Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 15, 1915, Final, Page 7, Image 7

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Heveral men in view
JOB ASMDlttiiioiuoi
Goes to New York,
:nA Successor Is Assured
'( Tenure Limited to Six
Months of Present Ad-
I ministration.
Copyright, 1918. ty Mary Roberts Rlneh&rt.
Author of "The Man in Lower Ten"
iviniMon, rtlt.
S. Lewis Zleglor, of tho De-
ZZ of Health nnd Charities,
itt h&t he
la considering several men
I Ointment na Assistant Director of
lP! lTt. but has not definitely dc-
m rhom ho will name.
l.-lsUnt Director Wilson left yes-
' tii,fttnt"nf InVefitlCft-
?r?he Department of Charltlle. of
Mfato& that several appoint-
I' ' i.mr ZlCKler Will DO kuiiku uvii
Mitt Director . . . M nouslmr
'J..1?.. H .w ecuncllma'nlc leaders
a Baniiai'"'. .-- .abllsh bef:,ro tho
R P2S..S delaying:
.talfio of an assistant.
1 -' m bo a number of executlv
. f ' " t,nr "' rohtr, 1 killed In an
ucls on a tailcab bearlns a larao sum of
F'n. his aURhter, Elinor Klnrrton. who
has been brought up to b1leve In nothing.
J" her father rtld. Tho aiilrtant tectoj of
..u1? ln ""'OR they use it aiso in io
with Elinor. Another coneplrntor, Porodny.
Is iupied by the police. Orien Mi cbolce
between confrntton
cnyonts ,ne latter,
nnl a Jail tm. na
Tho police are dlP-
Will ". .;. ,., trnuslncr Dt.
altlons to ' ".,, nt rjresent
ililon. Y.C"
W i Mouse Divisions aro made
Si" ?"?,..! that Councils' leac
i. ven "?..,' HnnitaUon and Ten-
'.DWln- arc made.. ...
icr ...luved that Councils' leaders will
U1. &lepMf James F. McCrudden, of
let that unie -"-" " .. -,.!. a r
fTi.nltallon Division. n "'
?if?,vV of tho Tenement nousa yi
tS Provided for ln the new division
FWien be provwea iu nirectur
r.11 .,i m,v tho transfers to Insure
.ration of Councils in flnanclne tho
ii!Ifnr Zlesler Is confronted with tho
lDii.rn of obfalnlng for only six months
Kof executive ability to nil tho J4C00
U nLltlon as assistant director of his
!! ' ...nt Almost Simuiiuucvuo.j i.w
WVSr. Pmutlvcs for tho Houolnu
"i -r ciiuuov ,.
f.l.!nrt which will bo regaruca as mora
minent employment and consequent y
,S desirable, Men considered for the
iMancles aro dcciarca io mu. """. ...
l!raufeDofVlt8hcn,pos.t.ons to bo filled
S lathe new Kouslnff Division win oe sent.
o Mayor Blankenbure by Director
iler for presentation to Councils, to
5 Lmt achcdulo will outline tho
W"?.."- rffonljation of tho dlvlslon.wlth
BffimMMteo salaries of tho 100 or moro
m-Editions definitely stipulated for Councils'
SfSeatttn. All appointments will be
fltlllCUUUi. rVuitw.IL 1V( I
i- rilie by Uircciur .it:.v.. w....-
t.(aM nnai k"" ..-
Wttacka Negro Intruder When Sum
moned by tiauys ury.
Vi ra(,r,a tiravery wnen Bne neuiu
fter l-year-old ton screaming today led
'uHhe capture oi a negru uuit,m. u
Ctrlied In tho oct of attempting to rob a
t, PMicht after a chase of several
' blocks.
'tit mnrv SfeKane. of 013 Hamilton
" 'street, was talking with a neighbor In
t'front of her homo this morning when Bhe
?.' ttard her little boy John screaming
p irtth fright. Ito and a 3-months-old
RfilDy wore fcieui'iiifc in ww... .. -
itcond floor. Mrs. Mekano rushed up-
IKiUlra. A Nogro wns standing In tho
'piddle of tho loom, seizing a cnair, nu
tltacked him, and ho lied, Jumping out
lie window.
V A crowd gavo chose, and the man was
f, WDtured near lBtn ana cspnim uurucii
v, iireeis oy ruutciimii ..win."-.
LiRrmftntnnm station, who was oft duty.
tften beforo Magistrate lielcher, of tho
I 13th and Buttonwoocl streets station, uiu
f'iirlsoner gavo his name as Nick Jcffer-
f 'm. 10n Lombard street. Ho was given
1 ihrca morlths in the House of Correction.
EnKo admitted that he had been convicted
& , L.. I... VnA Thara we,A RAVAml
a 91 auixiaiy uc.u.c. .w ..w. -. .
&nnrirA1 nllrira In
f.lch he entered.
CHAPTEIt Vl-(Contlnucd).
"Flnel" said Ward heartily. "We'll Ret
to that before long."
"If you had fallen "
He was not listening. It came to her
how far apart they were. Tocher his
falling would have been an end of all
thlngas to him, It would have meant the
beginning of a useful eternity.
"If you wait a little, 111 run arounu
and get my car and take you up."
Bhe sat down again, obediently. Bhe
was glad to be with h'm a little longer.
Until recently, the work of the band
had always seemed a vague abstraction.
Now one of Its rosults lay before her.
And there were other things fresh In
her mind old Hilary, dead of his re
volt against law, and lying In state be
fore an altar erected to a Ood he had
not recognized. And Ward, watching
her windows and thinking her the em
bodiment of what a woman Bhould be.
Over her bitterness rose a hot wave of
anger against Walter Huff. She had
forbidden this thing and ho had done It.
Official Forecast
for eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer-
v Pwilinblv nhnwprfl tOntcht and
jOTedrtesday; not so warm tonight; gentle
F .fwt winds.
f f Showers and thunder storms covered
fifeoft of the great central valleys, por-
a trunk ln the room
Boas of the plains States and the Lake
Kflon, and occurred in widely scatterea
Johlltles along the Atlantic slope during
ykj last 21 hours. A moderate disturbance
' everiDreads the Lake reclon this morn-
fUfcj and extends southward in a shallow
wroagh-llke depression to the eastern GUK
motttt The temperatures continue ab-
t formally high in the middle Atlantic
jRtatai J . A t 1 . l.n In
iw..w oiiu are .u.rcBjJuj.ui..ti.y uit 1,1
iew England and the Middle West, while
Jbosts are reported from North Dakota.
' V. S, Weather Bureau Bulletin
Otitrvatlona taken at 8 a. nj. eastern time.
la Taln Valnn.
Efltlnn Dam all Tl'lnrt Ho WnaMiav
euUin. Tx. ' 68 68 .1 E 6 ' Cloudy
tiaatio City.,,, gs 60 .. 8 8 Cloudy
SBoaton, Mans. I B0 6i I E 12 IU.n
won. y... m no .08 s -t nam
Lsirarn tii k k) tif
sCJetetand, Ohlol 82 B8 '.S8 W
mvtn, Colo. ,, 52 .. sv
Vti Un nan T- nrk at I TIP
S-jS.-T 7"B t m a- . .
&Sr$ih Minn. , 00 48 ,H W
SSSffialK" r
gMta, X, C. 78 70
ISM Mont 61 K!
jJn. B. ..., 00 44 ,42 NW
-vAXMiyiiie, VISL, U J4 . . O
hAut, city. Mo. M W .36 BW
;Ji3UTlle, Jcy, 1 70 70 ,08 NW
jtfUmshii. Tmn.. R.9 Art 3ll MR
T sizi.- rr ::.':t zzz.
uncan .,74 n -'.14 v
w York ii Ail
f .Itfa V.V. Mil KA
ISS'wma. Okla. B8 B8
SQIUdclplda, ... 7T 72
HU. Aril ... ? R5
Whargh. !,, TO M
tUnd, Me...' M 63
rttu.a. Ore,,, SI M
. ln. .,63 B0
l. Mo. . 63 ES
tl. Iflnn KA Kl HI M
Lk. Utah 68 M .. BF1
mnclaco.. 60 60 ., 8W
itea. Pa. ..Tl M . . 8K
W 80 72 ,01 NE
.Morton ... B . . B
t .,.,,. 80 38 ,02 BW
10 P, Cloudy
10 Bain
I Clear
8 Clear
10 Cloudy
NW IS Clear,
a 4 liouuy
S 6 Cloudy
8W 12 Clear
BW 4 P.Cloudy
t Clear
J2 Clear
il Clear
12 Cloudy
6 Cloudy
8 Cloudy
10 cloudy
4 Clear
4 Cloudy
a P.Cloudy
4 Cloudy
8 Cloudy
12 Cloudy
4 Cloudy
En Cloudy
NW 12 P.Cloudy
n i-iear
4 ulnar
and stood by with satisfaction while
sho drank it In his eyes thero was a
mlxturo of depression and Joy. The
parish houso was gone, and this girl
beforo him was to marry another man.
But they would build another parish
house, nnd who knew
He drove her up tho hill In his small
car. At the top of a rlso he stopped tho
car and looked back. Tho night's devas
tation showed clearly, a black wound In
tho Bmlllnir heart of the valley.
Elinor watched him.
"It means a great deal to you, doesn't
It's rather a facer. Of course, wo
will build again, but thero oro thlntrs
that could not be replaced. That isn't
what troubles me. The fact Is, I am
afraid I'm responsible
"I was there last night, alone. I have
a bad habit, when I hao a mental prob
lem to worry out. of walklntr up and
down a room and lighting one cigarette
after another. I am reckless with
matches." , ,
Then perhaps, after all, Walter had not
dono It! ... . , . . ,
The car climbed slowly. Ward kept his
eyes straight ahead. Elinor cast little
shy glances nt his profile.
"You Bald you had something to worry
Ho drew n long breath.
"1 have had an offer to go to Now
York to a big church. It's rather a won
derful opportunity."
Elinor made no Blgn except to clutch
her hands as they lay ungloved In her
lap. . ...
"Then you will bo leaving us?
"No," ho said. "I shall not bo leaving
"You like It hero?" ,,,,.
"Very much." He turned and looked
down nt her. It was unwise. He real
ized that at once. So frail she looked, so
boftly, tenderly feminine! And. because
... i. ... v.n nftrr the n ght. ho hart
not yet got control over himself, the
merest hand-clasp as she Got out of the
machine was all ho dared. But at the
, (v. iifni Elinor turned.
"You will never know Just how sorry
I nm." she- said, and went through her
garden to tho house.
From that Friday morning until the
ewmhTg of tho following day Elinor was
quite alone. ..
Hour after hour she spent pacing the
terrace, looking down Into tho valley. On
Friday night, unablo to sleep, she threw
a negligee over her shoulders and went
down to' her" garden. The village slept
quietly, but thoro was a light In Ward a
small window near the church. She re
matned on tho terrace until the light was
"Atdlnner that Saturday Boroday's
empty place cast a Bloom over the meal.
WaUer Huff came a little late. Under
the ease of hla greeting there wm i a
nnh nf uneasiness as he met Lllnors
eyes. When tho servants left the room.
Talbot leaned forwaru J0""'l"'ld
"Now tell us about It," ho said.
Huff was frankly triumphant, but he
atlll avoided Ellnor'u eyes.
"It's working out exactly as I Knew
It would!" he explained. "Ha6
had a parish house they cannot do with
SSt it The vestry carried jnlyabmUa
third enough insurance. A"d..,herrer!a
other point In our voth rectore
away. Ho's got rheumatism. Tney are
going to take up an additional purse to
send him to Baden-Baden.
"Tomorrow morning. And tomorrow
5? K S Eun-
til Monday morning." A
I shall warn him," said Elinor sud-
deThe're was silence for a wr:
bot smiled. Lethbrldge looked astound-
E'MT!s-!tr e sal
"I asked you not to do- ,- -
done. The children used It M the , time.
knowledge their duty to the nusstan,
offered all nr Jtwels, In fact, for his de
fense. But she stubbornly refused to
countenance the attack on Mr. Ward.
Hun lapsed Into sullen silence, his eyes
on her. Tho other men found every1 ar
gument met by silence, except for one
passionate outburst.
"He Is my nlcnd," she cried. "I have
neicr had Any friends, except once, years
ago, a girl. H was Boroday then who
Used my friendship for her. It was the
Hutherford natter. Walter would not
remember, but tho rest of you I tell you,
1 won't do this thing.""
Talbot tried a new method. "It's a
wealthy conirregatlon." he exnlatned. "it
Is not much for them, and It's safety for
us. If we let Boroday go up, nnd he
thinks what he will about us, he can
make it bad for all of us."
Elinor turned on him.
"I don't care a ran for th potitrrdtrnllnn.
Do you think ho wilt let that money go
without a straggler The moment It goes
Into tho offertory It ceases to be money
ana Decome a divine trust to him. He'll
nht and-some one will be killed."
It dawned even on Talbot after a time
that her solicitude was for none of them.
When he roallted It at last, he sat baok
with folded arms and frowning brows.
Hero was mot-kery for sure: Old Hilary's
daughter, teared on pure violence, and
In love with a parsonl-old Hilary's
daughter and successor, defying tho band
in Its hour of need, and quoting a divine
trust in extenuation I
In view of her attitude, there seemed
to be nothlnff to do.
"We'll give It up, of course," said L-oth.
bridge, after a pauae.
Thero had never been any drinking ln
old Hillary's house. Only abstainers
were over taken Into the band. But It
waa the custom of the two older men to
remain at the tablo over their cigars, giv
ing Walter and Elinor a half-hour to-
b"iji inm mgm, wnen Elinor rose
from tho table, Huff, although he rose
with tho others, made no move to follow
her. She looked back from the doOrway,
a slim, almost childish figure, with be
seeching eyes.
"You must alt try to think kindly of
me, she said wistfully. "I care for you
as much as I ever did. You are all I
have, you three. It Is only that I-have
been thinking."
For the first tlmo since the organization
of the band thero was quarreling that
night In old Hilary's paneled library. At
tne cna or an hour Wnlter Huff flung out
tho door, white with fury. He stumbled
through tho garden toward tho garage,
muttering as ho went In the rose alley
he met Elinor,
"I was waiting for you,' she said sim
ply. Huff Btood beforo her, and the anger
left his face.
"You're tho one thing in all the world I
felt sure of." His voice was heavy with
"1'vo been thinking about Boroday "
"Elinor, how far have things gone be
tween you and this man at Salht Judo's?"
She recoiled.
"I hardly know him."
"You think about him."
Sho looked down Into tho valley.
"I think of the things ho stands for. It
Just seems to me that, when a man like
that, not a dreamer at all, but human
and and keen, when he believes all that
he does "
"It was Ward on tho ridge-pole, tho
one who nearly fell?"
"And you were frightened?"
"It mado me sick. I "
Quito suddenly ho crushed her to him.
It was as If ho meant to drive away this
barrier betweon them by sheer force of
his love for her. But, although she held
up her face for his kiss, he released her
as suddenly, without It
"You're crazy about him," he said
thickly. "I'm not blind. I'll get him for
SATURDAY evenlng-vlt was tho cus
tom of the Bryants to entertain the
rector at dinner.
Now, In his absence. It was the assist
ant rector who dined In the paneled
Jacobean dining room of the Bryant
house, swallowing much unctuous dicta
tion as to church policy with his dinner.
Not that Ward was mild. But he had
an easy way of listening to the advice
of his various Influential parishioners and
then irolng ahead ana doing as no iweu.
In nonessentials he always yielded. To
him the Church waa so much bigger than
Its ritual. . M ,
That evening Mrs. Bryant had taken up
the question of women ln tho choir.
"Frankly, Mr. Ward," she said, Ignor
ing her fish. "I do not approve of It It's
the feminist movement, I tell you. Be
fore long they'll want to be on the ves-
""ward glanced up. half, smiling. The
near-shaped pearl, which usually hung
a?l Is hostess withered throat, was ,, nat
urally not there. From the pearl to the
parsh-house, from the P'house to
Ellnor-thus In two leaps of Ward .i i mind
Bryant." His eyes were like steel. "Of
course, you are not basing It merely on
Miat you hear from servants?"
Mrs. Bryant Hushed, a purplish spot In
the centre of each sagging cheek.
"1 do not gossip with tho servants," she
said shortly. "It Is common talk. And
there are other things. Machines come
and go from the house at queer hours of
the night The girt spends a great deal
of money, Where does she get It? Where,
for that matter, did old Hilary Kingston
get It J"
Thus challenged, Ward had nothing to
After dinner he left early, but he did
not go home. He went up the h)U. As
he strode on he remembered many things.
The girl was without the sheet-anchor of
any belief, adrift and alone, and he had
mado no- attempt to help her unbelief. Al
though It was after 10, the houso was
still lighted downstairs, nnd he went with
out hesitation into the garden.
Thus It happened that ha saw Elinor In
Huff's arms, saw him thrust her violently
from him and rush away across the flower
beds, leaving her there alone.
Ward remained In the shadows. To save
his life he could not have spoken to Eli
nor then. Under his constrained exterior
he was In the thrall of tho fiercest Jeal
ousy. This little falr-halred girl, to
whom his Ood was no Ood, had taken
a powerful hold on him.
Elinor, -who slept little that night saw
tho light In his window until It faded
Into the dawn.
Elinor went to the early Communion
tho following day. The church was dark.
There were hardly two dozen people
scattered over the building. She sat far
back and was heavily veiled. When tho
congregation knelt, sho knelt An old
woman In tho next pew gavo her tho
prayer book, open at the service. On
her kpees then went Elinor and listened
to Ward's flno voice echoing through tho
empty building.
Tho morning was warm and tho win
dows open Tho odor of burned wood
from the parish house crept in.
"Thou shall not steal," Ward read from
tho Decalogue, and the people said:
"Lord have mercy upon us and Incline
our hearts to keep this law."
"Thou shalt not steal."
In tho Palm of her left glove Elinor
hod tho Bryant pear-shaped pearl
Wood, you know, and weather-proof, but
The last word caught Mr. Bryant's ear.
"8ems to me," Huff went on, "the choir
boys need a place to dress In. Tou
couldn't ask them to put on their sur
pltces at home and walk over here."
"Wo had thought of a tent," Mr. Bry
ant said uncertainty, "But If you care
to look around "
"Never mind about me," Bald Huff
largely. "I'll Just glance over the place
myself. You'd better attend to that
fortune you took up In the collection this
Tho assistant rector has taken charge
of that," Mr. Bryant observed, and after
that for half an hour he nnd Huff talked
board floors, tar-paper roofs and electric
Installation In the temporary head
Hurt made careful notes ln his pocket
notebook. They Included the length and
breadth of a temporary building, the resi
dence of the assistant rector, a stove In
tho temporary structure for cold days,
the amount of the collection, and the time
at which evening service was over on
Sunday night
TALBOT, running out to the Country
Club that afternoon for his Sunday
gamo of golf, stopped oft at the Hall.
He found Elinor lunching alone ln the
arbor, which commanded a view of the
"I brought out a letter from Boroday,"
he said, producing It "He wrote It yes
terday morning, but I did not atop at
tho Dago's until an hour or so ago."
The Dago was the owner of a gambling
house far downtown a sort of under
world clearing house. Its safety for Tal
bot and the others lay ln the foot that
It drew Its clientele from the upper a
well as lower walks of life. Huff, act
ing ln his taxlcab capacity as steirer,
waa able to come and go without sus
picion. Talbot could not read old Hilary's cryp-
tlo shorthand. Only three had known
It: Boroday, old Hilary himself and
Tllnor ran through It while Talbot ate
a sandwich. She was rather white when
she looked up.
"It's about the Bryant pearl," she In
terpreted. "Boroday says that If the
Chief gets It back he will let him go.
Tho Chief's reputation Is hanging on It.
Season Opens With a Rush in
Thio State and Over in New
Lean canvas-wrapped packages hugged
affectionately In many stout arms, tripped
commuteta on Incoming smokers today
and provoked more cussing than usual by
the hurried members of the tralnahed
crush. In the baggage cars, the more ple
beian bamboo was carried more comfort
ably. The bass season opened today. Both
Pennsylvania and Jersey fishermen re
joiced, for the bars came down In both
States slmultaneousty. They will stay
down until the last enthusiast Is driven
to shelter by cold weather. Hence the
eager hunt last night for fishing tackle
and the cumbering of street cars find
trains today by the folding rods borne
offlceward In anticipation of the first
chance to fish.
Small mouth and largo mouth, bass
are eligible any time after noon. Be
sides bass, anglers may seek out with a
free conscience pickerel, Susquehanna
salmon, wall-eyed pike, rock bass and a
number of the minor species.
But fishing In New Jersey comes high
for penpla ni fl In f!n'"',eBH
County c"nrtet hf m th Jrwy w
tenia are erageweMd t& tt lhw
tea: of fr8 all th BWs x
this side of the river. NatWtf! have
pay only 11S.
Pennsylvania 1 mere bMpltaWe- Tfm
Is no fee for ahy on. Ba.s eaMMnc '
free for all, except to alterm, wfco ara
forbidden in both States ia nk Th
Is a limit to the site oi tho Mtfh m
Pennsylvania, however.
Thbie whft set eu todity tor their s
fish this season wOutd ro well, If l!y
remain away uny length of lima, ti
watch the newanaoers for a notiiteatl
that Governor Brumbaugh his signed Oi
AValih bill, which forbids the taklhe t
bass under nine Inches lit length. Mfet
year and up to the tints the Govertssr
Signs tho bill, bass were a fair eatan
after they attained a length at efitM
Another section of the Walsh bin for
bids the sale 5f bass caught either la
Pennsylvania or Now Jersey unless the
here raised In commercial hatcheries.
Fell Down Elevator Shaft to Death
LANCASTER, Pa., June 15. JoslaB M1J.
ler( Columbia, night Janitor of the Wedi
worth Building In Lancaster, waa killed
last night, falling down an elevator abaft
from the fifth atory. He waa found dy
ing In the pit by the watchman. A pe
culiar circumstance la the faet that the
elevator was above the entrance and tbs
safety chain In place.
" ' '
Ward had not seen
thrnunh tho service reverently, and with
an Impresslveness of votce nnd bearing
that showed how real It was to him. And
In his voice, reading, exhorting, com
manding, thero were tender notes that
caught Elinor's breath ln her throat.
When the service was oer. she rose
from her knees nnd dropped tho Bryant
pearl Into tho alms box by tho door. Tho
congregation, small and scattered, waa
still kneeling. The doorway and the alms
box were In twilight.
Drawing down her veil, sho went
autckly out Into tho sunshine
At tne 11 o'clock service Wrf ,0"BC
cd the burning of the parish building.
"It Is not my Intention to make an ap
peal he sal Imply. "The parish house
was built to fill a great need; that need
still exists If our church Is to be an ele
ment In the dally lives of the .people of
this town wo must have a moetlng place
or thorn. Tor the worship o our God the
church building Is uc'e.n'' Ut m" IL
llclon Is to you the thing It Is to me, thu
broaSer religion of universal brotherhood.
her. He went 1 The Bryants are Influential."
iuci ""-- -.. v,
the church building is not ''"""
.. N
.62 NE
.. 8
. B
,02 8
., NB
6 Cloudy
il Cloudy
8 Clear
4 Cloudy
5 Clear
Observations at Philadelphia
... ...... ....
,,,,.. South, ernllM
....' .Cloudy
Ution laat 8 hours. "......, TJS
ity ..........a..,,,, '"
iUra temia.rattirA ..........a..., !r
rjm temperature
wwneter ,
On the Pacific Coast
. FraiutifA
'JHeio.. :
.Weather, cloudy.
..Weather, cloudy;
Almanac of the Day
!. to'trorrowl'.
71 R.B0
40 a.m.
u.Sl p.m.
Lamps to Be Lighted
laad other vehleles lt0 p.
"-' - . i..iV,nM THPTR,
They PW.M -r..ihta to you."
my wlsn snoum mca.t -"---lutt
shrugged his buWew.
"If I had burned a tenement iuu
people " .iv killed. He was on
A man was nearly KiHeo.
the ridge-pole of hatJ.ertj,B water on
SMwTSSSort fainted."
;:rwUasatWhere!:: said Elinor quietly.
Huff rose angrily. lt who
BS SoV'r Parson.
X85r&-e- arIBtUmentLeSe
bridge who took up the argum
understood her P'on nfuUke. But
he said. The fire was a mi o
now that It was - q- tnelr
rii.ii.A ..,--
w.un " "-"--:-,, , a,H
nM TMre BVyanC'-as honorary president
',,'. Guild, I protest against
WBTck To th'. choir'with a Jump cam.
rwond-'Svard fleeted, "whether
she had not finished, rnero
things outTSalnt Juaea w
nag1tonerhadTbenbUone. She seized on
In" the vlUaag.a. The house Is full of
men all the time."
Ward put down his fort. (
course, w"'T-. th6 .able.
ward w r""-"loua statement. Mrs.
That Is a very serious i
broader rcliglo
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy
Seventy-elght thousand pilars waa
taken up ln tho collection nt St Jude a
that morning. Over fifty thousand was ln
checks, the rest was In cash.
Walter Huff. Bitting mono ""-,-"
of the church, had watcnea
tcntly through the service.
Unlike Elinor, Huff had been raised In
a Presbyterian household, lie had come
to Jeer, to watch with his thief eyes the
offertory piling Into the silver plates But
the service told on him. Somewhere down
ln his violent young heart there crept a
sense of shame. It was only when he
looked at Ward that his eyes hardened.
This man who had come between him
and his girl-thls white-handed, surpllced
praycr-reodlng priest who In a doien
words could compel the PePle;beforo him
to lay a fortune at his feet-Huff ground
his teeth together. "". .
willing admiration was u ., -
scorn This was no mean aersary.
this Ward; a man, every Inch of him. w
would beat him out If he had to kill him
to rto It.
Huff stayed ln church after tho service.
He accosted Mr. Bryant, one of the ves
trymen, as the congregation filed out
;.T .... nv to ask vou to talk busi
ness on Sunday." he said, "but I think it's
going to be mighty Inconvenient until you
-. .... .....i. fcnIMInir."
..tinrriw." said the vestryman. "No
a i ., rnnvenlent. but this"
Tr,,fi dw a. business card from his
I thought perhaps you might be willing
. it, oVimit n. temDorary building, he
said. "Wa specialize in things like that
She read the last paragraph aloud to
"On your lives, boys, do what I tell ou.
Mail tho pearl ln a plain box to police
headquarters. Mall It downtown ln the
city. If everything Is nil right I'll be
able to get out to Wotnngham In a week,
perhaps less. This will make the
church plan unnecessary and relieve
Elinor's mind. I see you got the parish
house. It was foolhardy and useless."
Talbot roso and stretched himself.
"Wonderful day for golf," he said. "Now
let's have tho pearl and I am off."
Elinor's eyes were pitiful.
"Wouldn't any other pearl do?"
He glanced down at her quizzically.
"Where's your mind, Elinor? If you
lose n dog and want lt back, will any
other dog do? Why? Do you want the
thing yourself?"
"I have given It away," saia Elinor.
Under his golf tan Talbot turned rather
"To -whom?"
Lancaster County Free of Aphthous
LANCASTER, Pa., June 15. The head
quarters otTlco for Eastern and Central
Pennsylvania established here by the
Federal Bureau of Animal Industry last
November on the outBreaK or apntnous
fever among cattle and hogs, was closed
today, the epidemic being ended. As
a precautionary measure, veterinarians
as scouts will be left in the district, un
der charge of Dr. C A. Schauller, Phila
delphia. The State, however, is not fully
released yet from quarantine.
F.O.B. BOSTON WSg 'S ffl
Every Ford agent, first-class automobile supply house
or garage can now secure this equipment for you by
ordering through us. Wc are local distributors.
Or better still bring your Ford direct to us for in
stallation. We will show you the system in actual
demonstration on a Ford engine.
219 N. Broad St, Phila.
System as supplied contains everything necessary for Immediate
installation. For any new or used Model T.
TiEnFono BrniNos. ta.
Bedford Springs (Pa.) Hotel and Baths
In tba rnoit delltntrui ccuod oi "",
rut healthful Allegheny Mountain!, Cool,
fSvIsoratlng oreeies. Good road, for motor
M. Hotel and e.tate, afford everj ' comfort .
nHnor and outdoor diversion MAGNESIA
openlnz June!
II. E. HEM18. Manager.
nemovai oaie
Greatly Reduced Prices
As previously announced, we will vacate the store
at 11th and Market Streets and move to our main build
ing at Broad and Arch Streets on June 30.
Our s.tock of lighting fixtures and glasswarenow on
display must be sold before we move. .
To dispose of this stock quickly we have.made great .
reductions in prices. ' "
We are selling this stock for one-third, and in most
cases one-half off original prices. ( . .
Boroday'a c:
.uoroaij' -,-. nn hi& and, nnams
&& TXyZmt. atoo. refuge
J1C1. - -
In her father's "" lt .n aji come
'".-If ""y'nln1E1(1cTr0UJ.Itt seems to me,
out," he reminded her, ,ather
Elinor, that you owe t plan.
not to Interfere. JhlsWR
Four or nvt ,""- talked u oyer
jr. j.
The Tides
i wt ?:
Latte 11 3
' Mter totuoroaw, .........
i wai.r . .
'water . . ..
i water tomorrow
ssmssff - Z
...... ...
p. m.
Four or --.,- talked It oyer
eThenK"Were astounded, frankly ua,
?TulSmt;.nce got nowhere. Elinor ac-
XncTFor uin e
.Ji. Ana 5,6pmTucanla. July tSpia
jTor '"i.fAitAT.r. 1019 Walnut 8.
roV:4So- ffljc st
riom overlook! the i sea, ""; . "j,!" 0,nclB
nan hV AWnifl. JUm . - -
Th. hotel lth the Incomparabl. .Uuatloa.
??0 a'ttU'S?:: HfiaW. "tannls ltTn"an.d
ma 0""'iV". k .,i faaihlnr: e
tha Aliefn.ni -, "h.thlnr:
?..?":..? h SB: ".t Alao buMslow. wit
maala at Inn. For booklet ana lenna
die.. WILUAU WOODS. Manager.
Ilr. GCCirn? ii BOO feet, dellfhtfullj
I He EOalt-'N .ltuated on Allegnenlee.
r..lno nlnt-bola solf couree, cottagea. f"p
w..fr.tath'g.tHh'g. Tennla. Bklt. Q.M.Carl.
7Tu th. BumiTrat. ler tU prlvata aM-
Atlantic City, New Jersey
The Leeds Cojtnpany.
mtro VPW
, ism uanmt itJtpooF jboh
BOTH. W x !V,
4 U AnMUct't Odataal
OUtlai I aWMMa
ea KiBumnt m
Delaware Water Gap. P-
A varied collection of gas fixtures
of two, three, four and five lights, of
many designs appropriate for any
type of residence.
The very latest designs of semi-indirect
fixtures, the kind with the in
verted bowl that give a general dif
fusion of light,
Dome for the dining-room and
library, art glass, leaded glass and
with metal frames. Shower fixtures,
some of them hung by chains, con
taining two, three or four inverted
A big display of glassware, globes
and shades for all kinds of lamps, up
right and inverted, plain glass and m
colors appropriate for general light
ing and also for decorative uses.
Portable lamps, splendid reading
lamps for the table, wonderful value
in this type of gas lamp. Some beau
tiful lamps in this collection ot tne
very latest designs.
Nickel-plated or copper coff?e per
colators, tea kettles, hot water ket
tles and other appliances for dining
room use, all equipped with gs
Stock Is Limi
'u.irirH Near Station and river. Excellent
HOV3XO :Prnmmodatlon. Bklt. C.Howard.
MarehaU'e Creek. Pa.
7..HSMALLS FAIXS HOUSE Modern ln avary
llARSHAIaljO aw VTitUVWUJklt. Proo.
raapacc. wuMt'
N. HtiyyalAW. Prop.
Bar Harbor. Ua.
... J n.... LfnHaratft.Rftta HOtfl.
, . -im t J- iR'au
kly ( "f "
Bar Harbor, Ma
Open July 1 tft BtBt. U
UCa-niOR.Mjiv Hotel Jnox, Bostea
Cbtbtaiuf, Me.
In Many Instances There Is Only One
oi a to
Act quickly
to avail yourself ofWese remarkable
This sale will end June
stock to go quicklv.
30, and w,e expect the
Fnited Gas Improvemeiil
llth and Market Streets
. ... .... itmicc ctubaan. Ka. vom.'
.' a
bUMMU nuuoi-u, A tur. wta.
THE COKnaaw- '""'-
KV - nu I Jv Hit SIB
Only Boardwalk ho1!
L.ocuat 3VK
jfl CHMni Bt ""