mgmgjjjgujimw EVENING ANOTHER PALLING OFF IN GOLD HOLDINGS HARMfTUKWKUWBAK; LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. TTrnnanAv jUNE 24j 1915. - SELLING PRESSURE BIG , tosses Ranged From One to Three Points Canadian Pa cific Lowest Since 1908. NEff YORKi Juno 14. More pro- i-.A,incci1 Dressiiro wns exerted Against Ik-stocks on lhe exchange In (he early sca- lion 10087 iiitm nv tiiiy iiinu 111 mure man A month, and ttn a result the whole list, SSWth one or two exceptions, reacted. There wero nenvy sciunc oruers in evi dence all around the room. Losses wero the greyest In tho Industrials, or the ynt specialties, and while the standard )j(ucs met good support, they wero sym utlmtlcallv rtftected. On tho whole. .however, they held up very well In face ;pf the largo liquidating movement. it was not hard to securo a reason ht the selling of tho war specialties, tand among Mem were reports that tho pBrltlsh Government would cancel orders for large amounts 01 snrapnci and tako Uxloslvo shells Instead, and It was also pointed out that manufacturers who wero turning out munitions for tho Russian E government wero experiencing difficulty win goiiiiiB puiu in uubii, bo mucn so mat .foany snipments arc unacrstood to Imvo (been canceled. Si Tho acutcness of the foreign financial i'lUuatlon was also given as a reason for Iho selling, and there was nlso some liquidating from abroad, which was 'lliOIICht to COmtl tO BOmn nttl (mm '-England, for the purpose probably of re fl Investing- the money secured In tho now war loan. An inclination of tho monetary ?Kmdltlons In England Was furnished In fthe1 weekly statement of the Bank of England,, which matlo a very poor show ing. The gold holdings Bhowed another falling off, as was tho case last week, Ithey being 2,352,000 smaller ($11,910,000), iwhllo reserves fell 2,603,000 ($13,025,000). The rcservo to liabilities was 18.17 per cent, against 1D.EG per cent, last week. Ono of the weakest Issues In tho stand. "ard list was Canndlan Pacific, tho selling uressurft' against It being nartlculnrlv filirge. resulting In a decline In tho price .of zvi points neiore miaciay. Sales from abroad In this stock wero said to bo E heavy. Tho low price today, 146X. was E.tha lowest slnco 1903, Tho only reason assigned for' the decline was noor earn- Kings, and somo people were of the opln- fjlon that the dividend stood a good chanco of being cut from tho 10 per cent, basis. iIn tho afternoon tho stock dropped still further, showing a loss of 3;i points. An Improving tendency was shown Uround midday and prices moved up all around. Tho betterment was not of a last- Ling quality and n fresh outburst of scll rtng carried stocks down to tho low of ftho day. On tho down turn Canadian FtPaclflc and United States Rubber were Pth'e .leaders. Rubber showed a loss of 74 I' points. Tho company's directors meet for B action on" tho dividend on next Wcdnes- ISday, and tho decline was thought to bo i due expected unfavorable action. Tho Copper shares were also weak, re flecting the lower price for the metal In tiixmaon. xnc list ns a wnoio showed flosses of from 1 to 3 points around 2 p. m. awhile the market closed weak. It recov ered somewhat from tho low. Railroad earnings which camo out dur ing tho day were divided between good jand bad. Lehigh Valley showed up good ;1 May. tho gross being $08,556 larger and net 1111. 4S3: 11 months' cross wns $315,982 Ejibove last yenr and the net $817,650. This tsservea to Keep ine siock rainy steady ighout tho dav. Union Pacific, nn Uhe other hand, made a very Door show- flng. Slay gross falling $253,863 and net $226,637: 11 months' gross $5,193,617 and net ,1,713,328 smaller. Southern Pacific tho 'Other Harrlman road, whllo It had a de- ..ereaie In cross, turned this Inin a nr increase of $110,900. New York Siock Sates nigh. 89 fBH 7i 63)1 K ol I0)f 45 fi5 Ijow, Close. SO 1711 62 73j SI 48 43 A3 Ml 17'1 r,i "'H 61, 4KW wh 43 A3 llKlU 1024 102M n an; 2f)4 '.'!)! 2tf 2.l!( 35 J 20), 2!)' f-0'f 7M1J 37! I07! 111), 123 Adam, E,pr6M...,- iT. !'?' Mines..... MH A fChalmMfg.'. 71' Amslsamatctt Copnot., 7SU Am A Chemical:; 62 Am JJott Sitnr roh Am BraVe S&F In... .100 van. . ,, ,. JVf 'wCatftFoundtf...; Sa AmCoalProiaeti id? "'".cooecuriuej..,.,., 20'f AmLlnscedpf w(7 aT .'.'""' oW( M fin AmSuMirtcfnerl6j....lS8i laV 10714 K."!' Mi 2i!L?ilel iwt mi i2j ri"hT 22ll 22W4 220 22014 iSSS.LfJ1Sr-'--:-0QM loon Wi fmt V"l""""rPorpi... m 7!4 714 7U Anaconda c'opnef Mie "nie "si n-iJ Baldwin Locomo ro.... n,;u 117 Ju X"i? naltlmore& Ohio.. .. 77' 7M nu 5i Ilaltlmnm Jt-iihu . i!;. i.i. i" A 7! IlcthlehcraStwl m?;. Ilroollyn Rapid Tran.. R8!i DultoX Bupcrlot OSU California Petroleum... 15 California 1'otroloam pf, 33 Canadian Pacific 149 Central leather Co mm Central &SATel Ho Chesapeake .V uuu am ii mu v-opper 40 4G 4C)i 4n)f Chlcaeo Great Wait.... Wi 12 11J ilu Chicago & Nor (west... 125 125J 12o! 125)f Colorado Fuel A Iron... 33 ;2Sf ;)1 aii Continental Can Corn Products Rof.... Corn Product! Ref pf,, Crucible Steel Cuban-Am Sucar...... nistlllera'SccurltlM... Dclawaro & Hudson. . Detroit Edlbon Dome Mines Erie Kilo 1st nf , Federal Mini Sm 35 Federal Mln&Smpf... 60 ucnerai liiectrlc. General Motors.. General Motors pf 102Jf 1025 102 102!f Goodrich U F Co 52H 521 fiOH 605 Oranby Con Min 91 83 8S 88 Great Northern pf 118M 118'f 11H llejf GtNcfs for ore prop. . 30W S0)a SS 3ih uucwnneim nxpin.... I3 Kin (12!i 02'i jiiihou central. IntHarvNJ 7f 70!f 70)f 170 1C0 107 88H 88 88!f 72 08W 72 Wi UH li 3 37 37 148 1455i 14051 4014 . 3!)H ni)! 12H 12114 1214 ol) Mi 38 15 6054 15 70 205( 80 27if 15 08 15 70 30 80 2754 12 08 1454 78'i 285 at 205 12 08 UK 78!i 20 85 2(154 14714 147J4 14754 147J4 no navi naji i5M 17H 10!4 17(4 SHOWN IN BANK OF ENGLAND'S "STATEMENT New York Bond Sales I frl 5C00 Adam, Kp,, 4,....' C1fe SJU tyi ?m.elt,.Bfc :":iSh iSs' am ASS iA : S 1& -IK.U Allnour Lo 4',4a na.14 n-ri SXboVi ' i!""0'1 ai,J ? : " w . 5WOW Atcii.son cv is WSJ., mv. pa' l&u l'5!,0n tv 4 l-tM..lwrf 10U kiW bnlt Ohio -lT,,,;" fci2 si 1HMI lialt ft Ohio "v 4) U sT,! 801 21000 Ut O hwn 349. . S . ;jW "foo.X, U Klv lt 6J..1UO ..uuu cat 11 & ei c, lull JWJ! -nada outh (lt....:.lwU $K Snt l0 ' 4 875? ,wuu Lnt II it N J as. .. .114 10WO Ches & Oh cv 4!4. .... "u Vi hi' ' ,"P . 117 Kl't INlU tuft SI), 8U). 20)4 4154 i7 10) ;0V 4114 4054 4054 345t' 34)4 3414 50 40 40 17154 17154 108M 170 .153 153? 15154 162W .103 100J4 100J4 10054 10254 1024 102 10254 NEW YORK CURB ftAmerlcnn Klnn . fBraden Copper IKrlilih-Amorlcan Tobacco old fJmttah-Amerlcan Tobacco now KColdfleld Conaalldnforf Oretno Cananea Ijunci topper Lehtah Valley Coal' SaVes". '. '. '. '. Mplialnr Qtl Elevator ICO ,m Ot Klevator pret n.1 Hlkfr-Hegeman T Bl'tllnR Oum .T Tobacco Products RO unnca nsar Stores ltw LDltM niirnr Wn... vtraf 11H JJnlted Proflt Sharing new.....'.'..'. 3 WQrlrt WHm Jli Tokon Gold ....'.. ..'. '.'..'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.. !!& Did. Asked. 81 MH in inn lo inI 1 7-10 W, an 41 31'4 31H 1707 (I 74 P 7H BU 107 ViS 3il tOM 35 7554 1054 43 1114 20 10J4 102 7054 1854 04 CO 15 8054 6454 20V4 10-154 103 S054 30 7554 1054 41 7154 18 C1W 01 15 i054 T.4J4 2UJ-J 85 34 7354 10 41 1154 2514 10K 102 70 1754 (13 S954 14 8!-54 C4M 2954 103 85 31 73)4 1054 4.1 1154 251J 10J4 102 70 1754 03 8054 1454 88)4 0454 2054 103 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NRW Yfirtl.". .Inn. 91 A (. Aff-.fl Ieorree futures aaKged oft 1 to 2 points, but f"W midday atttiened up somawliat. In tin wit hour a rr.nrt recovery resulted In tho lilt Closlnjr flrm with net frnlriR et i tn m frolnta. Tradlnp; wa3 moro ncllvo today than iior some time nast. Prlceu fnllnw: xonav'8 Todays veateruay'H ooenlnir. rtnse. rtnan. ii.mtfii.iiti .(wrti.HT T.no7,oi i.non.iii B.81WS.8X r,.72n.7.i n.RSflfl.R.'i (1.73BB.T4 fl.6Si98.70 0.7380.7. 0.082O.7O JAnrll . J"n .. July tAuruit . Sfpitrober ... October ..... mber ... 'January ,,., ternary .... "(tn .... DM. Total sales. n.84(L8S .H.RB .... .5.0 .... . 6.7880.83 ,B.BS" .'.'.'. . 0. 605111.71 . .7138.73 .'e.7s";.'.'.' .... a7sB.7n i.7i II.MH.Kt n.T0i n.84flxi.sii n.7fi O.88&0.OO O.KJJj 61,500 bags. .COTTON NEW TOHK. June 2l.-On the call this teornlriB, tho cotton market was steady. ply declined three points, but other op tions moved up a point. There was fur ther buying of July by spot Interests, lth Jones and traders taking the future jnonthB, while Wall Street houses sold. ,ne weather map was favorable. Private Babies from Liverpool said that a con tinued heavy demand for tho snot article as the feature there. r In the afternoon prices sagged a trifle further, the close showing declines of 4 v points excepting March, which enuea iha day with a 2-polnt gain. intcrboro Con Corp pf . . 7054 70 70 lntcr-Mct volte 23 13 22(4 TiH Inter-Motpf 7054 70U 7614 7514 Inspiration Copper 31f 31)4 C054 30) Int Paper 10 954 95i 054 Kansas City Southern. 20 255i 2454 2454 Lack Steel 4554 45 45 45 LchljhValloy 14554 140 14454 14454 Maxwell Motors 42 4154 39H .1954 wax -Motors 1st prer.. Max Motors 2d prof.. Mexican rctrotoum. .. . Mlnn& St Louis Minn & Et Louis prcf . Mo Kan & Toxas 12 Miami Copper 2G4 Missouri Pacific 1054 Montana rower prof.. 102 Kail Cloak iSult ... KatlL'namct&d .... National Load New York Air Braka. Nevada Con Copper. New York Central... NY.NH&H..'..... NYO.& West Norf&Wcst Northern Pacific 1074 107 10054 100H TacUlc MaU 34!( 34H 32 33 Tennlin K0)4 1(054 1U0 10054 Fettlbone-Mulllken... 40 40 3954 40 Plttsbunjh Coal 224 2254 22 22 Pittsburgh Coal pref.. 0354 02 02 02 Peoples das Chi 111)4 115 115 115 Pressed Steel Car 40W 49 4754 4754 Pullman Co 10154 1L0 1C0 100 Quicksilver 214 2)4 114 154 Quicksilver pref 314 3 254- 254 Ity Steel Spring 3354 3314 32)4 3254 BayConCoppsr 2354 2354. 2354 2354 Ilcaduz 147 14714 14554 14(l!j Rep Iron & Steel 30 2954 20 20 Rock Island Co pref... 14 54 14 14 liumely, M. Co 554 5 5 & numely, M. Co pref . . 13 13 1154 11)4 StLouls&SF 5 B14 5 0 StLouls&S Fist pref 11 1254 11 1254 M Louis &SF2d prut 014 8 OH 8 Seaboard Air Line.... Wi 1414 1454 1414 Sears ltoe& Co 137H 1384 137)4 137)4 Southern Pacific e8J4 iSH 8714 fc7!f So Hallway 1054 1054 16)4 1054 Standard Mllllns 53 61)4 6154 5154 Studebaker Co 78J4 785'4 70 7014 Tennessee Copper.... 38 3814 3754 3714 Texas Co 12754 12054 12054 12054 13iw t-'hl Ot fest 4i"."'.'.'.". ,jJ"X I'M NwnSVJs... lluou do gen 4a .7 SWWChl 11 & g joint 4s'.. Jwo do deb ,s 1WW Chi 1J & tj in 31... J J-;hj 11 o' Iowa 1! 1WU Chi M & St l 4... 1000 Chi m a, at u j ,,. ;.ri 6MKW do cv Ss ll)4 120O0 1I0 CV 4V4s ...AMU 1?, P S .8ol"n "" H.. M& 1000 Col F A 1 gen 5s..... 7o4 .10110 Con Uaa cv 11 Hot ? J2 " V.1"' con Wt0.U4)5 10000 pu ront poVdVii;::;: ivj .11.-. .v tuv oer A. ... w Juuo do prior 4s 80 iww ucn .loior us . . . . MW lluil Man rfd Ss 1J000 III b-tcel deb 4Us ljW) lown tintml 4n ,. 1000 Iowa Central 8s .. 411000 1ns Cop cv Us 10000 In cv ret .'Id pd 0s nrj intern ,iet 4 is ... StKXW Inteib II V ret r.s . MUX) Inter Mcr -Mar 4Ma iliOO Internl Pnper 0a . 2000 Ind Steel As TWiO Intnl Htm I'ump r,a HO00 Jap new 4Hs , MM) Jap (J- eta 4iJ . . . 20CKO I.ucka Steel Ss IKK) w utcieiie u rtd oa . ...100 ::: $ ...130U lD.litlii 1 1 WJ(l 100), 100 UI54 loci ini 8f liqn J 07 110 117 SI'i W) W. Vf S.I 1.0 8J; nun 117 102U iws ,JO; llU'.l tun loon if. MH'.i 128)4 11SSSSSSJMSMM IIHIMIIH !s0!IBB P1 IHldlllBV "S 1HK.911B11H1 loot VEk BfeHllHKioL w: 1 - wmk litem- 8s M-;L,'JKS??ji -iim&s t 4 I g looi; 0000 lake Shoro :i4s 3.1000 Lk ah ueb 4s Iu31 8ui lou; 101 ulU lll till 87U ll:i-v, ,. ur ltuij U7 Kit'. K) I l"J w ,S7i 10.17, U7? 102Vj ,70Si ll?i l(0)j uu 112), W!s U2 , 80 1WI1 g sw la 158)4 77 t7H S2 100), 101 (Ml ax RODMAN WANAMAKER Ho has been elected to tho Board of Managers of tho Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company, suc ceeding Samuel Dickson, deceased. 82 noi .00 H2T4 J24 .... 04i MS Klg r. r .100 oi)4 . os in 7 18.H 8 100 ns" ?.V4 8811 P0 I loaU ouJ 78 71)4 wi!4 8S)i no 8Si 8S 007i Cnl 5s lOo'I 1COU 10OU Tel Hs D7' DT'l l7V; cv 3)4s 1C0J 100)5 100 sen ct 4)4s 08)i 08)4 H8)i 1U4"j 10014 114 87 02)4 0.1 I'OH 71 8.1 02)1 5i Thlnl Arenua Tob Products pf Toledo St L&Wpf .. Union Han & I'apor Union Bae & Taper pf Union Pacific Union Pacific prof.... US Ind Alcohol U S Reduction USOIP& i' United Ilys Inrest.... U S Realty & Imp US Rubber US Rubber 1st pref... U SEtttl US Steel pref United Clear Mlrs 64 09 7H 0 20 63V4 0854 7 654 21 U'854 12854 80(4 81 f.254 6214 08)4 0811 7 7 554 654 21 21 27 12714 8014 81 354 54 6354 53 X 4)4 3)4 3U 3i 1314 14 14 14 17 105 W in 3854 3854 3854 38i4 0254 02 6454 6454 10754 10854 106)4 10754 0014 0014 6954 59)4 10914 10054 10954 10954 44 United Cigar Mfrs pref 100 43 43 43 1004 100)4 10054 u7!4 L054 07 32 0754 54 00)4 COW 30 754 254 ;-34 0754 1 0954 07 30 754 2M 32 0754 54 0914 06)4 30 714 214 128 Yesterday's Jwtrnber . fcry.:: spt clo ., ...10.6.1 ..10,14 .10.30 .. 0.6O Open. 0.77 10.05 10.14 10.34 8.00 High. 0.41 0.82 lO.OS 10. 1 ft 10.38 low. 0.80 0.73 o.on 10.07 10.32 Close. 0.78 10.00 10.04 10.32 ODer. rav .2. iwiiuw. . . , Bfllaven, montha, stal on. rev . TOal oper. eip. 11 oper. rav... income . . . RAILROAD EARNINGS LEHIQH VALLEY. May. 1018. 5J1 op. rev $3,845,280 opr. cap .ifi-.unu ....... l,JIK,OOJ 1.210.745 ending May 31. 38.SD1.113 27.427.403 It. 401,701 0.890.103 WJSSTBRN MAHYIAND. ;. June 1182,84a July 1 b.S83,TO3 UNION PACIFIC. CIOM $8,581,460 T... 27.JSl.0f BOUTHBRN PACIFIC. .".. lii8f Saaniha -.. tT ESFnat .. -- mtuww ... uaiwsivv .-- .. '. '. Increase. tiS..Viil 12,027 111.48.1 103.4W 513,082 272.577 817,059 780,413 Elliots Tno,ww 9.07Jl.k 2 3rt.4W TT EN-DAY LOANS AT 3 PER "CENT. ral Reserve Board Announcaa Now Rate Ruling. ASHINQTON. June S4.-A new rate ' vr cant, for 10-dnv loans today wan thlteiud t,y (he Fednal Reserve Board the Federal Reserve Banks of Ne JWfc. Hhlladeluhia San Franciato an.i oii. Thin la an timovauuu by a Jd. 0-4ay lonria bciiuc tlM aciortau berctuore conaUlaied by tb bank- atajli lb la ulma ,r kiltklllAttt t&a SI. Iu4i. u.ui.k ,l .,, ui.i m crcu Utau topuor 0714 Va-CarChem ?o Va-CarChem pref.... 07 Wabash pref 54 Wcstln. K&M 0854 Western Union Tel .,. P754 Western Maryland pf. 35 Wbeelini & L U 1st pf . 74 H.kllnu l,fi5d Df. 3)4 vllluverland 130 12054 128 Cent per star. Quoted sx dividend. Total sales. 411.EOO snares, comparoo vu 305.700 sbife. yesterday; thus far this week. 1.728.400 shares; am jierlod last week, l,lvl,- 700 stares. LONDON STOCK MARKET Investment Demand Centred Around New War Loan. LONDON. June Sl.-Securltlea on the Stock ExclianB: today were heavy and trading was light. The new war loan absorbed nil the Investment demand. Transactions In consols are sradually be. coming broader. These issues were un salable late yesterday, owing- to the rush ta sell at the reduced minimum price. The number of nuyers is iuu..ji, vn,. , because, by exchanging through consols into the. new loan the latter Is obtainable at 154 per cent, discount. The old war loan was steady. There was a decline In Home rails and Colonial Issues. BANK CLEARINGS .i.,.H tnAAV camtOTt with COlTe- JStfB? vJr v""m1 Tim l,w Vwk . 101 . HI ' i5.S . Illl 4 . 82 UllL luin, i.en a ot 1'4V4S.. 1U 11100 LIB A M T Bs 112)4 JVW 1.1.; (t HI -- ,s J duuii .uannatuin sta 4s 3IKXI do 4s l'OUO iMlnn & St I. 4a.. lAfio Mo Kan & T 4s 77 I'.OOO Mo facinc 4s .18)4 11000 do col 5s UU7 lilH MM GO DB 11U 87 .iiuuu no cons us .'I00O Mont Power Bs. . IUK Natl Tube Bs . . . . BWM N V C L 8 :i4s.. 1000 XYOl II Au. 1fl?flllll V V f A IfiM ,l m nul 15000 do 4)5a 88U COOO do 4s 88' 2000 N Y City 4)is 100... nut; 10OU do 44s 106 11)4 IIOOO do 4irS 11)01 tllWi 2000 N Y (las II & P 5s, ..lnrt5 4'KXT-N Y Ont & W 1st 41. . 78 IHK N Y Itwy rcf 4s 71H 1000 do nclj Bs 52 10IIO N Y State 4s lllfll. . . .lOOH B0O0 .V Y Tel uen 4)i I11W 4000 Norf & West Poch 4s. . 88'i C0O00 Nor 1'ac prior 4s IHH 340(KI Nor Tac Ben 3s m't 600 Oro Short I. ref 4 874 7000 Ore Ity A. N 4s 88 8000 Oro & Cnl 1000 I'acine 41000 Penna cv BOIXX) Penna cen 6000 Penna ct 4Kb 103 1000 I'eo das 5s 10o!i SOOO Peo Oas lis 114 20CO Public Scrv N J Ba.... 87)1 13000 Heading Ren 4n 02)J 3000 ItcadlnK-Jer Ccn 4s.... IVI 11000 nrpub Cuba 5n 11104.. IHI), 11IXJ1I 1110 u V Cll -is.. 2000 nock Island 4s 1R000 Ilock Island rfd 4a.. llomi llock Island 5s 5000 st u I m & ao OS.. 10000 st 1, I U B a -Is 3000 St Ii ft 8 K rfd 4s immn 1. A H P cen 5s.. 2000 Seaboard A u adj Cs. . 04 0500 South I'ao 41 ... 2S000 South Pac cv 4s . 3uxrii do cv ret f d Cs 1R.00 South Pao rfd 4a . lino Suuth I'ao Term Bs 4i)0O South Itwy Ron 4s . 1000 South Itwy con 5 . 11KX) Tex & I'ao 1st 5s . OOfK) Totao Co cv Oa ... 800(1 Third Ave new 4a . (1000 Third Avo adj 5a . 4100O U 8 Steel 5s BlOiXi Union Fao lit 4s . KMiO Union Pao cv 4s . .. UOOO Union Pao rfd is.- llOiiOO Va Hs Brown Bros . 21io Va Itwy Bs 1000 "Wabash 4s 4000 Wabash 1st Bs ..... 8ixl Wab Kqu ct ta 4s 51K Wnh-P T 1st ct 4s 4u West Klec 5s Ilium West r M cy is . nfini ivt ITnlon 4'iB . Total sales. 12.580.000. mpared ".'fi?4: 000 yesterday; thus far this . IU.81T.O0O. samo period last week. t8,3S.1.O0O, First Branch Bank Established WASHINGTON. Juno 24. The Federal He servo Board today established nt New Orleans a branch 'of the Federal Kcserve Bank r.f Atlanta. This la the first branch bank to be created under the now currency system. Tho New Orleans branch will servo a subdlstrlel, comprising Ixmlslana and M sslsslppl and the counties of Mobile and Baldwin, In Alabama. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Peoria and Bureau Vallev Ilallroad. regular semiannual 4 per cent, and ejtra dividend of "per cent., payable August 10. interstate Hallways. 3 per cent, on preferred, payable July 1 to atock of record Juna 25. Bell Telenhono Company of Pennsylvania, reiu Ur quarterly 1W per cent., payable July lof to stick of record July 8. The World Film Corporation. 3 per cent., payable July 15 to stock of record July . Pittsburgh Coal Company, regular quarterly 1U per cent on preferred atock. payablo July 2? to atock of record July 15. Distilling Company of America, regular quarterly H of 1 per cent, on preferred, pay. able July 31 to stock of record July 10. Bush Terminal Company, regular semi-annual a per cent, on preferred and semiannual 2)4 per cent, on common, payable July 15 to stock of record June 30. Delaware. Lackawanna and Western, regu. lar quarterly 2)4 per cent., payable July 20 to stock of record July 6. Centennial National Bank, regular semi, annual 8 per cent, payable July 1 as regis. "v'lrglnla'carollra Chemical Company, 22 per a. aauli nn nrsaf st"IsH . All'oux Mining Company, payable July 31 to stock nf record July 1. , . . Seaboard Air Line, regular semiannual In terest 2)j per cent, on ujusunein u, able. August 1. lU-'Tl 100 w 114 87 0214 in noli L . 83 S3 i!i 2)4 411 45 huh p'i noil m my, rci ou)4 tutu mi); 4II'4 40)5 4UV. M 04 R2 811 81H 31.. IH1 0OH I'OH . 8tl Mi 5Ji . 80)i fO)J mil . M M IMJI . no'ii n oojf . ii3(i t)i m; . nn: no', mii . M)S foil 80U . 77)5 771? 77i? .102 101 101'4 . 05 f,5U 05)5 . OOW fOVi 0O)i , 88 88 M .. n..r . i'.vji . 22 22 .101 101 . 20 ll4 IioltS ioiJ .104 lO'lH . oi)i ta STOCKS CLOSED HEAVY; CRAMP OFF 4 POINTS Prices Slowly Sagged Through out Session Hanvood Elec tric Voting Trust Expires. Sates in Philadelphia B Anaconda M"' "Sf" 4?' C,3T 41 4U 4S)1 iro lpotj units .85 $ SSH 40 40 40 31 30 .10 !? 32)4 ni rait .Rr 120 Oen Asphalt.'!.'; $&i as(f 27 ..o Prf 'i ooK 1RS0 Lake 8up Corp. tft 3tH lnlgh Nav .... ios; 25 Leh Val Tr..., 14(4 200 do pref ...... 20 120 Nevada Cona ., .. .25 N Y Cent,- Jtm Penna Italtrcnd.M',. h renna Salt. Mfg an 10 Penna Steel l.f.i Rt 2t5 Phlla Co 31 31 00 Phlla Klectrlc. Ziv. jrji! 5 P n T tr ctfs.. U ill 140 Heading 73'. 'IV. B Anaconda u Am fan MO Am Copper. . . . 81 Am Oast;..... 2020 Bald Loco .... 105 Huff A S pref, 30 Drill J 0...... 225 cam steel no lot Fuel 87 Bleo Storage .. . lot 0(1 40 , SO ovt oM li fit 15 r.t,, ?2 in 540 Tonorwh Bel ... 4U Sisj Tonopah Mining if. 300 Utah OonDer 180 Union Traction 'J. fi la M ITnlraf.l nasi Imh Olff . .'aick vino ajiiiu t-l T0B3 I.' 8 Bteel oo'i 32 If 8 Itubber in WeHmor Conl.. OIU 305 cramp A sons.. G3) C2 50 50 ,321 le. lMOO shares, compared wllh J.??l shares yesterday; thus far this week, iS.149 aharoaj same period last week. 81,010 shares. O0J4 s C2 BONDS. ,v . - tt close. Utah, 1000 Am O ft E Ss . . 80 80 tarn w scp 'iti .. iiNW 130 do May 1017.. 08 40 do Keb 101 7 .. 07H ,100 City 4a 38 reg.. .. 1000 llarwood K Us . . 01 1000 Key Tel 1st 6a.. 04)4 ."ii l.k Sun Ino 4a . . .'15 1000 I. N cons 4Mj.. 00i Low, Close. 25000 1'a con 4)4 w 1 lOTlJ wi o con vfr t c iiflii 1000 do con 4a '48. 07)5 & 22 101 IMi 4-ii lotw ioi4J ups A reactionary tono lircvnltcil on tho Philadelphia Stock Exchange throughout the day, reflecting the depression In Wall Street. Traders were Inclined to take profits and even do a llttlu short eclllns, na a result of the Ilusslan defeat. Lake Superior was offered1 for out-of-town ac count and declined below 11, whllo Cramp Shipbuilding fell moro than 1 points, although tho nnnunl report wns about as forecasted, showing over 10 per cent, earned on tho stock.' Cambria also suffered, but United Stntes Steel hold rela tively Btcndy. Inclilentally, It was learned today that tho CarneKle Steel Company was operating over 00 per cent, of capacity, having, lnrge orders for shells for the Allies as well as a brisk general business. Somo stocks, notably tho tractions, held steady, but Pennsylvania and Heading were Inclined to sag. Lehigh Valley re mained Inactlvo despite n very favornblo report of earnings for May. The oper ating lncomo showed a gain of $103,487, whllo for tho eleven months tho company did 1.4 per cent, more business than In tho samo period a year ngo. According to the figures given out today the com pany should cam nbout 000,000 moro than It did last year. In the afternoon stagnation prevailed, except for a sudden drop In tho General Asphalt Issues. Tho common fell n point, whllo the preferred dropped more than two. Offerings, however, wero not large. Tho general list remained dull, and de pressed throughout tho late ' trading. Baldwin Locomotive developed weakness, declining more than a point, and Asphalt oxtended Its depression a fraction fur ther. Cambria Stoel slumped to 43 and Lehigh Navigation receded more than a point, whllo Cramp Shipbuilding fell to C9, a loss of 4); points, but rallied a llttlo at the close. Less than 300 shares were disposed of on the drop, showing that support was inciting. Announcement was made this morn ing that the voting trust for the com mon stock of the Harwood Electric Company has terminated and that hold ers of the trust certificates will receive stock shares In exchange at the Phila delphia Trust Company, depository. Tho trust agreement has been In operation since October 1, 1913, A leading uptown brokerage house camo out today with a very bullish circular on Lehigh Naviga tion, both as to Its Investment and specu lative possibilities, even going so far as to predict a higher rate of dividend. Pond dealers reported a fair amount of business In their specialty and on 'Change trading was quite brisk at Intervals. Heading Improvement 4s wero In demand and so wero the various Pennsylvania Railroad Issues. Lake Superior Incomes declined from 35 to 33 on the sale of $3000. pay. Local Bid and Asked Baldwin .... do pref ... Cam Steel .. Eleo tltorago Uen Asp ... do pref ... Key Tel ... do tc do cref .... Idke Sup Corp I.ehlgh Nav . I.fhlrh Valley Lehigh Valley Tr ao prei 1'enneylvanla . Milla. Klectrlc Thlla Co do 5 per cent, do U per cent, rnua it i do t c Heading Ton Bel , Ton illn Union Traction . U O I V a nteel Wra Cramp t c. Today. Yesterday. Bid. Asked. Hid. Askod. Ud rp 10W 76 y 72 pf.. pf.. . (Ui 05)1 I3K .102 103 102 10J . 48 4S)4 48 4U . 52 52)4 52 tCYl , 31)4 32 XI M 84 . 8)4 TOW 70 71 . 134 14 ! 14 14)fc , M)4 Kit 14 1H 67 (17 U 07 U7V, 104( II 11)4 7fl 7HU 77 72)4 724 73 11 Jfi Ji in .. 20)4 2II 2!) .10 . . B3' M)i 5.1',, M',, .. 23(5 23) 2t(i 234, .. .1.1)4 34 .13), 111 . . 30 40 30 40 .. 11)1 Ml m lH .. ")( O-jJ 0 04 .. 72 73 T3H W . 4L16 4)4 4 1.10 4)4 ,. 7)4 7)1 71-18 71Z .. 11 R3)4 33 53)4 . . Sl'i 85 81); 8.V4 .. 60H 60i 004 lllH . 50 bos 02); a 35 Phlla Co scp '10. 0 33 do HUH in 7000 Phlla Klec 4s ..70 1(M llcnd rrn 4a .. m ll(Hi do Imp 4s .... 05'. j(ai un iiwy inv ns. tre mini welsueiK CO 5S. 02 WXX) 1VNY&P 1st 5s. .101 Total sales. $114,401. comoared yesterdays thus far this week. 3D0.092; same period last week, 123I.403. eo so 07Z OJJi Ufa 10I" ,8' ,8I nn to no 01S imh 01H 33 a,i 33 .00)4 00J4 PH)4 laiS lo-iH loos SJii Mil lis) l8 PI US on oa no K! 03 m 70)4 ',11)4 711)4 W 0214 11214 n2 4 ln tftlf uiUJ i tail 02)4 (r.'u nn oi)4 111 4 1024 102)4 10214 nrlth Financial Briefs MORE.GOLD FROM CANADA KEW roniC June 21. An additional ship ment of 12.500.000 gold has been received by J, P. Morgan A Co. from Canada. Tho directors of the Central Trust and Savings Company todny adopted a reso lution for the company to Join the new trust company check collection system of the Philadelphia Clearing llouso Associa tion. Kdward Pago was elected vice president of tho Now England Coal and Coko Com pany. Aa a result of the announcement of a 23 per cent, stock dividend, Now Jersey Zlno shares Jumped 100 points to S83 on tho Now York Curb. The Bush Terminal Company raised the semiannual common dividend from 2 to -Yt per cent. An Initial dividend of 3 per cent, was declared by tho World Film Corporation. Emergency currency outstanding lias been reduced to $1,000,000. Tho Comptroller of tho Currency In n letter to the cashiers of all national banks Informed them that In their report of con ditions to Federal rescrvo agents they need not Include statements of ovcrdrnttB for five years or of directors' foes as here tofore. Tho Morgan cstnte Is said to have re ceived about 11.000,000 for Its majority holding ot Equitable Life Assuranco So ciety stock bought by T, Coleman du Pont. New York banks lost 11,635,000 to the Subtreasury yesterday and have lost 15, 171,000 since last Friday. Tho collerles of tho Lehigh Valley Conl Company will be closed tomorrow and Saturday. A new price list' Just Issued by the National Lead Company shows at reduc tion of 1 cent a pound In the prlca of white lead, red lead and litharge. An Initial dividend of SI was nnnounced by the Allowez Mining Company. Tho trustees of the Massachusetts Gas Companies have voted to set aside $1, 250,000 for common stock dividends of 5 per cent, during the fiscal year to end June SO, 1916, the same as tn the two previous years. Common dividends are payable quarterly, beginning August 1, Pennsylvania Railroad stockholders now total 83.002. or 3163 more than a year ago. Foreign holders amount to 11,931 and there nre 41,843 women stockholders. The Virginia-Carolina Chemical Com pany today resumed quarterly cash divi dends by declaring 2 per cent, on the preferred stock. The preceding two quar terly dividends were deferred. Andrew Fletcher succeeded Samuel Dickson as a director of the Cramps' Shipbuilding Company. The net earnings of the American Car and Foundry Company for the year end ing April SO, 1915, were J3.615.054, against (5,810,000 In the previous year. The earn ings on the common stock were 0.7 per cent., against 6.53 per cent. In 1914. In addition to the regular semiannual dividend of 4 per cent, the Peoria and llurenu Valley Railroad, a subsidiary of the Ilock Island, declared 1 per cent, extra from accumulated surplus. The Iron Trade Review says the Bald win Locomotive Works Is Inquiring for 1000 to 2000 tons of 2.50c to 2.75a. silicon iron for delivery oyer the next three or four months. I PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT, Receipts, 23,478 bush, vori.llca ruled firm and 2c. higher. ivhMt onened lc, higher. But , Spring Winter HUbaeauentlV .... . . -.. .., ni w urnt aamanu. Quotations: Car lois". In export .isvator-No. "red nominal, 1.2ll.S5 No- red Wes era, norolnel. "iSflbUli No. 'l Northern Duluth. Il.30t11.30. ' - . .Ann L..-- tTmmt w.. rnnNj-liseeiDis. ww du. - No. 8 yellow, OATS. necalpts, 80.84T bush. The mar- IfrfflS-a? TEfflSB TiSEwl RATES FOR MONEY iMft11 ; lift IoSik teton '.mm jI'H "raicWVaV.'iii W iff " Wl- SIMM P "' 4e)lA1a, FOREIGN 8SCHANGE M.2 uVoVl Mr WIT iff. BAR SJLVSR KKW VORK Jun M.i-wrctl br U- market up H 1,.. id arm. but demand was only moderate. QuoUlleos: No. a wbU., MVifMc.: auadard Shite. W,W-- No. 8 hl.. 52)4053. vtOUK-ltecelpts. 1780 bbl& and . .t. T ,!ii Trade vaa quiac. out tao iur- clear. how. .v ., ivanc in wnei. InT wood-Wlnttf. -iImT ta &04M.75; do., patent. j:75e; Kan ''itmHwTutV "K. $5.406.50; do.. pataat. Jut SKTT ltfi05.). !. straight. 9.sur.w. "'pa&r.JOff.O-W; do., UvorlU bras. ttSSRS Vuy ml.... VrViar ffSjgX: ??! tM.&ti: do., straight. 15.50e.T. ,.7586. duitB "fcoUB "aa quiet, but ateady under Mipf-nir w. ntmi. B.i.hv and Westero. '""at "tuaiW PV bbL, as to cuatlty. PROVISIONS n. market ruled steady with a fab? Job- Kb $Nr.?tfLd: fcffiai Vaatern beef, knucklaa and tenders. Soked" 27Mc.i af Uma. Hl!, . i".S,v.3"lJl14c.'. othar hams, ampkad, do". "i Zm&. as to brand ana (, intrn, " :.:.t...j Wuitfn curaa. ukkik. ao i saoi bolUd f. I'M iittc. aisokad, W' oon(a, uldara. ;, nw urn curad. rac . DicDia .. 'TWK' W"i .(.T .T t7 .T' -T .. C.l rSTaJiraSe city c'"i 11T,; braakftM 4!t. T"i55fy ruhi"stt -i.rd-piV, city, ksttla rendsred. In tierces. lOHSJlc.t lard, pur city, kettle rendered. In tubs. 10u "C DAIRY PRODUCTS CHEESE. Trad was fair and values were well sustained under moderate offerings. Wa quote: New York, full cream, fancy, new, 15815lic.j do., do., fair to good, new, 1414ic.! da. part skims. 8 12c. llUTTEIt. Demand was fair and prices ruled ateady. Quotations: Western, solid packed, creamery, fancy specials. 30We,i ex. ira flrsts. 2JH928C.1 firsts. 27c. i seconds. 2lc.s nearby prints, fancy, ,32c.; averagt extra, 20 31c ; do., fair to good. 22Tc.; garlicky, 24 2oc.; lobblna- sales of fancy prints, Mesoc. KOOH. The market was quiet, but prices were steadily hel4 on fine stock. We quote as follows: In frea cases, nearby extras. 24c. Sit doiaa; flrsts. 10,15 rer standard case; near. y current receipts. 15.84 per case: Western ex tra firsts, 18.15 per case: flrsts, 1185 par caae: Southern, 14 SOiflWQ per case, fancy aelected candled egga wero jobbing at 204127c. per dozen. POULTRY I.JVE. The market ruled firm under mod erate offerlnga and a good demand and Woll lug chickens wera hlgber. Quotations: Fowls, 1MC15HC-: xceptlooal lots higher, rooster. I112c. ; brolllag chicken, fancy, tut Lag horns, welgbHlg, 114S ltw. aplec. iM0e Uolllng chickens, ttot Leghorns, welshing 19 l'i lbs. aplec. 2SI5c. hrolllng chlckana, Ig Uir.a. welxhfng 11418 Iba. aplec., Xhne.j brolllag chlckeas. LagUoroa. welgblag ljU lb, apiece. ISfMc.; uuc&u. Pexlf. I.; ducks. IndUn Runner. fieUc.: plgeona. ok), par pair, 213c. ; plgaoaa, young, per pair. ioei ff" ltRASEIi. The market was dull and un changed, with moderate but ample oflerlogs. Wa Quote: Fraak-ktllad poultry, fowls. 12 ta box. dry-ploked and drv-ucked. fancy select ed. 10c; weighing lb '"- 8V . weighing RUC4 Iba. apiece. 1814c.. weljhlDg S Iba apiece. imolTic. uadar S Iba. apiece lWIUHc., ico-packao weatern. , iu. ana o.r anhw. 17c . aaaallar slsa. lMtac. . old roosters, riry-plckad. t?c. , broUlag chick -ena Jeraay fancy, 304jatc. : oihrr nearby fancy. SMMOc. . WVataru. wellblng lHjft lb.. anrlog duck. 1sJ1To. ; MUXM. par Ooa. Wblt7. laing lTu It lbs. per aoa IS 80 4 511 vblte, aclgblD 0 to 10 lb, par do . ? M blte. welrSlng a loa per lo 3.W nn . .- j. v tk. .. A ti no., do., BSOVi lbs. per dos., Il.2e91.50i dark, l.2S4fl.50i small and No. 2, II. REFINED SUGARS Tho market was quiet and unchanged. We quote refiners' list prices; Standard Jranulated. 0.15c. 1 extra Una granulated, .lOc.i powdered. 0.20c.; confectioners' A, 64 1 soft grades. o.2545.8oc. FRESH FRUITS The supply and demand were both rnvieea ng-urea. wuoiaiuHia. Vnrk n.r Lhl llaldwln. fX.SM S2e:i50: o'ber good eating varieties, 22.50. Apples, western, per va. iue.of., x-cuaea, Ueorgla. per crate. 4L75eT2.25. Lemona, per box. 12.283. Oranges, Klorlda, per box, 4281 3.50. Grapefruit. Florida, per box. 12. 50. Plnaapple. per crate Porto Illco, 2g.50; Florida, JteW. Cberrles. sweet, per lb., Bg-Sa. ; do., sour, per 10.. oc. riums, ueorgia. per r, st.auv- oirawoerriea. per qi. ueia- waro and Maryunn. lc. . jersey, eaioc. Local Half-hourly Sales . o IStee 2 fhiia 10 to 10:30 A. M. Slor. ... JgU ft Cam Steel.... 4M lOOtl ft Rt1 linU ni.1 t.:ii' mii. 100 JWM txico.... on SO do...."": ft2M .JO do... B0 20 do 00V '! iro . i'i ! Jw do... tmt 20 IlBld tKO.... Bfl SO Ton mi 4t w u a nieei.... "" is in Nav. ni 1 ennn ..,, tn l'nn. fai no loolltah Cop.:!. 07S S ?i Wll 100 U S Steel. inn .,,. 200 u 8 steei : : : 100 do 5 Dald Loco... lot) Ike Bun C. 1 00 U B Riril... Cd1! 00. 00 oa 11 cos 100 do. 20 do 20 Reading ... 35 l'enna 200 U H Steel.. 10 nald Ixim. , JON Bteel.. 20 Paid Loeo. . 5 l'enna 5 (laid Loco.. IO11 U 8 Bteel.. 100 do . . . nnal 20 Itald Ijnrn HSU 400 Lake pup C. . 11 100 U fl Steel.... 60S 10 do C014 1TOND& 4000 West N Y A Pa 1st Ba.... loiio Penna cona 4a lots jooo Penna cons 4'J t e f 000 Walabaoh 5s 1000 Am Oas A Klec Ss 10:30 to 11 A. M. W Penna ....... MH '?onD8'" 8 r-'en'n.8'!';.'.'.: ?3 J7 Cramp t c 02 10 Paid Loco..., ii 100 do. ..,...., M 40 do. m .JO Un Trac... M 100 Ike Bup C. 10'4 10 de... ...... 104 8 do 104 50 do loll inn nald Loco,,., on 100 do CS BONDS, ino ntv 4, tone - x. LV..f - .. ivw unueu : a 35 t.aha Sup C. 10 50 Leh Val Tr rf 2'i 10 llald Loco. ... Cfl ,00 U 8 8teel.... OOU 100 do fiOJi 200 do (WW 10 renna M 20 U S nubber. 5S 10 iAka Bup C. . 10 n u o i... M 40 U B Steel..,, unu 23 Lake Sup C. . 104 Inn A inv. 23 do,... 50 Ton Del. $ 100 Penna 73 Am (isa.,,. 23 Ih Nav... loo Penna 10 U fl nubber 23 Lnko Bup C, Itwy Inr 5a..,,,,,. 11 to 11:30 A. M. 200-Ton Mln... ..101 . M Penna 20 Leh Nav, 15 Ijlke Sup 10 un Tso. 40 Paid Loco 7- ...... M'J t 70S p C. 104 SO HONDO. 33 Thlla Co scp 108...... .'15 do 1010 ,. Anm neadinr imn 4a :..:::::: 1000 Phiia Eiec i :::.":":.: 7nt, ,aaa .. ' .III" .1"" -.2-, 7 I.-.,, icnna rnna , w l. .............. .iili.. aooo Penna gen 4Ha t c... W Elec 4 7PU 4s,....,,,,, i4tis wi,,,. SUa r .aaa ......-r."-- :'.- - ----- .vw j-niin r.iec 4. 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. OT no P514 4 100 Lake Sup C 50 do , 50 do 10 Penna ..,,.. r. Am nwy pr. 100 Ton Del, ,;, , 10 U 8 8tee1. 50 do 20 mm j a. 10 10A 101 53 20 Heading 00 100 Erie 4U 40 U S Seel.. DONDS. ISP :?& . oovi .... 05V ... 102H MufABq to pf 40 11 4',. 07V4 D24 10000 neadlnc Imn 4a. COOO West N Y & Pa 1st 6s 12 12:30 P. M. 7.1 Pnld Loco.... r,(W 100 15 U O 1 844 23 Dald Loco 10 Drill J a,.,. .10 r.l Iike Sup C. 3 renna M 100 Ton Del .10 Pa, Bteel pfd. 5S ICO Utah Copper, 100 Uald Loco.... 00 nONDS. 1000 rtcadlng gen 4s DONDS. 1000 Leh Nav cons 4! bOOO Penna cona 4)4s w I 12:30 to 1 P. M. 100 U 8 Steel.... toil 20 do, 5 do m 91 II a i 15(1 Val Tr pf 2n 2 Key Tel.. 23 Un Trac :ri 10 do..,.., 17 Penna 5.T.1 ion Tlnld Iicn 23 l.h Vnl Tr. . llli. n Ann r infe 50 II S Steel.... ho'S .1 Phlla llfrtc. ntJ 5 Lel Nav 7v inn JM loco 1514 . 1 do 77 20 U 8 Bteel.... noli 10U Phlla Co 31 100 do 00 PONDS. 40 Cam Steel scrip 1010 00 40OO Penna cons 4V5 w 1 10TVJ 40 Cam Steel scrip Feb 1017 0754 4(1 do Slav 1M7.T OTti 300O Lake Sup C lnc 3s 33' .. on4 ,.103I 31 8414 14 14 (ill WHEATPRICFRMragD AFTER EARLY UPTURN Rain, Iiiist and Insects tfscd to . Lift Quotations Foreign Buyers Still Holding Off. CHlOArJO, June 28.-.Rport of crop damage by rain, rust nnd Insects, cover Insr of thorts, late hnrvestlDK and a rumored enormous drop of the prnspe. live number of bushels of the w crop; nnd a tendency to send the market soar-Ins- at the opening today. Buyers did not find sellers anxious to let tto and the p, 'Mped In July nnd September wheat to 2 eehts oi'er the cleslns prlca of yeslerdity. Indications were that thara Would be but slight fluctuations durlhs the day, nnd It was predicted that tho recent sagging of the market wa nt ah end. The undertone appeared strong. eiJ?',,ent' wMch cl0,ed rwterday at J1.03H bid, opened at $1.03, moving upward soon after, September opened at l.oav. It oosed yesterday at L02. December opening nt 1.054. showing an advance at A. cents. Prices reattcd Jn the late dealings, 80. tember losing all of Its gain nnd closing with a loss of a cent December and July nlso ended lh day below last night While tho upward movement wa not as spectaculnr In the corn and oata prices, nevertheless Joy was brought 18 the hearts of operators and speculators' py the firmness displayed and the slight Increase In price, Foreign buyers nnd millers apparently lost an opportunity when they did not placo orders nt Jl when both July and September wero at or below that price. Disappointment has been caused by tho Inactivity of theso buyers, although yes terday a closing market was supported by tho millers' demands In the Northwest cash markets. About 400,000 bushels Was tho limit ot the soles for export. De splto the unusual conditions due to the .vrnr. this Is considerably lees than the average number of bushels usually bought for foreign lands at this period, of tho ycdr. The situation is perplexing to operators. A weather report from Washington, predicting unfavorable grain-growing weather, ls assisting In sustaining present prices. Liverpool showed a stiffening In prices due to the strength of the American mar kets. Argentine nnd India condition wero reported favorable. Leading futures ranged aa follows: Wheat July September uecamoer Open. . LOS ' l.lttji tllah. Low, Cloe. OTH 'J.KlVi ui -i.ui Corn (new delivery) Ji; up 1 V 200 U S Steel... 100 do 70 do 10 do 40 do 100 l'enna 40 Lnka Sup c. ion U 8 Steel... 100 do 10 do 500 do 25 Phlla Co.... 23 Leh Nav.... do.... to 1:30 P. 1. coy not no no no 63 ro CO no .14 7BJ4 7IIN M. do,., do... do... (lo... do,., do... 1110 Ttendlne ivo I'nua 10 100 10 1.-. 23 100 CI) Oil ltd m sow, 73 34 l'enna .13 100 Cam Steel.... 4HV4 20 Am Can .... .,ii 10(1 U 8 Steel.... !S 25 Lake Sup C. 10J4 :., ao.. .... j. 100 Ijika Sup C. 1051 50 Leh Nav 7(J "Oai -o uaia 1X7CO... 100 Paid Loco 10 U 8 Steel. 03 CO HOND3. SOOO Penna cons 44s w I 10.1 lis July September Liecember Cata- July September Lard July .... September Itlos-Jiilv Sfptcmber ..10.07 rent July 1A.U September ..17.30 Bid. fAskod. 1.03S 1.1 ; l.m I 1,1 A 1.0H 1.' 74ti 74(1 73H t734 S 73; 72tt 72i C3W 03tt H- 0J Yes. close. '1.0 IH 1.02 43 33)4 0.42 0.70 .10.40 43 sou 11.42 D.70 ,04Ji l.WU tl.OJ t as 0.37 U.02 1S814 0.37 0.45 1 11.72 10.40 10.07 10.05 17.35 10.30 10.32 10.57 110.02 1.B7 17.10 '17.15 10.T0 lfi.f0 17.33 Asked, lcnnn l'enna een 4t4a t o... 15000 do COOO do , 1:30 to 2 P. M. li". 6SJ, 10 U 8 Steel ino do 100 do , in CO 10 do OOVs CO 00 CO CO 35 Gen Asph,. 1(1 Ar. ' 10 Westm'd Coal 0t 23 KM) Erie It R.... 2(11, 110 KiiS 10 U 8 Steel.. 15 tien Asph.. 50 U 8 Steel.. ao., do.: 10 Uen Asph pf. en Km Ton Pel.... 7 do us? lini u H steel.., 10 Ike Sup C. 10)t inn do 10 I O I ....... 83 100 do 10 Paid Loco..,, 11 50 do , 100 Nav cons,... 15 10 do... BONOS. 5000 Penna gen 45js t c , Sfii 2011O11 do OftU 5000 do HS14 5000 do t'8'4 2 to 2:30 P. M. "? $ ail .... 52)! .... cot: .... 5II 65U 43t! 26(4 S3 6014 5n 04 3(1 30 Penna WU 5014 100 Bald ,Loco.. ta j(i 00... ...... til. 200 U 8 Steel 50W 100 do. ........ 50V 50 do 50U 100 do....,.,,, r.o 45 Leh Nav 7otT fi do 7ftU 5 do 70 , 10 Bald Loco,,.. 64 U 5 do 0414 CO Oen Asph,... 32 15 U 8 Steel,... 5UI4 15 Uald Loco.... Mil 100 do Mil 5444 5 tr 8 Steel,... tS IV4U 100 Paid Loco 0414 ro 25 w Cramp t c. BO' i,ih "' no.... 4SU 100 Leh Nav 10 tf S Steel.... 50 100 Paid Loco "(V) nald Ijjco.... HI ion Cam Pteel. 5 Leh Nav in 20 U 8 fittel..., nov .., .,.... t i. nut .A 1 ... a, n -. tu i.Hf IMIU .nu.., -.- .-, ... -JM,, ... .-'. la Len jav. .... ta1 -o ivey ici PONDS. 1000 llartvood Klec Us 1000 Keystone Tel 1st 6s...., , 2:30 to 3 P. HI. .10 W Cramp t c. 60 10 Leh Nav..... 7341 200 Lake Sup C. 1014 10 W Cramp t C. 50' O .-... Cl. fi,,!? 1..HRB Mtlf O J VII, IK Mil,,, ... . . t.f.t ....... V74 n Am uaa .11) o uurtaus iq pr 5 Anac Mln 10 tl H Steel in V framn t e. 112 100 U S Steel..,. 5!) 11K1 CO...., 5 ISlec Stor 100 U 8 Steel. idu no 100 Paid Loco, in Am L7SII... 25 Krle n n. 200 Paid Loco. 35 U 8 Steel. 10 do...... 15 Paid Loco. 30 Penna .... 100 Bald Loco. 23 do 20 If S Steel., 10 Uald Loco. OT cam Bleu MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH BTOCKE Bid. Jim Butler 03 MacNamara , U3 Midway 10 Mlxpah Extension ,24 iloatnna 30 Northern Star 13 Tonopah llelmont V,, Toncpah Extension 3.03 Tonopah Merger .40 Tonnpnh Mining I'm Iteacue Eula .nn West End 78 QOLDFIKLD STOCKS. Atlanta , :l Blue Bull Ot Pooth 52 Bulldog .IF.I C. O. D. .04 Combination fraction .00 DlamonitAeld n II , .02 IMIsy,! ) Florence ., 50 Ooldfleld Consolidated .... 114 GoldHeld Merger 2.' Jumbo Extension l'i, Kewanas , 14 Oro n Sand Ken .07 Silver" Pick 10 MISCELLANEOUS. Palrv Aiteo .... Klmberly Nerada Hill .... Nevada Wonder , . .02 . .03 . .21 .1.75 GOLD HOLDINGS SMALLER Bank of England Statement Shows Loss of 2,382,000. LONDON, June 24. Another. los of gold holdings was shown In the weekly statement of .the Bank of England, issued today, the total holdings being 34,147, 000, against X56,E29,000 last week, U do crense of JC2.3S2.0O0 ($11,910,000). The pro portion of reserve to liability was 18.17 per cent, compared with 1S.W per cent last week. Details follow: ...... so, v 75(4 X.v:lss 14 00 om Circulation Publlo deposits Private deposits Government securities . other securities Penerve I'ropor. ot res. to llab. Bullion Bank rate This week. 4:33,120.000 00,578,000 100.582.000 51.011,001 ian,8m,xx) 30,477.000 18.87 04.147.OO0 4 Ijit week. &t2,94a,t)0l 113.042,000 101,759,000 61,013,00.) 130.4K,rO() 42,032,000 ioSpv 60.&20.r6 IS lUOU 5 IluflSUl mp t c. rat: 200 u 8 Ste snh pf. now 100 u 8 Hut Elec... 23(5 10 Pali Lo, 25 W Crami 10 tien A tn Phlla n tien Aapn,, 2 Penna .... ino U H Steel.. 20 Nev rona. ., hO E'leo Stor. .. 10 Penna ,,.., 100 Am Cop..,. 100 t! 44 Steel., I! Phlla Elec. a Penna .... Aa W rvanm t c 50 100 Bald Loco.... W(i in un iTac 5014 2 K'i iU 100 Ik Sup C. 10 V fl Steel.., Itubber. Loeo -0 Ton Itel 10 Klec Slor.... 1 Klec Stor... 5 do 35 W Cramp t c. JO ,iu ion uei v, 40 W Cramp Uti 25 N Y Cent. . . . 8814 . Mil 100 IlaW Loco.... OS mi r urarap 1 o. .w 20 U 8 Steel.... 5044 TO do ml I ISlec Stor.. U2K 10 Wtt BONDa 03 Cam Steel acrip May 1017 07U fair at Annies. New ,; uen Davis, carrier, $1.50412. Strawberries, ptr Qt.- UUckberriea. North Carolina, par qi.. 647e.; do.. Delaware and uaryiano. per qt-. iullc. Gooaeberrlea, per qt. 344c. Huokleberrlea. per ot.. 10812c. Currants, per at.. 7)8e. Rass Sarrtes. per plat. 46c. Cantaloupea, Florida, Vt crattTipl.TB. Watermelon. Kloelda. per wwfrw. VEGETABLES DAi.intf ware mora rjlantlful and axala Otbar vagetablea war lo fair supply ai maud at revised prlcas. Qaotatloiia: Mtateaa, per buab..-Malu. 3c. : New lower. Xork. teaa. Var. No.;,a4rfc. er nmg-wt. ae, Tsjcjj. pec cvunmar-craia rjiw. in ., jay, fm Sac. Cabtage. Norfolk, per crata, IMWr ; to.. anaia uiiw, aato qiialUr. 153Sc. Walts patal WkU pstatoe. South Carolina, par bbL-Ka. r JLItaJl.BO: No- i Wic. uaaass, Taaa, Va iam Share. Dar crate. Narfulk. par hamper. S047c. Baaas. par 4k-bW baSai-Norfolk, graaa and t. IMMc- Tlgg- plaat, Florida, per box. ;!.. eveuaoara NorftlCTpar l-.t-bM. North Carolina cusavors. CucHjabara South Carolina, par w- VtWtm. Hquaas. norroia, per 4JJMQ0. ieppara. Fioriaa. .)u Plolda uar en 1 75. .bote 7c 4H' Tomatoaa, Bar (.. sOsJiaK Aai-ngm Bar baa, at. SV. Cv- naaaac. ratsawc ai. Baaasi, asa.-.w buorl.. 5 4r. " BANK OF FRANCE STATEMENT PAltls, June 21,-The followlrr are the prlaelpal Items In tha atatemant of the Ilank ot Franca for week ending Jun 24 compared with the previous week: June 24 Juna IT (Franca) (Francs) Oold 3,017.100.000 3,021,311. (V) circuWiin-::::.-:: yjsm it!ft88 General deposits.. 2.2T4.BO0,O0 2.2OS.5IT.00O Bills discounted and .m .o,..u extenaeo Bins, . . 5-""'rEK ",.vSX;'XCa oa,iKnj,u,.,.Mi"j Treasury Advances deposits. ai9.&oo4oo mi.2,0(W Stocks Grain Cotton Curb Securities. Hughes & Dier Bankers and Brokers 11 ambus Philadelphia Stock Xaekaag Uunbers Chicago Beard of Trsd 1435 Walnut Street Philadelphia Suggestions for Investors, may b had on request A. B. Leacji fc Cp. US South Fwrth SI. Cbliaxo Ba4oD Naar York tWWwoa LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, June 21. IIOOS-RectlpU, 20.000. market steady, 3 to 10c. hlgber. mixed a '-' butchera. l7.25ft7.M: good heavy. 7.S07.70; rough heavy. $7.10JT.23; light, S7.407.M; nigs, IHST.2.1! bulk. T.4MJ7.70. CATTLE -ltacelpts, 40OO; market strong: beeves, $T. le 7.00: cows and heifers. J3.6088.J5: Teaans. 17.35nS; ralves, $8.5O0.TS. SHEKP-Uc- celpts. UOOO: market ateadv: nailve and nest em. JlJjalO: lambs, 7.15fll0. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NKW Tronic, June 2I.-BUTTEP. Starkat weaker; receipts, 10.02T packages: etr,28l S28V4c: higher scoring. 2KS820HC. ; Stat airy. 28c : Imitation creamery, .,22U823hc. EQas-Market steady: receipts. 22.321 pacW agea; extra firsts, 21Ue2l. freab latbare.. firsts. lBH20Hc; regular, packad naarby whiles. 23f2oc.: regular packed, mixed color. !Stf21Hci nearby browns, 22Wlr2tc. 3 IpfiSlV Mill Ever realize how much a sport corners its lan guage? Geo. E. MeLirm shows you some humorous "cracks" of the sports gime in "It's a Queer Old !pteeqaWiich We Rf-, sideeiSmiday's Pitll Ledger -'h SPORTS MAGAZINE hnm. " -"" n