Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 01, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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British Rowing Export
1 Be Back Next Year
Complete His Three-
year Contract Witn
Vivian N'lekalls, coach of the University
ot Pennsylvania crows, has not resinned
his position, as reported, but will return
; nnd eompleto the third esr of his con
1 iract This positive statement was made
today at noon by Howard Elsenbrey,
chairman of the Bowing Committee.
"The statement that Mr. Nlckalls re
signed Is totally wrong," said Mr. niacn
brey, "Naturally, ho was much disap
pointed at the poor showing of his crews
In. tho IoUghkeepslo regatta. Ho wns
more or less worried over the outcome,
and tho day following told tho committee
that they need feel no hesitancy In tell
Ing him If they thought nny one else
could flit the position better. Thcro has
been the best of co-operation between Mr.
Nlcknlls and the committee and no one
Would listen to such a suggestion.
"Mr. Nlckalls has no desire to terminate
his contract, and every one connected
with rowing at Pennsylvania, Including
the members of the rowing squad, are
unanimously In fovor of him
"No one blames Klcltalls for the failure
of the Pennsylvania crew. Wo havo seen
enough of his work In tho last two years
to appreciate the fact that ho Is ono ot
the best coaches In the country. No one
could have developed a. winner with bo
many men taken out of tho boat at criti
cal momonts with sickness, Ineligibility
ond other causes."
Mr. Nlckalls IntendB to remain In the
City for most of tho summer. In addition
to coaching tho Pennsylvania oarmnen
ho Is the coach of tho Undino Boat Club.
Local Golfers Clash Today on
I T,,... , - ,.... .
j-iibks oi uape amy troii
CAPE MAY, July 1. Flay will bo re
aumed today In the women's annual In
vitation tournament given by tho Cape
May Golf Club. Mrs. C. H. Vanderbeck
and Miss Kleanor Chandler meet In the
final round for the club trophy. Mrs.
Vanderbeck Is a slight favorite over her
Mrs. Vanderbeck nnd Miss Chandler
won their first and second round matches
In sound and Impressive style. After de
feating Miss May Bell, a fellow member
of the Philadelphia Cricket Club, yes-
..' loruuy morning, Dy J up ami z to piay,
, I Mrs. Vandorbeck captured her oftcrnoon
maicn from airs. T. H. Vetterleln. of
Overbrook, C up and 4 to play. Miss
Chandler's first match with Miss Ilcn-
. rletta Flnckel, of Upper Montclalr, was
..the most closely contested of tho day,
me Huntingdon Valley girl coming
through with the victory on tho homa
hole, 2 up. She won her afternoon match
from Miss Ethel Campbell, of Overbrook,
by the same margin that Mrs. Vander
beck beat Mrs. Vetterleln.
, Good Program Arranged at Point
Breeze Tonight
U George Sears, the crack French rider.
Is picked to beat Clarence Carman and
George Wiley In the 40-mIla motorpaced
raco at Point Breeze Park Motordrome to
night Vlncenzo Madonna, the young
Italian and fourth entry, Is the dark
norse in the race, duo to the fact that
on opening night at Sheepshead Bay
Velodrome he lost the race by only one
lap to Carman, while the other riders
wero over a mile Detune at tile finish This
Is tho first opportunity that these two
riders have had of getting together
Sears, through an Interpreter, stated
to Manager Itoden at tho track yester-
day afternoon, that he Intended to make
Carman rlda the race of his llfo to de
feat him. Sears has been working like
R Trojan all week, and the rail birds were
very much Impressed vlth his riding
There Is little doubt that Carman
will ATldpnvnr in Munln ,1... in mil.
l,j .---.-- -.-. w .,.( vu 4U-I11UU
' worlds record taken from him by Sears
iuai ween, as wen as capture the 20-mile
world's record held by George Wiley.
This race Is beyond comparison as far
as the pick uf riders Is concerned.
rU The Dark manafremnnt Una inviimi ,t.
worm's champion baseball team, the Bos
ton Braves, and the Phillies to witness
sr mo race, urover Cleveland Alexander.
the noted pitcher of the Phillies, will fire
the shot that starts the riders on their
Three and five-mile motorcycle races
will also be run by St. Yves, Vander
berry. Armstrong and Vedltz.
, .
Wet Grounds at Fenway Park Cause
the Postponement.
i. BOSTON, Mass.. July L-Italn and wet
grounds caused the postponement of the
tn scheduled for this afternoon be
' tWeen the Athletics nnil n4 Hnv at
' Vejiway Park. Tomorrow there will be
two games, the first beginning at 1:30
o eiocK.
The Athletics today were not forced to.
remain In their hotel all day, aa the rain
ceased about noon, but Connie Mack,
Utter Inspecting the field with President
Lannln. decided that he would rather nm
.tske a chame on playing on the slippery
ground, uwmn concurred In his opinion
and the contest was declared off.
taHger of Charley White, Nate
Eg ws is Confident of Fight Result.
ijfJrIIY YORK. July t. Natfl Lewi. raan-
of Charlie White, announced last
; that he had J 18. W0 to wager en
lit to knock out Freddie Welsh, and
"tluU he would take 4 to 1 for any part
this money. The money was a aeta-
i from Chicago, and put on by mv-
, of White's admirer who believe that
going- to stop WeUis ubu thy clash
Saturday night at the Brighton Beach
T Mllfl AmIIa.9 tt.un h. nluk .......-..- -
iW tasiaud that moving pictures be
j Mikca of the boui It 1 I cwu bebf
W Ue qtlt la guuig to ibdiiKc hands He
Jft Utfuitd iht the piUaren will I s woiih
tertuiw htr w.ih an Amen j i ght
V9i tut i tl, jWv aid ttai
We will aUtii ,a v li (,! Ubi
m.iuW) ui.i u.,
IH w futmOu lutu rw lotm
ketMwt, I
Today in Sports
Men s championship tournament of
Philadelphia, at Whltemarsh Valley
Country Club
Women s Invitation meeting at Cape
May. i
Championship of Philadelphia and
vicinity, at Philadelphia Cricket Club,
National clay court championship at
Bolton Vs. Phillies, at National
League Park
Athletics at Boston.
Motorcycle-P-nccd Races
At Motordrome of Point Brecie
Horse Racing
At Lntonla, Aqueduct and Hamilton
Second Hound, Plolcher Cup, at
Bryn Mawr Polo Club.
Henry Hauber vs. Wlillo Herman,
at llrondnny A. C
Ed Morgan meets nil comers at
Trocadcro Theatre.
Braves' Cause Is Now
Up to Trojan Evers
Lines to J. Evcrs
Let others ptck this star or that
A huskier wicldcr of the bnt
A swifter bloke upon the ptat
In lanJfclnfl ilfMcDafl's Greatest Sons,
Let others pick their favored ones
Who kltl off hits or bat in runs;
But where the Hearing Rabble shout
At fancy stop or iclnnlnp clout,
Both up and down and lit and out
Where Brain and Nerve both make their
For triumph down the swarded lea
Old top, iou're good enough for me.
Facing a Tesreau or a Krupp
Wheie Famo toasts from the laureled
Ilfce tho guy whose Head Stags Up;
I like the guv who through the gate
Qoes stalking forth to meet his rate
With red, raw Courage for n( mate.
So where the millions get their fog
Bg yelling "Chtcse" or "Atta bog"
Jig lote goes to tho King of Ttog,
Up to the Trojan
The Braes causo Is now up to tho
Trojan. No fan who saw his return last
Tuesday at tho Polo Grounds can fall to
appreciate the tremendous value he Is to
tho clan.
In four successive occasions the rally
ing Olants had tossed tho keen harpoon
Into the world's champions' quivering
flesh nnd Just ns they looked to be on
tho edge of tho Big Skid Colonel Kvers
dashed back Into the fray nnd turned the
Evers' value Is not so much a contribu
tion of base hits and great stops where
ho Is also an nthlcto of worth Bather
It Is from his excessive vitality, magnet
ism, energy and unceasing alertness and
courage which are ncer checked by de
feat. Ho Is a grand ball player nnd
something more. He Is a vital spark that
Fate has been unable to quench the soul
of a machine that only knows how to
keep on fighting.
Matty and Evcrs
Old stars aro hard to dim. On tho day
that Evers, supposed to be all In. broke
through with so much glory wo had a
brief talk wlt'n Mathewson. Matty was
another more than ono solemn prophet
had Ilgured all through, but at the first
real outbreak of summer weather he
cut back In with two victorious starts.
"My arm." said Matty, "feels every
whit as good as It ever did. I haven't
had the slightest soreness, and now that
neuritis In my left shoulder has passed
out, I can't remember when I felt more
like pitching." The return of Matty means
as much to the Giants as the return of
Evers means to the Braves. Matty has
been the main Giant factor Tor H years.
and when rne Is pitching winning ball the
entire club seems to show Improvement
an Improvement probably brought on by
renewed confidence, which happens to De
n big port of nny success.
Certainly Mathewson never looked bet
ter in his life. He still looks as young as
ho looked 10 years ago. His Judgment Is
still the rarest in baseball. Granted that
a poitlon of his speed has vanished, It,
Is Impossible to Imaglno a man who
known as much about the art of pitching
as ho does, who Is In prime physical
shape, and who has an arm that has
never known a day's soreness Is any
vvheio near the end of his career.
The Case of Plank
Take the case of Plank. Plank Is now
40 years old flvo years older than Matty.
Vet only a day or two ago Plank, nt 40,
worked ngulnst Bender, at 34, and Plank
won by the count of 2 to 0.
If Plank is still pitching fine ball at 40,
Matty, who Is as exceptional as Plank
and who Is much the same type, should
have at least four or live more years ot
first-class pitching left.
Value of the Spirit
As Is shown In the uprising of Mathew
son and Everr, It la hard to hold the fight
ing spirit down. There Is again, the case
of Travers, who was Ilgured all through
after Oulmet and Travis had beaten him
In four straight matches. Vet those who
Ilgured In this vein apparently forgot
that no man rises to the heights Travers
held without having had both skill and
courage. And no man who has skill and
courage can ever bo figured out of the
running as long as he 1b able to take the
Held In shape to play.
The game battle that teland Stanford
furnished at Poughkeepsle must stand as
one of the big achievements of the sport
ing year. The Far "Western crew wasn't
figured within 10 leagues of a flrst-cliss
showing. Yet, against almost Impossible
handicaps, the Callfornlan made one of
the gomest fights ever seen upon the
rowing waters of the Bast.
Dlr This is neither a, prediction nor a
propheoy but a statement of fact- Har
vard's victory over Vale in baseball wis
the last victory Harvard will know In
soma time. What the Yale crew began at
New London the Yale eleven will take up
at Cambridge next fall. Feroy Haugbton
la a wonder but event Haugbton i,n't
wonderful enough to build up a roaehlne
that can beat the eleven Frank Hinkoy
will carry into Boston next November.
Walt and see. HU, '09,
Boxin? at the Gayety
liting feouu fMtured tut niaHt's anal
(Mtured lut m
at ltu Oayety '
rr "'fir
is rHwp
claw umiuolaarui) Teuae X.
ouaic hi
9fvt uerrta
from tba wlntc In
in thrfa rouadi.
Pell and Rehr Win
n J Jiy r -Tlwodw ReoMvtlt
ii Ihji riind thl IHU ..
w",r. J, o4c rVSSrt
f-5"i H Ue
"".,"' As ona isra Ti
.-i 'lacsa $?&
ckuaptMW W smn ef
ir roii
alas fcjt
BBM PuKrwiTatji 3S
i tii ml
CIByln the flrst wevaST
;Hiy4 t w yV wttetPBEftLeafahA f ,-1 fKTj! J JMf tCJJM' &5 it'M jATwffiT
aMrlil IffiTW rWJ3few rarer? s?c&v -. vzo
iTfslli iiKs " n "'vjIUvTmiIi
At Point Breozo motordrome at 8:30 o'clock four great stars will fnco tho starter for a 40-milo grind.
Carman, tho local fnvorite nnd American chnmpion at the paced game, will meet Jules Seres, of France,
who broko tho 10-milo record recently, nnd Gcorgo Wiley and Vincent Madonna, of Italy.
Field of Tennis Stars Narrows
Down at Manheim Start
Made in Doubles.
Thero are six contestants left In the
singles for tho lawn tennis tournament
for the championship of Philadelphia and
vicinity, which Is In progress on the
courts of tho Germautown Cricket Club,
Manheim. Thoso who havo not yet been
eliminated are: II. B. Register, Merlon;
J. It. Carpenter, Jr , Philadelphia Cricket
Club; J. II. Rowland, Philadelphia Cricket
Club; B. W. Pearson, Gcrmantown; C. S
Rogers, Merlon; W. T. Tllden, Jr., Gcr
mantown. Yesterday several good matches were
played. The best was tho one In which
W. T. Tllden, Jr., Germantown, reached
tho semifinal round by defeating A. D.
Thayer, Philadelphia Cricket Club, In two
hard-fought sets, 6-4, C-i.
Stanley W. Pearson, of Germantown,
and B. F. Watters played to a standstill
In tho third round, Pearson eventually
winning by two sets to one, Watters tak
ing the second set.
A good start was made In the-doubles.
tho first round being completed and three
matches bolng decided In tho second Two
of tho matches were unfinished, 8. Collum
and W. Jordnn nnd Brooke Edwards
and J. M. Wlstar stopping play when
each pair had won nine games In tho
first set, nnd W. P. Rowland and H. B.
Register and B. E. Williams calling a
halt after each had won a set, 11-13, 7-5.
They will bo continued tomorrow.
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i T-P 8
In spite of the rumar that has bn in c4railtia to the effect that
Yfwn NUkalte will not return a Pen't sawing eeaeh, it has ben
twurtwu mh mw i hbts in
", p4,4 mm u mmam m
viWiHttes tut
l 'I
VA'C&V?- VrtOOW9
Defeats Dean Mathey in Tennis
Tournament, 6-3 and 6-1,
This Morning.
PITTSBURGH, Pa., July 1.
R. Norrls Williams, ot Harvard Uni
versity, defeated Dean Mathey, of the
West SIdo Tennis Club. Now York, C 3,
G 1, here today. The scoro:
First set,
Williams 4 4 6 2 1 4 4 4 4-B
Mathey 12444X200-3
Second set,
Williams 6 4 G 4 7 3 4-0
Mathey 4 1 4 2 5 6 2-1
Miss Molla BJurstcd, tho Champion of
Norway nnd Now York State, made her
first appearance In tho tournament today
when sho defeated Miss Jessie Thorpe,
of Edgcwood, 01, 00
W. M. Wnshburn, Harvard, had no
trouble defeating J. G. Castle, Pittsburgh,
tho match going to Washburn In straight
sots. 60, 01, who yesterday eliminated
Inman, tho Now York crack. The Bcores:
First set,
Washburn 6 4 7 4 6 4-6
Castle 4 1 6 0 4 0-0
Second set,
Washburn S 8 4 4 4 4 0-0
Castle 5 C 2 2 0 1 4-1
Mack Will Try Ridgway Pitcher
RIDOWAY, Pa.. July 1. Knowlson. the
Pittsburgh boy, who has been twirling for the
local team, bas receded orders to report to
Connie Mack at Hoston. Knowlson has had a
brilliant record with tho Itldcway team.
II' tf I-
w vmmtM M t&rer;
ma immsfiiiMmi W UM '
CJLfr&YCr C7?A?7A
Rumor Has It That Jim Rice
Will Go to Ithaca Old Man
Prefers Advisory Position.
Tor about 35 years the "old man." as
Courtney Is familiarly known to all
Cornell men, has been tho rnttBtcr of the
rowing destinies of tho Ithaca university,
and In that time ho has made probably
tho most phenomenal rocord of any row
ing coach. Several times In the course
of his career at Ithaca Courtney ha3
been on tho point of retiring, but each
timo ho has reconsidered his determina
tion. In every Instance It was because
of friction, which was. however, later
smoothed over.
Other colleges havo made bids for his
sorvlces, Harvard moro often than any
othor, hut nothing has Induced Courtney
to sever his connections with Ithaca.
Only recently art offer was mado to him
to go to Harvard In on ndvlsory ca
pacity, says the New York Times.
There Is little doubt that Courtney,
who Is 68 years old, now desires to re
tire. Ho has run the gamut of success,
nnd In his remaining years would like to
bo free from the worries of coaching.
While victory has been so frequently
with the Cornell colors, Courtney has
probably seen fewer of them than any
of the others wiio havo frequented the
Highland course Ho so keenly feels the
uncertainty of tho race that ho cannot
bear to look on while hla bojs aro strug
gling In the actual competition.
His contract at Cornell has one more
year to run, but It Is understood that he
would welcome a change that might al
low him to act In nn advisory capacity.
This was true beforo ho was Injured,
and It will probably bo doubly true now.
Jim It! co, of Columbia, Is mentioned as
the most likely to go to Cornell. Bice
and Courtney have always been warm
friends, their methods are much the
same, and In ability Bice stands almost
on a par with Courtney. Ever since
Jasper T. Goodwin retired ns coach nt
Columbia Jim Bice has held the position,
and ho has, considering the material with
which he had to work on, proved n great
success. Onco he won the varsity raco
and several times ho has been only Inches
away from tho victory.
But It has not been an altogether rosy
path that Bice has had at the Morning
sldo institution. A year ago thcro was
considerable friction, and thero wero ru
mors of It this season, though denials
have been frequent. Whether Rice is free
to leave Columbia Is doubtful. Morton G.
Bogue yesterday would not say for Just
how long his services were contracted.
but he did say that next year was cov
ered and there is understood to be a re
servo clause providing for another con
tract. If, however. Rice has an offer to go
to Cornell. It la unlikely that there would
be aggressive opposition from Columbia.
While his services are appreciated and
while there would undoubtedly be an ef
fort made to hold him, tho matter would
hardly be pressed if It was Rice's wish
to leave.
To havo him stay where his heart was
not In the work would bo no particular
asset for Columbia, for the successful
coaching ot a. crew requires aa much the
enthusiasm of the man at the head as
that he be endowed with a particular
adaptability for the work through his
knowledge of rowing,
Rica receives J33O0 for his services at
Columbia, and It Cornell wants htm any
Increase which Columbia might make
would bo topped, for rowing Is probably
more ot a bobby at Ithaca, than at any
other university, ond money for 1U sup
port Is provided freely. It la said by
many that Cornell's offer Is already In
Rice's possession and that the present
year will be his last at Columbia. Court
ney has alwas expressed tho wish to
pick his successor, and no other seems
to be so logically In Una for the place
ma ufM, blto.
Number 6 Oar, a '16 Man, Gains
Honor of Position as Leader,
ft H. Orme. 1918, who rowed No. 6 la
the Leland Stanford boat at Poughkeepsle
on Monday, has been eleotsd captain for
next year by the California oarsmen. Alt
but two of the mm who sat In this yearV
boat will ha oaek next year. Stanford
had a fine frwhman erew, whleh, was not
brought Bast because of the prohibitive
The Stanford men are now In New York
and are staying at the Cumberland. Their
shell has been left In the Columbia bath,
house at Clearwater and u will remain
thwe until the coast oarsmen raise money
enough to get it bom.
Tfcy have plenty of money with wale
ta gt fcowe UwnstlvM, but not enough
to pay th xtrs x(b ot taking their
boat blt wtt tuna.
1, 1916
Beideman Shoe-tin Club to Bo Sccno
of Target competition.
Kor the first time in many months
target shoot will be offered to Bunner
about this city and vldnlty at the Belde
mnn Shooting Club at Cramer Hill, Cam
den, today. Preparation for entertaining
n largo gathering of gunning followers
havo been carefully looked after, ana
those Journeying to the scene will be ac
corded a glad hand and a world of hos
pitality. Thcro Is ho question that many will
attend, for, bo It said, that ft shoot of
this kind Is sure to bring a healthy dele
gation of target smashers to tho scene.
The assemblage of blue-roclt artists, from
tho champion to the beginner, will fire
away, according to reports.
All that Is needed to make the day's
events perfect will bo a clear sky and fair
weather. Good scores should rule su
preme, for tho location of the traps, set
ting on tho banks of the Delaware Itlveri
with an elegntit background of sky and
water, should bo productive of that ob
ject. Two sets of traps will bo operated,)
,wlth a third going In caso of necessity.
National League
Huston nt Philadelphia, cloudy.
New York at Brooklyn, cloudy.
St. Louis nt Cincinnati, cloudy.
Pittsburgh at Chicago, cloudy.
American League
Philadelphia at Boston, postponed.
Washington at Now York, cloudy.
Chicago nt Detroit, cloudy.
Cleveland at St Louis, clear.
Federal League
Pittsburgh at Ualtlmoro (2 gamesV
St. Louis at Buffalo (3 games), clear.
Chicago nt Nowark, clear.
Kansas City nt Brooklyn (2 games),
International Lenguo
Buffalo at Toronto (2 games), clear.
Rochester at Montreal (2 games), cloudy.
Newark at Richmond, clear.
National League
riillUe. 8 Boston, ff.
Drooklyn, 7 New ork, 0.
Cincinnati, Is Chicago, 0.
Chicago, 3) Cincinnati, 0 (2d came).
St. I.ntili, 2 I'lttKlilirch, 0.
I'ltUbiirgh, 4 1 St. Louis, 2 (2d game),
American League
ISotlnn, 10; Athletic. (I.
Iloslnn, 10) Athletics. 7 (2d game).
Detroit, 7; Cletrlanil, 2.
Chicago, H St. I.ouln, (I.
Mew OTk, 4; Washington, 1,
Federal League
Pittsburgh, 111 Ilaltlmore, 1.
Chicago, 7: Newark, S.
Kansas City, lit llrooklrn. 2.
UufTalo, 0; St. Louis, 1.
according to
Woods Hutchinson, A. M.,M. D.
and he ought to know. For Doctor Hutchinson is
an eminent practitioner, president of the American
Academy of Medicino and a writer .whose humorous
yet authoritative articles on health havo given him
nation-wide popularity. ,
Why GoodTeeth
Mean Lopg Life
is tho first of 12 complete s&rticles by Doctor Hutch
inson which will appear each week in the Public
The first is one of his best It will tell you a lot
you didnt know aboutthe importance of keeping
your masticating machinery in good order. It will
warn you of numerousserious disorders that can be
traced directly to tootu trouble.
You'll em'ov evnrv Hnn nf nxn,,, r a mn.
&na, ?&iky tt y save you a
j. . .uwwiuuu JttlCl vn.
iday (July 4th)
Either Demaree or Mayerl
Will Do Slab Work for
Pat Moran Latter Marl
ried to Miss Eleanor!
Bill James, hero ot tho world's nrIcT
last fall, will pitch for the Braves toff
afternoon, according to Manager stall.
lngs. He was scheduled to twirl yestei
day, but Btalllngs switched to Davis at?
tho lact minute, ns no uia not care tj
send his star against Alexander.
Manager Moran baa not decided wtj
will do tho twirling today, but It is tin
klna Mayer's turn. The latter was rnaS
rled to Alias juieanor uouior msi nigh'
and mav bo nlven a fow days' Vacant
In case Major docs not twirl, Al DeroiT
reo will be allowed to try for revenge, if
tho Braves gave him a bad drubbing on'
his last appcaranco in uoixon.
Tho Phllty players wero tx. happy lot i$
day, as they believe they have the
Braves on tho riiru In tho first tW
series against Boston tho Phillies com.f
plotcly outplaytd the nraves, but In Boi.i
ton three weeks ago Stalljngs' tein'
turned tho tables. i
Some of the fans havo bcon Inclined tjj
clleo that the cnampionn wouia hTi
tho Phillies on tho defensive for the reil
of tho season, but yesterday's gaW
proved conclusively that tho Phils nr'
just as strong as Boston at tho preitnt!
West Philadelphia A. C. Will Stags!
Open Air Fights Weekly.
Another open air club will bo opened In'
West Philadelphia when the Lyonr
brothers, Frank nnd Harry, stage ml
afternoon show Monday. Tho nrenh will
be known as the West Philadelphia Alb
lotlc Club, 59th and Market streets, Bontr
will bo staged overy Monaay night.
The wlndup Monday nftcrnoon wills
ring logeuiur xuuuk ajibhiib uiiu .iv, u,
Joo O'DonnclI. Tho boys put up nn lnj
tcresting battle at a local ciud recently
In the oilier douis aooDy i-iayes wo
tackle Mickey Brown, tho Unknown wil
face IC O. Jlmmle White, Jimmy Currant
will opposes Kddle Campbell, and IC O. Joj
Egan will open tho Bhow with BllnS
Tho second show Is scheduled for July!
12. Joo Heffcrnan and Jack Toland will
appear In tho final.
it in the
nMtV? -g(Winffc