EVENING EEPGER-PHTE-ADEEPHia;, FRIDAY, JUDY 2, 1915; .$ T& ffiRRIBILE BATTAGLIA IMPEGNATA ATTORNO AI FORTI DI GORIZIA Sottomarino Austriaco Af fondato da un Aviatore Francese Gontinua, Lenta ma Sicura, l'Avan- zata su Tutto il Fronte. ' ' i ' IIOMA, Lugllo 2. rjisperatt combattlmenll sono In corso ' cut front dl bnttaglla orientate, o precls " amente nel sottoro dl QorUla, dovo le truppo Italians lottano per nprlrsl la llrada verso Trieste. Oil ltallanl doml tinno le poslzloni elevate sulla rlva oocl dentate dell'Isonzo, ma b11 austrlacl fan 10 frequcntl nttacchl nella sporanza dl moj (tarnetl. Dal rapportl gluntl oggl dal fronto dl battaglia si rlleva cho nel hoIo combat tlmento svoUobI cola mercoledl' scorso git austrlncl, che avovano attaccato, Usclarono sul terreno 1200 mortl. BOTTOMARINO AFFONDATO. II Mlnlstero della Marina ha annunclato oggl cho un avlatoro francese ha bom bardato cd affondato nel Mare Adrlatlco U sottomarino austriaco "U-ll." Qucsta o' la scconda volta cho un sotto marlno vlene affondato da un aeroplane Pochl glornl fa 11 govorno tedesco annun clava lnfattl cho un avlatoro tcdeBCO avova affondato un sottomarino russo nel Mar Baltlco. IV "U-ll" era uno del plu' nuovl som merglblt austrlacl o spostava circa. SGO tonneltatc. portando a bordo un cqulpag glo dl circa 26 uomlnl. Fra Btato varato ncll'anno scorso. ..... , In quest! crcoII dlplomatlcl non si presta fedo al alia notlzla dl una lm mlntnto rottura dl rapportl tra la Qer manla o la Svlzzern. La 'Qormanla ln fattl avrebbo tutto da perdero e nulla da. guadagnare da un conllltto con la Svlzzcra, glaccho' vorrebbo a perdero la sua prlnclpalo via dl rlfornlmcnto. Notlzle glunto oggl alia Legazlono montencgrlna dlcono che le truppo aerbe niarclano nell'Albanla centralo per cftet tuarc una conglunzlono con lo forzo jnontcnegrlne cd nttaccnro qulndl II porto albancso dl Alcsslo. UN'ALTUrtA CONQUI8TATA. 11 Mlnlstero dolla Guerra annunclava lerj sera che lo tnjppo ltallano hanno oc ci'pato la lmportanto poslzlono dl Ben IrklskandenJ, cho domlna Plozzo, a nord ovest til Tolnilno, mentro nel scttoro dl Tonnlc rurtlgllerla itallana ha lnlzlato 11 bombardamento delle poslzloni austrlacho dl Jlontlcillo e dl Saccagnana. Nel settoro dell'Isonzo s! sono avute ploggle coal' toirenzlall che lo trlnceo sono tato truBformato In vcrl torrentl. Suite Alpl Carnlche, a Monto Croco ed al Pal riccolo gll austrlacl hanno tentato Invano dl rlprendero le poslzloni da loro-pcrduto usando anche bombc nsflsslantl Ecco 11 testo del comunlcato ufflclala: "Sul fronto del Tonalo nol abblamo lnl zlato II bombardamento dcllo poslzloni nemlclio dl Montlcello o dl Saccagnana, dlsturbando cosl' I lavori dl fortlflcazlone del nemlco. Alcune nostra rlcognlzlonl compluto nella Val Padola rlvelarono II fatto che gll austrlacl prcparavano trlnceo dlfcso da retlcolatl mctalllcl, trlnceo cho not era Btlamo dlBtruggendo. "Sul fronte carnlco gll austrlacl attac carono Invano 1 pasal dl Monto Croce o dl Pnl Piccolo usando bombo asflsslantl. La nostra artlgllerla ha dtsperso assem bramentl dl truppo nemlcho buI vcrsante settentrlonalo dl Frelkofel cd In Val Grande. Abblamo rlprcBo a bombardare 11 forte Hnnscc. Lo nostro truppe hanno .., caldamente occupato l'lmportanto post xlone dl BcnirklskcndenJ, cho domlna Plezio. "Sul fronto dell'Isonzo contlnua lenta mento la nostra avanzata. Le fortl piog gle recentl hahno strasformato le trlnceo In verl torrentl. Gll austrlacl tentano Invano dl rlconqulstare lo perduto poslzloni. "Contlnua l'attlvlta' degll avlatorl aus trlacl, I quail sono rluscltl a fare alcuno vlttlme tra gll itnllanl. I noatrl avlatorl d'altra parte hrnno bombafdato le truppe austrlacho nella stazlono dl San Danlele, nelle vlclnanzo dl Gorlzla." OUERRA NELLA NEVE. Un telegramma da Udlno dice ; che l'avanzata delle forze Itallane nel Tlrolo e' serlamente ostacolata dal perslstente cattivo tempo, cho In verlta' e' eccezlonalo In tempo dl estate. I montanari delle Alpl non rlcordano una ataglone con tanta neve so ne Incontra ora al prlml dl lugllo. I torrentl che scendono dalle montagne, che alia fine dl glugna sono quasi sempro scluttl, ora sono gonfll ed lmpassablll In qualche punto. Le truppe Itallane lncontrano spesso bufere dl nevo e densa ncbbla, due cose the rendono difficile II tiro delle artlglle rla dl lunga portnta. In alcuno parti del Tlrolo si ebbero .grnndlnate, e nonostanto Questo l'avanzata degll ltallanl contlnua. Oil ltallanl a mlsura che nvanzano tro vuio megllo organlzzate dlfese auatrlache e trlnceo protette da larghl e profondl fosaatl e da retlcolatl metallic), mentre In moltl altrl puntl 11 nemlco ha scavato bocche dl lupo coprendole con rami d'albero. II fondo dl quests bocche dl lupo e' coperto dl punte acuminate. C naturale qulndl che gll ltallanl debbano avanzaro lentamente o con molto cautele, Le guxrdle dl Flnanza, che sono av veziie alia montagna ed a tuttl 1 tranelll del contrabbandlerl, costttutscono repartt leggerl straordlnarlamente untlll In qucsta guerra nel Trcntlno, Esse sono Implegato come esploratorl, e si reccontano moltl eplsodll dl valore a dl ablllta' sulla loro opera. Alcunl dl questl eplsodll sono statl anche portntl all'ordlne del glorno, ANCHB LA RUMANIA E" LIBERA. Da fonte dtplomattca bene lnformata (1 e' appreso che 11 re dl Rumania, rlspon dendo ad una letters, aulografa dell'lm peratpre Francesco Giuseppe d'Austria che gll domandava dl conservare la nen trallta' ed Invocava a Bostegno delta sua domanda tl trattato dl alleanza che legava la Rumania aU'Auatrla, hnnunclo che la Rumania aveva rlpreso la aua llberta' dl azlone, rompendo 1'alleanza con 1'Aus trla II re ed II suo governo rltengono oho 11 fatto stesso che 1 Italia ha denun clnto II trattato della Tripllce Alleanza ,u " aiieanza austro-nimena. Bl crede qui one questa azlone della Rumania prova che essa ha declso dl wettersl a flanco degll alleatl e dl Inter venire presto nella guerra contro gll Im parl centrall. PHILADELPHIA LEADS THE WORLD IN ICE CREAM EATING; ITS DAILY RATION WOULD MAKE A TOWER 31 MILES HIGH I I Kanfa gooooo (350,000 C Jyy ) GLASSES NV.-l M?KINLEY ll MB T JY CREAM I X MT I W If J And Soda Water! 000,000 Glasses a Day Relieve the Thirst of the City During Summer Months. If the Glasses Were Stacked End to End They'd Hit the Clouds 875,000 Feet Above Earth. Father Ponn never ate Ico cream In his life and he certainly never henrd of a sundae, yet he founded the groat lco cream eating city In tho United States. Think of It, even If you have heard It before Philadelphia holds tho world rec ord for Ico cream consumption. On every summer's day Phlladelphlans cat, nt an averge, 350,000 quarts of Ico cream. Quito an average, that! 350,000 quarts a day! You young people who cat Ico cream for the tlmo being wo will not mention older folks you aro supposed to bo good nt arithmetic. Of course, you aro. Well, Just Imagine 360,000 quarts of cream of tho kind you like, packed In cool, tin quart boxes and all laid side by each. How far do you suppose It would reach7 Throo hundreds and fifty thousand quart boxes of Ico cream, If piled, one on top of tho other, would reach tho dizzy height of 107,708 feet, a dlstanco 8 1-6 times higher than Mount McKlnlcy, tho highest mountnln to be found under tho Stars and Stripes, Tho 167,708 feet means 31.7 miles, and if tho aforesaid boxes were Btretched In a row they would reach farther than Wilmington, or if turned right about face, like an army of cold Arotio toddlers, thoy would extend as far ns Trenton. SUMMER SUN SENDS RECORD CROWD INTO THE SURF AT SHORE Atlantic City Hotelmen Smile as Usual Saluta tion, "Is It Hot Enough?" Begins Going the Eounds. Today's Marriage Licenses '"? JL-0,?5!i1 J8SI Vn Plt st.. and Nora Stoi"i&kV.SS!&". " K" KIifUiSSSKh?.!?.Hs " IvW V Kol.y JiooN .h .i "., -.. i.. Win M Conroy. siji a at. K Tfi"', &.& Waterloo t tad J? Wln7kr'fli 2 ?,.-.,... odowita IT15 K M u. .... Ucmo Use, aad JIr. jrr-"-!M. titu n xa u. "'M MmIIii 309 UtMO Um. Jfw.d 1) iiei,i.r t. T,,T v.,. way tun l .Mueci IIlalr Jr Qutmucl &iT ) ZSM Sth at. N Ztb M. pao t,, "n Zelkowu 163 Natroaa it. 'w n uiu St., Jumbv J titobA isna ic nth . M J Utlluy Jr SOS H llfli . t:ilMbth HUbrt, lOOT Wood at Fablu 43.' N Mtb ml W Bialaral 9AHII ririluijnv . I. .. i. ...... r - T II, nil w-i . hot ctfrnuda u J fun ill 1(1.17 V WulnuiraLind . 1 Hhulutt sioi v ludtaiu. iu s:.tu us N ah at and tg -. v wo. icr i OVNMlfWf al ani) Bfl ami a 84 aiMa ad fe.Hatrjji ft "tt T. i. . . , ' " " ml " rwi u uttj i4(rf K Puvu.n ., J 1Ji a N y.Mk ' I i N . v.k ,,, ATLANTIC CITY, July 2 The regular summer salutation. "Is It hot cnauprh for you?" heard hero frequently yesterday, brought Bmlles to the faces of the hotel owners and business men, for at last they felt they wore getting an "oven break" as far us seasonable weather was con cerned. Not that It -was scorching hot here, for the Bun'a rays were modified by breezes from tho ocean, winds which churned the sea Into foam and made tho bieakers half as high ns a house. Tho bathing wns thoroughly onjojed by tho biggest crowd that has been seen on the beach this season. Tho loughness of tho sea made tho bathing "Just right." Tho big waves, which came tumbling In -with llghtnlng-ltke rapidity, made one's blood tingio bo there was not the least sign or trembling or "bather'a" chill." And bathing spectators had no disquiet ing fears for tho safety of foolhardy per sons seeking to attract attention by going out a great distance, foe even the most daring Bwlmmers stayed closo to shore. Many visitors, especially those from Inland cities and the West, are content to spend their days and a part of their nights Just watching the ocean, seeing its many moods and Its constant change of colors. In the up-town district these lovers of the sea have discovered a new wrinkle. The benches, placed by the city on the outer edge of tho Board walk ao tired pedestrians may rest, have always faced the walk. One of the gaz ers at the ocean saw that these benches afforded an excellent place from which to watch the ocean. So he turned It around and then, with his feet resting on the outer rail, he could sit for hours and watch the waves, undisturbed by the passing multitudes. His example was quickly followed by many other persons and now most of the benches In the up town section are turned around and nre occupied, during the day and until late at night, by persons who live to alt and dream as they watch the vast expanse of water. If sanguine promoters are not all wrong In their predictions, the dance craze, which has swept this country for the last two yeqrs, will be superseded by roller skating. That this form of amusement has taken a Arm hold here la proven by the number of rlnka In operation rtow or to be started In a few days. On the Million Dollar Pier roller skating has many devotees. A new rink has ben opened In the Exposition Building, the Garden Pier will add the amusement to Its attractions this week, and the Old Pier, al Tennessee avenue, la now being convrrted Into a huge rink. Minstrelsy, of the old-time variety, with "The 'Nuts' of Base ball," by John Henry (Honus) Wagner, tells of baseball's eccentric play ers ad their, "funny Qnes." Keep up with the Honus articles running in the Sunday Public Ledger SPORTS MAGAZINE When the mercury begins to bob up near tho 90 mark the amount of Ico crenm eaten Jumps, too. It Is estimated that on holidays, such as tho Fourth of July, tho average lco cream consumption In Philadelphia Is tOO.000 quarts Phlladelphlans evidently do not stint themselves when It comes to soda water and other soft drinks. It Is estimated that thcro aro at least 3000 places In this city whero lco cream and soda water aro sold Of thoso, about 1000 aro drug stores. !stlmntlne that 300 drinks aro sold In each place every summer's day, It would appear that 900,000 glasses of soda water aro sold In Philadelphia every day during the summer. Although some of tho smaller stores Bell less than 300 drinks each day, the Inrger places, and, In fact, many of the smaller drug Btorcs, sell considerably more than that number. Tho drug storo at Broad street Station, on a hot day, Is said to mako nt least 3000 sales from tho soda counter. Many of tho well-patronized drug stores and confectionery shops sell nearly 2000 drinks dally under favorable weather conditions. Nino hundred thousand glasses of nodn water piled end on end would tower 375,000 feet In tho nlr, or 18 2-B times higher than Mount McKinley. Thoy would also extend farther than Atlantic City and within a tow miles of Capo May. Robert Crane, 'of the Crane Ice Cream Company, mid today that Ice cream hns been mado for tho last 100 years In the Cast, and thnt tho first wholesale busi ness wns started In Ualtlmoro by Jacob Fufisoll In 1SS1 "Outsltlo of this country and Cannda tho lco crenm business Is hardly worth mentioning," Mr Crano said. "Europe knows' nothing of tha nholesalo business. In 1912 Australia had two factories, Bra zil one, Mexico two, Porto Hlco two nnd Cuba one. Tho Government also opcr ntes ono in tho canal zone. "A Ilttlo moro than 10 years ago tho lco crenm business wns In Its Infancy, nnd not moro thnn 40,000,000 gallons wcro made. In tho last decado tho popula tion has Increased perhaps 21 per cent., but tho salo of Ico cream has Increased nearly 400 per cont. Tho salo of lco cream In 1912 wow 154,000,000 gallons. "That Ico cream consumption In a habit Is eaBlly shown. Wo would sup poso that tho South would bo tho great Ico cream section, as they have moro hot weather there, but such Is not tho caso Americans seem to like lco cream bettor yene by year. About one-third of tho total output Is eaten In tho 13 original Statos Tho Middle West cats another third, and the rest of tho coun try hno tho remaining third, And Phila delphia leads tho world." sweet singers nnd laughable comedians -with blackened faces, nlso Is very much In evidence hero now. John Murphy, who has been conducting tho Amorican Min strels for a Bcoro of years on tho Steel Plor, has a company there this season. Emmet Welch Is tho manager of an other minstrel company showing on tho Million Dollar Pier A minstrel company Is booked for the Garden Pier, and It is rumored that another company will be Included as ono of tho many attractions at tho New Nixon for tho remalndor of tho BcnBon Cafe business Is far below normal here, the public seeming to have tired of watching paid professional dancers cir cling around a stago as big ns a large sized door mat, or hearing wheezy-voiced cabaret singers mnnglo alleged popular songs. When tho big rush comes here, these places will 'bo much Bought out lato in tho evening, but It looks as If somo now ideas will havo to bo injected Into tho form of entertainment, or they win languish and die. Ono enterprising mnn is giving a regular vaudeville show in his cafe, with a change of performers every week, and ho Is doing tho business of tho Island. Grocer's Clerk Inherits Millions SALEM, Va., July 2. After spending 20 years as a grocery delivery man, U. C. Merrlt Is today a millionaire. He In herited a fortune of more than Ji.OOO.OOO from a sister, who recently died In Baltimore MAN SHOT TO DEATH WHILE WALKING WITH DAUGHTERS Slayer Fires From Auto nt Wealthy Man in Brooklyn Street. NEW YOBIC, July 2.-In tho presence of hla two daughters, Frank Monza, a wealthy retired merchant, was shot to death early today as he was walking nlong Gat Held place, Brooklyn The slayer shot from an automobllo nnd sped awny beforo tho -alarm could bo given. Just beforo ho tired ho rose In tho tonncnu of tho motorcar and shouted to Monm "At last I'vo got you." Monza's daughters, Julia, 19 years old, nnd Josephine, ago 17, told tho police their father had long feared assassina tion and seldom ventured from the house unlesi accompanied by a bodyguard. Thoy did not know tho origin of their father's fears, but believed It to bo an old per sonal foun. Man Killed While Working on Bridge PHOENIXVILLE, Pa, July 2 -From Internal injuries received when ho waj pinned by a falling steel leg of a travel ing crane against tho wooden bent of i bridge on which ho was working Foreman Harvey Criswcll, Dauphin, Pa., died this morning nt the Phoenlxvllle Hospital. Criswcll was preparing to leave his work when the accident happened SCHOOLS ANT! COLLEGES 8TnAYER'S the beat bu!nes school 801-807 Chestnut st. THE LINE SERVICE WITH PLUS SCENERY to CHICAGO 1 he most beautiful of all moving pictures of Mauntains and Rivers, in the most historic section of America, are those viewed from the splendid trains of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. 1 hrough trains of steel construction, electric lighted, the latest products of modern ingenuity, with the best of dining car service: The "CHICAGO LIMITED." leaving Philadelphia at 10.17 a. m arrives Chicago 9.00 next morning, with Drawing-room Sleeping Cars and Observation Parlor Cars. It traverses the eastern mountain section to Pittsburgh in daylight. The "INTERSTATE SPECIAL," leaving Philadel phia at 4,17 p. m,, arrive! Chicago 4.40 next afternoon, with Drawing-room and Compartment Sleeping Cars and Lounging Observation Car. It traverses the great steel manufacturing district of Ohio and Indiana in daylight. The "DAYLIGHT TRAIN," leaving Philadelphia at 4, 15 a. m arrives Chicago 8,30 next morning, with Draw i ing-room Sleeping Car. It traverses the mountain section and the steel district of Pittsburgh in daylight. The "CHICAGO EXPRESS." leaving Philadelphia at 8,31 p. m.. arrives Chicago 8,55 next evening, with Drawing-room Sleeping Car. Secure a copy of "SBH AMERICA" from Ticket Offices, 834 Chestnut street, 13th and Chestnut streets, 1006 Chestnut street, J6 Market street, 1146 North 2d street, Mt-S South 3d street, 7th street and airard avenue, 137 South Broad street, and Station. Slth and Chestnut streets. BERNARD ASHBY, District Passenger Agent. BALTIMORE & OHIO GOVERNOR ATTENDS BRUMBAUGH REUNION Martinsburg Today Houses Vir tually Every Member of Clan Related to Executive. ALTOONA, Pa, July 2 Governor Brumbnugh Is today back among tho "home folks" at the Brumbaugh family reunion nt Martlnsburg. Virtually every member of this numerous clan and every remote connection In the famous Morri son's Cove Is present, notwithstanding tlm heavy rain of tho early morning. Governor Urumbnugh Bpent the night here, slipping out of Harrlsburg quietly Inst evening. Accompanied bv Assistant Postmaster Alvln Urumbnugh and At torney J Hanks Kurtz, of Altoonn, ho mnde the trip to Martlnsburg by auto In drenching rain. I''nst time wns linos slblc, for fear of skidding on the slippery State roads lie was given n rousing wel come nt the picnic gi omuls. ltepreflcntntlvo II. Atlce Brumbaugh was chnlrman of tho Ileceptlon Committee and County Treasurer Moses n. Urum bnugh Introduced the Governor to those who did not know him personally. Old friends greeted him ns "Martin." On account of tho lateness of the Gov ernor's arrival tho formal program, which Included a speech by HI Excel lency, was postponed until afternoon. Tonight tho Governor will Bpeak at tho nurBcs commencement at the Roaring tipring Hospltnl. 10 Ambulnnccs Cnllcd; Mnn Hurt PITTSDUnaH, July 2. Half a score of ambulances, a squad of police and hun dreds of excited citizens rushed to the Cruclblo Steel Company's plnnt here to day, when Alex Klobcr wns Injured by a falling steel beam A confusion In calling for the ambulance caused reports that a great accident had occurred. SuffrnRC Loses In Wisconsin MADISON, Wis., July 2. Woman suf frage has failed conclusively for tho present legislative session. Tho State Senate, by a. vote of 14 to 17, refused to reconsider Its voto In killing tho Grcll resolution. Wealthy Woman Pound Dead A passing band of early morning revel ers, playing a popular Air, led to the dis covery of the death of Mrs ftareh Mc Conm&ck, 89 years old, of 2666 Bridge street, Brldesburg, nrly today. She was reputed to bo wealthy. Miss Kdlth Ter rlcK, of the Bnmc nddrcm. Mm. McCor maek s adopted daughter, wns awakened by the musle In the street and noticed that her foster mother was not In bed. In a second-story front room (die found Mrs. MoCormack lying dead on the floor. Today's Marriages at ftlkfon EL.KTOW, Md, July 2-Tho mar hero this morning Were Philip Miller Ethel Newsome, Philadelphia Pa . 118 O Jones and Mamie Allen. Atlantic dtt N J.; Clifford 8. TJtompnon and rfheflfj J Hftyeii, Wilmington, Del : Karl Shade nnd Mary C rook, and MnUhfcflU Castle and Nora B Nldel. Headline James v Booth Jr, and Nina IS, Jj KBii. Brooklyn, N T , Boberl H. BfH nnd Marian J. Sterner, Milton, Pa. There's only one Easy way to use Soap. There's only one Easy-Way Soap to use. in cool or lukewarm water. It does away with all hard rubbing. It works while you rest. It saves money, time and strength. Soft water means easy work. Fels-Soap Powder softens the hardest water. H STOIIB OPENS DAILY 8m0 A. M. & CI.OM3S AT B P. M UNTIL FUnTHCIt NOTICE : Long Gloves Womcnst 75c 49 & $i Silk onpB 12 and 10 button with ono row Pnrla point backs Black and white Double flngor tips FinsT Krxjon. EIGHTH STItUKT HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE. ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Market Eiqhth Filbert Seventh t ri.4-1.2, f4l.AuCvM4l. uuLiiuiE lot im rum in Yellow Trading Stamp Premiums nrp imrth nny one'n while to collect they aro always so up to date and desirable. --0 - 0 0- 0 --; 9?and All Summer Wonderful Opportunities for Men and Boys JXVVVVVVVVVVVVVV1VMVVVVVM Men's $1L50 Blue Serge Suits, Turn, nii.t O.vnn.nln-. nirwtnln All.wnnl. TTnlT nr fllllv lined With mohair. rVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVXVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.VVXVV'VV'VVVVVtVVVVV'VVVVVC Men's $13.50 Blue Serge Suits $ The Celebrated Uilbcrt Serge Famous Jor Jta wearing wuaiuics ) Men's $2 Automobile Dusters $1 Men's $1.50 White Duck and Khaki Trousers $1 Men's $4.40 White Flannel Trousers $2.98 Men's $18.50 Blue UlO Serge Suits Including Extra Pair of Trousers Guaranteed all-wool and rainproof by tho maker. Include stouts. lV.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'VVVVVVt.'VVV'VVVVtVVVTVVVVVVVt.VVV'VV'VVVVVV' s 4Ljl I toalfir?al'5 $5.50 Men's Genuine "Palm Beach"Suits Swagger Norfolk effects. Dark nnd light plain colors, neat patterns and natural color. All sizes to 46-inch chest. Boys' 65c to 85c Wash Suits Q From a noted New York maker. New models, Including Balkan, f 3 & l Boys' 85c Wash Pants, 49c Sizes G to 17 years. lOllver Twist, Billy Boy, flllduy, etc. sizes 2 to 10 years. VvWVWV-VVVVWWVWWW'VVtVVVV VV1 lWYVVWWlVl'tWWWWWWWlYYW Boys' $2 and $2.50 Boys' $6.50 Blue $0 QQ "Rnirnttn" Wash 1 f Cf - la c..: OmUO fi:7r i?oc :.?"" : to 10 yards. Norfolk style. Sizes 6 to 17 years. f, isses?& Women's Wear An Important Independence Day Sale Suits SECOND FLOOIt, SEVENTH STREET fr $ . fr $ 4 0 . WfJ TltlSt ALT, IIATB FREE OP CITAnan Misses' & Women's Colored $0 QQ Outiner Fnts, $4 Values. .. ?- Lead on today's list of sen sational economics in tin trimmed hats and trimmings for the Fourth of July. Nothing smarter for the picnic, motor trip or week end vacation. Excellent quality in all of the latest golf colors, finished with silk gros grain bands. Two sketched. 81.50 Panamas. 79c T Women's and misses'; for outing and seashore wear, 50c to $1 Flowers, 25c, 39c and 49c White and pink flowers, pond lilies, roses, poppies, daisies, wheat, etc, FIRST FLOOR, north s6.50 Dainty Frocks, 4.49 Novelty ttriped lawn in tan-und-tchite, lavemler-and- wliite and llue-and-whitc Have velvet-covered but tons, accordion - plaited orKnndle collar nnd cir cular skirts trimmed with folds. Misses' $15 Dressy $9 93 Frocks v'v Fine flowered net with dainty net vostee, velvet ribbon, rosebud trimming and tunic skirt over accordion-platted flounce. Another Striking Demonstration of Our Absolute Leadership in the Retail Shoe Trade Women's $3.50 & $4$ White Canvas Pumps Umpire and tongue styles In genuine canvas Mostly all style heels, Sizes 2V4 to 7, widths A to D 250 Misses' $8 Linen $C! QQ Suits 0.570 Jaunty Norolk.3 Navy blue, tan and oys ter white Like vteture. if Ail I lift . fTn &. fats $6.75 Jf598 Men's $4 Rubber Sole $0 and Heel Oxfords,..-' Gun-metal calf and tan calf, to 10 Guaranteed. Sizes Women's $3, 3.50, $4 & $4.50 Colonials, Oxfords & Lace $0 A Trr.o SIMS 2Vi to 7; U rumps wujth k to d. Include "Lenards," "Stratforda," "Lit Brothers' Special, Etc. In patent coltskln and gun-ratal calf, with fray and fawn buckskin quarter, etc FIRST FLOOR. NORTH Misses' Sports Coats White chinchilla, with patch poeketa. raglan sleeve and vejvet trimming, also black-and. white novelty checks and blaek chiffon taffetas Women's $9 Lingerie and $ Cl A Linen Dresses vJ.tJV Kjsctptlenallv Attractive Group Of fine white voile In coatee effect with eullopa, square organdie collar and lace tiimmiaji, or in bu lero effect, with three-tier embroidered wrjwe, organ die veatee and collar LiHtn drmei art in prttiut kadw m& stylet Bathing Suits and Accessories More and livelier than we have ever shown, including silk. hik serge, aiuc popuu. tarjem ana Miin S3 to $14 $1 QO to j A es Values. I9.98 8KCONO FUX)B m All au4 Klgr- LIT BHOTH8KS 5JIAIL A PHONK OniBRS FILLKU5 LIT BHOTMSK 4