, tho "close-ups" intensely dramatic and the views of mountains and woodland!, very beautiful. Eva Tanguay has devlopcd a new side of her character. In addition to throttling her temperament a llttlo nchlovcmen" which seema to havo obviated tho neces sity of theatrical managers getting a bet down with Lloyd's every tlmo sho prom ises to appear on tho stage she's becomo tnodest. Nearly seven years ago ailss Tansuav got a letter written on tho stationery of the Cameraphono Company, Inc., offer ing her $2300 to appear In a combination jnovlns-plcturo - grnphophono - song-and danco act to be known as "Success." Since c, check for the $2500 was attached tho r.omcdlcnno wasted no tlmo Blgnlng a con tract, stipulating that the picture was to ;, be exhibited for not more than a year arte.- it was nmsned, "What happened Immediately thereafter Isn't stated In papers filed yesterday In "i the New York Supreme Court by Reynolds, Thomas s lrledman, Miss Tanguay s at torneys, but beforo long tho Cameraphono Company went broko and was adjudged bankrupt Tho film disappeared and wasn't heard of again until a few days ago, when it suddenly came to llfo on Broadway. As a result of tho resurrection John W. Heaney and Joseph F, Leo have been cited to appear today beforo Justice Doff and show cause why an Injunction, re training them from selling or cxhlhltlnir F, "Success" should not Issue forthwith. . Miss Tanguay says In a deposition: "The fllm Is not even a motion picture, as the phrase Is understood today. At tho time of Its manufacturo it was a failure and Its resurrection nt this late day Would bo a serious blow to me." Tho activities of tho Metro Pictures Corporation and its five producing allies ore assuming wider proportions with each fleeting week. Within the past few flays many new engagements have been obligated by the directors of the Metro company and the heads of tho five allied concerns. General Manager Rowland, of the Metro company, announces the ac quisition of numerous new plays, among which aro "Pigs In Clover." "Richard Carvel," "Rosemary for Remembrance," The Purple Lady," "Baccaret" and "The Silent Voice," all of which havo been pro cured during the past week and allotted to stars on tho Metro roster. Five new players of stellar position have been procured and Installed at tho head of special casts for Immediate work inIetro productions. Emmy Wehlan, the Viennese singer, last seen hero In "To night's the Night," will make her ap pearance for B. A. Rolfe In the principal role In Charles Koran's romance, "When R woman Loves." Ralph Hera and Lois Meredith will ap pear also under tho Rolfe banner in a "n I'.uuuvuuii ui oici iiusenieia a suc- .-iwiui arama, mo rurpie Laay. urn 'lly Stevens, last seen in a Itnlfn nroduc- ion, will make her second appearance on ine metro program in Rolfea production of "The Liars," in which sho will bo sup ported by Hamilton, Ravelle. "The Liars" Is an original manuscript possessing many valuable situations, admirably adapted to alls Stevens' talents. For the Popular Playa and Players, Call Kane will make her appearance on 'the Metro program In tho production of Clyde Fitch's famous play, "Her Great Match " Miss Kane was Jast seen in JHorse M. Cohan's picturesque play, The Miracle Man." Edmund Breese is working In the final scenes of his second screen effort for the Popular Playa and layers In Robert iv. Kbi-vi- rmm f pOem ClaSSlC. "The Hn1l nf l. Vntnn rrhlle Ann Murdock began work this week Vision. "A Royal Family." ,-iii win po Miss Murdock'a first ap- William Nigh, until a few weeks ago t? f? w,th U,e cl"rnla Motion S. -""-'MMun. joins ine U. A. Hoira lOrces this week and will have charge of ST niniira or "A Jtovjil pmiv." Hea will tin.. uitrt..... Soman Loves " Herbert - Dlacha will Muce "Her Great nintah" ,!, n.n n. while Jack Noble will direct "The v. .!. in wnicn Italph Herz and ..tecum! appear. y. WE H L-Bw ' 1 IttaV It Theatrical "RnprlpVov H M V.uUn . v si,... 1 "!; - worioq B4 l 8""-. Ji)i Qantaw ln "Cum Vou. . j.'; M.siii- "pris. .x?i'?, 9s- V.L . - .... .,,110. uujrta la ID. Chiulteur,' tha Flv iUt.uA. hJI orafii? XSU.'M- MSK .Re'. n a UiiAM- Uirsanl &auinA rt.r,....- Bji'tru..'' th Farnrtl-Tnylor Trio to u.-..'J"n:r1r vwvr a jrtam 12Z, wrvr . win. ursxioa and riu-lt wiion.. cxcpt bo Hladav la r.. . -U..WWVU AVW 4Wr 4U 4Mlt - iy Police Court Chronicles A person cannot be too patriotic In the opinion of Zeke Davis, of Mahanoy City, and to prove his attitude In this connec tion ha started a Fourth of July celebra tion on his own account up In Kensing ton. Unfortunately, Zcke took some In ternal firewater beforo Indulging In the pyrotechnics, and his hand was somewhat unsteady when ho nttemptcd to direct roman candles nnd other things sky WArd. The flcry darts from many of tho candles shot through tho windows of several persons who were dining, and they told Zeko to cut tho enthusiasm. He simply laughed nt them, ns ho con tinued the display at Beach and Laurel streets, nnd expressed his contempt for WEARS llUDBEIl SUIT AT SEA tlons carried us far astray In fantastic dreams which clothed tho Forest of Arden In splendrous beauty, Arden Itself Is no less mystic or less glorious than our dreams. It would be Impossible to outdream Arden. Fields of flowers, meadows of clover, cherry trees laden with choicest fruit, tempting for ests nnd a delightful llttlo stream, all held us spctlbound In their magic. It wns llko being transported Into an other world. Onco lnsldo tho llttlo wooden arch which welcomes tho Btrnnger from tho Harvey road, tho prosaic llfo of tho workaday world Is cast asldo llko a cloak. It could .not bo otherwise. Wo couldn't help It ourselves. Soma Invisible hand stripped us of our dusty, wornout mantle as wo entered and a Joyous spirit, devoid of weariness, took Its place. Tho qualnt ncss nnd dellghtfulncss of tho colony It self added to tho beauties of nature, INTO DELAWAHE COUNTY. It Is dldlcult to rcaoh Arden by trolley. It can bo done, however, by taking tho Wilmington car from Darby nnd getting off at Carpenter. It is then a walk of two or three, miles to Arden. Because of this wo loft by train. Wo took tho Balti more and Ohio from the 24th and Chestnut streets station for Harvey. Tho round trip faro Is ?LO0. Tho train passes through scenery which Is somewhat familiar to "vncatlonetto" tourists. The route took us along the Schuylkill River, around tha University of Pennsylvania and into Darby. Almost immediately tho country bocamo hilly and small woods stretched between meadows nnd acres of cultivated land. At this tlmo tho corn is getting' to bo fairly high nnd tho oats Is about ready to harvest. DARBY AND CHESTER. Tho train passes only along tho edge of Darby, so that It is impossible to seo tho business section of the thriving suburb. Just beyond the town we passed over Darby Creek, a stream which wo had not met since our trip to West Chester, Coatesvlllo and Downlngtown. Boone, Colllngdale, Llanwellyn, Holmes, Folsom, Ridley, Mllmont and Woodlyn, all sub jirbs, were passed beforo wo reached Chester. , On our trip to Wilmington wo passed along tho river front of Chester. This tlmo we went through the western end of tho city. This part of town Is on a hill, and a short distance from tho railroad are many beautiful residences. Upland, a suburb of Chester, Is only a short dis tance boyond. Felton, Twin Oaks, Booth wyn and Ogden aro the remaining towns In iennsylvanla that we passed. Carpenter, tho first town in Delaware, Thousands of men, women and children in Philadelphia aro denied an opportunity to net away from tho heat and dirt of the city during the summer. Few cities in tho East arc more advantageously situated for short, refresh ing, economical trips to tho country than is Philadelphia, and it is in consid' cration of the two facts that the Evenino Ledoeii has decided to give its readers, each week, the outline of a "vacalionctte." Representatives of the Evening Ledger take these trips personally, in advance, with an eye to determining the exact cost for fares and meals, and the points of recreation, scenic value and historic interest. Realizing that the expense attached to these jaunts is an important consideration with those who arc unable to go to the shore or the mountains, this matter is given in exact figures. Many owners of automobiles also aro kept at home during part of the summer, and for their convenience the automobile routes through the same territory are given along with tho trolley trips. A map of both auto and trolley routes, with points of particular interest, accompanies each article. Cut out the articles and the maps, so that when you are ready to take a short trip you will find them of interest and assistance. This is the tenth trip. Is the stntlon beforo Hnrvey. Harvey Is tho nearest stop to Arden. AftPr alighting from tho train wo went up the short hill from tho station and Vent west along tho road. After 15 min utes' ensy walk, which Included n few stops to pick tho tempting cherries which dangled over our heads, wo reached tho Ardon gates. It Is an unob struslvo bit of wood, very stmplo In de sign, thnt would cscapo tho notlco of tho casual pedestrian, It Is on tho right sldo of tho road In a cluster of small trees nnd leads to a llttlo footpath only large enough for ono person nt a time. A short dlstanco farther nlong tho main road Is tho nutomobllo cntrnnco to tho settlement. Tho footpath Joins this after winding Us way a short dlstanco under tho trees. At tho head of tho road Is tho Arden Arts and Crafts shop. Hero aro all man ner of odds nnd ends beaten out of metal or worked by hand In other materials. Rings, fobs, pins, candlesticks, latches and trays nro among tho interesting articles on sale. A few steps beyond Is tho centre of tho community. At tho left aro tennis courts nnd clock-golf; at tho rights are fields. In ono sheep roam nbout; In tho other men and boys play ball. THE HOMES. Arden's homes nro not freaks of archi tecture. In fact wo havo not seen any prettier anywhere nlong our trips. No attempt has been made to build Immenso pnlaces that have three spare rooms for every one In use. The homes are neat, attractive and In good taste. The plots of ground surrounding the houses are well kept, with pleasant arbors, daintily trimmed gates and pretty gardens. Each house is occupied by a single, family. In tho woods, nlong tho banks of tho crcok nnd further down the main road aro a. number of comfortable, bungalows. Most of tho houses havo vegetable gar dens adjoining. There is a curiosity In tho woods in bnck of the ball field. Ono of the early residents built himself a llttlo hut In the branches of a tree. He tried to avoid the attentions of the populace, but his queer conception of "mob psychology" had Just the opposite effect. Ho soon abandoned his nest for a home on the ground. Arden Is not a "high-brow" colony in nnv sense of the word unless It hi. nsprl to apply to business men, educntors and I others In public llfo. Tho Ardcnltcs find their amusement In tho same way as do their Philadelphia brethren. Wo havo nl rcady referred to tho tennis courts, the clock-golf, nnd tho ball fields. The creek Is dammed up to mnko a largo swimming pool, which Is n popular Institution. There Is ono fenturo of community llfo which is very attractive. Evory evening after sunset tho residents, men, women nnd children, gather around a hdgo camp. firo in a small clearing in tho woods. Here, after the firo has spent its forco nnd tho burning logs nro glowing leisurely, stories aro told or read, anec dotes are exchanged and songs aro sung, In solo or In chorus. This lasts until it Is tlmo for tho children to go to bed, after which tho men lingcraround the smouldering embers and discuss various subjects of interest. Tho spot chosen is a very happy ono for tho purpose. The forest at this point Is clear for n space of 30 or 40 feet; tall pine trees leavo a email opening at tho top, through which tho stars peep, and tho bank slopes down about the firo In a semicircle. This Is only ono of Arden's many beautiful spots. Automoblllsts will find good roads to Arden. Tho route closely parallels tho railroad. From Darby toko tho Chester plko through Chester to tho crossroads about two miles beyond tho city. There turn to tho right nlong tho branch marked Harvey. Chester pike Is a tollroad be tween Darby nnd Chester. Tho "tariff" Is 20. cents in each direction. It is possible to escapo""the tolls by taking tho Point Brcezo and Ecjdystone road to Chester and striking tho "plko" In that city. Arden Is only a few miles from Wil mington. Automoblllsts and others could vary tho Journey by making tho return trip through Wlmlngton. Those who Journey to Arden by train may return from Wilmington by boat. people who had no patriotism. Police man McDougnll was attracted by tho fireworks, and told Zeko he was loo enrlv. But Davis paid no attention to tho cop nnd prepared n giant skyrocket for n trip to tho henvens. Before ho could light It, tho cop caught him by tho neck and landed htm and his unshot fireworks In the Front nnd Master streets station. Maglstrato Scott appre ciated Zcko's patriotic spirit, but re minded him that these wcro the pafo and sane days when genornl fireworks' dis plays wcro taboo. Zeko promised to agree with tho law and bundled up his pyro technics, which ho will shoot off to a moro appreciative audience In Mahanoy City. Dead Church a Cemetery Chapel LANCASTER. July 2.-Aftor 76 years of life, tho Sit. Nebo Presbyterian Church is dead. The congregation there wcro only M members left has parted, nnd the members hnvo nfrillated with other churches. Now members failed to enter, nnd ns tho old founders died away, so did the power of tho church. No sooner had tho church boen dissolved then sev eral of tho most prosperous of tho con gregation banded together, bought tho church building nnd grounds, nnd an nounced that the Mt. Nebo Cemetery Company was a reality. Tho church will bo used as tho cemetery chapel. Franklin Ilooscvelt Better WASHINGTON. July 2. It was stated nt the Navy Hospital today that Assistant Secrctnry of tho Navy Franklin D. Roose volt, who was operated on yestordny for appendicitis passed a restful night and that his condition was much Improved. RIVISK STKAMllOATS IDEAL OUTINGS FOR JULY 4TH AND JULY 5TH 7 KOUNll TRIPS rj I TO TIIENTOV Goethals Quits Active Canal "Work PANAMA, July 2. Major General George W. Goethals said yesterday thnt his connection with the Government con struction of the Panama Canal henceforth would bo chiefly advisory. His resigna tion of tho Governorship of tho Canal Zone takes effect late in November, after hearings by an appropriations subcom mittee on canal estimates. srnci.vL ATTHACTioNs Burlington Island Park Beautiful grove, eleennt sandy beach for bathing. Tako your fishing tackle and enjoy a. day's quiet snort. Restaurant, baseball, lawn tennis, dancing, all amusements. Historic City of Trenton Take lour fimlly to 0lt tho spot where Washington crossed tha Delaware. Carnival at Beverly Full brass band on river bank nil day and evening. Canoe races In afternoon. City to be beautifully Illuminated In the eentng. DON'T rOHGET YOUIl KODAK MOONLIGHT SAIL Take f I'. M steamer for Trenton. On re turn trip llrenorks at the different points, most beautiful 1.KAVK CHESTNUT hT. TIKn, 1'llILA. S.30, 10:30 A. M. 1:30, 3.00, COO, 8:30, 10:30 r M 8Ti:AMICH3 I.BAVE TKKNTONR:30. 10:30 A. 11.. 1:30, 4.00, 5:00, 7:15, 8:30 P. M. American Voynjrer Has Plan to t)efy Submarines. WASHINGTON, July 2. W. W. llrlde, wh'j resigned recently ns nn assistant solicitor of tho Department of State to tako a position ns London representatlva of American exporters, will sail for Liver pool next week. Ho has carefully forti fied himself against drowning as a result of possible submarlno attack. Mr. Bride has obtained a rubber suit, lined with cork, which tho Inventor In sists will keep tha wearer afloat for many hours. The suit wns made to fit Bride's body from tho solo of his feet to his neck. Severn! pounds of lead aro Inclosed In thn fret of tho suit, so ha will be enabled to keep his head above water, Mr. Bride will steep In the suit during his trip across tho Atlantic. $10,000 to prove souriett Pittsburgh Steel Man Will Serve Jail Term if Convicted. ATLANTIC CtTT, N. 3. July 2 Whether John R. Taylor, retired Pills burgh steel man, is to spend from ?t days to six months in Jftll and bo deprived of his license- to drive an nutomobllo In New Jersey, Is to bo decided by Recorder B C. Gasklll July 8. This was tho Courts verdict after silting for two days whits counsel for the wealthy cottager tried to provo hs was not Intoxicated when h mussed up tho scenery of Chelsea lail month with his machine. Should tha Court find Taylor was drunk he has no alternative but to rentenca him to nt least 30 days behind tho bars. Tho Court must decide Just what constitutes Intoxication from vlows given by prominent physicians who testified. Taylor has said he would rather spend (10,000 than go to Jail. cr figi'4dgay jflilP H MyBUiUfljSjtfiB' ft TO WILMIW&TtlW 1 . . , n And her big Parks on Brandywine Creek IDEAL PLACES FOR A REAL HOLIDAY No trip thnt could possibly bo arranged for July 3d, July 4th or July 6th, will equnl this brnolng GG-mllo sail on the romantic Dolaware. This outing, from beginning to end, abounds In scones of historic interest, ns well as beauty spots, which nature has amply provided, RATES WILMINGTON, Exc, 50ct Single, 30c CHESTER, Exc, 2Sc Single, 15c Children, 5 to 12 years, half fare SPECIAL RATE tfpi One-day excursion ticket to Wilmington will bo issued S "C every day except SATS., SUNS. & HOLIDAYS, for. . . &BilJ FOR PENNSGROVE, N. J. Close conncctlonn-mnite right on our Wllnilnfrtnn vrlinrf REDUCED RATES TO BRANDYWINE SPRINGS PARK Old rate restored. I'nre now 10c to nrnndynine Spring Pnrk nnd return, but ticket inunt lie procured on the boat to obtain tills special rnle. (inod un liny of lunue only. Evening Sails Arrnni0 ,'?r EVnln!c .s" .of M 5H. Cool nil the war. -vv'","B "'" Go tonlsht. 0. 1 and 8.30 boats return on Julr 4 nnd S. Take the Boats of the Famous Wilson Fleet The lnrKmt, fnxtcnt, nenest, clcnncni, safest and moat com forlnlilr lionlN nn the Dolnvinrc. "City of Philadelphia" "City of Chester" "City ot Wilmington" "Ilrandywine" ivcavo (jnestnut Htroet wnarr nnd Wilming ton dally and Sundnv at 7.30, 9, 10.30 A. M., 12 M 1.30, 3. 4.1E. 6. 7. 8.30 and 9.30 P. M. Additional trips July 4 nnd July G nt 10.4C P.M. AM. IIOATS STOP AT CIinSTKH :(.tV1g':.tL:uuc:syt i j-O-ttlv i wUIJ ssss .3-UfW ' Sd THOMAS CLYDE Family Excursion Steamer to AUGUSTINE BEACH Btopplnr nt Chester and rennscrora Only Uont to Augustine Bench I.sndlnr in front ot Erove; safa salt-watsr bathlnc; COO sanitary bathrooms. Full or chestra on boat and beach: danclnr all day. Artesian water; plenty tables, benches and hade. All kinds ot amusements at beach. Fare, Round Trip, 60c. Children, 8 to 10, 23c. Leares Arch Street Wharf Bi30 Dally. Kur.dnr, 9 A. 31. JAMES K. OTIS, Mcr 3 Arch St. Cozy Corner Bungalow A cholco cement bungalow, 3 rooms and Inclosed porch; opposite tho Commons; hullt for summer nnd wlntor; hnlf aero of ground, ad jacent to forest; garden, small fruits, large chlchon house and outbuild ings. Cnn be connected with wator main. I'rlcc 91000. TERMS TO SUIT V. S. I'OTTEH, Arden, Del. Phones TENTS to HIRE ALL' SIZES Water Proofing BERNARD McCURDY 110 NORTH NINTH STREET TO HIRE C-CYLINDEn. PACKAnD PACKARD LIMOUSINE A TOURING CARS Jll- HOUR, DAY. WEEK Oli MONTH PACKARD SERVICE CO. 1411-13 LOCUST ST. Phones Spruce 3140; Raco 213. BEFORE STARTING on any of these trips consult me In reference to a farm or sub urban homo In theso sections. H. B. McCOLLUM No. 1314 Walnut St.. Philadelphia "Don't Forott the Number" '1111! CAMP CALL TO DINNER Tho Arden Summer Camp. Boys and girls Mothers in charce. Constant and In telligent supervision. Interesting play occu pations. Swimming, tcnnlrf, dancing, nature study, etc. Privileges ot Arden Club. Bal anced diet. Shower bath. Rates reason able Booklet on request. Mrs. CORA L. rOTTm, Arden. Del. ARDEN.EOEEMODR.DEL. LOUISE H.KUMME Largo, well-furnished nnd ventilated rooms, reception hall, 750 square feet of porch. Plenty of shade. Conveniently located. TERMS REASONABLE SPECIAL TERMS FOR WEEK-END3 AND PERIODS INCLUDING JUNE OR SEPTEMBER. Accommodations should bo secured In advance .mi-:.--1;:,':".;.;,;;;;. -:;::'; -j-; ;.;;;i ; .,: ,;i ,;::::;:' j.-V.;,;-;;;..: HEPPE Ittlllllllllililliilillfflllillllilllillilllttll njoy a Vi ctrola tor the rourt of July The Heppe Rental -Payment Plan Heppe No. 4 Outfit Victrola IV $15. Record 4.50 $3 Total $19.50 DOWN PAY $2.50 MONTHLY Heppe No. 8 Outfit Victrola VIII $40 Records 5. : $4 Total $45. DOWN PAY $3,50 MONTHLY makes a purchase easy Victor merchandise is sold on a basis entirely different from the usual custom. Although Victor prices are alike all over the United States, at Heppe's you can buy any Victrola at the cash price and make your settlement either in cash or charge account, or by the Heppe rental-payment plan. No matter what plan you use, no interest will be charged. By the rental -payment plan you can secure any instrument at a mere rental rate, all rent applying to the purchase price. This is only one of the many advantages distinctive of Heppe Victor Service. Our various outfits and the terms of our rental-payment plan are listed herewith: Heppe No. 6 Outfit $4 Victrola VI $25. Records 4.50 DOWN Total $29.50 PAY $3 MONTHLY Heppe No. 9 Outfit $5 Victrola IX $50. Records , 10. Heppe No. 10 Outfit Victrola X $75, Records 10 i $5 Total $85. DOWN PAY $S MONTHLY VICTUOLA IV, 1S VIOTKOLA X, Vi ' UtToU VI. I VICTROLA VIU, I0 VICTROLA IX, ISO J J illlll I t ( DOWN Total ....$60. PAY $4 MONTHLY VIOTBOLA XVI, i:00 Heppe No. 11 Outfit A - Victrola XI , $100. H)5 Records ,. 10. DOWN Total $110. PAY $8 MONTHLY Khppe No. 14 Outfit Victrola XIV $1B0, h f r Rw3 J PAU Total ..$160. DOWN PAY $8 MONTHLY J VI0THOLA XI, 1100 VICTROLA XIV, flSO Write for large Illustrated Catalogue In pianos, remember we have the Heppe patented three-sounding board instruments and the world-famous Pianola. These instruments also sold on the rental-payment plan. L J oHFrJtii Ot OUIN 6th tmd Thompson Streets Heppe No. 16 Outfit $10 Victrola XVI ..,..$209. Record 10. DOWN Total $210. PAY $10 MQTMtr Hrk 4J Burt. HrrUon nd W.liJ ' uu. ,o4 .rt.. Crl BluS -g$ Ca m (-jjufltfF