rjiDDINGS of interest take EVENING tBDOBB-rnTLADBLPnTA. THURSDAY. JUNE 24, 1MB. PLACE IN AND OUT OF TOWN , E.R Loughlin, of Chestnut Hill, Married to Mr. Charles Miner oieiwue, uj uunvvcr, iv, ti,, at the Oaks xmuhuiu zjwj, ioaay, , Edward n. Lauglilln, who left ' ..... --......it.. e. tt,tt nnlfct AIav. .. .., mnrHril thrrn to Mr. way, """-, ,;;--,. M r4 Miner uveumB, v ......,...., -. 1 M..i TVInltv Trhvtr,r an ion v.. '". ",:, '" ",.;;,,r.i r. nr .- ..... l..,M,1ntA r1ntlv "'...j. -.1 t,rl1(vffrnnm wero nfea- Tha only attendant was Mr. Welln frame, f :aT.". .r""""-.. " lOw-in-law of tne ormeBiuuiiu w-j iPrhlat man. Mrs. Lauslilln's pftrontn, IL and Mrs. Hobcrt N. Wlllaon. and KS,'.!ur. Mls OliVo B. Wilson, were P&St and Mrs. Ernest Hnllock Webb, iih ferunsWlcK, N. J., nnomer Bister. mActf-rEAnso.v. i w.ddlne of Miss Sarah Frances ,, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Wll- feS--ill take Dlaco tonight nt 8 o'clock ?S home of the bride's parents, 441 Kfulpehockon street. Tho ceremony .. ..rfnfmml by the llov. Father "f ttliKlns, C. M. Tho bride, who will JH??1 1. i, ololr. MIbb Vlrc nln "" "' M hnnnr will wear a as maid of honor, will wear a S Sown of whlto silk net, finished &5 callopod tunlo of the net, over 'Sloped flounces edged with ivhlto satin, htef round veil of tullo will be held In SV. bv orange blossoms and she will JltM '.,... ..,,,,... nt wllltn SWr-Gt Wuii lll'es ot the vallo'- Th0 mfl ,l! of fiSt "wilt be gowned In pussy willow K in an exquisite shade of pink. C skirt will bo very wide and will be SstWa. She -will carry an arm bou E'af white and pink snapdragon. Mr. Saw I Warren, of Boston, will bo IS man. There will he guosta present ,wi " , vow Vnrk nnd Illchmonil. IKia small' reception will Immediately es i . Now England for their wedding ! "go "Pending most of tho tlmo In East Citer. nnd on their return will ro- m, at 3300 North 17th street. Bto bride, who Is a musician of note, ratten much interested In philanthropic Wk and haa taught at tho Settlement "Hallo School at 429 Christian street. iW Tracy Is a gradunto of Harvard, Mand tho Law School, 1011 Ho Is fftrttary ot tho Bureau of Municipal lie- ljucn oi mis tiijf. FIBHEIt-aOLDBEnOEn. ri. Int.rBBtlnit weddlnir will take ptaco Sr.!!,f ot s.no o'clock at tho Hotel Wal- ti when Jtlss Julia Ooldbergcr, daugh ftFctilr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Goldbergor, of B,North 17th street, will be given In BriaoO by her father to Doctor Mul lui K. Fisher, of 31i? Diamond Btrcct. Ui Rev. Dr. Joseph Krauskopf, of tho Kfneseth Israel Congregation, will of We. The brido'a gown of white satin lila tunic of net edged with pearls. Her Sit will extend to the hem of tho court "fell and will be arranged with orange TtIoH6m. Orchids ana nines ot uio vaucj fflll form her bouquet. Miss Irma Oold K will bo her slBter's maid of honor, fel the bridesmaids will bo MIsb Flora 'iBertahelmor, Miss Frances Goldbergcr, jllH Frances Stempel, Miss Qertrudo Sjmund and Mlsa Juliet Wurtenberg, or KtwTork. , , , u . iDoctor Fisher will havo for his best Bin Dr. J. b. Mnnasses nnd for vshcrs Mri Frank Wiener, Mr. William Wiener, Dr;;ack Marks, Mr. Alfred Goldenbcrger, ui Mr. Hugo Goldenbergcr, of Now il'Mt The service will bo followed by a Wer and reception. Tho bridegroom Tn4 bride will leave on an extended Jour tttr.and wilt receive after October 1 at C3 west uiamona aireei. STURDBVANT-STnOUD. w.nrtlno- nf Interest will tako place iltht in tho First Presbyterian Church, Wvnluelnir Tn. whnll MISS DeSSlO ftltoud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wll- Ma DiroUU, will iretuino fc" - -- -; iMLouls Sturdevant. Miss Strpud will l? .itfnrio.i hv Miss Edith Sturdevant, 5ke bridegroom's sister, as maid of honor. Mr. Perley Stroud, the bride's brother, 111 bo best man. Tho sorvico will bo followed by a Inrgo reception at the ttmt of the bride's parents. Upon their nturn from an extended Journey, Mr. Hi Mrs. Sturdevant will llvo at Mes- ftpen, Pa. EVANS-PHILLIPS. nrttv linmn woddlncr took DlttCe Inst at ot Mi ninlfn. avenue. Itoxborough, bi reildence of Mr. and Mrs. John Phll- m. when their daughtor, Miss lyaia tr. FhfUlps, became tho brido of Mr. Harry p Evans, of "7617 Ridge avonue. Tha Mrtmony was performed by tho Rev. XI. $;Schmleder, of the Bethany Lutheran Jlarch, Martin and Pechln streets, as Kltd by the Rev. Albert Hcebner, of the. 8M Avenue Methodist Episcopal gfflrch. Tho bride's father gave her la Errlage. Her gown was a charmlnc tsnblnatlon of white croDe de china and tiesa lace. Miss Minnie Phillips at ed her sister as bridesmaid. Evans had his brother, Mr. FranM Hfna, for best man. A largely nttenaeu) itwptlon was; hold after tho sorvlcev Won their return from their honeymoon E. the bridegroom and brido will llvo ffRex avenue. Roxborough, whero they Bl receive after September 1. 1L CLEARY-OANNON". Kit marriage of Mlsa Mary Elizabeth Efinon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ber wd Cannon, of 2137 North 7th street, nnd m Dvtd J, Cleary, of 2058 South Blth toet, was solemnUod this morning at IS'tfock by a Nuptial Mass In St. Ed ?l4'a Church. 8th and York streets, the BJ. Father Hawk ofllclatlng. ui Cannon was attended by her t"j aiiu Antoinette u. cannon, as umm Jyonor. The best man was Mr. William JpVheatley and tho ushers included Mr. g?,aiu wuiinon, Air. ueorge cuiiiiuh, '. Be bride, who was clven In marriage kr father, wore on exquisite gown puo aueheise satin and chantlliy lace, soldered In pearls. Her veil was of ana she carried a shower Douquei fide rotes and lilies of the valley. maid of honor wore an attractive k of pink taffeta and chiffon. Her Las of leshorn trimmed with P'nk nd streamers. She carried a bou- i of p nk roses. A weddlne breakfast $wed at the home of the bride, after m the young couple left for their Vng trip, and on their return win ba kOOle after Sentemhar 1 nt K33Q Camaa t Logan, UOSBNBAUM-HINDMAN. marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth aman daushter of Mr. and Mrs. W! A. Hlndman, of 4S North Mh t$U and Mr. Hnrvav T. Tlnienbaum. MlU South 10th street, was solemnized iwsnt at g o'clock at the home of me parents. The Rev. David L. ftic- . of the Norrls Scuara MethodUt ewi Church, officiated at the cer- ne bride wore a lovely gown oi hand-embroidered mull over white and was given In marriage by her Mlsa Emms Smith was briaea- Harry Hlndman. the bride's . was best man. A raceotlon was i after the ceremony. Mr. and Mi NMKtUm will aiuinil thalr honfivniOOU igaaUc city and will be at bom at -. wth sth street afWr August L PBNBRTY DHVBNNY Bt attractive wedding took plc Iilnjt at 8 nVlnaU at IUa ChUTCb Of tAanunciatton, lttb and Dlcklnaon Wben UUui Bmlly A. Devenny. Ur of Mr. and Mr. John J Dt- ft Of 13 !1 B..iitb. Vnu afrJit tlslil.lllA ntfo Th0,mas Uurlon- Th0 flde was Duvnfl M,y hf r' Mrs- ,U9tln ne'd rrh.V1Rlr?n ? honor- t)0"- Pen- ill ,,"m.s1- Penerty. a wedding supped for tho bridal party and immediate fam ilies was served at the home ot tho bride. The table was arranged with a mound of pink roicbuds and sweet peas, edged with OalMM and maidenhair ferns. After the supper tho couple left for an extended trip through Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont. They will bo at home after October 1 at 2217 East Cumberland street 8M1TH-MALLON. A very pretty wedding will take place this afternoon at 6 o'clock In tho Church of St. Thomas Aquinas, 17th and Morris Btivets, when Miss Alice A. Mallon will became the bride of Mr. Joseph Thomas Smith, of 19 North 3Sth street. Tho bride will be attendod by her slater, Mrs. Eliza beth Doyle, as matron of honor, and Mr. Smith will linve for his best man his brother, Mr. John Smith. Tho ceremony will bo performed by tho Htv. John I. McHiigh, of the Church of Our Lady of itiouni i-nrmci, ana n cousin of tho brido. A supper for the bridal party and Im mediate fnmllleB will follow nt the St. James, nfter which the cotiplo will leave for a trip through Buffalo, Detroit, Ni agara Falls. Thcv will be nt home after August 1 at 5109 Warrington avenue. STETLEIl-MlTCHnLL. Announcement Is made of the marriage of Miss Carolyn Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Mitchell, of 625 Green lone, Itoxborough, to Mr. Arthur M. Stctter on Saturday night, Juno 19. Tho ceremony was performed by tho Rov. Dr. S. M. Vernon, pastor of tho Central Mothodlst Episcopal Church, Itoxborough. Mr. and Mrs. Stctler will bo at home after July 1 nt C0CG Ridge avenue. JOHNSON-BAILEY. The wedding of Miss Tela Virginia Bnlley and Mr. Clnudo R. Johnson took place last night nt 8 o'clock. Tho ceromony was performed In St. Lukc'a Methodist Episcopal Church, Park and Erie ave nues, the Rov. Doctor Trout ofllclatlng. The brido was attended by Mrs. James A. Cummlngs, Jr., ns matron ot honor nnd by ltttlo MIsh Virginia B. Lynch ns (lower girt. Tho bridegroom had his brother, Mr. James Howard Johnson, as best man. and the ushers Included Mr. William Raugley, Mr. Harry Miller, Mr. James Colburno and Mr. Henry Powell Tatchett. Tho brido, who was given In marrlngo by her father, wore a beautiful gown of white satin and chantlliy lace, llnlshPd with a court train. Her veil wus of tulle, held In place by a coronot of pearls, nnd sho carried a shower bouquet of brido roso and lilies of tho valley, The matron of honor woro an nttractlvo frock of pink pussy-willow tnffeta and chantlliy lace. Her hat was of leghorn, trimmed with pink roses and streamers. Tho little (lower girl was fiocknd In white lingerie over pink and carried a basket of sweetheart roses. A reception followed at 1315 Erie avenue, nfter which tho young couple loft for Bermuda. On their return they will be at homo at 1315 Erie avenue. KELLY-THOMPSON. A pretty homo wedding took place yes torday nftoruoon when Miss Lillian S. Thompson, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Thompson, of 2S19 North i3th Btroet, was given In marrlngo by her father to Mr. Norman S. Kelly, of 4511 North C'amac street. Tho ceremony was performed at the rcsldenco of the brlde'J parents by the Rev. Dr. David Spencer, of the Lehigh Avenuo Baptist Church, 12th street and Lehigh nvenuc, and was followed by a dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly will spend tho summer In Atlantic -lty and will receive after September 1 at 45U North Camac street, Logan. DOHERTl'-SWEENEY. A wedding of Interest was solemnized on Wednesday afternoon, Juno 1C, at 4:30 o'clock, in St. Ann's Church, when MIbs Bertha T. Sweeney, daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. M. Sweeney, became the bride ot Mr. Jamea Doherty, tho Rev. Matthew A. Hand oillclatlng. The bride, who was given In marriage by her mother, was attended by Miss Anna Ilg. of Provi dence, R. I., as matron of honor. Mr. John Fintgan acted ns best man. A reception followed at tho home of tho bride. Mr. and Mrs. Doherty will spend their honey moon in San Francisco and upon their return will reside in West Philadelphia. THOMAS-BAKER. Announcement Is mnde of the marrlago of Miss Lydln S. Raker and Mr. Howard P. Thomns, both of Kennet Squnre, on Wednesday, June 16. The corcmony was performed In this city by tho Rev. Rob ert A. Hunter In tho presence of tho Im mediate relatives. On their return from th.ir wertillmr trlD Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will occupy their new home, 7031 Torres dale avenue, Philadelphia. JULIANO SALILINO A small 4 o'clock wedding took place Monday afternoon when Miss Angelina Sallllno, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dlo dato Sallllno, of 1025 South 2d Btreet. be came tho bride of Mr. James Jullano, of 1122 Pierce street. Miss Josephine Sall llno was tho maid of honor and Mr. Sobastlan Zloll was the best man. The ceremony was performed in the. Roman Cathollo Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel. After tho ceremony there was a reception at the home of the brides parents. Among tho guests were Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Giorgo, Mr. and Mrs. Fells Sallllno, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rucc . Mr. S. Sanartlno. Mr. Frank Cavaroggl. Mr. John Rucc!. Mr. Charles A. Gamblno and Mr. Ralph Palvandlonls. 8 TRftTBLS6BBB ? - iS9n J ! ISr Wm BUHL-HERR. The wedding of MIh Lottie W . Herr. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Herr. to Mr George S. Buhl will take place quietly ?Ws evening at 6 o'clock at the Mu ' . .i. h,M,' nnrents. 5124 Race The Rev. A. Pohlman will of Tho bride, who will be gowned Btreet, flciate. white crepe de chine and will carry a L'ouquet of bride's roses and II l.s of the valley, will havo her sister. "'" 'o5 J. ' ... niir attendant. Mr. HOy Crawford will act as best man. Following MRS. LILLIAN C. SUMERS Who is chnlrman of a largo street carnival which will bo given this week for the new Mercy Hospital. tho corcmony there will be a supper for tho lmmcdlato families ot tho bride nnd bridegroom. Mr. nnd Mrs. Huhl, nfter a wedding trip, will ltve nt 4103 Lancaster avenue. LEE-POWERS. An unusually pretty wedding took placo laet evening In the Church of All Saints, llth street and Snyder nvcnuo, when Miss Elizabeth Powers, daughter of Mrs. Wil liam Jackson, of 1S3I Mifflin street, be canio tho brido of Mr. Richard F. Lee. Tho ceromony was performed by tho Rev. John E. Hill, pastor of tho church. Thn hrliloamnld was Miss Bertha Brown. After a supper, served nt the homo of tho brldo's mother, to which tho bridal party nnd Immediate families woro In vited, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lee left for a short trip through Now York State. Thoy will bo at homo after July 15 at 2013 South 15th street. Mr. Lee had for his beat man his brother, Mr. John Lee. Mr. Victor Powers, brother of tho bride, gave her in marriage. STINSON'-McOINNIS. The wedding of Mist Helen McGlnnls, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Mc Glnnls. ot 149 North 5th Btreet. to Mr. William Stlnson took placo on Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock In tho Church of St. Augustine, 4th nnd Vino streets. Tho ceremony was performed by the Rov. J. Regan. Hiss camerino oicuiniuu, u. ma ter of the bride, nttended hor, and Mr. Stlnaon had for his best man Mr. Edward Gulton. CORCORAN-SWEENEY. A wedding of Interest to many took placo yesterday afternoon nt 4:30 o'clock In the Church of St. Francis Xavlcr, 25th nnd Green, when Miss Mary Sweeney, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sweepcy, becomo the bride of Mr. Thomas J. Corco ran, president of Vlctrlx Catholic Club. Tho ceremony wus performed by tho Rev. Patrick F. O'Neill. Miss Catherine Sweeney, a sister of the bride, attended her, and the best man was Mr. William Corcoran. A Bupper followed the ceremony nt the home of tho bride's parents, 7S9 North 24th street, after which Mr. nnd Mrs. Corcoran left for a trip to Niagara Falls and the Thousand Islands., They will be at homo after August 1 at 5533 Vine Btreet. The marriage of Miss Virginia Catherine Wlsse. daughter of Mrs. J.U Wine, of 5218 Chestnut street, to Mr. Francis J. L. Mlntzer. of Klrklyn. Pa., will take placo on Monday morning at ?clock in tho Church of Our Lady of Victory. 34th and Vine streets. The Rev Father MoNamee will officlato. Miss Wlsse will bo atUnded by Miss Edna Marshall and Miss Josephine Hennessy as bridesmaids, and Miss Mary Emily Wis!" and Miss Ruth Harding will be the little flower Blrli. Mr. Mlntzer will l,ave "Eta "r'er. JIr- Howard M,ntMr' as best man. West Philadelphia An open-air carnival which has been re,0ypV-i"-i:,11":.s; "e held on the evenings of Friday and Saturday on Callowhlll street, from 61st fn azd l street. It will be roped oft and hero will b street dancing under the luctrlo lights, besides numerous bazaar booth" and refreshment stands. The entire proceeds will be donated o the fund provided for the new Cathollo in!titutlon-thB Sitters of Morcy Hospital '.h .11. for which has been chosen for UShcentralf location In West Philadelphia and the distance from the nearest ho.. pltala. Mrs. by ... win he asslted Ml hVi tcWnion. 6118 Westminster Miss Maria "uv winkle, 420 North avenue; Mrs. Lw nn m DaUaharii MS. Cb nBOMr.tVeet: Ml.. Teas.o Mcaoldriok. 115 We.tmlnster avenue, and others. . A reception will be given to Mlsa Mar ion R TMburton. of 911 North 5th .tryrt. WLvun N J., by her unole and aunt, Mr and Mrs. William P. IWW. of Kl North 41t street, tomorrow, when she will graduate from the Normal School. Hotel Arrivals OIIEKN'S-O. w. Foole, Newark, N. J.i F. . Woodward. Altoonn, Ta. CONTINnNTAL-H. a Schelhler. OrccnBburs. l'a.: Wlllam 1 tone. Loulsvlllo, Ky.; Dr. and Mr. I. I), ronton, Mahanoy City. l'n. Dpo.NT.tVS-J. It. Dauntr, Haaton, Pa.; J. II. Young, Mount Ciirmol, l'a. NI7W IttKOHAM-A. It. Jacobs ll.nlctnn, III.: II. r. liohnrr, Allentown, l'n.; J. M. Iilanchnrd, Huntury, l'a. IIANOVnit-IIanard S Schncfcr, Reading. !.; Mr. and Mm E. n. Ilryer. Lowon, Del.: Ml. Adclo Ntwhart. Chcrryvlllc, l'a. VINnsOIlr-rrank r. Kimble, ltonmclalo, Pa.i l. n jinino, 1'aier.on, N, J. VENDia V. II. Collins, I'lttKburgh. Va.; O. (1. Wake, Jr., Sunrthmaro. l'a., J. I'. Cur rier, Now York. AUr.I.riHA-H. V. nennct't. Wllkes-llarre, l'a.: A. Mullhnupt. llrnrtrord, Pa.: A. W Williams. I'lltabursh. l'n. ST. JAMHS-O. v. Dachelter. Newark, N. J.: . Q. Cnpcllo, Jr.. Vt'llmlnKton, liol.i II. Monttroniory, Newark, N. J, WAI.TON-r. lrln. Clilcaso, 111. t tV. S. Cul bortson, Wnnhlnuton, 1). C. j r. It. Dann, Clf'slnnd, O. STENTON-Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Meyers, Newark, N. J.; Mr. nnd Mri. C A. Mac lonald, Now Havon, Conrr. COLONNADH-Il. II, nynll, Newark. N. J.; Mis. Mary C. Illltman, Wllkta-Barro. ra.: :. N. lllocli, Narbcrth. ra. IHTTHNHOirsn C. Y. ly. Waahlniston. D. c. , Huwnrd Nel.on, Austin, 1'..; Itobert J. Travis, Hnannah, Co. DnLLnVUU-STnATl-fiRD I. M. Herbjt. l'lttaburitti. l'a : Lewi. T Kerehncr. rtndtiK, l'a . Sir. A I.. I'onl. nttsbumh. l'a.: N. U l'ctcrnon John.lonii, Pa. II. M. Capron. Clilrano HI : John IJarrotr, Vnnhlnton. U. C. . n. CIruy Dayton, Iladdonllcld. N. I.. J. O. Trees, 1'ltt.bursli, Pa. IUTZ-CAJtlrON Mr. nnd Mrs. Itobert Inoy, Nonrk. N. J.i It T. rarahnll, Cleveland. O.- Mr. and Mra. David It. Walker, Boiton, Mass.. W II. von Hoon, Holland. Along the Reading Mrs J. L. Cam cross, Miss L. Carneross Wallace, Miss A Oladlng and Miss U Oladlng, who have been spending the early summer season At the Harrington, Jenklntbwn, have left for Atlantic City, where they will remain until September 1, Mrs. M. Liggett, Mrs. U. LlKgett Daf rah, Miss Margaret Liggett, Mr. William R. Brown, of Ktklns Park; Mr. L. F. Blansbury, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Thomas B. Harper are spending part of the summer nt tho Barrlngton, Jenkln town. Tho Choristers' Club, of Jenklntown, will give their concert tomorrow evening In the Pariah House of the Chur h of Our Saviour Ellanbeth Bonner, con tralto, and Bertrand A. Austin, violon cellist, will be the assisting artists. Mrs. Allan Pendleton Turner, of New York, Is the gueat of her sister, Mrs. Dallas Smith, whose little daughter Is seriously 111. Mrs. August Wolf, of Spring avenue, r.lklns Park, Is visiting at Mt. Vernon, N. Y., for several days. South Philadelphia Mlaa Selestra nstclla Urownawtck, a 1915 graduate of the Temple University, entertained at a dinner on June M at her home, 61S Taskor street. The table was nrtlatlcalty decorated In red and white roses. Hand-painted place cards, tht Uork of tho Misses Qertrudo nnd H.thcr Tlttman, wero given as rouvenlrs. Tho guests were entertained after dinner by solos nnd recitations. Mrs, Charles Mpshltt sang "The Uohllcr of the Le gion": Mr. Herbert Jnspen recited "The Seven Btngca"; Mr. Meyer Orecn rend from Victor Hugo, Mr. Harry Promlsloff sang "A Little Love, a Ltttlo Kiss"; Mr Samuel Schati sang "Alda" and "How Foolish Women Are"; Doctor Se cnl sang selections from "Fnust," and Mies tSarah Whlto sang "Tho Rose." Mr. Joseph Schrtcbmnn was tho accompanist, Thn guests danced till a late hour. Amopg those present wero Mlas Qer trudo Itoanllnd Brownswlck, Miss Frieda Brownswlck, Miss Lillian Whlto. Miss Sarnh Schockman, Mlas Hose Bile den, Mlsa Mildred Sllvcrateln, MIsi Bcs slo I'ollls. Miss Minnie Mnlllvcr, Mr. Kamucl Cornflold. Mr Joseph Silverman, Doctor Tecumsoh. Mr. Meyer Goldberg, Mr. Maurice Qoloff, Mr. Jack Davlda vltz and Mr. Davo Quticlt. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Serotly, 1812 South 5th street, announced the engage ment ot their daughter. Miss Ida Serody, to Mr. Nathan Rachncll at a largo din ner given Inst night nt their home, The guests included Miss Helen Weiss, Miss Dora Cohen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Michael For, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fox, Mr. and Sirs. M. Fein, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stelgrad, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fox, Sir. nnd Mrs. Israel Fox. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kesslcr, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Gross nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. remhollcr. ATTRACTIVE GARDEN PARTY TO BE GIVEN ON SAWRDAf Mrs. Samuel R. Shiplev and Her Daughter, Miss Agnes Dorothy Shipley, Will Entertain at Their Country Home. Other Affairs. Mrs. Samuel R. Shipley has Issued In vltatlen for n gnrden party on Saturday afternoon nt Her country home, Wlndfln, West Chester, Pa. The card of Mis Agnes Dorothy Shipley Is Inclosed. Persons of this city will be Interested In the nnnouncement which Was made In New York this morning of the engage ment of Mlsa ttllen Yullle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas U. Yullle, of that city, to Mr. William J. Sturgls, son of the Rov. Joseph R. Sturgls, ot Virginia. Mlsa Yullle nmt Mr, Sturgls were nt tendnnts nt both Dukc-Blddlo weddings. Miss Yultlo has not yet been formally Introduced Into society. Her debut will be mada next season. Mr. Yullle Is vice president of the American Tobacco Com pany. Mr. Sturgls Is n graduato of the Uni versity nf Virginia, a member of the Bankers', Turf und Field and 8lecpy Hol low Clubs; alio of the Virginia Club nnd the Northampton Hunt Club. Mr. William Curtis llok, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ud ward Bok, of Merlon, left yester day on a six weeks' tour of the West. Mr. George M. Newhall, of 501 Hans berry street, celebrated his TOth birth day anniversary on Tuesday night by giving a largo stag dinner at the Ger mnntown Cricket Club. Covers wore laid for 126 guests, the table being shnped In an "N." The decorations wero In the club colors, blue and white. With centre pieces ot purple Iris and snowballs. Miss Gladys Black, daughter ot Mr and Mrs. Henry McKean Black, ot Lo cust Hall Fnrm, Jobstown, N. J will glvo a tennis tournament an Wednesday, June 30, starting at 0 o'clock. Luncheon will bo served at 1 o'clock, Among the enlrled Art Mlts Dorothy Kirk, Mls Map. caret Parker. Mlas Gertrude Mott Mfs Margaret Lander, of Bordenlnwhr MW May Shrive Miss Florence Brakeley. Ml Dorothy llraktley. Miss Hilda Bmjtrjf Mrs. Isaao Harrison Hutchinson, Miss Sarah Rtdgway, Mrs. John V. Bishop. Mhs Marlon Sharpless, of Wyncotei Miss Rbae Barhee, Miss Goodwin and saveral. others. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Skinner have gona to Denver, where they ttrs spending n fortnight, after which they will travel through the West, returning home In August. Mrs. John M. Justice has gone to Dlgby, Nova Scotia, for tho summer. Mrs. Charles A. Pearson, Jr., of Pu laski avenue and Manhelm street, enter tained at luncheon yesterday afternoon nt the Germantown Cricket Club, Man-helm. What's Doing Tonight Municipal Hand, dorr, rark, ItMai straua inJ Hermitage street, Jloxboreurh; 8 o'clock. Philadelphia o'clock:. Fret. Hand, Convention -Ball; 8 Falrmount I'ark Hand, Lemon Hill; S o'clock. Free. United llualneaa Men's Association, Dlniham lintel: 8 o'clock, Hosiery Manufacturers' Association, Manu facturers' Clubi 0:30 o'clock. Cedar Avenut Improvement Association. Cndar avenu. and 47th street! 8 o'clock, Fre. Lancaster Avenue and C2d Street Ilnstnesa Men. Lansdown atenua and Md atreet; a o'clock. Free. Independent Milk Dealers? Union, Parkway Oulldloat 8 o'clock. Italian War Relict Committee, Musical Fund ltaa.il ; s o'clock. t-emon inn Association. City Hall platai 8 o'clock. Initiation Veiled Trophe!. of U Enchanted Itealm, l.u Lu Tomplo: 8 o'clock. Suffrage Events Today BQITAI. ITIANCIIISB SOCIETY. Noon-Open-air meeting al the Cox Stovo rnctory. 3d and Dauphin streets speaker, Mis. Anna McCue; nsalatant. Mrs. AnnU White. Noon Open-air meeting nt the Nllf-IIement-rond Company, !2d nnd Callowhlll streets; speaker, Mica Ilcrthn Hopovlts. woman surrnAOii pahty. n n m flr.en.Alr tnectlni nt 40th street nnd I-anrastcr menue, under ausplcos .of tha party's branch In the llth Le.lslamo District; speaker, Miss Ilertha Saoovlts. 8 D. m. Mrs. Harry Philip, spesk. at thn Young Women's Christian Association, loth street and (Jlenwood aenue. 8 10 p. m. Open-air meeting at 7th street and Snyder avenue; speakers. Miss ITatelln Hussel and Mrs Marlon Holmes. 8'80 p. m. Open-air meeting at Herman town and Erlo aenues; speakers. Miss C. C. Knarp. Miss Helen Orot. and Mrs. M.rgaret K-Iio'n! m. Cfpen-alr meeting nt 26th .treat snd Clrard avenu.; meeting In charge ot Mlas Helen Gueat; speakers not announced. aENERAI.. ' n m -Lawn (eto at Noble station; sneakers, Miss Llda Stokes Adams, Miss Margaret P. Saunders and Mlaa Deasa Ebert. WOMAN SUIVP.AOE PAItTV. Noon-Open-air meeting at National Tllscult Company. Mrs. Ella O. Guilford, .peaker, Afternoon and cvenlne-Lawn rets at Noble Platlon on the grounds of Mrs, Orovo". ratats; Mlsa Uda Stokea Adams. Margaret I'. Baun der and DeaaA Ebbert, speakers. 8-30 Open-air meeting, 7th street and Erla avenue. Mrs. Ella (Aillford, speaker. MONTESSORI TLT 4311 WALNUT ST.. PHILADELPHIA llroptni October .teglstratlnn books now open. ritonel'reston 28U3 W t.-lrt orcnnUed Institution deoted ejclii- .w.v in ih scientific direction of NOnMAL CHII.DnnN 'rom TIIttEi: TO KIOIIT YBAnB. UiiiijuiwY nw .iin directress hola uniu flcnooi '""" "" ThWm "of "hfa'Tchool I. to dr. normal nSr'en nn environment In whlcfi tho spon- !lltfrti&SSSwK mmmmm school year lP18il.'"- FRIENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL SYSTEM for BOYS and GIRLS 5 FROM KINDEnOAItTEN TO MIASM Separate Pepartmejtfos and girl, b Bchools ot this .ystem located ffiSMssi a1;.. $ntx$'usra. wlw nn book op ntttHoannau WM ELMEIt IIAItlinTT. RUPT. lBTlI AND ltACEJgTg.gllILA PEIRCE SCHOOL BitMMPR COl'IlBES IIF.01N JUNE IS llM.ndTO??rl,l couraes that enabl. n ami wornvn n "i" . -. VUI1IIK a ... - ..,,.. i f. ina ri '.": Valuable Inatrurtlon , for Hours, 0 A-. ', For full Information, r S;Ss.w TQ EEjyrARTriWNEXT WEEIC .bssssssssslssssssssssissssssslkJv yf II W B , MISS ANNA btULIKBAUM MK JOHN JETT Vmufl' HfKfMir. OIT-OIO CIRBTNUT STIiKBT. Free Instruction in Spanish ,r Stenwrapher. now Forcing Lett.r Wrilfe"iTBffnMI ISSl. OK 88HM 1R00 Chestnut StrMt , BTItAYEK'S HU8INES8 COLLKOE cation. Mmm . ... ,.. PhlladlDhla. SOI 1"'"'jdi: ..--.: . "FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL hoys mo ! '0,,, '"" y-"-M All tranes. Writ, for catalog.ua IILAIHSTOUN, W. J. BLAIR ACADEMY FOR BOYS JOItN SIJAJtfE. A M-, P.DLW!niJjJL. JjS?!LI0i?iYib ai.r ualdwln bcuiluju, Stauaton, V. L. Mi7d In B.aaa4ah Vallty ot VlrflaU. ,,",,,tn.i?.d clim.t.; modem appolBtaatoU. ivr'h'fjELz NAZAI1ETH. VA. asliWal SJgyUUACUtjJU Nazareth Hall Military School Takes the parent's placo for boys from eight to sixteen years. Ona of the oldest Boardlnr Schools for Doys In America. Established In 1783. Send far Catalogue; you will be pleased. Rev. S. J. Blum, D.D. Prin., NAZARETH, PA. iWPsWWiWW'WWSPSPHiWCTWwa liAHiiisiiuita, r.i. Harrisburg Academy- A country school tounaeq lioo. Modern bulldlnj-s. lare. campus. Advantat-ei i ot small classes and Individual Instruction. Thoroutn conees prfii. i. 1500. Bupervlsed athletics. Sepsrat. school for younvar boys. We Invite cloaast Invas tliatlon a rersonal vlslj If posalbl.. Writ, for our catalofu. and plans of new dar mltory. Addreas AHTHUTt J5. UH01Vfi A-i Heailmaats aiAMnKKanimpjA; JKfSJSSr.Mniit PENN HALL SCHOOL run ti t it ij located In th. beautiful Cumberland Valley Colle. rreparatory. Modern Lansuag. and finsclal Courses. Cartm. cat. frtvtieca.. Hoom. with prlv.ta bith. Hot.Tolad.tone. Atlantis City. N J., occuplad by achosl durmc May each year. Work contlnuea without In terruption. Rati., 1500 For catalot in" vlewi dd?..a FRANK B.MAQILL. A M . rrincipai. a imfmmnmsoK mcnRirjMftu tiunu wmnm uwswaw iawijBSLiiurrynyj SALTSHUHOjJVL Black Arrow Sale The Black Arrows great savings ae wrs llrae. point" the way to for you Princess Pump One of more than 200 styles. 25.000 pairs Low Shoes in- this Sale. Smart gracefulness is reflected in every line of this dainty bit of footwear. $5 and $6 val- ues are waiting for you in this spectacular advance sale at Whether your preference this week is for white, patent leather, dull kid, bronze, "black - and - white" or any of the popular new "combinations" you can depend upon . finding them here in exactly the size required J to correctly fit your foot at $2.90! 5 $ See the Black Arrows In our windows 9 AN GOOD SHOES HALLAH 919-921 Market Street om-okta AVE- 4P!tB 2746.48 GERMANT6WN AVE. 00th and CHESTMJT STS. munch Store. Open E,.ry Ey'.nlnr. Market Btreet Store Open Saturday Ey.alnn. ALLBNTOWNk. AIXBHTOWN PJtEFARATOBY SCIIOOL Kmsm tit Ii4l- clle- & uolvjr .Itla. !IU ounsr wi' Larg. campui Frank L 31: dwt far TT.w Md. . AH athmiea. .ma S9YS CtalOST. bud, A. M . Prta .Allaotowii.Pa,. IA9XT1MOBK, MD-. Affordby Normal School JBSSy'S. tVKJjT CUKtiTEM, FA. lUSKIMINETAS SPKINOS SCHOOL M FOIt BOVfct Indora.4 M evary Ara.rUan University. In dividual plan ol work for .ach boy. Oellas. Prawatory Cours. and a ot tralataa for bialBMa Ufa. Bpwl.t ooura. U arlcultu. sJlentlfljj physical eara. Pur. watw, 1 tSS. iSo-tM farm. A lal of ebarMiK. slth yirop. sVp. II. Writ, tw Cat's tSTjt. KUktmtatUa Bprln. School. Salttbutg, Vm. MnfNNBWOODjPA, "Counlry Day School for Boy" iuSJ; Jarlfully a.Uct atudl. sjymaaalua and als-nt aac.a f lfB5- . . . Ker. Olbson Bu. J- ""' "'" "'- tSlO Jraho SiMl, Ofatttaat 1UU. Ve, UTlTiCPA, Liiaafc arv. , Choosing a School for Your Son or Daughter Is a very difficult thing to do unless you have personally visited and investigated a large number. In order to help ! nnd save vou I great amount of correspondence and ?USme?nvesytiEaUogn. LEDGER CENTRAL sent out a college graduate to visit schools, and collegia. H has soent several months visiting all the best schools In the K securing all sorts of information at first hand and is quaS to help you find the school best auited to the pecuUar needs of your boy or girl, at whatever price vou can afford to pay. The service fs free, and we suggest that you get in touch with the Bureau at once, uruny schools afe registering pupils now, and will be filled to capacity before July. Call, write or phone EDUCATIONAL JJJREAU LEDGER CENTRAL BROAD AND CHESTNUT WWW PHILADELPHIA - WW of nr. Vincant J. l-uuill. TU t,. i1i mm siaMiiass.sssssssssssssttssssssssssMlsrfHi'MLftMsMiM HtfLV.A && - J ? - lffct -mr rUg3'i(i&f