MfPWR rt -n c EVENING TDftETrHlLADELrHlX TITTTttSPAY, JUNE 2 1915; .BLGEMtCADORNA vrrromoso contro ATTACCin AUSTRLVCI II Nemico Lascia 200 Morti in Un Inutile Attacco a Freikofel I Risultati di Un Mose di Guerra. NOMA, 21 aiugno. Dftllo ultimo notlilo slunto tin! fronto dl bntlaglla rlsulta die II Rtnerivlo Cadarnn o' utato (Inora vlttorloao contro Ulttl 1 tfntntlrl fattl ilngtl nustrlacl per ' rlconriulstnre le poslzlont tla cut furond cticcntl cIarII ltnllntil nel gloro! iicorel. ' JUncano pro flnora fiotlzle ileltagllatft elira git ultlml combftttlmentt. JDopd nvr rexplnto tuttt fill nttacclil operntl (IrrII Austrlacl contro le poal ' rlonl prcis Oagll Itallanl, la trupps dl ro Vlttorto Kmmanuele contlnuano con sue- cta la loro cam unarm dl lnvnlono dt terrltorlo del nemico. ta fore combat tent! cd nvvernarlo iiono ora a brevllma dlotanza le una dalle altre o combattono con granntn. a mnno. II Mlnlstero ilella Ouerra ha pubbllcato qucsta mattlna II effUnta comuntcato ultlclalo: "Duelll dl artlKllerla, nel quail sono utatl cannonl dl urosso o medio callbro, vanna Intemldcanddsl an tutlo II fronto dl batlagtla. "Durante la notte II nemico nttacco' lo nontro poslzlont dl Monte I'tnno, Vnl , Orande, VaJ I'lccolo o Crista Verde, cho not occupammo lerl. InslitcnU tcntatlvl Bono utatl fattl dal nnnlco per cocci arcl dalle nostro poslzlunl dl Krclkofcl, die durante la notte del ifi QIuriio o nella Klornntn, seRiiente sostenncro tro attnchl, furono tuttt rcsplnll da nol con I'np pogslo dcll'nrtlRllerla o con l'uso dl srn nate n mnno, II nemico Insclo" sul enmpo 200 mortl. "A Conca ill Plczio 11 nemico nta lavorando a collocnrc In polzlone artlRll erla dl jrroflso callbro nulla nlturo vlclno. "Nel settoro dl Jtonto Nero la glornata e' paatntn tranqullla." Nelle ultimo vcntlquattro oro gll bur ''triad lianno spgultato a bomliardnro le poslzlont ltallano lunpo II fronts del- l'lsonzo ran l'artlsilerla Itallana ha r- sposto con crande vlitoro. IV BOTTIKO A MONFALCONfi. II Mlnlstero clclla Oucrm lia pubbllcato osgl un communlcato nel quale si parla del botttno fatto dagll Itallanl nella prcaa dl Monfalcone. SI tratta dl navl da guerra cho crano lit costruzlono In quel cantlcrc, dl undid plroscafl, 24 navl a vela, 30 battel!! a motorc, cinque aero plant cd Una grarido quantlta' ill sllurl o dt mine. In sostnnza II comunlcato odl erno confcrmaquant6ora gla' atato trans memo qualcho glorno fa dal telcgrafo. "In tutto l'Austrla ha perduto sotto unlta navall, oltre a quelle, grandl o plccolc, cho orano In costruzlone nel con tlcro dl Monfalcone," dlco 11 crltlco mill tare dcll'Idca Nazlonalc, "chc, anallz Nrando 1 risultati del prlmo meso dl guor ra, afferma cho gll Italian! hanno mo trato una marcatn superlorlta" sugll austriacl. II crltlco dlco che l'Austrla ha perduto tra l'altro 1 suol modcrnlsslml csploratorl No'ara, d! 3500 tonnellatc, varato nel 1913, ed Helgoland, dello stesso spostamenta o varato nel 1912; I caccla torpedlnlcro Cscpel, dl S0O tonnellatc, en trato In Rcrvlzlo nel 1913, o Scharfachutze; dl 890 tonnellatc, entrato In scrvlzlo nel IMS, cd una torpedlnlera o' stnta grave monte dannegglata. I crltlco contlnua: "Dl fornte a questo perdlte lo pcrdlto sublte dall'Italla si sono rldotte ad un cacclatorpcdlnlrro ed al sottomarlno Medusa. La flotta Itallana el o' anclio dlmostrata plu' attlva. avendo bom- bardato le costo o lo Isole nustriacha ben set volte, mentro gll austrlacl hanno esegulto solo tro raids." UN MESEJ DI GUERUA. lUno del R-nerall addcttl al Ministers cijua uuerra cosl ha tracclato. , lori I risultati ottenuti dall'Italla In un meso .dl "euerra: ," '" "Un meso fa gll Itallanl Invasero terrltorto ntsstrtaco, rd!ertmd I pH frlalll e neri che ftegnarano II confine politico e the mojtravsnt) tanto dl aqulla tiera e btelplt, d oeeMparmo le poslzlont del nemico su dl un fromte dl elroa MO miRllft. Una squadra naval austrlnca botnbardo' le eot Itallana dell'Adrlatlco M aleunl aeroplanl nemicl lasclarono eadere bomb su Venezla. "Durante qusto mese gll Itallanl per corsero tiltto II Frlull. SI rltlena Imml- nente ora la pre a dl Gorilla dl Tolmtno, uue umo mlgllorl plaz?e rorti nnsin ache, la cul caduta splanera la via dl Trlestf, mentro nella reglone nlplna. nella provlncla dl Trento, nil Itallanl hanno conqulstato passl e plcehl da cul lo truppo nustrlache elte tra le tnlgllorl lion hanno pom to stogglarll. "Tutta I'attlvlta' dealt austrlacl si e' rldotta at bombardamento dl cltta' delta costa deU'Adrlatlco," A sud-est dl I'llUch una otto colonna dl austrlacl cerco' dl cacdare gll Itallanl dalle loro poslzlont. a riusol' InfattU slac- cho' erano In numero superior?, a r aplngcrll slno alia frontlera. lvl pero gll Itallanl si nascosero In una foresta a lasclnrono passare gll austrlacl. quando questl, slurl dl avero ottenulo una vltto rlo, s Installarono In poalzlonl ltallano, gll Itallanl nprlrono su dl loro un mlcldl allsslmo fuoco dl mltragllatrld, ticcldendo plu dl 400 nemicl a obbllgando gll altii ad evacuaro lo poszlonl occupate. Ii'arclduca Ifugenlo, cho comanda lo forzrt oncrantl contro gll Itallanl, ha rior- gantzzato due corpl d'armata speclalmento destlnatl nlla guerra dl montagna, secondo quahto si dlco In questl clrcotl mllltarl. Questl dun corpl ernno fltatt gla' organlz zatl quandro 1'arclduca era comandanta delta truppo tlroleil. Kssl sono compostl dl brigato moblll dl montanart ed hanno complesslvnmento una forza dl circa CO.000 tiomlnl. Ml apprendo pliro cho 30,0W austrlacl I murclano ora contro lo poslzlonl che gll J of the strangers soy to his companion, REVELATION OF STATE PLOT TO Kn)NAP THAW PROMISED BY COUNSEL Robert A. Ewing, of Sher brooke, Canada, Tells of Overhearing Talk of Seizing Prisoner After Escape From Matteawan. NEW YOItK, June 2I.-Scnsattonal rev elatlons about the alleged plot to kid nap Harry K. Thaw by New Tork State omclal, Headed by William rravers Jeronte, when the slayer of Stanford Whlto was a fugitive In Canada, were Promised by John II. Btanehfteld at the Thaw sanity trial today. In fighting for certain tostlmony of the Canadian witnesses. Thaw's chief coun sel said their statements would bo sus tained by evidence which ho later would divulge. Dcanltn Assistant Attorney Oenoml Cook's stronuouit objections, Justice Hen drlek allowed the testimony to be ad mitted, nobert A. Ewlng, an alderman of Blierbrooke, Can., was allowed to tell of stories he had heard about tho alleged kidnapping plot. "When I went Into court the first morn ing that Thaw was arraigned," said Ewliig, "I saw many, strange men. As passed Insldo the court I hearu one Italian! accupano a tionl dt aorlrla, Nella rcglono dl Caporctto sono giuntt nnrorzi austrlacl cho hanno fatto temporanea mente arrest a re l'avanzata degll Itallanl, ma quest! sono sompro sulla sinistra del mi mo Isonzo. I glornall del Canton del Qrlglonl, Bvlzzora, (latino 1 partlcolarl, appresl da soldatl svlzzerl faccntl scrvlzlo al eontlno e da guldo ulplno, circa combattlmontt svbltlsl tra Italian! ed austrlacl nellu re'glono del I'asso ilelle Htelvlo o stlllo altruo viclnc. E' noto che dalla Vnl telitna si potrebbo facllmento mlnacclare Mllano, bo lo condlzlonl deltn guerra fossero diverse da qucllo cho sono. JEWS FEAR FRANK'S FOES; ASK ATLANTA FRIENDS' AID Threats Against All Co-rellgionlats in Mary Phagan's Homo Alleged. ATLANTA, da., Juno 2I.-Only one company o State Mllltla remained on duty about Governor Slaton's country home today. Tho other troops of the tth Ileglmcnt had been disbanded and tho Governor sold ho desired only enough sol diers on duty to prevent damage to hu property. The demonstrations against the Governor for commuting lo llfo Imprison ment tho death sontenco of Leo M. Frank, convicted of tho murder of Mary Phagan, have ceased. Atlanta friends of Jowlwh residents ot Marietta, the former homo of tho mur dered gill, have been appealed to for pro tection, following threats of vlolenco against all Jews In Cobb County. Isldor Rosenthal wan In a hospital today, being treated for Injuries suffered when he leaped from a second-story window to escape tho thought of a mob bent on wreaking vengeance on him. Sheriff Terry today was Instructed to call upon the Georgia mllltla In the event of nny demonstration about the Prison Farm at Mlllcdgovllle. whero Frank Is a prisoner. Governor Slaton notified tho Sheriff that the entire military organiza tion ot tho State would be placed at his disposal at the first Indication of vio lence. Sheriff Terry did not anticipate any necessity for calling out the State troops. VACANT LOTS VISITATION n :l THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, Juno 21. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer seyPartly cloudly and warmer tonight; Friday unsettled; diminishing northwest . winds. Tho northeastern dlsturbanco has moved slowly eastward and caused show ers yesterday In the St. Lawrence valley " and In portions of New York and the . Now England States. Showers and thun derstorms also continued In the central plains States and In Wisconsin and Min nesota. Fair weather has prevailed in .i tho Middle Atlantic States, the Ohio basin, and tho greater nortlon of ihn cotton belt. The tompcraturea continue Jielow the normal over tho eastern half of tho country, except In the Gulf States, ;'the deficiency being from 6 degrees to 12 ? .degrees. Seasonable conditions are gen ', erally reported from tho remainder of the ., 'country, s U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations taken at 8 a. m., Eaitern time, Directors of Association Will Inspect This Afternoon. but Italn- V!oc- fitation. Rfl.m n't full TVfnrf iH Ablltae. Ter.. 78 TO .'. B 'iif 'Clear h uieur 13 8 l'.Cloudy NW 8 Cloudy ' W 8 Clear a 8 Cloudy Atlantic City... , UUmarclc, N.D. Uoston, ilaa... llurtaio, N.Y.,, Chicago. III.... Cleveland, O... Dtttver, Col.,.. Bu Moines. la. .ueiroit, A11CI1. U) VI M 6i 00 3(1 Dt 41 Dututh. Minn.., Oalveaton, Tax. jiamiourir, J'u. W E3 .SO sir i? !K M! - KS i ""ly 7U i Zk v.v -r NI3 A Olntiflv CJ A rt " u ier ?ir:::rr. vs s .?. yr ltttrna, Mont ... M B2 .. SW o Clear liuran.' t). a.... M 2 .60 N a Clear Jaclnonvlllo, Fla N) H .. HB i Clear "i un,. mv ... .,., ,v a . - Loutaville, Ky. .. OS B8 ',, h Jiempmn. 'i-unn.. in ot , . K w "Tir Clear Wei ll Cloudy 'leant, la Hi 80 NB 4 Cloudy 4 Cloud 4 Clear New York. K.K, Co M .. NW 20 m.T. North PlatU..,. C8 CA ,14 SB 4 Cloudr Oklahoma, Old. tH 60 1 (J bS 14 gloudr I'hlladiinrila . . do ai Srvtf i !f?uf ' Phoanlz, Arti. -. Plttburih . , . Portland, Ma. . Portland. Ore.. Quabc, Can. . . Bt Loula, Mo . fit PauI. Minn. Salt Uika. Uuh. Tt TO San Vrancliao... t at 8cxanton.Pi $1 U Tampa, frla h U Waafeinctoa .... (k) K lVlaolpen gl 40 HO 51 7 T2 62 44 M 4H M 64 .. B M 411 ,44 W OB Wl NVT 12 Clear 4 UK g .5i k B 4 Claar K ,i ftc'ar .. y IflBUUf 4 Clear Cloudy 8 Cloudy Vi Cloudy jr if as? my o raoudy S i J5Mr f 4 Claar 8W 8 P.CIeudy "What tho poor families have accom plished In tho "vacant lot gardens" dur ing the last yenr will bo shown today In the annual Inspection of the gardens by tho Board of Directors of the Vacant Lots Cultivation Association. Tho directors and their friends will leave the new Stock Exchange Building, Walnut street abovo Broad, at 3 o'clock. The tour of tho gardons will be made In automobiles. The directors are Samuel 8. FclB, president; Henry F. Mitchell, vice president; Jonathan M. Steero, treasurer; Percy M. Chandlor, Clarenco L. Harper, J. Henry Scattergood, Max Levy, Miss Margaret Cope, Herbert D. Allman, AV. Graham Tyler, Mrs. George Woodward, Lardner Howell, Louis J. Kolb and James II. Dlx, secretary and superintendent, and v.iiunes iiorn, assistant superintendent. "DID YOU MURDER MY WIFE?" Warden Allen's Test of Honor System in Penitentiary. JOLIET, m., June 2t. Warden Edmund M. Allen, of Jollet Penitentiary, planned today to iput his advanced honor system to the supremo test. Ho will personally ask each of the 11 Buspected trustya "Did you murder my -wife?" The question Is to be put to each man separately. The very opposite of third degree methods will bo adopted. Allen will point out to the men suspected that a system meant to benefit their kind Is at stake; that so long na the murder of Mrs. Allen, killed Sunday morning; remains a mystery, opponents of honor systems In jails and penitentiaries -will have, an ar gument on the side of re-establishing the hated prison systems of old. Tho beet" way for us to got him Is (o snap htm up and rush him across tho line.' " Nothing developed from Hwlng'H testi mony that showed how Thaw's "attorneys hope to strengthen his pica of sanity ny testimony concerning the supposed kid napping plot. None of tho Thaw lawyers would make any explanatory statement. Ewlng followed Henry llousseau, tho Coatlcook hotel proprietor, who went on William Travors Jerome's bond of J1000 when Thaw's "nomensls" was arrested for gambling In Coatlcook. He furnished Thaw's meals whllo White's slayer was In the Coatlcook Jail. "Thaw expressed profound regrot at Jcromo's arrest," Housnonu eald. "Ho seemed glad that I would go on Jerome's bond. Thaw's actions Impressed ma as rational." Sevorat other wltnosscs from Canada and Kew England, connected with tho cose In his Might from Matteawan, testi fied they thought him sano. Thaw said that ho did not fear his coming examination at the hands of At torney Cook, and rather welcomed tho mental teit that ho would have to un dergo. Mrs. Mary Coploy Thaw, tho aged mother of the "relator," nB Thaw Is known In tho case, may bo unwillingly a factor In keeping her son from gaining his liberty. Deputy Attorney General Cook today announced ho would read to tho Jury the testimony or Mrs. Thaw, given at tho second trial. In which she admitted that Thaw and members of his family before him had suffered from mental disorders. Cook plans to uio this testimony as a boomerang showing thnt Thaw Is af fected by hereditary Insanity. If this court will not allow this to bo read Into the rocord Cook said he would bo forced to call Mrs. Thaw to tho stand, as ho considered her testimony vital to the State. Tho first witness who faced Judgo Hen drlck and the Jury In tho Supreme Court waa austave noeder, n newspaper re porter, recalled for cross-examination by Doputy Attorney General Coolc When John B. Stanchfleld, of Thaw's counsel, examined Itocdor yesterday about an Interview with Thaw, Cook requested that the cross-examination be put off. Iloeder had said that Thaw Impressed mm ns oeing rational. Itocder testified he Interviewed Thaw the day after he was sent to the Tombs In 1300. "How did ho Impress you then?" nsked Cook. "At that time," replied Iloeder, "Thaw Impreffied mo as being not quite him self." On redirect examination Boeder said ho had Interviewed Thaw many tlmos over a period of nine years, and that the Thaw of today "Is vastly different from the Thaw of 1306." William L. Shurtlcff, a King's Counsel of Quebec, who was retalnod by Thaw when he was arrested at Coatlcook, then took tho stand. Ho said that Thaw's ac tions nnd conversations Impressed him as being rational. From tho early events In the trial to day It became evident thnt Cook Is re serving his heaviest attack on the Thaw defense that he Is now legally sane until the State calls the prisoner as its own witness. When ho puts Thaw on tho wltneaa stand he plans to make him tell the Jury all the facts of his life, "from the day of his birth until tho present time." GREATSIIORECAUNIVAL OPENS AS TREMENDOUS CROWDS WATCH BABIES Atlantic City in Gala Attire Under Sunshiny Throngs From Entire Country Assemble for Two Days' Fete. ATLANTIC CtTr, N. J. June ii-Car-nlval time nt the shore. Bands are be ginning to play, crowds are gathering and flags are flapping up and down the Boardwalk ami all over the city, for At lantle Clti- bltf show- Is under way. Tho stage setting could not bo more perfect, for there Is n, cloudless sky overhead and radiant sunshine Is bathing the Board walk. Automobile runs from Philadelphia, Wilmington, Salem, Brltlgeton, Mlllvlllo, Mount Holly, Burlington, Camden and other South Jersey towns began to ar rive before noon, a continuous stretch ot automobiles almost from the Delaware to tho sea pouring In through Chelsea's gates and up Into the city gay with bunt ing and atlvo with enthusiasm. Thrones ot tho Inlot watched for hours the arrival and assignment to position of beautiful yachts which aro to make tomorrow morning's naval parade, If tho weather Is llko that of today, orto of tne prettiest spectacles tho big shoro town has ever seen. Since tho mlddlo of the morning babies havo been converging from alt parts of the city upon tho Garden Pier, the start ing point for tho baby parade, the first big event of tho carnival festivities. There aro babies here from nearly every Stato in the Union, and hundreds of them, of all ngei and all races, will bo In lino when tho parade of tho future greats swings from tho big pier to tho Boardwalk upon Its triumphant progress of over a mile of buntlng-drnpcd wooden way, lined by tens of thousands of ejaculating women, nearly every last one of thorn a mother. Next to Atlantic City, Philadelphia, of course, Is tho most numerously represent ed city In tho inspiring demonstration. Thcro aro not fewer than 100 Charloy Chapllns, and every Important porsonago In history nnd tho nows have been repro duced In miniature Tho effect of Jingo talk was an exceptional numbor of tiny generals and admirals. All of tho war ring nations abroad wero represented, nnd a Kaiser in mlnlnturo won tho appro bation of tho most pronounced "Allies" In tho lines of spectators. Tonight's big masquerade party on At lantic avenue, with scores of prizes of fered for tho best Miss Atlantic City and other characters, tho best tangoers, tho best skaters and a host of others, will bo primarily a local affair. Visitors will havo their fling In masquerade In the carnival on tho Boardwalk tomorrow night. Admiral Dewey nnd Mrs. Dowcy ar rived horo this afternoon. Tho former will bo nsked to becomo officer of tho day for tomorrow's naval procession, maKing mat event a real "occasion." CARRANZA FORCES CRUSH VILLA'S ARMY AND CAPTURE BASE Great Victory Reported Won by Obregon; Consti tutionalists Seize Aguas Calientes Northern Commander in Flight. " ? T.l, PASO, June 24, General Francisco Tancho" Villa's nrmy has been com pletely defeated by Cnrranilsto, forces led by General Alvaro Obfcgon near Aguascallenterf. Villa's baso has been captured by the Carrnnzlata troops, ac cording to an announcement mado by the local Carranza consul. He stated that he had received n message from General Carranza saying that Villa and his army were fleeing northward. "Tho fall of Aguas Calientes means tho victory ot tho Constitutionalist cause," said Andres Garcia, confidential agent for Carranza. "Villa will never be able to raise his head again) ho In completely crushed. First Chief Carranza has In structed General Obregon to follow up his great victory Immediately. In n telegram 1 have received from General Carranza ho announces his Intention of going to Aguas Cifllentcs, which ho will make his permanent neauquartcrs and provisional capital." It was admitted by Villa officers In Juare today that their leader hod met a reverse, but thsy declined to discuss the Carranza reports. According in thr. tni- ter, Obrogon's victory was tho result of a brilliant flanking movement Strong detnehmentfl of Villa urtlllery had been stationed at Encarnaclon, south of Agua scnllentes, but whtlo Obregon made a feint against Villa's front ho sent largo cavalry forces around the revolutionary leader's right flank. Villa discovered this movo too late to stop tho cavalry, which cut into tho rear of his positions. Tho Vllllstas, outflanked anil unablo to bring up their artlllory. were forced to retreat. Tho Carranza reports of tho retreat stato that this becamo a disorderly rout tho Vllllstas being under flro from roar ana flank. They rushed In panto through Aguascallontes, their commanders bolne u.wiu.u iu uuiu mo siampcuo wncn ottco Atlantic City Population, 51,682 ATLANTIC CITY, N. J , Juno -Tall claims ot rapid gains In population, whldi caused dtr officials td estimate the re sort's permanent population at 60,000, arc hit hard by tho official report of m.. Larterty, cenaus supervise for v.rl' sort. It shows Atlantic cu h.. V4 permanent resident., a wink & &! wiv, or 11.1 per cent. startod. GENERAL GONZALES HALTS ADVANCE IN MEXICO CITY Cocaine Seller Fined $100 WILMINGTON, Del., June Sl.-After hearing considerable testimony and dis missing ono charge. Judge Churchman today lined John Farrcll, a Chester Negro 100 and costs on a charge of selling cocaine. The police have been looking for tho man selling cocaine for some time and caught him by a woman buylnc cocaine with a marked quarter. DANCINa 4C Is th. Eummtr rate for six private danc v InfT lesion) alnilt ltsions, II. THE CORT1SSOZ SCHOOL 1B20 Cheataut 8t. Phone, Locuet 8102 "WESTINGIIOUSE CO. GETS $100,000,000 WAR ORDER Largest Contract of European Conflict Recoived by Stato Firm. PITTSBURGH, Juno 21. A $100,000,000 order for munitions, said to bo the largest of tho kind received by any ono firm in tho United States slnco tho opening of tho Europcnn war, has been booked by tho Westlnghouso Electrlo and Manufac turing Company of East Pittsburgh. A conference between Herman Westing house, President 13. M. Herr and high officials of the company was held here Monday and yesterday to discuss the contract. Another meeting was held to day In New Tork. Whllo secrecy Is maintained liere by those In n position to know about the matter. It was learned that tho total value of the munition contracted for will approximate $100,000,000. The order Is said to uo lor mo .trngnsn, .French and Bus-slans. Belief Is That Zapatistas May Sur render Without Giving Battlo. GALVESTON, Tex., Juno 2l.-Goneral Gonzales' advance on Mexico City has halted. Learning that Zapatistas aro strongly Intrenched In tho tlty, tho Car ranzlsta chieftain has kept his forces out- biuu in tne nope mat Zapata will sur render to save tho city tho horrors of a big battle, according to word to Mexican Consul Burns here today. WASHINGTON, June 24.-Tho Zapatis tas still hold Mexico City, the Carranza Junta hero admitted today. Tho Galveston story that General Gon zales had delayed ah assault because its dofonders wero intrenched and ho wished to spare tho people tho horrors of a battle, was confirmed. "It Is expected," said the statement, however, "that when tho Zapatistas see the futility of defense, they will surrender r evacuate. Supplies will be taken In as soon as condition will pormlt, oven possibly beforo evacuation." John Henry "Honus" Wagner tells fans of a rare one next Sunday "A Triple Play on a Pitch Out." Second of the Wag ner stories now running in the Public Ledger's SPORTS MAGAZINE Observations at Philadelphia 8A.1I, I Baremtr ,,,, ra.IO ,...,....., w .nwmwfcii, is roilM 3ar Tfarturo Jim HiiBilty ...T.. as J UalmuBi timpn.tvr , ,, JJ, JdAXfSaUIIl tMBBAntUr mwr omim on paja z. Almanac of the Day aU ,,..,,....,., ma tm-oratr cu vmenQfr , 236 a-. ra. avm. Lamps to Be Lighted fAMl asd olhr Tthlalei., ....... 7tfOp,&v J t. $ilm The Tides POKT aiCHAlOWB. walor Watar w.tajr tomorrow OHBbTM'T STHSiCr VfllAWC Wfttar , .. water mi US. - "New 1: i business" jiiimm:im: talking JIIl " '!; He's in the high- J jrtmz imiM ways and the by- ways; he has orders wrliwHTn to give to the man fi ::: '-''i: who can "deliver," tfkftsm '-:: ' ' " : ' i ' and you can reach liftt ! ' ' " " ' -:' : him by Bell Tele- iwv"------: : phone. JlPiclifP i wfi ":::' P Pull over the little fBHaHlsaKl metal salesman that WlBl travels the copper iJl :: J trails of the Bell Sys- SvM ' ' ' : " 1 K tem, and send him i - -: : : jf W out with your order Sw ' " ' ' ' : IL book, down town or nj : &gSjfc across the state. HH- 4t : T : : : : - 3KHI "uo.e P" those BHK:ii;;;;g:i:;ii;:;: s lingering orders by ,aEf tti::::ffi:::" i telephone. flMB : : : itt::?:::- I TnBgBEK::ffl::I" fl Use-the-Bell vSjaB!!!i Q&izs B::::l:-- -I 1 . . '::::::::: f Tf -t I I I I I I I EVENING POST J New York 1 via the Philadelphia & Reading Railway Btecl Vestibuled Express Trains leave Reading Terminal, Philadelphia, Every Hour on the hour, 7.00 A. M. to 9.00 P. M, Parlor and Dining Car. Sleeping Car on Midnight Trains. - One Hour and Fifty Minutes to Liberty Street on 7.00 and 8.00 A M. Trains. Fast Service by Other Trains. Dljerty Street: Convenient to Sound Lino' j learners, Elevated and Subway' Sta-' tions. About 14 Minutes to 'Grand Central from Subway Station at Broadway and Fulton Street, indicated on map opposite by letter A. 23d Street Steamship Districts, , Station; Convenient to Qcean Terminals, "Hotet and Shopping lz I?5iisi mm yplL ,A 'rA JT08 & E.8IH-ST. 1 V J' EM0t3TCHST, Pi ,'H SOMETHING NEW By Pelham G. Wodehouse TWO young Americans, of assorted sexes, on their uppers, in London, are the central figures of this jolly serial love story An absent-minded peer has pocketed a small article of great value and the young Ameri cans go after the reward that is offered for its recovery. Mystery, love-interest and humor all combine to make an ideal story for hot weather reading. Other Features in This Number Adventures in Hay Fever, a humorous article for all who paper, by Mary Roberts Rineh "S SSlS'Lr g Qiarles Tre.h,ewey! and Alone in Japaby' W? S 1 . OUT TODAY Five Cent, of all Mewsdealers and Post Soys lTHB 0XJZIL PUELIWG COMPANY 4ar wfttar tcfuoiruw . Ht.'KUY ISLAND lltb atr X.0W waief lo&uri.A TwdQ8 agdjjyollfcy Swftt iht frw mm. b4. AM v V Kli n ttcr ,.,..;.. ii-ifia (Wis iji iuuur fcU!f usaeMW ' 4 y&-- L .. htm g-jaw, -., i i "' irm-nriaaaaii -tnt