wlJ,')i"lJwiiHlHJH'jj,)iii.i ) -JH5P'rTSjjJfjBWrot. ar-jr- WHERS AND KIDDIES STS OV MOIlTOMlUTLEDGE Week Association Plans Big Holiday for July i5. ' hountry" Week Association of Mor ITtutledgo has Just made arrange- o entertain 250 poor mothrr and from Philadelphia 111 tho woods 6n avenue on July 15. faie day's K,q b held entirely out of doors (r weather do clear, nut in nn- m MaalUlA Ikfl tHir ttAAlflJlk f?rt Mb. 5Wn 01 pussiuiij mm ""' J.'uin- SU has been engaged. ,mniittee In charge of the day's i headed by Dr. A. O. Tlnnoy, and BIO arc wvinnid wau v.. .uuilull !, A. 33. Pharo. This wilt ba tha W(H series oi omings iur mo poor $ during tno summer months. sd. Walnut Streets Playground tn living near 23d and Walnut 111 navo a piaysrounu mis sum e result oi a gut or jonn wana who has lent mo necessary Tho Playgrounds Association a Club have contributed toward iltprocnt A commltteo composed r jonn XJ naiuuei, jua. buwara Mrs. William Ittjoades, Mrs. Emuj Jeahes, airs, josepn n. uazzam, mjiftn Olrvln, Miss Catherine Lcnnlg "3...- TMvMArAr . jnnff nrrgnira.i JHJ3 junmt"- "- v.....0 ... .ecu vpiaygro"""' CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY TJBLIC LEDGER iB TYPE (or like this) ii'iBitrtlon loo prllne Siitnserllone In a week.... 12 Vic per line 22? consecutive insertion lOo per line Kftkmt wanted, three lnser- Sjnin uk..i..i. loo per lino ?SIZE TYPE (or like this) ISffitted In ftU c!flincatlon except Help 'liS'Bo.rdIng and Iloome. ''.;-.. I., ..201 iwf In n I'Mitinni ivuuiciii uvdv uiiu i uuiiui ci- SrtsIniertlonB In a week. ....lTVicper line Emictmsecutlve Insertions.... 18c per line .". .. .. h.aAn nn nnl. m.l.llram.nl i i lmes to the inch. fi?N0TICES either paper US", one time BOc One'lusertlons $1.00 I 'combination rate DAILY ONLY .TSrtlon In both the morning and evening MflJI i" "' PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) four centa per line net to ratea given 4B f BILK'. AiNU a i i u a x i u in a i Suited advertising in iRlS.'PUBLIC LEDGER IS IN- 4iERTED IN THE. EVENING LEDGER WriHUU X AUUI- 'fcOKAIi CHARGE. Itpwc J a, uiujj sluic iicur your iSjtTist will accept Ledger want 5tomce rates. SptiLy WANTED fEMALE IbKMAKEII WANTS EXPERIENCED IKU'ER, APPLY 82J S. 8UTII ST. -Very good white Proteatant. with r.f. fuMi. for private family, Atlantlo City; IS; uh. 3S12 Walnut at. fKINQ ,and downstairs work Neat, capable (itsiaust have reference; no washing. 310 !ala Drive, Germantown. Ph. Qtn. 13SS. IfSEWOnK flood cook, aettlnd whllo rlrl .1 ) iinlly. , 1123 a. B2d at. Phone Woodland ISIS . 'if?Pl3CyEft. wanted; muat be first class. r nio wpeainui at. SSOOnAPlIEn Competent; only experl- tKH'sfpIr, betwe.n 10 and 11 i.aBm"c uo. Juniper and Vino ats. tTifr.lESS or chambermaid, nnirllah Trni. lSS! Slf0.". f2(i.AApJIJr Personally. Unl tatiltr Hospital, 3400 Spruce. QiaTCD TWO Whttll (Hrla fn wnlLu. nn Itaicainaia In small hotel. Tho Melrose. X3kKA Aabury ave,. Ocean City, N. J. POTS PROTESTANT, good cook, downstairs iSST "?,,. ,au.ndr: . uPerlor reference re LWhw Ud 34. Merlon Station, Pa, 58JI&.5J dv,ce to STENOORAPirens. DOKKEEPP.IIH AVn rr.i?rifa. r.u . l??J!l,,.I'!a nt Ledger Central If you are ji-ior a gooa position-ahe will aaalst m. wiling an attractive advertisement. r experience In the COMMERCIAL Aiiiiini ana holn you to locate a iresitipni This Is a free, confidential M to Ledger Advertisers. JELfc WANTED MALE 'FFRTTrt wnnln.1 .l.. 1...I1 . noCZJt m ..fcs,. U111U UllillUlli 1I1UB1 ffljmind repairing; salary 114 per month; WlSnome. room, board, laundry. Answer WW" Hotel. Ask for Mr. Hell. SACffe'RITIiC.. i i ... , . E-Mmlly on Main Lino; salary $50 month jewroom and board, a 747. i.,iirRr rpntmi MjOE MEN or teachers: two wanted for .. iiiuninsj SS.OU per day. L. 220, Lodger l UN Wnntnrt lunk- Dlilln.Is.ln.r. MmUhlngCo.. ly. N". 1-Tont at. !iiJ"A ItlW mn nt trfm h(srort urltti K.?. scrylceln the regular array or ?"nal Guard or Iloja' Iirlgade or UlltftrV BChnnl. In an tn BlimmAr nnmn f Pay, from July II to IT, Inclusive. Api 5?nAS"aay evening, June 20. 1U13, at .,?1m.nt Armory. Broad and Callow. "!.. between 7.30 and lo-.to. -ACtlVe. nrir.ll man vnxner .. aged, for outside posltlons'opportunlty iiiT. "'" a000 income: give run Tja.:."ai"1 ,or nva )"" ?JtDeFlr.(fl mi f-t .n.ankB 4n nl.ke S to handle 12 cars: must be able to Id niarrlArl man nraarr.MI A s-.nl. 1 CHIT HH ar YoT.n""" "VHil- ao-i a... - . .u mj n, ui. SDToninBtan. aalaamAH . ..U. ..U iitn. ..;;"" 7i"r:"r'.". ." j" --"d K,- -" nm-rsiaoiianeq snoe man' nr business, to the right man a splin BeSaunlty. Add. l, 214, Ledger Office. iMAN wanted In steamshtn nrrii-A, m. .4PJnmn.ani1 accurate In Tgures. Ad iitvtng reftreoee. experience and aal. ed. A 820. Ledger Office. BIO N. V. MiniKiMv l SUbaCrlDtlon d.iurim.nt mana-A Ttxecutlve.and efficiency experience; bp- wb. consiaerea in connaence: In appll BuAl fle .t'Wnce. etc. Direct let- ih. iao uroaqway. riaw rork. General TAKTEn nallv .n AK..at .!. -,-. chlns we teach you quick method; wnt poaltloni aecured, paying 113 to ? Xa f5 starts you; open dally and t. tdneedar and Friday areolars. acnooi, 1910 Arcli at. TIONS WANTED 37EMALB IlOQKKKELPEn nnd clsrV el Jffl!n.c!LtypJ?t E 187. Led. Cent. S-KK. P. E. . THOROUOHLY EXP. KINU J 140. LEJJUEKCENTIIAL. lH Wnmnn uanli ilhisilAn is-jt"aT hotel A roly 341T Market St. RSE refined vounar lsdv wtshaa no. , can ayeak English, alio Oermanj city ?' Atjarwas ??. iQser urxioe, jube willing to ssalst light duties; ottsunt P 181. Ledger Office. KG- 3erman ITrannh SEnvllah 1 attn 'd pupils refs. IP 788. LJX Central pl U1BI. wants genereriujuHwurk or 1 aun soa ctioaiog iwav Jauuaifl. rENT vil ami, Mu.li. lin-i ..r. V " . "T-,SJ lna or housav- . v- usraos si We Ptila. expei iem ed German Protestant. Lra? country preferred. P S10. ougniy exvperlsiiced sod oeaiMlnt: ni Spru.e .t Ph Wal. TtU W . H&ota alt or caretaker far us . ref Nu i .o. tail 1I1 Hamilton. LWojpeieii! toglish"ProtiaU8t, desirwi suuu rtuuBie 1K iniiraibBUBE ave. SKHU '...,.. v. vn.W Wj.jummw gowns apcJaJty - '.av IT, SAK;R Bant. .n.ai.'.nii.Iiti SZ.SO Liefa 83UO. id Br . m)lh ai,.J ijtrard. LNCKn ilthT. uib".!. m tilll ll a In will 1 IKuTlliV aa i aamn.fin.tl r . ... a Ar tur toe eummer A t-1 Led Off. r.Vaoia general houjaaBYurk . aood i "vvty .nil unutui si IK..,.. .... .. .T T. ' KK&S fnn..,Ll lhnn.iits.hlv .ffl ny. lesftu.uL, p ita, ledger Ofaee slue, ttiUi't ref , aaeclal Is nervous IT I'sautsn ana.. W P. PCcine mi 3w ifiS 1M DKKS SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE T "o0fVI10,L'-:PWrlencrt. ne.r eleaTTeX L"l ' ""lannnry. p 218, Lea. of to rind enaani,.. ZM.'&V.. AT,,"?" hOUMWWk. "Sffll fiVB5 APPftjLa! jfisM(S!jfi,,K:n 'am,,r- LAtTNIIIlfraa .. . MMi ir..n!T.,lH wants poettlon; J: !enKhrtj .WlftChrlWji el r.rre3n,e,1wmS.J.or,JnTIM M "-'' dy ale retail -HSiiiSitrr. n sit. Ledger Central. DTnKnnniht.Mn . ." a-sw'rSf.,riVTiV,iaft S22A5"?e"..f2i 'SP.Per.. 8 veer.' taflal Srv Siib i8' K00Q on ere. riai work. JVfr Cnntral. nrnwrvin . 7Trr . . Vri Vii, V J'i'" n.n'' "l'-nt bookkeeper! 5 --JJH5ialaryJBJK, Ledger Central. 8.Nriln','?TnC2'l'.pg.rabolira . -i-,j.-"Fie. mi, imager t'entrai. ff??0" API IBR-'OeW? a -LkJ,JTJ5?flco aaslatant. etp.i E 7JI, knowlndgo Led. Cent. hA n. VP--Inexp'd; willing to work hard tor advanenneni. E Vsn, InT. Central. Sn.N.0?.,'Ii,EiV-Ef loW lady" deMree . poa.j refa.i mod, aalary. 13 Ml, LrU. cent. -" " nwmiiairiH. a,-, iogpr central. BI?vN010Tl,A,A!E? "Ferleneed. moderate Ml". try, mi Cheatnul. riinn. spruce I1VK2. WiZina 4,rJ'?b"'wol'k. experienced young woman. nti27 Folfnm at.. JW'tat Phlla. ' WOMAN, young, wlnhea poa. To go Weatfroitk. nurae or iKdlei' mal.l. rf.i?ijii..n at., otn. Y?iHN? French girl. iuatarrhel. wanta alt., .. chambermaid or chlldnurnA. .1107 Sannom at. AnX'!nSHF 5rvl la rendered through tho S211J.IEJ.C,AI' nnPAriTMENT at Lcnauu CENTItAL to employera who are In need of bookkeepers, atenogrounera clerka or ofneo help ot any kind. Telephone Mlia Dean, Walnut 800(5, and tell your needa. She will put you In touch with appllcnnta who can meet your requirement'. Thla la a free eervlce to Ledger advertisers and aavea time and worry. SITTJATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTS AUDITED. HOOKS KDPT $3 monthly ud. Auditor. 830 Market. I'hono Walnut 1710. ACCOUNTS AUDITED, booka keptund aya tema In-tailed A 22S, Lodger Office. AltCUITECTURAL It mo mako your draw" Inga In apare time, charges rcaa. ; garage, realdcncc, bungalowa, alter'na. E 240, L. C'tl liOOKS opened, cloaed", aucflted. adjuatedr Bimciiieiii- preparca oy compeieni account' ant. Addresa A :i2i, ledger Office. BUTLBH, Proteatant, , wnnta position prlvato reference. 10W Wnlout. family, beat city CHAUFFEUR, colored, 8 years' experlenco with private family on high-grade cars; best reference, 1G23 French st. CHAUFFEUR wlshos posltlonof any kind; Al; does own repair; city, country. William Cur ran. 001 N. Park ave. CHAUFFEOTt, machTne ehop experience; care fill driver; single, settled man, reference. A 310. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, experienced on Packard cara; good private rcf. R. Wilson, 5310 Addison at. CHAUFFEUR'-MECHANICIS jcara' exp ;"ex- cel. refs. 2010 Iloaton ae., orph Locust lOM. CHAUFFEUn'wIshea position as aecond man; best references. 2020 N. Cleveland avo. COACHMAN, gardener, elnglo, competent, all- around, reliable, reference. A 327, Led. Off. GARDENER or all-around man. married capable of taking entire charge ot gentle- nun's place; lst-claas ref. P 212, Ledger Off. ITALIAN tlmekeerer. correspondent, book- keeper: short houra; refs. A :i.'4, Lodger Oft". JAPANESE. Industrious waiter, general houe work, wants position In family; best refer ence. Iso, 1C11 Vine at. MAN AND WIFE, white, wish situations: but ler and houseman; wife good plain cook and laundress; will do entire work of small fam ily; references. 11, Ledger Branch, 4400 Ger mantown ave. MAN. colored, lead burner: handy at anything. Addroee mis Kiisworin si. MAN wlshea position a"a chauffeur: S vra.' exo. ; ref. C. Clifford 181(1 Bridge st , Frankford. HEAL ESTATBJ Knowledge of customs, forms nnd salesmanship: good education. Indefntl Rablc hustler, total abstainer, married, mid. nged; beat referenco. E Oil. Ledger Cent SALESMAN OR'MANXOER. Young man. thoroughly familiar with South American trnd, having traveled this terri tory, secka position as traveling salesman or manager ot foreign sales dept. ; epaks Span.. French. English1 formerly advertising mana- f'er: 8 years with largeat commercial house n Mexico City; best ret. E Olg, Led. Cent. STENOGRAPHER nnd accountant, speedy, nc- curate. experienced In engineering, contract- Ing and manufacturing llnea. E 810, Led. Cent. YOUNG MAN. IS, deslrea a position whero hard work will warrant auccesa; can oper ate an auto- rom experience In groceries; anxious to work. 13 240, Ledger Central. YOUNG COI'PLE want perm, situation on small estato. pref. mountains: chauffeur's li cense; handy with tools- wife, housework; want congenial home. 1429 Cambridge at. YOUNO MAN. ago 23, deslrea position as ac countant; thoroughly competent and experi enced; Just completed special course In ac counting at Wharton School. E 330. I.cd. cm. YOUNO MAN. 131 well educated, practical mnnufncturlng exp.. desires Jo connect with wholeailo house, textile, rref.. to 'rain for esmnnshlpjjiol:no obJectE 737.Lcd.Cent. YOUNG MAN 2S, desires position aa book keener, naslstant or clerk; 8 yeara" experience; Al referencea. E 012. Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN deslrea clerical position. 2 venra' nfflco experience: can operate Klllot-Flsher hilling machlne;referonce. 218 N. 3-''l. YOltXCTsiAN. 2"-. wishes position In shipping room; reference. E 731. Ledger Central. AUTOMOBILES For Sale FINE MITCHELL 7-pasaenger touring, 1011-12 car ery reasonable for want of use: com plete, with top. windshield. 1'restollte lamps, electric Klaxon, good tires, extra tires. Call, 10 to 12 only. 1522 North Ilroad St., or phone Ponlar (1074 W for demonstration. SIMPLEX, 30 IL P., B-passenger, good run ning condition; Gray & Davis lighting sys l"!. McNICHOU 1023 CHEnRY ST. IX1COMOBILE. 30 ir P.. good condltloni also n-cyllnder I.6cOMOniLE touring; both for fcest oljers. ..,.- ,m -.,. ., V 1 l.i.lVH aiv.,n..i"H. " -...y.w --. runiLLAC T.paraenger touring, flrat-ciaea run nin order: excellent for Jitney purpose: no ?eaf. offer refused. Mlllbourne 31llls,08.VHlkt, STUlTEilAKEirM. slightly used model, ETX Hell. 1231 Arch st. Vltbert 8287. lr.i-i CHALMERS "3'T1 roadster, fully equip- Uped.n.wly painted. S400. Waverly Mills. W AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES ROUND TRIP to Atlantic. City. JS per iVnaer. Tourlnr cara to hire. t,5Q per ES careful driver. Phone Kens. 20- 3 per pas. Hour 4783. vjiKcareful drlv SFmTTrtK Fine limousine and touring cars. T2ii Halrlson Girage. Fkd. 808 or Bast 280. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES A B-YRAP. UBCORD JOT A PREDICTION. KVCBPTIONAL IOCAL INDUSTRY. Identl nid with building construction, dealing with ltnlest people only: can show average an .i net MrnlaBs on caiHtai laveated oj over ?i?Der cent, fir past rtve years. Oyer I0O,. too vJork iiow solnr on. and ,ooi) mare wetnable if we n oommand adequate ?nAirTr capital. Most flattering efkterse. raenl. from nearly 100 leading BrehltS. VolSqlb08aV more with u. If " Mn move above statements end convince ?,i flit yw money Is absolutely ST end uV rn you etmlfar retumst Ujk CHK8TN UTST SBTSND1D OPPORTUNITY... one. or two "-... Join, with W.ouo eapiiai, w. rear active m gtvBlse and 'increase well-uaylag mauufactur- rD bust tieulars ! ,"IR..'ri iiT Lvlisr t)fc ". ..i . .sa..,.RAn i. vaar eeiaeiiaaea am ibuju rw . SPriFtSmml'W wholesale millinery bus., estab, oJS Tty JSrs. organisation will renala te CARPBT CLEANING sTphp. yahd. to-w LANCAtrtatt Aytp. OLEANINQ AND DYEING jpu asuam DRBSSMAKING AND MILLINERY - "" "isii-. ..i.1. .-"Kaft 5c y.rU, Koliry P;aulorf gesj tostmi, feittuu .o .iiafc,"" .-SSTiaM. while you i Pictorial short, prac couras. EVTCyiyq LEPGEK--PITILADELPIIIA, TUESDAY, JUKE FOR SALE flaos am. sizb8 and op-adbs DfXXinATINO WEDDING CANOPIE8 TO HtlUS L1RDY BKLL I'MU.N'K FILBERT 2S1.1. FLAG POLBB . , , WOOD AND STlBU ALL SIZES. UP TO JOT PHOT. FLAG pnLhl TRIMMINGS REHEARD MeCUItur iio v ffrit st 08LLPIJONbX FIl.HB'rtT 3813. lJlU.lAUU. pool, combination, ld-han.1 bought. inriu, igiutfq, cwn q. nearer. b uirarq nvg. INSTRUCTION uKlt.MAN, college cxnma.. elementary or ad h"'- v. ii . iiernnarut, iMv.i spruca at, STOKAQE WERT PIltLA Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack Ing and ahlpplng, AS70 Lancaster ave. HooMn ron rent UAniNO, 4029-Nlcely tumlahed aecond front .eonenlent to bath-, near I.; phone. CESTNtT. 1S03 - Attractively Turn, roome; . ecu in. ep.i cont'oua hot water Spruce 82SS. B,'UCE,1 2p-Deaftable lurnldied roomai Ilvatejiathsummer ratea. Locust 1088 J. SPP.UCE. 010 (lU"ielhurat-Fumllied' rooma, J"Wanulte; prlv. batha. table board opl, WALNUT. (1003 N'ewly fufnlihed rooma, prT yi?'amll'. convenient to three car linen. 8TII, N", 2180 Furnished rooma; cooi. pleaa" - nnt. '"ds'ng. bath; phone, private family. 10T1I, 8.1 822 Two communicating rooms, 2d noorfurn ; light hkpg.t other vacanclea. nv'i. &t JlJ-ATTrtACTIVD IlpO.NfS Oli ONKJENTLtlMAN. APPLY 2D FLOOH. Slip, N , Sm Front rooms, 2d" floor; single of . en aiilteJjghtJiouBekeepIng; phone 41ST, f. , Vtu tcofT VS'cstmlnater) Single and . eommunlcatlng rooma. tur. or unfur.i rcf. 4071.'kiANU WALNUT-Well turn, single or double rooms, board opt, l'h. Preston 82.1), !! 8- lS2-Two bright front : rooms, every ennv.; modern, reaeonable. Wood, 3003 X. Ulin:.8-' 2-NlceTy furn. room; prhate fam ily new house; unlimited phone, all come. ; wquarofrom "L", gentleman pref.; reaa "i ,n.T v,an,'!, light for light service. ' 1401 N. ICth Apply atl'X FUn.NISHDD BOOMS for rent, o. 12th at. "201 82d and Snneom FlimlshM rroma. men on v: meals "EST nnANCH shower butha; near L, all the i. u. k;. a. comforts of home. Phono Hel mont 40St. Key. West 380. BOARDING HltOAD, S.. 770 (The Oraham)-Cool and at tractive furnished rooms: all modern convon- Jnce;oicol:jlable board; hotel serv.. 17 up. nfiaVN. 802!-ChecrTurfront room; porch; nfio tnblo; gentleman or couple. Hnrlng 1417 D LUIIinil. W.r "m.1-lG-I)eautlful rooma. with' umira. an conv., pnonc; new management. SPUUCE, 102S-3i-DelrabIe suite with private tan, cnoice taoio board, walnut is.io w. 8PRUCE, 1224-2U (Ilrlsmonde) Furn. rooms. Rlnglo, n aulte; private hatha; table board. SPItt'rE, 102!-Uachelorniits..2 largo, airy rms., private bath, electrlo lights, phone WALNUT, 43.11 2d-floor rooms, with "board; near L. aouthem expos ; refa. exchanged. lot II, 818 (Cravenhurst) Nicely furnished dou- ble and alnglo rms.; private batha; rena'able. lOTH. N TOO-PrUato family will "board re- nneit gentleman; convenient to city, liar. n. Subiirlinn GERMANTOWN, 233 W. Illttenhouie St. (be tween Wnyne and areene) Dea vacs., single or com., good table. Gtn. 1373 X. OAK I.ANE.70.1 Desirable rooms.congenlal aur roundlnga, good home table. Oak Lane .ISS V. OVKIU1ROOK, Wjnnewood Rd., SOO Large, rool rms . hoard, good loc. Ph. Del. 1811 Y OVERDflOOK--fio5:i Drexel road: boarding, tiniits, swlm'g pool I'hono frcaton ao.i w. COUNTRY BOARDERS WANTED Chestnut Hill MAPLE LAWN reasonable. INN Onen all ear; terms MRS. A. II. HAHH13. BOARD WANTED ROOM and board with prl. fam. for young mar, couple. Hebrew pref. Ad.E 8I8.Led.Cent. APARTMENTS SPRING GARDEN, 1010 Excellent npta. In U different housea: some turn.: kitchenettes. WALNUTT2205 Unfurn. opts.; t large rooms, private bath and hall. Apply janitor. West Philadelphia 53TII ST.. S., 1321 (near Cheator ave.) 3 rooms nnd bath; new. electric lights, ateam heat: J2S 30, novel arrangement of rooms. Apply of Janllor. on premises. I'hono Filter; 44-33. Atlantlo City. N. J. MODERN housekeeping apts.; porchea; overlook Iloardwalk, 135 mo. Fox, Drexel & Maine ava. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 20TII, N.. 716 Handsomely fum. bachelor apt., aecond floor. 2 rooms, private bath; cool: BVvmng;jdntxJiovar.Pjiplaj472W. LOCUST, I31S Elegant apartments 2 rooms, privaie pain; mao ainniq hub. Wal. 7U03 W. West Philadelphia SUNDERLAND HOUSE. 33TH AND POW ELTON AVE. Handsomely furnished 7-room apartment: all outside, 12 minutes to City Hall. Meal location! roof garden, elevator: rent, 03. unfurnished. Owner, gone West, will rent Immediately for 33 till fall with new piano, aeo janitor. RIII1LET Housekeeping apt. 4 rms. and hath; heautlful location tor summer. Uaring am n. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 23D AND PINE STS.-DE LANCEY APTS. New, light, 4 to 0 rooms. 1 and 2 baths. kitchenette: central Jocatlon. Apply janitor. 'DIAMOND. 21123 rms., bath, kitchen, hot- "iVateV heat; ref.: 2d floor. 123; 4 rms .bath, kitchen, all cor rms.L j33.Djamond 1813 W. POPLXlt. 1322 Attractive housekeeping apart ments, 2 and 8 rms . bath, kltrhenetto: mod ern conveniences. Apply 801 Empire llldg. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE C1IV i'Wn N. 0TH ST. A real bargain to quick purchaser: three story, eight rooma, good order; large yard. IV . II. llu-vil.. "" ....,- - iiiJNTS COLLECTED. Al-UUEUiro, Drexel Uldg . 2114 W. Lehigh ave. Logan. IXIOAN REAL ESTATE Sale, rent and exchange. M M. Smith. Broad at opp. Logan Station. NEW JERSEY Haddonfleld. N. J. irAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargain prices. WM. CAREY MARSHALL. 83 1 Federal at.. Camden. PENNSYLVANIA FAIIMS M ACRES, muahroom and green houses, fruit v". A".nAn.i vnmialr). Chester County. jarm. t"",w-.iri PhnW l'a- A. D. MACREsTTdea! fruit and poultry, farm . Mxl, J. 11. THOill'SON. West Chester. Pa. BEAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT 5VS'' YOUR HOME by monthly payments of ", 17 to S0: bouses located Nl Phlla. and otr? worth from J18O0 to $9230. Mtrcbanla1 ri'n'in'n Trust Co.. T11-T10 Chestnut sL REAL ESTATE FOR RENT garages OARAGE FOR RENT Uo-to-date. heated, electrlo Ifghtedl haSd waib. 2u2B Germantown ave. nimCKB. HUSINE83 ROOMS. ETC. rinKXKL BLDO OFFICES. Annual Rentals. fMO Drexel Bldg. me HHDUOaU) TO 1: AVONDALg STj-BIi mSS Tit oonvenMaeei, Ylew of Oohb'a Creek Kr eStVaad bWh sis., between Race and VUMjts. FOR RENT FURNISHED Avalon. N. J. Oeean City. N. AKTCOTTAGB, epJj f three WQ Wlldwood. N. 3. CTIVELY furn., N4 wood ApatttBtnt. 'stb. and Atlantic . ave. : :s iiwa uctsa nil. un.l Rarilnalk: opei AISO VboJ aaent Phlla Jhj! X M0RTGAGBS unNBY rOR MORTaAOssB ACHiLhAL oi! oflUti tor rnt, ivUh tltphc taTi t:iiia jwj. " iints-i -' i " s WEST riULADELPHIA tSatfiE&sg J. $500 $1000 J120d t500 $J600 .500G W H MUOO. U WOJMUS ml. Cl V London Mall. "Yes, miss. I've 'ad a 'ard struggle with the world, but the world 'ad to give In at tltoortnlsh." Much Worso ".Ml randy, fa' do Lawd's sake, don't let dem chickens outer dls here yard. Shut dat gate." "What fur, Aleck; deyll come home, won't dey?" " 'Deed dey won't. Doyll go home." Columbia Jester. Italy Enters the War London Opinion, '"Ere's a nice gol Just bin round to get a ha'porth of Ice-cream off old Macaroni, and he's gone!" Cannon Food Customer Here, waiter. Where are the olives? Hold on. Bring me halt a melon and some cracked Ice. Tho Walter (loudly) Dumdums, halt a bombshell and a bowl ot shrapnel. Cleveland Leader. AND TOE WORST CS!Tr-nAlrV3Ors-s c.' T r- CAb 1 XXHAl VI iitW V, SiaTURifi ., vjT-asis bjiii l , K-k-C .sVJl II " I HA VI 1 V " s ll tssw -sii ""Sfct te. M L TJJ & I -gU lEMBAR'RASSiA.G. FFECT.I'C'ACnw i If Z7i& v-w,avi A1EAR 5)GHTEt. .ETL:EMANOB J ajfifPKf J fSECrk fciJ IL v. Fil THE JOKES OF YESTERYEAR 3j jm jr ''tuT' 'J (St T l - nSBBBBanlHl V 1' LmWLm l SCRAPPLE SONGS WITHOUT WORDS ' I , . Pride Gocth Before a Fall THE PADDED CELL , (rl I f rr-c 1 One-Funny thing I r-n'..i- IPm aach lim' Hi Two-What7 . Caution III One Junx Is a perfect ass Man-lcQ Sister And, of course. Laura, you wilt go to Rome or Florence for ill Two Yes? your honeymoon? ""Ul , - One Yet he has a sheepskin. Laura Oh, dear, not I couldn't think of gtilng further than the Islo of flfaj JA Stanford Chapparal and Penn State Froth. Wight with a man I know little of nothing otl jpft DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? THAT ? OH. THKTS h SUEPIiV OHfttK. WPGOrtrttYSlEEPOUT HERE 0C17HEl.rWn RUL SOMtlCK IS YET TO COME BEtMrUHlf TO WWW. BC? 5UHH REVUE C?RLS v. lv W (rSt iS J ' "t''M'wirifi'riiliy sg 1 -y f .x-X (Ylf SfjSSO- V i Wtli" iBH ll I, ' .J -- ' "" ' ' -QXl 1 ef-M mm- i 29, 1015. U y u...a, .-.. X JHXMtfcA fspL r kWflli VSHaVI I AMONFORSrUilrliHiSf 2A our of moss" why mmWmammm 51 ntinTHf. HV -AlLWn ?23!? mriMT iTHIMIf n'TUHSSSSSSsSBB-BsBlS.'ssUl IUMmmu OmmmmmHt-. ArstSiaSH 'Br:Oie'- e-M lIWIII I UUIUI VI ItllS HiafaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiafSBBBBBBBBBS4.fSBBBBBBBBBBBBBHI I 111.11 II II . lBaBa-a-BBaSM -"- W tammm.-aammWS S2&VEgPZim&m?toa.VlZZKIm&mmmmmmmmmWmmm. alsBBBSBB-' vv F jBSStm tl MtHTII nflO 3Tt(rUrHgQr7HBBgPel IMWw JWJPl "V l?OTffi Misunderstood "Let me see, now," said the minister at the christening, dipping his pen Into tho Ink to record the event "Isn't this the 27thr , . , "I should say not," retorted the In dignant mother; "It is only the ninth." exchange. THERE'S NOTHING TO IT t..-atreK 5 (I ..tr eft ir-j7 ,n i.,i i"i7 iC . i ' e ju . i ".' ' ' rTiaa'1 ft . iMflwt-) - ILI'IM'T'rV I Ti """""" " ' "" ' ' BBesMBey, , mini m uin lH' i "" 15 U Between Friends X country editor wrote! "Brother, don't stop your paper just because you don't agree with the editor. The last cabbage you sent us didn't agree with us, either, but we didn't drop you from our subscription list on that account." Boston Transsrlpt. Ji)$ slSM ; S5Ewia T Chuckl Wdg.UU -. J Si.