mm THEATRICAL DOG DAYS IN ATLANTIC CITY Trying Out the Drama on the Best Audience in America. Philadclphians in the New ' "Follies" and Elsewhere. ATLANftd CITY, Juno 19,-The fact that Atlantic City 1 the treat "dog" town In America has attracted blR oddl tlona to the theatrlcat colony durlnTr tho last two weeks. Breaking In ft new play I or singing a new production for tho first t time Is known to all theatrical people aa "trying It on the dog." and that canine 5 gets more attention from managers In i this town than In any other place In tho United State. Tho fact that tho audi- encea here are always made up of visitors ; from all parts of tho country enables managers to feot tho pulae of the public and to And out whether n new play has a ghost of n chance In Now York city, ' Kalamazoo, Chicago. Painted Post or even far-away San Francisco. Tho big managers all fight for an oppor tunity to "try out" their now shows hero, , and now that thero are two available theatres, the Apollo and Cort, with tho Now Nixon to break Into tho gamo . ! shortly, thero will bo many now produc- ttona horo during tho nummer months, fltlwyn & Co. have arranged to put on four now plays here; Al Woods will try out a couple; Cohan & Harris will , nleo try to pick winners by presenting two or three new plays, and soveral other I managers arc sparring for tlmo to spring I oddities and novelties on tho unsuspeot- i ing public "Under Fire," "The Lovo Thought," . 'Bo My Lawyer," "Tho Last Laugh," "Who Is Sylvia?" and "Tho Blue Parn dlso" liavo nil had their premlors hero during tho last six weeks. Homo of these plays will never bo heard of again, whlto others are scheduled for early production in New York or Chicago. Next Monday two now productions aro announced. Cohan & Harris will pro duce "Tho Ilouso of Glass," a drama 'Written by Max Marcln, whoso comedy. "Seo My Lawyer," failed to molco n hit hero a few wocks ago. Selwyn and com pany will glvo tho first porformanco of "Back Homo," wrltton by Bayard Volllor, author of "Within tho Law," and Irvln Cobb, whose brilliant stories aro well Itnown to the readers of tho Saturday Evening Post. Zlcgfeld's "Follies of 1915" was pre sented for tho first tlmo Inst Tuesday night before tho largest nudlcnco that tho Apollo Thoatro ever held. It was a. reg ular metropolitan production, with all of tho attendant features, Inoludlng n bunch of Now York speculators, who purchased a block of tho choicest soats and secured as high as J10 a seat from thoso who woro unfortunato enough not to buy far In ad vance. A heavy rain, which sot In about 7 o'clock, hurt tho specs a little, and they wero compcllod to glvo way or "eat" & few of the seats they had purchased, but Ihelr not profits wero very largo, even though tho clemonts conspired against them cleaning up. Philadelphia scored heavily In tho cast of tho "Follies." W. a. (Whltoy) Fields, who as a boy roamed around aormnn town avenuo and Clearfield street, and who since has amused peoplo In ovory part of the habitable globo by his gro tesquo Juggling, Introduced his specialty and played several comedy parts. Ed TVynn, who broko Into tho profession when ho lived In Kensington, was ono of the real hits of tho Bhow, his quaint quips, breezy manner, good acting and, of course, tho old hat of a thousand Bhapes, making a distinct Impression on the first-nighters. Anna Pennington, another formor resident of tho Quaker City, pleased with her dancing, and Wil liam Shrode, formorly ono of the Shrodo brothers, acrobats, was tho stage man ager, and handled tho lntrlcnto numbers any many scenes so thero wero no staga waits. A, L. Erlanncr, "tho Big Chief," as ho is usually called, was on tho Job every rolnuto during tho rehearsals of tho "Fol lies," and his "say-so" had much to do with what was cut out after tho first performance. While hero ho was tho guest of Samuel F. Nixon at his Paclflo avenue cottage, and for n. busy man ho did manage to get In a few moments of enjoyment. "Seven-days-ahead" Eddlo Dunn, tho man with tho many hued waistcoats and tho most popular of Cohan & Harris' fleet of ndvance and press agents, at tended tho first performance of the "Follies" and attracted as much atten tion as somo of tho bits on the stago. Fred Jackson, tho author of short stories and who has a comedy meeting with success In Now York, spent a week here with his bride. Tho happy couplo were chaperoned by Alex Aarons, son of Al Aarons, who got fcls theatrical start In Philadelphia, but who Is now ono of tho big guns in the Klaw & Krlanger offices. J, Fred Zimmerman, Br., motored aver from Ocean City to seo tho first produc tion of the "Follies" and as Is his praise worthy custom, said It "was the best ever." He looks for prosperity at all of his Philadelphia theatres next season and to show proof of his belief starts for the Canadian Rockies In a few days to spend a month. John Clemens, tho organist. Is only able to get down here on Sundays, as his work as organist at the darrick Theatre prevents him from putting in moro time Where the fish bite. When tho season closes at the Qarrlck ho will take a short vacation at Willow Grove. Harry Keans, a native of Philadelphia, who has met with unusual success as a vaudeville actor, Is resting here prepara tory to opening in a new sketch at the Garden Pier on June 18. He has a long route booked and is therefore happy, as but few vaudeville acts have received con tracts for next season up to the present time. Fergus McCusker. treasurer of the Forrest Theatre; llllly Ilobb, of the,' Broad Street Theatre, and George Ashby, of the Garrlok Theatre, with their respec tive wives, came over from tho peace and quietness of Ocean City on the opening night of the "Follies." They came peril ously doss to having head-on collisions With Jitneys and trolley cars, and were lad to get back to the simple life on the last Shore Line car. It Is announced that tho New Nixon Theatre wilt reopen wltti vaudeville on June 2S. to be followed by a, number of new dramatlo productions later In the season. The water has been too cool for surf bathing and many striking bathing suits, designed and to bs worn by soubrettea nd Ingenues, have not yet made their appearance. Blllie Beeves, the limber-Jointed Eng lish comedian, has bean splintering tho Boardwalk by numerous falls. He Is tarring in a series of comedies for Lubln and will remain were for another month. JJb was (o have pitched headlong from tho alrboat this week, but when he found out Its slowest speed was 60 mllea an hour ho substituted a dummy. I'm Tired I'm tired washing dishes, I'm tired scrubbing liors, I'm tired sblntftg UYIIM And stopping baWa' rtmra, I'm lired tending Arts, I m tired cleaning stairs, I'm tired ducting- things l.ike heavy p?Ur eStlfa, -m urea aoinw -mRHtg, I'm tired mervdinif hat. ,'m itred doinjf hoiuework Tlmt oea with furoltbd flat. I'm tired dotBaf '"Ttlffia' 6 I'm tired uiaiAinr clotbaj, Put I'm oot tird Hateig thm mvin picture thtW 4 PER LE FAMIGLIE DEI RICIMMATI IN ITALIA Un Appello del Comitate di Soccorso agli Italian! del West Philadelphia. Nella Coionln. Italians, del Wet Phila delphia si e' coalltulto un Comltato per venire In soccorso rtello famlgllo dl qucgll Italian! cho sono stall riehlamatl per la gucrra. II Comltato ha lanclato ogll Itallanl del West Philadelphia II scgucnto Invito! Itallanl del West Philadelphia: Un Comltato dl persono dl tutlo 1 clasil cho fan parte dolla. numcrosa colo nla dl West Philadelphia si o'coslltulto per soccorrero lo famlgllo blsognoso del riehlamatl nrlla gucrra Italo-Austrlaca, o, fatta ad unnnlmltn Tammlnlatrazlone, si o'lmmedlatamcnlo declso d'invltaro tuttl gl'Itallanl che vlvono In Weat Philadelphia d'lntorvenlro alio eeduto generall cho saranno annunzlato volta per volta sul glornatl. In lingua nostra, o si fnccla a gara nel faro del beno o soc correre lo famlgllo dl coloro cho per la patrln han lasclato o lasolnno tuttl I glornt lo loro case, prontl a, la loro vita, Bl o'stablllto nncho d'invltaro lo Slgnore o Slgnorlno delta colonla nfflnche 'nnch 'esse nl unlscano nl loro genltorl. marltl, frntclll o flgll nelln sottosorlzlono o rao- colta dl fondl glaccho', oltro n do 'cho ponsn cssoro raccolto como dona stlono temporanea, clascun del comltato si o sottoseritto por una quota monsllo, ciio, per quanta modesta o pronorzlonatn. alio proprlo condlzlonl flnanzlarlo, unrn. 'sem pro un solllovo o tranoioccetta da coloro cho dl not hanno blsogno. Nella nostra declstono unanlmo, a'pro vnlea l'ldca non esscro noccssarlo faro mostra dl nol stcssl nottoscrlvendo per cento so non si puo'daro died, o pcrclo', claseuno preaente, npontancamcuto o senza pretonzlonl o BOggezlone nlcuna, ha sottoccrltto per quel cho ha potuto, o tuttl, el o'prcso I'lncnrlro d'invltaro fill nltrl Itallanl, che, por una raglona o per un'altra non hanno potuto esscro present), ill entraro nella gara noblllsslmn n heno Ilclo dcllo madrl, mogll o flgll del nostrl fratelll riehlamatl cho com battono o inuolon per completnro l'unlta 'gcograflca o pouticn ilclla nostra cara patrla. Itallanl, VI sono clrcostanzo nelln, vita dcllo nazlonl In cul, gl'Indlvidul tuttl, dal plu'umlll al plu'grandl, dolbono faro sac rlflclo dollo loro opinion!, faro astrnzlono dol loro amor proprlo, dlmontlcaro lo offeso lasxluro da parta lo galoslo, l'ln vldla, l'odlo cd 1 rancorl personal! cho In dobollscono o dlstruggono nnzlccVio'glo vnro nd nlcuno o rlconclllaro lo loro azlonl con gl'lntcrcssl suprcml dclla comunlta'. L'ltalla oggl o'ln guerra con la secolaro nemlca Austria per una cau sa glusta o stnnta, c, senz'nltro, ha blsogno til tuttl I buoI Ogll. E, slccomo not qui, per raglonl superlorl alia nostra volonta, non posslamo nccorroro In massa ad offrlra II nostro sanguo por Lot, como stan fac endo glorlosamcnto o Roneroaamenta tantl e tantl altrl nostrl fratelll, cl sla dato nl mono la consolozlono dl rnccogllercl In un forto manlpolo, como flgll dl una Btcssa mndc, strlnccrcl cordlalmcnto o slncern monto la mano o faro dl nccordo tutto do 'cho o'umanamento posslbllo per I blfcgnosl noBtrl futllll, flgll dclla noBtra bolla patrla, nello cul vono scorro potento o puro lo stesso sanguo nostro. II Presldonto del Comltato, DR. aiUSEPPB PABCEItl. II Comltato terra' la sua prima rlunlono gencralo Vcnordl" sera alle 8 precise, nella Pearson Hall, 3 North 63d street. Horsemen Honor Stotcsbury Philadelphia today got the highest recognition It can receive from horsemen when E. T. Stotcsbury was elected presi dent of tho National Horso Show Asbo clutlon. Mr. Stotcsbury succeeds tho late A. G. Vnnderbllt, who lost his llfo when tho Lusitanla was sunk. Mr. VnndcrtalU hart been president of tho association u number of years beforo his death. It has been determined to hold a show this year In Madison Squnro Garden from Novem ber 6 to 12. Tho nhow officially was abandoned last year" on account of tho war, but an Informal show for the bene fit of tho Bed Cross proved an excellent substitute. F. A. North & Co. to Givo 100 Pianos Tho annual distribution of ICO Bquare pianos to deserving poor peoplo by tho F. A. North Company, 1B08 Chestnut street, will begin on Monday. Application for ono of tho Instruments may bo made in writing, but tho pianos will bo awarded first to those who appear in person In order of their application. The gift pianos aro In good condition and havn years of service In them. mVEU STEAMBOATS' Wilson's Evening Trips On the Upper Delaware Steamer "Queen Anne" Every Prldny and Saturday Evening Saturday, June 19 Nay Day ut I.ragne Island. River demon strationt warships lUumlnaKJ. Special trip to League Ialanil to view the tame In con- i unction with our evening trip up the lelannre. Boat Leaves Arch St. Wharf 8:15 P. M. Ticket!. SS ctnin, at Ilox Offlce on Mliarf. TItENTON liniSTOIIlUIlIJNGTON IIUItLINUTON ISLAND I-AltK l'tTLL SUMMER HCHKIJULM IN JIlM'tCT ItEdULAIl 80-DAY iTCCintSlON TICKET, BOo 2rtr Special 1-day excunlon ticket 9K "" Nol sood Sat.. Sun. or Holiday oc Le&T Chestnut St. I'ler Week Day 8, 30.80 A. M , 1 (2 nordentown Ace.), a P. M. EXTRA THIPS SATURDAY B.SO P, Jl. SUNDAYS nail JULY 4TH a.80, 1030 a. ir.i i.8o, a, r. 8.30, ioso p. ii. IlUni.INOTON ISLAND PAIIK Bathing 8raon now open. No intoilcatlnr Uquori sold or allowed on the (round. STEAMSHIP NOTICES ANCHOR LINE Itojal Stall Twin-Screw Geared Turbines NEW YORK and GLASGOW Tucunlo, June B,8nmlTtucanla, July 23,Spm jcvr rnbva aim 11111 DBriicmara buuit (a J. J. McOUATir, 1018 Walnut fit. BOOT. TAYLOR & CO., O0J WaloDl BL Or Anr Local Agent. SUMMER RESORTS Portland, Me. YE LONGFELLOW INN JSgftg, location uneurpueed, ealerlzuf to refloti patronage. Bxeellent outline, Bathlni tnra Home, uoai-g aa nen-g. xi up. it. n. rig, iAaa. Brunswick: Hotel Nwt hotel, ciniraiir A; cold water. All roomi Buro.. 11 ud: Amir.. 12 60. Write O. V. Stemayer. 21 Preble St. NEW CHASE HOUSE gSL , houaa In Mjtla. Europtan plan. Booklet. Deot. P. Hlock leland. It. I. The HOTEL MANISSES KH IS MILBB OUT AT SKA. Aeeom. 800 Rate. 118 up. No ovoequltoea; dablur. aallloe aaa bathlsa". Bxceptloaal eulain.' Own farm prodBCta- Orcteitra TeonUAtolf Boat dlrtcl I ro new iorK pkii. u. is iuiuwh, ftvv. TI,a Morrinoncalt R Refined, hosllke 'v -o houM. -Write tot booklet. ALTON U. MOTT. Prop. NEW NATIONAL HOTELS S: MtUt aad Pleaaurea. l&a. H. q. LgWlST gaanderataira, U. L, Coi.niloc Mnnla Own May 28 Dlrectlr ngfjjtgsssa Brmnm cBPAipmmwnCTa mWAt, jtjto ml GIRL WHO Cepyrlghl, IBIS, by trjr noberts ninehert. lly JIARY ROBEIITS RINEHABT Author of "The Man In Lower Ten CHAPTER Xl-(Contlnued). "Then, In a week," said Boroday, "where do you think of going, Elinor?" "I had hardly got so far. Anywhere but here." "Wo shall havo to plan for you.' Ho picked up his soft hat and minor roso. "Good night, Elinor," "Good night- I am nlways happter for having seen you." He watched her back to tho houso. then went down tho steps Into tho road. Thoro had been a dinner at the Country Club that night Tho Chief had attcnaea It, unknown to hostess and guests, to tho extent of sitting In tho grill room during tho ovcnlng nnd carefully watching tho men who oamo nnd wont. Ho had dined qulto alono In tho grill. From whoro ho sat ho could see the dinner party guosts on tho veranda. There woro noticeably few Jewels to bo seen. Over hlfl chop and lagor beer tho Chief smiled grimly. After that he shook dlco'for a flhort tlmo with n young Englishman named Tnlbor. nn interesting fellow. From him tho Ohlcf got tho club vlow of tho Jewel robbery. "It's beon coming to us for n, long time," said Talbot, Blinking tho dloo. "Long ago I advised fiomo of tho women who had famous pearls to havo copies mado and keep tho originals In their banks, but th(v disliked tho Idea of wear ing imitations." "1 sec." "Then a woman Isn't satisfied to havo a string of pearls: oho must havo it an nounced In all tho papors. Of course, crooks all ovor tho country road about thorn, nnd naturally tholr lingers Itoh." "I understand," said tho Chief, "that tho Bryant pearl has boen recovered." "Yes, nnd good work on tho part of tho foroo," was Talbot's comment, If tho Chtof smllod under his hoavy mus tache, If thero wan tho faintest poeslblo twinltlo in Talbot'n oyos, who was there to sce7 Talbot took tho Chief down to tho sta tion In his gray machine. They had chatted vory pleasantly. But Just op posite tho steps from Elinor's garden they blew out a tiro. Tho car swerved, suddenly throwing tho light from tho lamps along the bnnk. Standing In tho shadows, and thua unexpectedly revealed, wan Boroday. Talbot brought tho car to a stop and jumped out. Tho Russian had gono on down tho hill. "Awfully eorry," nald Talbot. "Looks as if you'd havo to walk down. Perhaps you will find anothor car to pick you up." "I shall rathor enjoy tho walk." said the Chief, oyos ahead In tho darkness. "Whoso place is this?" Talbot glanced up and around. "I'm nfrold I don't know anything about tho vlllago." He opened tho tool box. Tho Chief took two or throe steps along tho road and turned. "About horo, wasn't It, that tho Episcopal clergyman was shot?" "I cannot tell you that, cither. It was somowhero along this road." summer nr.soivrs NEW I5NOLANI Muplcwood, X. II. The Social & Scenic Center of tho WHITE MTS. MAPLEWOOD, N. H. MAPLEW00D HOTEL Cottases - - Casino - - Inn OPEN JUNE TO OCT. NO HAT FDVEn. One Thousand Acre Park 18 Hole Golf Course Unsurpassed. 6000 Yards. First Annual REGISTERED Maplowood TRAP SHOOTING TOURNAMENT July 20th-30th inclusive Daily Concert and Danclnjr Every Evenintr Boofclne Ofllce for Hotel, 1180 Broadway, New York. Alio for Inn, Maplowood. N.H. LEON II. CltLEV, sirr. rranconlq Notch, Oration Co.. N. 0. WHITE MOUNTAINS 'NEW PROHIf HOUSE TWENTY COTTAGES. OPEN JULT 1ST. Caterlnc to thoee who ilU Hummer Horns In a rraort favored with clientele ol the hlclieat orilrr. ON I DUAL, TOUR. Plae Qarace. Golf, Tennla, Doatlnf, Flahlnf. C. II. QnBENLEAF. Prea. Hooking- Ortlca In Charge E. B. RICH, Hotel Veudome, Roeton, Mail, Par Harbor, Ml f EXCLUSIVE NOTED CUISINE THE LOUISBURG Dar Harbor, Mains Open Julr 1 t Sept. II IC.PRIOR, Mrr. Hotel Lenox. Doatoa Caaco liar. Mo. Ye Headland Ihn Trelethen, Caaeo Dajr, i c ncuuaiiu lllll M rjireelly on ocean, rocky coait .pine woodi, cool daye, reettul ntghta. Coating, bathing, Qahlng. Home like comfort, gaa, bathe. Booklet. Peafre leland, Me. PEAKS ISLAND HOUSE 15 mlnutea by auto. Ferry from Portland. Dooklet RALPH B. ROWD. Manager. Bav Vipttr HnilSP Write for terme and cay view noubebkl, c. w, Howard. WEST CHESTER. PA. GREEN TREE INN TcUJr? pa! Particular atten. to com. men, motor arid tourlet partita. Reg mealefiOc. Sunday mtale 7 Be. Cafe at. Ulet. eur. C Welngartner. Prop. MEDIA. PA. iroeke HalL H acrce. High. healihT, Tennlf, tt. Porch JM Itl long. 10a from BOth at. "W l'OCOXO MOUNTAINS, PA. Cmiadenali, Pa. Pine Grove House gr&? Ublee from farm. Bklt. H. J. QI1AVLB. The Pines Capacity loo. Booklet teUa tae i nc ruica ,tory myroh E. Pitica PINE KNOT INN ggg. f, STaS Cralg'e Meadowe. Pa. WATERFRONTS SftS2S: bath'g. Spring Phone. Home prodaeta. Horace I- mm oahUr. KxtvX MUla. Pa. Brookside Farm uTgt! boating. Twely. WHrSmTSlOllT. BuafaiaU. Pa. OAK RIDGE &$L s. o. k. wt op. j. mlflEa A GREAT MYSTERY STORY "Good night." sang- tho Chlet cheerily, and started down tho hill. norodny hnd como out of tho lnnJ,y Klngiton place. Ho knew that, night hero, almost whero ho stopped, wan where Ward had been found. Then, In splto of ottl Hilary's death, the bnnd "was still lining his houso! Thlnsa wero closing up. Borodny tramped on down tho road. About 100 yards behind him tho Chief fol lowed. Tnlbot, hammerltiK at a recalcitrant tiro, niled tho air with tho ohort, angry rnpa of Jils hammer on tho rim. Tho Husilon had an almost uncanny nemo of pursuit Moro than onco In his llfo it had saved htm, nnd now ho know ho wna belnif followed. Ho mnda no at tempt whatever to throw his pursuer off tho track, but went directly to tho station. Thero ho got nn ovonlnc paper at tho closing; newsstand and glanced ovor It, standing; under an aro light. For all his engrossment ho saw qulto distinctly tho flBUro of the Chief res ho crossed tho track and took up his station bohlnd a. pillar of the tralnshcd. Boroday was thinking- hard. It had boon that unlucky BwcrvlnB of a machlno on tho hill that had be trayed him. Ho know that now. And ho had Just como out of tho Kingston placo. It was bad, very bad, Boroday rodo nil tho way Into tho city with tho Chief a doien eoata behind him. Tho Chief did not follow hltn home, llo know whoro ho lived, and ho could lay his hand on him whon ho wanted him. Ho was golna to want him now pretty soon. Tho Hussion know that, too. When ho had entered hia apartment and turned on tho light, ho found Hurt standing1 by n trlndow. Tho boy ducked back an tho Unlit went up. For a moment tho two oyed ono an other. Hurt was unshaven, sunken-eyed, dlity. Tho contrast between this wlld oyed boy and tho toll Russian was etrong. "Well?" said Huff dodantly. "Sit down." Uoroday'B tone was kind. Ho went to a closet and got out a, bottls of vodka. "When did you havo anything to eat?" "I am not hungry." Nevertheless Boroday forood. on him a ltttlo bread and meat. "I didn't know you wero out until to night," Huff eald at last, pushing his plato away. "Whero havo you been?" SUMMER RESORTS IlEDPORD SP1UNOS, Pa. Bedford Springs (Pa.) Hotel and Baths In the moat delightful eectlon of the benutl ful, healthful Allegheny Mountalna. Cool, Invigorating breezes. Good roade for motor ing. Hotel and estate afford every comfort A Indoor and outdoor diversion MAGNESIA BATIIB 4 MEDICINAL WATERS. NOW OPEN. II. E. nn.MIS, Manager. EAGLE'S MERE. PA. THE CRESTMONT INN EAGLE'S MERE. PA. The hotel with the Incomparable situation, S200 feet above the sea, on the summit of the Alleghonlea Uolf, tennis, boating and the finoBt of fresh water bathing, electrlo lights, steam heat, eta. Also bungalows with meals nt Inn. Kor booklet and term ad dress WILLIAM WOODS, Manager. COI.T.EOEVILLE, PA. OLENWOOD HALL On the Perklomen Creek. Large danco pavilion. Dklt. Chae.Zlegenthaler. SCHWENKVIIXE, VA. PERKIOMEN INN hI?"'";ooaern """ nigh loca. ; prl. bath; boat's, bath'g, fleh'g. Tennla. LMlt. U.M.Carl. rOCONO MOPNTAIN8, PA. Delaware Water Gap, Pa. THE BELLEVUE r t ;- tlon. Capacity 1C0. Excellent table. Rooms with running water. Dancing, golf and tennle. The popular house for young people. Booklet. CONWAT A BLAIR. Howard Nr Btatlon and river. Excellent "u u accommodations. Bklt. C.Howard. FORREST HOUSE f ffHgff Paradise Valley. Pa. THE OLD INN Formerly Paradise Inn. 1 na yjuu inn cresco Sta.. Penna. R.n. Managed from the atandpolnt of the guest; Huwi iijw unu hvuu uvua, via biiauo, tennis. trout flshlna; rates, 10 to (12.&0; booklet, Opena may : jnay -f. Miss Kirk. 4103 Parksld av. Strnudsburg, Pa. CHURLEIGH INN "J Qrandeat location In Blue Ridge Mts. Boating, fishing, etc. Oarage. Special rates May and June, nook let. MUCHMOUH A HALO. Props. Alnlin Inn B0" Main st. Modern borne com. 11""- -" forts. Bklt. MnB.TRAUQER. Prnnlvn 0n Hebron Helghtsi own farm. rcildljru j300klBt. Ui MERVIN, East Btrondsbnrg, Pa. Vineyard Cottage X&!yoM?u Sit. Porono, Pa. THE BELMONT Moa:-tsam heat.batbs. inuuiumviM Bpeclal spring rates. Elev. high, air plney and dry. J. L. Cornish. Tocono Lake, Ta. Laurel Inn , 1f,b.ii,v"'i?2i.l.k" V: table, own farm. Booklet. ..-.. ,",. ,, i:iisat BAYBR. AnalomlnU. Pa. Rapids Hotel $ ntir m&nart Trout ttahlnr. Auta wclcomi. PookUt. RUBBELL. B. l'LACE. ST1TES' MT. HOUSE .'aV.1 Capacity 100. Booklet. THOB. 11. STlTEa. ' llartonvlllf, pa. POKONA FARM Jrpdey7,elc upi lM o. t! ALI.EOER. Mountain Home. Ta. Mt. Constance House Ideal location. CBD. 40. Modarn. rtwn farm. IT up. Booklet. P. CABOLIN. Heller's Mt. Airy SVgfflS. g Marshall'i Creek. Pa. UARSIIALLS B-ALLO HOUSE Modem la every fihawneeoa-Belawrare, Pa. Lrnwond Excellent location. Bath'r, boat'g, UCUWWUU flto.g- m,! DHTRicic di HON. THE ANATOK "sr..'?teM.'w Dlngman'a rry. Pa. Bellevue House w,u tor rm and jumTnw. uumt. f0iaer. b, KERN. Manslfin HoUSft Writ for term and nuiniuu numctlMtr a. r Aibrecht. Cresco, Pa. HUCUUUi HOWARD PRlca. SEASIDE PARK. N. 3. SeT H'llOas TURNIR Olfaptly on Qeaoh, Strictly pint Clan, Booklet. Prepiletef Open Juno 18th ABBDRV PAItK, N. T. DEVONPORT INN Directly en tha .Oceani finest tUiu ea the coast; caterln to hlghlaj'palraage hot aalt -water baths opposite. ATb. WAtllT GRAND VIEW i"!? BV- &ek i3 ocean. New manaaa tnent. cicallmt aervlce, moderate ratea. OAgE MAV, K. J. CHALFONTB HOTEL o . - ....f ...i .-. . w-.- v.i,m Mtn.fn.i. miTTA n )liar ". HAD NO GOD "Orinkln? my head off In a "v.,on 40th street," ald Hurf eavaecly. 'I m all right now." "What got Into you, Walter? For you to turn on u lllto that-to oxposo ovory ono of us, as you havo " "Sho was in lovo with him, I wish I a killed htm." . k Very patiently Boroday told him what had happened. Over tho mattor o tho Bryant pearl ho passed as lightly as ho fcould. But Huff realised tho signifi cance of Elinor's placing It In tho alms box. Ho went rathor whlto. "Wo -would have got off with tho Coun try Club matter well enough, but this murderous ftoniy of yours has finished us all. Wo'll KaVo to break up Mid get away, I want you to go out to Elinor's tonight." "She will not soo me." "I think she will," said Boroday. "I want her lo get away Uio first thing in the mornlnir. Let her empty tho vault." Ho hesitated. Elinor's fortune In Jewels was becoming a menace. Whoever took them In chargo was possibly putUng a halter around his neck. "Bring tho Jowels to mo, if you havo a chauco. If It BocmB better, perhaps you'd better bury thorn out there." "Where?" "You might," said tho Russian thought fully, "bury them In old Hilary's grave." CHAPTEIt XII. IT WAS only nn hour or so boforo dawn when Huff got to tho Hall. Thero woro no trains between midnight arid morning. And Talbot's car, which ho might havo used, had been long dotayod by his burst tiro. Ho took a suburban trolley lino for perhapB half the distance nnd walked tho rest. HUMMER HKROKTS ATLANTIC CITY, N, J, im S15 $ June 24 s 25 The ANNUAL JOY CELEBRATION of AMERICA'S GREATEST RESORT $ Florol and Doooratlvo Rollins Choir Pogonnt Mommoth Do by Parade on tho Famous Boardwalk Marino Snaotaoto and rtavlaw on Bay and Ocoan OSTEND Occupying an entlro block of ocean front and connected with tho famous Boardwalk: In the popular Chelsea eectlon; capacity 600: unusually large, cool rooms with unobstructed view of the ocean from all; every appoint ment and comfort; oa nnd fresh wnterlnall bathai running water In roomB, 4000 ft. of porches surround tho hotel; tho new dining room overlooka tho eeai nnest cuisine nnd whlto service; orchestra of soloists; dancing twlco dally; social diversions; magnificent new Palm Lounge. Spl., $15, elnglo rm. wkly. : booklet mailed: auto meets trains; manage ment by owners. JOHN C. OOSSLEn, Mer. Tim Nnw Hnfol TRAVMnn-A I - ".- -.. UAUUU 1 tan LAimrsT nnmtoor hksobt uiri.t, in tub woiuj) A Bold ArrhltM't'i Origlntl Ckeatlan fnf tha RmiIwm iaMrleiB SUBIUIUNE Oltnj, Etrepetn CHALFONTE Atlantic City, New Jersey The Leeds Company HI.B0 Up Wkly j 2.B0 Up Daily Am. Plan. HOTEL W1LLARD New York Ave. and Deach. Coolest hotel. Fireproof; centrally located: elevator; prl. vato baths! running water In rooms. Hath. Ing from hotel. Excellent table. Capacity 00. European and American plan. Auto moblla parties a epeclalty. Booklet NEW HOTEL MERION rain- PROOF Vermont aye. & Deach. Cap. 000, Very mod. erato rates for the comforts, appointments A table of largeat hotels. noteis. tit up aaiiy, special cool ocean view rooms, etc. 13 up dally, special weeKiy Large, Booklet. C. H. PnETTYMAN Leading High-Clans Moderate-Rate Hotel. ALBEMARLE Virginia av nr. Uch. Cap. nUUEiV 850. Steam heat, elevator. aun parlors, prlvato baths, etc.; excel, table. 110 up wkly.; 2 up dally. Dklt. J. P. COPE. UEBOtlT OUIDH FREE Write today. "SEA EON CO.." 83 B. 16th at.. Fhlla. Send stamp. mLDWOon, n. j. WILDWOOD'S SIX LEADING HOTELS Capacities SOO to 250. Near Beach, Boardwalk and Amusements. Pleasant yoclal life, Coachea meet all trains. Hook lets. For details address the following hotels at Wlldwood, N. J.t WIEI JION IVJ. Woode AUELl'HI-WITTE.. II. Wltto 1IISAC11WOOD O. II. Uurta 1JORSKV..,. J. K. Whllesell HDtiKlON'lNN J. A. llarri" IIAI1U0N HALL N. A. Randolph Hotel Davton 9P5a u " capacity iiuiHuoruiijH Flnetable: alt outside rooms, running water: early season rate. mmn, wmw wu. B , iy. oe jv. Aicuurray Hotel Reading1 B- oak av.. Large, V; j, . I lryrooms, Superior table. Near depots, beach amuse, c w,mt..iT BALTIMORE 5k't 2.?-.MAgnoiia av 2HtrutwD fl A amusaments. Hotel Havilla Burlt - Beacb. is u HOTEL ELBERONI33 a "" WILPWOQD WOBT1I. X. J. Keystone 28, n,r bhl lr. lry rma.j J running water. P. J. Qreinar. SHERWOOD 53 .'; tv,S:"' tf- ixcel. table, taper week up. The OTTENS B,fn tron' location. ap. "ll-"' "Jclal rates untU July nth. GREYLOCK J5afh 'ront' 1 ni ww . xw running water. FJ.FLQYD. W1LDWOOU QUEST. N. J. JUSTICE iV; . ad amiuementit wx booklet. W. A. JUST1CB. OCEAN CITV, N. J. Every Comfort and " Convenience at Tha BRIGHTON r-m . rut MWlaMUfWk iU(a XOr QUI ind service: tnvlgorattnB breeaa from KSii0??.;114 JF.V : "1eur,V ""lr from UJ"iJtJ,,Y'. Wl,l 'of booklet and apeclal . Opens June getb. It. R. BOOY. WepT atirfirr.:" JR.'.r- njv!..7. rates. KEITH HALL SJ'Wmiw a. , i .... , "" wm. 9QSlflU THE BREAKERS Pair Boardwalk hotel. K. A. YQUNq. Mar. . SPRING XAKE BEACH. H. J. THE BREAKERS waxmgtm tm BPtiWQ fttW kJ ?B JMASH. N. J. raw o vr L. N MOB8. Proa. SmX WLB CITY. W. 3. Vi.Ji-U.lLJ. 44. VJ. UUM, . ,. I . P y"V7 Evenlna Mosquo Fotoe Cfv 3 AUTO BUNS fROH All PARTS tm T 2m El ax jSi33& i 5w m pom At 4 o'clock In tho mornlnsr ho preajed tho arbor button, and old Henrlfllto, Brumbllng at this second dlaturbanco or hor rest, rouaed Elinor again. Tlmo was precious. Huff, havlnsr rung tho announcing bell, mado his way UP throush tho daw to tho house. And ao it was that Elinor, opening; tho houao door, met him faco to face. Aa oho recoiled from him, he closed tho door, "I havo broUffht you a messaeo from Boroday," he said swiftly. "We Men a fool and scoundrel and-lt's about all up. Elinor hardly realized what ho was say Intf. Tho light of horror had already died out of her oyos. To her, Walter, onco her lover, now typified all of suffering- and nearness to death that lay in old Hilary s room upstairs. "Tho first train leaves tho city at 6 o'clock," ho said, trying; to keep his yolco steady. "It Is hardly likely they will bo out so soon, but undor somo pretext or other they will search tho houao this morning." . ., "How can I leave tho houso now? up stairs In father's room-" "I know," ho put In hastily. "I know all about It. Elinor, I am sorry, I am wildly sorry. It's no oxcuso to aay I won crazy; but I was." "If I bo away." Elinor said, with whlto lips, "how will they manago about hlm7 SUMMER ItESQItTB Delaware Hudson , Shortest. Qafckesi andBesiJb'nBeHm&knr&kiawlAfaflitcaIs Saratoga Springs, with its racing and iu curative waters, Au Sablo Chasm, Lake Placid, Coopontown, Sharon Spring. Interesting pictures and descriptions contained in "A Summer Paradise," n book of 360 page sent tor 6c in stamps, "D.& H." through Central terminal. Hudson Kiver Llont Line make connection with "D.&H." train at Albany or Troy. I S0l M. J. rOWERS, C.P.A. Albaar.N.Y. V ITV3 VH The Griswold EASTERN POINT, NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT Finest Summer Resort Hotel in America 2yi Hours from New York or Boston OPEN JUNE 16 TO SEPT. 15 NEW A LA CARTE GRILL 18-Hole Golf Course, Also New and Completely Equipped Club House Magnificently Appointed Throughout, Superior Yachting, Boating, Bathing, Motoring. Driving, Tennis. Dancing. Long Distance Telephone In Every Room. Over 100 Dathroom Suites. Milk. Cream. Poultry and Vegetables Supplied by our Farms 'The Brantord Farms." Early Reasr vatlons should be mads. For Booklet, Boom Flans, etc.. address H. D. SAXTON, Manager. Also the BELLEVIEW, BELLEAIR HEIGHTS, FLORIDA Best One-Day Trip at Lowest Cost BafallKssslstt v-)QiaiaHss9 tfSssasi B' ssssssssssssssB'yKA tiy J WQiii fWl&th jWBi fM s' iNi j?vS. rtALifj j. " 1 P- EtlHsellBl Now Is the Time to think about choosing a school for your boy or girl. Don't wait until the last minute to decide a question that means bo much to tho future of your son or daughter. Get In touch with LEDGER CENTRAL at once and mako use of the complete Information on file at our Educational Bureau. We can tell you about any preparatory school In the East. There are many things we know outside ol what the school catalogue tells you. Get the benefit of our personal Investigation, Thla Information Is youra for Un asking. Just call and talk It over. EDUCATIONAL BUREAU LEDGER CENTRAL ( BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS PHILADELPHIA Tho nurao neetja eo many things, and f I seo that sho has them." A flamo leaped Into tho boy's 6yea "If you cans for him Ilka that what ar you going to do about It? Even If ha cares for you, you cannot marry him if ho over found out about you" ' "He will never marry mo. And-he doe. know." " Tho fact that Ward knew the truth about Elinor and tho band brought bac2 to him tholr common peril. Ho thru aside, for tho tlmo at least, his passion and his despair, and calmly directed hli energies toward preparing tha hOuso fJ the Inevitable search. r Bo systematlo had old Hilary been thai thero wero few papers to destroy, Such of tho ledgers as wero incriminating hi burned In tho furnace, Elinor's box of Jewels ho carried upstairs and placed rm tho library table. Such settings as had remained from tho Country Club raid after tho gems had been taken out ha melted together in old Hilary's cruoibla and placed tho gold and platinum nuet In Elinor's box. BMt Ho had sot tho safe to a elmplo comb!, nation and closed It. Except for Its slw and for tho protectlvo wiring burled in Its walls, It might have been a family gafe built by a nervous and elderly gentleman living In tho country to hold his sllvr spoons. It was too late by that tlmo to bury tho box as Boroday had suggested, Hurt did tho next beBt thing. Ho butled it carefully in Elinor's garden, under a clump of orlmson phlox, (CONTINUED MONDAT.) HCMMEn mtSORTB The Adirondacks Lake George Lake Champlain of Northern New York, famed for historic interest and scenic benuty offer Ideal canoe tripe Fine bathing bcachco Excel lent golf and tennis Lakes stocked with- gorney bass and trout. trains leave New York Grand New York City Information Oaraau, 1354 Dreadway fjfftf FORT WILLIAM HENRY HOTEL Lake Gaorge, N. Y, HOTEL CHAMPLAIN a Lata Champlain, Bluff Point, N. Y. Albart Toltrlot, Manager On the line o( the D, U H. alio reached hy auto. Com Elated Stata Roads scenic route from pointa via Albany, aratoga. Lake Ceorce, Shron Lake, EJixabethtown, Lake Champlain lo Montreal, Special Excurtlon Rate from Philadelphia to BRANDYWINE SPRINGS PARK The Retort Known to all Philadelphian Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays 60 cents for adults, 35 cents for children; all other days 35 cents for adults, 25 cents for children to the park and return by Wilson Line Steamboats and delightful trolley ride. Big AmuMement Retort Under new management. Added at tractions. Improved trolley service. Ideal place, for church excursions, private parties or the Individual excursionist. Special Excursion Tickets For sale at rate named on WILSON LINE BOATS Good on boat and trolley. Can be pur. chased at no other place. Big Sunday Concert, June 20 Big Park Program- Opent Monday, June 21 II tor Am. SOWAaiTirktfTalojar ma&im&t&s&se sssx I