THUESDAY July 1,1915 izxttmn Hlk gP JS&W--- -- J' J PERSONS AND SCENES THAT FIGURE IN THE VARIED NEWS OF THE DAY FROM FAR AND NEAm a"1" " '-J': VIEW OP ALLIED FLEET LYING IN THE DARDANELLES AS SEEN FROM THE DISMANTLED BATTERIES OF THE FORTRESS SEDDUL BAHR According to recent dispatches, tho naval bombardment of tho defenses on tho Turkish straits has been renowod and London official reports lay claim to now successes. Up to tho present time, however, tho warships havo mado llttlo Impression on tho stronger forts. Seddul Bahr was one of tho old type, and tho Turks assort they mado littto effort to defend it. Its silent gun3 and wrecked shelters can bo seen in the foreground. " 1 w,.-... . - ... - -llll MANY LONDON STREETS NOW POLICED BY WOMEN The war has caused such a shortage, of men, especially Binco so many of tho regular police force havo volunteered mif . iront' r"" women have been put in tho "bobby" uniform and placed on patrol duty in tho English capital. The picture shows recent feminine additions to tho force receiving final instructions before going forth to take up their now duties. 1 DARING YOUNG AVIATOR MAKES NIGHT FLIGHTS IN ILLUMINATED MACHINE "Art" Smith has sot visitors to tho Panama-Pacific Exposition at San Francisco to talking about his feats in flying, one of tho most spectacular of which is his looping tho loop in an aeroplano ablazo with lights. Its spiral trail can bo se& in tho picture. Inset is a portrait? of tho boyish young flyer. " l''fc"",'-'"T!p", EWIRWHiasrl8HWpRiSGvc,r - .. , ....,-, ., ,,. , j. w -.Ji v 1 Hl rBMB!B'& V "i K s$ s vr '?"" JvjSsh' 'V 3 Utt- WISE OF AUTO SPKEO KING "" I Iter hte&hn rut Kyaat tka ron,- k KAA t 1 , -u- l. . , Nf OI .Tlf!E WORLDW GREATEST IRRIGATION PROJECTS NEAR COMPI PTTn Within the at few months gneiltural laud X m greet as arm m tome of the naH St.! J;ii vl JZa a MMSTIOJj Wii;a-4ajB umMM "1' catt(f Service la now putting the finishing tuuch