Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 23, 1915, Final, Page 5, Image 5

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Philadelphia Organizations
and Those in Middle
, t rtj . l-- A i
u states oirongiy wainst
Scheme in Referendum
Predominant Sentiment in Fa
vor of Government Subsidies.
National Chamber of Com
merce Kecommendations Sus
tained by Great Majorities.
WASHtNOTON, June 23. Philadelphia.
iinJ most of the trade organizations In the
sMMdle States voted against Governmnt
"ownership of a merchnnt marine In the
Kttfercndum submitted by the Chamber of
Commerce of the United states, upward
Wct 600 trade organizations, rcprcsentlm,
Kins best thought, replied to the questions
1btto was n predominating vote In favor
lot subsidies and great opposition was
trtgtatered aRnlnst nc eminent ownerslilp.
. The (luesttons submitted and their an
tiwar aro:
Do you fnvor the Government under
taking the purchase, construction or
Charter 01 vessels 101 mercantile purposes.
Itogathcr witn tne opcraiion or sucn vea-
UIghty-two In favor, 60S opposed.
Do jou fnvor ownership of merchant
fvessels by the Government, but with op
eration by prlvato parties under leases''
Klfty-four in tavor, n opposed.
Do you favor subsidies from the Govern -
fjiient sufficient to offset the difference In
gtost between operation of vessels under
tihe American flag and operation In tho
SPaamo deep-sea trades under foreign flogs?
s Five nunarcu ana imy-oignt ;n iavor,
1M opposed
1"! Do you favor subventions from the Gov
ernment to establish regular mall and
ttelcht tines under the American flag to
i 'countries In which the commercial In-
, crests of the united States are Impor
tant and to Amurlcan dependencies?
. Boven hundred and eighteen In favor,
f? opposed.
wUIn the second ballot nro set forth rec-
Bm.nil'illnHB liv tVi Mftflnnftl f?hnmi,ft
gSpeclal Committee on Merchant Marine.
kins committee recommendations ana tno
jptlng follow:
The commlttca reconunends tho crea
tion of a Federal shipping board to In-
fjvrestlgato and report to Congress regard-
fc'Iilgr the navigation laws ana to nave run
jurisdiction, unuor tne law, in au mat
,ters pertaining to oversea transporta
J ? 8lx hundred and forty-flve In favor, 116
Jt.The committee recommends that the
Government sunscnoo to ine enure stock
.f n. marlno develonment conmanv with a
Jxipltat of $39,OC0 000, this company to have
supervision of the Federnl Shipping
Board, upon the security of first mort
gages on merchant vessels; taking as
tvldenco of this Indebtedness bondii which
i tear a fair rata of Interest and contain
Effprovlslons for amortization, the devel
opment company to guarantee tne bonns
gas to principal and interest and sell them
ya the public.
j.your hundred and twenty-two In favor,
jU opposed
v-- New Clerk in Municipal Court
)larry Apel, 535 Wolf street, was today
appointed assisinnt cleric in tne criminal
Branch of the Municipal Court to fill tho
vacancy caused by the promotion of Wil
liam J Crowloy, tho former assistant
Atel was formerly connected with the
Clty Treasurer's office whero his salary
jWus J1500 annually. His new position
pais J160O. Apel la active In Republican
Wlltlcs In the. 39th Ward.
I Agree to Divide Cost of Bridge
BrNOniUSTOWN, Va.., June 23.-1 ne
Riwaaing Railway Company has agreed
? snare equally with Montgomery County
ja wz.WQ cost of the erection of tho
I'Switthvllle" bridge near Jenklntown,
According to announcement made by
ounty Commissioners
1 Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania Fair tontfiht
and Thursdiv: mnHArnfji nA,,hiv.il
l winds.
Th ffLtiiKHa& 4-l.a n..n.jf .,- t.
S AlMAln ru ..nJ.. 1 I ui..
rawing off the New England coaat thh
"vniuiif. ii nas Dflen attended Dy inow
?.nJ thunderstorms that covered moat
t- v.nada. Scattered showers and thwider-
morms are renorted from all nt ihe
ins States, A temperature deficiency
. from 6 degrees to 15 decreed Is re
Ported ?nprnllu fim .hA .... xnia
, - w-.. ftmj ft,v,4, b,u UWI (ItirH--
Mppl Valley eastward across the hnkt He-
,Wn And thf! Ohln hrtnln in hA Atlnnlln
: tOt at. Seasonable condltlnna nrvnll In
: Southern States and throughout the
Mtln half of the country.
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
CliurvaUops tal.fn at 8 a. m., Baotcrn tlm,
r low
l. Veloc-
, Wind. Ity. Weather.
te. . !XP
ite.'V"S2 52 11 &$$$!,..
fiSfffe-IlU'" M 5 NB w Cloudy'
! ?" J; " NW 14 Cloudy
ISSth J,ch--- 52 1 .. w la cloudy
fSSft. Winn..,. 48 41 . , NB 8 Clear
PBSI.,?,M'ont,. 61 Sii . BW a Clear
I- ri?i1..c'tir. .. 64 ,01 SB )i Cloudy
'Dkf,LfUiU-" "9 a .. H 4 I'.Cloudy
LE2tS?,?. 88 W .30 B 8 doudy
K!;.!5f" M. ... 89 4H ., N Clear
B Jo.iT "re" S o .. S 4 C oudy
&i.8,h.''.Cn ... 8J is .01 NB 8 lUIn
rlkP"! Minn,. 84 64 .. SB 10 Cloudy
nvirh Utah 6d J .. SB 4 Clear
S.SHwSe ? W .. NW 10 Clear
., ?8 T8 ,, N 8 Cloudy
MWnston at ft- ,. kw 14 Clear
'B M M M 8V Rltt
Observation ot Philadelphia
8 A. M.
.. 64
Wet. JB nlUa
u.i.urfl'::::;:::::::::::::::: t;
Y IHMFAlUr ., ,( WM
On the Pacific Coast
' aiu, v.thcr Mt, tewpwsture.
"inner ewuoy; iNafenwe
Almanac of the Day
Newly Formed Stage Society Leases
Little Theatre.
nIX- ,Roilty oi Philadelphia, a
m Ion K A"1.111' httleal organl-
A n,LhLthA LlttU Thfttr at o'clock
tour thLfLP'f,on2 Kfomlnant In ama-
tend m,i 7T ."f " " PMori, will at!
bv h. .ihU,,.e Tncatr h been leased
thi. hL Uty tot Txt -eftr' Mi wl b
the headquarters of the organisation.
llhv?88 Biltty Wfts tormtA b'
rte.if.. 8,nB,.by a number t Po'i
often nrinf.1Ili'5 '" thU Clty " no'
often presented by commercial manager..,
U Is planned to follow much along the
IfM. i"le, Wfthlngton Square Tlayers
?L..7.. . rk wh? wcre 8" l' this city
recently In several one act plays Ticket
for the performance will be sold at a
nominal charge.
In order that the beat stage effects,
costumes and general activities may be
had complete staffs for each have been
Onc-act and three-ncl plays are to bo
prcacnted, chosen from nil languages.
Maurice Spelser, president, will con
duct todays meeting and addresses will
be made hy Dr Cornelius Weygandt, of
the University of Pennsylvania, and
Oecrge Jean Nathan, n critic, of New
lork. riie organization's season will
ojien in tho latter part of October.
New York and Philadelphia
Authorities Probe Case of
Suspicious Man.
nrtorts to connect tho "ripper" murder
of two children In New York with the
rambling story of a man detained at the
Philadelphia General Hospital are being
made today by the police of two cities.
Inspector Joseph A Faurot and Sergeant
Gildea, of the New York Detcctlvo Bu
reau, loft today after quitting tho pris
oner. His personal effects wcre exam
ined by Detectives Callahan and Bclshaw,
who visited his home at 2043 North Cth
The man, who Is believed to be dement
ed, was arrested In Cltv Hall late yes
terday, and the New York police were
notified after the Philadelphia authorities
had questioned him. Tho two New York
detectives came to Philadelphia by nuto
moblto last night, and, after grilling tho
man for two hours, they announced that
thoy believe tho man cither killed tho
chlldren'nnd Is concealing the fact with
Insano cunning, or that If he Is Innocent
h knows tho murderer. They decided to
Investigate further.
Georgo Blumleln Is the name the
man gave to Lieutenant Wood last
night. Lieutenant Wood was In charge
of detective headquarters when the man
came up to him ind asked him for a war
rant for the arrst of somo ono who, ho
enld, was threatening "to cut out his
liver" Fcr several minutes he talked
rnmbltngly about livers and cutting up
people Then he pulled out a knife with
n broken hnndlo, which he said he had
taken from the man who threatened him.
Lieutenant Wood remembered the mur
der of 4- ear-old CharL's Murray, who
was killed In the halluay of his home at
270 First avenue. New York, on May 2S
last. Tho bo's liver had been cut out.
Leonora Anna Cohn, 5 years old, was
killed In the hallway of her homo at 333
3d avenue on March 19 In almost the
samo manner. Blumleln wan sent to tho
psvchopathlo ward at the Philadelphia
Hospital and the New York police wore
Faurot and Gildea said that Blumleln
left Now York 10 days ago under circum
stances that ore BUspIclous, and that ho
has an Intimate knowledge of the neigh
borhood In which the children wcre ulaln.
National Commander-in-Chief
Tells Delegates U. S. Needs
Larger Army and Navy.
A plea for a larger navy and army
was made today by Charles F. Sherman,
of New York, commander-in-chief of tho
Notional Order of the Sons of Veterans,
who are holding their annual convention
at tho Hotel Walton. Addresses were de
livered by many prominent men. In
diana, Pa., was chosen as the place for
tho annual convention convention in 1816.
"Tho best way to maintain peace," said
Mr. Sherman, "Is continually to keep in
creasing the army and navy. We should
also hava better fortifications In this
country and Improve our coast defenses."
Clarence Holmes, aide to Commander
Sherman, also mane an aw.
response was delivered by John B. Saut
ter, of Pittsburgh, past commander.
The ladles auxiliary also held a meet-
n .. ...
Relatives of the Sons of Veterans held
a business MMlon, called to order by
the division president, Miss Marie Selpp.
This afternoon the two organisations
the encampment to an end. but the
wmen deZates will hold another ses-
"on,"? tGTmwt Prominent otmM
gates Is John W. C. Auitln, who enjoys
tha distinction of being a member of
more lodge and other organization! .than
any other man In the York section of
Pennsylvania, hld membership In
fdSm bodlea and is active In : many
of them. Ho '" a member of thj Captain
MWM. M Camp, Ho. M. ot York.
Theatrical Baedeker
,.!. Knlaht roe
VKWpH!tfr lioTater.pudley.. pP"a ..Cowpaoy.
S3 jmhTBi.m"..rr.
i. musical comeuy in .,
iVdward 'I'S",'.' j5i", pwriard nd Florence
ssKH? "$ "K"'8 !fe
?UMflSV' 6vla, ana coww "
fcaM. of. y-Wr
in "im "..'
law.-2rnplll Brothw. nmnaata.
..iriliaheth Pete and Charles King!
a mTvarwuuim
;,. !... MIIOR-
..nvM. inn
to Jl ,
Somo of the dcloiratcs from tho Poor Richard Club nnd othera who arc nttending tho convention of tho
Associated Advertising Clubs of tho World. They aro 'vorklng hard to got tho next convention for Philadelphia.
During Movie Convention Week
20,000 Visitors Will See
Photoplay Produced in Fair
By the Photoplay Editor
The Panama-Pacldc Exposition Villi
extend an unusual and highly compli
mentary prlvllego to Marguerite Snow
and francls X. Ilushman, tho well-known
Metro stars, on Thursday, July 15 On
a platform In front of the Administra
tion Building a silent drama will be
staged, with 200 motion picture artists
taking part In the production. Beating
arrangemnts will be constructed to ac
commodate 10,000 people. Firework pieces
HO feet in height, outlining likenesses ot
Marguerite Snow and Prancls X. Bush
man, will be burned In the evening. At
11 o'clook tho two stars, all tho photo
players In the city, and the officials of the
Exposition will be tho guests of tho
Metro directors at a banquet to be held
at tho St. Francis Hotel. A large con
clavo of New Yorkers Is expected to
attend tho exposition on that day, as
there Is a hugo gathering of Easterners
scheduled to be present at the Motion
Picture Convention which will bo held
In San Francisco, July 13.
Tho latest uddltlon to the Essanay
Company's galaxy of photoplay stars U
Henry 13. Walthall, who Is known the
world over ns a screon favorlto. He Is
now working on a multlplo reel feature
at the Chicago studios He has been en
"KHged to appear In the Esianay special
features released through tho V. L. H.
E., v.h noil as in the regular photoplays
reload through the General Film Com
pany. Wnlthall has signed a long term con
tract at the behest of George K Spoor,
president of the company, and the salary
paid him Is said to bo one of tho most
entiling ever offered a star of filmland
Walthall Is so well known to the public
at largo that it Is not necessary to enter
Into detulls of hl-i brilliant career as an
entertainer Philadelphia will remember
his romarkablo work In "Tho Avenging
Conscience" much longer than tho Jilm
A petition In bankruptcy has been filed
by the United Motion Picture Producers,
tho Crystal and the Pike's Peak Film
Companies ngalnst their distributing cor
poration, the United Film Service, with
whom they ore closely affiliated.
J C. Qrnham, president of the United
Film Service, declares that tho suit Is
a friendly one, brought about by a con
ference of nil the parties Interested In
order to keep tho organliatlon Intact
while preparations ore being made to
IncreaBO the output. Mr. Graham Is con
vinced that tho suit will forward tho
results for which the United Film Serv
ice has been striving since Its reorganlia
tlon several weeks ago.
The offlclnls of the defendant company
are in perfect accord with the receiver,
Leo C. Stern, and give him their support
and co-operation Mr. Stern is a lawyer
and a membor of the United' board of
Close upon the release of "Through
Turbulent Waters" comes the announce
ment that Duncan McP-ae has been made
director general qf the Edison studios.
Tho creation of director general markl
n distinct change In the Kdlson Company,
as It places the destinies of that compan
in the hands of two men-Mr, McHae,
who will devote his entire time to super
vising and generally directing all the pro
ductions, and Mr, Plimpton, who gives
his time more to the purely business end
of the studio management.
Mr. Mcltae Is now finishing a three
reeler In which Gertrude McCoy Is tea
tured, after which he, will assume hs new
duties, lie will no longer produce or act.
Physician Bought Car Stolen From
Another Physician.
The tangle caused by a doctor having
In Ms poisesslon on automobile stolen
from another doctor was unraveled to
day before Magistrate Beaton In Central
Police Station, when Morris Haas, a second-hand
a-utomoblle dealer, lltl Poplar
street, was held In S00, ball for court,
accused of receiving stolen goods.
Haas, who was arrested by Detectives
Sullivan and Glaason. said he had bought
the car from ft Negro. He paid fa for It
and sold It to Dr, George P-osen, 2
North d street, for M. Not long af
terward Doctor Rosen learned the car
was theproperty of Dr. John D. Elliott,
im Spruce street, and that it had been
taken from In front of the physician's
krt. but thorough, eoursas . In oemnnrcUl
r.TsiVit. and tteretarlal vorg, . 8U
tt7S Tuition. ISO. He
ro U A M. to X P it
"ffi! full lDtsrmattw. writt or call
- r j
since school.
i n
jK JiciUwJt school tor tn avg boy, jrba
!Lr uirafiU guidance IB Study a ad bablti.
nsl Kraftu
TvTThfui location. wePiiatlun
ilon. preparation isr fur oi
Ldun. Write for catalogue.
woman's fokdkess for eggs
Negro Held for Court After Cutting
Up Three Men.
A woman's fondness for lmrd.bolled
eggs cniiscd considerable inconvenience
to Alexander Bullock, who was one of the
principal gucstH at the annual Uower
boll of the southwork Neighborhood Fra
ternal and Beneficial Association, held in
a hall at 19th and South streets. ,
Bullock, who Is noted for his Chester
flcldlnn manners. Is n Negro of few
words When he left the dance for tho
third time to get half a dozen hard
boiled eggs nt a nearb saloon, another
Negro patron criticised his gallantry,
and hit him with an umbrclW Bullock
I ulled a very sharp nnd thin raior and
when ho had finished flourishing It three
mon were lying on the barroom flour.
They wore Benjamin Clark, of 17th and
Kater streets C T. Hall, of 2!d and
Lombard streets, and Prank Willy, of 21st
and South streets. Policeman Apple ar
rested Bullock while ho was flourishing
the razor In the street
When brought before Maglstrato Hag
erty. at tho 12th and Pine stroeta sta
tion, Bullock said: "Ah dldn' think ob
takin' dot razah along till 1 heard who
was as goln' to be at da ball, an' Ah
think thcr ocenshun showed dat I wuz
He was held under 1000 ball for court.
"Muezzin," or Call of Faithful
to Prayer, Will Be Chanted
by Nobles.
The Muezzln-tho call of the faithful
for prayer wilt be chanted today in an
Oriental monotone by a dozen whlta-robed
priests w'nlle the sun la sending Its last
rays glinting along tho minarets ot t,u Lu
Temple. Mounting a platform under tho
gilded dome, tho priests will face the East
nnd usher In the ceremony of Ul Hajural.
or tho Feast of the Crossing of tho
It Is the observance by tha Mystic
Shrlners of the ancient Mo'nammedan
rites, commemorating the crossing of tho
lied Sea by the children of Israel Sim
ultaneously the Nobles of the Mystic
Shi Ine across the watera-ln Camden
wlll perform the rites, pitching their
tents In fne Sd Regiment Armory. Hnu
don avenue nnd Micklo street, to prepare
the hospitable bread and salt for the
Philadelphia Nobles. It will ba the first
joint observance of Ul Hajural which
the bodies have held
After the ceremony covers will be laid
In Lu Lu Temple for the S000 Shrlners
This will be followed by a parade, led by
Illustrious Potentate W. Freeland Ken
drick, the Lu Lu Mounted Patrol, under
Superintendent of Police Robinson, the
Arab Patrol, clad In nomadic garments
and the Lu Lu Band. Tho Oriental pro
cession, marked by fes and turban and
Orlontal splendor, will march on Broad
street to Market, to 10th, to Chestnut, to
8th, to Market and thence to tho ferrlos
for the crossing to the Promised Land.
The travelers will be met In Camden
by J. Blair Cuthbert, llluitrlous potentate
of Crescent Temple, Trenton, and his
caravan. Including the 3d New Jersey
Beglment Band and the Crescent Bugle
Corps. Headed by Oeneral John A,
Mather, chief marshal, the two bodies
forming tho pilgrimage will march over
Cooper and Tth streets and Haddon ava
nue to the 6th Regiment Armory, where
shoes will be exchanged for randals
Mayor Ellis, of Camden, will welcome the
pilgrims and Superintendent Robinson
will accept the gift of honor on behalf
of Lu Lu Temple. Arabic rites, followed
by another feast, will close the observ
ance of Ul Hajural.
Montenegrin March on Scutari
ROME, June S3 -Three columns of
Montenegrin troops are advancing on
Scutari, principal city of Albania, accord
ing to the Glornale d'ltalla. and are meet
ing with little resistance.
The man who picked
big Willard takes a flyer
to the other end of the
scales. Next Sunday Wm.
H. Rocap nominates the
bantamweight who may
defeat Kid Williams. In
the Public Ledger
Wooed Woman Wouldn't Wed
Wooer; Wanted Wealth With
Which to Whirl Westward.
Wood wooed Widow Wood and would
wed her Widow Wood would wed Wood,
too, but now Wood wouldn't wed Widow
Wood, becaute, ho says, she "skipped"
with 1313 belonging to him. A detective
Is speeding today toward Chicago to bring
Widow Wood back with what Is left of
the money
According to the story told to Captain
of Detectives Cameron by Charles Wood,
nt t.th and Mnrkct streets, the widow,
Mrs Cntherlno Wood, of 57th street and
Paschall nvenue, agreed to change her
name from Wood to Wood They were
to have been married In Seattle, Wash.,
two weeks ago. To have a little ready
money for tho trip, Wood drew $315 from
a bank
Fearful, she said, that her nance might
loso the money and perhaps necessitate
postponement of tho trip, Mrs. Wood of
fered to keep It for him Like all good
fiances, he consented. Monday, he said
tho widow wasn't at home when he callel.
In her stead he found a note reading:
"Dear Charlie, I changed by mind about
marrying you. I have gono to Chi
cago. C."
He hurried to Captain Cameron, who
sent a telegram to Chicago. Today a tele
gram came from Chicago saying Mri.
Wood was arrested as she stepped oft a
train Detective Alfred I. Souder went
to escort her home.
More Warships May Go to Haiti
WASHINGTON, June 23.-With Admi
ral Cnperton speeding from Vera Crm
to Cape Hatlen on the cruiser Washing
ton to protect foreigners from lolence,
officials believed today that more war
ships would bo ordered to the same des
tination before the week end.
rjf .in i - i. , . i I. ... I,. -.-.-1 .. i. I IPrOsH I n ' M M - - i Ml hf.
FactS Versus ,
1 Fallacies , . I
HERE IS letter from Judge D. E. Bryant, of the U.S. Court
on the (subject of local option. It is candid, thoughtful and
well worth the reading:
"Tl EAR SIR Your favor relative to the prohibition election
-' which takes place in Grayson county, and asking my views
relative to the same, has been received. ,
"HPHIS IS a business question of moment to our people, ana
the right to express my
t. jfl...... tv,. ...l.nm
being a citizen to dc
4GUCI IV UI9WHP. v -....
freely that those advocating prommuon minis oesi .or fjjs'
If this is true in fact It should become a law; i! it is untrue it should
be defeated. Theory is one thing, but actual observation rnd experi
ence are better. When prohibition was submitted to a vote of the
i. t.... t vntrd fnr it in (rood faith. I have faithfully
endeavored to enforce prohibition laws of the United States prevail
ing in the Indian Territory in m:
lUntrict attorneys and marshals.
desired to make the law effective, i
WX result in'peraonal conflicts,
"TVT OTWITHSTANDING the rigid prosecution of the tramc is wtwi i y v "
IN "ence. Increases. Feuds exist In each neighborhood, growlni r out of P5J4
tlons of the prohibitory law. Perjury becomes common and the other offense? ,'";: .nXest
Sfeaiitffsavs aawsa wrs. . it -..-&?!:
everywhere under similar conditions.
self as a criminal.
"1 XT HEREVER local option exists you will find lawless persons who wW .elite ' ny a ev
W body wherever 'they can, not respecting minority AffiJutg.
flooded with proseeutions, and there will be but few convictions and the expense will M vry urge.
"TTNDER the license system, where the man who sells Im under hJfoamJ
which he could be forced to answe In damages.
l "l dVor otnerwUe blTtbiViV Pple," and I y itate Mo
fact', as my opinlonTba ed upon my observation of this qu.stion, even when badted by the United
StatWch every one know. s more feared by the lawbreaker than the loeal law.
"Your. vfy trulARyANT(. y Com)f
of liquor is PACT.
Philadelphia Lager Bs$r Brewers Association
(Th nf trtlete will app Saturday, tine Jflft)
23, 1015.
Rain Faits to Dampen Ardor of Hundred Couples in Vul
Philadelphia Who Make Merry on Slippery Asphalt.
There's Just one kind of floor that
beats tho regulation sllppety wwty kind
for dancing and that's a nleo plat of
asphalt pavement kept In good Condition
by an occasional shower of rain.
West Phtladetphlflns, and some othera,
discovered this last night.
A hundred couples, their ardor un
dampened by a, real downpour, took to
the asphalt last night at Baltimore ave
nue and ETth street, when the Municipal
Band struck, up, and Inaugurated the
first ot n series of dances to be held In
vnrlous parts of the city during the sum
mer. Straw bennies were ruined beyond recog
nltloni newly lAUndered frocks became
quickly unstarched nnd hung like del
pernto things to the fair wonrers who
heeded them not. This was a real dance
on a real floor to tho -tuna of real mUalo.
All such mundane affairs as rain, clothes
nnd new lids were not oven remembered
Long before the band arrived the park
square at the Intersection of the streets
showed signs, ot fostlvltlea to come Tho
residents had Illuminated bi honor ot the
occasion. Myriads of Japanese lanterns
strung from tree to tree In the tour
blocks sUrroundlmr the square sparkled
like exaggerated fireflies and glimmered
fantastically In the falling showers.
Old Jupe Pluvlus did his very best to
break up tho party. Ho wet the natty
uniform of tha Municipal Band. Ho took
tho curl out of the hair ot damsels who
had dolled up especially tor the occasion.
H almost tilled tho tuba man's tuba to
the brim with his raindrops. He mado it
squeak nnd tquawk outrageously with
the moisture, but to no avail.
Several hundred young people had come
out to dance, and dance they did. To the
Don't put it off.
Start now to
-the Soap
most of , your work for you.
It's a time-saver, a
money-saver, a hdalth-saver.
Use it in cool or lukewarm
waterit's a fuel-saver too.
Something new. Something good.
Fels-Soap Powder
Something sweet. Something needed.
, ,
FACT is a real state of things. FALLACY is an appar
ently genuine but really illogical statement or argument.
anecteo dy aiu unuun, sw -
ideas on it I will not attempt in this
nr fnllv of aumntuarv laws. I grant
- "" -- --- -r - , . - .
and in som Instances murder is tho result.
. . . .. .
'eicellent grand and K"in aS, h.ng Itat could be
If it could be made so. My experience nw " ".
-" " nr" im nTurrrnityrrt . -J.'
reductive Mralns of "Chinatown" w?
one-atepped In a. way to tnaks Vtrsoa
Castle look to hi laurels, m4 whfn
"Balln. the Jack," floated on the ntghl
and somewhat mOtat air fet-troUtf.
that was tox-trottlng was performed.
During the Intermlsalon they sough! the
friendly shelter ot trees or the umbrMlaif
which their friends on the MdsUnet held
for them Here they wrung thensflves
out as best they eould and prepared fw
the next number,
One young girl, whose flimsy erepii de
chine clung to her like molaae to a pan
cake, donned the coat of her gallant
escort while he blissfully danced away In
his shirtsleeves.
Another swot young thing dAlntltr
poised an umbrella over her awn and her
escort's head as they went tnpplnsr away
on the slippery pavement
'Oee, this Is fine sport," was th com
ment of a young knight fls he conducted
his lady to the conservatory bg par
don to a sheltering branch "i think we
ought to have ono of these out bars
evary week."
When the downpour became consistent
nnd the band showed signs of retreatingi
"Juat ono more" was the supplication
that went up from the pavement Tha
band had dined well, or something It
was In a good humor and despite the
fact that Chief Ball and Director Porter
who had com out to aeo the fun had
gone away long ago, and desplt the fact
too that It was raining the proverbial
cats and dogs, the terpslohorean devotees
got several more.
At OiSO the party broke up. The tuba
man emptied his tuba: the dancers shook
themselves like Wet puppy dogsj thd po
liceman henved a sigh of relief and all
In all a, very good time was had.
that does
L-.-Ji. ... If -no differ.
.... .( ramneteat and faithful
I TF at
P! tatarf TBrewS WHs
fBamwuTi--y-T- -.
tmw tn m Ughtl
Ht f
W. B W "-