EEZm tfFJr II 1 TRIESTE ATTACCATA EBOMBARDATADAUN ITALIANO L'te Navi Nemiche Tentano un'Operazione Contro le Coste Italiane, Ma Sono Kespinte Monopoli Cannoneggiata. IIOMA, 19 Olugno tfn telegram da Chlasso dice cho le ralte sublto dngll austrlacl flnora nella itltrra con rauaBono caicomio a zu.iw "iJll loro attaccht contro t fortl austrlacl t jnontagna gll Uallanl adoperano moltl erotlanl. tfeii'Adrlatlco si na una rlnnovata nt 'luilW naVB' tatito da parte dcllo forzo austrlache cho da queue itaiiane. An- nnclando qucsto, II Mlnlstero della Ma- ha pure annunclato che un dlrlglbllc jtdllano ha bombardato 11 deposlto dl Bunlilonl a Trieste, Ecco 11 lesto del tomunlcato ulTlclale: LII cd oggl II nemlco ha tentato altre epjrazloni contro 10 nosire coste. i nos jrl (Jacclatorpedlnlcre lianno nttaccato II turolco che operava alio foci del Tnglla Bthto o lo hanno messo In fuga. I cac ditotpedlnlere non sono statl danneg-Hill. "Kel tempo medeslmo lo nostre forzo v fcanno bombardato I fanali o scmaforl U Tannarla c Salvoro, a circa una quln- ' ilclna dl mlglla da Trieste. , "Una del nostrl dlrlglblll ha bortv bafaato una fabbrlca o dleposlto dl HHin''lonl a Trieste. Gil austrlacl hanno lltondato II vaporo Maria Orazla nel- 1'Adrlatlco, ma l'equlpagglo fu salvato. "Questa mattlna un Incroclatorc nemlco ta bombardato Monopoli." Tanto la flottn Itnllana cho quella aus trlica sono ora nttlvc ncll'Adrlatlco o danno la caccla al ptroscau mercantlll. Monopoli o' Btata bombardata da un cacclatorpedlnlero austrlaco, cho cercava 1 i Incendlaro II deposlto dl nafta, ma rluscl soltnnto a causnrc dnnnl ltevlsslml. El apprendo cho tre nlpotl del papa, Ogll dl sua sorella, sono sul campo dl battaglla, combattendo contro gll aus trlacl. Aeroplanl o dlrlglblll Italian! hanno nt taccato la parto meridionals della provln rfa austrlaca dl Gorlzla causandnvl grandl iannl spcclalmente nllo Unco fcrrovlarlo id aglt accampamontl mllltari. Nello vi ctimize dl Tlava I combattlmcntl gla' Imueimatl In quel sottore vanno traa- 9 Mormandosl jn una lmporlanto battnglla. i&lartlgllerla Itallana Ua fatto ulterlorl f'. 'dannl alia rortpzza austrinca ui Aiaiuor- L!hettci, sulla Eti.tda dl Tarvls, rlduccndo ? il ellenzlo I connonl austrlacl. La ror- 8 tejza nondlmono non o' ancora stata EV.-..A nil ntil el, tttn 11 frnntA flnl jTrentlno o del Cadoro proccdono con ' Honl rlsultatl. ,i IL COMUNICATO UFFICIALE. i Keen II testa del comunlcato ufllclalo f!. ipubbllcato dal Mlnlstero della Guerra: j $ "I nostrl attacchl sul front! del Tlr6Io, S'iTrentlno o Cadoro contlnuarono con suc , eclso nella glornata del 17 corrcntc. ' -?Attacchl notturnl del nemlco con tlrl dl s , irtlgllerla a lunga dlstanza, dcstlnatl act Mt&colaro la nostra avanzata, non hanno VUto suc:esso. Nol nbblamo ancho tesplnto attacchl dl mlnoro lmportanza l parte dcllo truppo austrlache. "II lavoro dl dlstruztono delle fortezza i Malborghctto, sul fronto della Carnla, e' contlnuato motodlcamento con 1 nostrl cannonl dl grosso callbro. Nel pomerlgglo id 16 corrcnto lo batterle nemlcho cer tarono dl rlspondcre, ma furono presto rldotte al silenzlo dal nostro fuoco. ''Ulterlorl notlzle dal fronto dl Monte Nero servona ad aumentaro la gloria dcllo nostra truppe. Non appona lo eslznzo dllo operazlont mllltari lo permetteranno, earanno pubbllcatt I partlcolarl dal quail rljulta che lo nostro truppo merltano 1 pin' altl onorl per II valore dlmostrato la quel sottore. "Sul fronto del flumo Isonzo, l'aztono Inlzlata nelle vlclnanzo dl Plava va pren 4ndo lo proporzlont dl una grando ed unportantc battaglla. "Una batterla gallcsrclanto annartencnte Ilia marina Itallana bombardo olllcace- ffmente-le poslztonl dolla artlgllcrla nemlca J nello vlclnanzo dl Dulno. ' "Nella notto del 17 Glugno un aeroplano appartenente ad una nostra squadro tiavale dlstrusso la stnzlonn fnrrnvlnrla 41 Dlvaco. (Dlvaco si trova a 50 mlglla ad Mt dl Trieste. Htllln ferrnvla Trieste. flume.) Nella stessa nottn I nnstrl rllrlirlhlli fe,ro un raid sul terrltorio del nemlco bombardarono apparentemente con ot- Uial rlsultatl In trlneen a lo nnalilnnl '.austrlache dl Monto Banto, sette mlglla a "vru ai uradlsca. Conslderevoll dannl wrono fattl alia stazlono ferrovlara dl Volcjadraga. BUna iinea tra Gorlbla Dorberg, Bablto dopo i nostrl dlrlglblll ntornarono alia loro base sonza dannl." Kal rapporto del generate Cadorna rl la qhe I prolettlll Uallanl lianno fatto pandl buchl nelle fortincazionl esterne dl "alborshetto cd lianno fatto dlroccaro parte dello opero In pletra della Ortezza. Il bombardamento e" stato con- Unuato ner dlversl irlnrnl. n lVsnlnslonn Ml lllaiFnTlnt Htt Allmllnlslnnl niill'lntanin ua rortezza ha reso plu grando 1'opera cjatruzlone dl quella piazza. Ierl gll JVatort Uallanl rapportavano cho lo bat- '; neraicno erano atato rldotte tutte al lUtnzlo. L'OPPENSrVA AUSTUIACA. ' Gll austrlacl hanno rlcevutn tall rlnforzl Wr& nel Trentlno che ess! prendpno 1'of- nciava tanto nella zona dl Mori che t rfa qutlla dl Rovereto contro lo tnippe U'aUane cho occupapo le poslzlonl dl Dren- 'co, bui nancht del Monto Altlsslmo, o oerravalle. snll'Artlire nltr eh nella JU dell'Arsa, Nulla si sa ancora del BiflltatO del rnmhnttlmentn lmneirnato mv. Intanto Tolmlnn vn. illvenendo Una jjaoya Przemysl. In quella cltta fortl- vi o" dl gla una guarnlglono aus Ca dl circa, an (Yin unmlnl trlncerata tem(nte dletro dlfeso naturall ed artl- " B Tolmlno e' neceeanrla al gen me Cadorna per poter contlnuare la sua IfefialviL Vlslla Uallnln .lAlllBnnn jOjspaccl provenlentl dal fronte dl bat- "a aicono cho truppe austrlache dl F?Un& lfnita annn nintt wisboa d! nAat.t Pw i erano guardie dl FInanza, gendarml omau deiia Xandsturm. Sono soldati taono conslderatl coma formldablll av- tsrsarll ri .h. k n . u n FsKki wvw bMQ It ,cticia vn,uu- K i sclaraato lerj Valtro; "Ora abblamo Pwmente nemlcl degnl del nostro accl- .GU Bf&al ll.t.l l l .M In b""a e combattono ora con mag- ' drcospezlone. II fatto che un bat- wii9 unKherese. comandato 4a un Mb colonneilo, ceroo' dl rlconqulstare vizione perduta dagU austrtaci regions Al IfnntA Na. umfarma I ft Sono ora sulla llnua austrlache ban fft trUnrlA rUn n.llA !. a rl m,mrt Hnhi 51... '" J1""" v" ' ,ungheregl cercarono dl arraroplcarsl vl an'altnn it fi-Ata niin miflla vano dl do'mlnare le poslzlonl d$U a&l ed attarnll Al flnnen Hll Al- lilVeca a incn n iuika filFMniliirnnQ 11 M vrata senia essere scortl dal nam- suando gll unghareai II sooprlrono, 0 ripogro jwr qualche tmpo al fla di non far fuoo so ma p' waoere almwjo un awersano. ste vemm 11 momento In cut gll HA at trovHroiiA a hrve nmtiT. Alnim fecero alavara iu di etsi una wadlne dt paltottoU & BUbtto dopo , wMS.rgno ad n li.realtlhls anUlltO I oaiuiieiin on unihirul furono rlo- Uk dlTinrtfli.iA nA. rAnrk Ai ffiAt- la SitiVD Ma nirnl o.tlain del bit" I 1 " ucciae o lalLo prtgioiUwo Hl I Pa?lflrP0;,t0. " .? n.o cadorna dlcT annnta"---unS lb nn NELLE TIUNCEE. frate df batuX?1!5'n.n.e, 8 rec0 8ul Preceden nn,.rSSno d'I,alla- ll io sldeHo SmiJL 8ln(dac10. obbedendo al de smctlo della popola?Ione, aveva telcarafto el tadlna. 11 ro vl ando' Infattl II glomo neLr1' Blornl cra 8tat0 ne che la nnmia? aveva aettato non solo dl m Vol. Linae 8U(sra n,rua,ia a " LuZ MUre g ' aUs'acl contro gll nan .. NL esl8te aloun accordo a men o Indlfferente a quello cho la Ocr mania s propono dl fare. L'ltnlla si e' fnrLan e ,potenM dea Trlpllce Intesa. formando la Quadrupllco Intesa. e non nLVCS?U.1 con la Clermanla. Si "hh 1)rovat. '"l,la Prenza dl n Iwlonl mllltari degll nllenll, che aa sstono da quartlere generale Itallano all6 operazlont dcllo truppo del generale cadorna, mostrando cosl' Renza eqtilvocl che II piano dl campngna dcll'Italla e' Parle del piano dl campagna concertato dngll Statl Magglorl dell'Inlcsa. Che la Germnnla c la Turchla non abblano dlchlarato o non vogllano dlchlarare guerra nll'Italia c' fatto che non riguarda punto II governo Itallano. ByENIKO t:ED(?EBPHXLAD'ELPTrTA-. SATU WANT HENRY FORD HERE FOR FOURTH Representative Dunn Will Carry Invitation to Detroit as Governor's Emissary. Henry Ford, of Detroit, will bo urged to attend the National Independence Day eclcbraton In this city by Representative James A. Dunn, secretary of tho Stato Snfo and Sane Fourth of July Commis sion, who will leave for Detroit to night as Governor Brumbaugh's special emissary. Mr. Ford will bo Invited to attend tho banquet at tho Dcllevue-Stratford tho night of July 3 and to respond to a toast by speaking on 'Tho Futuro of America." Every effort to get Mr. Ford hero Is being made, Edward Dole and John Wnnamakor having personally Invited him to'attcnd. A Joint meeting of tho State Commission nnd Councllmanlc Committee will be held Monday to arrange the program for tho proposed trip to Valley Forgo Sunday aft ernoon, July 4, when Governor Brum baugh will mako the chief address. Tho First Regiment band will play. Moro than 700 Invitations were sent to day to prominent persons all over the country to attend tho celebration. POSTAL TELEGRAPH OUTING Employes' Athletic Association Goes to Point Breeze Park. The second annual outing of the Postal Telegraph Athletic Association will tako place at Point Breczo Park this after noon. Athletic events will bo tho chief at traction. Track events for gold and sil ver modals, a bicycle race among messen gor boys, a ladles' race and a baseball gamo between tho Postnl and Western Union teams have been arranged. All tho events will bo held In the motordomo. In addition, a special match motor raco between Henry St. Yves, of France, and V. Vnnderborry, of Philadelphia, will bo run. This will close tho program. ENVOY SUMMONED BY KAISER TO DESCRIBE U.S. MOOD Dr. Anton Meyer-Gerhard Follows Conference at Foreign Office With Im perial Interview to Help Draft Second Reply, BERLIN, June 19. Dr. Anton Meyer-acrhard, special diplo matic envoy of Count Von Bernslorff, German Ambassador to the United Stales, was Invited to Imperial headquarters to day for his first conference with Em peror William. He has already conferred with the Foreign Otilce. Dr. Meyer-Gerhard will assist In an advisory capacity In tha drafting of a re Ply to President Wilson's second note relative to Germany's submarine war. Tha reply Is expected to be ready about July 1. It Is learned upon the highest authority that It will be conciliatory In tone. BRITISH lJItOKEItS JAILED FOR SELLING TO GERMANY Six Months' Imprisonment Imposed on Two Glasgow Men. LONDON, June 19.-Robert Hetherlng ton and Henry Arnold Wilson, both prom inent and wealthy metal brokers of Glas gow, were convicted In Edinburgh yes terday and wore at onco sentenced to six months' Imprisonment and a line of J10.0UO apiece for selling iron ore lo tho Krupps slnco tho outbreak of the war. Tho two men were prosecuted under tho provisions of tho Defense of tho Realm act KAISER SAYS PEACE DEPENDS ON HIS SIGNATURE, IS REPORT Must Bo Profitable to Germany, Ho Is Quoted as Declaring. PARIS. June . Extracts from a letter said to have been written by Emperor William to a personage of the Bavarian court ore pub lished by tho Matin today. It says: "Our only object Is a peace profitable to the German States. This peace may bo concluded sooner than we thought. It could be signed tomorrow, If I wished. Tho empire always Is susceptlblo of growth. What cannot bo achieved today will bo achieved later." WEEK'S DEATHS INCREASE Collects 515,817 Toward Hospital First honors In tho contest to secure tho greatest contribution toward tho $200,000 for tho new hospital of tho Sisters of Mercy, to bo erected on Cedar ave nue, B2d and 63d streets, has been won by tho parish of Our Mother of Sorrows. Figures announced yesterday Indlcato that tho total amount raised during tho campaign was J210.783.03. Tho winning tenm. captained by Dr. William H. Long, collected J15.817.55. Tho next team was that repreccnting tho Church of St. John tho Evangelist, with J12.500. St. Francis do Sales was third with J7131. Thrco parishes contributed moro than $5000; three, moro than JtOOO; two, moro than $3000: 10 moro than J2000, and H, moro than JIOOO Police Van Driver Resigns Maxwell Emery, K years old, 2318 East York streot, who has driven a prison van from City Hall for more than 20 years, and who has probably hauled moro no torious criminals than any other man In tho country, handed his resignation to Director Porter today. He retires on ac count of 111 health, and Intends to spend tho rest of his days at Anglesea, where he has a bungalow. The resignation will become effective on July 1. Gain 13 Over Previous Seven Days. Diseases Decrease. Reports to tho Health Department show an Increased death rate and gen eral decrease in new cases of disease during tho last seven days. There were 474 deaths, 13 more than last week and 22 moro than during the samo week last year. Records of communicable diseases, showing comparison of new cases this week and last week are: Th' Ijut week. week. McnBles 741) y.13 Mump. 8.1 117 Chlckenpox G2 71 IMlihtherlA 41 CO Whooping cough .11 .11 .Scarlet lover IS 10 TjpholJ (ever s 10 Deaths from all causes this week wero: Tjphold feter 1 Diarrhoea and en Measles 5 Scarlet fever 1 Diphtheria & croup. 8 Kpldemlc dlteaaes. . 3 Tuberculosis lunca. 47 Tuberculosis menin gitis 2 Torms of tubercu losis 3 r.inrer and nmllc- nant tumors . . 42 Puerperal sepllcae Simple menlngltia . 1 mla Apoplexy anil nuft- Accidents of preg terltla SO Appendicitis and typhllltls 4 Hernia, Intestinal obstruction 8 Cirrhosis of liver.. 1 Aeuto nephritic and Urleht'n dlecaso 48 .Noncancerous tu mors ninir of brnln Organic diseases of rongmltal debility 21 nancy and labor heart CO Old are. Acute bronchitis ... 3 Effects of heat Chronic bronchitis.. 1 Homicide . . rneumonla SO Violent deaths.. Bronchopneumonia.. S3 Suicide Dlseasea of reaplra- Other diseases. tory svirtem 8 Dlseasea of stomach 10 Total 3 3 1 27 3 . 1 . -i 21 n 71 .474 Aged Woman Found Dead in Bed NORRISTOWN, Pa., June 13. Mrs. Mary Smith, 75 years old. was found dead in bed today, death being duo to heart failure. Sha was tho widow of Isaac Smith, who conducted the Bridgeport Woolen Mills, now operated by his threo sons. Du Ponts Give to Police Fund WILMINGTON, Del., June 19. Wilming ton pollcloday received a check for $W0 from General T. Coleman du Pont for tho Police pension fund. A like amount was contributed by Pierre S. du Pont yesterday. These are tho first contribu tions ever made to tho fund. IIEUOIOUS NOTICKS Baptist niirriRT TEMP1.E. Broad and BerUa. Bilu7ell H. Conell will preach, rnornlnr. 10 SO. Blbl. School, 2.30. Evening. 7j45. it.. ni.heaver -III aulst la ttenlnr. Or gan Bee duL7l43JYF;jrd..JJUt Bishop Wilson Seriously 111 BALTIMORE, Md., June 13 Bishop Alpheus W. Wilson, of tho Methodist Episcopal Church South, It was learned today, Is suffering from an attack of tubercular asthma. While tho Bishop was slightly Improved today, his condition Is considered as most alarming. ItEUQIOU? NOTICES New Jerusalem (S-edrnborglan) 'PBEPABINO FOR TUB LORD" IN COM MUNION" la the aubleet of the aermon, Sunday morning-, by tho Pastor, tha Rev. Charles AV. Harvey, at tho Church of tho New Jerusalem, 22 d and Cheatnut ata. Bervlco at 11 o'clock. All aeata ar free. Evsrybody la welcome. Communion after tha morning service. Presbyterian AltQH ST. CHUBCJI. 18b and Arch. Bev. CI-ABENCE EDWARD MACARTNEY. 10:5, "Water Out of an Old Well." 7:30. Recital on Turner Memorial Organ. 8, "The Itoad to liappineaa. BT. PAUL PHESUYTWIIAN UI1UUI.11 Baltimore ave., corner 60tli at, ..... Rev. J" nEVKRIDQE LEE, D. D.. Minister. lu:43 a. m.-I'ubllc Worship. Bermon, by Doc 2?30 v, fn. Oraded Bible School. 7:45 P. m.-Evenlng Worship. Sermon by Doc tor Lee Muslo by Solo Quartet Choir. May Porter. Director and Organist. All sittings are free. I'roleetant Episcopal CH156TNUT STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Woe ' ADAMVrTb . Ptor. iR&-Mtf .& SmS raator. Z ' Tiihi (Inhnn 2'sn p. 8 op p. m.- Worahia and Sermon by Pastor. FtSin Brethren OP THE YjnwniTlWfcT tehtag-10.30 and 7:15 p. m. SKSr 2ffiSsjitJCiss- CHURCH rt. cor Preaehlnr-W: franklin Home o.Miii HUMEPOR THE RBFORMA- CARL BJJAKER; . OLD ST. JOHN'S. Brown below 8d Dr. Rich. mond preaches tomorrow. 10.30 and 7:45. BTTSTEPHEN'S CHURCH inth at. abova Chestnut at. no". CARL E. QRAMMER, S. T. D.. Rector. Sunday Services una, aunaay ocnooi, iu;i. Holy Communion: 11 a. m.. Morning Prayer and Sermon; 9 p. m., Evening Prayer and Therone'v. William Y. Edwards will offlclato. Reformed 13th and Daunhln Bav. Hlcka. Pastor. 11, 8: 8. H . 10 a. m FIRST N. A.. John Reformed Episcopal OUR REDEEMER. 16th and Oxford ata. AIIOUSTUS E. BABNETT. D. D., Hector, 10 1 SO ''THIS SECRET OF PEACfe." w Patriotic T '-OOP. HOME and COUNTRY " Swedenborglan SEE NEW JERUSALEM Unitarian T Tmnn mil Association "IN TUB PRJISAiiiRBiCB" SUNDAY N -HT, 7) Ill-wblcomeall Lutheran n ifsssTXii" lotheraSTI pa3fcSMfl 94-f4iiT . .'. . i it iiuiii uml 3Linri"Tii J. lltl TABBBMAff.4 TO "1 ."Sgo P. m, MtlhodbtVplgSBSl -TifE F1Wa5 oHAj9?a.w1a. io3o " MJTV- J B. ffffRmr hk. uiattivr. i U.W-UM HAINJ C.tBry Cbujrea. BUMMER M ; L'S",SoCTS H-IMSS -.i...ini(I aui-f.,;n . u:iKji?,iTow .. o vf,K arola r was-"- Al$mi vxiiBT UNITARIAN. 21S5 Cheatnut at., Rev, rn ST. JOHN, D. D.. MlnUter-U a. m. Dr. St. John will preach on "To; New nirth Tn morning services will ba die )ntlnue4 till September IB, union aerviwa 5ur held with tha Qermantown Unitarian SsuronV 640 p. in. Rev. F. A. TagUolatola ilt nVeach In I lUn. Thesa Italian avenlng Mrvleca will b held throughout the summer. 7mXnD AVE. (lSJv;, ev. it. a. Bim. 10 4i5'Rr!aiON AND REAL UFB " irLMAN. "Ood In Wartime ' T. W, Vnnngjlnj Christian Ataoclatlon a ana tunsom. eetlag, -4 o'clock. Il8blny Temple, 'subject. 'Th. Young Man rZx prnt.Day AmutenieBti." Spec, music. ir,-i,i4,CT Atili PROFITABLB HOUR. AnL.sTmullit tA Central Branoli. p in SIy J FWww CUrk on "la Life Worth Tvtat" Btoangera cordially welcome. WKNBVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS Trutt THB SALVATION ARMY, Inc. TBriiTdla HaadauartKa. . Colonial Building, Mt ana oiaKM. .s?lB1B-w,i!ttuya? " fyto. bm am a. BPAY, JUNE 19, 1915: rRESIDKNT ASKED TO PAIID0N MAN REFORMED M MISSION After Living Upright Life 13 Years, Ho Confessed Old Offense. WASHINGTON, Juno 19,-The Bowery Mies on In New Tork today appealed to President Wilson to pardon Bobert E. Hicks, yho recently began serving n r.Tj0'.10 months 'or an offense com muted 13 years ago. Hlckg was convicted of Bending objec tionable matter through the malls, but Jumped his ball after being sentenced. Ho later returned to New Tork and became associated with liio Bowery Mission and worked hard for hla wife and three chil dren. Recently Hicks' conscience began to trouble him nnd he decided lo surrender himself lo tho rcderal authorities. Ho now Is serving his unexpired term of 10 months. In his letter, J. C. Halllmond, superintendent of tho Bowery Mission, says Hlckg has led an upright life since Joining the mission and probably never would havo been apprehended. BIBLES BEHIND THE BARS Saloonkeepers Make Young Patrons "Swenr Their Ages." BnLAin, O., June 19.-SaIoonkeepera hero have become so careful about serv ing possible minors with drinks that today nil had copies of tho Bible behind their bars. "If In doubt wo mako 'em Bwear their ages," said ono of those responsible for tho tnnovotlon. "Somo look at tho book, swallow hard and then order seltzer," ho concluded. Hotel Arrivals GREEN'S A T. Dolphin, Harrison, N. J.; J. D. Loorland, Hammontown, N. J : llrure L Bnnkt, Atlantic City, N. J. CONTINENTAL-!!. It. Rowland, Newark, N. J.: W. B. White. Rochester. Ta j O. W. Kills, Allentown, ra. DOONER'P-Charlee Rlbbans. Nennrk, N. J J T. W. Templeton, Plymouth, Pa. BIKQIIAM-R. W. Watklne, Mendvllle, Pa s C. M. Hmlth. Harrlsburg, Ta.i II. A. Fill- gerald, Boston, Mass. HANOVKn-R S Blank. Allentown, Pa.; T. K, Remington, Atlantic City, N J.j Mr. and Mrs. J O. Warner, Danville, Pa. WINDSOR 11 8. Synder, Cumberland, Md.i W. E. Blaney, Pittsburgh, Pa ; C. B. Winter, Strathmerc. VBNDIO-II II. rartrtdgo, Akron, O Seldel. Reading, Pa. AT)EI.VHIA-H. C. Barnum. Newark, O, I Honlom, Eaat Orange, N. J ; Hoy, New Berlin, Pa. vVAr.TON-Mr. and Mrs. D L Taler, innu. jip. ; -i ucnaerer, A. Fortl, Boston, Mass. STEINTON Mrs Harrla Tabor. Lebanon, jnnn morris, Atlantic tliy, i. J COLONNADE E J. MacNamara, East Orange, N. J.: J. C McClaln. Lancaetcr. Pa., Mrs. K. Platta. Washington. N. J. IltTTEN'HOUsn Mr. nnd Mr Thnddcua Lowe, Pasadena, Cal.; Mies Florence Loe, rasadena. Cat.; T. A. Woodman, Youngs town, O BELLEVUK-STRATFORD Rear Admiral nnd Mm llenaon, Washington, D. C , E A Wil liams, Jr., New York; M. A. Fclman, Jollct, 111.; T. R Jackson. I.os Angeles, Cal ; A J. IMnards, Fresno, Cal , Mrs. Q. B Orettler, PlltMiurgh, Pa., II R Berry, New York IlITZ-CAIILTON Mr and Mr. Henry M. Alexander, Clo eland, O., Miss Cathleen Hann, Cleland, O.i Mr and Mra II !. Klnkal.l, Poughkcepslo, N. Y : Mr. and Mra. Alexander II Carpenter, New York, II. T. Rowley, New York. 1 F. r. N. J.; A. A. ailer. Port. Pittsburgh, Pa.; J. Ta.; SEE AMERICA FIRSTI WHAT PICTURES TO SEE IN AMERICA By itra. M. L. BRYAXT, author of "What Pictures to See (n Europe," etc. Over too illustrations. 8vo. Cloth, tl.00 net. In order to see art museums rightly In the short time nt the disposal of the gen eral tourist, a careful guide must ba had to sao time and strength. Mrs. Bryant, In the present book, lslts the various gal leries ot America from Boston to San Francisco and points out the masterpieces of famous artlata. ALL SMILES! William J. Locko's Blg, Lovable JsDW ffiftfflHD Tills beautiful young savage, a product of Chicago stock-yards and the mountain fastnesses of Albania, wna the widow of a Balkan war correspondent. Jaffery had taken her Into custody at his com rade's death. Here Is lust tha situation for the roaster hand ot William J. Locke. All the qual ities that have won tha affection ot the reading publlo are In "Jaffery"; not one page la full ot anything- that approaches dullness, it la a real novel, by far the moat enjoyable of years and the finest Mr. Locke has ever written. Eight lllustraKona. Cloth, net. THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK ON THE WAR TO DATE WITH THE GERMAN ARMIES IN THE WEST Bu SIB BYES HBDW, author ot "Through Mia." etc. With Hi !!ufrallon and 4 maps. QQ popes. Svo. Cloth. 13.1 net. "The -100 pages are crammed with tha detail and Illuminated with tha spirit and color ot modern warfare. It was given to Hedln to observa field operations on a scala such as no other chronicler of tha war has Krsonally witnessed, and what ha saw he a set down In a straightforward manner, and thereby haa produced a fascinating narrative." New Yorfc Eienlna Post. JOHN LANE GOMPANY Publishers New York I " hrtits I BGCKSHOP The Largest Exclusive Book Store Close at Nooa Saturday 1701 Chestnut St. 47th Anniversary Doubtless tho founders in 1868- did dream of a preat store on thi3 corner, but could scarcely have imagined all tho modern improvements in service. IS S THE Seventeenth Day of this Anniversary Sale draws to a close, we look back over these days, and then back over the vears nf RfpnHv nrnorpec up to this time with a feeling of gratification. And then we look forward to the remaining days of the Sale with the utmost assurance and on into the future with equal confidence. We observe the progress and results of this Sale to-day from every angle, and the conclusion is that it is The Most Remarkable Sale That Has Ever Been Held Anywhere No such special sale of fresh and seasonable mer chandise newly purchased in the market has ever been held. No such quantities, no such variety, no such values. We are sure it is not boastful to say we believe that such qualities and quantities of goods would not have been available to any other store in this city at the concessions we secured every manu facturer's experience with this Store having been con tinuously advantageous, every bill paid promptly, or anticipated, through years of pleasant dealing. We held many meetings, many conferences long in advance of the Sale, and it was resolved that the event MUST be our biggest and best. Of course it meant some considerable sacrifice of profit here and there, but it will pay in the long run. It Pays Because it is a Most Striking Demonstration of Our Ability as Collectors and Distributors of Merchandise And it proves beyond possibility of refutation that this Store has won the right to the premier position it occu piesthat it is, in short, PHILADELPHIA'S REPRE SENTATIVE STORE. Our SEAL OF CONFIDENCE is our trade-mark of quality, truth, value, our guarantee of satisfactory service. It is your warrant for return of money for anything not fully, satisfactory. It is our personal guarantee of accuracy of statement of value, quality or quantity. Another Week of Great Values Starts Monday We do not advertise in the Sunday newspapers, nor do we care to set forth the specific attractions in the Saturday evening papers, but would urge the im portance of reading our announcements early Monday morning. v EVERY WOMAN will be especially interested all the Ready-to-wear Departments, including Millinery, will take a fresh start on Monday, with replenished stocks and new lots of fresh garments at far below usual prices. There will be exceptionally attractive values also in Silks, Wool and Cotton Dress Goods, Linens, Gloves, Hosiery and Underwear, Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, Bedfurnishings, Summer Furnishings, China and Glassware, Rugs and Carpets, Housefurnish ings. All of the special values in Monday's papers are not even referred to here nor will the half of the economy opportunities be described s Monday. COME TO THE STORE, Read Strawbridge & ClotMefs Monday Morning Announcements giBaiigBri ruff-in ff Tmnrmtnifli'mHtiii 'i 'JTOMffii itiTiililiTiTiinrmWiTtfiiPi V?:? it - A