EVENING LEDOEB-PHnJADEEPHJX THUBSBAY, JUDY X, 191'S: IS UNSHIPPING NEWS POUT OF PilIMDEU'l.IA Vessels Arriving Today 1 sir. "" ffyor ' "lmn films. Iron ere, Bm mt venelro 'tl 1, Henon, ballast, Charles AI TftjlT'ii 80ns. .. Str Negus (Nor), llawna, sugar, Mnnson str Jiwti (Nor ), Port Antonio, fruit. United Fruit f'ompsny 'o. i.etlnnton, Jacksonville, ete., passengers ml merrnandlse, Merchants and Miners' Stsnsportstlon Company. Rtr Quantlro, Heaton, passengers and rner- ' tJjnillM Mercnania nna Miners 'rmnsporta , sfa i-onjpanj; Y)rk u tterwlnd Whlta Coal Mlnln Oomrany. feSi:0B,VniKor.). New Yort. balla.t, Mun- it&rhr. Qeorge D. Bdmonda, Clenfuegos, sugar, 57 V. tesnmlns & CO. Sltcamshlpp to Arrive FHBIOHT. rfafhe, Italia .......... From, it. Sitvonn, ...... ....Huelva ....... , ... Calcutta .....i Balled. .Juno 10 .June II .June 14 .June 14 .June 15 .June IS .June In .Juno 15 Juna It .Juno 17 .June If June 18 .Juno M .June VJ .Juno 2.1 .June 2t .June 21 .Juno 23 .Juno 20 .June 27 .June 27 .June x) .June 29 City o Bombay .;(i , ....Huelvn Lania ........ ..Copenhagen .. eua .... wt roint ASSSliiii."" Cbarloa !. rn.lerlftm '' ntiow .-......... i.onoon ,..i, Janta Ciui Jfn't'i'SVA .vesterdK notterdam . . . 'ifnnffSoMll. rry floden , S?.ik Stnunt vernon . Bema ......... Manchester Exchange.. Manchester ... nances "SfSSJl " Lfakkan .. .....lift. IMlDoa ........ 'pmlMaru ..... ... . ." Plymouth , southgat V"' I Domlnton IJverpool nomford Santiago ...... Wcy Neff Ouantanamo .. Tottenham Santiago FOItT OF NEW YORK Steamships Arriving Today Name. Taormlna . Falrhavgn Worn. Sailed. .Naples ..Junalu .Marseilles .....Juno 14 Steamships to Lcavo Name. For. Date, Chicago Bordeaux ......July 3 eaxonla.. Liverpool Ju .1 (Krletlanlafjora pergen ........July J Philadelphia Liverpool July 3 Movements of Vessels Ptr. Paraguay, Philadelphia for Port Arthur, wilt 00 miles weat or Tortugas at 0 p. m. June Kf. Str. Sun, Port Arthur for Philadelphia, was 11 miles south of Jupiter at 7 p. m. Juno SO. Str. Alaakan, IHIo for Philadelphia and New York, passed Bird Hock at 2:40 a. m. Juno 80. Str. X,uoy, Neff, Ouantanamo for Philadel phia, arrived at ulack Itlver Juno 2S. Str. Carthaginian (Dr.). from Philadelphia, arrived at Glasgow June 20, Str, Currier, for Philadelphia, ateamed from llatanias Juna 2D. Str, Kuml Mnru (Jap.), for Philadelphia, teamed from Plymouth Juno 25. Sir. 1. V. Btoddard, from Philadelphia, Ar rived at Uangor June 30. Str. Cretan, for Philadelphia, ateamed from Jacksonville July 1, Str. Altamaha, from Philadelphia, arrived at Jacksonville June SO. Sir. llonorora (Dr.), from Philadelphia, ar rived at Jacksonville Juno SO. Str, Grecian, for Philadelphia, ateamed from Boston July 1. Ill fll,tr.,tl . CI, a ..tnlit a.&n i.J Port Arthur June 30. Schr J. Rdward Drake, from Philadelphia, arrived at Jacksonville Juna 30. FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS Dullness reigned In tho market, with a suf- flctent supply of ahlps on hand to caro for IkM offerings of freight. Bates are shaky. Petroleum. Schr, Gladys, 8000 barrels re fined. New York to Lisbon, private- terms, prompt, Coal.-Rtr. Ulldla (Dr.), 10SS tons. Baltimore to Alexandria, private terms, prompt: schr. Augusta W. Snow, 071 tons, Norfolk to Itlo Janeiro, private terms, prompt; schr, Eleanor F Bartram, 820 tons, same, from Baltimore, and back with ore, private terms, prompt; schr. Bayard Barnes, 034 tons, from Philadel phia to Bahla, $7.75 and port charges, prompt, prompt. Lumber. Acadia (Nor.), 1522 tons, Bt. John, N. B., to Bahla Blanca, 22. prompt; bk. Kllleena (Nor.), 750 tons, Halifax to west Britain or east Ireland, deals, 130s., prompt, Miscellaneous. Str. Rurford Hall (Dr.). 335.1 tons. New York to Vladivostok, etc, general cargo, private terms, Auxuat; str. Turnwell Br.. TTfM tons. New York to Australia and New .Zealand, general cargo, private terms, July; str. Achilles (Br.),. 4184 tons, name, Au- gvst: str. "Waverley (Br.), 2303 tons, Fowey ,tQ Philadelphia, china clay, private terms. -prompt, str. Tharos (Greek), 2180 tons, Iluelvn 10 north of Hatteras, ore, 14s. Od., prompt: ech. Fairfield, 478 tons, Charleston to Porto ntoo, ftrtlllztr, ?4, loaded and dlicharced, and back, Monte Christ! to Chester, with logwood, private terms. Thousands See Rubbish Fire Fire In rubtalah on Venango street, bo- ' tweon Cedar and Aramlngo BtreotB, raged Jo'r nlno hours from early yesterday aft- ; ', ernoon until late last nlsht beforo flre- ' men could extinguish It. Dense clouds of C CLASSIFIED RATES F DAILY AND SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or like this) One Insertion 15o per line ; Three Insertions In a week. ...12V4apr line ' Seven consecutive Insertions.... lOo per line Situations wanted, three Inser tions in a week ...10a perllns TU1C CI7C TVDC t nr lib-a I,!. p 11I1U JlyU J 11 L. u Jirvli IUI07 Permitted In. all classifications except Help and Situations Wanted, Lost and Found, Per- Vlldl, JJWIUII1K .UU AtVWM.V, ti- One Insertion , ZOa per line K, Three Insertions In a v,eek.....l7Ho per line ??Even conaecutlva lnaerttons 15a nerllna &?. All rates are based on agate measurement, i lt-tiato lines to the Inch. DEAlll NOTICES either papers- Is lines, one time ..,,, 60c unt insertions ., i.uu ' COMBINATION RATE DAILY ONLY for Insertion In both the mornlne and evenintf MPers of same day; ? PUBLIC LEDGER a ,1 (MORNINQ) cucMiMr. 1 nrinno , """'" uuuuun (EVENING) JL&A fntIP fvnfl nAi lln nf 4a vsfrsisB sFluan J9jwi """" HRT.P AMn OTmtTAitTnMa WANTED ADVERTISING IN ttj-tJi ruULlL L,liLtJliK IS IIS- KSERTED IN THE EVENING 5f gEDGER WITHOUT ADDI. --I0NAL CHARGE. tt4Cfe Is a drug store near your 'utySfe 'hat will accept Ledger want :lwty office rates. . HELP WANTBD FEMALE , . ? '"' l .KKEtlPIJl THOBOUOIILY EXPEIII. fSu"; AT, QUICK AND ACCURATE: AMBXCeLLENT PERMANENT POSITION 8fCf8ED.TO niOHT PARTY: APPLY gAHLV ELGIN. 1008 PILBani1. CANVahseRS, housa-to-houso: salary and !SiUMIlQn. Ui-orao-Tono Co 231 N. 12th at. jf'JO and bousewcrk, assist wash; two ui'o"! Jru' "!H-il ("r in suburbs. Sea iwYfurooo'n .T rcKir, -' TBur- S?EW!.'?'.- JlLFrUaia family; ref. lKrTArah ?. iravwrkDi ,.-T . . i tr' "J a" wtni. suourM. Uaet t uV" ''" reuulrsd; ProT PTef. tt MUs Bead. Koom 210. Public Lea's.?: -j. '" '" ft vat HUsWiuiiur nave F'HNl.ej KtaU Mania in nivHn al... iSu'n ,rS C"Oi St. PhOO sKBlEnnASS1. i. 8,r.FftJ?ft8-PHBRS SH?iM.'"M1' l k4a.UMUi U you at : ...s jmmrm-!m..9f ..IVi.1 aiLerleuca in Ik. rVuniieBWii' ttltN-r ad ig.jj, t8 , u x ' ! -m WiUau lltohV WANTBD MALE' A t-AJtciB unlveralty to dtreMly advertise In extension law dept. will pines a limited mim lr of .ompllmentary tew Mhotarahlps In this Stat. Apply re Mr. Lively. Adelehia Hotel. BOY about 10 tot errand and delivery work. A4W, ledger Office. ., KNonAVna fanted on . Deehtel. 71D 8a.om at.. John O. CTnadei lelgiiia. PortBiiAM w ItllCKLATKrlS. UUItKAU of Ct 1 ere rnoPIBItTY, 5 n day. examination will b held fof Monday. July 12, lOlR. noom Clrll service this posltlnri 070, V& Hall applltoOona mut be oTi led t later than 4 p. m. Friday, July 9. 101ft. information Iloom 87n, City Hall. MAJM wante.1 who can etch name or letter on efftlety. William 11. Horatmann Co., Mil jiitd Clierry. MBN to make noveltlee for us at home: eipe rlejice unnecessary. A 41L Ijdgr Ofdce. OnOAN and cholrmnater in Protestant church; "."1-y.experienro ana compensation expeciea. A 3t0, Ledger Office. skilled mechanics and mschln hands; gen eral shop work! away from city, B 842, ureger uenirai. VfANTntJ Beveral flrst-clf planer,, boring mill l.il.. aj m. L.j-. ".a 'L... .V ...in. .a.,i uiiu iiiTr iinnuvi nmc uui jl Journeymen machlnlsta need apply. Call or address, Mating experience, etc., Bt Ferra .cute Machine Company, Brldgetan, K. J. VVANTBr-Competent salesman to take charge ii Bciuna ena 01 an oio-esiaouenea snoe man ufacturlng tuisinees: to the right man a splen. mn oppormniiy. Aflq. u an, Leogr utnee flASroi)-Toot makers. 1st claea on gkuge. Jl and fixture work: In reply elate age. expert, ence, nationality nnl wegea expected. P. Q. Box llo, Sprlngneld, Mass. General MJOT WAMTnD dally to operate movlng-plc-turo machines: wa teaoh you quick mntliod! pjrmanent positions secured, paying $18 to J2S weekly: M starts you: open dally and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. eystone Sohool. ldlO Arch st. SITUATIONS WANTED EEMALE AQtEmrCAN woman, middle aged, wanta n P union: good cook: reliable; Phils, or West . hlla. preferred. A 407. Ledger Office. ASSIBTANT BOOKKEEPER and clerk. 0 .. years' experience, typist. D 157, Lod. Cent. CltlLDNUBSB Iledned. ea.rn.blo and experi . enced; lira t-claea rets. P 218. Ledger Otflce, CUILDNUnsn, Infant or older children: Prot . catant: beat reference. P 210, Ledger Office. COACHING German, French, English, Latin: backward pupils: refa. B 759. Led, Central. COOK, German Protostant, thorouehly capablo and experienced! best rets. P 207, Ledger Off. COOK, thoroughly experienced and competent: good ret. 724 Hpruco st. Ph. Wal. 7133 W. COOK and chambermaid: 3 slaters; thoroughly experienced; beat rot, P 220. Ledger Offloe. COOK, flrstclasa In every dotall, good baker: . reference. 20M St. lAlbans. COOK, oxporlencod Gorman Protestant, private family; country preferred. F 210. Led. Off. COOK and waitress wont iposltlona together: best reference. 250 W. Wcstmoroland st. COOK, first class, German, wishes position. 003 Nectnrlno et., near Spring garden. GOOD COOK wants situation: roforence; city, country, seashore. 102J Fltiwaler. QttAD. nurse, doctor's ret.; special in nervous cases: reas. 17 Cemetery avo., W. P. Phone Woodland 4701 D. JIALFGROVYN OIIIL wtshcB home in country or searhoro with a Catholla family: will help with housework In return for board ana clothts. It 748, Ledger Central. HOUSEKEEPER (worklng)-Exp.. Prot.: Ger man or American cooking. 2034 N. Camao at. (HOUSEWOKK wonted In suburbs: no objeo- iiun Lo ngnt waen. a iau, meager uinco. LADl'fl MAID or chlldnurse; good needlewom an North German Protestant; speaks Frcncn, P 21B. Ledger Ofllce. LADY'S MAID and seamstress German Prot. Iloom 280, Public Ledger, Thursday, 10 to 12. LAUNDRESS""or chambermaid wanta position; Boon rei. iicien uecueri. iuiu unrisnan st. MAN AND WIFE, colored, Ceslro positions in Private family; wife, cook; man, general work; seashore preferred. Apply present place. 1012 Chester aye., Philadelphia. NEAT, xp, colored girl desires tab1e-work or general, anywnere; reierences. in.uarwg tc-u. STENOQRAPIIER8 Nat and desirable; would consider moderate salary with oppor tunltles; references. B 117. Ledger Otflce. STENOGRAPHER Bright, capable beginner: very rapia; any typewriter, fci mi, IjWj, t;ent. STENOGRAPHER Exp'd young lady deelres pos.; reis.; moa. salary; u Bi, xeager i-ent. VAITINQ or chamberwork Experienced young woman, utu oisom si., west I'nna WOMAN wants day's work, cooking or laun dry work. Call BJ2 S. 22d St., rhllaaelpnia. A UNIQUE service Is rendered through tho COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT at LEDGER CENTRAL to employers who are In ncod or bookkeepers, stenographers, clerks or office help of any kind. Telephone Miss Bean, "Walnut 3000, and tell your needs. She will put you In touch with applicants who can meet your requirements. This Is a tree service to Ledger advertisers and saves tlmo and worry. SITUATIONS -WANTED MALE ACCOUNTS AUDITED, BOOKS KEPT 85 monthly uo. Auditor, 830 Market. Phone Walnut 1710. ACCOUNTS AUDITED, books kept and sys tems Installed. A 228, Ledger Office. ARCHITECTURAL Let me make your draw Ings In spare time; charges reas.; garage, residence, bungalows, olter'ns. E 210, L. C'tl. ASSISTANT TO SALES MANAGER Young man with practical Inside and road experience desires position with manufao- turer. u mi, tager central. BOOKKEEPER, 10, graduate of Temple Unt verity; exp. In banking. D 081, Led. Cent. BOOKS opened, closed, audited, adjusted, statements prepared by competent occount ant. Address A 325, Ledger Oglce. BOY. 18, desires office position with oppor tunlty. E 032. Ledger Central. ' CARPENTER Foreman, comp. In wood or fireproof construction. E 010, Ledger Cent. CHAUFFEUR, experienced on Packard cars; good private ref. It. Wilson. 8540 Addison st. CHAUFFEUR, own repairs; reference; sober, willing; exp. gardening. 1231 N. Lawrence. CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC, 15 yra.' exp.Ti eel, ref s. 2010 Boston ave., or ph. Locust 1031. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, white, 32 yearsTonTy Al pos. J 275. Ledger Dr.. 22d and Allegheny. CLERK, 27, married, speaks French, English, Italian, Greek; 0 yrs,' exp. steamship and bank'g business; bestcred. E 048, Led. Cent. COACHMAN, gardener, single, competent, all- around, reliable; reference. A 327, Led. Off. COACHMAN, with first-class reference, who can also run car. A 408, Ledger Ofllce. DRAUGHTING High School graduate, 187"ln- terested In draw'g. des. pos. E 1)44, Led. Cent. GARDENER, experienced, wants place. P. Macu., e-'ii MaTeriora ave. GOOD waiter, sober and Industrious, wishes steady position. Vogler, 2020 N. Howard. HOUSEWORK-Jopaneie, Just from Japan wishes position and attend school, city or country; inuu minuy. is vaj. imager i;ent, ITALIAN timekeeper, correspondent, book keeper; short hours; rets. A 324, Led. Off. JAPANESE wants position In family; can do any kind work; best rets. A 834, Led. Off. MAN AND WIFE, white, wish situations; butler and houseman: wife, good plain cook, laundress; villi do entire work of small fam ily: references. IS Ledger Branch, 4(00 Qer- inaniown nv. MAN AND WIFE, white, refined; city or coun. try or country club; wife good cook; man handy, all-around; best Government ref. D 12. Ledger Branch, 40th and Olrard. MAN. colored, lead burner; handy at anything. kAArmm lffl.1 KllsWOrth St. "r i'MArtBII WA.-IAUO . Position as manager or "ruht.hand man a AinaMa voune roan of oxoerlenoei rood personality and habits; understands business systems and economics. B 081, Ledger Cent, NBAT. reliable man (wl(o good rook), butler; go anywnare : references. 1513 Garnet at. OPIPICB MAN. 8 years' experience In local ac counting Arm and a New York corswat,n offle. open tor engagement offering ajMnw. menL 968. Laager central. lIANtSr, good sight reader, desires c tonty share, a 04B, Ledger Central. engage- 10 years' exi-wlenee, Minnuil. leatriu position. A luitr 1. reterei.ve-, uwi r Office. 5iTCBilX axperlsncad speolalty maii, wnias peaUkn: competent to cover trade lit sjl lines, xu i)yf y f"i", ' . S'"4 .fHga ana acevviiia..., sjvwwy, b- icaa in engineering-. oanirac( oturlmr ttnes. E SiO.Led.Ceut. TBN0R BOLQWT, fljst olass, dealrea ehureh 01 ajtt wxaCrWH. K 8(0, Ledger Centra C ViitnKiI.1 a. 1 legaTM position as book. irslfyiag years' experience ; rw ess Central u. AUTOMOBILES For Sals SIMPLEX, 8 H P- S-pasMnger. good run ning comJltWm; Gray i Davla UghUng sys tem. j I MeNItHOL. 1938 CHBRBY ST. "ffflua"- FV CAblLLAcTTttssjiNiger tourtst" irst-olas ruu ntai ord. IiHut (or jllsWy pro: no rVis offer retvMU)WuM JltiUefiAalkt a-ruuEUiivk.R'JO nightly tiasd modal E" A'. Bell lJt Arc ruixux 3i inu rUALM3 'Wi rudstsi. fully equip tttiL sswly i ftuv. fftt.ijr smusv u ATJTO MVEUY AMD OABAOEB noUND TfltP to Atlantic city. 18 per baa- aenaer 'inuring cara to nire. si.wi per -nour up; careful driver. Phone Kens. 2W0-4763. TO Mitt Fin llmouefn? and touring .cirs. Call Harrison Oarage. Fled. 889 or East 280. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A 6-YBAIl BEJCOUD NOT A PltBDlCTlOtf. EXcnPTIOJTAt. UOCMj INDUSTItY. IdsntU lied with building construction, dealing with wealthiest people only: can show average an nual net earnings on capital Invested of over 100 per cent, for past flva years. Over $100, 000 work now going on, and $250,000 more obtainable It we can command adequate uorklng capital. MmI flattering endorse ments from nearly 100 leading architects, builders, owners, banks, ete. "vll.L iOU lNVKr 100 or more with ue It we can prove above statements end convince voil that your money is absolutely safe and rnuat earn you almllar returns? ALHEIIT K TPTBLB 1)2(1 CHESTNUT 8T PABTNEH wanted for growing art store bust owing J500O nea by young owner) cash required! dee SO. refined My Christian young man unter no, reni and educated, need apply. B 913, Led E 915, Ledger Central, CLEANING AND DYEING OdTtUCH FEATHBnS AND FANCIES CLEANDD, DIED. MAI LIIOT, 1810 Chestnut duessmakino and millinery DUESSMAKINO taught! shorti rrao. oouree. MactMwell, 007 Uenckla nidg..lltli A Market. IIBMSTITClttNO done while you wait. A. Itelchard. 111,1 Chestnut, notorial Review pat.' TOR SALE FLA03 ALT SIZES AND GRADES DECOHATINO . WEDDINO CANOPIES TO HIRE HUH MAUD MccURDT UO N. OTH ST. HELL PHONE FIU1ERT 3318. FLAO POLES WOOD AND STEEL ALt. SIZES. UP TO 200 FEET. FLAO I'OLH TIIIMMINQS BBRNAIID McCURDT 110 N. OTIl ST. I1ELL PHONE, FILBERT 2313. BILLIARD, pool, combination, Sd'hand bought, sold, rented, exch'd. Renter. DIP Olrard avo. STORAGE WEST Monarch 8torage Co. Auto and pack IP11ILA. Ing and jihjppjnggWOjcajjjgjtve, ROOMS FOB BENT BARINO, 402& Nicely furnished second front; convenient to bath: near Li phone. CHESTNUT, 1B03 Attractively turn, rooms; scuth. exp.j cont'ous hot water. Spruce 52S8. SPRUCE, 910 (Ilazelhurst) Furnished rooms, single en suite; prlv. baths; table board opl, SPRUCE, 2022 Desirable furnished rooms; private outna; summer rates, iocusi itHhi J. WALNUT. 6b03 Newly furnished rooms, pri vate family, convenient to threo car lines. 41ST, N.i SSO (cor. Westminster) Single and communicating rooms, fur. or unfur.; ref. HIST. 8., 1212 Two bright front rooms, every couv. : modern: reisonablc. Wood. 3003 X. B2d and Ban eom Furnished rooms; msn only: meals; WEST BRANCH shower baths; near L: all the Y. M. C. A. comforts of home. Phone Bel- mont 4881. Key. West 380. Atlantic City. N. J. TUB ARNOLD APT.. No. 1, 1351 PacWo ave,. Atlantlo City, N. J, Prlvato family will rent large outside room, next to bath; short or long season; corner apartment; one block to beach: references exchanged. BOARDING BROAD, S.. 770 (Tho Oraham) Cool and at- lences; excel, table board: hotel serv.. 17 up, BROWN, 8029 Cheerful front room: porch; fine table; gentleman or couple. Baring 1447 D. LEHIGH. W 1318-18 Beautiful rooms, with board; all conv.: phone; new management. SPRUCE. 1028-30 Desirable suite with private bath ; choice table board. Walnut 7258 W. SPRUCE, 1221-20 (Brlsmonde) Furn. rooms, single, en suite; private baths; table board. SPRUCE. 1020 Bachelor antr.. 3 larrs, airy rms., private pain; eiecirio ugme; pnqng. WALNUT, 4B31 2d-lloor rooms, with board; near L: southern expos.; rets, exchanged. 40Til, N 700 Prlvato family will board re- flncd gentleman; convenient to city. Par. 818. OERMANTOWN. 235 W, Rlttenbouse at. (be tween Wayne and Qreene) D. vacs., single or com.; gooa tame. utn. laij a. OAK LANE.70.1 Desirable rooms.congenlal sur roundings: good home table. Oak Lane3S3 W. OVERHHOOK, Wynnowood Rd., 800 Large, cool rnis.: Doarn; gooa 10c. t'11. jjei.ioLa 1, TS! L. - I T7-. L- Jl-' OVERHROOK 6003 Drexel road: boarding, Unnls. swlm'g pool. Phone Ireaton 8333 W. APARTMENTS SPRINO GARDEN, 1010-Excellent apts. la S different houses; some furn.: kitchenettes. Atlantlo City, X. J. MODERN housekeeping apts.; porches; overlook Boardwalk; S35 mo. Fox. Drexel A Maine avs. FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST, 1318 Elegant apartments, 3 rooms, private bath: also single rms. Wal. 7005 W. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS DIAMOND. 21123 rms., bath, kitchen, hot water heat: ref,; 3d floor, 323; 4 rms., bath, kitchen, all cor, rms.. t33. Diamond 1813 W. POPLAR, 1522 Attractive housekeeping apart ments, 2 and 3 rms., bath, kitchenette: mod crn conveniences. Apply 301 Empire Bldg. West Philadelphia WALNUTf 4030 (3. E. cor.l-Mortern apt.. H MJIMn. (.Mil k. Ill, Alt la V ,I.H H.ll.M iuuiii. cm. ,., a. 4 m,, an, uu.a.ua rooms; janitor service. Preston 41c3 P. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE CITY 1018 N. OTH ST. A real bargain to quick purchaser: threo story, eight rooms, good order; large yard. W. II. HOOD. 612 Norrls at FIRE INSURANCE ALB RECHT'S 873 Drexel Bldg.. 3414 W. Lehigh ave. Xogan. IXIGAN REAL ESTATE Sale, rent and exchange. M. M. Smith, Broad St.. opp. Logan Station. NEW JER8EV Haddondeld. N. J. HAVE SEVERJL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. WM. CAHEY MARSHALL. 881 Federal St.. Camden. Woodbury Heights. N. J. SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg. lots at reasonable prices. John Mayhew. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 103 ACRES, fruit farm, modern buildings; convenient to Philadelphia; price, 115,000. J. B. Thompson, West Chester, Pa. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monthly payments of from J 17 to ISO; houses located N. Phlla. and run., worth from 1 1600 to 3oz80. Merchanta' Union Trust Co.. 718-710 Chheatnut at. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT fiPFICES. IIPSINES3 ROOMS. ETC. 60 S380. Cor. suites, 2 to 10 rms., X50o to um. w 't w-L t s T " T "i tiA7.i v.Mii i). Williams. ou uraxei max. ONE-nALF 9f of '" "Rt VKK telephone iarvice!: lg Commonsrearth Malldlcg PART of Urge otflce. Uil COtiuncnwealth Bldg.; suitable for professional roan; phone. tVBST rjIJlulDELrUIA REDUCED TO ttS; AVONDALBCT.-Slr rooms, all conveniences; view of Cobb's Creek la.k. .h od 'b sts , by ween Rjc and Vina sis. B. BAPA. 4U Vlns st. FOR RENTFURNISHED BEA6H0IIE Avalon. N. J. HEW fiunUhad hotii t8$kW-s& t'JOO. Any. ' 331 Norm im w- riniHiwyiii- APABTWKNT oa Boardsri lardsralk. a rooms, sawn furoliliad. .. Oi.JKllHii.Ava valon. N. J., et EC4 WsJnut st , Phi wsmm fct . -..ia,iwMwi".. Wlldwood, N J ATTRACTIVELY turn . Nartawoad Aparuneat. 2atn ana auuiuv , , .. mu jmn Flu and Boardwalk, opened faturday, Sun- day and Monday &iu nuunvvu sm&. WUdwood rrwktort lf, FslK- rrwns, MORTGAqBe MONEY FOR alORTOAUES $$00 $1000 $1200 , l5uO $lt00 $5ooo w. a, hood, ta KouMit, ir. b. THE JOKES OP YESTERYEAR H From Punch. Nostalgia "You seem out of sorts', James, even sines we've coma North. It's the change of climate and scenery, I suppose!" "It's wuas nor that, Ma'rlar. It's the change of bterl" mam 7'SKMB'"t1 TrT Phi' 1 uW ' "" IBra) hflp SONGS WITHOUT WORDS jfcs jTf ft ft 11 The Bachelor mm SHE POLE- TERRORS OF TESSI& fcmoce: XVGLWCl IT.ESSS COOKING' IS I l-LAVORED VY TH THE SWCEvOPPVEmURE.I XUMER TlrAEAGAJH AND THE WORST MOrrSTEJ3. -"db-"AmirjTK. S-uT lij MM i ' xs ft lTira31ssM 111 ''IftJvasssB -SQkeL fe SCRAPPLE WE) LOVE THIS MAN " OW 6OR6E TWKT WAS RrCrlJ Wowl you rxe RASCALJj V Vv1. ' . Nh &.M Mends His Socks AMATEUR NIGHT MAKES A DASH FOP-THE. . HP,a VJIXW WW IS YET TO COME 1 ta&& ENTHUSIAST WHO SURS SSSB5iSt, . VOU ON t-M 1 ' . . 1 , . . ' euivae Wn.tiaie ThE PADDED CELL j 1 I J 4nl Ducks Bridget was fond of waiting at the door of tho churoh and complimenting the priest on his sermon. One day the priest remarked after an unusually strong "bit of blarney!" ",Now, Bridget, you know that your compliments fall off of mo like water off a duck's back." Nothing abashed, Bridget replied: "Yes, Father, but the ducks Hko It." Today's Magazine. yf I IliiSh Petals QpTCt lilii 1 WkMkA hHI HId ISiiliitBLllyHBi rPMylltlsH83 Tatler. Jack (Just turned 15) Mother, are you positive you haven't raado a, mistake about ray age? You know how casual you ore about dates." AT THE MOVIES SHE. DSCOEPS J T.ESS r rwuu ovirri VTH1KK HEAR- THE. - .MlDlUPCE. 0HE lardeh GFOW1HG LESS AND LES?,TESSIE HAS NOV, ID DECIDE BETWEEN MENU QO5 - WOTRAKSPOKrATlOtl IT'S ALL RIGHT IP YOU WELL CHRIS IKATE TD DO Vr.BUrTli. cuust RAeVoU TWeuTsl m n tm 9 m K. . .V I itLBErl rrmm .-IS '. V 111 . SS I iXSMfi 1 ) I ML-j &J&X Kl .Bt , JSHm. lilk i-i 1 Ii u. BuU4r I've) lust max fit 'h' WU tUOVta hmtiuM suout t i,..;:i uu werkUu hours, so l nim tu four ! wages "4 .d tin. ij a. a. u. yoB--iOoo4 -AUi, gutr'MVt Ibt ohtp , u m lis-usj lus . d Cruel Thing The elderly "girl" was gushing round, as usual, and Molly Smarte was getting tired of it "Oh, look hero!" cried the would-be youthful dame. "Here's such a funny advertisement In tho paper. A. beauty specialist Bays he can make you look 10 years younger In 20 minutes." "How Interesting!" exclaimed Miss Hmarte, with a smile. "Why don't you try his treatment for er an hour or so?" Exchange. PRESSES' ON OVER. THE. OLD PACK ICE- f?f40S CAN GET AWAY WITH IT WEU. Et) fe.-.-lWELL ILL sw X6UESS 1LLV1AVE TO call! - Bt- ". TAE IT W Qs-' .7 I I l- I . I' r r m