Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 23, 1915, Final, Page 14, Image 14

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Brown University Boy
Holds Yankees to Three
, Hits in Ten Innings.
Athletics Are Beaten in
First Game by 3-2 Score.
new ironic.
A.U. It. It. O. A. 15.
IIIKh, cf 6 0 10 0 0
I'ecklnpatigh, ss.... E 0 ' 0 0 4 0
Malsel, 3b..... 4 0 0 4 3 0
1'lpp, lb 3 0 6 13 0 0
Crce, rf 3 0 0 2 0 0
Hurlioll, If 3 0 0 10 0
Uaumftn, 3b 1 3 1 E E 0
Sweeney, c. ........ 2 0 0(30
Cntdwell, p , 4 0 10 3 0
WI!KAT.nrelpt, 21,001. bush. Trad?
nuiet. but with moderate offerings ana
Iter outside advices prices niltunced IffSe.
ithma: Car loli. in ejnort elevator-No,
2 red, nominal. Sl.21iftl.2n: No. 2 red Western,
No. 1 Northern Duluth,
Huggins Spurs
Speeding Cards
In Rebuttal
Make good and let the Knocker roar
Of rant at wilt atona the map;
The bloke who hat the Winnlitjf Bcore
Is safely out beyond the rap;
Or rkr the bloke who play) the name
And 'gives his bent work to the ray
It safely fixed within the frame,
Regardless of What People Bay.
Make pood that answers every knock
And down the way conivleles the test)
,. .i. , . i .".iic. .tun iiwini linn uiiucr .nuni.. .r
For though the mockers rise and mock, tide ndv Ices end a fnlr demand. Quotations-
Jictr yappings never reach the crest;
The entry otil there Playing Ball
Or scrapping on to beat the band,
Has Hltlc lime to hear the call
Of Knockers working In the Stand.
Total 30 3 3 80 17 0
' A.tl. 11. II. O. A. a.
Walsh, cf 4 12 3 0 0
Blrtlnk, rf 8 1 2 1 0 0
Lapp, c. ............. 4 0 2 4 10
Oldrlng-. If E 0 2 2 0 0
Mclnnls, lb S 0 2 10 1 0
('omvaj, 3b, ........ 4 0 0 2 7 1
Malone, 2b 2 0 0 2 10
Kopf, ss,,. 2 0 0 0 3 1
ryVrell, p 4 0 0 0 2 U
V.urphy 1 0 0 0 0 U
defiant; 10 0 0 0 0
Total 37 2 10 30 13 1
Batted for Conway In 10th.
Ilattcd for Malono In 10th.
Sacrifices t.npp, Sweeney, 2; ItnrtzaH.
Stolen bnscfl Mnlonc, 2; Crce, Caldwell.
Struck out Hy Crowcll, 3; Caldwell, S.
Caso on balls Caldwell, 6; Crowcll, 4.
oubje plays Uauman to I'lpp; Conwuy
to Mclnnls to Conway; Malsel to llnu
mdn. Hatter hit Crce. Wild pitches
Crowcll, 2.
SIlltJE PAIIK. June 23.-Aftcr holding
the Yankees, to ono hit In nine Innings,
ill not Crowcll, the Athletics' new pltchol
frdm the Drown University, was beaten
In the tenth of tho first came today
through a bad throw by Conway. Tho
final scoro was 3 to 2.
Uauman started with a clean single to
right. Ho was sacrificed to second by
Hweeney. Caldwell then got a lucky
nliiKle, putting Baumnn on' third. Then,
after High had fanned, Conway muda
his fatal error.
Crowell's exhibition was wonderful
when ono considers It was his first pro
fessional game. Ho Was opposed by tho
veteran Caldwell, and outpltched tho
New Yorker all tho way, but the breaks
went against him.
Bauman scored all three of New York's
runs and had a perfect day. He walked
three times and made a hit In his fourth
trip to the plate.
Crowell gave five bases on ball, and
two of these to Ilauman proved costly.
Mclnnes made a one-handed catch oi
Kopf's high throw and retired High.
Conway threw Pecklnpaugh ouf. Crow
ell threw out Malsel. No runs, no hits,
no errors.
Walsh walked. Strunk singled over
second. Lapp sacrificed, Caldwell to Plpp.
Oldrlng singled to right, scoring Walsh
and Strunk. Mclnnes singled oft Cald
well's glove. Conway forced Oldrlng,
Caldwell to Malsel. Sweeney threw Ma
i lone out. Two runs, three hits, no errors.
Plnn fanned. Konf throw out Proo.
Hartzell (lied to Walsh. No runs, no hits,
no errors.
Kopf out, Bauman to Plpp. Malsel
threw out Crowell. Dauman threw out
Walsh. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Bauman walked. Conway throw out
Sweeney, Bauman going to second. Cald
well fanned. Bauman scored from second
on a wild pitch. High was safe on Kopf's
high throw. Pecklnpaugh fouled to Lapp.
Ono run, no hits, one error.
Strunk Hied to Hartzcll. Lapp fanned.
Oldrlng singled to centre. Mclnnls singled
to centre. Conway forced Mclnnls, Peck
lnpaugh to Bauman. No runs, two hits,
no errors.
Malsel walked. Malono threw out Plpp,
Malsel taking second. Creo tiled to Old
ring. Hartzell filed to Strunk. No runs,
no hits, no errors.
Pecklnpaugh threw out Malooe. Kopf
walked. Crowell forced Kopf, Malsel to
uauman. waisn rannea. wo runs, no
hits, no errors.
A Word for Colonel Hugging
Among those receiving the Buoynnt
Boost a plnco should be made for Col.
Miller Ilugglns, of tho Upheaving Cards.
Mr. Muggins rarely figures In the gay
hlp-lilp scattered hero and there, nhd
ct vr know of no ono who Is more
Last spring, back In 1014, he took a
tnll-ctul combination and pushed It up
Into third place within n game or two
o! tho Qlnnts. This Bprlng after a bad
start he has rushed his pcoplo back Into
tho thick of polite baseball society and
In doing so has maneuvered his material
about ns well ns any manaser wo know.
When Huggins lost Magce, Wlngo and
Perrltt, three big factors In last sum
mer's rise, It was gcnernlly ngrccd that
his ball club had been shot Into a num
ber of small pieces nnd would bo lucky
to (lnlfli firth. But In splto of this deficit
ho has hustled along at n rate sufllclcht
to attract 21,000 St. Loils fans for the
last Sunday game. And It takes some
thing, to entice out 21.000 St. Louis fans
after" tho sombre lull that has Bettled
Upon that Commonwealth In tho last fow
years of baseball Inefficiency.
Not Another Word
The Gentlemanly Duffer had a short putt
for a "three,"
And his chance to win a hole he fancied
And every word he uttered as at last he
'got (iy'flve"
Was Stttitd- I - - ) - - - til - -
..&&)). - ell"
nominal, I.2ot
COKN.- neoelpts. 8000 bush. Trices were
steadily held, hut there was not much doing.
Qwitt lions: Cor Ion for local trade, as to
location, No. i yellow, MttfS8c; steamer ol
Inw. Rl'iriS2c. No. .1 yellow, 7fflHc.i No. 4
yellow, iTWTfc.
OATS. Receipts, 14,00.1 btiah. After open
In 14c. lower, tho market subsequently re
covered onn fioaed firm under stronger, out
side adtlrea an,1 n fall" demand Quotations
No. 2 white, R44ftBr.. standard white, Kt'iW
.lie.: No. ,1 white, 12'MJMc.
. I'Mlt'ltr lleeejnts, P0.1 bhla. and 1)34,010
lbs. in ancka. The market was dull and
pri'e.1 were without Important change. We
qunto as foilown per liKI lbs., In wood: winter
dear. $1..'ioe.-).7.')t do. rlrnliht. IS.7.1fln do,
potent, Of! 2.1; Kansas. straUht. Jute aiuks,
K..10ift.2.')j do., patent, jute sacks, S..10f?S.W;
rpiliig, nret clear. .MK(ii.lUi do., straight
lii.ioir.znj do. patent, Jil.209fl.401 do., ravor
Ito branda, -jn.nowo'.l.l: city mills, choice and
fancy patent, Sn.noafl.T.V city mllla, regular
grades-Winter clear, S 501JS.7J; do., straight,
f5.".ipflj do., patent, fnfto.z.'t.
1111; i i.tiuii. The morRet ruled tieaay
under small supplies, but there was llttlo
trading. Wo ouoto nearby and Western, In
wood, at $0ff0,Jo per bid., a to quality.
.The market ruled ateody with a fair Job
bins demand. W ouote City beef. In et.
eninlted nnd nir-drled, 2.W20C. ; AVentcrn
beef, In acta, amoked 239211c: rlty beef,
knU'kten nniL fenrlef. amnkerl and nfr.drled.
2il2?c. , '.Veatern beef, knuckles and Menders.,
smoked, 272Sc . beef hams. 1I:I2; imrk,
family, f2222.f0: hams. a. 1 cured, loose,
J.iai.-l'lc.i do., skinned, lcoe, liVUm'iCi'do,,
do, smoked, Munitc. other hams, smoked
ell y cured, na to brn.ni! oha'aerage, 'illijfl4e,
hams, smoked. Western cured, laaiffUci do
boiled, boneless, S21uric. ; plcnle ahoulders,. S.
1'. lured, loose, HM.fftlc do,, smoked, 11W
IHle.; bellies, In IdcKte, ncrordlng to average,
luone. imwUc. breakfast bacon, as tn'brnml
iimi nvern(e, city cured. Ii:flt7c. : breakiast
.neon, Weetcrn cured, lilflKc: lard, western
refined, In llercea or tubs, loiillc.. lardupura
city, kettle rendered. In tierces, lo)illc,i
lard, pure rlty. kettle rendered, in tubs, lOtfW
WILL BE $5,008,833 LARGER
its I
Increase In Interest Disbursement, De
crease in Dividends.
tn .Tulv thorn will be distributed a tola!
I of iro.084,613 among Investors represent
Ing dividend and Interest payments by
railroads, Industrials nnd traction cor
porations, banks and trust companies, the
city of New York and tho national uov
ernment, according to figures cftmplled by
tho New York Journal of Comrncrcc. This
totnl show an Increase of !5,69S,$33 over
the same month of last year, when the
payments were 264,3S5,780.
interest payments snow an increase of
10,401,704 over the same month of Inst
yrrir. the total thls-ycnr being" $174.39040,
while dividend payments display a fatting
off of $4,702,871, the total being tS5.6S8.764.
The decline In dividend payments 1.1 duo
to the fact that ft number of corporations
have el her. reduced or onlltteil payments;
The July paynients compared with last
year folldw: ,
' lnm
Industrials f.11,lM.rS7
RKllroada 27,OIS.Sin
Street ItathvAVK .!.,.. P,n.M,2(U
Banks nnd trust cos.'. 7,300 000
1014. . ,
Totala 0'i,O.1.1.74 100,3S8,fO.'(
Industrials and mlio... s4l,n)O,00O 3r).800,oro
Ilnllron.H 10l.dOO.oOl) PT.700 0DO
Street nrtllwaya 24,000 rod 21,000,0 V
(inernmcnt uin.mu .(.iih.hi
tNow York City 1,2511,000 1,260,000
Totals .HT4..'il)S.S40 $
Itlrand total $270,081,01.1 $201,383,780
FlgurcM revised. tAmount of rovenuo bonds
city will pay oft not' Included" In figures.
Comptroller Has Had No Dispute With
Banking Commissioner Smith.
WASHINGTON, June 23.-Comptro!ler
of tho Currency Williams tpday Issued
n statement denying a report from Phlla-
ilelphla that he had clashed with William
It. Smith, Banking Commissioner of
Pennsylvania, over reports of State
banks. He asserted the statement that
he wanted tho Pennsylvania department
to forward theso reports to save his or
flce the express was "misleading and In
accurate," Williams said the Federal law requires
'him to collect datn on nil banks In the
country niid that the practice of sending
blnnk forms to banks through State
hanking depar'trncnts was nn old and rec
ognlzed custom. Hvery State but Penn
sylvania has co-operated with him, ho
Morgan, died here today. Ho retired from
business some years ago. Ho was very
Business Suspended an Hour During
Funeral of Joslnh S. Pearce.
Adclos Gorton
Adetoa Gorton, an Author and formerly
president nnd editor of the Home Pub
lishing Company, Is dead after a long
Illness at his home In Mrtple Glen, Mont
gomery County. Mr. Gorton was a mem
ber of University Lodge 610, F. nnd A. M.;
tho American Academy of Political and
Social Science, the Historical Society of,
Pennsylvania, the New York Genealogical
Society, tho Biographical Society, tho
Rhode Island Historical Society anil tho
Frnnkford Historical Society. Ho is sur
vived by his widow and one son, Adelos,
Jr. Tho funeral services will bo held ot
tho family residence at 3 o'clock on Fri
day. Interment will be private.
HANSEN, In loving remembrance of my
daughter, nettic u. HANHUiv, wno
away June -i. iuui.
...The market was oulet. but
i quote . reflnera". Hat prices:
H...I.UI lieu, 11 it.j. ; extra, 'nn
Ctllc. ; powdered, 11 20c. ; ronccl
son gruaon. .i.so.koc.
loners' A, Uc.;
Luck and f Pluck
Wo heard n golf fan recently descrlbo
Jerry Travcrs' work at .the 10th hole at
Baltusrol as being a b'lt lucky.
There was a touch of luck, of course
But when a man figures he has to play
the last nlno holes In par to win, and
when he slices the first shot out of
bounds nnd wastes another In the tangled
undorKrawth, doesn't It cnll more for con
trol of nerve than It doPi for luck to place
that .third shot In putting dlttnnce and
then land the putt? Those two missed
shots; would have been the signal for any
average mortal to have gone sky-rocketing
Into tho June empyrean, whero all the
luck there Is would never havo yielded a
par. For It took a grand golf shot, played
wiwi penect loucn, to give any luck a
chanco 'to figure In tho rest of It.
nt'TTKII. rtpmnnd was fairly active and
uiicring were ample.
prices were slendv.
Quotations Western
raney snorlnls. :iow. : eitrn
27'4;2!.c.: nrals..27c., seconds,
prints, fancy, Wc, average extra,
mi 11. L'nnti iii, '.,
to goot
solid-packed, creamery.
1 zsitc: extra firsts,
zw... ncarnjt
SIMI.Itc. dn .
gnrlleky. 2Jft20e.; Job-
Feared That Skull Was Fractured by
Pitched Ball.
"Shag" Thompson, the brilliant young
outfielder of the Athletics, who was sent
to tho Richmond club, of tho Interna
tional Lengue. by Manager Mack for fui
thcr seasoning. Is In a serious condition
in a Providence, It. I., hospital. He was
hit on the head with a pitched ball by
Cooper In Monday's Providence-Richmond
game and wus unconscious for sev
eral hours. It was thought that ho had
a fracturo Of thn nknll hi.t 1,..I......
say that he will recover.
The injury to Thompson Is unfortunate
coming at this time, ns he was just be
ginning to show his true worth. It mny
possibly make him plntc-shy In the fu
ture portlculurly against left-handed
pitchers, as Cooper, who hit him, Is u
southpaw. Danny Hoffman, ono of the
best looking outfielders who ever brokt
m with a local club, was hit by Jesse
Tannchill In Boston nine years ago and
never entirely recovered from tho acci
dent. Hoffman was with tho Athletics
ut tne time and apparently had a won
derful future.
Ling sales uf fanrv nrtnfa .'tilli.fi,.
KGON, Choice stock sold fairly and prices
were well maintained Wr quoto na follows: In
vr.ef.ca"'"' """'y extras. 24e. per doien; Urate,
I . r-r- standard roec! nearby current re
ceipts. I.1.8,, per care; Western cxtrd flra's,
fV'k'ln"1"'- nrr'"' ,r,-M t" ca,ei Southern,
JJ.0i(3.40 per case; fancy selected candled
05r..?.Srf.oM'ln nt 2"fT272 per dqzen. ,
CIII.KHI. wrb In fair renuaat n,i . n,m
under amnll Biipplles. Wo quote: Now York,
full creapi, fanry, new, loflllHici lo., do.,
fair to good, new. 1414jri4i);c, do., part skims,
I.IVH. OfferlnRS wero moderate nnd val
ues Here well maintained, with a fain de
Pi5P.,I..for Jt'alroble stock. Quotations: Fowls,
biMbUo.; exieptlonnl lota higher; rooslers.
lltfl.'c . broiling chlckcra, fancy, not leg
horns, weighing HWS Iba apiece. 211?28c,;
rolling chickens, not Leghorns, weighing lip
JU lbs. apiece. 211i21e : brolllni; chickens. Ig
horns, weighing IW'02 lbs. apiece. 21024c":
it,,lJ?5..T',,clfS5:iJ:c"?II??- 5,!fi""?. P
UuckB, Jnd la Itunncr. JaffWc: plccons. old,
VtT nalr. !!lfl!lln : tll,nnm vnt.nv n. ki-
2(f2)c --- "- .-a, ..,
-"i!"i.S.MI!D'Tnc mnrket wns dull and
bniJCi S."!1. ttmE1' """InB" Wo quote. Frcsh
kllled po"ltr, fowls, 12 tn box, dry-picked nnd
ury-piickcil, rancy selected, 10c; weighing 4W,
ff.i lbs. aiiloce, 1Nm,c uelghlnc .'Ui4 lbs
"Piece, isiic.: weighing ;i lbs apleee, 10U.O
li'iic- under 1 lbs. uidece, 14ii15'ic.; Ico
Tutked Western, 4Vi iba. nnd over nptecu.
lie; dp., ainuller sizes, IRflllk;.; old roosters.
rulk-,"'-'- bfol'lns, chickens-Jersey,
rainy, .IUO.120.; other nearby fancy, 23(!30e.:
Western, weighing IKVi lbs., 2t2':c. do.
weighing 1Rli, i.a 21V:tic.; spring ducka, Ml
ticV ""luabs. per dos White, weighing 11 to
12 lbs. per do , S.I.IOQ4 Ml; white, welnhlnir
u mi to ms. per do., .wt.so: white, weighing
Consols at Now Low Minimum Price
of 65.
LONDON, June 23. Irregularity con
tinued In securities on tho Stock Ex
change today. Consols wero sold at a
new' minimum of 63: the old war 'loan
also' was weaker, being nuoted nt 44VI on
sales by small capitalists to provide funds
with, war tenders f,or tho now loan and
obtaining conversion rights for tho re
mainder of their! holdings.' '
Colonials flattened again. Home rails
laokdd support and Wero weak. It was
declared that-the- decline- In this -group
hns-been-overdone If pending dividends
nro satisfactory. . Canadians were mixed
and (he tone of Argentine rails was flat
OtHer departments Wero quiet.
London N. Y,'
AmMgarnated Copper 78?i 7W' ti
Atchiion 103 loot? -U
Italtlihore and Ohio So'i 7fl K,
fnnadlnn Pacific 1BT lrXHi . . .
ciinjnpcako nnd Ohio 41 nn u
- h
'Business In Ardmoro was suspended for
an hour today In honor of the memory of
Joslnh S. --Pearce, a lifelong resident,
whoso funeral was held at 11 o'clock from
his late homo nt 44 Llnmoro nvenuo.
From 11 to 12 o'clock every establishment
In Ardmore, Including tho saloons and
offlco of tho township commissioners,
closed tllclr doors, Mr. Pearce was known
as tho "promt Old Man" of. his commu
nity. Funetjal services were conducted by
tho Itov. Stanley A. Hunter, of tho Bryn
Mawr Prcslu'terlan Church. Interment
wns in west L.aurei Hill Cemetery.
Mr. Ponrcc, who was 74 years old, died
suddenly from heart disease last Sunday
muriuiiK. 110 wan a veternn of tho Civil
War and took active part In many of tho
most Important engagements of that con
fllci. Ho wns a member of tho Colonel
Owen J.ones Post, a. A. It., of Bryn Mawr,
and was the oldest past master of Cassia
Lodge of 'Frco Masons nt Ardmoro. He
was a .member of the State Legislature
In 188L He ls survived by his widow nnd
a daughtor, Miss Helen Pearce.
Chlfmrn (ir4a Wpalnt-n
Chicago Mil and St. Paul ,
l)ener and Hlo Urando .
Krlfl ,
lo In pref
Illinois. CenUal ,....
Louisville ami Nashville .
.Vow York Central .......
Norfolk and Western
Now York Ontario & West
Southern Pacific
. 113
... 04
.. .11 Vi ll'.a
MM lOlltS
. 70
8 Iba. per dos.. 4u2 no; do., do., 7 lbs.
5er a.'.-V,,i1."',2-Jo' no" do., WHO", lbs. per
i?I-oV?"S1-50: dHrk- $l-25i.80j small and
No. 2, 11-
Unirtti l'neffle 1.14ti 12R
United fitnten Steel cnu; ooti
t-increaae. uocreaso.
M -
...?hillt'.0 st.ock ,,ol1 ,alrl' and values generally
ruled steady. Quotations- Apples. N?w Yok.
L""h!nrU.aJdwl"- r-W!);l SO, do. Hen Davli
.B...,0; other gooil emlng vnrlctles, S1..10tl
-.00: do.. Western, nrr hny 7.-. n,t'- ...?nnt..y
Today's Marriage Licenses
and Mnry
and Florenca
William C. Parker, sin s. 17th t
T.,h Y..;. ,U..: " .. y-""r uve.
KWii"Vna"MibSt .L",,B t
:jiZWii.s?s&T "" Bn "
.. uii.m . .veamev.
.(f nnt.-
nnin ,. ,;.'jrj.,,r.,,'ri. ....,
i!"- o'rt-tT.. --"l-. e.i'iii-.J. lemona. por
J' J-2A'iJ: ,.oro.Vefi HTlda. per box, jfjfa
S.uO; grapefruit. Florida, tier bo. il.nvni ru-
plneaploj iiir crate-l-prto lllco, 2i2..-kj; do..
1 lorlda, 2i-'.IO; clierrlcH. aweet, per lb., sii
Sc. ; do., tour, per lb.. ;iti5c.. nlumi nnto.H
nn ,nl. (I MI..O. ..... .- .. ' .P .
uvvaiii nnif Mniv
10c.. blackberries.
7o. ; do., Delaware and Muryland,
fniuci gooaeoerrles. per nt.. :iH4c.:
berries, per it.. 10ti;ic.; cantaloupes,
per crate. fl.2S(rl.7S; watermelons.
per 4W, tiArymj.
SJ..V)2; atrawberrlea, per qt., Del
Mniylund, 4tjiic.. do., Jersey. 41
errles, North Carolina, por qt., S
per ut.
Florida, Florida.
!irllli Pnnora I !
Quotations: vtilte potatoes.
1'nJiI,."lb.trr' ' and
Bauman walked. Sweeney sacrificed,
Crowell to Mclnnls. Caldwell was out,
Mclnnls unassisted. High Singled to right,
scoring Bauman. High was out stealing,
Lapp to Malone. Ono run, one hit, no
Caldwell threw Strunk out. Lapp
singled over second. Oldrln.: forced
Lapp, Bweeney to Bauman. Bauman
threw Mclnnls out No runii, one hit. no
Conway threw out Pecklnpaugh. Malsel
fouled to Conway. Plpp fouled to Walsh.
JNo runs, np hits, no errors.
Conway fanned. Malono walked. Ma
lono stole second. Kopf walked. Crowell
hit to Bauman, who tagged Kopf on the
.. f. "lro,v lo 'PP. doubling up Crow
ell. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Cree was hit by a pitched ball. Hart
el Bacrlflced, Conway to Mclnnls. and
when Cree tried to go to third on the
Play Mclnnls shot the ball to Conway
in time to double him. Bauman walked.
Bauman went to second on a wild pitch,
Kopf threw out Sweeney. No runs, no
hits, no errors.
Walsh singled to left. Strunk beat out
a bunt Lapp bunted Into (Mattel's hands
and Walsh was doubled oft teoond. Malsel
to Bauman. Oldring filed to Cree. No
runs, two hits, no errors.
Caldwell out to Mclnnes, unassisted.
High went out the same way, Peckln
paush filed to Oldrlng. No runt, no hits,
no errors.
Mclnnls struek out. Conway popped
to (Jlpp. Malone walked. MalSne stole
si-ond. Pecklnpaugh threw out Kopf. No
runt, no hits, na errors.
Conway threw out MatseL Plpp, walked.
Creo formed Blpp, Conway .to Malone.
t'reo stole second, Hartzell grounded to
Mclnnls unastJistSd. No runs, no hlU.
no errors.
Peoklngpaugh threw out Crowell. WaUli
tingled to centre. Strunk fllsd to Cree
Lapp singled to centra. Walsh stopping
at second. Oldrlng filed to Mall. No
runs, na bits, no urrtvrs-
Bauman siagtad Us rtabt Swsteey tacrl
fl ed. Conway to Mavlmajt. Caldwstl bt
ut a, hit, Bauroa Mapping at third, lllsh
truck out. Caldwell stole rfftcrpd. fmt
way threw poorly to McInnU eft PsfkiB
pausch's a-y grounder, Bauman scaring.
hll Ctttdwell went to third, SfottHsl
rliitd to Walsh une run, two hits cum
Ueluaia to ,u. to UaUM Murphy mt
ud for Cotte tiAuotn Uuw out
.u.jt.:jj BfhtJMf btt4 for Malone
. -.u ia.no4 No nuts, ma hlU, 00 r-
".SJJ'-JffMN, 17th at" "and Ln, ,
1.... . '" Vi'Mi ."'" ave. "
V,Anb,ran,.rar?.y".,trma" "" nna S,"-
lane and Wayne avo. "'. cmiool
Arr!.hU1ria(cKa,i,7' ffllkff-S. ii. n Anna
Frinrla I V.r. "o.'SS"""K l-
rinriH J. JlcCnrney, 24111 N. ilancnek ..
and nertho . M. Musriorr. 1R23 Hope a? t-'
aeorgo H. Starsden. Boil tlernnhtown .-.
.and. Laura U. llendrlcka. .1050 OI?ard 5vv'"
, 1A3I Cavura at.. an,i Ann
........... ..uv.iciii, .itrj wnarton at
Anna L ebarman. 428 Catharine it
ank Wolnskt, 044 New Market at
liefanla Krlnaka. 044 New Market "
John K. Fl.
i smith. 1M4
T..'SV.uV,5SS-Ti", fl- St.. and
n;i..i',:.f -. .t:"u"'" '...
- An'na" l.h.-."1. wP.f". at.
Qeorge Sxunkunaa
- r . .- . . . uuu uuuiiu.r
rjancea iiakazis. 15.13 Summer it.
-!!.-"?' .-i. tover il.. and J.nnl.
iujo uummer at..
Fancy stock met with fair sale, but re-
.VFW vi . iuiiu ijciu, anu
f a:ored bujers Quotations:
ler bush. Maine, liilljc. ; New
uunuij, w .jv, wiuio potatoes, Norfolk tier
lb..-,No. 1. tl.SWl.7S; So. 1-. jV:, white po'
tatoej, south Carolina, per bbl. No 1, XI "in
1.73; No. 1', COtilit, onions. Texaa, per cuni-mcr-crate-
I'oncy, t)0870e., poor, 2550c.; cab
J age, Norfolk, per irate, I3S.I3c; do.. Nor.
lolk, per bbl. . 10S23C, do., Eastern Shore,
per crate. 20i.1oc. caullfloner, Norfolk, per
hamper, yitfiuc, beans, per H-bbl. baiket
North Carolina, green and wax, 15iB23c.; Nor.
lolk, green and wax, i5W.'3c.; eggpmnt, Flor
lUu, per box, JifCJ.30: cueumbera, North Caro.
Man nnd 2 "Women, Strikers, Arrested
A man and a woman, strikers at Dob
son's Bradford Mills, Stcnton avonuo nnd
Godfrey street, wero held under $300 bond
to keep the pcaco today by Magistrate
Pennock, of tho Germantown police stn
tlon, following a near riot yesterday. Po
licemon were hurried to the scene from
tho Germnntown nnd Branchtown sta
tions when two excited women declared
over the telephone that a violent riot
was In progress. Mrs. Sophie Clarhaut,
B60S Spraguo street; Otto Vandenborgner,
1417 Adams avenue, and Mrs. Mary Van
Doorne, 6108 Woodstock street, were ar
rested. Mrs. Van Doorne was dismissed
with a reprimand, the other two being
Miss Catharine Diddle Vnndcrvoort
Miss' -Cathnrlno Blddle Vandervoort,
2020 Do Lancey, street, died at her summer
homo, In Chelsea, yesterday, after a short
lllnoss. Miss VanderVoort closed her town
houso 'several days ago and went to the
shore with her sisters, Mlsa Kllzabcth
nnd MIss.Meta Vandervoort
Sho was a niece of Captain James S.
Blddle, U. S. N. Her mother, before her
marrlago .to Peter Vandervoort. of Now
York, was Miss Mary Blddle. Miss Van
dervoort, who was CO years of ago, was
activo In church and charitable work.
Her sisters are tho only near relatives
that survive .her.
Cyrus A. Bycrs
Cyrus A. Bycrs, a member of the Union
League, tho Manufacturers' Club and Lu
Lu Templo, Mystic Shrlncrs, died yester
day after a short Illness In tho Hebrew
Hospital, Baltimore. Mr. Byers resided
here until he was elected president of tho
Baltimore Firebrick Company five years
ago. Ho Is survived by a son, Charles A.
Byers, and two sisters, Mrs. O. A. Mill
and Mrs. J. W. White, who llvo at 202
South 30th street
Vessels Arriving Todny
Tuebla (Max.), Havana, sugar, Earn
Mazalre, ballast.
F. linear &
Str. Thlstleard (Dr.), St,
Charles M. Taylor's bona.
Str. Ogeecbec. Port Arthur,
Southern Steamship Company
Stt. Virginian, llllo, surar, W
Str. Delaware, New York,
dido Stean.shlp Comrnnv.
Str. George Pyman (Dr.). Marseilles, via
Oran, ballast, llcrnond. Whits Coal Mining
Steamships to Arrive
ner U-bhl.
bera. South Caiollna. ner 1
tuc; aijuien, Norfolk, per -bbl. basket. Kiv-
lepicrs. 1-lorlda, per carrier, J1&1.5U; beets
H.Millii.rii. nor 10O ,nn.t.Ad 1 .-fl-f. .iT1""
Ida, per
03c. : asparagus.
rooms, per -lu.
basket, C0U7
I-blil. basket, i.ltr
i-bbl. basket, COc.:
i. riwiuj, tier uirrier, ii.3u; beets.
II, per 100 bunches, SI, tomatoes. KioS
r,.ier11'"'"l' , .501.75; choice,
..'3, tomatoes. Mississippi, per case, doji
per bunch, 5l5c; raush.
basket, fi0c.C'-.3.
. rierrier, Dickinson st.
J1?a'Sdhm.C0,,,'NU,?'.,,5,h "" " M"X
Wf.,,ei!urC,,jfni?8fhN. t?h it" 3i "" na a'
J1!Vrv . talon, lum chew at., and Mary M
CJinolngham. ,1011 E. fiomenet at. "
William . ' Whilock, JiM w: Huntingdon
.,';!. .'"J, E th A! Itarrtson.,723 WoSSst!
T.UCM.fh.Hriari?.rbLiUrt..ra-' A":
and -nine Kop-
and Mary M.
J T ..
Haiti J Dobbin., flfta W. ., ' "" '""
nkhawi.dTa"giU8.,laron "'"' " Uar
Fa,, and Ruth
Isadora Pilch, 212 8. 7Ch it
Ian. T?fl Jarkaon at.
Jnaaph Johnioll. 1437 Katr st
Cuff, lin Katir st.
Jamea. J. Oray. Perry Township.
iwuiiia, fv
John K KohnUIn, llarrltburg,
k. liao. iiarriauurir. l'a.
Oseir Samuelaon, Fenmgrove, -N. J..
Andraw Mitchell, iston Mllla, Pa., and Emma
Ilytbaway, teas Wluwler at. '
Prank M. Fucha, IIS Carpenter it,, and He-
becct. Helffrleh. 1815 W. llunllngdso at.
Oaorga a. Vandevender. 400 itaetor St.. and
Cbarlott Wills. 414.1 Larson st
Joseph II. Jordan, lulu W. Cumberland at..
and Roslna. Spraxar. 'JS41 St. Albans at
Titus J. McKwan. 1225 W Ilasurd at., and
Klliabeth A. Fortner. 123 E W.il.na iveT
Illllmar H Johnson. 11147 Larehwood ave., and
Ida. 8. Sabjarson, 2Mtl N rhadwlek st.
. u
. u
, a
, o
Itata ner cent.
Amer Ioco b
Amtr T & T sub 6
Anaconda Cod fl
Argentine uovt...,
Argentine Govt...,
Argentine Govt...,
Argentina Govt.. .,
liaitlmoro & Ohio,
Ualtlmore & Ohio.
Urook Itap Tr
Can I'ac
Chicago Vie
Eria Itallruad
Krlo Itallroad ....
Krle Itallroad
Govt of Bwltter. ,
Govt of Swltzer. ,
Govt of Uwltier. .
Interaat Harvester 0
Lackawanna Steel. 3
Lakp Sh & Mich S S
Lake Sh U Mich S 5
Missouri Pacific... U
N Y Cent alllU
N'Y Cent ft II HI
New York City... u
New York City... U
New York City... O
n r, n ii & ii s
l'enna conv SU
Pub Sir C of N J 5
Sea Air I.lne.,,.. S
Southern Ilwy ... 3
Southern Itwy ,..5
U s Smelt It A M S
Union Typewriter. S
United Fruit O
United Fruit S
Utah tl
July lulS
Apr. 1010
iujr. 1017
Dec. 11)13
Dec. 1U1U
Dec. 1017
May 11)20
June 1017
June 1U18
July luts
Mar. 1021 102'
June iuiu si
Juiy iuiu
April IUIU
Oct. 1013
Apr. 1017
Mar. 1U18
Mar. 1020
Feb. 1013
Mar, 1U17
Sept, 1013
Dec. 1013
Juno 1013
Sept. 1013
Oct. 1013
Sept. 1U13
Bid. Aaked.
101H lOlti
wo. iooS
US4 pI
08$, U8
K 10.114
l)ti4i out,
00( UU4,
W)H oot!
full 07U
Mil 07W
Kent. 1U1H 102tfZlir2!
ept. 1017-104 -lOlfi
May 1015 lOOH-lOO!,
Oct. 1013 Mo'loofJ
JlBr. 111111 IfallU 1 IU1.V
Mar, 1010 00'
Feb. IUIU 10)
Mav 1011 041
June 1018 QQJI 871
Jan. 101U DiiLu li.lt
May 1017 10(-10Z
May 1H1S 08(1 00
April 1017 USJJ-100
Tto8ebank ,
lluelva '. .
City of Dombay
Craater Hall ...
Sheaf made ...
West Point . ..
Chariots .......
Santa Crus ....
Stavangeren ...
loannla Contzta
Spczla ....
Spezla ....
Haona ....
tendon ....
Shields ...
lluelva ....
I.ondon ....
lluelva ....
Calcutta ..
Cristobal ..
London . . .
-...Junn v
....June 2
....June 10
....Juno 10
....Juno 10
....June 12
....Juno l.'l
....Juno 14
....June 14
....Juno 14
....June 14
...June 15
....Juno 13
....June 15
....June 13
...June In
... .Juno 10
Juno 17
Otto Koch
Otto Koch, a retired baker, died yes
terday at his home, 1712 North 25th street,
after being 111 for several years. For a
number of years ho conducted the Koch
bakeries at 21th street nnd Columbia ave
nue. He was a member of St Paul's Lu
theran Church, 22d street and Columbia
avenue. His widow nnd two daughters
survive him. The funeral, to be held Fri
day, will be private.
George Henry Newman
MANASQUAN, N. J., Juno 23.-Gcorge
Henry Nowmon died hero yesterday of
pneumonia, following an Illness of eight
weeks. He was 71 years old. Mr. Now
man, who was the proprietor of nn ex
tensive business In farming Implements,
seeds. and general merchandise, worked
his way from a poor lad, nnd was a
largo property owner in this vicinity and
a director In the Manasquan National
AT.I.AM. On June 21, 1018. THOMAS C.
AM, AM, aged 44 years, formerly of 1'Mla
delphla, at hie late residence, .111) Milburn
ae., Lyndhuret, N. J. Services ft Oliver
It. Hair's funeral parlors, on Thursday, June
24, at 2:30 p. m. Interment private.
Oir.WN. At Cape May, N, JV RICHARD
on of Mary nnd the late nichard Arthlngton
Oltpln. Funeral services at the Church of
tho Ascension, flroad and South ate., at 0:30,
Thursday morning. Interment private.
OOltTON. On June 21, 1015, ADELOS. hug.
band ot Alice E. Potter Gorton, Relatives
nnd friends, also University Lodge, No. 010,
F. nnd A. M are Invited to attend tho
funeral services, on Friday atternoon, nt 3
o'clock, nt hli late residence. Maple- Glen,
Montgomery County, Pa. Carriages will meet
tho 2 02 train from Reading Terminal at
Ambler, and the 2:30 trolley from Chestnut
mil nt nose vauey. inicrmeni privnic.
OltntlO. At her late residence, 1021 Clinton
St., on June 20, 1015, FRANCES 11., widow
uf William II. Gregg, aged 74 years. Funeral
services nnd Interment private.
IIAI.L, On Sixth Month, 23d, 101B. ANNIE
THOMPSON HALL. Relatives and friends
are invited to attend the funeral, on sixth
Day, Sixth Month, 23th, nt 2 p. m from
the residence of her son, Walter Hall, 8 Oak
St., Salem, N. J., without further notice.
Interment private nt Friends' Burial Ground,
Salem. Train leaves Market st. ferry, rhlla
delphla. 12-23 p. m., for Salem.
JAMK9, Suddenly, on Juno 22, 1015, WILL
IAM F. JAMCS. son of the late William G.
and Margaret A. James. Relatives nnd
friends of the family, also Mount Morlah
Lodge, No. 13.1, F. and A. M,; Germantown
Chapter, No. 203, R. A. M. ; Jamea O. Illalne
Council, No. 700. O. of I, A.; Lent Lenapa
Trlbo, No. 8. Improved Order of Red Men,
Philadelphia Fire Department, Firemen's Re
lief Association, Fire Insurance Patrol and
all other organizations of which bo was a
member are respectfully Invited to attend
tho funeral services, on Friday afternoon, 2
o'clock preclsoly, at his into residence. 210.",
Amber st. Interment at Cedar Hill Ceme
tery Automobile runorai.
JOHNSON. On Juno 22. 1915, ERWIN, eon
of the late William Saveory and Sarah Paul
Johnson Funeral services on Friday, the
23th Inst., at bis late residence, Havcrford,
l'a., at 1:30 p. m. Interment private.
KOCH. On June 22. 1015, OTTO KOCH.
Relatives and friends are Invited to call
Friday, June 23. from 7 to 0, at his Into
residence, 1712 N. 23th st. Funeral private,
Saturday. Kindly omit flowers.
OUMROD. At Allentown. Fa,, on Juno 21.
1015, GEORGE ORMROD. Funeral serv
ices at his Into residence,. No, 1227 Hamilton
St., on Friday afternoon, 'at 3 o'clock, which
relatives and friends nro respectfully Invited
to attend without furthur notice. Interment
at the convcnlenco of tho family In Fair
view Cemetery.
TAUSSIG. On Juno 21, 1015, RICHARD A.
TAUSSIG, in his 57th year. Funeral aerv-k-ea
at his late residence, 22S West Willow
Grovo avenue, Chestnut Hill, Thursday after
noon, 24th Inst., at V o'clock. Interment pri
vate. Laurel Hill Cemetery. Please omit
flowcra. Train leaves Broad Strcot Station
for St. Martin's 2:11 p. m.
TURNER. On 22d lnat. HERDERT S
TURNER, at his brotber'a ri,.l,!,np. Uii
Pelham road, son ot tho Into William L. and
Catherine A. Turner. Duo notlco of tho
funeral will bo given,
VANDEIIVOOHT. Suddenly, on June 22
1015. at Chelsea, N. J., KATHARINE BID
DLB VANDERVOORT, daughter of tho late
Peter and Mary Ulddlo Vnndarvonrt. Saw-
Icea at l South '..lontpelier ave., Cholsea. N.
uii i.iursuuy, june i, at 1:45 p. m.
Three Ifisertlons In a week" ' . isiia " l"1?
tlons" in a week". .'. . !?:??. . .""-, 1
THIS SIZE TYPE (or like hi
''."mJ.1 '.?'" A" tlasslfleatlon. ,CJ !?.!M
:i.a"S.ntl0V? wanted. Lost and xvu,i v,"j
oimin, Donrning and Rooms. " "'
One Insertion
n,... .. .. -.,, ,i,,,vn,. R. .a
...irw niac-riiuns in a week.... iTii i' :,nstl
Sejen consecutive Insertions .. is?5 ' 'nil
.Alt rates are based on aAtamif- Per liajfl
11 agate lines to the Inch. measurement,"!
DEATH NOTICES-elther paper-
10 lines, one time ....,,, , J
Thr.. irons ...i::::..:::.....:.::;:,.
uaiur ONI.Y ;
In Effect December 1, t$U.
P.'.an.e & """" -f .renin,
t Add four cents per lin, Mt a , ,m
m.? ,te.l'0?.7 yot
ads at office rates.
iomc that will acccDt di '"uc
. ..ow wanl
3&2jOT.n A-pi"" nrjo-
m ti
VIWl.UIIPR.UaTn a... .
-.,,..-."""":.' " waitrosfl. n .!., ..
Km? lledg fflsdaTat"
llrecommend-ldrgaT.'".?' g j nd
rnnif n : -' L!r"J
J!Sr2?i.i;i.,J'8B'. -i
"' wfc u Q ClOCit.
wtrnotr S77. .
N. Broad at. ThurVHav".'1""' ,S" 5307.'
1 o'clock. ' --"" 'U"o ana.
E?.L.1.cTOR-Hqus to houso and .tn... .:
l. To,,," ssirs&ffyT1" "'ng l 4
STENOGRAPIIER-Young lady who la nr.U ;
accurate In riletatinn, ;?;. ""1 'i.fs.P'..:
...i.u ...:..- .': ,-..wi viio lamui.',-:
mill uuvoriising tictnus; state references ans , 1
salary desired. L, an, Ledgerorn '.""' ,na'3
oiMuuiiAi'iiEii experienced, familiar with
general offlco work; state age, rcf. and S4lar
expected. E 40, Lodger Ofllee. "lr,,
U'lvwn. t i ....
. i. , . "cners wno can dovote soma of
their sparo tlmo to outside educational work!
George llarrle'a Sons. 1111 Walnut at
WANTED-Rcflned, middlo-nged womarTtTaT
f,",,'.,n h"ey?rk and caro of bSbyj mSs
ho neat nnrl w nn tn . .1 J "
merV- V lgg7 ledger Of flee." "f'' ,or 'um'
W'OtlKINO hoUPkpnmr At nnnls. nn..vt.
.! - : aV"7"T.. VZ .wn, LauaUIS QI rl
iiiiii ujiutko 11 required; small farattyi no 3
""""" iiiuinmirocrocit.
250, Led. Dldg..
ITt CTrSaM,.yD; """ "4
Interrnent at 8outh laurel Hill Comotery,
oolriPtrS??0. v1?! WSffiSnAPnOMll
p mi.. iii- 'r. V"."'!?'":. -aii J
,--i.i- . c"" ttl- i-cuKer central it ou ara
looking for a good posltion-sho will assist
5011 In writing an attractive advertisement
liV,4D?A,r.,f5SSJ.lcnc". ,n ,h COMMERCIAL
,. .. ,...., ,.-,. nnu ncip you to locate u
.BeP0,J't',SJh'?...!?...'!i.'J. connSent.,!
----- - uBwa JlulClkllCiD,
Mrs. J. B. Tuttlo
Mrs. J. B. Tuttle, widow of the Rev J
B. Tuttle. a Baptist minister, died yester
day at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
C. B. Richardson, Hyde Park, Cincinnati
Mrs. Tuttle was well known In this city
She died of Injuries received In a fall
several months ago. Mrs. Tuttle'a two
brothers, O. F. Peters and O. E. Peters
head of the Peters Cartridge Company'
reside In Cincinnati. The funeral services
will be held tomorrow.
.Mejlllonea u... June IT
.Rotterdam ....Juno 17
.Hama ..........June is
.Port Antonio ..June 18
Rarry June 18
Steamships to Leave
Name. For.
Leo , Manchester .,
Manchester Miller .....Manchester ..
Algerians. ....London
a-repcruca uinsica itsnii collected
Insurance and Mortgages Placed
Litis on application
202 South 15th Street
2-story semi-detached homes, with 0 rooms
and every modern convenience,
lfujf Be Seen fa If Apmciatttt.
f. & e. aubel m:t:ai
Sample House. B833 N. 18th Street
James J. Goodwin
HAimronD. Conn., June 23.-James J.
Goodwin, aged SO, a cousin and former
business partner of the late J. Plerpont
John Henry "Honus"
Wagner tells fans of a rare
one next Sunday "A
Triple Play on a Pitch
Out." Second of the Wag
ner stories now running
in the Public Ledger's
Dear Miss Dean:
i ?i,v-i .me tor not writing sooner, but
for .lnlr "Weelate ail you havo done
ror me. I went to tho yester
day and I like it very much. Thlrc Is
fj?1.10 learn anl I "hall bo busybut
that Is what I like. And they ira very
nice people to work for,
von r55l!? ,ea"no' frgct all the trouble
K0"."6".1 to ,or mc- ana I hope I shall
l0" kindness. Very truly.
,-1,-ln' Miss M, E. K.
D2S.I?...A-ND ?.?CK UnOKEll. catabUiheal
wno can ,kHrurV.'JSii"e" .cel .'?."! J
. :Si bSS& BW '." .r.ct.yUon1
BlO-l basis. Most favorable nnnnrtnnlli. fni-l
SESi 2 ra.r'!hi.m.t,'. A"-r with refer-
. ..uevI .cnim. iwi.
for manufactur
13. Ledger Orflte.
I30OK1vI:f.ii:ii .Yn.i...
infi u.1" Jeclu'Je1..a.t .ones s,a,e " "
.. ........ vatictru, xi
BOY wanted, about 13
strong for helping in
Apply .127 N. llth at.
yearn old. must be 1
siamea glass shop.
.'X',J.?arAN, wanted for ahlp hulls, out ot '
A .i .," i""cuiars as to cxperienca, ,
nge. nationality, sjlnry, etc M 201, Leditr
i.s,A:,rj P' claea- who underalanda terra
cotta conduit work, wanted: state salary and .
experience. L, 05.V. Lednei- Central. '
MACHINISTS. to: pipentters. three; plpftl
tors' helpers, three; blacksmith, blacksmith's
helper; physical examination required. Apply
10 r. .nderson, at 0 a. m., llarliuon Dtoth
eia A Co . H3th and Qraya Ferry road.
MAN AND WJFE-Engllsh. as butler and cook,
small placf In country; entire charge; 2 ft.
......, invtcmca reuuirea. Aiarcs , u.
uox 1071.
ITiiiiIhisiiii I, t nrfji.ijii IB
tT Wo can furnish structuraljS
'J lumber for a row of bouse M
We can furnish
lumber for a row
or a wharf.
Ship the same day, than
havo enough left to do tba
lame thing over again many,
many timet.
Edward F.Henson& Co,
I'epl St. WlwrvM. rttHa. Ill
ON THE "MTCnTA aWrr'n ttmt:.i
Only 12 Minutes 5c From 69th St. Terminal
a,. ot Market St. Elevated, " "
l otTforWI AiuAWO spacious
If VOU thlnV nf n....V...I . .
ten is constantly imnrbln, ' "
Xlvrv-ir . .1 .- .. .. ...
"l. .,H"1IUI lo nanoie complete line a. m
. ... . . ."... 11,11.1 UO' lltUIW..U
iiiimn.ii- witn t-nuaaelpnia trade; slve pe ,
naav, .
ealarv exneeted; mtiat ho wfrla anaket H
Bood proposition. fr right rarty. L UH '
rlen :,
LedKer Ctntral.
SALESMAN wanted for Camden: aalary ana
commission after proven ability; chance ol
advancement; calling on drug; and confec
tionery trade: to sell scotmlnta. Ask P.
Sayr. care Joreph' Caaanl, S17 N. -d (
f rom R :ao to u-.io a. m.
SALESMEN, agents, with ability and enersyt
to sell q new specialty; quick seller: liberal
commission. Apply, between 10 and 11 a. o,
or 3 and 4 p. m., C21 Heed Jlulldlnc,
SHADP.n-Man experienced la shading paint
.. -w, ..cmcr uiiice.
iVANTED ComDetent man nnA wife. Protes
tants; good cook and working housekeepej
ana butler; at summer homo on New Enjlatu
coast. L 210. Ledger Office.
.-T. if
constantly Improving
prefer) In real estate
8j4 acres of ground with P. R. R. Sidings, corner
of State Road and Magee Street, with a large factory
on ground, that could be improved and used for
manufacturing purposes.
Cheapest Lot of Its Kind in the City
Recently Occupied by Tacony Iron Co.'
Adjoining Disston's Saw1 Works
For ell particulars, phone, writ or apply to
WANTED-A good, all-around foreman csr
penter for out-of.town work; must give ref'
erenees. Apply to 1H16 Thompson at., city
WANTED-Druggist, flrsNclais prescrlptlonUU
p.,u .vKiruieii icuireu, ror aiora in
imrre; good opportunity; give age,
Jence, etc. M 201, Ledger Office.
WANTED Energetic man to purchase me-bB
leal and general supplies for manufacturlag:,
must be experienced In offlco
tine. L 6S3. Ledger Central.
id In office purchasing roll1
cuirm .
guitarist, "experkin-ed
l.th nnt Kfai1- C&M
Dell Pbouei Spruce 31.83
ivey.tonei Hnce a-W
Lenox Road TTnn.0
(Overlooking Golf Links of the Old York Road
vni.njr V1UUI
Ki'iSiHvi&fji:!? saws-
Lenox and Meeting ; jfouig Troada, ThlC J?a4 wJ'wrnJ 2r
. Take Raadinsr Railway . .. . ! 0a
2& JSX-HWw t inoiw Saa-'AS SM JMtaiw8 o
-- .v tuiucr. . -.ii, jiHa Etfiu,.-
VTVT fl OT WTTTT san.n. ......
.i.. vs. xjUAUXHVi ,X1" TITtE BUBO.
-. xvkumeiiA AVE
ft'l '
waktrh tra,.ii.r
-, - .H..H..H., .uiiniitii V11K, I' ."--.
P1"?.1". . A5I1J". Meyer Davis, Bellovue-airst-ford
Hotel Orchestra leader.
W-ANTED-Oenteel lad for July and Augus' f
office; ft. JJMI, Ledger Central.
WANTKDi"gentto sell coal on ctnrmsiloa
for yard, laio Washington ave.
VOUNO MAN In draughting" room. Manui
Training ejhool graduate of this year wim
talent for drawing; glva particular. J
Abuser v enirai.
vuii-r.jrjni- it an to act as stenographer "
, a busy executive: favorabla opportunity for"
u,...u.v..,l luiieai ueiau ot past ','
ence and references required. Apply Mr.
Jamfway. Harrison Dros.' & Co 80O aray"!
Ferry road. 10 to 11 a. m. or S to 4 p n.
VKT "oun nn. over 2, aile j
Chrltllan work, possessing leadership a4
force of character, with good home inj
church connections; permanent and a raal
opportunity, tan promptly 4 pm., II"
Arcn. air Miller.
ll.v. vrtfT Diiu,.i.i
In eecurlng a position or bettering your pre, ;
JtT?Il, ,' .w!' 11 or write Mr HboA
iiilffllS1; t-L f tn booklet ' "PPOB-.
TUSITT' ana ik about tho aucitaaful oa
owaMon glvexi all Ladgr situation rtanteJ
irlMftta"Ueh th ComnwcUl BegUtrr
wUl b matt apt to suioead.
'O daily t oporute moving !
LOllKKICEPBR. oac. biwu
"" . p" aaooassi vouclir
cattrisaaf " '
oi a'
J ilT
Mhih i i q Miestnut .Street
4th Floor
io it en
ii ' """din
uing to lun
T'm J v
1 iiKH n i
"J.utan v. , t) u,