"WI MWiH pwgyuppggggpw'1 iwpiW'1 -mmpm ' 3jbi u i iiMfeimMS1 ' n? frgs ijST HIRE A SUITCASE AT TEN CENTS A DAY YoU Haven't tho Price of Ifrip to Shore You Can Put I'tfjj n Bluff, Anyway. SrrABItA WO t0 Mif- i0- AW- n" Phone, rtHKlMU -v. .... ...... ..... shiny suitcase, a pair of freshly ted trousers, a happy smllo 'and ti across tho river on n ferryboat no bif necessarily mean a vacation! at- loh the combination uenerally Is sto fWnl of a trip to tlio shore, A pawn ,Ker has arranged a deception. arry Bornsteln, a pawnbroker with a .jiiu imanlnatlon. took stock a few days Vo, And found that ho had on his shelves at. Ho considered means of nuttlne ifm to work. Then tho Idea of leasing At camo 10 nunu. fa know that many Impecunious young n had no suit cbbcb, but had money lUfth to go on vacations lor a aay or wuv not rent suit cases to lhm? u moro he thought of tho plan the bet- t lie UKeu li muiiii, m viinuuiunor .i.M rad deenly Into tho deceptions of :Se human heart. Ho knew that many a in ana van n. wunmu, iuu, wuuiu tniK in months In their oftlcen and shops I the two weeks that they wore to Bpond . .. . .4nlnltia rii nl Milt etinrA Tr Yflff that many of them shut themselves fs In their rooms, cautioned the landlady . inn IllUUIIluiiin ...v. v.au.v, .u fi tell ft'' Visitors mat mey ivero out 01 eim and -then would mako aooret little ........ from their rooms to tho narks fed thus Bpend a vacation. .He would help tnis nttio innocent at fjption along- a bit. Ho would rent a LitVina for 19 cents a day. Then tha focelver could bid friends ftoodby at the railroad station, rldo a fow miles out 4 tile BUPUruB uiiu tuuiu uuiiiu uy uiv ick way anu tno iruiieyB. There Is Just ono llttio drawback to .1 .(.heme. Ono who makes Uso of It Ms first to pay a deposit on tho sult- lr . . ... 1.1-t. f. n,.....t 1 AH, A aepooit iviui;ii .ui, .umoiuiu uij. f.. will assuro Its return, or If not. sal not financially embarrass him, the nbtitn philanthropist, is asked. Tho deposit required on somo suitcases Is as Wh M W They aro th0 father kind tth collapslblo sides and whon extended n movo a small household. I if one does not caro so much for tho itaye front, ho can get a buUcrso for a cent deposit. It Is of tho paper or can . variety, which is much In evidence it tho Immigration pier. It docs not mat ter What 1110 siyio or muuci ui 1110 ureo js,Uha rent remains tho same. Ten cents trery 21 hours, and Mr. Bornsteln Is to t the Judgo -whothcr tho case has been cuffed about or damaged. t if comes back In good shapo the de- iiltls refunded. llr. Bornstoln says that by tho Fourth f July ho oxpects to havo two-thirds of hi suitcases working for him and bring- In In good returns. Party Rescued When Boat Upsets Three women nnd a man partly blind Srrowly escaped death when tho launch iis'sUI turned over after striking n sand tsrln Old Man's crccx near Fennsgrovo, Sfrsr Jersey. Felix Nouhauser, a. bottler BVlng In Gloucester and owner of the hunch, was on a plcasuro excursion with Hi friends, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Telfter, Ijpl 1120 Lawrcnco street; Mr. and Mr. Jom Dehmcr, of 1437 Lawrence street, Kod James Byrne, of Montgomery and tewed. It was with dimoulty that ttyrne, who is partly blind, and Mrs. neuter, woo weigns . pounus, were wrought to shore. J CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER Jhli STYLE TYPE (or like thl) una insertion 1&0 per una BToree Insertions In a week... .1-He per line fSiin consecutive Insertions... .100 perllne seiiuaiions wanted, tnreo inser tions In a week 100 per line THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) "Pirmltted In all classifications pxcent ltsln fiti.Sltaatlons Wanted, Lost and Found, Pcr jaiili, Iloarrtlnc and Itooms. Ktme insertion tva per line ITBres Insertions In a week 17 Mo per line ESmn consecutive Insertions. ...ISa perllne mu rates are oasea on agate measurement, I trite lines to tne men. IjfflATH NOTICES either paper- Ill) lines, one time BOo TBre Insertions $1.00 COMBINATION RATE DAILY ONLY ItTr Iniertlon In both the mornlns and evenlne It'pan of same day: PUBLIC LEDGER (JionNma) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) lAdl (our cents per line net to rates riven Ielp and situations BVANTED ADVERTISING IN IHE PUBLIC LEDGER IS IN SERTED IN THE EVENING IpDGER WITHOUT ADDI- iONAL CHARGE. Thcre is a drug store near your gme that will accept Ledger want Em at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE PtatERY Experienced loopors on 18 and II- j nuim wumt Aiiujiiua (ii jiusivrjr p....T iiBBticr ftiiu mix aiwr iIEHTH.Trnn.fAi h3p tAnn.ra vbntmA nn 11-fasruoned work. Thomas Buck Hosiery "will jasper ana ions. fJB An educated woman, with practical i-uiias m nervous worn, lor nous nurse; " tov per montn. jiopiy. civuif reter- " ioa age. i aua. linger unice. "wijrur.nwpBr( typist, wen eau iteai ood salary to competent persont hoolc LtPer preferred. Phone Chestnut Hill 631. m CIIBIt or college atudent wanted for sum- :r. C2.RO Tier ritiv. riftranPM. T. 941. 1.A. tit Otflca. " -.,-.- BAnJP.Pof Ivlce to STDNQanAPKHnH, viuicrisiia 'atu ;L.KitKa: can to gtlnf fur a good poslllun-she will assist BPAUTMENT and help you to locate a Brvice to Ledger Ailfertissrs. HELP WANTED MALE AMI) STVinV rnTm?ffi ..-lMIt,l Station desirea aervloes of a S4lsman can aucceaafully sell meritorious task bon (J a. upe lat lusuea. on strictly cemtnti- i Dat.la Insr ranraVilA nnnnrf tti.lt v Ia ftt to the rtsrh? man AtiHWA-. with Mttr. KS to L.lijrr Central. L OB). who nn spare several hours dally, out- 1 estate oflco In north end at city; UMrl- f.HifiTeti Aaureas i. ou teder usaee. (lNOPICTI'HE PIANlffT aril arumtarl od ?ifa preferred, Wlt pAhibpUy. Sol Ld(er Oflte. bombn agents, wltn aunty and ")', new speojaitr, qw seller, iinerai aaiatt seller 1 9 sail 4 c m.. Ml Head Bullilfir. Qisi.ion Apply betweei iiii 111 And If u m LCtiU a N "aad iuprintenJntfer email orat- A ait, f.edirer OfncM. IWED-Comjietent aaleaioiali'MlM ohalrte , aelllrueaiutoi an old MtattlUhed shoe man- iiuriiiB buiinow. tu toe 'igm luan a auieo pportui ity Add I. -li Iedr Offle rED- -expfcrteuLtid aui .. laliei itiau abl l&iidle lib ljlts and awe UuJiri, 1 man iwr-4. Apply 18JT Fiioej t iiWJOs w General WAhrni d.a. tu astral muvius-ok- e b.. uif.t- Mi tetko yu aoielft 6111104, ubout ii(4Hi4n aeeuraei payiac au t wi u nifM fMiJi, epn MtM? b 7 WJngd-Ja and Friday ""'"" H5HAT1ON3JWANTEDrEMAIjB g5lMffiS? tXJXfPtrBiflM r " Sftl5S?lfi3, 't. iA5d i?H e"5r 'child or Tn keeohi;,.?,.nnrIi"rtaft w1M position emt-JnmiiiSV,i' JL0'!1 9oJ. 1 for. child 0 -JgaiH!lLKlretef enco, I520 mirmoW nve. -!i5iaLjM.850e Led, Or., Oyth n.nd Olrnrd. augn., younajjady, couia bOardKSu Fedeial. -1 "i "'" 1- tu. loiter unice. INfAVn MttnH ..... . . . D IWLiar' JV' ,.e,hr" b" references. to nA?,K,lnJr iliH1.!-'tt. !' . J?"" k. nh.Viv.JLrrv.''"?" 'r ner mnia. waitrese Y uiiu soua 1 v.n,,iw9iinitia or inf., mT Pitinn .luiuij. 1..W..I. .M.ll AU..,U ."ypiy or soaren g.t vicwinut t. 2?,?,3l!ln V"" would Jordon, U2i Clinton t., 81 like to pUco Active, la-waitress, cll Mrs, Sunday, Monday and Nrirn?hil,,'fili;.,l 'MlhM !??"!on for Adult or cnildj city rets. Phone UcTiruuitown.filW. nKPINEO, French lad; sew or give irrench t tulce. y wishes to. read and leasons, r 1W. Ledter raWrn,anPil.M!!Bd' A?8,fwrt' understands ..uermanj plain oook. IMP llrunnsr. ie?ccntnti c,f'lle' frenos. b'TCO, Led! Hfiif..nWfJ' ."l"' wUh opportunity) - "fsrenccs, II iit. Lsdier cmtim. i?P.iil"Iim' knowled,. bookkcrplng! SarV'Oi7i'lAn?l'.0IlP"l,nc,'1' morate sal . ry. 1711 Chestnut. Phone Hpruce 0531. 8nSn?S?.nAI'l,Bn'!ln0,", of bookkeeplmi . moderate ealary. E 340. Ledner Central. .,,.r,iSr!,a P'"T, exp.. can. substltute or olerlpal work, t raX , perm, or Led. Cent, SLiJK!p" "S WJe them in their home. Phila delphia or Troy. Pa. Miss itsrv v. rtnmth. -y ... w.u. i-iigne. A-oJftHR".0.rvt, ' rendered throush the CBNTRAL to employers who are In nsed of bookkeepers, stsnoraihers, clerk or ofllce &"? .?S.M3? Vi- i?lPnon MUs Dean, nnf v1t.Jwrf'.,uli tell your needs. She will put you in touch wllli appucanu who can meet your requirements. This la a. frso service to Ledger advertisers and saves time and worry, SITUATIONS WANTED M AXE ACCOUNTANT, office manager, m&nufacturlnir or selling lines, 0 years' ejnerlence crrdlte nnd collodions; best of rets. E 431, Ltd.Cent. ACCOtlNTH ATtniTFn nrtmra iiptPn $1 monthly up. Auditor, 839 Market. Phono Walnut 171(1. AMU1TIOUS YOUNO MAN, 8, wishes, to con nect with, reliable flrmj A 1 references. A VI ft T.twl eras rii'se AUDITOR-ACCOUNTANT Trained executive open for permanent or limited engagement; will take charge of office start and corporate mmira. a -m, , meager central BOOKKliKPEH, II, clerical capacities; 4 yru.' experience. ; ex. ref. B 268, Ledger Central, CHAUPFEUU., colored, 8 yeare' experlenca with private family on high-grade cars; best reference; 1828 French et. CIlXUFlfBUn, machine shop experlince; care ful driver; single, settled man; reference. A 810, Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR Single, rel, Prot.; exp, driver ana mecnanic. uox xu, jjryn atawr. i'a. CiiAUFFUUH, exp.; good repair mnni furnish beet references. A 210. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR wishes position ne aecondman; beet references, 1020 North Cleveland ave, COACHMAN, Hollander, wishes position, prl vato family or on stud farm; all-round, At horseman; best foreign and Amer. refs.; mar ried, ohlldess; wife, good cook. If wished: go anywnere, uox go, I". Kocns, ulkowooq, N.J, 110TUL HTKWAltt) would like position; know supplies thoroughly; good buyer; capable of iui,t tuning ..Dtp. 4 .uv, mrui.i winva JAI'ANICSE, Industrious waiter, general house work, wints position In family; best refer- controlling neip. a zutf. meager mnce. onco, iso, itut vino si. lUDAL E8TATB Knowledgo of customs, farms and salesmanship; good education, Indefati gable hustler; total abatalner, married, mid. aged; best reference E Oil, Ledger Central. SALESMAN OR MANAGER Young man. thoroughly familiar with Goutli American trade, .having traveled this terri tory, seeks positions as traveling Mlesmsn or manager of foreign sales dept.. speaks Spanish, FYer.ch, English, formerly advertising mana ger. 8 years with largest commercial house in Mexico Clty;best ref. V 040, Led, Cent. STENOGRAPHER, young man." thoroughly ac curate and competent; Willi ie to mako him self generally useful; not afraid of hard work; moderato salary. E 281, Ledger Central. YdtJK'O MAN, 00 years old. with li years1 mechanical experience, thoroughly trust worthy, cnergetlo and Industrious, desires a position which will afford opportunities to tttKO college- course, la ooi, imager emrai. YOUNO MAN. 30. 0 years' general office exp, with large corp. In various capacities, fam. with A(.ntinllnr. Torres., adlusttns Claims. comp, traffic; reliable. H 7, Ledger Central. Vml.Tn f Vf nw'o ' Halra nAalHrtn MS AH. countnnt, thoroughly competent nnd erper.i Just completed special course In accounting at wnarton ncnooi. a tn. i"' .u,,..w VrillKm rATsi'Blri. oUricAl noiltlon: 2 vcare office experience) can operate Klllott-Ftsher billing machine; reference, 118 N. H2d . Ability, to Sell BALESMANSHIP My record of IB years selling; staple and specialty llnee will prove my ability. 3 060, Ledger Central. AUTOMOBILES For Rate FINE MITCHELL 7-passmger touring, 1011-12 car. very reasonable for want of use; com plete, with top, windshield, l'restollts lamps, electrlo Klaxon, good tires, extra tlrss. Cell, 10 to II only. 1822 North nroad t or phone Poplar 0074 W for demonstration. SIMPLEX, 80 K. P.. B-passenger. good run nine condition; Oray & Davis llghtlnr sys- 'jmi McNICHOL. 1013 CHERnY ST. iVnr'Oc'oMODyL-Eo'urgfb'oU'iar b('-it".JAMMcNICHOL. 10H Cherry et padTLLAC 7-pasaenger touring, nrst-clase run- t-APlTrf--: .vAit.n ni- 1ltn-v nurnnse. no reaf. offer refused. Mlllbourne MUUftfdMtkt, reae. uni .-" . -;-, 7- -- z , nvpitLAND 1014. fully equipped: demounta ble Vlmi: flcneeffer's 'aSVage, 2it4 B. Bus- Siiehanna. Jjenjlnglo nI853 V. sfwliTlrTEiriin: sllrhtly used model. B, A. WlT, 12D1 Arch st. riipert ami. T7TrrT'TfAT5lE"nS "SO" roadster, fully eaulp l0C"w'y painted, MOO. Waverly Mills. Vkd. llelT, 1281 AroVst. Filbert B287. AUTO LIVEBY AND OAHAOE3 ROUND TRIP to AtlaflUo City. IS per pas .enter. Touring cars to hire, .60 per hour En cSrsful driver. Phone kene. 2980-4703. 57TlIIHE:Il'lne limousine and touring cars. T.n llatrlson Oarage, FkdJOa or Cast 230. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES iiirxxi TO INVW8T, with services, in msnufac- tiring specialties of merit, or combining small manufactories where proht on cost is satis- So?y.butpens,'b.cu.Vof ionium, th. proftte. Addje... v fars. B ?J!tJbS2llS-w- mail aaltfii. with ptrtJcu- "sms: nna n. inn wftt-paylnt ininufactur- ahul :iil VKAra ITn raFa "'UrsaddrMS Aig,! Ledger i .'lilt - J.AJTT ...t..l..AU rnllllndru I.IIB 41 'tab. Jlrrf by urhser, rettini terme eash only, yorfuVt.fffl-I,Jt''JgK-ggl- QABPET OLEANINQ wwTpHILA, MONARCH STORApB CO. W.?83i.n "ARO. aT0-Ti8 LANCASTHh AVE. OLEANINO AND DYEINQ Ki-ATUaKH rANCJBa 11 :-Kt.-- .. . . .,7m ,,rt m........ oyE -- - --y - PTBBSMAKJyQ AND MILLINERY LBVlfCUlNO. all nwteruus. Be .yta. rV4iiS1tlMn idanA ills you wait. A. L,driij5htI5it. 11; Sii OWUMI.' Uff -, -ifS. X ItftpBafliW. JrU-pfy';,- - .. '" 8T0KAOK rrrrrrCMiTriirTMrt done wl: Mtft3iVAIs fiheetBUL PletorlAl Review Ml. T.K4lSSfl It IMfl taught: abort, prao. oourm. "My!.. li. 8OT 5Xp I5f..lb A Market, JOB SALE IN STBUC5KQN M'tintfm-vi EVENING LEDGKK--PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 28, BOOMS FOB BENT BAntNO, 4018 Nicely furnished neeond front; mmenient to nam, near l,. pnone( CHBSTNUT, 108 Attrscflvely rum, rooms.; eruthIexplront'ouaihnt water Spruce M&ft. SPRUCE, S9-Nlcely furrTtiuTrf slrlil room. . breakfast rr dinner fn desired. - . SPRUCE. S(W2-DMlr.bla furnlthed roomsj ptlvatehethe sun-mer rates. Locust 1683 1, SPRUCE, '0)0 (ltftrelhurstl-Fiirnlthed'roonis; single, en sulteiprlv. baths; table baftrdopl. WAt,NUT,6f)55 Newly" 1 urnlshnTroonTe, prf vate family, convenlentto threeeflMlnee. 8T1F. W.. 218-FurnIshed rooms; cool, pleas . nt lodging; hatht phone, prlvatetarnlly. 10TH, B,, i(I2 Jfno comrnunatlng rooms, 21 , floor, turn. flight hkpg;.i other vacancies. j 12TH, N., 2014 FurnUnedTTtparttnent, com- pieie tor nouseKeeptng, ?d noon gas ruifis refrigerator, private ath, Ph. Diamond 889L HTlf, 8.; 114-ATTRACTlVnROOM8 lX)R ONK 11 :NTi,ruAN. iriftr.v en B-iaoR. iifflt ST., B.r 201 Nicely furnished rooms for '1'I.Y ap riwuiv rent, lBTir S.. 935TJesTrable rms., Vurn,, single 01 rjmpiunieat t running watefr gentlemen praf, 1OT iuijiiuiiicinii running waierj genuemtn pr AjitSK, ..,.p , "W.WJW uri iycAi. i'iiyti a "i', ., wi)-iTont rooms, 2d noon single or en suite; light hpuscket)ng phone. 41BTrK.i. 8J0 (cor. "Weitmlnsterl-Slngl. .nil . communlcatlhg rooms, tur, or unfur.j ref. 4dTlt aRd WAt.ilirW.li' r,,.n lfi1a nr idyil ANO WALNtfr-Wel! furn. single. or OiMejomSjlioard opt, Ph, Preeton 82H8. . oTRTT B lST.-Two bright front ro"omi, every .SSnVo' T'W t'sfonabla. Wood. .1003 X. J lly new houeei unlimited phonei all eonvs.l - ...n irom -1.--I gentle man pret. 1 res e. Bid nnd Sansom Furnlshe3 fT-on. .. . .. ..rooms) men onlyt mealsj WEsTltriAMntt ,1,...; t.t... . I., nil tha Y. to, c. A. comforts of homo, t Phone Jlel- mont 4011, Key, West 880 DOABDINQ BltOAp, ft.. 770 (The Orahm)-Cool and nt tractlv. furn ehd ro6mst oil modern eonven- . lences; excel, table bosrd; hotel serv 17 up, bjtojVN,' 8S20 cheerful front room, porch: fine table, gentleman or. couple, luring 1447 P. HPRUCE, lt)28-3(-UMlreble suite with private JhirholcelMe bord. Walnut 7288 W UPlltJcE, lu20-Ilache!or'nDts.. "2 "largeTalry .-JTJVEI!""0 ba,ht electrlo lights, phone, flPnufi-VlHnfanDrmonde) Furn, rooms, elngle. en suite; private baths; table board, 'Af.tfT. 4P.nt!fi.i.nnnH ,. ,lli. u.,i hear L; southern expos.; rets, exchanged, lOTlt, aisXcravenhursO-loely furnlhfu3ou- bio and single rmi. . private baths, reas'able, 40TII, N., flo-Prli-te family will board ro- nned gentlemsn, convenient to city, Uar. 818 Ruhlirbnn OERMANTOIVN. 233 W. Rtttenhoum st. (be tween Wayne and Qreene) Dee, nca single or com. , good table; Otn. 1573 X. OAK LANErfSCfreslrable rooms.congonlsl sur roundings, good home table. Oak Lnno 388 W. OVEItllltOOK, Wynnewood Rd 801 I-arge, cool rnis . boardi eond lor. Ph llel. 1811 Y. oVBRBRObk-AStiS tiexsl roeid: boarding; & tennie, Bwim'g pool. Phone iTeeton oasi v COUNTRY BOARDERS WANTED Chestnut Hill MAPLE LAWN INN Open nil yesri terms reasonable. MRB. A. II. HARRIS. APARTMENTS SFIII.NO OARDEN, 1010-ExcelIcnt apts. In 1 amerent nouses; somo turn.; Kiiciieneiies. VA(J4tJT"r26o-Unfiirn. apt private bath and hall. App large rooms, Apply janitor. West Philadelphia 03TH ST.. S 1S21 (near Chester ave.) S rooms and bath; new, electric lights, steam heat: 1 28 SO: novel arrangement of Toomt. Apply of janitor, on promises. Phono Filbert 44-M. Atlantic City, N. .7. MODERN housekeeping opts.! porches; oiorlook Boardwalk: 38 mo. Fox. Ilrexel . .Maine ays FURNISHED APARTMENTS 20TI1, N., 7iS HandsomelVfurn. bachelor apt., aarond door, 2 rooms, private bath, cool; awnings; plenty hot water. Poplar 1472 J . LOCUST, l$T$r-egant apartments, 2 roomi, private bath; aleo single rms. Wnl. 7003 W. West riillailflpliln ELTo'n AVE. H&ndiomcly furnished 7-rnom apartment, all outside; 12 minute, to City Hall, Ideal location, roof garden, elevator: rent JOS, unfurnished. Owner, gone West, will rent Immediately for ??3, furnished or unturnisnea, nco janitor. P1NBHURBT, 45TH AND PINE . STS.-Hlx (large) room porch apartments: beautifully furnished: no reasonable offer refused, imme diate occupation, owner left city; see junl- lur. 6UIILET Housekeeping apt., rms. and bath; besutlful location for summer. Hiring B64 V. ' I' ?i i!.mV fr ... .,,. i' HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 23 U AND PINE .STB. DE LANCEY. APTS. New, light, 4 to 0 rooms. 1 and 2 baths. kitchenette! central location. Apply Janller., Uiam6n-. 1112-ITrms., tth,kltchfnTho: nnt-r heat, ref.: 2,1 floor, tlSi 4 rms.. bath, kitchen, all cor, rms , .83.1... Diamond 1813W. Kll'LAit. 1522 Attractive housekeeping apart ments, 2 and 3 rms . bath, kitchenette, mod ern conveniences. Apply 601 Empire llldg. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE CITY l6l0 N. OTH ST. A real bargain to qulok purchaser; 8 story, 8 rooms; good order: isrge yaru. w. 11. HOOD. 013 Norrls st. Winn iS'.qiritANCiJ ALHrtnCHT'B 373 Urexel llldg., 2414 W. Lehigh ave. Logan. "lAiaAN HEAL ESTATE neie, rein wiu cw. ...-, -.... M. 11. Smith, lirosd st cpp. lotan Station, NEW JERSEY Hnililonflflcl, N. J. HAVE SEVERAL FINE phoPEUTIES at bargain prices? WM, CAREV MARSHALL, Cat Federal St.. Camden, TENNBVI.VANM FARMS So'ACRliH, mushroom and green houses, fruit farm. toJoot Avendale. Chester County. A. d: IIEALPiWest Cheater.Pa. BEAL ESTATE SALE OR BENT OWV YOUR HOME by monthly pay layments of 'rom ' It W." V.'iS "KTSH-A" m Phlla ana 1 .rphinli' Otn,. worth from iffiS. 713-710 Chestnut st. .T r"' ." Union Trust Co BEAL ESTATE FOB RENT Oarages QARAOU FOR RENT liD.to-date. heated, electrlo lighted; over head wash. Clermantown ave. OFFIOKS, lltlSINESS ItOOMH. ETC. hnevm, iir.rJrt.-OFFlCEd. Annus! Rental raiind f.oor. UIOl ln..nn..tJl), 2I Mi sin. rms 1132, lw. ., 1 100, i M SV73. W'suifw- fSi., im W Boo" JM55 Isw: 1330. Cor. sultf-., 2 to 10 rms.. is to Pultes.,S,rms.l f. Vigt law. rsjo, IV;.Vw ..hi. ti William.. BOO Drexel Bldg. aiuu. ...- ,'" 1- -7 -- .- - -. oreic tor rsnt, witn leieptioue Commonwealth Hulldlng. Vrofessloiial unices. jtTVERY desirable dsntal offtce at 1019 Wal nut t SEA8HOItB Wlldltood, N. J. WILLIAM H. BRIGHT M?8, tlons. Hid reduolons, Cptsges - apariments. Stone Harbor, N. J. FfvFpxaSBT HUNOALOWB" ANp "XfART- MENTS. furnished, for rent) moderate prices; uii conveniences: near ocean and channel! both rSuroiiis to Phlladelphlaj tl.hlng, boat- i";u,u"rd"o?Mii.vtriiVd""tWM.r beach. co . Tt-M-' v m". Vbfc POB BENT-FURNISHED EW JERSEY Wmonalt, N. J. T-'pn Wenonah, N. J SEAHHOUC Avalon, N. J. 'Ewsam JrdVfalk-fl rooms, nswly Atatsn, X, i.. kTv.w fiu-BJea- wsbw". v zl. -'!" t '. . .r.i-.. sear ocean 1 rent Aay agent, Aval.o, N. J or John- chM T- a .- u sn,li alnhl. kon, SjeL-UgsaasueoBt Ventnor. N. J. PeiSiitBSft.r loCouS lefti and 'com- Cap. H- ' " lVUdwoo., N. J, fur-.TKvrtl.waMAjMRBtiX itir--yTBiMi e B.vo. ; neM 111 u plar and WSla ,:,.il aaent n MORTQAOB8 MONEY FOR MOBTOAaaS $500 $10O0 1200 SlSuo SI ouo $5iH)0 W M UOUL, - .MJtiMiS BT, . WlNNtaM Nt AMU IIUS' t PW. pyif5lgaMw f - Cx V THE JOKES ' Things Ono Would Hal her Hare Left Unsaid Dsceoeed's IJutlcr Copy of burial, sir? Local Doctor Thanks; no. I know It by h.art THERE'S NOTHING TO IT t3fw ' V$ CgoC- TTBama Mil W H? Ti ' J HP ' I 'C 1 W To,T! J -W& .-? ti ! 1 ' f I C-f,l'' Efficiency I'enn State Froth, Pater Now slnco you'vo uraduated, my on, nnd Consider yourself an efficiency engineer, what do you pro poso to do? Bon Well, I might be motorman and conductor on tho same car. m 1 11 11 iiii-ii urn AND TOE WORST IS YET TO COME v -jB 111 i .Lti TP I ml ' - " 1 I 1 V l '; aflsi.. - SCRAPPLE OP YESTERYEAlt t"rom Puhch (1B89), WARTIME DANCES FIlANC-:-THE CARMAGNOLE. Eve, overcomo with loneliness and and to do her part as n nurse. This Is 1915. THE PADDED dELL CAMP1N6TH15 m v J & 4EHt On tho Court "See hero, sir! What do you mean by saying anything; about 'Jove' to that horrid girl on tho other aids of tho netl" Sketch. expert at bandaglntr. at last summons up her farewell to the dog. FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING vxVte The Qalter-Bome o' thU -war news. IT'S ALL 'RIGHT IP YOU tAra-ST ih-rs iskr 1 I "coutb u Tuswe fA atviihg. in -rot Rtu I JVy jTP-L m nwa 'r ' 15 -fng'j -frj Speaking of Poker Jack Pot YoUr wlfo tolls mo you're out a cood deal theso nlglito. Flush Top all my salary. Punc. Farmor Arid who bo that parson working 'his hands llko a furrlnor? Friend Tlmt's our ourate. Thoy to soy ho's had moro wool wound on htm than Any ono In tho country. Tatler. resolution to leave the Pekinese pup 14SP" Lon4oa OpiBloa. Ned, do fair nk Py l- -ta4 0I -a4 CAN GET AWAY WITH IT ,JP - f" tU. jt s', i3io Arcli ei. Ts "" SeK