Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 23, 1915, Final, Page 10, Image 10

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EViiJS'iG LJbDuLll-1'HXLAbi.LlJU
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u i u 10
tfaturdi History of the Sweetheart Stealer and Philanderer
Like That of Birds of Prey.
TUB world mar. (peaking roughly, be
divided Into two wide classes, consist
Ins of those who giro and those who take.
And without a doubt there la a great deal
of stealing which la never recognised br
the police ur the law.
The aweethtart stealer la ft meat ob
jectionable individual and far mora com
mon than one would think. Thla peraon
may be of either sex, and enn be likened
to the frigate, or tho man-of-war bird,
that beautiful wa-blrd. of tlio tropica
which, tllough a mighty flier, la Incapable
of swimming or diving, and can therefore
only pick up a precarious living on flying
flh. Being thus unable to flah for them
selves, these pirate-birds resort to plunder
ing gnnneta and terns, which, ns they fly
homewards with their catch of fish, aro
compelled to drop their dinners which
are caught by tho swooping bird In mid-air.
The natural history of the sweetheart
stealer Is much the same. These plratea
of the lovera' world aecm Incapable of at
tracting affection on their own account
They must ateal. They cannot acquire.
Few girls are sufficiently wide-awake to
recognize the real love-pirate when they
meet him. lie Is a philanderer, of course,
and alt philanderers nre exceedingly at
tractive and well-doworod as to looks.
Moreover, he has a spurious glitter that
attracts theso foolish damsels away from
mora solid friendships and which gener
ally leaves them In the end Ilka tho
maiden all forlorn In tho story books,
without any lover at all)
There Is a period In the dawning of a
lave affair when tho Interference of a
third party may break up everything.
The relationship at this Interesting stage
generally goes under the name of an
"understanding." As a matter of fact,
this Is entirely a misnomer, as It Is the
most fruitful period of all In misunder
standing. And It Is precisely nt this
period that tho love-pirate steps In and
spoils everything by his Interference. He
starts paying perfectly meaningless at
tentions to the girl, and as he has &
strong and determined character to which
honor and chivalry offer no Insurmount
able obstacles, ho very often succeeds In
driving tho first lover from the campaign.
Human nature Is very weak, and flattery
will do much toward making a girl drop
the old love for the new, even when she
knows that her affections are centred
with the old love and when she has n
vagt,e Inkling that the second man Is but
a trlfler.
Aa an expert on the subject assures
us, "Love, after all, Is a sort of high wire
on which we poor humans can only walk
safety with the balancing pole of com
mon sense. And when we first start this
nice game of balancing, we are naturally
rather shnky and uncertain of our foot
hold." Trovers' quarrels give an endless op
portunity to the love-pirates, nnd many
a pair of sweethearts are left disconsolate
long after that bright bird has soared off
In search of other and more Interesting
The love-pirate, be It mnn or woman,
has no settled friends. If a man or
woman Is rich In acquaintances, but lack
ing In friends, be miro that something Is
very far wrong there. Buch a condition
Implies Instability of character.
Lovo and friendship alike demand sacri
fices. And the lovc-plrate Is prepared to
sacriflco nothing.
An Interesting article appeared In n
newspaper some time ago In which a
married woman catalogued the wholo
class of stenographers as love-pirates.
One of theso hod run off with her His
band, so naturally the poor woman's
opinion was more than a llttta biased.
Instead of condemning tho stenogra
phers ns designing young women, whoso
sole aim In life Is to attract every man
they meet. It would be better If the mar
ried women who regard them as pirati
cal copied some of their smartness and
general attractiveness. The married man
who ran off with his stenographer prob
ably did so because his wife chose to
appear beforo him dowdy and a frump.
Tho wifely apparitions which grace some
breakfast tables, with clothes negllgco
and hair even moro so, ore not calcu
lated for the retaining of husbandly ar
fectlon or even respect
Prices In Philadelphia Restau
rants Soar Above Those In
British Capital.
England Is worrying over the high cost
of living the problem which has prob
ably been discussed morn thnn any other
In this country In recent years and need
lessly It must seem to Phlladelphlans.
Prices of foodstuffs have Increased so
much because of the war, according to
dispatches, that It Is giving tho people
and the Government much concern.
Nevertheless a menu containing dishes
for every meal of the day taken from a
lending hotel and representative restnu-
rants In London show a scale of prices
which would make rhlladelphlans chuckle
with glee If they were In vogue here.
Hueh matters as woman suffrage nnd pro
hibition would be forgotten In the Joy
caused by n condition of affairs which
would promise the solution or we nign-cost-of-living
Only one Item on the menu of the Savoy
Hotel In London is listed at a higher
price than tho same article on the menu
of ono of Philadelphia's leading hotels
Curiously thnt Is a dessert, peach Melba,
which may bo caused by tne compara
tive scarcity of poaches in the "tight lit
tlo Isle," or by the superior facilities and
skill of American chefs in dessert man
Ing. Only four dishes can be bought for
the same prices In tho two hotels all the
rest cost moro In Philadelphia. The four
are consomme, filet de sole, pudding and
Ico cream.
These menus show that even with the
great advance In tho prices of foods In
London becauso of the war It Is posslblo
to get cheaper meals In the hotels nnd
restaurants thero thnn can be obtained In
this city In time of peaco. Following Is
n comparative list of prices In London
nnd Phlladelpha: ,
They Knew "Father Tom" and
Loved Him as Baby in SL
Matthew's Parish, Consho-hocken.
i $vjxvj!!y i"fcj'T.yr jpyr
WmL - Jh
Philadelphia band CONCERT WOMAN'S r.TKRft'rVBnr If
London fhlladelphl
Whero love-plratcs arc hovering around,
It Is only a long experience of the world
which will make the danger realised, And
their piracy must always teach men and
n omen to cling faithfully to the friend
ships and loves already tried and proved.
a" s
Prize Suggestions
A prfoo of $1 will bo awarded
daily for the bost practical sug
gestion. No suggestions will bo
Itooscvclt Hospital Graduation
The Training School of the Itooscvclt
Hospital graduated four nurses last night
Tho Rev. II. H. Holtzlngcr wna the chief
ipeaker, while the diplomas were award
ed by Ur. T. N. Schwcnk. The graduates
are Miss Adgo T. Carlson, Jilts Ellon
Norton, Miss Lillian K. Lenders and Miss
Rcslna M. Uensmore.
A prise of ft has been awarded to Mrs.
Oraee, OS West Rlmrpnsck street, German
town, for the following suggestion!
To overcome the necessity of unscrew
ing the floor mop from Its handle every
time It has been used, punch a hole
through the lid of the box It came In
large enough for the handle to pass
through. Putting It away In this manner
prevents tho oil from spreading. A lord
can may be uitd if the lid of the box
has been lost.
Lansdowno High School Opened
More than SOOO persons Inspected Lans
flonno's now High School, which was
formally opened last night Addresses
were made by members of the School
Board, and at the close of the opening ex
ercises the Alumni Association's annual
banquet was held.
Consomme 23 23
Tomato 23
Flint de sole SO SO 07
Mutton chopi .17 .. 33
Calf'l tlvnr
and bacon ST ,,
Pork chops 97 ,,
Tenderloin steak
(one peron) PO ,,
Itomt beer .17 ,.
Tomatoes 2.1 ,,
Mushrooms 23 ..
8 A I. ADS.
Lobster salad (S3 73
Puddlnic 23 12
Ic cream 21 IS
Peach Mclbn 87
Tea (per cup) J2
Biggest House Owner Rents Home
NEW YORK. Juno 23. Although ho is
tho largest Individual owner of real
estnto In this city, Vincent Astor soems
to be having a hard time to find a homo
that satisfies him and that ho may keep.
Yesterday he leased tho house at 122 East
78th street for the coming season. Mr.
Astor owns wholo blocks of dwellings
but among his possessions there Is not
one suitable for his own use.
3a ro
40 90
,. SO 83
87 W 50
43 43 45
.10 13
23 00 SO
70 BO
12 23 13
.17 40 23
12 23 20
76 00 30
0 23 20
8 23 20
20 13
Abovo is Mrs. Annlo Clinton,
godmother to Archbishop Kon
nedy. Bolow Is Mrs. Thomas
Carroll, who was bridesmaid to
Archbishop Kennedy's mothor.
TWO women living In Conshohockcn,
long- past tho throe score and ten toll
of years, foci a porsonal Interest in tho
elevation of tho night Rev. Thomas F.
Kennedy, rector of the American College
In Romo to tho archbishopric. Thoy aro
his aunt, Mrs. Annlo Clinton, of 224 East
6th nvenuo, nnd Mrs. Thomas Carroll,
of Stli avenua and Maple street
Mrs. Clinton takes great pride In being
ho godmother of the prelate and feels
hat her promise to see that tho Infant
if 67 years ago wnlkcd In tho ways of
ho Lord has been 'amply fulfilled. Mrs.
Cnrroll's Joy Is In the recollection that
sho wns the bridesmaid for the parents
of the Archbishop when they were mar
ried nnd that she cnrrled his Ornce to
church when he was to be baptized.
Roth these women were overjoyed when
they henrd thnt the Holy Father hnd con
ferred additional honor upon "Father
Tom," ns they affectionately know the
distinguished prelate who has been In
chnrgo of tho Papal College since 1901,
They take It thnt this fnvor Is the be
ginning of Rddltlonnl honors nnd pray
dilly to St. Anthony that they will soon
learn that n Hed Hat has been bestowed
tinon the ono who was reared In St.
Matthew's parish, Conshohockcn.
"Father Tom deserves any honor th"
Holy Father can glvo him," said Mrs.
Clinton this morning. "As a boy he won
n dutiful son nnd a Godfenrlng Christian,
with n henrt that went out to every one.
I remember ono ilny when he was a
mite of a boy thnt ho cried when I was
leaving tho old homo In Marble Hall be
causo his mother had given me nothing
to take away with mo. He was only
to bo appeased when It was promised that
his father would send mo somo scrapple,
nhlcli woo bolng made nt the time, after
It hnd cooled. It Is a great thing to feet
that your godson has so risen that ho
Is consulted by the Popo, and I know ho
Is Just as generous with others ns lie wii
with all his relatives. May ho bo created
n Cardinal and If It pleases the Lord bo
come the Holy Father boforo we oil die."
Mrs. Carroll oherlshcB nn autographed
photograph of his Grace, which was
sent to her from Homo shortly after
"Fnthor Tom" becamo n Bishop. When
tho prelnte visits his homo he always
looks In on tho ono who was his mother's
bridesmaid nnd what thoy gossip about
no one ever knows. Nor Is It likely that
tho rector of tho American College will
ever toll. Such conversations are not for
evory ono's ears.
Tonight's Program on the City Halt
The program for the concert on City
Hall Plata tonight by the Philadelphia
Band Is as follows:
1. Overture-"If 1 Were King" Adam
2. (a) "An Village" a"'
lb) "Polish Dance'5 ScharwenKa
8. Euphonium Solo "Kilty Darling". Kolllnson
Mr. Charles A. Norato, Soloist,
4. Grand Scenes from "Les Conies d'Hoffman,"
B. Mallet Muslo to "Henry Vlll"..Sln-Saens
in; Tne oatnenng.or tne cians.
lb) A scottlih Idyl.
M vnnce of the Qlpsy Girl.
M Jig and Finale.
udles from "The Pink Lftdy"....CnryIl
o dl Concert, ''Kenan".... Waldteufel
(dale on Scotch Melodies, "Hobert
ft. Melodies from
7. Valeo
Afternoon and Night Programs of
Fnlrmount Park Band.
The programs for concerts this after
noon and tonight nt Bolmont Mnnslon by
the Fnlrmount Park Band nre ns follows!
1. Overture "Mill on the Cliff",..... lUlselger
i, (si -Kia Enterin tne catliecirm,
Crowd of Suffragists nt Sayre
Give Touring Party Rousinff
Send Off. B
from "Lohengrin1'
'Polish DAnpn Mn.
Reminiscences of tho most
(b) "Polish Uanco No,
n, jieniiniscencefl or u
Worlifl rf flillllvnn
4. Melodlos from "Marietta"
o. (ft) ".Meiociy m F"
id) 'giriBiriwn'
ii. "mrc
. . .nublneteln
. ..Pestnlozza
reA 51nAn1fth Ttan.,."
7. Valao do Concert "La Perls da Madrid
,. . Lamotte
8. "Songs of tho Day" Lamp
1. Overture "Eurynntho" Weber
2". (n) "Intcrmciio from Nalla" Dellbea
(b) "Slavonlo Danco No. 7".. Dvorak
n. Grand Scenes from "Dlo Nlbclungen,"
4, Fantanle "Cremo de la Creme"...,Tol
0, Deecrlptho rnntasic "Tho Cavalr
. Chargo" I
. ?"?. from "Henry VIII" Snlnt-Saeni
fa) The Gathering of tho Clan".
id; a acumen iayi.
mo uipsy oin,
ir India" Uratton
nn Strlnafl lrnrnvrp' . .RAiien
Itlodlea from "Tho Llttlo Cfe"... .Caryl!
star spangled Banner."
(o) Danco of tho (
(d) J Iff and Flnali
'. (a) "The Star of
(b) "Tho mars nnd
The Resurrection of Ezra Tuttle
Mrs. Livingston Will Speak in Brides
burg. That phase of the campaign of tho
National Woman'a Christian Temperance
Union which concerns itself with woman
suffrage will be discussed by Mrs. Del.
vlah Knox Livingston, superintendent of
franchise for the Union, at the Klrkbrlde
Street Methodist Church, Brldesburg,
Mrs. Livingston has been connected
with the temperance movement ever since
she was 13 years old. She was formerly
president of the Rhode Island branch of
the Union until she took up her eruffraso
work In the national body,
Sho will repeat the address tomorrow
night In the East Allegheny Avenua
Methodist Church.
Hoon-OMn-alr meeting on tha Poatofflce
flats. Wli and Chestnut strcta. Speaker!
Mlas Bertha 8povlU. er,
Noon Open-air meeting at tha Landenberaer
Mill fundolph .ir.,t .j Columbia itreetT
Spaakar. alias Anna iloCue; aailatant at
meeting, Mrs. Agnea Mellon, ' "
J- "di?.. lhe hB1 ' Mrs. BIa
xwSf ii5K.. rt m """ sp,ak "'"
S. j m -Opo-tr meeting at 33th street and
Sa'J&'ts. Bf&T. MUs TfcriK
S SO p. m.-Opan.alr meeting; at Front and Dla.
mood streets. Speaker, Miss Anna McCu.
0 19 a. ro -Members or the party leave head
quarter.. 1711 Chestnut street, to maka auiS.
w(W tr in northeastern sect Ian of the
mz "&:J:&iy.. ph' . ? t,
George l'Urtol, leader of the party
ctty. Mla Eatelle Bua.,1. fllsa if.
ad Mrs JeJi I'. SM. '
Ififc ubhedauartera In various asctlotu and
to arouse interest to the wewao'a auffrase
question. AmoDf these whs so are lira
n this
Jnsn-Aj? maailji at TABv.kA.. .-.
.. .:..., C?E. . J.""" .1
-.r-;: ---, rw..MH,is. giiea seas.
311111 a: rests, rnikfard luA:' i,.-.
C C. Knio and Mrs. UarKareTouflraVd
Njun-Opa-alr meatlsc at the Ma
an, FalrBMHWt avanue west of Sold
coiintx wr jTHIrADEEFHIA.
4 W p ro -Meeting or the awutys
Mara at temporary Kaa4auartara. lMs'ni
?."' MIT-Si TA S?L .&& ts.b "
mn la gr i- Viip u Ik Mf7ra,, Sk
liurlas tut i.i
TBWi'KltAM 15 ' NloN
:M atrata. 3AJ(. O Ra. Hut LJU- '
GOLF and tennis
are occupying
the time of the smart
woman at this time
of the year. Whether
she Is at a seashore,
country or mountain
resort, or Just at her
own city "country
club," she needs a
smart sports c o a
turoe. Brightly col
ored silk sweaters
and white corduroy
skirts are very pop
ular, but they have
their drawbacks.
The strenuous sport
Ins life will soon
make this charmlns
o o m b 1 nation look
shabby. Hence the
Introduction of the
regulation outing
suit, certified and
vouched for by the
best American de
signers, fimart tweeda and
woolen materials
were fashionable
early in the season,
when tho extremely
cold weather made
these necessary,
Now that the warm
weather has come,
the same materials
are duplicated In ra
tine, epong-e and
toweling with good
effect, Aa a rule,
only the wearer
knows the difference,
and appreciates the
difference In the
weight of the ma
terials. A tawny tan color
Is used in this ratine
coat, combined with
a plaid skirt of
cloudy blue shades.
This association .of
colorings la practical
and becoming, The
coat, is made In a
loose, belted jacket,
with a double.
breosted front Col
lar! and cuffs of the
plaid materials are
used on the coat to
harmonise with the
skirt The wat is
pleated at the bask
and small buakles
are used at either
side. The skirt Is
quite plain, being out
very full pd ex
tremely short. Tha
sailor hat worn with
this costume is made
of navy felt with a
self-colored groa
graln bandeau' sur
ro'indlHg the crown.
The blgfc boots are
for walking, of
eowse, awl may be
replaced by any of
tne smart y o 1 1 a
HWWH (bis
i Er m m MvSsasfcflstsaW
f f iHli m
S9RB MaflslallEaisBi(Cl J1bB5L LaffA
P-8t 'vfliBslKs99SE''"igBsmH
JGm"f K
dJbHHsiBiiiW sir :ak
-4fP o7 surr of new desigh
" 'Taint no use, Mnndy," gasped tho
dcttspn, falling back wenkly on tho bed
anlr drawing the faded pink bordor of
tho blanket nround his shoulders. I
ain't e'kl to It; I'm all of a sweat now
an' Blmkln' lllto a loaf Jest from tryln'
to gu over to that ol' rockln' chair."
"Maybe If Uncle Ezra hnd modern
treatment Jio would havo milled bolter,"
ventured Minn Cnllum, tenting u frosh
Iron. "Doctor I'rntt Is too old-fogylsh to
suit mo. Docto'' Gralinm suys "
Sirs. Tuttlo 3 spoon fell ngulnst tho side
of the pan wltn n clatter.
"Why, Han lot t'allum," sho oxclalmod,
"I sh'd think you'd bo ashamed to run
down Doctor J'ratt. I bellovo you think
the sun couldn't rise if Jack Orahnm had
any objection. Ho ain't been out of col
logo more'n two years an' don't glv
nothln' but sugar pellets nn' wator for
medlclno, nnyhow. The Idea of com
pailn' him to Doctor I'ratt!"
"Ho hnn made cures whero Doctor I'ratt
couldn't," returned Mlsa Cullum com
posedly, "also, pleoBo recollect thut I
hnvo studied uotronomy I can smell your
porridge burning, Auntie."
The defend-;" of Doctor Pratt stirtod
hastily, Jerking disconnected sentences
over her shoulder.
"Taln't the doctor's fault your Uncle
Ezra won't try to walk-It's his own
atubbornnesa. He's made 'un his mind
hes goln' to dlo an' It'll take a moral
oarthuuako to budgo hnn. Hie father
was tho contra'Ist cilttor ilm Ivinl vr
An lmporntlvo knock prevented her
niece's reply and Mrs. Tuttle Involuntarily
started forward; but the door opened of
Itself admitting a stout, red-faced, elderly
lady, dressed In a flowered heliotrope silk
of gorgeous pattern.
In ono hand sho carried a huge bird
cago draped In white. In the other an old
foshioned valise. Sho halted on tho
threshold, puflllng stertorlously,
"Aunt Ablgal Cnllum!" crlod Mrs. Tut
tle In a voice of dismay.
Tho visitor nodded her head.
"I don't wondor you're H'prleed at seeln'
me, Mandy Tuttle," ulie wheesed hoarsely,
"after my vowln" an' dcclarin' I'd nover
set foot In this house agin; an" I'm sure
when I said It I nevor thought I'd live to
seo tho day a doctor that was young
enough to bo my gran'son would show me
iny duty; but ho dldr an' I'm here to help
nuss Btra."
Tho old lady deposited the bird case on
the Ironlngboard.
"Lord A-mlghtyl" groaned the deacon,
lively alarm depicted on his wasted
features, "I b'llove she's comln'."
Mrs. Cnllutn loomed In the doroway, the
parrot cage In one hand and a j bowl of
porridge In tho other. Placing the cage
against the wall she advanced toward the
"You nln't lookln" ez bad ez l cal'lated
to find you, nephew," she commented
v,healy. "Don't say nuthln'. It's weak,
'nine for sick folks to talk, I'm going
to help Harriet and Mandy nuss you.
You drink this porridge now 'fore It gits
cold! then Mandy 'n I'll git you over to
the rockln' chair Harriet says the doctor
wants you to set up-an' we'll make tho
nea nice an- iresi),
Deacon Eira glared Imnotentlv at tha
extended bowl.
"Don't be uppish," his great-aunt con
tlnued reprovingly, "If I kin awoller thai
bog you robbed me of, you kin drink
this, Ezra."
"I ain't going to git up," the deacon
ehouted feebly after her retreating back,
"'It J ,!!on,'J want nono of youp nussln",
nutherl" lie flopped over determinedly,
face to the wall. '
A prolonged, fiendish chuckle from be
hind the footboard brought the deacon
back to his surroundings with a Jerk.
Wh-what'e thatJ" he whispered to
himself. "There ain't nobody In the
room," .
The chuckle was repeated, ending with
ft burst of shrill, unholy laughter.
oraoksrl" he shrieked tauntingly.
Exasperation nerved the slok man's
arm as he flung it forth, but the cans
.'.imWJ" hsad by a good foot.
"I'll throw that parrot down stairs on
It, panted the deacon, hitching painful.
ly to the edge of the bed and then to his
Iron grit, Inherited from Puritan an
etitry. alone forced bis trembly legs
across the floor, but he reached the cage
-and to his surprise a faint sense of
exhilaration followed the effort.
i,. Mwb)! RlP.i goln' t0 " sr all,"
he thought with grow ng wonder. "I'm
llk?. " " bUt X d9n,t re1 ,0 " 8n
David eysd the tall, gaunt, blanket-
J'JyW ,eV no vl1'" e repeated, draw,
i.nf f!P trlath .M1 releasing his hold
2L?'.1'W .h.ablVl0.n' "a' I woKon you
needn't, nuther; I s'po what ths Bible
eays about the sparrers is true about you,
too. If you do swear. It looks terrible
good out doors, though them oats need
cradling the wust way. I'm f-oliv to set
down by the window an' look out a spell "
. ..i Hiiar tne resurreotea aeaoon,
sitting In dreeslnggown and sllppwe on
the jun-bathjd porcn, shook bRBd, wiu
Dr. John 0 rah am and out short his words
?, frluJM with the abrupt aoser
tlon: "g 'twas y set Aunt Nobby on
to mer"
Ths doctor cast au etoqueot tok tt re-
proaoh at Miss Cnllum, smiling in tho
doorway, and then stood manfully to his
"Yes, sir," he admitted. "Mrs. Tuttlo
wns worrying herself sick becauso you
Improved so slowly, nnd well, It didn't
seem a caso for medicine, exnetly, so It
occurred to me that If I could persuado
Mrs. Cnllum to take a hand, porhnps "
"I'vo been thlnkln, slnco I heard of your
connection with the caso that you'd bo
brlngln' in a bill," ho went on, the smllo
brondonlng. "Doctors can't afford to work
for nuthln', 'specially young ones that
'spoct to git married samo'a you an' Har
rietan' I dunno's I ought to pay It,
seeln' ez Doctor Pratt has a sort of first
mortgage; but I toll you what I will do!
"You git Aunt Nnbby an' her Psalm-
nlncrln' parrot homo agin nforo Saturday
night nn' I'll glvo my nicco a title-deed to
that house nn' barn o' mlno opposite tho
Orthodox .Church tho one I bought or
Stove Myrlck last fnll on the day sho'a
Mrs. John Clraham!"
CopjrlKht. 1018.
Police Seek Stolen New Auto
Tho pollco of tho Qermantown station
nro searching today for thieves who
stole nn automobile belonging to "Vnlter
M. Schwarts, of Allen's lane nnd McCal
lum streot, last night, as it stood in
front of the rcsldenco of Harry B. Vol
lentlne, 5133 Morris street. Tho car was
a now Stuu runabout, valued at J2000.
BAYRB, June 23.-Choered on Its w ,
by n huge nnd enthusiastic crowd et,!
woman's Liberty Hell started from hire
this morning on Its Btate-wlde tour x
lontr itrlnjr of gnlly-decomt ..'
biles, filled with omn t (, c-.T.!""1?
frngo association and lenders from ii
tho neighboring counties trails .n. .?"
big motortruck bearing the bell. slvinZ i
the people of this county a picturesnTii i
dcmonatrntlon of tho Enthusiasm whirs 4
Is to mnrk the euffrogo campaign In .hi. 1
Stnlo from now on. s ,n ln,
The ceremonies nccomoanvlnir . ..... '
of the bell tour attracted one of th hi,
gest crowds ovor nesemblcd hero. Ji, .5 i
dltlon to tho Bcores of suffragists X
arrived from 'nil parts of the stai. '
every man, woman and child ln town
who could get away from home, 0me ,
or shop duties hustled over to Howard
Elmor Park to seo the official nreiania
Hon of the bell to the State Biirtr"Bl.t.
by Its donor, Mrs. Katherlne WentweAs
ltuschcnborgcr, of Btrnfford, and th
start of tho bell party on their MOO-mile
tour. "
Dr. Oeorgo B, Corllng, Mayor of Basrre
also spoke, e,xtendlng tho good Kl.hoi
of tho town pooplo to the State su. i
gists, nnd expressing the hope that thel "v
bell Would accomplish Its mission so wu v
that It might peal forth Its bimi . f,
political emancipation to tho women of 4
Pennsylvania on the night of November 2. f
In tho pnrty when It left her i... '
were Mis. Itocsslng, Miss Hannah J. Pat.
terson, State chairman of the Woman
Suffrngo party; Mrs. Francis II. Hager.
mnn, county chairman of Bradford!
Mrs. John C. Mathor, chairman of Ulster'
Mrs. Hobcrt K. Young, treasurer of the
Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Assocls..
Hon; Mrs. C. W. nuschenberger, Mrs
Maxwell K. Chapman, chairman of
Scrnnton: Mrs. F. W. Taylor, chairman of
Canton? Mrs. John Itockwell, chairman
of Monrootown; Mrs. Blmon Kendall
chairman of Towanda; Dr. F. J. Klngil
lay. Mayor of Townnda; Miss Helen
Todd, ono of California's suffrage leaders:
Miss Louise Hall, speaker and director
of tho boll tour, nnd a number of others
prominent In tho Pennsylvania suffrage
The Blind Squirrel Gets a Name
AFTER Roddy Squirrel mndo the oo.
. qualntancc of the little blind splrrel,
ho went ovor to tho llttlo fellow's homo
every day, and many a fine chat did they
have From tho blind splrrel Rcddy
learned many things about the park
which was now to be his homo; and about
me woodBy creatures which lived thoroln.
And also (If tho truth must be told)
Reddy learned many Icsboos of kindness
and patience from tho good little follow,
though Reddy didn't reallzo It at tho
Ono bright morning, after they had
chatted a tow minutes, Roddy said, "Why
do wo stay around In this one placo nil
Henry R. Edmunds Believes Her to
Bo Amply Qualified,
Henry R. Edmundu, president of the
Board of Education, announced today
that ho Intended to voto for Dr. Lucy
Langdon W. Wilson, head of tha depart
ment of biology of tho Philadelphia
Normal School, for the prlnclpalship of
thn now high school for girls to be opened
In September at Broad street and Snyder
"I bellove that Mrs. Wilson Is an un
usually capable woman," said Mr. Ed
munds, "In fact. I doubt whether a man
enn be found In Philadelphia who Is o.
greater scholar or more competent ed
ucational cxecuthe. Thero are several
applicants for tho positions and I an
ticipate an Interesting contest."
Among tho other educators who have
been prominently mentioned In connection
with the ofllce nre Dr, Theodore L. Mc
Dowell, district superintendent of ele
mentary schools; Prof, J. Linn Barnard,
of tho School of Pedagogy, and Prof,
Jonathan Rorer, head of tho department
of mathematics of tho William Penn High
School. Doctor McDowell Is expected to
obtuin enthusiastic support from David
II, Lano, Mr. Lane has on several occa
sions nominated him for other higher of
flees without success, Doctor McDowell
Is nn expert on higher education.
Sealed Songs
Love touched my eyes and mads them
The world grow strangely roseatei
And all tha darkness of tho years.
Their lonellnoss, their formless fears,
were ioai in iignt. lire's ions arrears
Of Joy were paid In full by Fato.
Lovo touched my ears and made them
A hymn of hope, a low, sweet strain
And h11 the uncomDletcd nast.
The barren dreams, tho doubts amassed.
Were caught to harmony at last,
And courage calmed the pulse of pain.
Love touched my heart and made It stir
To ono strange cell from out Its sleep!
And life took up its lightened load
And marched a-singlng down the road.
Till happiness and wonder flowed
In veins where grief was wont to creep,
Love touched my llps-ond struck them
And all the glory In my sight.
And all the harmony that fell
Upon my ears, and all the spell
That held my hesrt, I could not tell
To Har--my Lady of the Light.
wl' W.' F.nvV 1" th Southern
Woman'a Mncaz hi. .i
"fiureJi, they want us fo east with them,"
tho time? SeemB to me we ought to ex
plore more of tho park. Maybo we would
find a part that wo would like more than
"I doubt that," replied tho blind squir
rel, "and, you soe, I cannot go very far
In safety. This part of the park I know
very well nnd I feel secure here. Maybe
mere wouiu Do danger elsewhere. But
don't mind about me," ho added, as he
law how disappointed Reddy looked;
"you go ahead and explore all you want
to. Then you onn come back and tell me
all about it that will be a lot of fun."
"Do you think so7" aBked Reddy, doubt
fully. "I'd like it better If you went with
me. Seems to ma nobody can go any
where with mo this morning. Mrs. Roddy
was buoy at tho nest; you think thero Is
danger In exploring! I don't bcllevo any.
body loves mo!"
"Oh, dear, you mustn't think thatl" ex
claimed tho little blind squirrel In dla
trees. "Please, please don't think that!
1 11 bo with youl Only, you see, with only
one eye exploring Isn't as much fun as
you might think!" But the obliging I ttle
fellow started down from tHo tree to go
with Reddy.
Then all nf a sudden Reddy saw how
selfish ho was In wantlm? tho blind squlr.
rel to go with him. Of mnr. .,!.
Injr wasn't much fun when ono was halt
blind. Why hadn't he realized that him
self! "Indeed, you win not go with me "
Reddy exclaimed, excitedly. "I wouldn't
havei(you go with me-you might get
'Oh. I guess not," answered the blind
squirrel, who, now that he was started,
really wanted to explore n bit for o
change, "1 guess you can take care of
me all right," And ho camo on down
the tree, '
"Well," said Reddy, thoughtfully, "if
?SV.Wl yQ..ure not B'rsld-" Then a
bright thought occurred to him, "Vii
tell you what we can do, I'll go ahead
and see where Is ths best way to go. and
you can follow mo when you eo t is
safe" Tho llttlo blind squirrel thought
that a fine plan, so off they started
They hadn't gono but a few steps till
they heard voices, and so quickly thev
hardly had time to hide, three children
rnn out In front of tho very bushes that
hid tho two squlrrols. Though the squlr.
rels kept very still, tho children spied
their bright eyes and held out handsfui
of nutB nnd crackerJacK.
"Had wb better take it?" asked Roddy,
for he was new to the park ways, you
see. "Is it safo?" ' '
"Surely, they want us to feast with
them," replied tho blind squirrel, fear,
lessly, no out they went and nto all the
children had It was not long till ths
children spied tho blind squirrel's lack of
an eye.
"Oh. look." cried the biggest boy, "this
Is a half-blind squirrel) Let's call him
Cyclops, and come hero every day to feed
him." 6o that Is the way the blind squlr.
rel got his name.
OopvriahlClara Ingram Judton.
Little Hints on Style
One Is really able to say this summer
that clothes for women aro delightful,
They nro full enough to be graceful, they
are ruftly and frilly, tho colors are ex. 'M
qulslte nnd so are materials. A
Particularly charming aro the taftetaiJH
made In the most picturesque shapes,
with ruffles ol tile same, or lace, or
wieaths of flowers. In fact, you cannot
havo one too fancy, and they mny be cut
In any shapo you please, the old Qodey's
Ladies' Books yielding up somo fetching
ones. Such combinations as pale blue
with silver lace, rose taffeta with a scal
loped ruffle of tho same beaded with a
band of chiffon roses, white tsffotn with
black polka-dotted collar, cuffs and sash.
are Just suggestions.
Nothing Is moro trim than the sailor
suits bb seen abroad, with short, full
skirts and high nusiilan boots.
White collars and cuffs arq so per.
Ishnble for tho children's dresses! Why
not make them of n contrasting color in
earl Borax
Is bettei, safer and
more economical than
the soap you are using
unless yon try It isn't
hat so?
ai Pearl Borax Soo
t uour qwri
The Motion Picture Machine for tbt Home
Motion Pictures
fer Churches, Clubs, Schools, Lihrirtt.
tejtur. Course., Lyceums. Iloro. Vllh
NO Fins WsgWisVWsn'
PfUltjcope Exchange of PhiUdefckla
WCitoiJSK wife.. fiiX iST
Now Is the Time
to think about choosing school for your boy or girl,
0, wait until the J83t minute to decide a question fhat
gTL BtnTCM ? 'utHM 0f yQUr 80" w daughter.
maJ Sth LEDGE CENTRAL at once and
S X ?J Cmplctc lnfotlon on file at our
Educationa Bureau. We can tell you about any prepar-
outl8Ch?01 u thlEaBt Therc are "y thingawe know
outaide of what the BChool catalogue tell you. Get the
Js yours for the asking. Just call and talk it over.
Sg7 'K
gd&4fp3(3E ;'"