BTETmrGF CEPffTng-PHTlTAPflEPHIA', TOSSD-A, JOTE 22, 1915: SI .P"nP6-- ""TWTTmTC !' CURTIS BUILDING m PUBLIC LEDGER BUILDING INDEPENDENCE nALL Jm i Jt s raH' ml ISBp LS- 1 trn cr A ID ymmmi-wm m i;7"-." .jj-nrf i-.i.r-i. K.; n. clUl fedH in --a J 'SJhJitSB'i SlSllIill "'! ! P m si X'WSni xv I'li TfflSSl Yv XX C .'alMftlHRKK8fl?i NX Mix I1K . , w x ale e4 x? w. msm XsXXX f i ssarftssFEsiwfc-iT: WW I.W.. 0 lllllll i ltd I ''itlt I L li IBM ? A-gssia t IlLlllft && . Suel.i rnrnri fflfflMBM n a&MincfiyMw r 'wMiiusaTs-es-'ssK mmim A. . t . V . .&:. fffvHKffJ4 VlMiH1 WW :, wa (.-. j &vf $& IP c v5J"rmTia"y m k - - J. Sffl- raiww)p-r ii im S as fl' RH Z-d 'AJZf fZ&ZA zr&zsR v rA 7J ZrTifFZ i n tj -. t a The "Workshop of the World" has made of Philadelphia "The City of Homes." There are 500,000 homes in this city and suburbs and each one sends its greetings and a hearty ' "Come to Philadelphia - lfeuslL if fr ' Urn. 'W- . " ,7ffiAll StBRlliJiriJWJl lftWa 3SB' rtiVHHMig 'miti'V II m W::1,0-; j I "ihikAJ vv a illlitiiiirT'iu iiin" irt i in 1916 95 ttrtr- .r- m rsrvrw sVT,a . CM39 "iiS The workshop of the Curtis Publish ing Company, where 500,000 complete magazines are produced each day, is eager for a visit from you. We want to entertain you in the first workshop of its kind ever erected in America a building devoted exclusively to the publishing of daily newspapers The Public Ledger-Evening Ledger Building. Atlantic City, our seaside suburb, at the finest time of 1916 will anticipate your coming, and you will be entertained there. Across the river in Camden you will hear a hearty "Come in" from Victor, Campbell and Esterbrook. The Liberty Bell will have returned from its sojourn in California. Indepen dence Hall will be visited and your re ception at Valley Forge will not be as cold as was Washington's in the winter of 1777-1778. Stetson hat factories, Baldwin Loco motive Works and Cramp's extensive ship yards are workshops well worth the visit you will be invited to make. Hosiery, underwear, cotton, woolen, oilcloth, blanket, hardware and many other great industries will benefit by your coming. The greatest money making institu tion, aside from the 'convention itself, the U. S. Mint, will want you to see how they make money. Our late prominent citizen and ad vertising man, Dr. Benjamin Franklin will greet you in spirit. William Penn from his statue on high will welcome you even before you enter our city. Philadelphia, after two centuries of progressive manufacturing effort, which has made of the city "The Workshop of the World," will be grateful for one week of inspiration which the Advertising Clubs of the World will bring. Your convention, brought to Philadel phia in 1916, will give new ideas and impetus to the men who operate this vast Workshop. In behalf of the Governor of Pennsylvania, The Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania, the Mayor of Philadelphia, The Poor Richard Club, and every advertiser, advertising man and publisher in our city, we ask you to vote for Philadelphia as your Convention City for 1916. ,mm2 SfftW t5& 2 'A32i.Ji &&q)X&. ?5&Im &w-x5sS &5:Zzz2&" fWMmm HBHHtiBLSL. &&& .1 IfeX m xf '" I V liP 1 wJS " iilii j IMF ' il 1 1 awn 1, ' '. m BBin i r 1 mm r1'"'1 a'1 iarfi i ii Mm I Ivi. 'n Mil lm mm wH "m Slm&, - mm h-f-Ja?..,! 'j 111 I Mm fm ilP'sif iV'm 1 Si l jf if I Mi IIP! ISj J Mlm vs CURTIS PUBLISHING f PUBLIC LEDGER ' , M- L Wwi il 1 S I W Wm COMPANY A EVENING LEDGER lb 4 A I J'l 1 yTM 3LmM S CYRUS H. K. CURTIS, President M tfJjP k rSfl 1 Tfie Cir 3 Homes MWfie OTkop offjQ Wirld e r 5uuusaae;,9i3 ; ,. . d. p .m f. fi r.rr ""'"ygii;: T???saryp r: w B&immBm ,LMU", yj o -; v-x 'drr, i kyfekL bhj ' -g L'i i n n n n n n i- 5i,ifcs?5iC-st:srrfeSiSir,-inju u .. -. x " mk i ii?sssi issssssea' v - - rsa&te, -n aWflifc . - fe!ff RfllpriiiiSVTl MjBBMBjMBIBpillPllpil Jr x. r .urn: .- r n n 111 'A 'i '- '-i rtis Advertisement ia Appearing in Chicago During the Convention there of the Associated Advertising Clubs of LJ mmmimHittfmKmT