r P MiUiwapMiwflu r.- EVENING TnaF-PTTTTM-nELPnTA, FBIDAY, JUNE 18, 1915, FANO BOMBARDATA DA UNA SQUADRA NEMICA; GORIZIA IN PERICOLO Le Truppe del Generate Ca dorna Avanzano nel Trentino e nella Carnia. Seicento Austriaci Fattt Prigiortieri. nOMA, 13 Qlugiio. Una squadra nustrlaca ha bombardato qucsta nmttlim la. clttadlna dl Fnnn, tra x-earo ea vnnna. ,. , I ,.,.! ., - " v j :,:;-- ,-. " . " tl bombardamento. dl Fntio fu esogulto I ""J-Ji' "'"-l"...u' ,...,."",,"- Mtlborithotlo I.e nontre grannta hanno Incendlafo mi paseAgglo ch unlva le opre Inferior! a quelle aupr1ori e la. plAttnformo ropeita dl una butter-la, nomlcn e' stnla dantlagg dannegitlata gi avmente. "Xotlsia leoftitl danno maMleri par tlcolnrl della luillante azlone svolta dol noslrl soldatl nella reglone dl Monte Nero nella notte del 18. Ibb1Io fu esogulto eon grandl dlfliCottA' ed I, nostri uomlnl furono conMantemente sotto 11 fuoco del liemlcl. II ntimero totatc del prlKlonlcrl fattl dal noslrl ommonta a 000. Nol ftb- blnmo preao al nemlca anclie moltlsalml fuclll e due rmtraRllatrlcl. "Nel ponerlgglo dl mercolcdl tin bat tAftllona unghereee eeequl un vlotcnto at taecft contro le nostra tol2lonl a Zak rain, ntlta zona dl Monte Nero, ma fu reaplnto. all Itallanl Oaoro succeestva mente AJcunl contrnttacchl cho flnlrono eon la tlietruzlone del baMagllone un ghereao "Lunfto It flume lsonzo la nostra often- slva procede metodlcnmente e lo nostre FIRST PHOTO OP ELLEN WILSON McADOO da Un Incroelatore e da nuattro cacclhtor pedlnlere atlstrlache e duro" per parecchl mlnutl. Un romunlcato del Mlnlatero delta 'Marina dice cho I dannt eono stall Inalgniflcantl. Gvldcntemento te navl nemlche el pro ponevano dl dnnnegglare la fcrrovla cho coiteggla I'Adrlatlco nel tratto Ravenna Ancona. Infattl to navl dlretsoro parecchl prolettlll contro la atazlone fcrrovlarla, ma neesuno ragglunso It beraagllo. Parec chl prolttlll caddero Invcco In vlclnanza delta chlese o dl pubbllcl edlflzll, ma fecero dannt cha posaono facllmente esaera rl paratl. Quando caddero I prlml .prolettlll nil abl- tantl dl Fano al rlfuglarono nella cantlne, coalcche non vl furono vlttlmo no ferltl. Pol, non appena le navl nemlche at nllon tanarono, la popolazlone el rlverso" netls trade s fece una dlmoatrazlono patriot tlca, Un telegramma da Parlgl dtco cho II Allnlatero delta Marina franccso ha un nunclato ufflclalmento che navl da guerra franceal cooperano con la flotta Itallana nel blocco delta flotta auatrlaca nell'Adrl-atico. Fano si trova ad otto mlglla dalta pic cola rtepubblica dl San Marino o vanta una famoaa vocchla cattedrale o parcc chlo nltro chlcso contenentl tosorl dl nrto, -Oltr.e. alio rovlno dl un magntflco nrco trlonfale dl Augusto. Fano contava netl'uttlmo cenalmcnto circa 27,000 abltantl. La squadra austrlaca e' proba bllmento partita' da Pola, sua base, cho dlata da Fano circa 85 mlglla. j GIlANDn VITTOniA IMMINENTE. Un dlapacctu da Olnovra dice cho I'occu pazlone dl Oorlzta da parte dello forzo Italians o' Immlncntc. Lo opore dl flrtlfl cazlone austrtacho dl quclla cltta' eono rapldamenta mandate In pezzl dall'artlgll erla Itallana. 81 dice che II govemo ha conflacato la villa del kalacr a Fraecatl, dovo proba bllmonto sono atato travato munlzlonl cd nrml. La battaglla dl Gorlzla si va combat tendo con raddopplata encrgla, come tclo grnfa queata mattlna 11 gcneralo Cadorna al Mlnlstero delta Querra. IVnrtlgllcrlu Itallana ha bombardato a dlstrutto la atazlono fcrrovlarla dl Gorlzla. Sol mlg lla a nord della cltta' lo forze ltallano hanno occupato o fortlflcato la allure cho clrcondano Plava, Bulla rlva sinistra del l'lsonzo. Nel rapporto ufllclale odlerno si Ieggo cue un iniero oaitagnone ungticreao o atato dlstrutto dagll Italian! In un sangul noso combattlmento attorno a Planlna polje, a nord-est dl Montenero, nello Alpl Carnlcho. Gil Itallanl hunno prceo In quel combattlmento plu dl COO prlglonlerl, com prcal JO ulllclall. Ecco II tcsto del rap porto: "Sul fronto trentlno-tlrolcso vl sono fetatl una scrlo dl combattlmcntl dl poca Importanza con eslto favorovolo a nol. "Un reparto dl nustrlnnl rim nvnnvnvn da llovereto, nolla valle 'deirAdlgo fu uttaccato o aconlltto nello vlclnanze dl Zugna. "Nol abblamo occupato Sasso cd Al bergo o Falzarego, nella Vallo Costeana, facendovl 30 priglpnlcrl. . !?M,! 'ronto lel,a Carnia II duello dl rtlgllcrla numenta dl violenza. Nol abblamo smontato parecchl cannonl austriaci cd abblamo disperse repartl del Genlo cho lavornvano a rinforzaro le optro dl dlfesa del nemlco. Alcuno colonne austrlacho In marcla sono Btato disperse dalla nostra artlgllcrla. i "Sebbcno un vento fortissimo Impcdisso le splorazlonl oeree nol abblamo potuto determlnare 11 lavoro ill riistmzinnn r-,un dalla nostra artlgllerla nella fortezza dl cupato un gran tratto dl tcrrltorlo dopo una ltinga e sangulncsa lottfl. Lo noatro poalzlonl sono state consllldato o tuttl gll attachl del nemlco sono stall rcsplntl In altrl puntl del fronto dell'Isonzo si sono avutl eolo duelll dl artlgllerla a lung dlstnnza. Ln stazlono fcrrovlarla dl Oor Izla e' stala In parto dlatrutta dal noslrl , proictiui eil una colonna dl earn rerroM aril e' stata Incendlata " SUL FItONTE DEL TIIENTINO Nel scttore del Trontlno gll Itallanl hanno vlrtualmente occupato la clttadlna i dl Mori, Importanlo poslzlonu sulla strada che da llovereto porta a lllvn Questo tratto dl strada o' nonrlmeno nssnl dlffl cllo glacche' gll austriaci hanno rrotto fortlflcazlono dappcrtutlo dovo hanno potuto trovaro una poalzlono clevnta Occorrera' perclo' smantollaro quosto fortlflcazlonl prima dl procedcro I iNciio Alpl camlche contlnua II duello dl artlgllcrla nolto o glorno gunndo so pragglungo la notto ll tiro dM cannonl ' reso posslbllo da rlflottorl o da razzi Gli austriaci sono rluscitl a portaro grossl cannonl contro lo poalzlonl occupato dagll itallanl In qucste montagne, ma gll Ital lanl hanno potuto llnora mantencro la loro supcrlorlta'. Truppe dl fantorla, Alplnl c guardlo ell Flnanza fanno spesso attacchl dl sorpresa contrn gll austriaci cd In alcunl casl II obbllgano ad arrandersl senza combattcrc. Eeal avanznno vcrao trlncee consldcrnto Imprcndlblll per sentlerl sconosclutl, nott soltanto al contrabbandlcrl dl professono ed nllo guardlo dl Flnnnza c vlncono con la rapldlta' delta loro sorpresa. In questo. modo sono state conqulstato le montagne ad ovest ed a sud dl Malborghctto c ccrto alture dalle quail el domlna 1'altoplano dl Gall. . am m j wUBBImmmEmx. , '; , JrT iok ,.& i BBaHwStJBHBBH i . . 9bk )r it. ... i it ..'...iclMlfji&ii&fl9fefcC. GRAND JURY INDICTS STAHL FOR PERJURY Lusitania Affidavit Maker Face Trial Remitted Tombs. to to Arrest Two Under "Dope" Act LANCASTER, Pa., Juno lS.-Jcro Slpe, a cigar-store proprietor, nnd Harry Swank, a garage employe, were nrrested today while ln the uct of taking hypo dermic injections of morphine. The po lice say that a number of tablets wcro foupd on Slpe, rendering him llablo to prqiecutlon under tho Harrison "dope" act. Tho police say they have evldenco that tho morphine camo from n hospital or drug storo here, but the prisoners rc- iuso to tell where they obtained It PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Str. Orlclld (Nor.), New York, ballMt, Mun eon Line. c,blr' kYIS0, iiev Yorl' merchandise. Clyde uicaiimttii v.wuifuiijr. Str. llrantfori; Tnylor'a Sons. ki,Si'i.4?&'&stf,..i..U Abovo is tho first photograph of Ellen Wilson McAdoo, second grand child of President Woodrow Wilson. She wns born Mnv 20, and is, consequently, four weeks old. Secretary Willinm G. McAdoo and his wife arc seen with the baby. SAVING OF DROWNING PERSONS ILLUSTRATED M. C. A. Physicnl Directors Ex plain Practical Methods. (lir.). lliuimore, Chaa. JI. Steamships to Arrive FREIGHT. i,?!P?- From. lilltra . hi.i.i. jlrailond Hnvin. Methods of saving persons from drown In? wero demonstrated today by Louis N. Volcker and Thomas Kowlns, of tho Ccntrnl Y. M. C. A., In the association swimming pool at the concluding session of the live-day conference of the Stalo Y. M. C. A. physical directors. The meeting, with P. O N. Eldler, of the Reading Y. SI. C. A., presiding, was opened with devotional exercises, led by Robert D. Laughner, of Johnstown. An address on "An Adequate Physical Pro gram In a City of 50,000 or Under" wns made by George R. Fleming, of Williams port. Demonstrations of fancy steps and gymnastic dancing were given by C. Senile, of Hartford, Conn., and of recrca tlvo upparatus exercises by D. T. Pest, of Newark, N. J. James M. Sterrctt, of tho Philadelphia Swimming Club, showed re cent developments In tho teaching of swimming. BURGLAR FELLS WOMAN Snllcd. Ai.l in Shield Arrll L'l If,,, .1 .May 8 ..Soville iniumtrran Hh c ds Mnv if 1 ..... -- .f nnrl It m . i . Macordla spczia Sloeata li'll.Ann. V. Ironwcn Loulsburg .. llarntacl Sanill . ". . . ueorge rymjin ...... .Marseilles r THE WEATHER Oflicial Forecast WASHINGTON, June 18. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer sey: Increasing cloudlneaa tonight; Sat urday, probably showers; moderate vari able winds. Showers covered Now England, eoatern New York and northeastern Pennsylva nia, and occurred along the south Atlan tic 'coast during tho last 21 hours. The Western rain area covers tho Missouri and upper Mississippi Valleys, and In some Plares the rainfall was excessive. Concordia. Kan., reports 4.C0 Inches during the last 21 hours. A moderate tempera iT ?.XCT contlnu n'ng the mlddto Atlantic slope, nnd a slight excess Is re ported from most places In the enttnn belt, while there l .nBh. ..5?lt,n the upper Lake region and ftSm thenS westward to the Rocky Mountains. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observation. Uk.nM 8 .. m. EaM.rn ,lme. Lit Ita!n- Vloe. 8 a.m. u.'t. fall. Wind. itviv...i... T4 a .;.--."'. o li clear M Jf.. u Cloudy 10 SW 4 Cloudy Fa. 8 Cloudy SB 52 Cloudy ..SB 8 Clear . . W 4 Clear M'NW R Cloudy K .May 27 .May 27 .MayM . May L") WnI ... taipriuvB May ,iu Manche.ter Miller sanchcater ." . jSSS s '. de Lorrlnga Marseille Juno 8 Uanovcr Murnellles .Juno U Algerlana London .... jinolo HuTa" ?.1,",,ld" -J""a j!!lclva. Jluelva Juno il r.H r . ;,''V Clenfueaoj June i:i Ardvk' mbal' WV", J""' ft '. ".v.; Jtottcrdam June It HhR;,.erni"511 Cristobal Juhon 5J?'V n '.a1e ,,arrv Juno IS Au . , "" London June 15 C,5a, Atnatordam ...ijunS U V"b,a Haana June 1(1 i?',f Port Antonio ..Junolrt DiJdvfc ET! n10"10 --June 10 uaterayK Rotterdam Juno 10 Steamships lo Leave FREIGHT. Nama. For Date gS.ehai.ir- MiileV .'...lllSeS.SS W. "nl J? Algerian London Junoio Intruder in Storo Escapes by Striking Down Owner. Mrs. Ida Schubert, of 3110 Germnntown avenue, htiu-d n noise in her dcllcates ten storo shortly after midnight, and went downstairs to investigate. As she groped her way through a corridor on the first iloor slio was struck ov-r tho head by sorao heavy Instrument and knocked down. Half dazed by tho blow, she neverthe less wns able to rise In time to hear some one running out of the house. She tele phoned to tho Park and Lehigh avenues station, nnd Special Policeman Rlrtiurd son hurried to tho storo. Across tho street from tho delicates sen store a bluecoat was standing. If Mis. Schubert had mado any nofe he would have hrard her. ' CARNEGIE STEEL COMPANY GETS 70,000-TON ORDER Pittsburgh Concern Will Help Fill De mand of Russia. PITTSBURGH, Pa., June 18. It was announced hero this morning that tho i-nrnesie bteel Company had received an order for 70,000 tons of steel from the Pressed Steel Car Company. This ma terial is to be used In tho manufacture of "COO new steel cars for tho Russian Government. All the airbrakes for the 13,000 cars, for which tho Russian Government recently contracted In Amorlcn, aro to bo mado i ii?. "es"nenouse Airbrake Company at Ullmcrdlng. and Victor Koshkln, of Ietrogrnd, Russia, has arrived In Pltts- """ lo personally supervise the con struction of this entilnmnn m i.-i.i.i Is chief engineer of tho Russian West nghouse Company, to which company the Russian Government gave the con- I tract for the airbrakes, and which in turn I turned It over to tho Westlnghouse Com- ! pany here. The car order amounted to J5O.0O3.O00 ! and tho largest portion of It went to the I "7 alecl -nr company here, which received orders for 7000 of the cars. Mr. Koshkln said that the war has created a great car shortago in Russia and theso cars are Intended to remedy this con dition. Speaking of tho war, ho said that tho people of his country aro solidly sup porting tho government nnd that no ono o? RusVUbt ' Ule UU,mat8 auc" NEW TORK, June 18. Gustav Stan!, German reservist, today was Indicted by a Federal Grand Jury for perjury In con nection wlth.hls affidavit that the Cunard liner Lusitania carried guns. Other Indictments against two other persons may have been returned simul taneously, but Slant was alone when he wns brought from the Tombs and ar raigned In the United States District Court. In his affidavit, Stahl swore that ho aaw four 6-Inch guns mounted on tho Lusitania on April 30, when she salted from thla port on her last voyage when a German submarine sent her to the bot tom off tho Irish coast, with more than 100 American lives. stnhl. renresented by counsel, pleaded not guilty and wns held for trial. Hli? ball, $10,000. was not furnished nnd ho was returned to the Tombs, where he has been confined since his arrest, which preceded his testimony before the grand Jury. Secret service men and attaches of tho Bureau of Navigation were witnesses against Stnhl, but the most damaging evldenco against him, It was said, was given by Daniel Jenncy, his room mate, who told of the alleged refatlona among Btahl, the two Hnrdcnborg broth ers, now missing, nnd Paul Kocnlg, of tho Hamburg-American line. Dream of Husband's Death Verified LANCASTRR, Pa., June 18. Mrs. John MncGracgor, uf this city, last night dreamed thnt nor husband was standing by tier bedcld, nnd he looked like a dead person. A few hours Inter a tele gram was received Informing her of his donth at Rockvlllc, near Harrlsburg, yes terday afternoon by the collapse of a school building on which he was working. THE KEYSTONE UPHOLSTERY CO. 1224 Girard Ave. Any old arm chnlr can be made to look like thla. fi-pleco Pnrlnr Suit reupholtercil, frames r e c o n -at r ucted nnd pol lthpri to look like new $7 $10 & $15 A fi-plecc t ci ip rnvFRc "'" T-.W XJ-J AND made to outer complete UP Wo carry n full Una of linen, cretonnes, tapestry, velours and leather nt lowest prices. Workmanship guaranteed. Call, write or phono and our repreaan tatlve will call with a full lino ot sam ples, day or evening, city or suburbs, and give estimate. I'hnno Poplar 1350. M. A. WIH88, Manager. ,'WVVlVlVVWvvV ' vwwvv mutumutwttHvttuvv Seashore Excursions $1 EVERY DAY j. Galvanized Boat Pumps lsssss L. D. BERGER, 59 N. 2nd Street aiacJCTZIrttyfuA -wrsswi ,x Snini v Commencing June 19, 1915 special Excurs ons Leave ) 1 tr a nr - . Chestnut St. & South SLPriM r 7.00 A. M. Everv Dav 1 vnn ron Mulll 4000 Market 331 I tlantc c.ean City Sea Isle City I aaui . r vviiawood CapeMav 3 Additional Sunday f, Aintic Citv 0nlV) 7.3Q A , j , Station. .nuone, Tex ,...TB Tl Atlflnttn rt.u fn at niamarck, f, D. .BS B." Ouxralo, N. Y. ..ill .11 ilcas-o 04 CO Cleveland cs tin Denver ,,rj 4h Dea Molnea (14 (U Detroit GO St uuiutti. Minn ,.4 .18 ,se ffn llarrlshurir .. ".'72 w " S Hatteraa. N. C...78 T2 p Helena, Mont. :,.4S 41 .' gw Huron, S. D 04 s2 , nw JaekaonvllU ....74 72 02 NE n."a!..r"' Mo..rt 051,23 W Loul.vlll. .,.,,,,72 Rlt QC! unphia ..::::::ts ;: iB Philadelphia ..I 74 m ', Pittsburgh M 64 r Portland. l o, ... .A H Quebec. Can 80 BO .10 B J w Bt. Loula t at ut hw n V, 8t. Paul ...at 3 'S NB i S!f Salt Lake. Utah..5 S - $8 I S. gn fronclaco ..60 tk) . sW a el fjmp 76 74 .7 Sb 11 cio Wlnn'p .sa Sri jo ciS Observations at Philadelphia 8 A. M, Barameitr T-n,p.,.,u Sky - ... .uat, s mj H HETrFE" E very FLAGrOLlJ FOll NORtttS SQUABB WANTED DY BUSINESS MEN Petition Will Be Presented to Chief of City Property Bureau. Patriotic nnd buslneM men's organiza tions In the northeast eectlon today stnrtcd a movement to have a flagpole erected at Norrla Square. This Is tho only public square In Philadelphia which nt the present time 1ms no flagpole. Be hind the movement are merchants and others who are Interested In civic work In tho Northeast. It Is planned to Imvo petitions circulated and hv . """" presented to William " M b?,.11" uio uureau or city Property liT'J days a committee composed or l tntlve citizens will makA , 2L "! peal to Chief Ball. Tho enWT1 i composed of tho following Coh1mlllJ A. C. Kooly, president of tt,. fcJ elnglon Board of Trada. jBi, " president Kensington Merchant? FrS trate William Olenn" Frank We?, Ji Derbyshire, Select Councilman f' .Hf ll'olrnn nt t, ...i ""'man A. , B .mn:' Wlltl.T.,"." .Wttfd Strumps, William Weir. 3t L&t S,ihoIeInX0i.OfR0PreSentttllv"-n? mi5K!e3S June Needs and Furnishings Boys, Big Boyo, In Clothes For Little i Jr Sy 1 ik H I H H Oi for I i &tea Ma, II I W H JW 1 A Young Men and All Men Rccda facilities eupplying summer drew requircmenta are varied and complete tvc -will take C 1 " r i care or boys or all from 6 yeara to 100. Boyi' Wash Suits mado of care. fully selected fabrics in all the new and approved models, Blouso and Rui. sian Blouse styles, 3 to 10 year slzu $1 to $5. Norfolk Jacket Model' $3.50 to $9.00. Boys' Summer Weight Suits, Nor folk, Blouso and Russian Blouie effects, $5.00 to $20.00. Men's Crash and Palm Beach Suits (coat and trousers), $3.00. 810 00 $12.00 and $15.00. ' " "' Tan Silk Coats, $18.00; trouseri to match, $7.00. Flannel Trousers, white, $5.00 $6.00 and $3.00. ' Strioed Flannels and Serces, $5.00 $6.00, $7.50 and $8.00. -". READY-TO-WEAR SHIRTS At $1.50, Mercerized Cotton Shirts and an excellent Crepe Weave in many attractive designs. At $2.00. Imported Madras, Crepe, and Russian Cord effects. At $3.00 and $3.50, a eeneroui assortment of new designs in ailk and cotton materials. At $3.50, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00. pure Silk Shirts various weaves and textures with or without satin stripes a notable and striking variety. UNDERWEAR. Athleri RMn. Spring and Summer weights, 50c, 75cJ $1.00, $1.50 and upward. Knee Draw era "B. V. D." and "Delparlc" 50c; Nainsook, 75c; Mercerized, $1.00; Linen or Sill: Mixed, $1.50. UNION SUITS from $1.00 up. ward. MEN'S HALF HOSE. Full assortments of Cotton and Lisle thread, 25c to $5.00. Special values in Silk Half Hose, plain and fancy, 50c, $1.00, $1.50. MEN'S STRAW HATS. Newest and most desirable braids and stylv, , in Men's Straw Hats of American ana foreign make. $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. PANAMAS, $5.00, $6.00, $8.00, ' $10.00 and $12.00. Linen and Duck Outing Hats, Caps, Golf Hose, Belts alf outinj "fixin's" in abundance. United States National Lawn Ten nis Association Adjustable Hat- Danas, sue. Jacob Reeds Sons 1424-1426 CHESTNUT STREET, Ptila. And GARDEN PIER, Atlantic City, New Jersey. ! IS K Vic rices an H Vi VICTROLA VIII OAK terms ctor Service Victor prices are uniform all over the United cTnt0e u i , purchase any Victor outfit at the cash price and se tie hv f He?Pe S y0U may or our rental-payment plan, by which" all rant ,n? V ash 0r chare accunt any extra interest charges 'for tois privi leee wl d,r y,Ur Purchase without United States. privilege. We deliver free anywhere in the Patrons tell us that our service is a great advantage in record shopping Here are our outfits comnlp.b w?fi, nri,a, ,, . 7 . cupping. ...c , s.k0 auu ine xerms ot our rental.na,m,n - f jrolit VICTRQLA IX MAHOGANY OH OAK plan. ' S0.1T 'iV . --T5 , 8 mile ear 'Minimum l.mjr.'n.'.'J T Maximum tsar; .v.v.v.v,":::'.::::::: H Almanac of the Day S "kiiaifHW::;:;::::::::;: faffs Lamps to Be Lighted -lute nad otbtr tiUJ 7iW p. Tfie Tide vom hioimtonn. Htf b wU- tomorrow ... . . J,g j VHMVmVT STREET WHABP. VICTROLA IV ' Sl,m 6 10-inch Double-face Records '. ......."."ijsg Total cost , , , , , , . ..,......,,..,,, $19.50 Pay $3 down, $2.50 monthly, . ' ' VICTROLA VI 6 M-inrh n.,M..fa p.;a;j; ; Total cost t ......... ,,,,..,,,.,",,,,,,;,,,. , " Pay $4 down, $3 monthly. VICTROLA VIII Rfcnrrf, vn.., ..I.rif ' ' Z, . -"' .........,;...,,,., ,,., PadowK.WOmonthiy;'. ...,145.00 VICTROLA IX s,nnn Recorrla. vnnr i.t.ntinn ......,,.,,, 3U,UU Total cost ....,,,,,, ,,..,,.. Pay $5 down( $4 monthly, ....... VICTROLA X $25.00 4.50 $29,50 $40.00 5.00 10.00 $60.00 $75.00 10.00 $13100 Records, your Sekc;ion,:::::,:,v,v, Total cost .. Pay $5 downVKmonVhlv m ,r VICTROLA XI .. Records, your selection' V.V.'.V'V.V. 10.00 Total cost JV'y' - 10-00 Pay 8 down, $6 monthiy.' ' 7 ' ; .ITIolo VICTROLA XIV ,'. ' Records, your selection' . ... V. ..V. V.V.V.V'"' '15"-00 Total cost V - 10-00 VICTROLAyxV0IdOWn,$8"t,,;iV' ',B5H Records, your idectVop ".'. .".V.'.V. '.V.V.V.V ...l20O00 Total eest ',,M -Jsm ray ?ip down, $10 monthly. ' $225.00 Write for large illustrated catalogue's. In P,arj, rememb.r we Have tHc Heppe paUnUa.tkree.tounXnoar inttrut, and . wrld.fam?ua tUlas7aSa!V Wltt ' ' "" TSSa I ir T ilBSiir Hvsliil H'w JilHl' iKil';! iiil HBI fflffl' ill tl tisHnuiiH I C. J. HEPPE 8c SON fiti17"1i1Chestnut Set oth and Thompson Streets Rt.t.UY Ibl.hXD twii.urrL m Wot rtu, nntAkii ii'ts Uw water VICTROLA XIV UAHOOAJ4X OK OAK m VICTROLA XVI MAHOOANT OB OAK i- ', '-'clFWM -'-- &- 'SS!..' : SJK'ips'swPS'Sifcsli Rlf tl KUW aw wstar io Blab witat un