T51 IPDDINGS OF TODAY Y . i i mm mm Ncall Becomes Bride of 0. A. L Phillips, JrtQthcr iarriageo. l i - .. tlaaa. t H ttcIB T.0...tl I .. A Yt't..-. kg weaumE u- .-oij .wovijiinn, it uuum daughter of Mr. arid airs Frank Scilt. took place at noon today to Alfred IngoraoU Phillips, Jr. The Many was a quiet ono, performed by , J Andrews juarns, rector emen- y St 1'au'B Episcopal Church, Cheat- "itlll Miss Ncall was attended by ifhomas S Downing, of Pittsburgh, atrtn of honor Miss Adelaide Ncall. jft cf tha bride, was maid of honor. Phillips had for ms ucst man Dr. ion J ivicwoucn. a reception fol- fihe ceremony. HENDIUCKBO.V-MOYEIl. wedding of Miss Blanche Wheeler IitCjer, daugmer hi wr. ana jirs. John IXvMoTer, of B0O7 Penn street, and Mr. tint Vlloeri iienuricKson win iaKo place f ai me iiuwio ui inu unue s parents. ceremony win u. penormeu at s v h the Ilev. Harry C. Crawford. atbush, N. Y. 1 bride will wear n gown of duchetan Rffrfnd lace, with a long court train, Ijjier vcn win ud ui tune, caugni wiui sje blossoms. She will carry a bridal Saaet of wmio rosea ana lines or the ffier. The maid of Tionor, Miss Irene Mih, will be gowned In yellow, her Jot being- ot taffeta, draped with chlf tiSnd a large yellow hat, trimmed with JS roses and streamers. She will carry git roses. jtti. Horace Godfrey Wunderlo. of M HIU! Miss Mary Mlchener Bolton, Sim, Margaret Tustln O'Haro and MIbs trena Brooks, of Gouverneur, N. Y., have fiiS chosen as bridesmaids. They will nu white lace dresses, trimmed wlt'n jjlt rosebuds, and largo pink and whlto ill. Mr. Edward James Baley, of Hart ford, Conn , will act as best man. A re igion will follow Immediately after the i?wnny. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moyor, Hrjind Mrs. Hendrickson, Miss Helen Hiadrlekaon and tho entire bridal party .N4t..l.l. tllW- .IU. L.a.. II. . rrsccivo. uii.utj iiuiuo win dq a kr "ef pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Hen. ' . .I. ... . . blcison win loavo inis evening for a tiddlnj, Journey and will bo at homo jr ootocer l. Ka PDACCHURI.BUnT. like marriage of Miss Marie Jeanette IKarltnirt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry IKurlburt, to Dr. Charles V. Peace, of CatiYllIc, will tako placo tonight, at 7:30 ('clock at tho homo of tho bride's parents. KtjIIunter avenue. Tho ceremony wilt tperformed by tho Itev. George n. Gil lespie, pastor of tho Coatesvlllo Presby tia Church. Ss bride, who will be given In mar ttijVby her father, will bo gowned In JTgrywhlte duchesso satin trimmed with ffitntllly lace, nnd will wear a veil of fOray tulle arranged with orange blos Einj. She will carry a bouquet of bride's rats ana lilies of the valley. Her only itondant will bo her sister, Miss Mildred Jjjtturlburt. who will wear a dainty festk' of point d'csprlt, combined with ptok ta.ff.eta, nnd will carry nn arm bou joitjof plnlr rosebuds. jKietor Peace will havo Dr. Paul S. Go !i,jaf New Egypt, Pa., as best man, and "JlTEshers will be Mr. Harry Vandegrift. jfKoatesvlllo, and Mr. Charles riood, 'ffljmmcdlately following tho ceremony here Will m n rn'AnHnn rTfA linn. ...til 2ittra.etlvely decorated with pink roses ndjpotted plants. Dr. and Mrs. Peace (fir a wedding Journey will live in -oatesvllle, whore thoy will bo at home er September 1. Tho bride Is a widely Mjrn organist of this city, having given number of recitals. JgggjgJJPgSgrPgniADBEPHIA-. MOHDAY, 3VVS TtiAID AT FETE FOR MERCY HOSPTT-at. T?B ymryj 31', 1915; 'amuMiran Hjywuii , msmmm Gkmm PW mkw m MISS MAY WALSH VlifilWfW vfe . i - iBC' ' sS!wMfcvaM?$L'' Al?H .. frMtWW MRS. CHAHt.es MnnTAtnTru- vv "WHPJ 4' siSk JMmMmfflsr 'J rVfWtTirni-r nT OCAL A PERSONAL MATTERS OF fNTBRBST - - '- I,, Ttai Informal Entertainments, Lunches, Dinners and- Dames Witt Occupy Society Today Summer plans are Formed, West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Blerllng, Mrs Emma Mortell and Mrs. Catherine Hat ley, of 3S23 Baring street, motored to Allcntown nnd spent tho. week-end with friends there. Miss Helen Kinney, 410 Central Park West, Now York, Is the guest of Miss Bophlo Rlnge and Miss May Hinge, 33 Woodland avenue. A dinner dance was given In hor honor Friday night by her hostesses. A reception was given to Mr. "William J. Morrow, Jr., by Mr. nnd Mrs. "V. J. Morrow at their residence, H3 North E9th streot, on Thursday evening last. Among tho guests were Miss Jennie C Unldwln, Miss Emma Bozarth, Miss Helen Bozurth, Miss Nellie Carter, Miss Kdythe Lynch, Miss Buby Mullcr, Mr. Arthur Bllllng hanr, Mr. rrancls Boyd, Mr. Frank Brod crlck, Mr. Gcorgo J Gsell, Mr C. Mere dith Johnson, Mr. Edward O'Connell and Mr. A. J. Snlte. Miss Mario Jeanotto Hurlburt enter tained Informally at supper last night at her home, 6431 Hunter avenue, for tho members of her bridal party. MISS AMEE JUNKER m MALLON AUER. Announcements havo been received of isjmarrlago of Miss Edna May Auer, ujghter of Mr. nnd Mra. Charlea T. ner, of 2339 Frederick avenue, Baltl ' Md" t0 Mr Lawrence A. Mallon, Drexel nvenue, Lansdowne, Pa., on 2mV' Mr nntl Mrs- Lawrence Mallon 53 for Niagara Falls, Montreal and srwjtOt Canada, where they went on elrweddlng trip. After their return -r win mane tnelr home In Baltimore, 55 )Whero Mr. Mallon has resided for S-ast three years. Ho Is with D. B, Jrtln Company, of Baltimore, Md. P 'S?.0' Miss Blanche E. Ten Fel. dnugh- .k.Ur anu fllrs- Josepn C. Ten Fel, of ajwakefleld streot, nnd Mr. Itussell T. 1m; ot Ablngton, on Thursday, Juno BThe ceremony was performed in 3t ojent do Paul's Church In tho morn Lt 9 o'clock by the nov. Father Henry nnor. HM Mary Ten Fel, sister of tho bride, iMnaesmaid, and Mr. William J. FJtz JW acted as best -man. A breakfast Girard Estate Mr. and Mis. John W. McKenty. of 25 South Colorado terrace, aro receiving con gratulatl6ns on tho birth of a daughter, Elsie Gertrude. Mrs. McKenty will be remembered as Miss Mary Boal before her marriage. Miss Nan Carroll, of 2327 South Colo rado terrace, spent the week-end ns the guest cf her sister, Mrs. Baymond Collins, of Mount Airy. 'wed at tho home of the bride's par- '& fitter Whlph tlA vniltlft- rnnnlA lttft- gtrlp South. hi.ouncem9nt ,a made of the marriage pilss Anna Florence Gross, daughter (Mr. Peter Gross, ot 439 Boulevard, F:r. John Francis Williams, of urord, on Wednesday morning. P VS. The ceremony was performed tthe Church of tho Incarnation, the U Father James Williams, cousin of i&ridegroom, officiating, assisted by pstor, tho nev. rather Michael !Si The bride, was attended by her Si Miss Emma Gross, as maid of IVf find thn hriffrnnm t.nrl fnt Tila ignan his brother, Mr Charles Wlll- st tiio usners included Mr, Charles lm. Mr Frank V Gross, Mr. Henry Rfs and Mr. Thomas a. McGahan. Ml reception and breakfast followed. itnicn tna young couplo left for an -ed wedding trip. Ji?J1ave been received announcing W'rnase or miss Mary MoCann for- iTSf Ashbourne, tn Tlr .Tnhn .T nink. Eminent young veterinary surgeon of iS'ln. Pa. On their return from a rough New York State Dr. and win reside in Scranton. lAlong the Reading ana JUrs. Ilanry H. Baltzell are oc. SS t)uir home, corner of Greenwood Eft RnA Yln.1.1lb. ..11. . .. ri. "" -" wkv. tv jutuio, aier gfn of two yeare, and ore enter- K wr son and daughter-in-law, B9W make their home In New Bng- 6-P4 Mrs. Georce B. Itoden and frt Itoden. of Glenside avenue. M- Will leave on Thursday. July Jardner, Mass., where they wilt n4 Mrs. fcsymour and Mr. Arthur ywvur, qp ims qjreen street. hva b noma or Jiisfl m. 8. Morris on ' avenue. Fort Wl.lhlnl.tnn for n. W summar weeks. Tbw will -- -luring in a itrnoo -WW VlBg A Dlbnio sunntf wiH Im - o the lawn. Wynoot Iiraaoh of tha Nsdlwork America win hold thair final r this year at the BUI. on Bent road. afternoon, at 2 W o' South Philadelphia Miss Sarah Toll, of Trenton. N. J., will be tho guest of Mr. and Mra. Maurice Linett, 417 Dickinson street, for a few days. Miss Toll Is a nloco of Mr. nnd Mrs. Linett nnd will be extensively enter tained during her visit. Miss Ethel Cohen nnd her sister, Miss Ireno Cohen, of 619 Tasker street, have gona on an extonded trip through New York Btate. They will visit many rrienas and will go to Atlantlo City tho latter part of July. Miss Dora Lapln, 1431 South 6th street, has recently returned from New York City where sho visited hor sister, Boso, who Is in a hospital there. The latter Is doing nicely and will soon return to this city. The House Committee of St. Monica's Guild is making arrangements for Us first annual outing, which will bo given on July 17 to Chamounlx. Invitations hava been extended to all the members and tho St. Monica's Catholic Club has been In vited In a body. A feature of the day's program will be athletio contests, for which prizes will be given to the various winners. The commltteo having tho ar rangements In charge are as follows." Miss Anna Crowley, Miss Mao Malloy, Miss Margaret Clemens. Miss Jane Dowd, Miss Clara Dowd nnd Miss Mar garet Logue. Lieutenant Commander Frederic Buns ville Payne, U. S. N.. and Mrs. Payne hava as their guest irt the present tlmo Lieutenant Commander Paynes uncio, Mr. David W. Payne, U. 8. A. (retired). Mrs. William L. Scott of Pittsburgh, Pa., is at present me gueai ui n v' ents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Devenny. of 1811 South Broad street. Mrs. Scott came to the city to attend the wedding of her Bister, Miss Emily Devenny. which will take Place next week. She will be remem bered as Miss Mary Dovonny before her marriage. Mr nnd Mrs. John Schramm, of 2116 South 80th street, aro receiving congratu lations on tho birth of a son. Mrs, Schramm will be remembered as Miss Matilda Kelly before her marriage last year. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Chllds Hodgens, of 2133 West Passyunk avenue, are enter talnlng at the present time Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, of Roenesier, .r a. will remain with them for about three weeks. Hotel Arrivals North Philadelphia Miss Mary Aungler entertained last week at cards at hor homo, 604 North 32d street A supper followed the game. o kucsis included Miss May McCahey, M Iss Marguerite Howard, tho Misses Par rcll and Miss Isabel Elsenhower. Tho Ushers' Association of the Twelfth united rrcsbytertan Church, at Ruth and Somerset streets, had a moonlight sail Saturday evening. Miss Adeline Kloln, of 1921 West Glrard nvenue, has returned from Welleslcy Col lege and has as her guest Miss Beatrlco Bloch, of Cincinnati, O. Mrs William Hoffman has returned to her homo In Pittsburgh after a three weeks' visit to her daughter, Mrs. Helen Ulnald. Miss Laura E. Hill, formerly of this city, has returned from tho Northwestern University, Chicago, and will spend the summer visiting friends In the suburbs ot Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cohn, of 1437 Diamond street, are spending the sum mer in Atlantlo City. Frankford Mrs. Eme Shell Walton will be hostess at dinner this evening, when sho will en tertain In honor of Miss Bcsslo K. Kles " whoso engagement to Mr. Charles n. Dunlap was announced Inst week. Tho wedding will tako place In tho lato fall. Miss Leona Harmer, of Frankford ave nue, has as her guests Miss Helen Duf Held, ot Norwich, N. Y.. and Miss Sarah Clarke, of Dclawaro City. Thoy lcavo Thursday for Atlantlo City, whero they will spend two daa with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Houstln, at Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. Jamos It. Dudley Banks, of Orthodox streot, will open their cot tngo at Wlldwood Wcdncsdny They will entertain n house party over the week end. Including Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mundy, Mr. and Mrs r"rank Marxner, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klrk. Northeast The marriage of Miss Anna Marks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathvn Marks, of 2209 Howard street, nnd Dr. M. E. Smukler will tako placo tomorrow at Mosebach's Casino, 13th street and Glrard avenue. The ceremony will be performed by Babbl Nathan. A coffee klatch was given at St. Mich ael's Parish Hall, id and Jefferson streets. The affair was under the direction of Miss Mabel O'Toole, Miss Anna Mulhol land and Miss Anna Berg. Mr. and Mrs. U. Mellor, of SfS13 Belgrade street, were given a delightful surprise party In honor of their 10th wedding anni versary. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mellor, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ken nedy, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson, Mr. and Mra. Thomas Smiley, Mr. and Mrs Adam Smith, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Firth Leedom, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lang, Mr. Charles Smith, Mrs. Emma Budd, Mrs. Ruth Mellor, Miss Elslo Kennedy, Mlsa Mildred Kennedy, Miss Anna Sur wick. Miss Anna Ferguson. Miss TMlle Hughes, Master George Budd, Mr. Mau rice Kennedy, Mr. Adam Smith. 3d, Mr. Thomas Ferguson. Mr. Charles Ferguson and Mr. Albert Mellor, Jr. What's Doing Tonight MimlclDal TJtnd. Mcrbcreon Bausre. Kenalnr- . .--- .. .r... .1 ton ann maiana avenucaj o o ciock. Band, . Oiorse's Bllli City Hall Pluai 8 Dello- Falrmount Park o'clocjc VTtt. Philadelphia Band, o'clock. Free. Walnut Street Hu!nm Aisoclitlon, tueoiratiorci' f o ciock. iree. West Philadelphia Duilnet and Improve mei t Learuo, iOJ Market street; S o'clock. ITee. Northmen Business Men, 3130 Columbia, ave nue, 8 o'cKKk. Free. Wrtt Sueauehanna Atenue BuUnei Men. 1407 Weil Suequebanna avenue; a o'clock. Iree. Commencement, Wut Philadelphia Illth School tor Olrla; 8 o'clock. Drexel Diddle Bible Claiiea, Holy Trinity Church; 8 o'clock. Kree June Hally. Schuylkill Branch. ChrUtlan En uivor Society, Diamond Street Uaptlat Church; S o'clock. AUtomoaM 4ver (uivtuva AvauviUMQn, ,n liia Roxborough Tho annua) picnic of the Y. W C. A. of tho Falls of Schuylkill and German town took place Saturday at Plymouth Meeting. Mr. Jnmes A. Burgess, of Jamestown street, and Mr. M. II. Keller, Dupont street, aro visiting tho Panama-Paclllv Exposition. Twenty automobiles will convey the business men of the Falls of Schuylkill and their wives to Collegevllle Wednes day, June 23, where they will picnic on tho banks iof tho Perklomen. An Inter esting program of sports will mark the day's outing. Tho business places will be closed on that day. The following autos will be In service: John Hohenadel, Robert Crooks, S. Heimlich, Robert Roy. George Stubbleblne, Thomas Scddon, Park Brothers, Ernest E. Cowardlne, Her. bert Greenwood, William J Benham, Charles L. Dykes, Dr. Lewis Reese, E. Delahunty. P. II. Kelly, Charles H. Mo Ilvolne, Frank Benham and Charles Curry. At the Talmage Memorial Reformed Church, Rector and Pechln streets, Mana yunk, an Interesting entertainment was held Friday evening entitled "Every body's Social " It was given under the auspices of tho Men's Bible class. Mr Otto Hertenstclner, Green Lano and Baker street, was awarded a sliver cup and certificate of merit at the con vention of the Stato Association of Mas ter Bakors for the best effort In the prlie cake baking contest. Suffrage Events Today EQUAt. FRANCHISE SOCIETY. Noon Open-air meeting for employee of the Iloyle. Harrison & Kayo Mill. A. atrcet and Inrtlana avenue. Speaker. MUs Anna Mo Cue. Mra. Marsnret Qodward nsilm at Iho TAAn!nn.slp meeting at 2Qth street and VT T j I.-..1..I.. ... ..... D.hnul. K UipiUJTfO M. 1MU Hutl.J l" Tioga Mrs Annie Holdsworth, of Tioga nnd Uth streets, has gono to Chicago, 111., to remain one month Tho friends of Mrs. Rnynor Bowman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Edward aiallowcll, of 1822 Wost Tioga streot, will bo pleased to hear of her recovery from a recent serious Illness. t,T1? .Jl'nlor Department of the Tioga Baptist Sunday School, Broad and On tario streets, held Its annual outing Sat urday In Burholmo Park. n"r,.n2,lr,"- Wllnm Horn nnd fnm 1, of 3723 North 16th street, aro occupy ing their cottngo at Ocean City. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Gribbel and Miss Grlbbel gave a tea Saturday ifternoon at St Austell Hall, Wyncote, from 6 until 7 o'clock, in honor oi Miss Mildred Haneell Lane, whoso engagement to Mr. Elliot Johnston was recently announced. Refreshments were served under the trees, the beautiful lawn and rich blooms of the garden forming an artistic setting for tha smartly gowned guests. An Important event which will Interest persons of this city Is the famous1 Beck Hall Spread, which will be held tonight, the eve of Harvard class day. Mrs. Charlemaonn Tnm win .. .. ... of the patronesses of tho affair, as will j Mrs Rudolph Agassis, Mrs A. Lawrence wwcu. wue ot iiarvnrd's president, and Mrs George von I Meyer. Mr. Clarence S. Clark and Mr. Roderick Tower will be among the Ushers; others on the list are sons of nromlnsht fnmtua fmm TtAiiM Washington, Baltimore and this city. ' Mr. and Mm frank n Ttiat.A nf kta- berth, entertained at dinner on Friday night Covers wero laid for eight The guests Included Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Hollo well. Mr. ftntl Mm Ittirrv M.NliAn n.1 Mr, and Mrs. CharlMt Mershon. The Mlsse Braler, of the Holman school, havo left town to spend th sum mer nt their cottage at East Chop, Mass. -11i,lr.','lM mIi ,, sum mer month ai Ocean ctty. k. j. Miss Marie Kurtz, of 1.1 Pleasant street, tiae returned home from HaddMr Heights, where sho wo the ruest Of Mrs, Blaaw Hauerman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moses, of lllf East Washington lane, were visitors at Princeton, N. J., for several drs, when they attended a class anniversary. Itr. and Mrs. B. Howart-SmW of ISJ4 Pulaski avenue, and their daughter. Miss Elfao Howard-Smith, havo returned from a month's trip to California and the Pan ama Exposition. Bala-Cynwyd Miss Anna Got Eberbarti, ot Cynwyd, has returned from a weok's visit with her classmate. Miss Martho Anderson, of Sharon, 111. Mr. and Mrs. John Storey Ebcrbach will spend tho week-end nt Atlantlo City. Miss Mario Martin, of Chadd's Tord, Pa., is visiting Miss Dorothy Fleck, of Bala avenue, Bala. Chestnut Hill Mr. and Mrs. Henry Prico Wright of 230 Allen's lane, will oooupy their sum mer cottage In Seal Harbor, Me., about Julyl. Mrs. II. Clayton, of Wlldwood Crest, N. J has beon spending a few days visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Mlltin Shaw, of Horttcr at Mr. and Mrs, William Sketchley, of Germantown Miss Emllle Pnrmentler Deart. of Po mona terrace, has returned home from Mount Holroke College, Massachusetts, where she has ban a" student for the last term. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Bachmatt, of tiS Baynton street, have sailed for Panama, They will visit Ban Dleiro and San Fran. olsco, returning by way of Yellowston Park, Friends ot Miss Mary L. Tlera wilt be glad to know that she is rapidly recover ing from her recent Illness Miss MarJorlft Canby, of Thornelawrt. Queen Lane, la a visitor at Eagles Mere for seyernl wcoks. Mies Katbryn P, Jones, of School lane, has returned from a visit to Roland Park, Md , whero she was the guest of friends. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Black, of Manhelm and Qrceno streets, are visitors at Wild wood, N. J. - Tho Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James DeWott Perry, of 163 School lane, will leave tor tf visit to Half Way Farm, Manchester, Vt, about July 1. Miss Betty Strain, ot S9 Zeralda street, has returned from a fortnight's visit to Schwenksvllle, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. O. Percy Bright have left for HarWlckport, Cape Cod. Mas whera they will remain for the summer. ALL SALES MUST BE FINAL B" Speaker, Mlee llertha lltti North , atreet; S o'clock. flrav' FYrrV road. kill Arsenal addreeaed. S pV m.-Opn-alr mcetlm at 60th and San ioro, street. Speaker. Mlea Bertha SapovitJ. 8 30 d. m Open-air meeting- at Oermantown and Lehlxli avenues. Speaker. Mlaa Anno, McCue. WOMAN SUFFHAOn TAUTY. 8 80 p. in. Open-air meeting at 21et and South atrcete Speaker. Mrs. I It. Vlrdln. Dp. rn. Mra. Slarlon Jtolmea speaks betoro tho Toreatera ot America at Court Library, SUrFllAOn CAMPAION COMMITTEE. 8 30 p. tn JlMllng at tha homo ot Mra. Harry Phllllpe, 71 W;t Lebleh avenue. Plane Uecuised for raielnir T5,000 for eufTrare cam pilsn "und. Mra Given Phillips, of Ifofland. speaka; also Mlie Carollno C. Knapp, MUj Ella O. Qullford and Mlis Olta Oroei. Bonwit Teller. CsJZo. c7ie C3pectat (SJiob oOriamaGond ' , CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET Announce Today Annual Stock Clearance Gowns, Frocks, Cloth Suits, Blouses Coats, Skirts and Undergarments . ' At Extreme Redudions -Gowns & Frocks- Kllnr. AUoona, la.l, w. y.l t. v. mwi.i Oar- nnvmIfl.P. I. Insalle. Btmlra, N. "r' ".!:. T, ,vu toSTP Mr.1. if Moa7 Na.areth. W. IDoaNBn'fl-rJ. Kther. Allentown. Pa., W, J. Smith, New Tork. "K-. A.rCD, urraM" r tT1!i AtlAHElQ UIXi 1 trarSr. Fsw ' w aearwater. PittaWirgn, r. JIANOVBR-W j xi j H. 2$ LaGrecqub tbeir ftaal s h4 of , WJSfU. I'elook. Vh for the 8cMy page wW be w aua Minted in the Bveamg wt all each notice must be "a, one aids of thm nanac meat Pa In fuU. vfllh full addteef, awd i ii'iinie teuiujam uamliM nase t M saah tamiauBlfattooa to mMtt," MvMOag Lder. Mt. 1'a reeakeaaaU mt easstaA iWmt ittUUnUeit tauur he) pmntJtti. Throne, Red Lion, ' , ,. v Wt,SsSFk3; iff: S2S Mri. Lwl Savdar. Wlllsw. Mu PHIA-W II. nutfl aTli. VSaf Albany, Pltuburh. Pa Joc. .r' V, . f Fa.; rne, ryzx wa.L'fOM-Hlehaad W WaUoa, I4B. PJ I HarWaun. BMIW P. P- Brooklya. W. ,u v IV Cum KRIJJBV SISTM1WH4 V&&&. "T7 'lf.-J -"pu.lLakl. ate.: W. w "ru.'rK. mgJSBSSL at ! -I" sauwa, IeSSR Iff SI P This is one of our YR III 1 7 tZ M FqU models shown m M HI W fr th the certainty it Vft a MlV A wil1 meet your en ltt I w A'ri V thusiastic reception. ', In Puiil&fr' ttaUve-r8mart. grate- : i u (rVfMl N' Tha workmanship I I n 5 ll and vifittriaU at usual Ifl urn Ml 'ill Car$te from $3 JO to IB II m W 11 fSSMO. Tailored under- Jh jj m W xi. ) 1 'n ren Corset Co. ff M oS f 1204 Chestnut St. J& JJm (FOR ALL OCCASIONS) Crepe de chine, chiffon, taffeta figured crepes, also several smart lingerie models Value $25 Danse Frocks, lace trimmed, made of superior taffeta, Gros de Londres, in favored summer shadings t Value $29.50 Chiffon Taffeta Dresses (Jenny model) plaiting on tunic, included are forty-five Dresses, one of a kind (Heretofore $50) . . . .Value $39.50 French Linen Tailored Dresses, several models showing the newest tail ored effects, prevailing colors "... .Value $12.50 Sheer Tissue Dresses, in stripes, cotton crepe and linen, over 20 models to select from , Value $18.50 -Georgette Crepe Gowns- Copy of an Agnes Model. Black, navy and pastel shades. Smartest gown shown this season 335 Cloth, Silk and Palm Beach Suits $35 Cloth Suit3 Reduced to. . .l OaOO $50 Cloth Suits Reduced to. . . .1 5.00 $15 Palm Beach Suits Reduced to 9. 50 Coats and Wraps Women's Linen Motor Coats, ,. 6.00 8.50 12.S0 New models, well made, qf thoroughly shrunk linen In rose, natural, tan, lime and oyster-white. Women's Tussore Limousine Coats, 29.50 Reproductions of imported models, some de igneS on military ''"" wlth embroidered star; sign and gilt buttonj, velvet trimming or plain. $40 Taffeta Suits Reduced to.. 25.00 $50 Taffeta Suits Reduced to.. 2 9. 50 $25 Eponge Suits Reduced to -16,50 Separate Skirts 1 Cotton Gabardine Skirts, Sport Models , 2,95 to 7.50 Several very smart types in white cotton gabardine with belt and pocket eileqta or plain. Linen Skirts, Sport and Dress Models ,,- ..7.SO In natural d whtt,e linen with colored stitchirfjs and buttons. Final Clearance of the Season " in Stock Every Colored HAT BEAUTJPUL DRBS5 W$ 3.50 SMART -SPORT" HATS No C O. Da Sold Heretofore at $10 te $18,SQ No Exchange? Nj AwrvJ Hmir !.) "ihj .maSaWWai ''SiM H 3kaB3H jtbaV awiB jpam Mr vti ftje K, Hlf. N Ifwa, wis awt ba "m msjy rwif Mau 1 inn i" '" " "" " "" ' -. qjijp j. Jgr h - ... ..,-- fiA r IK I L lisHsHHHialsBesHHllHisi &-1 -