EVENING LEPGlim-PHlLAPELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1915. ST- : r L- uwiw- muaifiam ma( juvjixjai, J U IN JU 28, 1915. H" v- SURPLUS ANDJLQANS OF THE LOCAL BANKS SHOWED INCREASE DURDW PAL PRODUCTS ROSE; COPPER SHARES STRONG tp i Idvanco in Former Attributed B"x T nftrn Vnnrrrn Win kiu "- """ "" Specialties Inactive. r.r YORK. JUnO X8. W 11110 801TIB l were recorded In the lnltlnl trans- 10118 Oil U' aiU-l awihhbu vua itiu e ihn mnrket was distinctly heavy. S within a few minutes realizing snles 'i pUt "111 m Buuii txiuuui ua iu urillK t a reaction alt around. At the tower fill gome support appeared and prices 'ltd Bomewhat, with the coppers and Ttesdlnir nhd Steel, In the fore on tho jtery ao inuiiut, mi in uij, was tfular. and ft general waiting tone was $in evident. !i very small pari or mo trauma onmo Sm commission houses, and the lncllna- n was to hold up mahlntf new commlt fjnta pending Germany's answer to the 'nlted Slates note, wnicn uispatciica Bted would be handed to tho American mMisador at Berlin the' rirst part of fit week. It was pointed out that the one of the Gorman reply would be very Slid, and that somo of tho demnnds of his country would probably be granted. Jrhe downward turn wan led by Cnna Jin I'actno and United Btntcs Itubber. The former dropped 1 and tho latter iY: 'be fall In Canadian Paclflo was duo to vrenewrtl of foreign Belling, tho supply living been temporarily out off on Hntur Ufi when tho London 'Changa was loied. iki a matter of fact tho early decline ui more duo to foreign selling than nny Mnir else, Heading ana Steel coming In 'tl & considerable amount. Both Issues rre well supported In tho face of this, ted after yielding slightly, both came iMlc and beforo midday they woro strong, iburlng tho afternoon session the mar ket was vory quiet. Thcro was some (Strength In spots, but as a rulo prices were Irregular. Tho coppers, led by Utah Copper, with tho railroad shares, showetl th most strength, whllo the war special ties woro, with somo exceptions, a frac tion under, ana iittio attention was paia to them. Tho rise In Utah was duo to rumors of an extra dividend. i'Among tho railroads, Now Haven showed tho largest gain, moving up l',i before 2 p. m. iiuDDcr ana uanauian i'n 'clflc remained weak, but both recovered from the low. Tho market closed Irrcgu- Buir. Tno feature of the afternoon was an ftuV'UltJ UL 1V4 puiiiia ill skiiiui.uuil -wua Products, which was attributed to larger Timings from tho manufacture of anallno fares and sulphuric acid. General Motors aiovea up -;2 ujiu uuuuriuu . puium. cop per shares wcro strong to tho close. BANK LOANS LARGER WJ Philadelphia Institutions Reported Small Gain in Surplus. RComparatlvoly narrow changes wore Blown In tho weekly statement of the local Clearing Houso banks today. Loans upanded (830,000, whllo Individual dc PMlts fell JMS5.00O. Thcro was a slight acreaso In tho surplus reserve, which i now close to $19,000,000. Details follow: Leant rvrojlts (tnd.) Circulation Dvs from banks Deposits o( banks... IX Clearing House. Reserve held Hiitne required ... Buryius Juno 28, 1015. ..JUO, 047,000 .. asH.n.ii.ooo . . 11,270,000 . . r2,oo:s,oon . . 13S.541.0UO . . 14,01:1,000 .. 113,430,000 . . 04,400,000 48,010,000 Increase. JSSO.UUJ l,485.O0O :i,ooo 3,501,000. 40,(100 1,20:1,000 KSS.ooo 1:17.000 -Tl.WU EBarplus under old form: June 20, 1014, li, (MOOO: June SO, 1013, J0,781.OcXI; July 1. loi2, m,u3l,wu- June u, 4UJ.J, si.,vw,ow: juno m, ...0. 4.S70,760. .-jjecrraso. BANK CLEARINGS GBink clearlnzs today compared with corre- iRoaoing aay last two years: 1015, inn. 1013. PFMUJolphla $21,421,427 24, 741,172 S2.1,ll24,nS Boston .... 10,830,572 10,3.11,80.-, INIW York... 227,00,1,008 218,1)0.1,01 BlBlCSgO 4 I, I4-.B0L t7.B21.0V, 238.022.711 C3.077.UOS W.417.S83 RATES FOR MONEY & - Oill. Tlmo. riUadelpha 3UfM 3W4 Korork 13 Sh&Hi Euton , n mm tiro TOO l 4 Jli ommerclal nnner. thrra tn nlz Tnonthx. Phlla- Dytlila, 3!1 Dtr cent. "Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Days 30 or SO or 00 to Over i an nn .nn fMidelphU 4 4 4)4' 0 JS'lw York , 4 4 M 4W Botton 4 4 4(4 & Clerelinri .J 4 4U R Richmond 4 4 4 fi Atlanta ,...X...:i.. ... 1 4U S S mcato 4 4 454 ''hi ft. Louts 4 4 41, .'. Ulnneapolls 4 4 0 B Kinua City 4 4 4W 8 piUt ,. 4 4 4 ? ii tin Vranctaco &M 4 V4 0 FOREIGN EXCHANGE l!iT.W YORK. Juns 23. Tho foreign exchane lEarktt opened romlnal, with demand sterling v oieriinir, rnnci, mam. .,ics. Ctblo .. .. 4 7k IIIUU S1H U.02 IDlnund .... 4,77Vi 0.B3 8111-10 0.0J GOVERNMENT BONDS T1I.4 ' or iiuo reststerea ua of 1030 coupon 07 rtnima 2 registered..., OT ruim& new 3a reilstered loou fl M ltS reclatered.,..., lOOJi Met lillS coupon , l'oii (s of 1935 reslstered... 101! , Mot 1023 coupon 110K NEW YORK CURB Alr1Aptfan 9ln QVIL Ittn 7lV A MMHfffMMH" "i V? Copper TjC iia-American r oia iov mwn-American T now,.,.,.,.,., iWi ouiriii nnii innian ...... ., 1,.I -- (t si ) UAQ ,-.,.. t ft t-op ,,,... a; yil YttlUy CJ Salw... 160 ?,,avV,..r.. -::i-:s U J.-... "Mill MlftlMMIMIttM " bco rroducU '. JTT T"1 WWITJ. ""' wloo wiar ucorM prei t FVU lm i n uold Asked OS Ask. m ML I 7 a t IT" , 7?1 (HI a 18 a $75,000,000 Cotton Goods Exports TASniKOTOK. June 28. JmJgtnc from tha 5 u nuuitbs the Departroeiii m wjrainen;. hy pre4tcted npproxlmttelj- I5.000.000 col- tuvo. ezporis tor iu iu4 I", -.-CO fnvnrohU trndn balanoi. Illthirto. the trtmene Bfuiail. tha manufaetursu OQtton ko. has been the other way, esc.pt In t, when It was tl.000.000 111 Amerln's &WW. Plan for Wabash Reorganization !UW YORK. June 36 AoaounoMOent 1 by the WalUca Commute of a plan t, tn ruranlutton el In. waMMD inns trill rruilnl Railway. Th. ceminltlM rp Mou ih bondholderf, and imsto 1U pus Tur...i..r.i u.iiw.u u. 1 1 1 fall ontlrttlv Into e baud u thu first mortsag. bondftoldT. on Jrm.ru ui i u per cil SMSMrn.nt, Mill Ww on each ?1(XW bond. If Uw .lint Wuvd l.nnW..IAa a nAl avail IM1B. Kes or the uuuortuuUy oaTarjd. thaewad r.a uunuDoiafni nan ttg iw !! n in. Say part whkh itmatos unsubecrlbea. Plan provides (or wiping out the flO WfL- pil A bv th Wabash Railroad It would also r ttte alale or SOU.WSJ uonwyw wmnw and leave only a kvndeJ debt or about It U pr6Mi w lnu a o"j who a capital slock u " nt. :..,. I ... . t h rAiraaO id. maoagua ooaUuJ u.c Tcriuluil Kullay wauwsne a eeyiua '""" DIVIDENDS DECLARED too Suburban Htectrlc Cunipeulef tfH HI i run uU pref.rri'd nil stile July u to t lu.urd JvjIv 1 . .. New York Stock Sales IMbkSHaMkhaasa.MBBMHMB. .. . 1 AMVaOoMMIntj.... 39,1. J Us-ChMm Mfg I8i Ust ClO,. Hh. iw. Allls-chalm llfgprif wigr wncmtcai AraBcet BUMt AmllratcnH A V t c amalgamated Copper. w 52 60 103 76 38), 18 S2 60 Clot. 17'. 61)1 r,2 40 Am can :.". Vr,i 100! Am Can nnf Am Car & Foundry. . Am Coal Products.... Am Cotton Oil AmlIldo& liprff,.. AmlcoSfcutlllM..., Am Iocomollvo . . . Am Looomoilre pref. momctt net. as 17f 63U 103). io3 van "OH 74H 76) 4651 Wi Am 100) 100)f 100X ,60 6T 55 100)t 105). 109) 4(1 4.1 ar. t) 3M atx 20' ( 61 08 M 20J, 62 OS 81K 20)f 6t5f 03 103M mt 105 40 34 20 61l 07 Am 8oir !!;;.. ,S '? i... :"""" iU(Jl iumh 111s Am tS'pmW I07 W!of AtchUon T & s P p lot 101 lmt, nln Atlantic Coast Un. 0 on' Jffi" n" ooi tiiu no 102)j 102 77Jf 77) 71'( 7M 103 103 M H Datdwln Xjun Baldwin Loco pref.. llaltlmoro AOhlo.,. "alt & Ohio prcl... Bank of Commerco. . naiopuas .Mining. 102 77 71H 103 m (Ml 102 77M 71)1 103 IJethlvliem Steel i70)i nofi 109" Brook yn nap Trans. 88 83)4 88) Brooklyn Union Qaj. wt ij?" 197 Butto & Superior.. -ai i'etroleum Canadian Pacific Cent Leather Co Chesapcako & Ohio , . Chlno Copper CMo Mill & st Paul. O 0 O & St L pf. . . CM II I ftp Col Fuel & Iron Comstock Tunnel... Continental Can pf . . Corn Product" Ilcf . . . Corn Prod. Hcf. pf . . , Crucible Steel Cuban-Am. Sugar Distillers' Securities. . . Del. & Hudson Den. & 11 lo nrande . . Detroit Edison Dome Jllnfs Dul S. 8. &Atl Erlo Ella 1st pf General Electric General Motors General Motors pf . . , Goodrich, 11 K., Co. "2i 72 71 14M 14) 14H 143 147M 140K 40) 41)f 40J 30 40J, 01 mi 17 J 32 15 8)i 15 70) 20!i 89 27 30 40U 01 mi 10)( 32 13 03)4 15 78!f 205i 80 20)4 170M 88)4 127 71)4 14M 140X 40)4 30 40W 01 68)f 10)4 32 15 08)4 16 70)4 20J4 80 20)4 an 40 01 67J4 10)4 32)4 12 00 14"X 703i 30 83 27 147J4 147J4 147)4 147)4 ' 0)4 Mi 5)4 115)4 115)4 115)4 115)4 17W 18M 17)4 18)4 4)4 4 -1 4 2054 20J4 20)4 20)4 41H 4M 41)4 41)4 171 171 170)4 171 153 155M 152)4 155)4 102X 102)4 102)4 102M FOlt Rflz R11 rue n.r.;:u ;; .. -.-. ."." "' "" ."i" uuuuiiui, H.t' t,o, pi 1U2 1UJ 102 102 Great Northern pf ... Ii8)f 110)4 llSJi lioif 30)4 30)4 30 30 ran m n.i nu juujs iuo 22)4 22) 75)4 70 31)4 32 60 50 143)4 114 100 22)4 76)4 31)i 60 100 22)4 75J4 31)4 50 143)4 143)4 81 125 40)4 34K 75 10)4 70 18)4 05 02 ro 120 40H 354 7f 10)4 7,'f 20)4 102 00)4 13)4 05 03)4 15 89)4 05)4 3'M Gt.N.cfs, for oro prop uugconhclm Diprn., Illinois Central Inter-Met vot t c, Inter-Mot pf Inspiration Copper.. Kansas City So pf., Lehleh Valley Deceit & Myers pf.. 118)4 117)4 117 Aiacicay cos Manhattan El ctd.. Maxwell Motors.... Max Motors 2d pf.. Mexican Petroleum.. Mo Kan & Tnriu. .. Mluntiri Pndflp 7uc Miami Copper 25!4 Montana Power rif... 105 nat cioak a suit.... Nat Enamel & S Nat Lead Nfiw York Air TtrnVrt. Nevada Con Cop 14)4 .now ion: ucnirat... 80)4 N Y N II & II 01)4 M v n iri in Norf & West 103K M3K in.tw in.1M Northern Pacific 107 107)4 107)4 107)4 Paclflo Coast 1st nf 7fi 7S 7f. Pacific Mall 31 3154 3-1)4 34)4 I'acmc TCI & 'lei.... 32 33 33 Penn II It 10OH 100)4 100 i-eiiiDone-AiuiiiKcn... 4ut 4U 4U Plttsbureh Coal 22M 22)4 Pressed Steel Car 49)4 48)4 Pressed Steel Car pf.. 03)4 07)4 Quicksilver 2)4 2)4 Quicksilver pf 2JJ 3)4 Hav Con CoDDer 24 U "i( Ilcadlne 150 151 140)4 140)4 85 20)4 !4 )4 4)4 7)4 12H 7)4 14)4 35H 88)4 10H 64 70)4 37J4 14 03 654 128 81 5854 04)4. 40 2)4 17 33 60)4 0 120 40)4 35S4 74)4 10)4 7)4 20 102 00)4 18 04)4 02 15 80 01)4 29)4 2)4 48)4 07)4 2)4 3H 24)4 117M 79 120 40)4 35!4 74)4 10)4 7)4 20)4 102 C9H 18 05 03 15 89 n-iw 30)4 33 100 40 22)4 48)4 07)4 2)4 .114 24!4 Heading 2d pf 84K 85 85 Hep Iron 4: Steel 20)4 2034 29)4 Hock Island Co H !.' )4 Hock Island Co pf... M )4 )4 Ituraley M Co Hi 4)4 4)4 St Louis & S F 7)4 7)4 0)4 St L & 8 F 1st pf... 12 12M 11 St L & 8 V 2d pf... 8 7)4 7)4 Seaboard Air Line.. . . 1434 15 14)4 Seaboard Air L pf.... 35)4 35)4 35)4 Southern Pacific 8S)4 8SK 88 Southern Ily 10)4 1034 10M Standard Milling 63)4 54 64 Studebakcr Co 70 70H 77)4 Tenn Copper 37J4 38 37)4 Teias & Pacific 14 14 14 Tobacco Products pf. OSH 03 08 Union Dae & Paper. . 6H 6)4 5)4 Union Pacific 128)4 128)4 12734 81 63)4 OIK 40 3)4 17 3J 61)4 80)4 58K 01)4 40 2)4 17 32 48M Ilnlnn PucINr nf RTIK U S Ind Alcohol 50H U S Ind Alcohol pf.. 04)4 U B Itealty & Imp.. . 3S)4 U 8 Hod & lief 3 United Ilya Invest.... 10 United Kys Inv pf... 31 tl U Dnhhar Klt U a Itubber 1st of.. . 100M 100)4 100)4 100)4 U 8 Steel 01)4 Gl)4 00)4 00)4 U 8 Steel pf 100H 100)4 100)4 100)4 utan copper vin ut?i u uo;i Ya-Caro Chcm 33 32)4 Va-Caro Chem pf.... 07J4 03 Wabash pf )4 H Western Union Tel... 00)4 07 Westing E 4M 100H 100X Wheeling U E .... 2 1)4 Wheel & I. K 1st pf. 7X 0 WWI T. K M nf. 214 '1 12S4 WU 32)4 33)4 03 08 m a 07 07 00)4 100 Willys Overland. Ccnta per share, Total sales. 271.100 1 4 2 120 1 4 2 130 shares, comparsd with 410,000 shares last Monday, COMPLAINS OF COAL RATES I ii,elui. n. U i in who aioiiinui aa. H. .ilia i l(e lull IV i unu(aci.urUJ Co(uimu. tjbl July It to atuuJt Charges of Lackawanna Alleged to Be Unjust. IIAnillSBURa, rn.. Juno 25.-Com-plnlnt was mado today by W. P. Boland, of Scranton, before tho Publto Service Cororaisalon against the Delaware, LacK awana and Western Railroad, alleglntr that tho freight rates on anthracite coal are unjust, unreasonable and discrimina tory. He asserts that lie Is unable to get rates that ore extended to favor ship pers. Poland's complaint also alleges that the railroad company has for the last 10 years Interfered with the successful operation of a plant In which he Is In terested and that Us purpose Is to eliml- nate competition. Following tt conference here today of acting Chairman Alny with the heads of the various bureaus sf the Publlo Servio Commission, the chairman said he had formulated a plan by which meet Ings of this character will be held on Monday of each week, so aa to expedite the work of the Commission. By this ar rangement be hopes to evolve a system that will bring about the disposition of complaints and ether matters without unnecessary delay. WILL CLOSE SATURDAY Now York Stock Exchange Members Vote for Holiday. NBW YORK. iwTv The mwaibers f XT New YK BteaJt obM have oted to close all day Uwy- It U uY up tn tl Ctovernow penilonfunew to t1" Barding the holiday prUiig Jftne- , Z that defln.te acUon will "taken th.n Nothing has yet been Znl .,,, "he Phl.adhia, S, as to closing Saturday. DAB SILVER New York Bond Sales JCCO Albany A Sti.q sMs,.?.,jJh" JWO Amr Airr 6. ....... ..100M Mhn Am Mn.,1. Cam Aa .. i rut Josoo Amer Tel evt,4H' 101 4 to ( M. V'iti 000 rto ot 4s Ilisa, 14000 Armour Co U V3l; 4S, .i.i.t, ' do 4s .in 8?H 'do cv 4..... S7 ' Halt ft O Bfrn SHs,.,t 87H is. ,...J1J .m .n.l.illiH ist a,., m s.;:.":;.'iicj . 79 :T 450!) Atihlson adl 4s, ....... K) jww no OT 48 iM. .,...,, si;. 10U Atlan Co Urns clt 4a.. 81 (nv uau a unto shs.... 01 ovw ug i 2VW 1M10 liyu; iicth Bteel 1st Cs leg! ?." u.a os, . mi.,. ,1, no 1000 Brook Hap Tr 4 ,8754 nooo do cs ltfift .1.. loo owo Cent Lenthtr 1st 6s... vvK 2SW0 Cent Eao 1 4t 87S i."y m ii n J ds. i.i.jij iw ;nra a u OT 4WI 4C000 Chile Coo 7s... 4000 Chi at West 4s, 2000 Cht A Nun BU f oiwj cni u ft g joint 4s,,, yrvw ua Hsn IS, ., . , ,. , i , , 1 180W O iM 1 StV nisritl RKX) do ot 4M. .,.,...,,, 07 00O a St 1 M ft o deb Ss.loi loon Col & Bocth 1st 4s... 80' Sooo Con Oaa cv fii inooo Den ft ilia ur 4a... uopi) jits bta corp tt.... 10UO t)u Pont 1'owd 4Us. 41X111 IZrlm I.H., tit Hooo do 1st eon 4s lootf .000 dmn Day Cs.. ......101U r.000 Hud ft Man in (1 6r.0OO ill steal deb 4U 88 low Iowa Central ret 4s.... BOW 17C0O Ina Con cv 0s. 18U4 rooo Interb Met 4H 78 10000 Interb It T rt Bs.... ti74 C00O Inter Mar Mar 4Ui.. Bill HOOO Jap new Oer sta -t'ls. 78 10O0O Lnclca 8tcI Cfl 10. 11i 8000 l.aka flh deb 4s 1028. 01 1000 Lake Sh dtb 4a 11)31.. liOVi 1000 l,ltf ft K T P 101)4 10OO I.Ik ft M T 7a. 1MK 1000 Lonir Island B 103S 1000 Lorlllard 8 OSH r.CCO Lou ft Kaeh col CI....102U 8000 J -oul ft Nash 4s Olf: W0 Minn ft 8t U 4s Mli tnf Mo Kan ft T let 4a.. 74 70"O do 2.1 4s ltd "uoo Mo 1'aoino 4s no BlOW tlo cv 8 .11 10(10 do col Bs 1017 .... 00i 1CKO Mont Power Bs tin. KWil N V Airbrake cvt fis. , 07H nooo k y c-m c cot ails... ;o 20H0O H V O ft II .1US 7011 I0T0O do Cs rets 2.'0"0 do 4Vis ,.. 1000 N Y City 4s 1039. . 4000 ds 4Us leC4 .... H0O do 4s Nov 1051 100O N Y rtivr n( 4s. . 22000 do adj Bs nnoft N Y Tol jen 4VJs 1PS0OO Nor Pao prior 4 a,.. IXW d am 8s 8000 Ore Hhort 8 I. 4s., uofi do 1st cs UftOOO IMcltlo Tel Cs 1000 Ponnn cv 3Hs nooo do 4s 1018 11000 do ct 4H roOOO do Ron ct 4s IdOOO Hay Con Copper (Is. MC-00 Ilock Island rtd 4s. Low. Clote, 8$ 85 lwH luo',i 100 100 101 101 02 02 824 82)4 lOOi 101 84 81 wi i is s lcoji loou loo loo ua . lif. .72 .7? Ill I! lait, a.; H7, 00' t 111 'J . Vfiji ?I8 ?IS ssw ?4 81 TIMI 110 OS 10OO fit t, I 3t ft So 8s..c C00O est Ii ft 8 P rfd 4s. .. I'OflO Ht V M ft M 1st 4s.. roCO Senboarrt A I. adj Es nooo Hmith Hell ri 2000 South Psa 4s 10ru) nnuth Van cv 4s mboo ao ct rci r p on iujs.iu" M0CO South Pno rfd 4s M 15000 south nwy son 4s. . . . nt4 iroo tiouth Kwy con Bs onjj MOOO Texas Co ov Os loo,, 6000 Thtnl Avo new 4a.... MM 1000 Third Avo adj Bs... .77 100O Tol ft Oh Cent 1st 6a. 101 1000 It B Realty Bs 72 100O V 8 Hubber Cs 102b miwiit a ml fi 102 wnrr. ll.i.. T. m 1 . Am . flM 4000 Union Pao cy 4 8JJ 110OO union i'ac na is... 14000 Wabash 4s 1100O tVabash 1st Bs ROOd IVabaah 2d Bs 2.1000 tVab-P Ter lBt ct 4s. WOO lVest T:iea Bs ... 7300O West 13 & M rv Ss. ,am 1V..I TTnlnn LUtM.... imro Wheeling- ft I. a 4a... B0 Total anles. $1,810,000, compared 0CO last Monday. ltflll ll osv nstl 12l 12tl ret Cl 42 IMl R7l ..20JI .1001? : 5U .10l4 .10.1'i . 01 1 20U 20V, ioo4 iooj4 ion; lorn IOT'4 104 oiI nm E0 BO rltll 12,010,- MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPA1I STOCKS. Jim Butler MncNamara Midway Mlrpah Hxtonslon . Montana Northern Star Tonopah Iielmont .. Tonopoh Extension Tonopah Merger ... Tonopah Mining ... Rescue Uula West End Btd. , .07 , .0.1 , .in , .24 , .28 , .IB :?o1 , .78 QOLDFIELD BTOCKS. Atlanti lllue Dull llooth Uulldoe C. O. D Combination Fraction DiamondHeld D B Dalny Florence ;';: Ooldneld Consolidated Qoldrtold Merrcr Jumbo extension Kewanos Oro Sand Ken Silver rica . .R0 . .01 . .B0 . .03 . .04 . .08 . .01 . .03 . ,B0 : .1.B8 . .11 . .01 . .07 .. 10 Falrv Altec Klnineny Nevada Hill '.... Nevada Wonder MISCELLANEOUS. , .02 . .03 . .23 .1.70 Asked. .OS .01 .18 .23 .31) .17 SH .4t 7"l .1U .80 .13 .0'. .02 .01 .03 .10 .04 .07 .BS 1.1)0 .10 .10 .08 .u .0.1 CHI .23 1.78 LONDON STOCK MARKET Heavy Accumulation of Tenders for New War Loan. LONDON, Juno 28. Irregularity char acterized dealings on the stock exchange today. Business was on a small scale. Brokers Indicated that there had been a heavy accumulation of tenders for tho nOW TTUl luan ...... ...w ....-..-, further sales of consols and old war loan. The latter was Quoted at 93. The additional decline brought support because It Is becoming Increasingly cheaper to acquire the p.ew loan by ex changing through old Instead of bidding for whole amounts as required In direct negotiations. There wbb firmer tono later to Ameri cans in sympathy with Improvement at New York, but Canadian and Argentine rails weakened again. Steadiness pre vailed In home railway shares. There was a disposition to await action by the Government on prices for coal. Heslta. tlon was shown In rubbers. Largo ar rivals of the staple are Impending. Mines lacked steadiness. Boyal Dutch Petro leum Issues were firm. German Bank Gains Gold TiPiiLlN. June 28. Tns statement of the n?!bhlbatilc. issued June 23, shut.. Increasea ?f metal atockV. treasury csrlltlcates and notes Sf Mher binksof bO.BSfl.OOO marks (:0.13J,7Bq)i liia 2 887 000 marks hfc0.2BuS deposits. 103. lTiaa marks (I2b.45T.230)! dscreases In dls. ints ot74.0(. WO marks (I IB. 600. B00)i loans. ? ill 000 marks msV&o); treasury, b lis. J'mJ'oS) marks (f 888.60057 note circulation, ib!los!ooo mark (14.7TT.OOQ), Average Daily Bank Clearings Tha average dally bank clsarlnts for the first Quarter of tUe year coiopara with 1811 as foU lowst ioi5 1011 Jun HIHlfrJffl 'iS-IS- ";. ::::::::::;: losSooo boo:tti:ooo April ", ino airinvi eoo 089 Cm First Quarter ......t ,i."i"- ,-,-,-- NOTES OF THE KAIL nates ranging from i cents to BW cents per hundred pounds on Imported wood pulp from Boston to New England points over the Boston and Maine Ball road today were declared reasonable by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The Interstate Commerce Commission today refused commodity rate provision, Chicago to Ds Moines, because It U needed also to other low points, but said It must set If shlppera and carriers did not agree Uy August 1. The Bulg the market nit Railways are In ,r IS locomotives. SUDDEN SETBACK IN LAKE SUPERIOR Appointment of Receiver for Algoma Central Terminal Caused Selling- Movement. The appointment of a receiver for the Algoma Central Terminal Company, a subsidiary of tho Lake Superior Corpo ration, wna responsible for a sudden drop of more than i points In the stock or tho latter concern on the Philadelphia Ex change this morning. Offerings were said to be partly fer foreign account, and con siderable stock came out on tho break from above 10 to 8!l. At this level sup porting order made their appearnhce ahd the dectlno was checked, The quotation then rallied to around 9, where It re mained during the latter part of tho ses sion. Over 7000 shares changed hands. There are two other afnllated companies of the Lake Superior group which have defaulted Interest on their bonds, but holdors agreed to fund tho payment, whorona In tho cose of the terminal no such arrangement was mado and a re ceiver therefore had to bo nppolntod. Just what effect this will have on tho already complicated affairs of the Lake Superior company is not clear as yet. Incidentally, an official of tho com pany was. quoted as saying that so far comparatively few orders for war mate rials had been received, and that tho plant wns only operating on half time. The appointment of a receiver for tho Terminal Company Is In lino with tho ap pointment Inst March of receivers for tho Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Hallway Company, which lenses und owns alt tho JIOO.OOO cnpltnt stock of the Terminals. Tho Algoma Railway Is controlled through stock ownership by the Lako Su perior Corporation, which guaranteed tho principal and Interest on the e3.000.000 first mortgago 6 per oent bonds of the Algoma Tormlnals, on which tho semiannual In torost duo February t lost was defaulted. The present proceeding was Instituted by a London commltteo representing tho bondholders, nnd D. M. McCIolland linn been appointed receiver for tho Termi nals by tho Canndlan courts. It kas stated today that an amicable funding arrange ment would probably be reached and that all tho Algoma companies would bo re organized. Tho general local market remained prac tically unaffected by tho fall In Superior, prices being -well maintained around Saturday's closing levels, Demand de veloped for Philadelphia Eloctrlo In odd lots and the stock seemed scarce United States Stcol fluctuated Irregularly within relatively narrow limits, whllo the Bald win Locomotlvo Issues and Cramps' Ship building wcro Inclined to sag on small offerings, General Asphalt moved up a substantial fraction, while Pennsylvania Salt receded on this announcement of the regular dividend. Homo hope had been expressed that a larger payment might bo made. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS tlem: Oar Sales in Philadelphia S3 Am Oa 100K iu Am ifvs orer. . . im. 0U3 11a Id Loco Sat. close, Illeh, Loir. sa proi... i'"4 CO CTtt w go nrac mi 100 Bult A Suspf t 0 40 20 Cam riteel 40H 100 Cht Ot West 210 (len Asphalt ...82 233 do pref "O H Ins Co N A 22 73IU Laka Sun Corp. 10 ISO Lehigh Kav ... 73H 100 I. Val Tr pref.. 20 n North Fa HOVi 1107 Ta R II B3U 2(1 Pa Salt Mfg. . . . 89i 20 I'enna mi prof. B8 100 Thlla Co 33 no Fhlla Elco 23U 200 Phlla 11 T n 8 Phlla Tract i 1033 nradlne ... lfiV) Tonooa 60 Tonopah Mln... 20 Union Tract. . 80 United Q I ... 2343 U S Steel SO Warwick I & 3 150 Wm Cramp t o Total sales, 10,010 shares, 24,300 shares last Mcnday. BONDS. Last prev. sale, lioo Am oaa t J'.i ss bo 1000 Ileth Hteel ls...lin Z5 cam till acp -m ua 7at do 11)17 07' ?nm, T!l Peoo Tr 4s 78 1000 Eqult HI (las Sa.lO.I sooo uey lei jsi os.. in imn Tj.h N'v ens 4Kb D0: 1000 do Coal Os.... 101 700O do cons Os..,.. .. 2000 Penn 4s 1031.. .. 13000 Pa Co (ten 4Hs. . BSli 1100 Phlla Eleo 4s.. 70 HOOO Heading gen 4s. C2U Close. 1U0J IWft ims nn ii ) 07 K0Si OOTfc 102W 102J4 1021 sii 3J, n; 4t 4S 4l. ui n ii? r-i H2H a. "0 till 70 sty, siy-i 22U i? ToJ? Pn IV.i Mi 2SM 01 01 01 B3 B3)( MM (01 80 (t BS BS BS 35 33 a.'. S'4 "Si 74 74 74 71 18-10 73 7-in TOlk 7.75 nelm. 4 1-10 4 1-lrt 4 4 7H TS-10 7 8-10 7 3-10 ta 33 M 3 R314 S3J1 83 83 01W 6li OOj; 00 m OS nu " 02 01M 01 01 with compared llleh. Low. Close. ,h any oj'i n u A 117 117 117 y tr.s vii vv ii 07H 07i H7K t4 73H 73t4 78 V, 1034 IOR'5 losti If mnf mi? nlt7 n 11,71 "71 trn (i 001 09K nuK 104 1IH J1H 110 110 110 OIV, 04 P4H ns'J ni'J osi SO 70 70 02U 02 M Total sales, 911,033, laat Monday. copipared with 180,833 c Local Bid and Asked Today's inn. ax. Baldwin Wt iwn da nrcf Buff & 8US( t 11 SOI , 48' , 1541 ttHJ ion (17 103 llVi 40 40 B-1V5 in Test'dy's litn. UI14 iSH 104 00 40 Aa nref ram Steal .. Dec Storage. flen Asphalt. '.-:$ ill m m UI VIM v 7J .W 7$ 73 73H :B Ilv S . 2S 20 2S 20 , . B3 63U B3 8-10 63 B-tO . 23K 23 . .1.1 . 32 SO At. praf Lake Hup Corp Lehigh Nav Lehigh Jaley -... Li'hlgh Valley Trao ,1a Dref Pennsylvania Phlla Elea rhlla Co !; tlo o per ceni vt .... i.trt nraf. Phlla It T S ao t o v Iteadlnc ; P Tonopan ii , Tonopah Mining TVS Union Traction Jv U Gas Imp " II 8 Steel...... M Wm Cramp t o ra1 311 Mtf 83 40 0 0 23U 83 82 80 0 0 T1H 23U 83H S3 40 tl '?. 4 1-18 4H III .V.ii 84 At 62 83 83 flJH 81 38V5 3ti GRAIN AND FLOOR fc..w,IT,TlT"n,oelBt,i 4-M bun- Tha mar- 5',tIl,.nrSr b there was little ttadlnr, Oueta- ko. 2 red. m, neni-Duluth, COHX Ttepelnts. Q.itfl i..-v. i. M-u no!..1!' "". flrm uni" light olterlnia. fiSJ,.''ln; Sr Iota for Joesi trade, as 10 RiiSU: TSSfg-' N' "UOW.WW-.I No. 4 ..?'T?rnSc,l),' J.'122 bush Demand !??" aid, prices were He. lower. Quota UsV.i K2l,3 whe.. BlSrMUc.l standard white, MOMMcs No. 8 white, 628B2140. F1.0tk-.neeelpts, 1C04 bbta. and 000,080 me. In SAcks. Trade was nuiet and values were largely nominal. Quotations, oer lna lbs. wuj iniir, !,li..0V. !SS!'. ,n export eleater-No 1lVio ' Northern 2M8 bueh. T under light :s ferjpeal tri low, MUaSfe.! i, 3 yellow, In REPINED SUGARS Tho market waa quiet, but steady. We quota renners' list prices: Standard granulated, J-lJo . eura fine granulated, b.io., powdeted, JJOe. conrl!etlonera A, Oe.i ert grades, 8.28 CPo.Soc. POULTRY ..'-Vr. Supplies were small and the mar- Rll.J.u,r" "rm' w,.'n "wis nigner, uemand. was. onir mooerate. Quotations In straight, i).t 28.76: jute racks, .clear, SAjhesBOj do., do , patent. 18,7800: Kan- ". siraigni, jute sacks. l8.40flB.B0i do., Bat e!ldl,!., "cks.8S.M8B.T3i spring. Brst elear, 1HJS9I. .do., straight, 0fl0 S3 do., patent, lOSSflurOi do., ravotte brands, id0O8O.8M J 'It ,HU',i cnoicn snu lancy paieni, su,uuis '."si CJ(. n'!l,,i regular grades-winter, clear, 3..S jpjj.BOj do.. straight, I3.B03.73I do., rat em, o.7so. llVn rLOUU-The market ruled steady, cut there waa little trading, We quota neatby and Western. In wood, at I0SO.B0 per fcbl., aa to quality. PROVISIONS M The market ruled eteadr with a- fair lobbing demand. . Following are the quota tlone: City or western beef, In sets, smoked and nlr-drled, 288200.; city beet, knucklee and tendere, smoked and alr-drlod, 276230.; West irn beor, knuoklca and tsnders, smoked, 279 '.ac.i beet hams, IJiedJl pork, family, 22U .2.30, hamt, S. P, cured, loose, DSlJttci.do, skinned, loose, I2i,iffl21ic.i do., do., smoked, laiiffHc.i other hams, smoked, city cured, aa to brand and average. 13H(tlic.l ham, smoked. Western cured, 13KQ140.1 da., belled, boneless, 22tt2Jai plcnlo shoulders, H. p. cured, loose, lOHtfllc, i do., smoked, llOHHc: bellies tn pickle, according to average, louse, 11UV12C: breakfast bacon, ns to brand and average, city cured. 10317c.; brrakrnat bacon. Western cured, llltft'c, ; lard Western refined, In tierces or tubs, lonffllc; lard pure city, kettle ren1erd, In tierces, lOKCllc.: lard, puro city, kettle rendered, in tubs, lultVUc DAIRY PRODUCTS nurrr.ll. The market was qiilot, but S rices were steadily maintained on line goods, notations: Waitern, solid-packed creamery, lancy specials, 80'ic.j extrn, 28Hc; etira nrsts, 27t428c.i firsts, 27c; seconds, 20o.; nearby prints, fancy, sic.i average extra, 2i) 010.1. do., fair to good, 200270.1 garlicky, 24020c.: jobbing sales of fancy prints, 8O38O0. l.tlOS. Tim market waa Inaotlve, but of ferings of strictly fins atock were moderate nnd prices ruloii steady. Quotations; In tree enses, nearby extras, 24o. per dos.i Hrsls, so.10 per standard caso: nearby current ro- icelpte, 13.53 per case: Western extra firsts, M5.P5r.-CM8i ""'" ''83 Pc esse; Southern, 1.801(8.40 per rase: fancy selected candled egrs wero lobbing at 2002,c. per dot. CHlir.Si: The market ruled nrm under light ofrerlnga und a fair demand for desirable slock. nuote: New York full cream, fancy, new, lBKOlrtc.: do. do., fair to good, new, 18u lSlc; do., part skims, 8312c. tkhorn. . orDinns cniCKCiifl, brnltfna aklaLana lbs apleee, 2aiHco, horns, welghlnr IE auras, Pek n. I4ltlCe.i ducks InM I2ffl30.t pigeons, old. per pair, 21023c.; do., 8F.V? JV horns, welghlnr 191U lbs. apleee, liri2?i inaian iiunner. luuiia r'r tlr. S09 21e "Hi.NSUiJ Offerings -w A l(K 1 mJk ,. --"--'" "---w,.v..,.- .,".. ..wr.-. . ..u "i Krnerai marxei was quiet anq witnout im portant chango. IVe quotet Fresh-killed poul try, fowls, 13 to box, dry-picked, faney select- '. t.1 ."sning stvo 10s. apiece, jlso.i welghlnr 8Hfi lbs., apiece. 18te. weighing A Ul?l.,'!E!?t, .lW97)iol tinder 3 lbs. apiece. i4rtl?lBi4e 1 Ice-packed-Weetern, 4Hs lbs. and oer apiece, 17c,;, do., smaller slits. 14V160.; old roosters, dry-picked, 12c, broiling thickens, &"' 'aney, 80tM2c , other nearby, fancy, 28 WOo.j Western, wetthlnr 1H82 lbs., tl820o. 00., welgbtng loift lbs,, 21023c, I spring sigh- duchr, I8CIT0.! sauabs. per dot., white. Ing 11 to 12 Ibe. per dot, S3.O04 30! white, weighing 0 to 10 lbs. per dot , H M white, weighing 8 lbs per dm., lJ.4Otf2.0O; do., 7 It, per dot.. 1.7BU2,10; do., do , 6fltt lbs. per dot, Jl.2381.Wi dark, 1.23tM-80 small and No. 2, 1, FRESH FRUITS Tho supply and demand were both fair at ins following I York, per but rerlted quotations: Apples. New uniuwin. J.'.wu.l.w: ao.. lien Davis. S21t2,eo: oiler good eating varieties, 12 2.C0: do., Western, per hot, 73ciJ2 pesehes, forsls. ner pratm. I2se9.7Si tmnni. ter hox. .-.;.?:..: - -. - :-:"-' .-... -. .-. --. UJ,ov; tDs.ou: ao., aweet, per pound, 30 pound, 803c. I plums, Jl.8032; currents, re-j, 2.U3UU! ornntres. ITlarliln. nef box. S2Q3.fi0: granerrult, Florida, per. tcx, liolBOi pine' yppies, per omte. rorto itico, 2ea,Do: ao.. rionaa, s-u, cnerries. sweet, pel 7r.t do., sour, par pound, So: flenrrla. tier rnrrinr. Sl.R012i ru -"""'. -- - r:. T-" -.r- .rr- :."-- ..,' per quart, Iliac; airairpernos, per quers. uci nwara and Maryland, BfflOc, 1 do., Jersey, 4ff IOC.: blacklierrles. North Carolina, per quart, 7O10O. ; do., lielaworo nnd Maryland, per quart, lOflnc: gooseberries, per qunrt, llfflct huckls leirles, per qunrt, PTJlla. j raspberries, red, per pint, Mi ik , cantatoupea, Florida, per crate,. SI 23;il.7B; watermelons, Florida, per 100. 130400. VEGETADLES j Tl,ero was a fair outlet for potatoes ot fine quality, values of which were a ahads firmer. Other egetablea told lalrly at revised prices. Quotations: White polators, per bush. Mslns, lB23c.: New York, aa to qualltr, 150380.1 while potatoes, Norfolk, per bbl. No. L S1.1BO 1.23; No. 2, 40980c. t white potatoes, North Csrollna. per bbl-No. 1. OOcCILlOj No. 2, 2Btt!Oc.; onions, Texas, per cummer-crate l'sncy, 0OB700.1 poor, 253600.: caullnower. Nor folk, per hamper, W078c. eggplant, Florida, per box, :R2.23j cucumbers, North Carolina, imp l.hhl. httaltnf. 7.1a.t7t1; pumimhers. Nor folk, per H-bbl. basket. JSc.flll: tqustb, Nor- ti-Doi. unsset, i't.c.: folk. per noDners. Florida, per.carrler, 11(11.23: tomatoes. Florida, per carrler-dfnncy, nsparngus, i.p. .ln.23; BQlSc. choice. 7Ba.i tomatoes. Mississippi, per case, BOSCBc.t eer buncn. nu basket, G0c.Cf2.2B. mushrooms, per FINANCIAL BRIEFS OKI l.M.VlOd 1.075.1MO I10S.029 M.OAd 2,02.410 372.8SO l78,8Til 111.743 lS,(lAd 173.820 1383.203 153.050 8,861.833 478,770 a-.ilnM.nt llAnnjnV 1. i tls7rei4 tor ope hundred HOM to lM-oS-pouad oapaelty aU-steel or steel uriiwfratne gondola oars, ono or two ata to W.MsiKuDd capacity box car STa uSr of stoond-haad three-feet gaga coal ud Bat cars. liurajMsi as rates oa tvefswu produsis batwien BOtns in Western Trunk Unj aTd southwestern territories as proposed by vailous carriers have beu ordered ,upndd uaUl October by the Inter state ciwitt" OommlaiMtw, ItAILROAD EARNINGS BOSTOK AND MAINE. 1918. Decreets ,.. .r revenue 18.874.708 .. 11,874 j;v -vr roi.nus. : : : . . . 017.074 st, ft'VwlithV'oper rev.:... .S" Net oper. revenue 0,812.804 Increase. CENTRAL- OP aBOnQIA Msy sros far'a5 glVvaW monthi-'rr...::. lj.jjj.g Krt cuiABTlLllOAD. May gTOas 'mj'tS ILLIHOIS CHNTRAU May eroa -gJ-JJS OHICAaO. BT. Wo"MIA1tAI.KNHAl,0U8 AND Mar gros ll,2sJi3 Nst ,ttlt""' Mint KRnMtil gross...". Net ;;;; J, LOU18VILLB AND NAB1IVILLK. .. .ijt Jum 4,IW0 . JTV .,. .iteoffifllDUT VT.T.V YAWX u "-"' -.K May gross '-- Ti3l.i Rti-lsWW groas... Je.HJ.T 7TJ.0 MKNNATI. NW ORLSANi AND TBXA3 - 35? r&3'-::::. ' " "" TL.. ,. uao TUd week June aSI'uS S jaawry 1 r-- SOUTUSIRN RAILWAY. Ul.SSl 244.454 240.93 ISl.WH) SlO.UiS 11 nm iso.aavi oia I.1M 1S.S21 ,513 1.137.8U tt.ua 82,268 ikman m& iss 3uw i.r.:.: ... . tn "" " . . . . a a ut crtr rt i a sir- ..... l&ts :iUSol siaeraue. Exports of general merchandise at tho port of New York for tho week ended Juno 23 totaled 6,7C3.0S3, 'on Incrcnao of 12,366,078, compared with sur e week last year. Imports for tho week totaled J20, 811,0:8, an Increoao of (5,191,100. "Tho effect of competition of European war Issues on lilgh-grndo American bonds on tho markets In tho United States Is belnc carefully considered," say E. B. Smith & Co. "At this tlmo It Is believed that BUch competition may not be to tho disadvantage of American bonds, for tho reason that tho dlffcrenco creatod by foreign exchange. Income und other taxes acts In favor ot our securities. Then, too, much of tho money obtained for war Issues will be expended In tho United States, which will supply a greater buying power for all classes of securi ties." A total of 52.676,431.342 of American Hallroad securities wns until recently owned by foreign Investors, according to a compllntlon mado by Tresldent L. F. Loree, of the Dolawaro and Hudson Com pany, from data collected from virtually all tho railroads of tho United States be tween October, 1514, and April, 1315. In n statement making public theso results, President Loreo calls attention to the fact that n largo nmount of these securi ties since the beginning of the war have been returned to this market, and an nounces that ho will now ask the rail roads for similar Information for the period between July 1 next and Decem ber 31. New York banks gained JlSfi.OOO from tho Subtreasury Saturday and hnvo gained J1.3CC.000 since last Friday. Tho anthracite collerlos of tho Lehigh Valley Coal Company will bo shut down tho first seven days of July. Tho annual report of tho Plcrco Oil Corporation showed net profits of J.,18,222, but Interest pnyments and other expenses left a deficit of 1101,551. Tho credit bal nnco profit and loss on December 31 was tS9,93S. National neflning stockholders will be permitted to BUbscrlbo to C00O shares ot preferred stock now In the treasury at S120 a sharo to the extent of 7H Per cent, of their holdings. Tho now stock will bo payable In whole or In part on or before July 1, 1315, and at subscribers' option on October 1, 1915. There has been placed on the regular list of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange additional stock as follows: American Telephone and Telegraph Company, S31B. 700; Interstate Railways Company, , 430 permanent preferred; Electric Storage Battery Company Common, J10.000, leav ing but $127,600 preferred which has not been exchanged Into common stock, m,. !. hoen stricken off the regular Hat S120.000 consolidated mortgage 4V4 Per cent, gold bonds of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company. The Lake Superior and Ishpemlng has ordered 400 ore cars from the Cambria Steel Company. The Michigan Copper Mining Company has levied an assessment of SI a share, payable July 19. . C. H. Bean & Co., Henry & West and C. M. Sparks & Co. were sellers of Lake Superior, 0. D. Barney & Co. bought. The Franklin National Bank. It.1 Its July diwst of trade conditions, points out that busine's totals from January X toJunoJ this year have In the hvltr lines of trade exceeded the same period of-UtJ as "ell M 1. The digest, however, "ams that there must come a lull. say. TnsT "Whw this lull comes, and It U already tn evidence In some parts of the Country and In some lines ot trad., It need glvi business men no uneasiness ?'V what are known as the 'war Srdr Sne 'have in so many plants at ready rbed tho fullest -hour output ready re"e . hardl un, I :Ts very rare fir business to remain at itlonery volume, and when no ad- 8ti i. bain.: recorded there Is usually aoK even though the falling oft hi varv slight The general busl 3X So Jltun of the cojntry U better n." Zl .- aiiuu the beginning of Krorean war. g jf2sffsssss saw s share. ' KOTIOB IS llBKBBT OJVBffJ trtut' .'BW0Sui it at lb . ,0' baaaad todWB OLMgTi) STAMM. At4Was S twu-- Tho stockholders of tho Braden Copper Company voted to extond to May 1, 1010, outstanding 1333,000 5-yoar second Hen col lateral trust convertible gold 7s due No vember 1, 1315. At the present tlmo the Republic Iron and Steel Company Is operating 90 per cent, of Us capacity; orders havo' been running In excess of capacity for somo tlmo past. Hercules Power sold as high as 405, compared with a high prlco on Saturday of 385. Ocorgo McCall lias retired from the banking firm of Dick Brothers & Co. Last November tho firm announced that they wcro beginning to liquidate their margin nccountn and that they -would nbandon that feature of their speculntlvo business. Frank M. DJclt nnd Marshall Gccr havo also since' retired from tho firm. In connection with tho termination of tho voting trust of tho Harwood Elcctrlo Company common stock, which was an nnounccd sovcrnl days ngo, tho trustees liavo evolved n plan by "which holders of tho trust certificates may receive. In lieu the regular stock shares, first mort gago scries "ii" bonds of tho Lehigh Navigation Electric Company, on tho basis of selling the Harwood common stock at 2Zi. COTTON NEW YOrtK. June 23. cotton was steadier this morning, prices on the call Bhowlne advances of 3 to 6 points. There was good buying by Wall street and Southern Interests, while commission houses and traders operated on the sell ing side. Prices at Liverpool moved up I ',5 to 4 points. Weather conditions In tho South woro less favorable. Aa the day advanced prices moved higher, ranging 7 t A, 8 points above last week's close. CtMton exports today totaled 15,433 bale an Increase of 9110 compared with a ear ago. Saturday-1 close, i T-nnarv DlUS March 10.18 Mav io:m July 0.22 October U.l December .... 0.60 Itleh. in. 00 10.80 10.47 H..10 0.70 0.08 Low. Close, linn 10.22 10 47 0.21 0.04 n.oi 10.0.1 10.30 10.4T o.no 0.7S 0.08 PUDLIC UTILITIES During the Chicago Traction strike tbe ele vated anfl surface atreet car lines, whloh, handle inllltona of urban and auburban paa sensers dally, were all suddenly forced to suspend operations. V'ltliln a single night the suburban business of tha steam railways leaped from 125,000 to 023.000 people dally, an Increase t 400 per cent. A. growth of busi ness which would have been large for a period of 10 years took place In 10 hours. Interesting matter relative to the "Jitney" altuatlon Is contained tn the address recently made In 8t. Loula by Richard McCulloch, president of the United Railways Company of Ht Louis. Ho satd In part: "One of (ha charma of the atreat railway business Is Ua novelty. Something new 1 always dsreloplnr, and th a winter something new did develop, and that waa the 'Jttnsy.' Tha 'jitney' erase Is largely a product ot unemployment. Men out of work who can gst hold of a second hand machine will go out on the strut and earn what they can. regardless of tha wear SS? tear on their machine. What they want I. ready money, and they uaa this way of ssttlna It. It la unnsctssary to call tha at tention of you gentlemen to the. unfairneaa of !!,.' i.liiinn which robs tha street rail. . of tta ahort haula, but tos not . take care of tha lour ones. 'Jitney competition Is mucn mum -,.- ... -.m,. ,. than In Bt. Loula, Hers wa have no shirt Uaule-tba ibcrteat haul of the 'lllneya' being about four miles. On this haul they cannot make a living at 0 cents, and they are now beginning to find that out for thamaelvea, Al though at tlmea there have been large num bars of Jitneys' on tha strseta of fit. Louts, they never take In a great deal of money. Upon watehlng the machines wj have feund that there are about ,100 which make ooly one trip each day. taking- paaiengera down- V..V v. . k ...nlnv nA l.l, n- than K- ttr town ia iuwiiw. .-...- ---hama at night, the machine standing on tha K!cZit Jltnty" will sraduAlly tcot iimt GRAIN MARKET CLOSED WITH SIH0NG TONE OlTeringa Small Weather Re ports Differ No Export Sales Announced. CHICAGO, June SS,-Buyln; was slow at the opening of the Brain market today. Offerings In the Initial trading were small and prices to a consequence were higher than Baturdaya close. July hheat sold for 11.04H at the opening, IK cents lusher than Saturday's close It held fairly Btcndy In the cart? hours. A bnin t U cent was shown by September when the first sale was made at tl.Ot.. December at tl OSU advanced W. In the afternoon there was a temporary Seki ,w.h,cn c'rled July as low as V'iineul L' rf lu5? naln- 6",ln' tfon' . ;,S' sP'enber, after selling down to J1.01K. rose to 11.03U at lh close. Most Interest waa attached to weather reports. From the Northwest como fa vorablo weather reports, with additional reports of good yields nnd splendid con lonsof the products. From the South west tho reports are entirely dlfforent Continued wet weather, It Is said, has put the (train In bad shape. Fillings havo been slow and what little has been harvested will tako a long time to dry ?i !horr'URnly' . Quality and not quan tity Is what dealers aro looking for now. The winter crop has been made. Good weather Is now needed for harvesting, which Is extremely light for this time of the year. The old cry of the farmer hold ing back Is resounding over the market. Th.J ." on '". '"'"do nro Ignoring It They declare that there Is always a lib oral run after harvest, regardless of iLc.". U ls. nttor th0 nrit n Is over that tho real trouble begins. While no export sales have been re ported, the rumor that 800,000 bushels of wheat had been shipped through Arch- i',i nuM". ? th0 Unlted Kingdom caused a small furore. Foreign markets wero firm, but bust ness waa far from brisk. Weather con d tlons aro reported Improving In nearly all foreign countries. Leading ruturea ranged aa followai Wniil.. r.. .-. . . -. o. u Julu Y'n.'Jl i"K: tr.: v"e, Beptember '.'. LfaU ,'.ml December .. l.oa? l.oovf Juli v uvi!,.7r''.. September December , July fleptember December Lard July .... Bqitember Illba July 0I 4 September i'oru 41 H7 si . 0.17 i V.42 1P.1I 4T .10. orlt- Julr 10..-,.1 Bentember ..17.00 'Uld. fAskod. l.l?4 B7?i 3; 0.22 D.47 10.27 10.07 10.07 17.12 ijow. uiose, cioa. l.OTH J.OBU f t.ftlH n ni4 71 7fJ 41 43t ao'.i isoH 7S t8 0.12 0,40 10.17 10.47 in. eo 10.83 0.20 0.43, 10.27 10.07 i7: 33H t0.22 t0.43 10 20 10.00 lft.0.1 eiO.OO 17.12 17.00 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. JunsM. HOOS.-Itscelpts, 42. o(xi; market 10c. lowerl mlsed and butchers. S7.20S7 KO: Rood heavy, S7.aMI7.70: rough heavy, S7.1Mi7.:iO: llaht. X7.43O7.60; pgs. Sou 7.211; bulk, 7.457.7ii. . CATTLE. Receipts, 10,0001 market steady to lor. hither; beees, S7.40ft7.70j cows and heifers. J3.6008.78j Texans. 17.38fl8.C0; calves. SS.30010. . miUKI'. Itecalpte. 7000: market stronir; na tive and Western, J4O0.10I lambs, 7.30al0.4U. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOIIK, Juno 28. The coffee markst openod steady with prices unchanged to 1 (Mint higher. Trading waa Quiet and prices wero atrong at the close, showing advances ot from 1 to a points. Prices follows: , Today's Today's Saturday's open, closs. clnso. April 7.00 0.0'Wt7OC fcOSffflOi April 7.03OT.10 T.03t7.0S T.0.HJ7.O4 jiine B.ooas.n.'i kooo-UM July 7.007.10 T.00S7.02 7.0OB7.03 I August o.Mdc.87 o.ssa.nr September 0.7SJjaW 0.7800.83 RSOSa'Vjg October ,, li.R3aO.00 .... . tP; December ....,.6.8 O.MflO.M 0.83Sr,fi. January, -i.....,ti.8.1 n.8nfln.R3 n.sauu February n.110 aoOdM.01 (VWnoao March ai)0O7.00 O.03O0.OJ O.03j8,Pi Ud. Total sales, 5730 bags. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW TOrtK. June 2S. BUTTER. Market eaelsr: receipts, 084U packages; extra, aso.s higher scoring. 2814020c.: state dairy. 27H,ci Imitation creamery. 221lB2:ic. ... Ea09. Market Irregular, recelpta. 10,300 packagea: extra flrst. 20V4JI21HC. , flrats, 10f 20a: nearby whites. 2IO20c: mixed color, im22c, gatheredi nearby browns. 22!4tr24c. BANKERS OSOSO IND CUESTMCT HTS. PUILlBSLTnU The following coupons are payable on and after July 1st, 1915, at this office: Philadelphia & Western Ry. Co. 1st Mtg. 5s, 1960. Easton, Palmer & South Bethle hem St.,Ry. Co. 1st 5s, 1919. At our New York Office, 30 Pine ?t Buffalo & Susquehanna R- R. Corp. 1st Mtg. 4s, 1963, u,t the entire pay. in.roy. opinion, tea "A..! wnicn remain win rnarre h'rher rates. Aa such they cease to be lerieua competitors ct the street railway." Tbe United Slate Ught and Heal Corpora tion, with capital of , IT.OOO '000, has been chartered. Tee principal oRlee ta In New York. INVESTMENTS E&A23ER . Co. BANKER 132 South ISth Street Suggestions for Investors may bo had on request A. B. Leach & Qo, 115 South Fourth St. iks orspe V.rrr Blver SSS' ssuiss t sss GRAIN-GRAIN-GRAIN We have dlreMt eommunication with tfw Chleaj Grain Market through our wraaTwndeeitB, Fim BARRBLI- & CO., who aervioe is Baid t mm m regards data appertatiiiBK to Wheat. Corn. Oga and Provisions. ... This service tit always at the dtepowil of w clients. Send for our Daily GraiH LMter. Hughes & Dier PBlladclpliU Teleoboaes. oojeeii47 a aicptuvo-cuva '' m m,,,. ' iavhid J fa-tfeft-JTt'i- mvFW!&mfWWrvi,fK. a gt!ijayfwjiSgfet- .pw.. tX?lS J, gfTvtss