IfjSE IN RAILROADS; ffAR SHARES SAGGED Jetting of Panhnndle Divi dends Offset by Usual Decla rations by Other Companies. ttf YOBK, June a. It was ngnln gfo the rallrona snares to mrnisii ins thltt Of trfiainK on mo oiuck cxcuungu WhllO mu iiiuuon nito, ur uiu nu "war stocks," were rclegnted to ekefound, for the rnoment at least. Senxnts In tho railroad group, nsldo fitlstA, eelllnff at tho lowest point H WBS put Ull " iv ir uem. uivmcnu down 2V4 points at 117,. were all iljher levols. Tho "war stocks," ssh thev wcro ino raosi active, were BSffltil to seek lower prices. Therefore. I&gctlon of tho railroad Issues held tho fcfrWt from a senoral reaction. m'i'hm been the custom hero of late, PSfistlr during tho last week, the mar- ital'ted off with a show of strength .round and trading was active. This tnot of a lasting quality, however, wore the session was very old quite i Amount of selling appeared. This t . lit.. atiaAllhfill AM M HtM. llllk let ftfi Jiltd tho effect of dropping values. EZ&. ..,1 .. f jtrntmrt. Intn Itin l.nH.1H .. M 1)111 U ,.."w0 .... ."U .l"lU Ul f-luatro-German armlos may or mav Ihvo been responsible for the selling rmnt. but tho chances nre that It (Si sot to any great extent, qb tho cap kin of the town had been expected, and feerefore It was discounted In largo 'gtiiure. To offset the dofcat of the Ilus WKs at Litabcrg tho French announced aficsbturo of Sondernach, which Is con 'Wtred rathor Important In tho present hfcf, of the Frcncn. it would seem Bwi probable that tho liquidating movc- f" it was Drought, nooui oy tlio selling American securities from abroad, itlpslly by English holders, both for ilf:purpo.io of strengthening the for jfa exchange market and with the ob Ct of taking up some of tho new war jcTn. Foreign soiling has been drlb Uit Into quite a largo amount in tlm lot (ew days. Bj mention somo of tho movements of Si Heading, Lehigh Valley and Dela W, Lackawanna and Western, or tho folcn, were tho most prominent. Lack iHona, which advanced 8 points In yes Jriy' trading, scored a further gain rfjj points today. Thero now seems to IT well-defined opinion In tho rank and ! of traders that In tho separation of Si coal company from tho railroad com (iny, as ordered by tho United States Su fitoe Court, a substantial melon will bo tSLThls argument was also used on Seidlnj, against which a Government nit trait suit Is now nemllnc. tlm nnin. ffibtlng expressed that In tho event of rilcWry for tho Government tho chances fiti bright for a good-sized melon for jtyjRtadlng stockholders. Heading wns tp'if and Lehigh Valloy Hi bofore mid- Ki' mentioned before, tho "war stocks" m:i weak, the largest decline being rcg Hered by Baldwin, which sagged nearly toe points during tho first two hours. Cjoftal Motors furnished an exception, 'lifting nearly Hi. Securities of the Mln Mliwlls and St. Louis attracted atten tion. -.The company's common stock roso Wilne preferred 4 and the 4 per cent. sown more uian o Domts before noon, jftferrlng of dividends by the Pan handle, a subsidiary of the Pennsylvania Railroad, hardly caused a ripple, as it was offset by tho regular declaration by thu parent company. Pennsylvania Com pany! all tho stock of which Is owned Whe Pennsylvania Rulrroad, and Mlchl tn Central Increased their irnvmnnt. Usually all of tho railroad shares rcraaineu strong throughout the nft- tntoOn. hprntlnn nf fn.n.nV.1n .ll..l1-..l i-.., .V.H.,, -U.UIUM.U U1VIUCIIU WloiiJ, while tho "war stocks" do ped further. General Motors, which U been strong, turned heavy, as did tho grb&TOngh-Metronolltan shares. Hnnvi. s of tho latter seemed to result from TUInty as to whether stocks of tho company would bo listed Immediately, 'oik and Western and New York Cen- aeciarcd. the regular quarterly dlvl- . t-unnanaio stocK (lid not sell to Tho market closed Irrpuulnr. wifh t railroads strong, whllo tho coppers war siocks" were ort. EVENING LEDGEB-PHTI,AI)ETyPTTTA. WEDNE Ne' York Stock Sales UtteioM. lilxh. jffi.2?--.?n 61i Aiii.rnim m1;: ?' ?m Alll-Ch.,mk ffi'S"" i I AwmT i" ' OI5I 62 &. '8S Amcanpf,..:;:;;; -.i $ Am Coat rroductsf. . . in u lor, ;CmT"- 7 AmleeFecutltlej..., Am Lncomotlte Am Locomotive of... Am Malt Am Smelt AIM..." Am Smelt AIUTpf., nmaipciroundrlei, SO MM 07 m 81H 7M "4M : H 63( mt 81 H Low. )7 f2 Wi r,2i 60H 1,0 45 101 fir. Kan mi 1094 no ji m Clot. ."( I7U 62 75' 52H tWi 160 46( 102 ffi New York Bond Sales 1 LEHIGH .1H( 19 't MM 07 AW 80i 314 2tij 62M 07 Mi 804 107)j 100H 1004 1005 ASxSii": ?M 3H 12..M 123 : iiUJt aiitm Z2G( 220W 100)4 1004 1004 10'4 Snjf 87 87 87 74 7)1 74 74 nou soy sou 3(i4 U)i4 1014 101 101 i 1014 101 1004 1104 074 08 r.( 054 AmTobabert AmTobpfnow.. ....' Am Woolen pf Am Wrltlnc Paper pf Anaconda Uoppof . . . , Atchison TASK ... Atchison T AS tfnr nld In locomotive.. 404 40 114 C04 U24 o04 464 114 294 Ul 3U4 41) 114 (04 Dl 184 . .T . 30 614 . Ill . 9J . 154 784 304 894 . 87 . 204 .418 .148 1 ;34 63 .5 094 1 64 704 04 8J 80 274 42,i 1254 1264 174 18 i Ifc"'--. . h! j i! Jill s5rri'-'" & wi 'sk Sffisafcxg t g S"??.1.?.1!1" 150-X 1504 1474 149 IIHIOI 1.1'dUlCr C1 Allt J U trite Mm, nh.nu. mim: 7".i 'i "" "' Chlno Copper 40 Chlcaco droit Woit.... 114 Ohlcaco Great West pf. 204 ChlcawMll&St v.... nil? Chicago & N'orthweit,. . 1254 120 i-uii'agu n 1 ,v i" Colorado Kiwi Iron... Colorado. Southern... Colorado & 80 1st pf. . . Conmoclc luniirt, Continental Can pf Corn Products Kef Com Products Hefpf... Cruclblo htcol Cruclblo Steel nrof.... . Cuban-Am Sucar Distillers" Securllloi. ... Uel Lack & West Delaware. Hudson. Uctrolt Kdlson Krlc KrleW tf Erlo2dpf lcdcral.Mln& Sm... rcderalMln&Smpf, General Chemical.... General Electric General Motors General Motors pf... Goodrich B F Co Great Northern pf... GtNcfs for oro prop. Gucccnhclm Lipln.. IntllarvNJ , Intcr-MctTottc Inter-Met pf... I WM) Armour Co 4U. . Jri mfJ2 ctl90n cv " -M. ii.i. 'fh",on cv r.i lnt7. jt Cli !w J Uhi " JHAM1.MH Sliil iVt 5,".: ' K!n. 'i rid n .... W.V 2S&0&25 Leul..r in . .. W sSSt fttfcC,ll4,.ta -Pit ?nnn pi,, ,. - "v" 73 f !l(l . i.'.K.v." l" mSS S i SJ ' uv 5" rct.101 1U1 ill Kir. llV SS ,. 8 ? Sl ' ,d 'Ha.. 61 v5?i S '. 8t ''. cv s" 1!1 gen 4Hi..lijiiU "M 116.H . W Mk ! . (IT : S .104 . 2lHl . ta .81 .132 " 3 2S 51 11 09 15 79 294 884 Bit 420 ;.( 24 C 5 0) 16 79 2"4 (84 80 274 42 J 1474 1474 It; H 1164 1154 1164 1I5'5 i74 174 i(,Jj ;i . 414 . 31 .. :-'i .. 50 ..215 174 124 344 35 50 414 314 i5 50 IntPapcr low 41 314 6U ili'i 2174 2174 1724 171 171U 1514 1654 162 153 102 1024 102 1024 624 614 24 119 1184 1184 'Mli 30 304 01 C34 034 1024 1024 10J4 24 224 23 774 624 119 i04 04 101 234 774, Int Paper pf. Inspiration Copper Kansas City Sou thorn. Kansas City South pf . Kayser, Julius & Co.. Laclede Gas Lchlch Valloy Llcsctt 4 Myers Manhattan Elevated .. Maxwell Motors Max Motors 1st prof. . Max Motors 2d prcf. . Mexican Petroleum.... Minn& St Louis Minn & St Louis pref . MStl'&Sb M Mo Kan & Texas Mo Kan . Tex prof... Miami Copper Missouri Pacific 10 38 324 20 6PM 8-14 102 38 324 254 584 85 102 1444 140 22,1 223 1254 12 434 43 87 b7H 77 144 37 G4 37 77 104 41 1104 1104 12 30 204 114 Montana Power 51 SJEW YORK COFFEE MARKET BW YOIIK. Jlln "1 Tha mtfnn mni.l IX.. ,,tea(1' Futures wcro unchanged to '2 KiT.'?cr at th0 opening. Final figure eM losses of S to 10 points. TradlnK was "Relive man any day this week. Prices Itrll i'.i ark . . UW- m-:::::: wit ... Stntfmhr Juoir ... SfrnT1:..- VBld. 4rtfr..,i UM uici, 30,'(X)0. Today's opening. u.uo 0.05 '. u.Mgn.01 '11.71 . II.TIV8U.73 III. SO . 0.75QII.80 Today's Yesterday's close. close. ll.8U-ail.87 fl.MI.U1 (l.liiin.t (I.i(lflil.li7 B.'l'M.I.-.'. n.WW-,.81 LdSiiass o.rjosii.ui n.iiMfj(i.7o .. . U.(ls6o.70 il.7IS?0.7i II.T.in1.7.1 (I.7US0.8O 0.7!ll.77 U.62j(ll.8l (LTIKill.MI (IKIfill.Sl 0.830.8S U.8JOU.83 0.8ii&l.0l NEW YORK CURB Bid. Aikfld. 714 7 10 17 mi 17li Hi lu-lti , 40 41 ICO 7?8 01 Smtiv!.i.!" ' tefSE;;;;;:;:i eW4 mm "" ioa OoH "a .... ... JP Tobacco old Weld Cons , '."" m? ::::::::::::::: u cop n V4I Coal Sales.... ar.Mt.ii::' Wtr.l'iH "ff'Heteman":!;::.;:::::::: 2 X70 a 7 on It 00 ion l-'S 3 3-til Natl Enamel fc Nat Enamel & S prcf. . Xsatlonai U;ad New York Air U rata.. Nevada Con Copper.. New York Central..., NY.NH&U NYO.& West Northern Pacific Pacific Mall I'ennlUC Pettlbonc-MulUken... l'lttsbureh (.oil I rcsscd hteel Car. . . . Pressed Steel Car pref. Pullman Co Quicksilver Quicksilver pref Hay Con Copper Heading Hep Iron & Steel Itumely.M. Co Ruroely, M. Co prof.. btLouIs&S F St Louis &SF2d pmf tcabcard Air Line pf. . Sloss-Shefg&I Co... Southern Pacific SoPaclflctc bo Kaliuay Standard Mllllnir Standard MIHInz pref. btudebaker to Etudebaker Co pref. .. . Tennessee Copper 174 S3 In) i.34 15 i-94 (04 30b 12 30 iOM 11 04 184 85 t6 01 15 44 10 38 314 25H 694 844 102 145 223 127 42 04 ;o 76,4 15 40 110 114 30 :o ;04 504 174 85 (.44 91 144 704 10 38 314 20 694 814 102 1454 223 127 42 eOM 30 754 104 41 110 12 30 24 104 104 In 85 L44 01 15 89M 144 94 MNM C .M A Hi 1 J WO CO A Kn,.,h ,.. .'." LW) L'on Una cv lis . . . nH& tumberinml Tel ISs . . ; n & mo i.r 4i . k l)tn s. ii:o (lr rtd r.s $ W" f.ecur Corp 5 .. .Wl jju Pont Pond 41 luo I if ur.v 4, Scr A lOnq nijo com l sir i ,XKI 1- tie piior 4i 10WO arien Uay 0 ..;:. ii" i." I"lt loh Si... ,10Ho.'k Val 1st 4U.' aS"r!K Jnwn Central re 4s. ,21"" 'a tenirai as . . . VH.22. !r Con o 4r,(ion Interb Met 4Hs ... ' inter Mer Mar 4Us.. i!l t?V Q " nw 4?ii. . J 00 Kan Cltj So ,1a tV.SR .,-nr.K 8,r" "o ,l123 'K.?' I-'11 Steel Hs ia. . ?rS?. l-k Bl' deb 4i HAS . , ','JSS1' Hh d,b 4f 1W1... 1000 I.eh val of N Y 4is IMWil Lin & M T Us. .... , J UK ft M T 7a ,' 5 -"nil lalaml rtd 4s. . . llOfO Iirlllanl Ss .loon l.orlllard 7s l Louis A Sath 4a .... Siiooii Ainnhattnn sta 4a.... .rood ,)o 4s "JJS0 i"7" M 1, 4a JO) Jlob & Ohio et r.i . '0L" Mo Pac col r.s 1017.. nooo eo r, iu:o inoii Jo cona 0a L0 K y Cnrnl Imp 4Hs..100 li.iKTO do ris ret ioi4 ,-0"i 0 4Ha Mi 130110 do 4s tvi. rnoii .v y city Lojr Close 87?j 8?' 3H Si W MM 81 8J M m loo't luo, 101U 10l4 III Ul IHU I'lW 87 J1 fcO'4 .80), 1WI.J Uo WU 81 ,i lOUn luov, Mil 114., ifti'n mivi 87 7 814 8l(f Wt 7.1 luja liij 0TH 1.7'j U4 t4 78 78 l'l Ulh luT loi " 80 M .w 10 117ft U7 100j lMji .811 li Nlv, lni'ii, unit 72 72 OJ4 07 !' 1 2't iu' irj', r (.8(4 5H, Ml J 11X1 100 HJtlW 16.11: 2S Sllft so mvi 81 84 tgiw JaiH SDAY, JUNE 23, 1915; NAVIGATION DEVEOPED ACTIVITY Brisk Buying Lifted Stock Tem porarily, But Gnin Was Not Held Break in Baldwin. int, HSU !S 20CO IKa iniln -r .r."'.-:-x" " 13 unit 11K! ..''?. !" "" " i i i " S !.0iy K J i' " P 4a... 81 ".(UK) N Y N II A If i. 20011 do lls IIOOU N V nwy ref 4s.. iK0 do mil :,s ,i' N.v Sln'e 4s 1001 11000 do 4i,a 00.) N- y Tel gen 4Ha illOll .N Y w c A U 44s 47. 80 ...itoy. ... 71 . . . t)i ...lmiW . . . nnii 87 1 10OO N'orf j& W nA 'ji aw 2K, s.0Tt West cv 4S....1C0 n,'5iS Mr PC "l0r MH 24000 Nor Tno gen fli nit 700OOro Ity A N 4s RSJ ..100H . .10.115 io-t; 07 C44 o04 294 1074 1U4 1U74 107H 344 304 314 3 .4 107 11 CJ H'OH 40 40 40 224 :24 224 60 49 i 494 tWi 9d4 94 1014 1014 1014 3 24 2J 34 34 34 244 13Ji 2fJ, 147H 145H 117 30 Mi 13 5 04 .'54 374 94 101 104 .'3 K04 100 h84 30 64 13 6 114 354 374 64 KM 104' 63 C94 7J$ 100 38 BANK CLEARINGS ta.i''1!" today compare with corre ing.iiay lait two years: iUIb. 1UU. IUI.I. .128,247.777 t28.UIU.143 J3,40H,7M . ... 2.1.78i!.nitrt 91 MTIinfU Tfcll lll'J fil .... 40.0S2.00l 47.015.331 4(i.UUS.37U -' RATE FOR MONEY Sftl-nti I 53Bk-. ?.,roll WPr.' th'rei'io v-iiiyt per cent. Time, 3HK4 384 . 4 4H six montns, I'liu- Call, 8M4 J FOREIGN EXCHANGE tt m"lt,ct opened at' 4.7UH for uemand 8tcrllnr. Fkiuu. Marks. IJrea. 4.T6 13-18 8.47 81M 6.01 4.7814 6.47i 8111-16 0.WH 1VE STOCK QUOTATIONS W, Juno 2S.-HOas-neciPts, 32.000 Hark, .Inn. K. .. . ..u... ,..,! ir. 7 30jj7.80! good heavy. 117.00: , 7J7 IB. liglt. JT-lWi; pls i,JtulJ? 7.8O7 70. CATTLB-ne-iiS-wO bead, market steady: beeves. ..; .-. u4 uciiys, .,..uwv, tv.a,. PiolS:i,elr i.7a. Hlimisf us; Llo.00phead, market slow, native and 49 Waa 40. lambs. S0.75499.2S. Banks Clash With Comptroller bwuvrq, Juns M. A controversy has "" me comptroller oi toe uur- reilnSVtvBnlit ttanliln, OnmmlialflaAf ,'OMir the collection of ststsmsnts of B oi State banks and trust companies l-omptroller, in connection with lbs wiri regular csil f MimiM or dlatributlnar tha blank rlk ? .""' has rafussd ta do so, and i We blanks from HarrUburg to Wssb- lg8ria After American Haila .TORK. Jun, -3 Bulul,ta ia Uovsnjmaat t enter wrunaan aovsrnmant . tel markst with i tba tb an InmllVV BftT lHOUlrv tai fi a i rt n tmrfl 1 1 VtWV 'iwt of t0ODs. but ta Wew Of Ub9 -; ui. wumit in it iw Filit.ai if a 1 i .sj .. ..jm wBl j- - -- it us VHJU Ukkmi W1U . .ttUtt of U. ooiitiral .iatnlflc.IK-J. BAR SII.VKR : Yrthu r''"" JUUG 1 IflK tii-ii sa of cl ll'7 41 -24 50 97 102 34 34 24 K5'l 30 5H 124 44 0 37 304 101 104 524 094 703 i 101 :8 TeiasCo 12S 'llilrd Avenue .'44 Tob rroductj pf 1004 TttlnCltyHT 00 bnlon I'aclfio Union Pacific pref... USJnd Alcohol U S Kcductlon ..... U S Ileductlon pf... V S C I P & F pref. . USltcalty&Imp... United Itrs Inv pref. UbJIubber Ubltnbber 1st pref., U bSteel 014 USSlccl pref Utah Coppor Va-CarChem Va-CarChem pref... a Iron Coal O.... Wabash pref estlnffK&M Western Union Tel .. Western Maryland... Willi Overland to lllys Overland pref Onta par soars. Total sales. 303,700 shares, compared nlth 477,.Vi shares esterday. Thus far this week. l.Ubii.hOO shares; same period last week, 1,441,. 100 ihares. JIINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Did. 30 Mi 13 44 04 354 37 4 101 104 53 C94 7h4 100 H8 1274 1274 1274 M .34 54 09 99 90 914 9151 944 1284 li94 K84 1284 804 f04 NI'J MIJi lllOOfi Penns ev .1H 81000 l'cnna cen ct 4Ws. Iflnoo Penna rt 44a "" i- v i, in acr n miy, iiki: u ni r.000 Pub Serv .V Jli S714 R7U 87' 3K) Hay Con Cop Cs....l2:iJ 1:2 l-' .10 10 Prndlnc; gen 4a . . . . 1,211 1)214 n2 1000 llopub Cubn lis '14 02(4 0214 0214 12H0O Itlo O : W rlt 48.. .71 71 71 1000 Hock Ialnnd 4s R1 8.1 M 20000 nock Ijliml r,s 47tJ A(Si 4014 2000 St U 1 SI ft So 4. . . . M'b 0414 HI'A 2H0O St I, 6 R T rrd 4a .07 (17 07 soon st l-nul M & M 414s. 101 lot lot rooi) scnlioaril A I, ndl .is., imi n.i 0.111 iron Senlmarrt A I. rfd 4s.. 07J 07 otv 03000 Houth I'nc ct .Is 101 101 101 2iron South Pit" cv 4 . ... 2i vi MW .'IKU'O ilo cv ret f n .la Ml. 0011 HOW linu I'OOO Fotllh Pac rfd Is ... 8011, M RllS 10po Pouth I'nc Term Cs . . SOU 80 80i', rooo Fouth Hwv (ten 4a ... Olti 11114 iui 70OO South Itwv con iis ! nn not, :irim Tnn C & lr Ken ris.. 101 101 lot .10tO Third Ao new 1s ... Mil SOU WI14 10OO Third Ae mil .Is 78 78 78 ?rno 1' R llubher 0s 102T, 102W 10214 .12 iOO P S Steel .Is WIJ 102 102 ltnro rnlon Pac 1st 4s M 0.1V. n.1 12000 fn ion Pac cv 4s ... novi w'l no'! 10000 Union I'ac rfd 4s M 88H RSJ J20OO Vn i's nrnwn tiros . . 01 02 02 1.1000 IVnbaeh 4s 22 2ttfc 22 niOO Wnbnh 1st "a 10114 101W HUH 210OO IVah r.mi ct am 4s .. 21U nl 10! -roo Wab-P Ter 1t ct 4.. 4t 4"4 4V, noun iv-cHt Wectrlc 5s . .lnivi 1014 101K pnoo West NY & Ps lt ,1a 104Vi 104U lmVi " JOOn Mil 1t it . . (18 OS OS " WOtiO IVeat K M cv Ss . AMK 104 104 2rxo west rnion 4"s . ... m ft ni' in- Toml ealcs. 12.478,000, compnred with 2 281,. 000 yesterday. Thus foi thla utck, S0,M3,P()O; same period last week, S,2IH),000. Jf.? "'ntlon of (he active tradlnB ele ment turned fMm ih M.Mnii.i .w. lr?,Ji ..l i'chl'!h Nnviuatlon todny, nnd before the first hour won over yestrdny mte rl,e i,d b)lpn extcndcd mota thgn a I?.. fur',,,!r n relntlveiy lUhter pur f,o?, T.ht' Kftln was n maintained, ! -!),ep' lho nuotntlon dropping from 77i J0,'8' on two nates of BO shares each. i.nler it rallied above 77 analn, but the I, . f?,un(? ,he tocI back near last nlaht s final figure n"mor..had It that the Central nail road of New Jersey wns buying- the stock. a oasis for this theory was evolved from tlio Government order to atop re-hates, ' ? :w'fn lne two companies. It was ni Rued that the Jersey Central mlBht Ond it profitable to buy control of the Lehigh Navigation rumtinnt .,i t. ,iA... K ,,.. ovornmontnl activities against the vari ous coal combines It would seem hardly likely that anything of the sort would bo ntttmptcd at this time. Late In the day announcement wan rnado that Hodman Wonnmakcr had been elected to the Lehigh Navigation board. This might cjcpUln somo of tho recent buying of the stock. Tho usual dividend was also declared. nnldwln Locomotive shares took ft tumbio today, declining more than two points on what was said to be pool liquidation. Cramps, on the contrary, was Inclined to harden for a time, but later eased off. Thcro was good demand for Reading ns well as Lohlgh Valley following the upturn In these shares In wall street. Weakness dovclopcd In niectrlo Stornno Mattery nnd tlio quotation slipped off a full point In small offorlngs. Pennsyl vania nnd United Gas Improvement on tho contrnry were being picked up by Investors nnd established small fractional advances, while Pennsylvania Salt roso over a point. Itnpld Transit ruled fairly firm and both local tractions nppeared to bo In demand from quarters usually writ In. formed on tho local transit situation. Tho bund division was qulto active, especially In the vnrious Pennsylvania Issues as well ns American Ons nnd Electric 6s and Lehigh Nnvlgntlon 4Hs. In view of tho Improving conditions on the Pennsylvania Railroad's lines both cast nnd west of Pittsburgh ns evinced by the steady reduction In Idle cars the Street was disappointed In the notion of tho "Pan Handle" In deferring Its cus tomnry dividends on both common nnd preforred shares today. Last December 24 per cent, was declared on tho pre ferred and In June, 1311. M of 1 per cent, was declared, and In March, 1914, 1 per cent., mnklng tho total pnyment for the yenr 1911, 4 per cent. Pennsy shares woro not affected by the announcement, how ever, a 2 per cent, dividend being dc clnred on Pennsylvania Company stock. which Is 1 per cent, higher than the last payment. The usunl rato was declared by tho rnllrond. 11 Financial Briefs Sales in Philadelphia 634 44 44 40 3SH :.14 l'2H 1074 1074 1074 014 C04 tOH 1004 1094 1094 1004 08 1184 l'7H 07H .'34 S5 . 44 4 404 38 31 04M 107 55 4 44 40 384 ol4 044 534 44 44 40 384 31K 024 PP4 434 H 09 i.74 25 131 105 5 07 40 4 094 074 20 1314 130 105 105 34 97 40 H mi 1-74 u 35 Of 40 a 084 07 20 130 105 Ve. OOCS Bald Loco lpi do prcf .10 iiurr sus t 0. . i:iO t"ol Fuel 170 Eloc Stor Ill i:rle .170 (Jen Aph 20 do pref HO Intcnoro Vet 123.1 Lako Sup Corp. 1103 Lehigh Nav 3.1 LenlKli Valley . . 12" Lch nl Tran . . 382 Pa P. n It Pa Salt Mfg.... as I'a SU pret. close HWh I.OW Close r. Phi Co rum pref 40 113 Phlla Elec 715 Phlla H T t c. i'.iiii Hen. Unit . . . 703 Tonopah Belm. 20.1 Tonopah Mln.. Bin Union Tract... 47(1 t'nltcil a I 3.110 U S Stocl .... 20 do pref 40 L' S llubber... 2 Wet J Sl H. 08 os'i 03 an 12 1021, 10.' 10.' 40 10 111 40 :r.'i; xu; ;i.i as .VIW MS 02K B2J, 2TVi 27(5 27(4 27'k :n .14 MW .1.1V4 71 71 71 71 21 21 24 11W HH 11 UK 7I1J., 7-t 7H 70 72i 73 7.1 73 21) 2 20 29 Kill .VH. 33 C-10 M 7-10 87i 80 8Sti SO ,18 OS .W! 38 40 HOW 30V4 23H 23j4 SJS uy. ovt v"t 2.T)4 Ulfe 72 7.10-111 73Vi 73 7-11) 4 4H 1 ;l i ' . 7!', . : . 81 . 01U 48V4 630 Wm Cr A Sons. 0.ll4 7, niH 100 III 48W compared 7H 3.1 84Ti lH ' 1110 111' 4S 03 71 3.1 84,'i 00(4 liw. 0.1 48 (VI! with ! 0.1 .01 M .13 4 3 .40 7 Jlrn nutler ...... ilacXamnra Midway .... Dflipuh Kxtemion Montana ......... Northirn S'ar ... Tonopah nelinont . Tonopah Kitenslon Tononah Mtrirsr . Tonopah Mining- Itescue cuia s, West End b GOLDFIELP STOCKS. :; .-oi :: . .. ,01 ,. .10 ,m l.oo .14 $ Atlanta Blue flull Booth Buiutoit ;;;;;;;;; 8omblnitl?h"Praetion ' Diamond H. Daisy giffiSciiiuUtid"': OoWflsW Mil Kewanaa Oro ,... Cdn.4 K.l Bttver Plk IKgjrv Aalso 11UI V MICBLLANBOUS. .11 .0? Klmbsi-l Nvaaa Kevadi Wood' .1.W Asked. .Oil .04 .17 .20 .31 .17 4V4 7U .10 .811 .0-7 .07 .S3 .10 :ii i:B Vtml Hftlen 18.201 shares. in.tltib snares yiaieruay. iiiun inr tin, ""'V 01,1)311 shares; same pe'lod last week, B3,803 shares. BOND3. 1,3 it prcv "ale. High. Law. Close. Z1(X0 Am (1 & Ul ns. nn 100 Cam 8 acp HUO. 08'4 H8J4 S27 do May 1017.. 07 0S imoo I. Nav con 4is. iW ootf ltm L Val t con 4. 80 S9 tooo do Coal r.s 103' 10.1 lMiiio Pa con 4!is w .10j jai ICOflrt do g 4hs t c . 08(1 08ii 337 Phlla Co scp "10. IHJ 118 302 do lPtS 0.1 03 lluvt tihlln Pln 4n... 71) 70 lion Beading gen 4s. 03 0241 02H E000 do Imp 4a Wi 9Wt Total sales S70.A82, compared with 112,e04 yesterday, Thus fur this week, 1230,201; same period laat week, 1104,0.11. 80 OMU 101't nsh M 70 S IISU 07H 08 ij ootj ootj uoj; sa& sus s4J 10.1U 10SI llKIN hit 08VJ JIV USll DO tKt 7U P3H Local Bid and Ashed ToJay Yeiterday Bid. Aiked. Bid. Asked. .... CIS 60 BS',4 liSVi ....102 103 102 103 ....11 13(4 II 13Va .... 30H 10 S'lJJ 40 .... 4S 40 48 4'J ,... 62 0214 n.'l4 31 .... IllU .It 4i 3SU .... 70 71 71 7t ....14 HH 14 14 .... 14 H'-J Htl 14C . .. 67 07 07 67S .... 11 tl 1JH Jig 72U 71 7Sti 72i 14 H 15 14'4 a4 . 2D 30 28ft '."I . M1,. M' Mi! &1'i . 23V1 23W 2St 24 3SV, 34 3ilU 31 ' I .14 SlU 34 10 30 40 OK 84, 0" 7lR Ktl 7Ti i 4t(4,ld , 7 1-10 7 3.1(1 i .1214 JM S SHi K.-H 03 UOVj Baldwin do pref .... JJuft & Sus t c do nrer Cam Steel . . Uler Storage (Jen Asp . . . do pre! . . . Keystone Tel do t a da Dref . .. . Lake Superior Corp.. Lenign nav .. lehluh Valley Lehigh Val Tr ao pret Penna .,,,.... Phlla, Hleetrlc llhll. nn Ar. K ruip rent. Dref. 3HV do 8 per cent pref... SO Thlia nap u s c 19 .a Inn n'.n Ilalmnnt ......... 4 1.18 iV Ton Mining ...,.,..,, 71.I6 7M ,11nlon Trac ...,,,,,., j- wi Tran gji ont 41- ng ...,.,..,, T 1- an ... ' St 9 Steel OQH 00- Wm Cramp t c. ....... K0 DIVIDEN Norfolk and IVesi terly lH0Pr nt. tember 18 to stockl PENNSYLVANIA COMPANY INCREASES DIVIDEND Disbursement 1 Per Cent. Larger. Panhandle Defers Action. Tho directors of tho Pennsylvania Company, the stock of which Is all owned by tho Pennsylvania Railroad, de clared n dividend of 2 per cent. Tht dividend Is paynble Juno 30. Last De cember the pnyment was 1 per cent, anil In June. 1911, It was 3 per cent.. maltln 4 per cent, for the year 1914. The pre vious regular rates hnd been 4 per cent. In December anil 3 per cent. In June, or nn annual rate of 7 per cent., which wns pnld In 1913 nnd for some years prior thereto. Today's declaration Is Just 1 per cent, largor than tho usual distribution. Pennsylvania Ttallrond directors de clared the regular qunrterly dividend of Hi per cent., pnynblo August 31, to stock holders of record August 2. Today's meeting Is the Inst rcgulnr board meeting scheduled until the second Wednesday in September, In accordnnco with tho usuul program for tho summer recess. Directors of tho Pittsburgh. Cincin nati. Chicago nnd St. Louis Hallway (the Panhandle, subsidiary of the Pennsyl vania Itnllrond. today deferred action on both preferred and common dividends which nre due at this time. Lnst De cember 24 per cent, wns declared on the preferred stock, and In June of last year 14 of 1 per cent, wns dcclnred, and In Maroh, 1914, 1 per cent., making 4 per cent, for last year. The dividend, which was duo today, would be the first this year, the dividend period having been changed back last fall to semlnnnually. Instead of quarterly. The last dividend nt the previous rate of 5 per cent, on the preferred stock was declared In De cember, 1913. when the quarterly distri bution was Hi per cent. Dividends an the common stock wero suspended in June, 19H. In explaining their action, the following statement was Issued by the directors: "Tho question of a scml.innunl divi dend wns considered. While recent earnings of the company bIiow Improve ment, the directors deem It wlso to defer declaration of any dividend on either pre ferred or common stocks until the result of the year can be definitely ascertained." SECURITIES AT AUCTION The following securities were sold at auction today by Barnes and Loffand: 70 shrs. Th Cheater Silk Co.; par 1100 11.10 3 ahrs. The Penn Mctnl Celling snd BooHnK Co.. Ltd.: psr $100. 100 3 ahra. New York Iron nooflns and Corrugating Co.. par 1100. . 100 13 ahrs. Pearrnn Publishing Co., pre. ferred, par 10: 2 shra. Pear rnn Publishing Co., common, par 110 .. ....... lot 11.50 IS ahrs. Northern Trust Co.; par $100 827 13 ahrs. Philadelphia Trust Co.; par 100 723 10 ahrs. rhlladelphki Bourse, pre ferred, par $2.1 iri $u000 Barrett Manufacturing Co., A per cent., debenture, coupons April and October, due 1030 . . 8714 8 ahrs. Tiro Association of Phlladel- phla; par $.10 813 18 ahrs. Insurance Co of North . America; nar $10 21 23 shrs. Mine 1 1 111 and Schuylkill Haven Ballroad Co.; par $M B7U SO ahrs. Allentown Portland Cement Co 2H 1 shr. Bank of North America: par uiu ... -oi S ahra. Broad Bt. Bank; par ISO . CO aianuraciurera national ins; 3 ahra, 1 ihr. par I 100 Penn :28 780 ahrs, 10000 shrs. DIVIDENDS DECLARED esiern Hallway, regular quar- nt. on unnmon. payable SeD- stockholers of record August 21; Promotions on Pennsylvania R. R, . : .u. ..jm of lbs dlraciors of to Pg- f& JLi TYSSSia ciS: ?&?? J3 WSteHKK T'fm&si&- BMstSHII r T4 1UWVHI. wJ.'csfii.Sisffl' WfaBTXZZ aUlMTl ..! I w. wrw "1" T. I Pu'&.KpSrl.T was pioiaalad of tM Central Other Financial News on Page 14 also regular Quarterly .1 Pr cent, en adjust ment nreerrsd. naiaoie. ai holders Of record July 31. sb!e Auguit 19 to. stock ruiv at. Leilsli Coal and Navigation Company, regu lar quarterly of S per cent., payaoie August regular seal payable July 1 dlvl. August 2 to lr quarterly 01 - " '"iv si to stock of record July 31. Kenlugton Trust Company, annual dlvUsod f ? P" enf-' to stoek 01 recoro juu . Nsw York I'eotrat regular quarterly dtnd of 1H Pr foi.. payaoio Mtcblgsn Cenlnil semUgnual dividend of a pV cnt , payable July 24) to stoak ef reoord Owaola Consolidated Mining Company, $, Myabli July II to stock of reoord July 1. Hffuaa Soutftero. wulr quarterfy'lii per cent., poyaole August S to (took of record Jfttsburgh and Lake Kris, semiannual 5 wr coat.' uayabla August 2 to stock of roatfd nuirtarly 1 ' com on Brtisned. iTf.. TV . SnXti at record July 8. Railway Equipment Company, regular quar- 1 to atSck of record Juna tolorborough Conaolldatsd Corporatloa, quar- regular payable 'ennsvlvanla Co. for Insur ances on LUes snd Orsntlng Annultlrs, par $100 610 Insurance Co. of State of Pennsylvania, par 1100 .... 100 Inaurance Co. of Stais of Pennsilvsnia. car $100 .... 01 3 shrs. Lumbermen's insurance Co.j par $ 103 3 shrs. Pennsylvania Fire Insurance C0.1 par $100 SCO 8 shrs. United New Jersey Ballroad and Canal Co., par $') ... K01J 1 ahr. Second and Third Streets Pas- aenger Hallway Co. 380VS 30 shrs. Tuikerton Railroad Co., com mon; par $W ......... . ..8Tljc- 4 thrs. Huntingdon and Broad Top Mvumsiu ,,,vw jm. vrt.. Co., prererrea: par 1 ihr. jonn is. eteison -, $r' ferred: nar $100 1 shr. John B. Stetson Co., par 1100 1 shr. John B. Stelson Co.. par $100 3 shrs. John B. Stetson Co.. par 1100 33 ahra. OernUB Theatre Realty Co. its 11100 Springfield. Water Co., 8 per sent, It J51 au 30 $3.00 consolidated mortgage, sou pons March and September, Sua IMS U NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS vgW YORK. June 28.-BOTTHB Market dairy. 3Sc. imitation creamery lHifmic SOOel Mrke4 sieady racelixs. It rt uSTuiii 8rs. JlWeWlfcc, fresh 1 alhra4. whiTes. f mUed color UJHe-. gathered, nMy brywia. if4. Hodman Wanamnker was today elected to the board of mnnRsrem nt it. tki.t. Coal and NavlgallQn Company, succeed- "B oamuei jJicKson, deceased, The Iron As says: "The drift of tho steel situation Is seen In tho order given by tho Carnegie Hteel Company for start Inp up Its North Sharon (Pa,) plant, con slstlne; of six open-hearth furnaces nnd a bliiSt furnace. Tho company Is nlsd con- . X.e Pul,lriK Us Uessemer steel works at Columbus, o., In operation to supply o. . 1? lho s,,cct br mM lhere- The Steel Corporation's orders nre now run hlmr about 11,000 tons a day more than Its output and shipments are nearly 10,000 tons a day more than nt this time laat year. I'-xhorts aro growing fast and nre now at the rato of 20.000 tons a month In products reported In tons." The Rhodesia irotd ntitnnt in rt.. to taled "6,000 flno ounces. The New fork Cotton Exchange mem berahlp of J. E. Waters has been sold i u' '. Norden ff L2.C0O. This Is a u.uio di iw rrom tne last previous sale. At the onnual meeting of the U. 8. Cast Iron Plp8 Company, a resolution was adopted to reduce the capital $1,000. 000 by canceling and retiring tOOO shares or preferred and common stocks now In the treasury. It was also unanimously adopted that tho fiscal year hereaftor should correspond with the calendar year, Instoad of ending March 81. According to the Iron Trade navlew tho general movement toward the adoption of somewhat higher prices for leading iron nnd steel products, especially shapes, plates and barB, continues. Itatlroad buy Ing for domestic uao Is more prominent and additional large orders for Russia and other foreign countries for locomo tives nnd cars nro oxpected. The highest bid for the $5,793,000 Chicago city 4 per cent, bonds was from the Na tlonal City Dank, of Now York, and KIs-sell-Klnnlcutt, of Chicago, for all or nono t.' 5,.?l3,.,T.hro wcro ony two other bids. N. W. Ilalsoy & Co. nnd A. H. Leach & Co. J. F. Perkins was made secretary nnd treasurer of the Calumet and Hccla Min ing company, succeeding G. A. Plagg, resigned. Tho May gross earnings of the Inter borough Itnpld Transit Company showed n. loss of $14,164. Tho not decrease wns $31,7i5. For 11 months tho net loss was (128,112. Tho Old Colony Trust Company, of Boston, todny applied to tho Federal Re serve llonrd for membership In tho Fed eral Rcscrvo system. This Is tho third largest trust company to make applica tion for membership, .tho other two being the Central Trust, of Chicago, nnd tho lirondwny Trust, of Now York. Prices of securities nt nuctlon today wcro a trifle depressed. Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives de clined 9 points nnd Flro Association 10. Bank of North America lost Ul nnd Sec ond nnd Third Streets 14. J. B. Stetson roso G nnd Northern Trust 1. The Stock Exchnnjre Committee of tho London Stock Exchange today reduced the minimum price for consols Hi, to 65. Tho quotation for 2V4 per cent, annuities was lowered 1!4, to 62. and for 2 per cent, annuities IVi, to 73. New York banks lost $193,000 to the Sub treasury yesterday and have lost $3,633,000 since last Friday. The directors of tho Missouri Pacific havo authorized the depositaries to pay tho June 1 Interest and the extension commission upon such notes ns mny bo offered on or before June 30 for deposit under the extension agreement. Tho ex tension of time was granted In vlow of the fnct thnt more than $300,000 face vnlue of tho 'notes had been deposited slnco tho dnto of tho lnst extension, nnd thnt de posits to June 23 aggregated moro thnn $23,250,000. Tho Phllndelphla Oompnny's May re port showed a decrease of $63,630 In gross earnings, which was converted through reduced expenditures Into a net gain of $50,71!). For the two months there was n gross decrease of $138,703 nnd a net In crease of $116,6.13. An Initial qunrterly Hi per cent, divi dend wns dcclnred on Intcrborough Con snlldnted preferred. Thomas d. Ralston, of S. F. Scnttergood Company, grain brokers, with ofllccs In the Bourse, today bought the Commercial Exchange membership of William L. Bear for $120. There were outstanding charges of $142.80 against it, which are canceled by the payment of $129. Tha Michigan Central raised Its semi annual dividend from 1 per cent, to 2 per cent. Tho Osceola Mining Company raised Its dividend from $2 to $3 per share. The Canadian Northern states condition of wheat crop Is perfect and estimates total crop of 260,000.000 bushels, ap Increase of 100 000,000 over lnst year, Tho Canadian Cnr and Foundry Com pany has received a large order for box cars from the British Government. FIRMNESS IN GRAINS; TRADING NOT BRISK Foreign Buyers Holding Off. World's Visible Supply of Grain Smnllor. CHICAGO. June S3.-Whlla trading In the grnln pit wns hot brisk today, lho market wns strong. The Inactivity of buy ers Is causing anxious moments for the operators. Foreign buyers continue to hold oft, nnd It is believed they will con tinue to do so until money conditions are adjusted. The French loan may open things up, but munitions of war are ex pected to get the preference In the ex pendlture of lho fund. July wheat opened nt $l.0Ht. U of a tent icsb man tne closing prlco of yes terday, nnd for a time continued to rise; W' was the opening price paid for Sep tember, nnd It climbed over $1.00 In a short time. Tho opening price today was the same ns yesterday's close. December also opened nt tho closing price of yes terdny. 11.0274. It advanced milrkiv ia $1.03!4 before noon, In the Into dealings the rise was ex tended to 11.03:, closing at $L03i. while September Jumped to $L0J at the end. corn opened generally over yesterday's prices and gained strength as business progressed. Oats were firm with Indica tions of better prices later. Cable reports are still .weak. Offerings of new wheat aro exceedingly light, the reason being that farmers are far from being satisfied nt the present low prices, which, It Is said, will equal about S3 cents on the farm. The decrease In the world's visible sup ply of wheat as given by Bradstreet's Is P.OI9.000 bushels. This leaves tho total 106,233,000 bushels ngalnst 107,632,000 bush els a year ngo. Foreign buyers nro also reported to bo delaying because of tho bumper crops of this country, India's surplus and fav orable Argentine reports. Leading futures ranged as follows) ttSOAL AVMttUHT IN TIK COURT OF COrtJlON ll.KA rf4j e't.Ai. a . ..a . tt. ess "r"T ?! ! " n "ranting Annnlt . TmM "nr a certain f.iiVt ',i i.IJ225 . i.:'JK?.!f ? qran.He Company, , Cempitny, Th isywff w. siua :-urJK"l 'o.deere. of the Court ef Co 24th rt Ivan on Llrea Vh 7..r..mpn7 l0.r. urns under th. mi.2"n,,Jl .AB"". ?' mon 1 Fiei. 0?5fM." i!" Court of Com above li' -. Ch,J1- County ' et lis. The PnnsVtV..'K"S. " ""P7 given IBM Wheat July Sept. . uec, itz 1 . Corn (new delivery) July 73W 74 Sept 72tJ 75 Open, l.OIM Hit 1.021) nigh. .T AM 03 Dec, Oats July . Sept. . Lard Julv .. Sept. . Hits July . dent. . Pork- July Sept. Bid. 'a u Low. 1.01 1.0$ 72' 71 63 m 0..1O 0.B7 41H SO 8JH 0.4O 0.72 10.17 10.S7 10.07 17.12 rAakeil. 10.40 10.72 16 OS 17.40 0..10 0.67 10.SJ 10.93 10.67 17.10 Tee. close, 1.U1J, 1.02tt r.i 4a 0.3S o.tu 10.27 10.00 latlll 1H77 17,35 17.22 Clofe. 1.03 11.03 7JH 00 30 n.4i TO. 72 10.40 10.70 COTTON NEW YOHIC, Juno 23.-A slightly re actionary tone developed In tho cotton market today, but prlco changes wero slight. After a stendy opening In which Jnnunry was up 3 points, quotations eased off until the average was 2 to 3 points belon lnst night's close. Tho market closed 6 to 12 points above yesterday's fluals, Yrstenlay's rin.o. upen. limn. Low. CIobo. under th. m.(:"un"rjA,l,Iull"- Troitee elpies fir iiu d Iff"11. ComBanr, win and best tSrt.Vi.llS'J ,sI l" Wgheat tleo Sf Ik. Ir ?f bidder! at the front port West Ch..i.?yit.JI'," ln lh Horougfi t( mats efp.1'.!? "T County nf CHeater and the iMSl ",.1 . "" n singular rights iiti. !i Vl?"1': frtnehlsea. tat, deed if i,!I.d ln,rt 'n ! mortgag or S!!-.i '" Prtlcularly . mentioned and virile rvfJi. C0''Yrd to ths aald rennarl SranilrTs? jftSJi.'.01' Jnuncas on Urea and errpjS.T,'L,h5t Crtln Quanr and Ut BreremJn?f Vif?1""1 w,,n ,n udln "d 1m 8Rm ffiii,.1??? '"etM situate in London menwest!r";J?'& Coantr et C"tr n Com. diacHhti1 .Jifnn,7,Tnl n1 bounded nd insSs h vfr"", I? surrey thereof nnS'iJ' Ii" f ' ,,,on " IntineeUon of, tai2 ', i" .".". ot 'n belonglBif to IDs ll,o 1 ?mu.'. MJ?r,,, oeceasei ft being aieo a corner of lanit hinnfn ,a y ti..,.! ii.. IIL1.'?0. ",(1 naker'al.nd and along feet in i'T.!"4 'S?tn na fl-tentlis (W7.6J and alnA !L.n,i lh'.n.c9 ,UI1 h)r '"' lui niSBf" tilt ?ln' a, ,r,n hondred elghty-nint Ph.,IJ ff"S. Va irln to ths weat aids IS I ,.22,.,,T ,""' W. fifteen (IS) feet T.v.Infr 5' r?nn Tarant's lands thane by uKf.i J1! th ,im eoo" conUnued the Tmii eAl 7l,Unc f fo hundred thirty-ens ' ii.iL fcllA cfner of said Tavanl's lindl , iStVjSLf,tlh' "m 8 80 O'er. B4 rain. B. ooe ' 1 !dKj..f0.1r " nrt-tsnth (104.81 tt to , a corneri thence by tha same N. T8 der. 2$ lenth.EteW. I?' llMyelit and twK , .iSi e V8 SJilifeBt ? 'k.co on th western MniinedMC-n.ylne ,hr Ja POb'lo road to th 1 nr'iJJ, flf,? 'J1'"0! " olonat dlatane ot naf!.(ii.s.,! ,0 -,xilnttln J. Thomas Mh..r.l(i br " land and croaainE an niiJI'U "d..'l5a lnd now or 1st of. J2.Ee, WM Hepburn S. IS deg. M mln. B. rjJ I"""511 even and elght-tentha (20TS1 irnlt'it ', "Pt thane partly by Elltabetk Hunt llepburn's land ar.d lands of Iliram Cor- ' eon and the tatato of Joshua Jacob, deceased, 1 ?:... '''" J? m'n. W. four hundred slxty-alt and five-tenths (40.S feet to a point In th ""J" I'M of ths Pomeroy Newark branch of the Pnna. n. 1LI thence along th cefr lino or said n. n. th next eeven courses and distances to wit! N, 74 deg.31 mln. W.sSTHntr- 7 . ,lv3nins UU.DJ teeii li. to aeg. 4& mln. W. one hundred mln. W, on hundred mln. W, one hundred m n. w. on hundred mln. w. ono hundred mln. W. two hundred (200) feetl thence leav. 100) feet; N. 77 deg. 44 iuui xeet: i. iw aeg. am 100) feetl K, 81 deg. 4 J 100) fee-.: X. 82 dec 4$ 100) feetl N. 83 deg. IS July n.n.t n.3i 11.311 n.no n ai October n.7.'. 0.7K 0.70 0.71 n.TIt Tlecrmbcr ...10.01 10.02 10.00 0.00 lll.O." Janunry 10 00 10.00 10.14 10.01 in.14 March 10 24 10.30 10.30 10.20 10.3lf Spot 0.S3 0.00 ,.., fKSTiEHS FRAZIERfrCa BANKERS 132 South 15th Street I WE WILL BUY OR SELL Standard Motor Construction L Stock DlDRICHSEN & CO. I. .1174-S-S-7 John. 31 Pine 8t N.l MSSSMnUHHBBaaHaHiHMBBSSH Ins th centr. nf M n n .m .v .a Mm Jli next nve courses and dlataneea to wltt N. 11 deg. 32 mln. W. nv hundred seventy-four and nve-tenths (B74.0) feet to a stont N. ST ljr. 00 mln. E. nv hundred twenty-eight (028) feet to a atone near th southwest, corner of n stable 1 N. 12 der. 0 mln. W. three hunlred eeventy-thre and steen tenths (373.7) feet to a atone; N. SS deg. 42 mln. W. on hundred tblrty-alg and two tenths (130.2) feet to a atonal N. IS deg, 41 mln. W. eight hundred thirty-nine and twenty five hundredths (830.20) feet to a stons ia a public road. In a tin of land ot th Samual Morris estats; thence along tha public road and by the Samuel Morria estate N. OS deg. SO mln. E. lire hundred twenty-two (B22) feet to th placs of beginning. Containing forty-one and six hundred aeenty-thre one-thouaandth (41 073-1000) acres ot land, b the same mors or less. TOGETHER WITH All and- singular th buildings nnd structures, machines and ma chinery, shafting, englnee, toilers, pumpa. dy namos, railroads, lotomotlves, tools, flxiursa and other uppurlcnanc, erected or In process of erection, or which may hereafter be erected' on the real estate hereinabove described, or constituting In connection therewith the quarry and stons cutting plant thereon erected It ne'.ng the Intention of this Indenture to Include e-i part of the real estate all the buildings, rr.tchlnery, railroads, locomotlvee, tools nnd appliances erected or used thereon as part of the said plant. BECOND, All ths marble, granite, feldipat and oiner stone ana nmieruis it ma m, um ...... ..,.,. All that t-.rt.ln lat nf 1 i.-i. l uround. Situate In London urov Tow ishlp. County of Chisier ana tonimonweaitn ot ' enn ayltanla, adjoining the premises nrst htreln described, and bounUed anl ueacrlbinl a com ing to a recent surrey thereof mad Py th said Nathan It. Jlambo. liq.j County Sur ryor, na follows) iiminniiig m a atone a corner ot Isnu be; loi.sig to L'uinellua Ltncli and. In. a Una uf laud belonging to the heirs or josnua jacoo. deceased; thunco by Lynch's Isnd .. 1 ueg. So "Jin. U, thlrleen hundred tllty-sU andi lortj-ine hundredths (1320.43) Icet 10 a alone;' k. 24 deg. 10 mln. W. rout hundred thirty elibt and elglity-fiA hundredths (4J8.8S) eel to a stone In a line of J. Thomas Baker's land; Ibencn by the same N. OI deg. M mm. i.. thrto hundred forty-two and thirty-aeyen hun dridlhs .342.37) frettoa stone, N, IS cleg. 10 mln. W, six hundr.d one and nlno-lenlhs (001. 1.) tret to a stone on the nortli side of public road and ln at line of land of the Sam uel ilorrls estate; thence by same land H. tM deg. 32 rein. U. twelve and fifteen hundredths 112 131 feet to a stun in the centra ot a pub Ito roaiti thence atlll by the Morris eatate ani along the pu"'o road rf. 87 deg. SS, mln. U, U hundred ti, .nd nve-tenths jolo.S) teet to ton.; N. t. deg. 50 mln. fi. eleven hundred thirty-two and nlne-tentne (1132.1)) feet to a Itone in a line ot tract No. 1, thence leaving the public road and by tract Na 1 the next tnelv courses and distances to will 8. IS dec 48 mln. K. eight hundred tnirty-nin and twenty-flv hundredths (830.23) feet to stone-, S. 63 aeg. 1 ilx and two-tenths . . ue : STOCKS GRAIN COTTON CURB SECURITIES HUGHES & DIER BANKERS AND BROKERS Members I'iilladelphla Stock Irliange .Members Chicago Hoard of Trade 1435 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA deg. 42 mln. K, ooa nundrcd thirty-o-tcntbs (130.2) feet . to a, stunei rt mln. FL thr.B hunilrtfU sefcnty- tliree and" seven-tenths (373.7) feet to B aton near the aoulhweat corner of a stable: B. 87 ueg. 30 mm. v. or "u"" 's;"".c,il' Are You Going West? Don't risk carrying cash when traveler's checks may be purchased at such a small premium. One hundred dollars in traveler's checks cost one hundred dollars and fifty cents. Cash them everywhere. Buy them at the Corn Exchange National Bank Philadelphia Chestnut Street at Second nigi rssi iu , ikuusa w -' -. :.... atai niv.miir Ann ntieiinini ui 41.1.1 ieet to point In the centre line or tb I'omeioy i" iL'ewars; branch of the l'enr.a. R. lt.,.thenc fioni the cinire of eaidn., 11. B. K.1 deg. 11 'l?"tl";. k ,nrtrJ 1200) feet! a. 83 det. 41 Brown Brothers & Co. Fourth and Chestnut Streets VUlhAVSUl'lllA High-Grade Investment Securities Upon request we shall be glad to enter on our mailing list the names of investors who desire to receive reg ularly our security efferinga. Investor will be furnished with DteUve Circulars any time upea affHwttw. Si,, k. one hundred (lpoi.feett a SI deg. 4 " i one hundred (1O01 feat, 8. tu deg. ri mln K. on hundred (100) feeir 8. 7T dg. jS mta. K one hundre." (loo) feet; a. 73 de.. 41 Sin K. one hundre- U00) tests O. .71 deg. SI rolu. B. seventy-W, and five-tenths ,17U.M 'fit to lin of land, belonging to the Joahu itioh estate; thence leaving Mid railroad and S5 the said Joshua Jacob cstat B. deg, ii mln. W. twentyatx hundred alxtr-lo nd one tenth (2805.1) Ceet to tbplao of beginning, rnn alnlnr on hundred sis and eli-hundred efwAhovwotSi (100 MW.IOOU) acres of land, te the sam mcr or leas. ToaBTUUn WITH th light to eiplore fot. air mln. iiuarry itaimne said aton anl .liu'cMUl at any tlm hereafter toreyer. wttn iVTtsiTy liability for dsross caused by mining "'rVinoving th asm.; lth full right. t S. to and from said premises and any ear . T. -Z.A n. rnn trurtlnr and matntjlnlns1 '?.":;'.. ..rv and convenient build JJnfoad. tramYrays, .pipe line, wlr .and other etructure in eucn msner m luVh )octlon us may be neceaearj and con wnlent tor th purpose of mining and jenwv. lug such ston n5 rnlnerals: provided that such operations shall at all times b . con. Sicta " as to preserve adequate support for tb diallings, baraa, atablee and other buildings 2 Sd structures now erected on aald Premise ISd sal ind auttabl. access to th aaree, by ?h. roads snd In th msnner now used and enjoyed by th occupant of said premises. litems ths sams premises and mineral right Si,h Philip a 8baw. by deed dated the Sum Sm of Apr libu. nji Intended to be forthwith ?",r!ied granted and conveicd unto th sail V,"nsyftnt Marble and arsntt Compiny lo f. ,ND TOaBTllER WITH All ana elnguUi .u. rotates, real and personal, lands, W41. if.hta ol wsy. casements, ljcenae. rights, liber- Ilgnts o ""f',,... franrhisea. hereditament iid apuurtenantea now onnj or which. ma bm , Una r.'.Sia of VrM'lng. malntalslnjt aBd operaila t.Ttoreiild Plant and jalltU wreoral, Iran. . .-. (til, KU1 1 UUIUB.U J Bel VTBBlg SBB IBIV fSulty. in and to th urn and vtry part Vad parcel thertof- tlNDEIt AND SUBJECT NBVBRTHIil KSa ."c-rtaln water rights, rights of wsy awl i?h.r rlehis and prlvTl. riaeryed or cr4ted, Snted and oonveyed by th Collawlng toairu. Joenta. to mlti aa County. February Wth, Y I Vol. 4'. P t iia trm Jacob Baker el aL ta Sarah i ?f in tb saSTofrrt la Deed JJoo o i Vc4 'vb. Pg 486, e. butt ta J'uuiauu a Ociiber 13. is;i. ul lue MUe. Dsd Book It. lTa ii HaMj v-iuvf T 4etL ud I BiA ..". ft$ptH! ES3W. irVTt tnS 4wja a as pxoiWed la aJ4 eMW4 wwnianr hh way ol im maid awl cttWWH. nwil4 Wt MM M V clia then matuVu J iiM Ww WJr sBt of tfc pnw mianti DHVhMIK is n By JflLTrIi oiWTHit. JOsfM a JOM KtXl. Wow a i?9f j-'v! v,., i,,Lv 4ah with AltJX: -fc dnjd C4WJU.