Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 25, 1915, Final, Page 5, Image 5

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' wn-ire -
jjl xvnis oiuctiittiiiaio.
Duecentomla Austriaci
Concentrati a Trieste e
ftpintorni G 1 i Alpini
Battono i Jaeger.
ROMA, 25 Qlugno.
Fti totfiunlcato udlclale odlorno del Mini
ttiro della auerra 'a notare che la bat
jjtjila l rlprcnde net dlntornl d QorUla.
g!t wtlo 11 fronto detl'Iaonto, o partlcolar
nte davantl a Qorlzla, si combatte ac
gnltamente dopo pnrccchl glornl dl stast
Qusll la fanterla non era Intervenuto.
Ifftrno a Plava, che o' a set mlella a
frnrd dl Qotlzla, 1 Beraagtlerl che avevnno
Praversato l'lsonzo hnnno rlcevuto
ill rlnforzl o stanno consotldando le
poslitonl o preparandosl nd attaccare
ortesza auatrlaca.
s'A aud dl Oorizia, tra sngrado o Mon
ftlcone. In truppe Itallano si fanno largo
jfiii dl un altoplano ad est delUIaonzo,
Irleacclando II nomlco fcrso orlente.
It'orlo dcll-altopTano e' glo nelle manl
tttil Italian).
ceo II testo del comunlcato umdale
bSul front trentlno-tlrolose contlnuano
Ifiethodlcamento 1 duelll dl artlgllcrla. 8u
foueoto (ronte la nostra atuvita oitre che
ttnimbardamentl, bI csptlca per ora In rlc-
KgnUIonl ohe hanno dato per rlaultato un
(Mice combattlmento a Carzano, In dl
Freilone deH'altopIano dt Vezzana.
fc"Sul fronto Alpi uarnicne contlnua un
jntenao fucco dl nrtlgllerla contro lo for
Rlflcailonl auatrlache dl Malborghctto. II
iforje Hefiaol o' state demollto dal nostrl
fc&nnonl. Durante la notto del 23 dlugno
(11 nemlco esegul tre vnnt attacchl contro
pe.noatro poslzlont dl Val Grande o dl Val
ViSel e-ettoro dl Monte Nero not abblamo
'cccupato 11 voraantc orientate delta mon
sUgna Javo.cek, facendo prlglonlerl 27
fauatfjacl. Not abblamo anche Inlzlato II
totnbardamento dl Plezzo.
I "Sut fronto dcll'Isonzo not abblamo oc-
tcilp&to Globnn, a no'rd dt Plava. But
Ibtsao Iaonzo abblamo guadagnato una
pdal.lone sull'altoplano che sta tra ba-
rado e Monfalconc."
f La demollzlone del forto Hcnsel, a Mai
hwrghctto, e" lmportanto perche 11 forte
Stra. la chlave delta piazza cd era dlfeso
diuna sollda cupola corazzata.
s Urt dtsDaccIo da Udlno dlco che Gabrl-
tele D'Annunzto, che o tenento dl caval
Slerla, e stato addetto al segulto' del Duca
Ifd'Aoata ed tncarlcato dl ecrlvere la storla
pdella guerra.
' Oggl la Qazctta ofilclnlo pubbllca un dc-
Icreto del Luogotencnto Generalo del
ERfflBO, che dlchlara nulto, a datare dal Zt
KMarelo ultimo scorso. ognl trasfortmento
dlproprleta credit! o morel appartenentl
rdl procesel civlll da parte del suddltl aus
Strlacl net trtbunall del regno slno alia fine
Etfella guerro.
,Un attro deoreto mostra cho II governo
le't.bea doclso a rlcorrere a rappresaglle
"contrd 1'AuBtrla e quest a si abbandona
2td operazlonl dl terra o dl mare contrarle
Sal dlrltto Internazlonale. I dannl rlsultanl
g; deques te operazlonl sarnnno pagatl con
: I capuau ausinaci cne si irovano uuiuru
Its Italia, o nel caso cho questl capttall
d9veaaero essere Insufllclentl, si procedera'
lla, vendita dello navl austrlacho seques
prate dalt'Italla e col rlcavato si paghe
Franno 1 dannl. II decreto esenta dalla
f vendlta BOltanto auello navl appartenentl
Sfe1 UTiAAItt nllnfflnnl dl nnvlnnnlltn ttnllnnn
E T wlnrnnll rnmnnl tinhlillpnnn ntrirl In-
teta collonne contro l'lntervlsta concesea
da.L 'papa ad un glornalista francese o
contro lo coal' dene splenazlonl date
fjSairOsaervataro Romano, dlcendole
tpunto sodlsfacentl.
t L'Idea Nazlonale dice cho ,11 tono dell
;'Intervlata mostra che It papa e' forte-
linente In favore della Germanla,, e nel
iuccusa che 11 goyerno Itallano ha aperto
lU'torrlBpondenza dal Vattcano, II glornale
Ivede un prlmo passo verso it tentattvo dl
tmettere devantl al Congresso della paco
Rotfa la qulstlone romana. Anche II
lOfornale d'ltalta crltlca l'lntervlsta e le
riplegazlonl, e la Tribuna dice che talt
ppubbllcazlonl sono estremamento penco
floie. I Jl MeBsaggero attacca pero' vlolente
BnTente It papa doflnendolo In favore della
iGermanla e contro l'ltalla. II glornale
pice qulndl che l'ltalla ha Imparato a
pUendersl contro 1 'nemlcl estornl cd im
parera' presto n dlfendersi anche contro
lUiemlcl intern!.
II Glornale d'ltalta, basandost su ln
Iformazlonl raccolto tra alcunl rlfuglatl
jluntl ad Ancona, dice che nella cltta' o
el dlntornl dl Trieste sono concentrati
l).CC0 soldatt austriaci.
pit glornale agglunge che parecchle oat
Jerle dl artiglieria sono state mcBse In
PeaUlone in nuntt da dove poasono
domlnare le vie' dl accesso alia cltta'. Dal
(ODborght dl Trieste si puo- udlre cniara
mente 11 rombo del cannonl Itallanl In
Posltlone nelle vlclnanze dl Monfalcone.
rlfuglatl In parola dlcono pure che
liornt fa un dlrlglblle Itallano bombardo'
I dannegglo' eravemente la laDDrica a
aumiiont dt Trieste.
i!Da Glnevrn tetecrrafano che un soldato
l fanteria itallano ha conaulstato la
trlma bandlero austriaca In un vlolento
gmbatt!mentp svoltosl attorno a Plava
ara' decorato dal re Vlttorlo Emman
BeU, n fantacclno itallano lotto' dlapera
wmente con U porta, bandlera austrlaco,
ton ostanto che fosse ferlto con una
jclabolata ad una mono, Egll rluacl' ad
acciaere 11 suo avversarlo e a rltornare
IJI sua compagnla portando 11 trofeo.
ne ittorlo limmanuele mangia mono
Sao 11 HfimnltnA rnnrln Ael soldato. at
jjonte dl battaglla, ctoe' earn In con
if"a, pane d ordlnanz o guiietie e oevo
m blcchlere dlquello atesso vino lessero
gie bevono 1 Boldatl Foche sere fa,
ntre visltava un reggimento dl ai
L'nl. II re dorml' eulla nuda terra, av-
P'to in un mantelto dl ufflciale, unaitra
II re dormtva in un accampamento
Dtrsaglierl, quando udl' un soldato
omandar dove fossa 11 re. Esll riapose
pronto "Rnnn mil rinnnHn ml VOlete
Per la Drtma. volta. dacche' e stata
fhlarfttn l ,,Mn tra TIaIIa A l'AllS
Ig gll Alpiul Itallanl e le truppe aus
Itnache dl monlasna. cloa i "Jaeger,"
Ppiiq venutl ad un combattlmento alia
ajonetta. Quando scopplarono le oati
e truppe dl montagna auatrlache
ano Impeenata nella Qallzla. ma dopo
Tanzata vlttorlosa deall Alpini, 1
iser furona rlchlamatl dalla Qallzla e
no wandatl In tutta fretta a con
ware la marcla degll Alpini. Tra
till che furona trasferiti alle Alol erano
"fanwat Jaeger del Kalaer, un corpo
to dl truppe austrlaohe dt montagna.
Kl Ktorni fa. una. nnrnfiairnla di AlDlnl
lUnl, comandata. da un Kiovane capl
8o mliauese. t trovo' dl fronts ad una
iwpagma dl, Jaeger del Kalaer. ed "
Wtano itallano dlede imroedlatamente
me oi attaccare alia palonetta mentre
(UAi lromhMH.rii Ininniviiio l'inno dl
IfHbaidj i note dell'tnno entuslaa-
rono tanto git Alpini, che sl con
tron con un solo vlolentlsalmo
alto la nojiilonl ooouDate. dal Jaeger,
ftwiante che questl fowero superior! in
to quel Jaeger che non lunaa
H O fatli nrlirtnntart fnrnnQ rlCiUClati
W giu per nanOU della, montagua-
aau muiu delU gurr li AIP.M w
Jferii dt gloria., auaccanoo
1". MUtt.liui oru. di aot.it d
i Juvunuut lo trovdvano coo-
..Jo ton UrUtllUl ajiu all
frt in luaiaiMu utui situw rttuiule
'"" U1 f " "1 ,f? avers nnaotneers are shown putting disturbers into tho patrol wngon. Mounted doputtcs
hnve rit,den their horses on the sidewalks and City Hall lawn to break up tho crowd.
One Lad Wins Nine in Awards
Made by Court of Honor in
Old City Hall.
The Cdirt of Honor of the Philadel
phia Boy Scouts, sitting In the Ilrst Su
preme Court Chamber of the United
States, In tho old City Hall, 6th nnd
Chestnut streets, awarded HO merit
badges to 61 boys last night. Edgar B.
Howard presided and addresses were
mado by Dr. Charles D. Hart, chairman
of tho Exccutlvo Scout Council, and
Charles Edwin Fox, assistant District
Herman Schwartz, of Troop OS, re
ceived tho greatest number of merit
badges, having passed examinations In
athletics, carnontrv. civics, craftsman.
ship, (lremanshlp, handicraft, pathflndtng,
public health nnd swimming The full
list of awards, with the number of merit
badges won by each scout, Is as follows:
S. Mayer Feldonhclmer (3). Troop 1 (Scout
mntr Kern); Charles A. Coulomb, Jr. Troop
0 (Scoutmator Ilubencame), Abraham Caesar,
licnjamln Chernow, Jonas Jarre nnd Morrln
Schwam. Troop 0 (Seoutma-ter Manton), John
Jordan (4), Edward Krcln (2), nuaiell Palmer.
David Newcomb (2) and Clarence Slatcher (0),
Trfj-lt"! 11 fQMlltmiatB MAiuatnik , It tnl.
Israel Shlckman, Harry U. w Keen (n) am
- , mfiiuiiBin .ln.umui, , JVhi
Ken (-1) ana
aioiTis Lvmon, Troop IZ (Scoutmaster Unger
lleder); Charles Wllllami, Troop IT (Seout
master Lamb) Roy R. Phllllpy, Mumford
Robinson and Jack F Thomaa (1), Troop 22
(Held Commissioner Merrill) I August Herr
mann and rredcrick Bchnetder (3). Troop 88
(Hcoutmaate- B Stewart), Kdward Wheeler,
Townaend Yourg and William Younr, Troop
SI) (Scoutmaater MacGAUhejr); Morton Coben
(4) Troop 42 (Scoutmaster Ooldneld). Cdvvard
Kvans U). Troop TO (Scoutmaater Rommel);
Donald Bishop (3), Troop 32 (Scoutmaster
Wood). P. W. Rtanabury. Troop 64 (Scout
master King), Edgar L Colvln, Troop 9T
(Scoutmaater on der Llnd). Famuel B. Cohen,
Miixncll Fader, Kdward Moyed (U), Joseph
Pelkln (3) and Hyman Rich (3), Troop 04
(S outmaater Rosenbaum); John R. Hansel)
and A. Wellington Horton, Jr., Troop 0T
(Boutmaster MacDonald): Henry Cohen,
Mlehatl Coplln (3), Israel Flitter (3). D. Oold
teln (4), Morris Iati (4). Max Kendel, Albert
Lcvan (1). Morris Levan (4), Jacob M. Mordell
(). William Packman (3), Michael Roten,
Samuel Schulti (), Herman. Schwarti (),
Blmon Shlekman (B) and William Uram (4),
Troop 03 (Scoutmaster Friedman), Robert A.
lloylo and O. Ixwe, Troop 0 (Scoutmaster
Hltcr ck); A C. Cummins, A F W, Hoovan
and v, uter Stuart. Troop 112 (Scoutmaster
Ral'-.D, oeorgo W. F, Chapman U), 'itoop
(scoutmaster ctowohi. &nn v. uikubuhu
V. V. Welch. TTOOD 123
coutmaster Stanley),
and Walter Stevenson (I
Troop liiu tacout-
master ugacn)
Miss Iola C. Howard and Georgo Bcs
san Married in Jersey.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo BoBsan announced
to friends today their marriage, whloh
took place months ago.
Mrs. Bessan was Miss Iola C. Howara,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Howard,
of 236 Slocum street, Mount Airy. Mr.
Bessan Is an employe of tho Pennsylvania
Railroad and lives at 31 East Phll-Ellena
The ceremony was performed at tne
home of James Sumway, In Jersey City,
a mutual friend. Mra. Beasan did not
want her marriage announced for several
months because she was engaged at the
time on a nursing case that needed all
of her attention. The case was the moat
Important one she had had since her
graduation from the Nurses' School of the
Jewish Hospital two years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. uessan win spenu a. icw
weeks In Long Branch, and on their re
turn will live in Germantown.
P. R. R. Loae3 Claim Against Govern
ment for Storage Charges.
A long fight In the Washington courts
was ended today when the Pennsylvania
Itallroad lost Its right to collect ten cents
from the United States Government for
storage charges on two cans of oil. Cor
poration and State lawyers fought long
and furiously over the question whether
the coast guards at Chlncoteague, Va.,
were notified of the arrival of the ship
ment of oil before the storage charges
had accumulated. The Government
claimed the guards were not notified In
time, while the railroad said they were.
After hearing the teatlmony. Oomptrol
ler of the Treaaury Downey ruled that
notice was not given, that the
was not a lawful charge, The PMMylj
vanla Itallroad spent great sums or
money in pressing the caae, but how
SSSh Vey refused to disclose The coaat
guaTda at Chlncoteague are Jubilant.
Ten Men Injured on Contracts for
Allies and United States.
piTTSBUnOH. Pa., June .-Ten work
B?i hurt, ever.l probably fatally.
this afternoon when a powder plant in
he 'skSkHoUoir action pf the city was
partly destroyed by an explosion of gas
dl The Plant was .'
rnSTr ft MW for
Savepea tta ' " b,for Z
ffl'SuTSUW. uU .. Several
of hm were. Injured. r
eflrly. mllei north of Grafton, la
tUS2? The' pW Dutmue re.
SU4 erew
tows, I .?,!SI,K e-ualrt AM from
6t wW! ot Jtti
a .s rM
New Torfc
P4trtot a,.w
Everybody That Wants Office
Quits $21,000 Liberty Bell
Excursion Committee.
Counclla' Special Liberty Belt Committee
Is seeking recruits of some official status.
The original "lucky St" Councllmen, who
rejoiced a few weeks ago because of their
golden opportunity to visit the Panama
Pnclflc Fair at city expense, dwindled
yesterday to tho "deserted 17."
When nine of tho committeemen for the
Junkot de luxe wore reported yesterday
as "quitting cold" the commttteo was
thrown Into a mild panic, and the Junket
ing organization began to show evidences
of disintegration as alarming aa those In
the venerable relic for whose Journey
the commttteo wns named. It la hinted
that more committeemen are thinking of
deserting the ranks and that the rift In
the committee may even become more
alarming than the fissure In the bell.
Cven Presidents Ransley and McCurdy,
exofllclo members of tho committee, with
drew their names from tho Junkot roll, nnd
the last vestige of ofllclal prestige faded
when John P. Connelly, chairman of
Councils Finance Committee, found that
ho would be "too busy" to make the trip,
Mayor Blankenburg declined the privilege
of participating In the 39,0CO excursion
weeks ago.
It Is now declnred "up to" tho commit
tee to And some otllclnls from somewhere
to add n tono of distinction to the west
ward Jaunt. The committee has to offer
staterooms In a J21.000 special train of
Pullmans with board frco and unlimited
freo tickets of admission to the big fair
at tho Golden Gate..
The proposition nos been submitted to
State Senator Charles A. Snyder, ot Potts
vllle, chairman of the Judiciary Bpcclnl
("pickling") Committee during the last
Legislature. He Is declared to answer all
requirements, being an "ofllclal" nnd
schooled In tho preservation of relics by
his solicitous care of many legislative
measures stilt reposing In the nrchtves of
his "pickling" committee.
Representative William H. "WIlBon, a
Vara leader In South Philadelphia, has
been deemed by the Bell Committee cap
able of adding aufllclent ofllclal tone to
the Junket to be worthy of free trans
portation to tho Pacific coast. The ac
ceptances of the two "ofllclala" are
eagerly awaited
Meanwhile there aro seven other places
on the committee to be filled, and the
scurrjlng among Councllmen that were
disappointed when the first roster of the
committee was announced Id decidedly
The 1150 assessment to be levied on each
Councilman making the trip has cooled
tho ardor of many of the appointees. A
shade of rogret Is noticeable among some
of the committeemen that the Junket
has descended to a "mercenary baala."
Servians Capture Island
NISH, Bervla, June 25, The Servian
War Office today announced that the Auh
trlan Island of Gladlva In the Danube
River waa taken by Servian troops Mon
day night after a brief artillery duel.
rthern Pacific Railway
California's Expositions
Low fares liberal titopover privileges. DaUy transcontinental
trains through some of Earth's grandest and moat inspiring
scenery, including the American Rockies and 1 Picturesque Co..
Jade Mountains to Spokane and North Pacific Coast points.
Connections with Bteamship lines at these polnta, the
Great Northern Pacific S. S. Co., at Astoria or "Shasta Rail
Route" at Portland for San Francisco. Choice of routes re-
twilRS' r isu..l
Yellowstone National Park
"Nature Own World's Exposition" and America', only
Geyaetland. Enter via Gardiner Gateway, reached only by
Norlhtrn PaclIIo Railway. The journey through Wonder
nd U ono of tho most enjoyable recreations In the world.
Excellent tran-porutlon d . tatd accomodation.; Ask
about penonaiiy escortea tours w
SJitrtiu lt you la pUaaiag you 1 vsue
ytff55V P.W.PUMMILL.D.P.A.. t
RrKv 7I1 Chestnut St- pwiadelphla psu jmftt
ii . iSjICi 7, lift f$W$ffllx W fllrHH
ll.iJlMrifffllir1Plll,a--Tu' --aMslafcilMM
Case to Go to Supremo Court if Whit
man Fails to Act.
NEW YORK. June 25.-Chnrles Becker
will carry his fight against death In the
electric chair to th United 8tntes Su
premo Court, If plans now being formu
lated by Attorneys Bourke Cockrnn and
Martin T. Mnnton are succesafut.
The basis of the appeal will bo Informa
tion which Is declared to corroborate a
statement by Joseph Murphy, n. con-sclcnco-strtcken
convict now Identified
na "No. 62,730" In Sing Sing Prison.
Murphy was In tho Tombs In July, 1913,
whllo Rose, Webber nnd Vnllon wero
there. Ho asserts ho overheard conver
sations by which the plan to "frame"
Becker was concocted.
Camden Jitneymcn Elect
The following odlcers were elected at
the organization meeting of the Camden
Jltneymcn'B Association In Cnmdcn to
day: William Saucrhoff, president;
Philip Cantor, first vlco president; Edgar
Jarvls, second vice president, W. R.
Banks, recording secretary, Walter
Bunting, trensurcr. Those elected to the
Board of Trustees were Herman Rodgers,
Joseph Hardy and Oscar Baker. No ac
tion waa taken regarding the llcenao ordi
nance passed yesterday.
Appointed by Mayor-elect
WILMINGTON, Del., Juno 2G. Mayor
elect James E. Price toda) named Ralph
8altzman to bo his private secretarj.
City Treasurer Granville P. Alexander
was reappointed aa Treasurer's Clerk by
Tiensuror-eloct William J. Hlghfield.
The man who picked
big Willard takes a flyer
to the other end of the
scales. Next Sunday Wm.
H. Rocap nominates the
bantamweight who may
defeat Kid Williams. In
the Public Ledger
k -- - -.
ff .7, gPjnj
a. hwUlbpUure. rfflKTrv
Ja mSk v
Legal Campaign Will Bo Made
AgalnBt Councils'
Eliminate Them.
Plan to
The campaign begun by owners and
drivers of Jitneys In this city and backed
by a phalanx of aroused public opinion
asalnst the proposed Jitney regulation
ordinance pending In Councils haa dovel
oped unexpected strength. It was not
expected that the propoaed regulations
decided upon by the Law Committee and
reported out Wednesday would meet with
a firm realatance from the Jitney Inter
eats, but the developments of the last ii
hours indicate that a vigorous fight will
be waged agalnat tho propoaals embodied
In the ordinance.
The first definite action which Indicate,
SrrrPlh?'S'.Mt. th J"ney V.r. to
uii?. J.8.ht ,0 a um'1 conclualon
o .anlS.'0 e0n,0"dft,a ,h8 nX )ltY
It became known today that "Jitney"
.eK.. i7i?0... vo -not 'dentMed them
. maki'ii1 h "h.cr of thc a"clatloM are
I inking plans to open up a legal fight
i or" the Proposed action of Counclla. One
-M """er wno operates four machines.
Bald today:
'There IB everv rnarm tr ui,. u., .
fight on the legality of such an ordinance
ns Counclla Intends to pass can be won.
Tho propoaed octlon would be unconatl
lutlonnl, nnd this can eaally be shown.
Mo have nliendy made preparations to
carry this fight to a finish If Councils
refuse to be reaaonable and attempt to
thrust us out of buelnesa. We are sure
of our ground, and we haven't the tenet
fear that Councils can successfully de
fend their propoaed action."
It has not been learned wtmt no,i tv,
various "Jitney'.' Interests lntnrt tn iu.
In their fight agalnat tho nroDoaori mean.
ure. It can be stated, however, that the
action of Judgo Plttman, of the Circuit
Court of Tennessee, at Memphis, In rui
ng that a. law passed by the State Leg
Mature providing for the regulation nnd
bonding of Jitneys wns Invalid, Is a fore
Bhadowlng of tho action that Is looked
Women's 50c
Silk Gloves
Black and white with
double finger tips.
Two-clasp with Paris
point backs.
Every Man Can Be Fitted With the Best of Summer Styles at Actual
Savings of From One-Third to One-Half
Men's $1
Boys' $7.50
Blue Serge $C
Suits u
With Extra Pair of Trousers
All seams silk sewn. Mohair
lined coats, with patch
pockets; peg-top trousers full
lined. Sizes 7 to 17 years.
BoyB' $2 and $2.50) QC-
WUBII ouno
The Famous "Regatta" Brand
Tommy Tucker, Billy Boy, Oliver
Twist and middy blouse models.
Sizes 2 Vi to 10 years.
d. ao 4b V"
We Trim All Hot Free of Charge
Unfriimned Hats
In Oreatttt
Variety and a. otoi.
Momentou. June purchaaea.
$4.00 Genuine $2 9 g
PanamaB ....
One S.c
For women
and mlaae.
Have pencil
roll edge and
tra smartly
finished wtthippQ
Bilk gro
gra)n bands,
S4 White Hats, $2.98
rrowM of aeorsrette tln and
?5i.n5f Milan hemp. Large .hap.a.
$4 Leghorn ?2.79
TYntfl . .... .
Flneat quality. In largo atyle..
$2.50 White Milan $1 gg
In the lummtr'i neweat .bapw.
S2.50 Black Sailor Hats, $1.39
Milan hemp wb llaera flaagea.
Wings, Owl Heads, Fancy
Feathers & Coque Pompons
White ana pis.sk.
49 98c T0
;: JSib
jft' JTfL
for here This Is the most recent deci
sion In "Jitney" development in the coun
try. The decision tvae handful down only
a few days ago
The chief point on which the taw was
deelared unconstitutional was that It re
quired tho Jitneys to file Indemnity bonds
And did not require these bonds for street
ears and other vehicles traversing the
It Is freely admitted by Interested Jitney
operators that any such regulation aa
that proposed by Councils of this city wilt
bo fought on the ground that the Bapld
washday and every day
is used to do
Remember cool or lukewarm
water always. Hard rubbing,
scrubbing, boilingnever.
Don't hurt your hands.
Fels-Soap Powder
Sweet and pleasant to use.
Double Yellow Trading Stamps With Every 10c Purchase Until
Noon : After That. Until Closing Time, Single Stamps
-- ?0- $
2.50 Summer Suits,
Finely tailored garments, made of summer-weight, all
wool materials, in natty, dark color effects, with patch
pockets and half lined with silk mohair.
$18.50 Serge Sults,l$13
With Extra Pair of Trousers J.
All-wool, fast bluo and guaranteed to bo nbaolutely rainproof by tho manufac
turer. Coats are half lined with serviceable mohair.
$10 Palm Beach) $E Eft
Suits .:...) wv
The best Summer suit of all.
Shown in stylish two nnd thrco button
effects, with patch pockets.
Made of Genuine Palm Beach Cloth in
Light and Dark Effects.
Solid colors or neat patterns. All sizes,
including Btouts to 46-lnch breast.
Boys' Wash Suits!
65c & 75c Values!
A Noted Maker's Entire Surplus Stock
Ever so many smart variations of the popular Oliver
Twist styles. Sizes 8 to 7 years.
$2.50 & $3.50 $1 49&$1,98
Values ' -"
Galatea, percale, chambray, poplin and pure 'linens
in regulation, beach, vestee, Oliver Twist,' Tommy
Tucker, Russian and sailor styles. Sizes 2H to 10
Aft .HA. A At. l(f S
We Have Prepared Some
Misses' &
Charming Styles Widely Varied and of Immediate Appeal
Misses' $8 Sheer
n-iintv Net FrocksJ
?i'i2f'nJfH. rinSni. One Bkltthtd.
ect; other
Hnma show coaiee
tailored or ranoy
Misses' $15 Lovely
ftk- ai.n have net veatees. velvet
pointed tunic oyer accordlonP'
Misses' $7 GolOne $A
Coats, SilMined ... . ;
Hln-length Norfolk with belt and
ChM qu mi. at. iw ani
Women's $15 Silk, Net $f f
and Voile Froclcs v
,,, OJWrifl " W0W " VM
Tho net dreaae are all whit .Ml && ;
bln4 with lao. The votT arT Wtt
$3 Wash
Skirts ..
-irar P-l
onnWI yMqJHBSgi 11,111 HI - "WW
TSniit Compear ihj- rwiHRf ". tn
ra rules tjmti, ther inMM wh. -hot
make any rura!tkmt afreetm rt
Jitney whtt wwkt wrt wo- m (jm
erang and react agafmtt th J? R t.
whleh. according to th Jitney operitot.
Ceurteltn U trtlng t protect at lit
pense of th Jitneys. Th pasa tjt
n ordinance, they assert, will be a m.
nal for court attlort t6 comptl tlw P. Hfc
T. to comply with alrmlar regulathm.
In the roeantlniB, every effort Js Wme
made to awaken the public to th m.
Ing ot the proposed action of CewfUa,
your work.
accumulate quickly
and seouro many
fine premluroa ab
solutely free.
$ " ) "6 '
m A.
$2.75 to $5 Values
cassimeres and light-weight
$2 Automobile
Hncno, with patch pockets & belts.
- X"
Very Remarkable Values In
urnmer Apparel
are plain
9 9g
ribbon ana
- "
1. 1 II I HI IHII I ' '" 1
na-jpiiijsii "1
Mil VI I A
r ,..iss.sssissssssss1sMslMsMMBBMSIIIHsWfilHHus
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