1 12 "" BVENINO- LEDGES-PHILADELPHIA, WlfiUJ "AX' """ TRAVERS DEFEATS MARSTON FOR THE LYNNEWOOD HALL GOLF . . , r- "" . ' JEROME TRAVERS WINS GOLD GOLF CUP TODAY AT NOBLE TOURNAMENT By Defeating Maxwell R. MarBton in Lynncwood Hall Match Gains Per manent Possession o f Trophy. 2 up and 1 to Play NOUU2, Pn., June 2J.-Tlie Inrvcat Bftl-lr- tlint every witnessed n Rolf match In thin city law Jerome D. Trnvcrs, the national open and four-time amateur champion, defeat Maxwell 11, Marston, Jew Jersey amateur champion. In tho final round for the Lynncwood Ilnll cup at the Huntingdon Valley Country Club today. Travers mnrgln was 2 up and 1 to play, although nt one time ho u no lets than 5 up. As Travera won tho Lynnewoori Hall cup, the gift of Mrs. George Wldener, In 1101 and 1908, this makes his third leg. Hence It la now his personal property. Tho match was really won In tho first Ave holes, all of which were captured by Travers In four figures. Harmon's putting was a. bit uncertain and tho best ho could jet on them was one over par. He found his form In the Bixtli and won it with a "bird" three, and following halves In the 7th and 8th, In par, ha won the 9th when Jerry's second went out of bounds. A brllllons 20-foot, down-hill putt for it two won the 10th holo for Marston and by reason of a better second shot ho won the 11th, so Travers' lead was then but ona up. Marston holed another good putt on the 12th for a half In threa. but after hitting a treo with his second tn the Uth, he lost the hole and was 2 down. Although n hal fin putt four resulted In the lltn, Travers won the 15th by getting down from 10 feet for a "bird." Ho was then dormle three, and Marston Btlll lighting won the long 16th with a six to a. seven, Travers driving Into tho stream. Marston had a slim chance to win tho 17th, but ho needed to' holo a "0-foot putt for a three, and when he missed by but, b. few Inches the match went to Travers. Tho cards: Travers Out Marston Out Travers In 4 3 5 4 3 4 o 5 639 S 4 8 S 4 3 B 4-41 3B344374 Marston In 2 4 3 6 4 4 6 4 Travers wo oven with par to the 9th, whore he took a six and reached tho turn In two over par, whlla Marston was out In four over. On tho eight holts com ing home Travers nnd Marston were both two strokes over par. Only two of the flrst nine holes In the match between Trnvers and Doctor Nelf fer were halved. These were the flrst nnd second, the first In fives and the sec ond In thices. Travers Rained the lead In the third and lost It In the fourth. A nice jigger shot and two putts gavo Jerry a throe on the fifth and the lead. A scream ing drive and well-played Iron followed by a perfect approach put Travers within a foot of the seventh hols, and he won It with a "bird" four. He was then three up, having won tho sixth with a four to five. He got another four to another flvo on the eighth and was four up, but Doc tor Nlcrter reduced tho lead to three at the turn, whnn Trnvnra ttAir n... Bounds. Even so, Jerry almost got a half. ft 25-foot putt for a four, hitting the back of the cup and Jumping out. Halves In three and four followed and after Trnv. ers hod made a nhenomonal shot out of o bunker off tho JIth green ho took three putts and lost tho holo, ,.. P01"'"' half In four resulted In tho llth, and when Jerry copped the next two holes In fours to fives he won tho match. His four In the 15th was quite remarka ble. His teo shot rested In the bank ot the stream, below the level of the ground yet h landed his second of the green and W0.1 ""J101"' Dor Nleffer taking three putts. The cards: Travers, out i ilill H Dr. Nleffer, out.. BS6B4B7B Travers, In 3 4 S 4 4 4 Ur, NMffer, In... 3 4 4 4 6 5 5-33 4-il The only other golfer who has won this vnt three times Is H. B. McFarland. He won In 1903, wi and 1905, while Tra 'I.t.cur, h1" two ,e"s I" 130 and in the semifinals of the second 18 Sidney Bharwood defeated II. H. Krancln 2 and 1. ou c,:' a same margin SL3E3 flSSW Cr,c,et c,Sb- s vinaT aixTKB.v , Semifinal Hound.. llit5tiiWv"nn7. Bjltuarol. defaaiad nichsrd 01t, II, , C. C. U up and i to play """ HECOND SIXTEEN i k.. BnWnal Hound. .iV,f r?.,V,.!.W.'!. ' .riuudsipjii' uVtcktt Club, dlfwl, ''nV,: ".. l:? "". iwnoids. Wovtiburv vDunirjr viuu, s up and i i0 D.y. T1IHID SIXTEEN oaminnal Round. iom, won from Wllnoa rjm Wllapa by default, tstad 1, b. up. l .M, uy &Wl Jamaica Race Entries for Tomorrow's Meeting V -ii n l?aUtfr . B?.TJlUn?t ! 0Vi"r, 31X1, Zjldy Atkln. 111 V iinuu. iat iii.; i". S1' Atkln, lie, Vlumeaa, JWMk. ."JC Utah llnna tin, nl.it ,i ...iT ljnn. f3 I Jmim Ksnna Hs' BrlomvaU, JOTr HII of tha HltchHi. Mi Ulvan. iAi. ,r and 110. HeMrfctu, 103; tovoisnd. jffr. Paten. i.Plr,i. "?. '"-. -W-Mt and up. 0 fur. SUiji ra,for l-ytar-oMn and up, aaillag, JJ4 mUa-Or In Krlup, lip. Jd RltlSjUi. UW IuUat. I9i AowiflT III. Whiiu, ST. ipMntl aUewa,aa iro.l. WaathK wW aa4 wtndyt trak fast. i Flflb raca, far 4.yar-oId and up. wIllnK- I OHO-OHO I If WASSA ) ' T- -- MATT&l-y PHILLIES WIN IN . ELEVENTH ROUND Continued from l'e One over first Hjrne singled to center, scor ing llaticroft. Nlehoffs pop fouled to Merklo. Cr.ivoth singled to left centre, Hrrne reaching third. Ludcrus bounded to Doyle, and llyrne was out at the plate, Doyle to Meyers, Crnvath taking sec ond. Lobert threw out Hooker. Ona run, two hlls. ono error. Snodgtass dtow n pass. Ixhert forced Snodgrass and was doubled, Klohoff to Unncjoft to Luderus, N'lcliofr fan back In short centre antl got Doyle's flj No runs, no hits, no errors. HKCOND INNING. Whlttcd popped out to Doylo. Snod grnss made a great running rntch ot Klllefer's fly. Doylo and Markle retired Chalmers, No runs, no hits, no errors. Hums out, Byrne to Luderus. Nlehoff nnd Luderus retired Fletcher. IJobcrl son beat nut a bunt. Merklo singled to deep right nnd Hobertion tried to score from first, but was out at tho plate on n fast relay. Crnvath to Nlehoff to Kllle for. No runs, two hits, no errors, THIRD INNING. Bancroft walked. Byrne forced Ban croft nnd was doubled. Flotchcr to Dojle to Merltle. Nlehoff popped to Meyers tn front of tho plalr. No runs, no hlls, no errors. Meyers tiled out to Becker. Tesrcnu lifted to Nlehoff In short right. Snod- grnss struck out. No runs, no lilts, no errors. KOUItTH INNINO. Crnvath drew a baso on balls. Luderus fanned. Becker filed out to Ilobertson. Whltted forced Crnvath nt second, Fletcher to Dovlc. No runs, no hlls, no errors. Lob-rt wnlked. Doyle filed to Becker. Lobert out stealing, Klllefcr to Nlehoff. Burns called out on strikes. No runs, no hits, no errors. FIFTH INNING ' Klllefcr singled to left. Chalmers at tempted to sacrifice and popped a bunt to Lobert, who was playing cloic In. Bancroft popped up to Fletcher. Byrne lifted to Burns. No runs, one hit, no errors. Whlttcd was tinder Fletcher!) long lly. Bancroft ran back on tho green and pulled In Robertson's fly. Becker robbed Merklc of a hit by a great catch. No runs, no hits, no errors. SIXTH INNING. Nlehoff opened with n single to right. Cravnth forced Nlehoff nnd was doubled, Doylo to Fletcher to Morltlc. Doylo tossed out Luderus. No runs, one hit, no errors. Klllofer ran out to the box nnd took caro of Meyer's pop-up. Terrcnn wan parsed on four pitched balls. Snodgrnsa lifted to Whltted. Tosrenu went to second on a wild pitch. AVhlttcd got Lobcrt'o fly. No runs, no hits, no errors. SEVENTH INNING. Becker popped out to Lobert. Whltted was called out on strikes. Lobert throw out Klllefcr on a fast play. No runs, no hits, no errors. Doyle filed to Crnvath. Bancroft threw out Burns Fletcher smashed a single to centre. Robertson bent out a bunt, nnd Fletcher went around to third, when Chalmers threw wild over flrst with no ono covering tho bag. Crnvath made a most romarkablo one-hand catch of SIcrkle's Btnnsh near tho right field line. No runs, two hits, ono error. EIGHTH INNING. Tcsrenu tossed out Chalmers. Bancroft fouled to Lobert. Byrno lifted to Fletch er in short left. No runs, no hits, no errors. Meyers opened with a single to right. Murrny batted for Tesreau. Smith ran for Meyers. Murray walked on four straight balls. Snodgrass sacrificed, Luderus to Nlehoff. who covered flrst. Lobert hit to Bancroft and Smith was out nt tho plate, Bancroft to Klllefcr. Murrny going to third. Murray and Lobert worked a double steal, Murray scoring with tho tlelng run, Lobert go ing to second. Nlehoff threw out Doyle. One run, one hit, no errors. NINTH INNINO. Perrltt and Smith now battery for New York. Nlehoff lifted to Snodgrnss In deep centre. I'errltt tossed out Crnvath. Lu dorus singled to right. Becker singled past first, but when Ludcrus tried to reach third ho wa3 thrown out, Merklo to Lobert. No runs, two hits, no on-ors. Burns singled to left. Fletcher bunted In fiont of the plate, nnd Burns was forced at second Klllefer to Bancroft. Ilobertson tiled out to Whltted In deep centre. Fletcher died stealing, Klllefer to Bancroft. No runs, one hit, no errors. TENTH INNNING. Whltted led off with a double down the left field foul lino. Klllefer sacrificed, Perrltt to Merkle. Eddlo Burns batted for Chalmers and Btruck out. Perrltt tosied out Bancroft. No runs, ono hit, no errors. Mayer now pitching for Phillies. Merkle struck out. So did Smith. Perrltt popped to Mayer. No runs, no hits, no errors. TWO PHUADELPHIANS WIN IN FOURTH ROUND L, C. Wister and J, R. Rowland Tennis Match Victors at Wil mington Affair. WILMINGTON, Del,, Juno M.-Excel-lent progress was made In the third day's play tor tho Delaware Btate lawn tennis championship at the Wilmington Country Club today. Two players to reach the fourth round represented Philadelphia, elubp, and the favorites again rule su preme. Joe Armstrong, Pennsylvania State champion, defeated J, Keefe, of Cynwyd, in two sets, 6.2, fi-2, and then played J. 8. Ulsston. Jr.. of PhllatUlphla Cricket Club. Two Wilmington players to advance were '0. J. Oauae, who defeated Lieutenant n. Coyle, 6-1. 8-1. and L A. D Cazenove, Jr., Wilmington, who defeated Byard It. Kraft, lladdondeld, 6-1, 7-9, 6-3. Plrat nound. and. Wllinlniton. by default. Second nound. UV-", T .IW t' "t- 'wriioa ana n.f. Lukeos. WfimlRilen Ceiintry CSub, UJ, EVENING - nnvt a Uft'HUI; WHY Brooko BdvfBrdj, Mfrlon, and Waltar Scliarta, WITHIN ME, WHICH MtAST NER- EVENINO r.ninnttn-imTT.AnttT.PHIA. WBDWBBDAY JUWB FIRST OTTAWA SPRINT GOES TO CORN BROOM Lady Spendthrift, tho Other Favorite, Gets Place, and Our Mabelle Shows. CONNAUGHT PARK, Ottawa, Can., June 23. Corn Broom and Lady Spend thrift, two speedy animals and the favor ites In the opening race hero this after noon, hnd n duel to the wire, the former winning over the mllo route In I'M- Jockey Collins hnd the mount on the win ner nnd McAteo on the place horse. Our Mabelle, a 40 to 1 shot, got the show, The summaries: rttat race, for 3-year-oMa. and up, purie 400, Canadian foaled, mile Corn tlroom, ll). Colllnn, tl to It, 2 to I toS. on, Lad) Spendthrift, en, McAtte, .1 to 2, S to ft. 1 to n, Kocondi Our Xtabtlle, Ml, t-'oopfr, 40 to 1, lit to t. 0 to 1, third. Time, IN.!. Duke of ( hMter, Sukle, llnnnn Jean, Menu II and Mauaolrua aleo ran. St-rond rare, purae MOO. for 2-yenr-oldt, 8 fuilongv I'lill Vwtnr, til. lutna, 1 to 'i, J In It mil. unn flnHa. tilt Mn.ffn. 11 la R. I to 2, out, aetond; Cincinnati. 111. Smth. B to I. men, out. ttilid Tlm, t'O'l 2-8. Itublfax, vnpro, Joo Ittrnateln alao ran. Third rnc, t00. for a.jcnr-olds nnd up, selling. D turlongn Leiolt, 11.1, Mr Alee, 4 to 3. 8 tn fi, 7 to tti, wnn; Ilrandywlne, 111. Afton, itlnl, l to 2. 1 to 0, aecond, Better ton. 102, Vandunen, 7 In I, ft to I, 0 to .1, third Time, t 1(1. Knjderoneroa, luchaaMb ble, Itidlnnd, rrontler and Oold Cap also tnn. 1'ourth rnre Clmlenu Lnurler llandlcnit, nunc 1000, .l-ynr-olrtu, I I-in mllea fountain ray, 101, 6mth, il to J, T to ft. out, on, ivitigie), i!H, urnneuy. i to o, i 10 t, oui, rerond. Tnctles. Inn. Onert. 4 to 1, oven, out third Time, 140 20, Clirr Haven atlfl rnn. I'lflh Mio. .1-jenr-olda and up. JflOO added, felling, ,Vi furlonxa-I.elloh.i. 100 Dorid, 1.1 to 1, ." to I, 2 to I, won, Patience, list. Action, ." to 2. tn, 1 to 2 icconil, J. II. Unrr, 10T, Wolatrnhnlm, 40 to I, 10 tn t. .1 to 1, third. Time, 1.CM-." Mama Johnnon. Lambs Tall, Cormack and nonemary. also ran. Sixth race, pumo f200 for 3-year.nlila nnd up. selling, mllo nnd 50 yards Lady Splrl tuelle, n.l, Mc.Mee, .1 tn 1, II tn R. .1 tn C, uon, Lucky Uenrge, 104, Mcelinn, ft tn 2, 4 to 3, 2 to fl, second ; Weynnoke. 107. Hart wall. IK to 1, 4 to 1. 2 to 1, third. Time, 1:44 1-R. Mrs McDuquenne, Cogs, Voladny, Jr. and Mlldny ulsn rnn. HAAS WILDER THAN THE MARCH HARE Continued from 1'nee One Bauman, forclnf; Lapp. Oldrlnp stole second. Mclnnts lined to High. No runs, two hits, no errors. SECOND INNING. Cree filed to Strunk. Hnrtzell singled to centre. Ilnuman out, Malone to Mcln nlH. Nuamnkcr singled to right, scoring Hnrtzell and went to second on tho thtow In. Wnrhop walked. Nuamaker stolo third. High walked. Pccklnpaugh struck out. Ono run, two hits, no errors. Conway filed to Pecklnpaugh. Malone filed to Crec. MalBcl throw out Kopf. No runs, no hits, no errors. THIIID INNING. Kopf threw out Mnlsol. 'Mullen filed to Kopf. Cree walked. Ho was caught napping off first and was retired, Haas to Mclnnls to Kopf. No runs, no hits, no errors. Hnruell picked up Haas' fly oft the left field bleachers. Walsh beat out an infield hit. Strunk tripled to the right Held fence1 and Walsh scored. Lapp singled over second, scoring Strunk. Pccklnpaugh throw out Oldrlng. Mc lnnls beat out an infield hit, Lapp going to third. Mnlsel tossed out Conway. Two runs, four hits, no errors. FOURTH INNING. Hartzell walked. Dauman walked. Nun amaker forced Hartzell, Haas to, Con way. Sauman atolo third. Warhop hit to Conway, who threw post Lapp trying to get Ilauman. who scored. Lapp then tried to catch Nunnmakcr at third and threw Into left field, Nunamalcor scor ing, while Warhop went to second. War hop took third on a wild pitch. High walked for the third consecutive time. Kopf threw out Pccklnpaugh, Warhop scoring. Kopf also throw out Malsel. Thrco runs, no hits, two errors. Malone singled to left. Baumau mado a beautiful catch of Kopf'a fly. Haas hied to Pccklnpaugh, v.-ho doubled up Malone oft Hist. No runs, ono hit, no errors. KIFT1I INNING.. Mullen struck out Cree walked. Mn lono throw out Hartzell. Bnuman beat out an Infield hit to Mnlone. Nunamnker walked, tilling tho bases. Warhop wnlked, forcing Creo across tho plate. Hlnh sin gled to right, scoring Bauman. But Sttunk's throw to Conway retired Warhop before Nunamaker crossed the plate. Two runs, two hits, no errors. Bauman nnd Mullen retired Walsh. Strunk want out the same way. Warhop thtew out Lapp. No runs, no hits, no errors. WOODLAND CAR TRAM DEFEATS GERMANTOWN 13-5 TODAY Finnlly Wins Gamo After" Dropping Three Successive Ones in League, The Woodland team, after dropping three straight games In tho Philadelphia Ilapld Transit League during the last few weeks, took a decided brace this morning and swamped Germantown 13 to 5. Tha game was played at the old Bel mont Cricket Club grounds, 13th street and Chester avenue. Brlttlngham, ot the victors, allowed five hits In eight Innings, and then Meyer ro. lleved him. During the flrst four Innings Brlttlngham held the Germantown scoreless and hltless. Three runs were, batted off his delivery In the fifth Inning, Thomas, catcher of the winning ag gregatlon, hit the ball for a double nnd three singles, scoring three runs. Lefty Ttelch pitched good ball for Ger mantown, but his support was wy poor. He struck out 10 Woodland bftttera and gave three bases on bUs. aanMANTovvN. woodland. rnoae rhoaa MahtHUb.... 0 6 o 0 u KrafLef... .joiuii ncuer,i'i).... o 0 z a i rord.ft,,.,. l t a a i ! raaton.c,3b. 0 0 V u i Lawler,.. . 2 0 I 3 u luich.p..... J a o a 1 Thomaa.c. . a 4 u a i lUynofds.cf.e 0 1 0 il Crant .lb.,,. 2 210 V o Kttiaim'f.lf.. I i o 0 u Oraar.ab i I a 2 u lloberta.lb..., 8 I 0 t) 1 O'Laary.lf,., 110 0 0 Maybcrry.o., 6 0 i i I Bcott.rf. ..... 0 0 10 0 lfcinahua.aa,. 10 14 0 Ilrlt'sham.p. 1 2 2 4 u Drver.rf I u i u u liosartli.ia., 0 0 u.0 0 Smlth.Sb 0 1 O 0 U Muyer.p . 0 0 O 0 u Totals BU2411H Totala .U l2 2Tiaa All n a peimtntown o o o o a Woodland 44 01 IB 00 x-3 Two-baae hlta-Creaae. Greer. Ftord, Kalcp, Itaynolda. Sacrifte hlt Itoberta. Kraft. Flrit Imtc on balU Off Ilrlttlniham. 0; on lUieh, si off Mayer, 1. Htruak ou!-Hy Brittlnsbam,' by Itefth, 10; by Maier, I. Stolen baaeaU Sraar, niialmmana, Tbomaa (2), FVinl, KrM, fVl.tary. lulcb. Lawler. lilt by pitched bal& Ifth ,.I??W Itey-Wrlltlnshin? and I CrSaT lUlk Orlttlngbam. Umpire Kirk. LISDGER MOVIESALL THEY NEED, LOUIE, IS A 5 A BASbTRUN L-IKE THE PHANCING" AR- PAfAMiS YOUTH HURLS REMARKABLE GAME TtB r aaaJtSBH aJaaaUr iV aaaaaaaH Hi ii Kr aaaaaaKSl fc HbT We rvffibttibx tmm i w? T-.SU m Mamml ml JFsjM 4m LITTLE DIPPER FIRST AT JAMAICA COURSE Fairbrother Gets Credit for Piloting Winner Sprint, Favored, Sadly Lacking. JAMAICA, N. Y., June 25. Little Dipper, with Fairbrother In tho saddle, won the first rnco hero this after noon after a thrilling finish with Favour, a 4-to-l shot, ridden by Jockey Steward. Show money went to Edith Baumann. The time of the five furlongs was 1:01 4-5. Sprint, tho John E. Madden bay filly, was picked by all tho experts to win this race, but ahe fell far short of expecta tions. Sprint, Henry, Jr., and Golden Gate also rnn. The summary: FIrat lace, for nilleu and geldlnga, 2-year-olds, $100 added, S lurlonm Utile Dipper, ins, Fairbrother, 11 to n, 4 to .1. 1 to 3, won; Faour, 100. Steward. 4 to 1. 7 to B, .1 to B, en;ond, Edith Baumann, 110. Trailer, 8 to 1. 3 to 2, even, third. Time. 1.01 4-fl. sprint, Henry. Jr , and dotden Oaia nieo ran. Second race, .1-jcar-olda, 0 furlongi Car laverock, 102, McTaKKart, T to 2, 7 to 5, .1 to 5, won, Hvelyn C., tiT, Lilly, R to 2, ewn. 1 to 2, aerond; Gammon, 104, Hoffman, M to 1. 8 to 1, 4 to 1. third. Time, 1 14 4-5. Heat lllb anil Tucker, OalniborouKh, Lights Out, EserlH, Lou Uluo and Dolly Madlaon alao ran. Third rare, n-year-olda. selling, puree 1400, a furlonga Ethan Allen, 101, McCahey. 16 to 8, 0 to 10, 1 to 3, won; Outlook, 07, Lilly, even, 2 to A, cut, aacondi Illnah Do, 107. Hopkins. ft to 2, 3 to fi, 11 to 20. third. Time, 1:15. Hiker, Slnal jinil Ooodnood also ran. Fourth race, the King's Cup, $1500 added, ','. n;yr-olrti. nnd un. 1 1-1)1 mllea Stromboll, ?',:.l'.ufon'.1 ,0 ' out' o"t, won; Hurprla Ing, 111... 1 luce tin. 13 to 1. 8 to S, out, eecond; C'hnrleatonlan. 10.1, McCahey, 8 to 1. 1 to 3. out, third Time, l:4a. Only threa starters. ifi!1?, -7-ysar-nJda and up, selllnir. purse ,! Vw furlongs Fenmous. 05, McKenvar. Tin10 n,.vc,l4 M0 - woni Plantagenei. 102, 'V '"?. Matthews. 10 to 0. B to fl. a to S. H. 7,m,''',:0T-..Cuixt- Charley MeFarran. S?ami- w VanSrh Mr' pee"' ?'hew- Woodfalr. Mamie K and tlronx Queen also ran ai&u,!'1 rcf., maiden .l-year-olds and up, IO0 fS?Md'. a. .1,,t.. """ AM Smiles. 10., Fair K0ih01; 7 W' 1ut' 'woni Colnt loT. Lllley. 2 to 1, u to 20. out, lecondi Yoi ales, 105, Mc- Y,iyn "tf". 1- T '...5' l t - t"M Time. i IJ'l 1'rlrr.ary, la McQIgnIa and Ell C. Alio rBll. WELSH AND WHITE MATCHED Two Lirrhtweights Will Box Brighton Beach July 3. at NEW TOniC. Juno 23. Freddie Welsh, the world's lightweight champion, and Charley White, the hardest-hitting fighter In ths world, have at last been matched. Beveral days ago Whlto Issued an ulti matum to Welsh nnd said In plain lan guage, that Welsh feared tha Issue. Na irotlatlona were at oneo opened, and tha match was closed last night The Light Gar Luxurious The Economical Working Mate for the Costly Bie Car rully Ita equal In refinement, reliability and mechanical rf.tion .... fraction of tha cost to purohaao and maintain. A n.c.sahy .th.Cil,Hi'UiV. trips of tha big car owner. JTTB. Fully BqulpAd. ? o h r.J?oi.lndiV,d., ' about Edition ot the $3000 Car, i"PPa, l. o. b., Detroit, A run- Ono Pemanstratlon Vtw Krery Aaaartion GEO.W.REINBOLDCO. 2419 North Broad Street DISTHIUUTOU WORLD- PRODbiftUi Mlnot Crowoll, tho Brown University nthloto, donned an . Athletic uniform this after noon nnd pitched his flrst ma jor league game Crowoll, though bcaten,3 to 2, by tho Yankees, allowed but three hits in 10 inning. NIP AND TUCK RACE FEATURE AT LATONIA Syrian and Prospect, Long Shots, Nose Out Favorite, Beach Comber, in First Race. LATONIA, Ky., Juno 23. Syrlnn, a long shot, won the mllo nnd 70 ynrds race hero today, after a nlp-and-tuck race with Prospect, nnother long horse. Tho favorite. Beach Comber, was third. The rnco was run In 1:45 3-5. The summaries: First race, mnldcna. 1 mllo and 70 yards Syrian, 102. OrlfTln. 117.60. flO.10, $(1.00, won: Prospect, lit, Domlnlck. 122 20. 9. second: Mearh, Combtr, 117. Gam, W.no. third. Time, l:4i:t-u. niislla. Tencr, Blr William, Wads worth's Lost, Nolseleas. Wlilto Metal, Bcau tlfler, Oda May, Cotton Top also ran. Second race, selling, ,1-yenr-olds and up. (1 fnrlonss Joe rtoscnfeld, 10.1, Garner. J.1.30, 12.70, 12.40, won. Rio Drazos. 10.1, O'lirlen. $..ao, f10. second; Gabrlo. 10fl. Gentry, 12.IX), third. Time. I'll. Alkonet, Etholda, Alston and Chilton Kins also ran. .Third race, 2-year-old miles. 5 furlongs Jacobs, 10S. Taylor. 17.00. 13.EO. $2.00. won: Cardome, 102, Gently. $3.20, $2.30. second: Motile j;illott. 102, Garner, 13. third. Time, ldXin-X Gipsy nlalr and Margaret N. also ran. 50-MILE MOTOR-PACED RACE AT POINT BREEZE TOMORROW Carman, Dldior, Bedoll and Walthour in Feature Contest. Qeorge Carman, American champion, whoso sensational riding in his last two races In this city has won tho admiration of thousands of bicycle fans, will be put to a supreme test on Thursday night, when he will bo pitted against threa of the most noted long-distance paco fol lowers at the Point Breeze Park Motor drome In a special CO-mllo motor-pased race "I haven't had n FLAT THUS In months" 1VJIYT Seals Punctures, Preserves Ilubher. We Funrantee and stand back ot rvery nole. TIRE SEAL SALES CORP. 12 N. 2Ut St., Phila. Locust 4050 Itaee 1S7T AMERICAN UJAOTJE Basoball Today Two Gamei SHIBEPARK ATHLETICS vs. NEW YORK JTIIIST OA5IK CALLED AT HIS J, M. 19 lellDlAmnni1 1ARa Keystone fiub 4s A LITTLE OF THILDALLO? yONtCHA,frl7vlWE'L(- THSp -. I H.rAUc Lt- ,, . 88. 1915. ""' "' CUP - OTHER I sinrumr r nt a wncf CROWELL MAKES Comuau Does Some Neat Coaching on Side Lincs-JOnhi Fmll . . .. ti...t.i. rr - oi..';... n-..t. . " U,6I Uroiua sees uouvwn.vuu.vr ut. uuiuv rurK stuffy Mctnnis Pulls Off a Few Circus Stunts. The Machine did thtver cU mtiny t guiver, They icanfett io fcitow eouM you tti? CroeU deliver Todav iohen began the ftofn 6III tolli the tirij; Whereat ihe iroung Crotoell ieent ttp and tild goicell, in teuton the nrt he mott turelv did anotoelit II e tennis fo remain in ihe Major league ranks. By BLEECHER SHIUD PAHIC, June M.-Tho first ball over pitched by Mlnot Crowell, erstwhile student of Brown, In tho biff push was a strike. So was tho second, and behold, a no,w youngster was started on n career thnt may develop him "into a second llubo AVaddell or send lilm to tho bush In a week. Old timers who watched tho youth warm up paid the tlnw worn tribute that has always been paid to Connlo Mack he know something meaning; In this par ticular Instance, Mister McCJIlllcuddy. Crowoll also known something;, appar ently, lie fanned Plpp In tho start of tho second Inning, -nnd When ho camo to the bat In tha Mackmen's Imlf of tho same eersion, the fans gave him tho grnnd old rnlly howl of greeting;, Ot course, whon he gets clubbed nil over tho field, as ho will, some day, llko tho best of them, the fans will roast him to a finish, but thnt la part of tho (fame. Just to show tho rabid students of tha dopo how good Crowell looked, It may bo mentioned that It took tho Yankees flvo Innings to got their first hit. Un fortunately a man had walk'ed and ho scored on tho hit. Tho outstanding feature of tho flrst game was the coaching of Conway, who will bo remembered ns a big league third baseman of two days' experience, having broken Into the gnmo last Saturday. Ho kept up a running fire of encouragemont, directed mainly at Crowell. Dut Just to show ho was not Impartial ho yolled, "That's tho way, Stuffy, old boy," when MclnncSt a young flrBt baseman of boitvj promise, mado a nice catch. Conway should make good, If tho old pop counts for anything. He keeps talk ing all tho time, and hla gestures are somothlng absolutely now to a Mackmnn. If ho keeps It up, nnd doesn't mako any errors, nnd hits about .460, nnd tries linrd, ho'll mako good, to speak conservatively. It seems unfnlr to tell ot It when n young man la trying so hard to bo a peppery major leaguer, but the front name of Mister Conway Is Sylvester. In the sixth inning today Conway rnn. In for n bunt and got his man nt llrat, Crec was Just going In to second whon ho saw thnt third baso was unprotected and ho kept on going. Sylvester ran back for Mclnnls' throw and fell down taking It, but he crawled up on all fours nnd tagged Cree on tho wrist Quito forcibly. Creo was naturnlly Indignant nnd tried to mako the Ump think ho was safe, whereat Sylvester turned on him with a mocking laugh and shouted in Jnwn McfJraw tones, "Get out, get out." Creo, it may bo noted, got. All hut two sections of the sun bleachers vere filled when play started for tho first Preferred All TIDE pjysjfeprs' I RUGGED TREAD Careful tire buyers have found out that the Kucced uu, rugeea projecUons, grip the elippery roadway from every angle. Philadelphia Branch and Service Station 707 No. II road St. (l L JuJl SSISEErsiEraragEiSEJEEisjajsra I ATTENTI iithor hie, y Patant Appjioj for. atithorltie . , ,.rm r. ;...i.t . , y, ,!, SPORTS nnnn owin new! -J GOOD SHOWING ON MOUND FOR ATHLETIC HHiiic. Aim weamer was a ,ia, Jl ovlnir to n strono 1.m.a .j , . ""' 3 .,.. A H.t. . It time In several days tho fn.uA1 coats on. "" The MnOkmcrt cornlled a twn.e, . 1 in tho first session by ntatlV "ffiJ'SS the pill at opportune moments ii 31 tho third tha Donovan Yank. ork ' on a wild ollch. Crowell ,..-!. .rM ! pass to Bauman. ' "u K Tha fans got nil wound up In th rJ when It went Into the tenth InninS that time the Yanks hC I seou & I aJil hit, but they sot two In thiT i!..?."! mostly of the scratoh variety, n. m 5 1 hitting brigade waa called Into'tWJ lino of trenches by General Mack in nfi tenth. Murphy, In Conway. ,.. 1 oi do nothing, sehnng went In for S nnd fanned nnd Mow York had I th !m ball gnmo 1 to 1 It was a har, t.4 for Crowell to lose. x aw Bim "What," asked several fans, befot, tk. I start of tho second game, ''has ifai.J s Would you say Haas has anvthln.i I. J shall Haas get ha ha's for whit : lis., nu t At which juncture Mr. Ham, jMe ... Worcester, started to warm up hli i.ffl wing and showed In practice that Haiti has speed, anyhow. He ought to hvl It. being built llko a locomotive. e.ii.T1 with broad shoulders and mnn-slia chi.i 3 """ " " i.uiiu game. CLEARVIEW OUN CLUB PLANS BIG TARGET SHOOT SATURDAY O. F. I'yro Kerry, secretary of th. Cloarvlcw Gunning Club. Darhv. h.. ... ranged a special handicap prlio ihoot? for this Saturday. A gold watch will ba - inu puiu. iuu jjiuisrum cans for 1M targota, to bo shot at In events of 25. Tot entrance, tl.23, Includes the coat of tar. Bum, iTiws win also do awarded to runner-up and low Bcore. Th.. rnnl iilinnM ntlrnl .Mh. .. , to tho Darby traps. The grounds of th H orgnntzntlon Ilo high, overlooking a Val- ley, which should aid greatly in mikior i good scores. Preparations are under war for handling a big crowd. J Soft COLLARS,. Of White Pique or Itqpp, or plla Mull. Very superior in fit and wear. It pays to ask for Arnrwi, , 2 for 25c CLUETT, TEABODY & CO.. IK& MAKKM Over America Arrow . ism h RAL ON, AUTOMOBILISTS! &mfaw(? NON GLARE SAFETY LENSES an-'l. '? G"" Au,n,' Hoadllglit it rr he S.ny Jcvice that' maintains the rpad lighting efficiency of the headlights. 4: E UOHT WITHOUT THE GLARE aPprovei by the Nqw Jersey State M vu(i.j.iBs wnn nc rairmguiii tU-i glg Ar(h SlrM A, tUME nirr . a,.'. ouMn third i -.... ti" -" -i ' -- r uCLl, s " ' ' '--- t L ?"W, LgTTIP COHC. H " C 1 5UN -T KNOW? 0.rTej I WILL ) f Q-0 ' "T nt: WWOU5 AM0JlX737p V S M-i VJ VJILUnu&hten J Un.) Jgr home r- I ambonc' J F4 ' " " Tn rrmnrrn m nrii - i i . ..i ''L, '""""' i J "sT"! V7 r '""""i 'i. ii iujh t . I a yj i