8 i i. 1 PUBLtG LEDGER COMPANY crmfB ir k. ckbtib, rawiM! Crmrle II Lsdlwrton. Vlr rrnMrat John C Martin, tUmltr snil Treanursr, Philip rollln, John B. Wllliama. Dlrretort EDITORIAL BOAIld: r'titm It K Cmm, Chairman. F WHALBY .. .... ..RuxwUve IMUor joint C MARTIN. . . .... .general nwrtneee Manartr Published dallr at Fttuo Lmn ItaUdlng, Indfjjrinee Square, FhtMelphli. JMnirn Ctsna,!. ....... Broad ahd ChMlnut 8trea AtuiTic Cm ...rrvacltilon Uulldln New Yobk ......... .....,170-A, Jlelrenolltarr Tflwer Dkroit ...,....,......,..(J80 Ford Building Bt Loch. .............. 40D Qlobe Demoerat mil a nn CH1CAOO Lshdoh. lli.....tMI 1V' . riUUlin LlUMM.i'fl aA A, ,..... H..IIJI.a . .. WRirnop liflcf, nil iu, . ... KF.lVfl ntlHEAUS! WiltiiROTON Boiuu.!,!,... Th r( Building Ntw York nomt... The Timet nulldln Itraun Udkead. i.OO rrlntrlchtras I.Om) Ilinrjo... ......2 fall Mall Baal, 8. W. Fa Udiiao. 82 Ituo LouI la Grand subscription terms Hr carrier. Ditt.f O.nIt, elx cenle. rjy,mftll, jiotpl eutalda of Philadelphia, eieept where forelan pot l required, DiiLT Only, on month, twenly-flvo cente i Imitt cucTT onu wlr thiw dollars. All mall ut tcrlpttona parable In advance. NOTloc Subecrlbera wishing- addreaa changed muat rlre old na well aa new address. BEtL, 1000 VALMJT KEYSTONE, MAIN 3009 ST -itrfdreM all communications to Evening Zedffcr, Independence Square, Philadelphia Sxtucd it Ttis ruil.ADKi.rni roTornc as second cubs MAtt, iutrn. ilia average net paid daily circula tion or Tim evening ledger FOn MAY" WAS 88,01-1. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 191S. Every fool wants to give advice, but this docs not mean that men who give advice arc necessarily fools. Hllt-dccp for a Kill THT3 Governor has driven his knlfo hllt dccp Into tho nefarious body of bills through which tho Organization sought to hamstring ahead of time any popular move ment devised to put an end to tho machlno's Buprcmacy. Tho prlmury object of tho bills was to kcop the opposition divided, to prevent real fusion and put technical barriers In tho way of a popular uprising. Tho Governor, who really believes In democratic government and Is not a. hypocrite, was quick to seo how utterly In defcnslblo yieso measures wore. Ho kicked them Into tho trash pile, whero they be longed and whero they aro likely to stay. Thcro was some talk during tho last cam paign about Doctor Brumbaugh being a mcro Instrument of tho Organization. Thcro wero porno gulllblo peoplo who believed It. It Is a pity that Pennsylvania has not had more of this same sort of "controlled" Governors. Doctor Brumbaugh may make mistakes--ho has mado some but tho great, big, salient fact that stands out Is that at last wo havo a Governor who Is a man, falllblo but cour ageous, honest and Independent, who docs what ho thinks ho ought to do and docs not care two fiddlesticks whether tho leaders or other peoplo llko It or not. The Dcttcr Part of Justice THE commutation of Leo Frank's death sentence Is ns excellent an example of tho purposo and tho cxcrclso of cxecutlvo clem ncy as has been exhibited In tho United States In recent years. Tho reaction of mob .sentiment In Georgia against tho retiring 3overnor, who sent Prank to tho peniten tiary instead of the death house, will doubt less bo strong; but In whatever adversity It msiy placo Governor Slaton, ho will havo the satisfaction of knowing that tho greater part of his fellow-cltlzens npplaud him and that ho has clearly demonstrated tho part ex ecutive clemency Is designed to play. Such a commutation cannot bo held to ro fleet on tho work tho law has already done Once tho Jury mado Its decision, tho courts could only affirm tho legality of every step In the trial. It has been the Governor's part, as It must always be, to supply tho correc tive for n, stato of doubt that hung over tho wholo case. Frank has not been adjudged Innocent by the Governor's net; tho law and tho courts have" not been set aside. It has simply been affirmed that a condition may exist which Judges are not expected to rcc ognlzp as proof of Innocence, but which ono man, tho Governor, may hold to constitute sufficient doubt as to malto a reliance on future developments the better part of Jus tlce. Harpies of the Divorce Court BETWEEN unsavory tales of "gunmen" furnished by detectlvo agencies to act as "strike-breakers," and such an attack as William J. Burns has launched at tho harpies of tho divorce court, tho private detectlvo is getting a foul name in the community. When Mr Burns calls the gatherer of di vorce cvldenco the most "poisonous human snake outside a cell," he can hardly be ac cused of overstatement. From tho doubtful methods which even tho most conscientious of detectlyes may bo forged to take in a good cause, theso professional ferrets of marital troubles sink to work that is nothing short of fraud and blackmail. With thorn every Incentive of private gain Is on the side of corruption, they are delving In doubtful mat ters, and, unlike tho police, they have no conscience of tho State behind them. When Mr, Burns finds a remedy for these conditions, he seems almost as unassailable. "There Is only one way. Pass a law barring private detectives from the witness stand Jn divorce cases. That will stop them." There may be a better solution for the difficulty, but it has yet to be stated The Table d'lTote Tree IN SPITE of the war, selence continue to knock the props from under one terrestrial habit after another. The. lataet victim Is the bumble vegetable. The potato is to root in the ground no longer. The eheetnut tree must give up the custom so popular with village blacksmiths. Both, and the reet of the vege table kingdom alonr with them, are going to tower to the cloud If the head of the Plant Research Bureau la Lnglurne succeeds In "overcoming the downward motion of mule, culee " He thinks he can. Wore etlll, he is buBy blighting the ladl vlduallem of the plant world. He grows liUfl slips vegetable, nut eartortal from privet hedge aa a paetlme. just aa Mr Burbank product a wrlnkteleM prune to su4 bis whim But he is in dtad earnest about the apple tree thai he bae gnwn out of a potato, and he thinks he has Otsiovured fauw a rose feueh can tie 4$Tf vi on m peach tree There is good dtul in this The parent ti-uiik may sow k. at iccted w hitb btst eulte fti ji-u-ulw patiivust: in a uolKhbut hood mm hy boys apples my fee rowu on aas reinforced by s, touch of cactus. " ?1 pcUct f8 uiort: efficient, the frtttt vwit m tug Mwtac ia pleiOna cost by using a ronnihg squash base As for the small etibutbanlte farmer what wonders Open beforo hi ml If ho will only embrace vegetarianism ho can raise his whole- dinner on ft slnslo tree. Somo largo and sturdy, wide-ranging base, like tho banyan; on the lower branches, a llttlo grapefruit; higher up, peas and beani of various hinds, corn, a dash of asparagus, a cluster or two of sweet potatoes and half a bunch of eggplant; still further up somo berries In season; and close to the top, onions and cloves. Alt such a gar den needs Is a scenic railway concealed In the b ranches. "Go Forth, My Son, and Help" Thou hn heard men scorn thy city, call her wild .. , Of counsel, mad; thou hast seen the fire of morn . , Flash from her eyes In answer to their scorn I . . . Como toll on toll, 'tis this that makes her grand, ... rcrll on peril I And common states that stand . . In caution, twilight cities, dimly wise Yo know them, for no light Is in their eyesl Go forth, my eon, and help! Kurlpldea. A FLABBY PhMadctphlan tho other day was bewailing In tho lobby of a resort hotel tho political conditions existing hero. "Things nro so rotten," ho said, "that I havo quit going to the polls." Great Philadelphia, workshop of the con tinent, city of a thousand trades, prosperous nnd beautiful! There is so much of her that wo must bo proud of that It Is worth wlillo fighting the things of which wo must bo ashamed. But what a contcmptlblo being Is tho man who shouts her vices from tho housetop and will do nothing to end them! Tho only ex cuse for exposing the conditions of which good citizens complain Is the effort to correct them. Merely to wallow In tho filth, to bo a muckrakcr and nothing more, Is to Invito and deservo tho scorn of decent men. What matter if toll follow toil, If peril fol low peril, provided stalwart citizens moet them one by ono and conquer them. It Is not tho perils but tho way wo meet them that determines tho greatness of Philadelphia. Terrific struggles to savo tho municipality mako It that much greater, that much moro prized. Wo appreclato what wo fight for. "Go forth, my son, and help!" That Is what tho Greeks did and it is what Phlladclphlans havo dono before They aro not dismayed by tho conspiracies now hatching against tho well-being of the city. They nto beginning to apprehend tho peril and they nro making ready for tho battlo. Assist the Public Official THE Department of Public Health has an arduous but an extremely valuable pleco of work ahead of It this summer. It Intends to wago a vigorous campaign against tho com mon drinking cup and tho common towel. En forcement of tho excellent enactment cover ing this matter will mean a closo nnd diligent watch. It will not always bo easy. Drug stores In out of tho way places may ovado tho letter as well as tho spirit. Even qulto prominent and reputable soda fountains, In stead of using a hot spray, often wash their glasses by tho slipshod method of slopping them about In a stoppered sink of water that Is constantly growing dirtier. In all theso cases where enforcement Is dif ficult tho publlo can do a lot to holp. Tho shopkeeper who Is taken to task by his pa tron Is going to think twlco about tho mat ter. Tho manager of a theatre whero "Indi vidual" cups of paraffin paper nro used but refilled by tho usher Instead of destroyed, can be quickly stopped In an evil prnctlco if tho patron merely takes the trouble to crease or bend tho cup so that It cannot bo presented to another. The citizen must not expect tho public official to do all tho public work. Germany's High-water Mark ANY hour may bring news of Lemberg's Cjl fall. Tho present Is ns certainly tho high water-mark of Germany's war In the East aa von Kluck's drlvo on Paris was of tho war In tho West. With this distinction, that even if the wonderful IDO-mllo lunge of General Mackenson ends In no moro than the ex pulsion of Russia from Gallela, even if tho Germans dig themselves In at tho frontlor and leave Warsaw unassalled, they will havo humbled Russia as Bho haa not yet been hum bled and they will have freed themselves to assault the oncoming Italians in Trieste and tho Trentlno, and to launch another drive at Calais. The achievement of General Mackenscn Is remarkable enough, even admitting Russia's misfortunes over ammunition. Its conse quences should bo greater still. Now, If ever, Germany may win and must win or tho end is In sight. It will take time for Russia to recover. While that lasts Austria can essay the not too difficult task of holding Italy back In her Alpine campaign. More Impor tant, however, of course, Germany can try what Is conceded by many experts to bo Im possible for the Allies, to break through the trench-fortresses In France. If both attempts end In deadlock aa they may then Russia, recovering from a third crushing blow, will be Irresistible. Such resources must win If time only favora. Jitney Is as Jitney does. Next Action hero; The Jitney Bandit. Those oleomargarine crooks were slippery fellows. France expects every fat man to do hla duty. , To jit or not to Jit, that Is the question before Councils. aiiHua iiLini l(ULUiippiiau The "Aiitjs" may ask yje questions but the voters will Blve the answer. "Ollyf Jl xBtoskm aywea im damages," Vnaeh 4riiw ealled to the colors in Parjs, Goodness reel Viator Bmman.ual went and forgot All about daclajrlng war on Turkey. ' '" " - ' "" " fiklisoB'g portable 3,000,640 candle. power searcbUaht wouldn't be a bad thing for Penn sylvania politics. Or for Diogenes either. Somebody ought to reduce the Allies' gains to a common denominator. Thla business of adding up of a mile, plus 483 yards, plus 3 1 of a kilometre Is a little fatlgulig. Proxy Iowell may hve toM Harvard' gi&duaUnx clasa that a man reaches his mental maximum at 23, but he didn't ajric i Jsyf $ tfrfrryt U to ru& t& iifHyftr ff l&ai HOMER'S NODS ; OR, LITERARY HOWLERS Unconscious Humor From the Writ ings of the Great, the Little and the Mediocre Unintentional Fic tionFamiliar Misquotations. By ROBERT IIILDRETH FROM "schoolboy howlers" to "literary howlers" Is not so very long a step, after all. Our enjoyment of them Is duo partly, no doubt, to a defect In our moral make-up. It is not unlike our enjoyment of the spectnole of a. portly man missing a train or tho sight of a man portly also and carrying an arm ful of bundles slipping up (or down) on an ley pavement. In tho caso even of "schoolboy howlers" we feel a prideful senso of superior knowledge, nnd in the caso of "literary howlers" wo ex perience an accession of Importance on dis covering tho fallibility of famous writers. In deed, a good many of us would rather criti cise than appreclato, and not seldom the less consequential tho error is tho greater Is Us appeal. Perhaps, however, 03 was onco suggested In a grnduatlon essay, tho slips (literary and otherwise) of great men owo their pleasant ness nnd vnluo principally to their useful ness In reminding nnd convincing ua that wo arc all human and llnblo to err tho big, tho llttlo and tho mediocre. "When Homer nods," the phrase commonly applied to "literary howlers," Is derived from a couplot In Pope's "Essay on Criticism," but Is often employed In a connection somo- what different from that which it had orig inally. Pope wrote: Tho oft are stratagems which errors seem, Nor la It Homer nods, but we that dream. Rut many a slip Is duo to slipshod writing. On tho following examples tho render may mako his own comment. A Long Wait No-vol-rcaders who llko to combine tho classic with tho topical may bo turning back, now that another great chapter In tho his tory of Constantinople Is under way, to ono of Walter Scott's less popular works, "Count Robert of Paris." And thcro they will find ono of those curious sllp3 analogous to tho woman novelist's horse that "won tho Derby thrco years running" and to tho eclipso of tho sun In "King Solomon's Mines" followod by a moonlight night. Scott, usually ac curate In his descriptions, makes tho Crusad ers wait beforo crossing a bay on tho Bos phorus until tho tldo has ebbed. But thcro Is no tldo In tho Bosphorus. Somo of tho great panjandrums of French Htcraturo haVo perpetrated moro nmuslng "howlers." An exceedingly familiar flguro of speech gets tho historian Thiers Into trouble "Throughout tho day," ho writes, "torrents of rain poured down and 20,000 Aus trlnns bit tho dust." Tho weighty and erudlto lawyer, M. Trop long, proclaims In ono of his sombro tomes that "In tho midst of many crumbling Insti tutions that of property stands erect upon Its foot, seated upon Justice." Franclsquo Sarcoy, tho great critic, writes, "On his helmet waves a missing plume," and agnln, "In tho tones of Mile. Ugaldo ono rec ognizes her mother's familiar hand." Gustavo Flaubert takes pains to collato many of tho slips of contemporary writers, but ho It Is who wrote of a most accom plished lover that "with ono hnnd ho caressed her hair and with the other ho said to her " Ho describes a duel In which "tho two adversaries wero placed at an equal dls tanco from each other." He also refers to a man who "was 70 years old and looked twlco his ago"; but doubtless tho author means Just what ho says. Ono of tho slips charged against Shakespeare, like wise. Is no slip at nil. Shakespcaro speaks of "tho scacoast of Bohemia." At that period in which tho notion of tho play occurred Bohemia was a maritime Power and had an extensive frontago not only upon ono sea, but upon two seas. In ono of Scott's novols the sun sets In tho east. Dickens makes Captain Cuttlo put both hands In his mouth In giving a "halloo," though tho gallant tar had long before lost ono of his hands. Victor Hugo has Charle magne talking of tho Sorbonne, which was founded moro than 400 years after Charle magne's death. Mrs. Edith Wharton, strange to say, de scribes a man as walking on a Btony beach, "his legs and arms still lashed to his sides." Chesterton writes of a man whoso "two dark eyes on each side of his protuberant nose glistened gloomily llko black buttons." Well fixed for eyes. Robert Chambers: "Her throat was full of tears" doubtless from her oyo teeth. From recent popular novels and from stories In the magazines a great number of amusing blunders may be culled. As "I screamed In silent rage!" "A girl tore her eyes from the stage, but her ears still lingered." Hissing tho Unhlssable '"I will never speak to you ngnln as long as I live, hissed Dolly." Just try to hiss It. "A roar of silence followed." "Her feet wero swollen from standing In wet, salty water," "Like Adela, ho had dark brown hair, with enormous black eyebrows, a mustache and n short beard,"' x "Davidson stood wiping his wet neck on the piazza." "What therefore was our surprise to find, Tlsh sitting by the fire in her bathrobe and slippers, with a cup of-tea In her lap and her feet in a tub of water." We are, reminded of those horrible exam ples cited Jn. tho Rhetorlo textbook llko "Tho unfortunate woman was killed while cooking her husband's breakfast in a hor rible manner." Errors of quotation are common In speech and writing. Byron quoted Shakespeare; "An eagle towering In his pride of place." But what Shakespeare wrote was, "A falson towering In her pride of place." Milton wrote, not "as thick as leaves In Vallom brosa," but "thick as autumnal leaves that strew the brooks In Vallombrosa." He wrote, not "freeh fleldB and pastures new," hut "fresh woods." Nathaniel Le did not write, "When 3rk meets Qreek then cornea the tug of war," hut "When Greeks joined Greeks, then was the tug of war" a very different thing. Doubtless, however, the modification of phrases by popular usage is not wholly evil it certainly Is inevitable. The Baying, "Let us eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die" is of curious origin. The preacher in Ecclfwtastaa says, "A man hath no better thing under the earth than to eat and to drink and to be merry " Ualah: "it us eat and drink, or tomorrow we shall die." Luke: "Take thine ajue, eat, drink I mA b merry" YES, THE ., a, ' I ' ' ' I ' " "" MEN OF THE MAYORALTY CAMPAIGN John M. Walton, City Controller for Twenty Years Jie Combines the Useful Distinctions of Being "Practical" and "Efficient." His Unique Reforms in City Accounting and His Big Savings. By HERBERT S. WEBER The series of personal eketchci of men ho will Aaure nramlncntlu in the MavoraltV campaign does not seek to determine the fitness of candidates, but only to present tho personalities ocmna tne names. This is the filth article of the scries. THERE aro two words which, ordinarily, mean protty much tho samo thing, but Just now, in their application to political af fairs In Philadelphia, seem to havo nearly op posite meanings "practical" and "efficient." It Is possible to hear men who aro perfect ly willing to succocd Mr. Blankcnburg as Mayor say with em phasis: "I do not bo llcvo In efficiency; I am a practical man." Tho explanation of this nstounding re mark Is simple; "practical" has come to mean what Is dono for tho good of tho Organization; ''effi cient." what Is dono JOHN M. WAMON , tnQ good Qf teo city. So far as it Is possiblo to do both, John M. Walton seems to havo had great success. Ho Is "practical" enough to have boon City Controller for tho last 20 years; and yet his stnnchcst supporter In tho Or ganization cannot deny that his work ia "ef ficient." Counting Up tho City's Dollnrs So It Is of great significance that ho la considered In the running for tho Mayor alty and that within tho last fow days his chances are believed to have Improved. It would seem that tho five or six "practical" men, who, en breezy porches at Atlantic City, aro about to name ns "practical" a candldato as they dare, aro afraid they may have to inject o llttlo efficiency into tho can didate's make-up after all, to stand him In good Bttad against a strong Independent op ponent. And they would find more than a llttlo efficiency in Walton's record if thoy hit upon tho Idea of adapting him to tho mayoral harness. That record rests upon his establishment of a remarkable system of municipal business procedure which has attracted the attention of experts in many cities in this country nnd abroad; upon n system of inventory which has been the wonder of visitors who havo made pilgrim ages here to study It; upon a method of ac counting and a system of dally balances (something absolutely unknown before his time In municipal affairs), so that he can tell exactly how much money la on hand and how much has been spent every afternoon when he closes his desk for the -day. In ad dition to all this, he has revolutionized the sinking ftlnd system, so that nearly $1,000,000 a year Is saved the city for use in Improve ments; and to cap the climax of this "effi cient" though "Impractical" career, ho is unrivaled for assiduity to his duties and, though at times In tho past he has not been In the best of health, enjoys tho amazing record of having missed not more than five working days in 20 years. He never takes a vacation; and It la In rather striking contrast to read of Senator McNlchol and Congressman Vare playing the delightful game of political chess at the shore while the veteran Controller Is hard at work In City nail on the hottest day In summer, with military fidelity to the ap pointed task. He has much of the steady bearing and disciplined habit of dress and manner that Is characteristic of a retired army officer: and that he Is a captain by brevet after service In the Civil and Indian wars. There is never any question of finding hlro In; if he's out a clerk In his department will say with precision at what time he will return. And presently in walks the Captain, mill tary, but rnqdest, and rather Jaunty, for all his 73 years, -with Panama hat turned up in front and down In baek, immaculate in light summer garb of youthful cut, He has a most quiet and natural courtesy and an air of taking everything easily. He was asked to verify the statements n a long list Of reforms that he bad Inaugurated, and It was murmured that he was a mayoral possi bility. Be raised a forbidding hand: "Ah, Xm not a candidate for Mayor." "Would you refuse to run If the call for such a candidacy ' 'That la putting It In a very difficult way jrts?5 "Witt IfslrfiiiSiiPfliii tm uMsm" bm jrepUed ss8l, The ta GANG'S BEHIND THE questions of party harmony but you wanted to know about tho work of tho ofilco?" Thcro was no doubt that "tho ofilco" was much nearer his thoughts than any question that Involved tho Mayoralty. Thero was no doubt that the administrator o financial do talls had not moved a finger to bo put in tho position of taking tho elevator to tho Mayor's office every working day for tho next four years, Instead of being able to walk right In off tho street to his rooms on the ground floor of City Hall, as of old. Ho wrts going to work every day over figures In tho Subtreasury hero as long ago as 1S57, when ho began a two years' service as a clerk, while his father was treasurer of tho United States Mint. So the statement that Is often heard about him, that ho has mado tho study of finances a life-work, rcst3 upon a1 solid foundntlan. mis tamer, James II. Walton, was a J stanch Democrat, by tho way, receiving his appointment from Pennsylvania's one con tribution to the Whlto House, Buchanan. It was In President Buchanan's homo county of Lancaster that Captain Walton was edu catedIn tho Moravian school at Lltltz. But tho war swept tho Democratic tradition out of the family. Tho boy enlisted on tho Union sldo beforo ho canto of ago and remained In tho army almost continuously until his retire ment, for disability received in tho lino of duty, in 1878. His training In nccounts and tho apportioning of funds was not neglected In tho army, for hla most Important service was In tho quartermaster's department, In tho Indian wars. Ho took up residence on Klngsesslng nvonue nnd for four years rested and regained tho strength that was to bo so necessary for his second long period of ac tivity. Wo havo seen that tho pressure of new Ideals of public service has brought Captain Walton's name forward this year as a pos sible compromise candidate. Curiously enough his entranco Into politics was under much the same circumstances, in 1881 tho first Committee of Ono Hundred was formod and reached tho measuro of its success In tho election of Mayor King. Many who had followed tho committee returned to party lines, but tho committee had not been without effect, as it taught the bosses the power of tho peoplo when aroused and produced a certain amount of respect for the Independent voters. In those days Wil liam ISlwood Rowan was boss of West Phila delphia. Chastened by his defeat for Sheriff, Rowan considered the advisability of regain ing his status by putting up unimpeachable candidates for ofilco. "Practical" and "Efllciont". in 1882 It was while lie was In this mood that the late Anthony J. Drexel and others urged that Captain Walton be nominated for Common Council from the 27th Ward, with tho in dorsement of the Committee of One Hundred and other municipal reform associations. Rowan consented, and Walton was elected, In 1S82, by an almost unanimous vote. So, Just one-third of a century ago, Wnltbn was evidently considered ablo to fulfil both the "practical" and "efficient" functions of Phlla. delphla political life. In April, 1835, he was appointed by Governor Hastings to the office of City Controller. It is an anomaly that. In the last 20 years when waste pf the taxpayer's money has been the distinctive feature of the Organiza tion, eo steadfast a "Watchdog of the Treas ury" should have been on guard, And that Philadelphia's bookkeeping should have gained renown, through all the devastating wars of the contractors for civic loot, must give many a visiting expert who goes over Walton s systems a sensation of grotesque inconsistency, ' One is Irresistibly led to recall the school primer legend of Arehlmedee, Wn0 ln 3 passion for mathematical computations MU drew his clrclea while the city was "utae ZL r,!fT and nal1 fln hoee only request, in tho turmoil of battle, was that hla circles be not dtaturbed. w The Controller u the author of the "Manual at AMQimttak? It was uompleted lasTyear There la harnly a library of Importance S Old World that ha, not a J Z worfc GOVERNOR owns and owes has boon ono of tho prime factors, tho Controller bolloves, ln being ablo tonegotlato 4 per cent, bonds nt par when other cities In ho last two or thrco years havo been obliged to Increase tho lntdrcat rato to 4b and E per cent. Saving a Million n Year Tho signing of tho consolidated loan bill by Governor Brumbaugh a fortnight ago completes a scries of economics for which Captain Walton has striven for years. It fills out a schemo of savings which total nearly $1,000,000 a yenr. Two years ago ho set about a reclassification of tho city's sinking fund nnd tho reserves required to meet tho funded debt nt maturity. As a result of this study ho has been ablo to effect an annual saving or J533.226.87, by reducing tho payments from tho general fund to tho sinking fund by that amount. Ho found as a result of tho much higher returns upon tho sinking fund's In vestments In city loans ovor thoso of somey years ago that a large surplus had been accumulated ln tho sinking fund and was ly ing idle there. Another largo saving has been ln tho slowing up of tho salo of loans and tho consequent reduction of tho very largo cash balances carried ln tho city treas ury. Tho act of Assembly of Juno 24, 1913, made It lawful for appropriations to bo made, con tracts entered Into and work to be done on loans without awaiting the issuo of the loans. This mado it possible to Inaugurate tha practice of dofcrrlng tho actual salo of loans until near tho tlmo that tho money was needed. Walton was thus enabled to effect an annual saving of $190,000. Tho act approved this month creates a consolidated lonn funcTnnd permits tho temporary use of loan moneys In tho treasury belonging to one loan for paying warrants drawn against another loan. This act will effect a further saving of at least J200.000, making a total saving of $380,000 by theso changes ln tho method of administering treasury balances of loan moneys. Adding this to tho $533,228 87 wo have a total annual saving of $913,220.27. In somo future years theso changes will ef fect savings much greater than this sum, as when an important pleco of public work re quiring large loans Is contemplated, such as tho work covered by the $10,000,000 loan of 1901 nnd tho $13,500,000 loan of 1907, tho pro cedure described can bo followed, while under tho old method the wholo amount of the loan would havo to be sold beforo work could be begun. In tho future, portions of loans need only bo sold ns money Is required to make payments. Capitalizing the annual savings effected under the present Controller at 4 per cont, thoy represent a sum amounting to about $25,000,000, Yet an Organization Man Yet Captain Walton is an Organization man. In tho "hands" of "cards" which Mc Nlchol and the Vares aro holding, whero the Atlantla sends cool breezes to enhance tho sport, the Controller Is understood to bo' one of the "cards" In McNlchol's "hand," to be "played" against a Yas'o man, In the Intense ly difficult game of finding a candidate who will be acceptable at tho samo time to Mc Nlchol, to Vare, and to the people of Phlta delphla. HAWAII There's a path of gold on the ocean's breast When the lamp of the day swings low, And It leads the wsy to a land of rest Where the palm and olive grow. No strife Is there, nor want, nor care, Nor taint of a human 111; And It basks away In a blue-girt day, With a night that Is deep and still. There's a velvet stir In the darkening gleam. And a heave of the drowsy sea, A5.a,.?: whHe.llpped wave from her coral home With a whisper of mystery. And the realm of the deep Is hushed In Bleep, Save a dreaming Beablrd's cry; While overhead, with a silent tread. The sentry worlds move by. TV, P, Burns, In LMlle', AMUSEMENTS B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE OHBSTWr AND TWItXJTH STREETS Elizabeth Brice and Charles King Walter C. Kelly QALBTTI'S BABOONS; OTHKRlf GLOBE MARKET AND JUNIPER PHOTO-PLAVS 11 IO 11 MART UJU38 WINTER In "ALWAYS IN THE WAY" Ttwrn,. Fri, Bt. Vlete Allw, "White BUwr" iviw; n-iLpID Dubois FH-n rstd -PSlBOHMR-e INVENTION, i MEL- iEAjiftijW KB4HR MORTON, itcCOR-4K&H-TiJUACK WALLACE ra LEON Woodside Park T""1!l'J '. -J' A KNIfiHTFOR A DAY" I I i,