vni'innns" 6 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1915, ANCIIE PORTO ROSEGA OCCUPATO DA FORZE DEL GENER. CADORNA Violento Fuoco di Arfcigli eria Attraverso l'Isonzo. Gli Austriaci Attaccati di Fronte e Minacciati sui Due Fianchi. -Tim EVVX1NO LEDOE1V Questo ilmpdtlco c dlfjuso piornala che if pubbltca in Flladelfta tuttl I plornl In varlc cdlzlonl, si occupa molto dell'cntrata In pucrra delta nostra Italia, c per dare occasion? at leltorl Italian!, delta plornatc vtcne stampato In Itnpua Uallana pubbllcando tutte le pltf Intcrcssantl notlzle chc concernnno Vltalla, I'Auitrla o la Gcrmanla. aritallanl dl Filadclfla c del rlcinl pacl dovrebbrro csserc conlcntl dl quota opportunlta' e comprarc tuttl pit "Evenino LnDor.n" tuttl I olornt per ciscrc at corrente dl tutte le notlzle dl pucrra chc gtornahncntc saranno trasmeste In America. (Dal seltlmanalc itallano "La Blgaretta," dl Philadelphia, del 1.1 Qltipno corrente.) nOMA, 12 Olimno. E stato annunclato umdnlmenle questa mattlna cho la truppe del Generate Co. dorna lianno Bin' occupato la cltta' dl Oradlsca, clie o' a set mlglla. a sud-ovest dl Gorlzla. IO forzo Itallano hanno occupato Porto Koocgii, a sucl dl Monfalcone, cd hanno un certo numero dl navl cho si trovavano net cantlrre, tra lo quail un plccoll Incro clatoro clie I'Austrla ntava cottruendo per conto dclla Clna. La nottzla e' Importantlnslma perche I'occupazlone dl Oradlsca mette In perl colo le poslzlonl austrlacho dl Gorlzla, Bla mtnacclata dall' occupazlono Uallana dl Monfalcone. Qradiaca e' a 20 mlglla a nord-oveflt dl Trieste, sul flume Isonzo, cd e' la prima cltta' Importante atistrlaca occupata rlagll tlallanl dopo I'occupazlone dl Monfalcone. Oil Italian! si avvlclnano In grand! forze verso Gorlzla, capitals delta provlncla omontma, ed ora una vIotcntlRslma bat taglla o' Impcgnata ad ovest dl quclla cltta', su dl un brevo fronte dl dlccl mlglla. Le poslzlonl austrlache dl Gorlzla sono assoggcttato ad un vlolentlsslmo bom bardamento da parte delle battcrlc Hal lane In poslzlone sutle alturc a nord dl llossa, ed al loro fuoco rlspondono I can nonl austriaci da una colllna sltuata poco a nord delta cltta' dl Gorlzla e da una po slzlone formldabllmente fortlficnta alia testn dl ponto dell'Isonzo. I rcgglmentl dl Bcrsagllerl che hanno occupato oradlsca marclano ora verso 11 nord, tcntando dl passare II flume nolle vlclnanze dl Itubbla per attaccare Gorlzla dl flanco, dalla strada dl Gabrta e dl Merna. II nemlco ha montato plccoll pezzl dl artlgllerla su corrl ferrovlarll plattl e II fa muovere In tuttl 1 sensl sulla fcrrovla die segue II corso dell'Isonzo, e 11 fa vomltare fuoco contro le poslzlonl Itallane. . A bcI mlglla a nord-ovest di Oorlzla tin'altra colonna Uallana tenta dl attrn versare 11 flumo c plombare sulla cltta' dai nord. I cannont austriaci plazzatl su Monte Sano bombardano questa colonna ed t pontlert del Genlo clie rarrann hi gettnro un ponte. La battaglla contlnua ca dlversl glorni attorno a Plava, dove g(l austriaci oppongono una accanlta reslstenza. II bombardamento dl Tolmlno contlnua senza Interruzlono. Parecchl del lavori dl dlfesa esternl del nomlco sono stall dannegglatt dalle batterle itallane, ma 11 fatto cho git austriaci tengono ancora la poslzlone domlnante ha Impedlto l'avan zata degll Itallanl. I Hersagllerl e gll Alplnl opcrantt nelta reglone dl Tolmlno sono statl occupatl a cneclnre dftl plcchl domlnAntl plccoll re Pftrtl dl tlrntorl nemlcl che tormentftvano la fanterln Avnnznnte lungo i pawl. In nlcunl ensl gll austriaci hanno reso im prendlbtll ccrte poslzlonl elevate bloc enndo I senllerl con groml mass! dl pletra. In ntiestl cast gll Alplnl hanno clrcondalo I'nltiirn con plccole sqtiadre e cerenno dl fare si cho II nemlco si nrrenda per fame. Sul fronte del Trontlno si sono avute nelle ulllme 48 ore sollnnto combattlmcnti dl nessuna Important, a quanto an nunzlu It Ministers della Ouerra. Hj NEMICO DKMOltALIZZATO. Con la conqulsta delle cltta' dl oradls ca, Monfalcone o Itovereto e dl circa un centlnnlo dl vlllnggl, da parte degll Itallanl e con I furiosi attacchl rontro le Unco che dlfendono Trento e Trieste, gll austriaci dlvengono completamente de morallzzatl dalla contlnua successions dl sconfltto. II Mtnlstero della Querra ha ptlbblicato questa mattlna it seguente comiinlcato umclnle: "Documentl trovatl addosso ad uiTlclatl austriaci fattl prlglonlcrl dal nostrl mnstrnno chft I comandant! austriaci sono molto Impcnslorltl del grave fatto che gll nvvenlmcntl avutlsl at fronte dl battaglla pregludlcano la dlsclptlna delle truppe. Alto scopo dl Impedlre che avvengano ptu' numerose dlscrzlonl, gll ufllclall aus triaci hanno reso ancora ptu' severe le normo special! gla' emanate n questo scopo, normo che mostrano che essl hanno dovuto rlcorrcro ad odlosl slsteml dl pollzla per Impedlre che II loro eserclto si sfasclasse. "Per PBcmplo. I dlsrrtorl arrestatl Bono punltl non solo come dellnquentl, ma ancho come tradltorl. Se sono trovatl colpcvoll, tutte le loro proprleta possono csserc confiscate. Lo Slnto Magglore nustrlnco ha stablllto ancho scvcrlsnlmo punlzlonl per quel sotdntl che tcntano 11 nrrcndcrsl c per quell! cho cerenno dl sottrnrsl ngll obbllghl mllltorl accusando malnttle. "Nol abblamo ancho ricevuto rnpportl nutentlcl dal qunll rlsulta cho tanto net teatro della guerra del Carpazll cho In quello Itallano manca nelle truppe nus trlncho lo dlsclpllna e l verlflcano csempll dl tnglu.itlzla ammlnlstratlva da parte del plu' altl ulllclall austriaci. Lo truppe perclo' eoffrono In conseguenza dl sospcttl e ui Hiiaucia. "Questa mania dl sospcttl si e' atlar gata anche alia pupolazlono civile In ae gtilto alte inlsure prcse per menomare la llberta' del non combattcntl o per Im pedlre lo splonngglo o la sedlzlone. Agll niu genoraii austriaci e' stnta data auto rlta' dl Imporro restrlzlonl e dl proclamaro regolamcntl nel duo tentrl della gucrra." LA DATTAQLIA DELL'ISONZO. In tro puntl lungo II fronte dl battaglla dell'Isonzo sono In corso sangulnosl com battlmentl. Uno c' Impegnato attorno a Tolmlno, un altro plu' a sud, a nord o a sud dl Gorlzla, cd un tcrzo sul fronte tra Monfalcnno o Oradlsca. Una manovra tcntata dagll austriaci, dl glrare le poslzlonl Itallano a Mon tenero e attuccnrle dl dletro, c' Btata jriiHir.-ua iingu iinnnni. D'ANNUNZIO IN RUMANIA Onbrlele d'AnnunzIo, cho e' oggl 1'uomo plu' popolaro nel pnesl lntlnl per nvcre sollevnto II popolo d'ltalla In favore delta guerrn con I! suo dlscorso dl Quarto, o' partlto da Iloma alia volta dl Bucarest, per cercaro dl sollcvare II popolo rumeno In favore dclla guerra all'Austrla ed nlla Gcrmanla 27 FIRE COMPANIES PARADE AT NEWTOWN 1500 Men, 15 Bnnds and Motor driven Apparatus Appear In Procession. NEWTOWN. Pa.. Juno 12. Twenty seven flro companies, with 1600 members, 15 bands and a score of motor-driven fire engines paraded here today during the second annual convention of the Bucks County Firemen's Association. Twenty Ave of the companies are located In towns of this county and the remaining three companies camo from Ablngton anil Ilocklcdgo, both In Montgomery County, and from Burlington, N. J. The parade started at 2:30 o'clock, and was led by tho QuakeTtown Fins fompany, accompanied by the Qermnnia Band. Companies from Trumbaueravllle, Richland, Perkasle, Bellersvllle, Morris vllle, Southampton, Lnnghorne, Itlchboro, lvyland and Chalfont wero In line with bands from their respective towns. The Morrlsvllle company had Us new en gine In the parade, and tho Eagle Fire Company, of New Hope, appeared In new white uniforms. Tho Doylostown Fire Company hnd Its new apparatus In lino. An elaborate exhibition of modern motor-driven fltc-flghttng apparatus was given by the four companies compris ing tho Bristol Fire Department, which has the bcst-cqulppod outfit In this part of tho Stato. A rello of tho past was thown when tho Ilulmovlllo company paraded with Its old "Billy Penn" hand engine. Although almost half a century old, this cnglno Is still In use. Tho New town Fire Company brought up tho roar of the parade. Frank II. Wentworth was the chief mnrshal, assisted by IS mounted aides. Tho Keystone flro chiefs and former members of tho various com panies also paraded. Preceding tho parado addrosscs wero made by Battalion Chief William BaTrctt, of tho Philadelphia Fire Department, and President Andrew Grahnm, of the Mont gomery Firemen s Association. In addition to the parado an exhibi tion of modern fire apparatus was held in Enterprise Hall. It Is tho aim of tho convention to Interest every town In Bucks County In motor-driven Are en gines, as they are the only solution of flro fighting In widely separated courtry towns. Oliver Meyers, Jr., of Southamp ton, president of the association, presided at the business meeting held last evening. C0MST0CK RAILS AGAINST OUSTER BY "CONSPIRACY" Blnmes Forces That Opposed Hia "September Morn" Crusade, NEW YORK, Juno 12.-Anthony Corn stock, the world' most famous opponent of the nude In art and vlotcnt lovemaklng In literature, today charged that he has been ousted from his Job as postomce Inspector as tho result of a conspiracy. Comstook's term of ohlce would havo expired at the end of the present month, but he said today he had been relieved of his commission by Postmaster uenerai Burleson. "Tho snme forces that attempted to have me discharged during tho 'Septem ber Morn' and other crusades were anxious to get mo out of the way," said Comstoek. "But I shall continue fight ing for the principles I learned at my mother's knee." HOTEL ARRIVALS OnBKN'8. Mr. and Mrs. John Harold, New ark, N. J., Howard 8. Ulrdsall, Unrntt, N. 1 CONTINENTAL. Mr. ond Mrs. 'Wllllirn Hu chanin, Critder. Pa ; J. Hudolph, l'lttaburgh, la.. Hubert Ulll, Wllkes-Hnrr. Pa. DOONniVS A. L. Naoke, Enaton, Pa.: Wil liam Pateraon, Clearfield, Pa. NOW I1INOHAM. U M. Outhrlc, Wllllnma port, Pa , J II. Asre. Camden, N. J.i Mr, and Mrs. Jlonard. urldgeton, N. J. aiANOVEIt II. B. Spence. Wakefield, Pa.( C. Armour, llrldgeton, N. J. TVlNDSOn-Mr. and Mr. B. It. Smith, liar rlaburx. Pa . K. U Heaves. Trenton, N. J.; Paul K. Oood, Itlverton, N. 1. VPINDIO-Mr. and Mr II. J Hutchlnnon. PlttaburKh, Pa.; It. U. Dala, Altoona, Pa. ACKLPHIA-H. t.. C1llleple. U. B. N. Mr. and Mrs. M B. McDowell, State College, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs J. II. tunckhouae, Trenton, N. J. ST. JAMHS-tloliert Schaefer, Newark. N. J.I Mrs T. A. Shoemaker, Uellefonle, Pa. WALTON-J. M. McCormlck, Pittsburgh, Pa.l the Ilev. A It. Turner. Orangevlllo, Pa.i George I,. I.uros, New York. BTENTON-nobert Gross. Jlarrlaburg, Pa.l Dr. W. . Henderson, PhllllPBburg, Pa. COLONNADE-E. S. Smelts. Lancaster, Ta.i W. B. Slater, Scranton, Pa. niTTENIIOfflE Bdmund Leigh, llattlmor. Md.; Mrs. W. C. Allama, Toledo, O. BELLEVUE-STRATF-OltD-R. H. Pratt. Wash ington. I). Cj J. W. Dulkoley, 3d, Washing ton, D. C. Earl D. Edwin, Louisville. Ky.i R. W. Crowell. Cleveland. Mrs. W S. Tur pln, Newport, R. I. ; Miss Louisa Turpln. Nowport. It. I.; Miss Evelyn Turpln. New port. It. I. IHTZ-CAnLTON Mrs. Wllllnm O. Blade. New York; Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cromlle, New York, G. M. Mcredrles, Milwaukee, wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Italph M Comfort, New York. Mr and Mr. George W. Wlghtman. Doston, Mass, TURN LITTLE THEATRE INTO "MOVIE" HOUSE Former Home of Uplift Drama to Open June 21 With High class Pictures. And still they comol The Little Theatre, home of the dramatic uplift-where the nine mtiscg rubbed elbows In an artistic endeavor to clevnts the stage at so much per seat where the hoi pollol seldom ventured and highbrow plays ruted-The Little Theatre Is going In for the "movies"! Shaw and Ibsen and Strlndberg are to be replaced by Mary Plekford and tho 63d episode of "Tho Explolta of the Hazards of the Mystery of Helen Elaine Pauline Chaplin." No longer will literature dic tate In profundity. No longer will epl- grnmmallc nphorlsms rule supreme. A ecreon Is to replace mummery. The silent drama will oust the speaking. The mysticism of Ibsen and Strlndberjr must glvo wny to the art of cinematography. The whirr of the projecting machine will resound throughout the sacred precincts where once Ralph Hcrz appeared In that Immortnl epic, "Monsieur Polrct." Shades of J. J. Jcxt Tho Llttlo Thcatro will bo metamor phosed Into a photoplay house on Mon day, Juno 21, a (Into which wilt go down In dramatic history, oven as that of Wa terloo nnd July 4 and tho day on which your vacation begins, and linger In your memory. Mr. J. A. Lovy, formerly man ager of tho Philadelphia olllco of the World Film Corporation, will bo tho man ntcr. Mr. Levy believes that there Is room In this city for an exclusive photo play house, catering to men nnd women and children who seldom view motion pictures. CIRCUS COMING TO TOWN AND BOYS ARE ON ALERT Tomorrow Will Witness Entry of Gentry Brothers' Show. Fond mothers In West Philadelphia will have some difficulty In persuading their boya to sit around the house In their best clothes tomorrow, for tho circus Is com ing. Gentry Brothers' ag-gregatlon at trained animals will arrive In Philadel phia early In tha morning and will start activities nl 67th and Market streets, where all the big tents, necessary to In sure comfort of animals, will bo erected. The show will be formally opened with a parado Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Gentry Brothers Is the only circus that plays ono-nlght stands In the tlg cities. Only one act Is featured at a time, sd that everybody Is assured of seeing the entire show. The circus will move about the city during this week as follows: Mnndnv. B7th and Market streets! Tues day, 29th and Somerset streets: Wednes day, York road ana i Thursday, Chellcn avenuo atrrAt fjAtttinntnwti : Friday, and Hunting Park avenue; Saturday. 69th street and Cheater avenue. Tha shows are unique In unany respects. BRANDING HORSES HALTED BY S. P. C. A, . 1 Agents Refuse to Permit Sear ing of War Mounts pir" chased by French Govern ment. President to Spend Fourth at Cornish WASHINGTON. June 12. - President Wilson expects to spend tho 4th of July nt the summer Whlto House at Cornish, N". II, It wilt bo his first vacation since tho foreign situation became acuta. Mem bers of his family plan to go to Cornish about June 2S. Fifteen thousand horses from all ot tne Kaai, on which an option ha.iT" J obtained by Major Poope. of the "1 armv. will hn XimluH J.ui.,n' "WohTl week and those accepted will b. ..M Jersey City for shipment to Fran el L' mnjor started examining th flr i. 8000 animals yesterday. M lot r Agents of the Pennsylvania 8oeli . the Prevention of Cruelty to AntaSK 'r rived at tho West Pi.iinS.i.2 ?ali shortly nftor tho work began and JX4 a 10-mlnuto argument aucr.4 .. V,w 15 vlnclng the horse dealers that brir,J?n Irons must ba discarded. Dr-'ia!iig Louden street; eminent now aro being ldentlnt!iCk a.aT , nnd Anderson tcrs cut In tho hoofs. It was ooitX '" S & .h0?.- ?'C. A. agents. Ctte 1 Biaien uovernment brands all li .... .u ' ."":' nd brandlngT'S ' in ine wept, ins dealers Said It tra. .v! solutely noccssary, but tha agents iff j for the office of Magistrate f liar 1 warrants and tho dcalors capitulated Comstoek Loses Ills jnu NEW YORK. Juna 12.-Anthonv r. ' took, tho solf-eonflfi.i,i "L"0"5' ?om, V and literature, wilt on Juno 30 eea...' J' bo a United States postofnee. !.'. ' '""ycior. SUMMER RESORTS SUMMER RESORTS HUMMER RESORTS OCEAN CITV.N.J. SUMMER RESORTS WILD WOOD. N. J. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, June 12. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey: Fair and somewhat cooler to night; Sunday fair; light northwest winds. The disturbance that covered the Lake region and the northern side of the Ohio basin yesterday has moved to Maine and-New Brunswick, and has caused showers over tho entire course. The dis turbance that was over the southern pmieau nas movea notneaetward across the Itocky Mountains and Into the Mis souri basin with Increasing energy, caus ing showers and thunderstorms In the northern plain states. There is a moder ate temperature excess along the north Atlantic coast this morning, but a cooler area is moving eastward from the Lake region and the upper Ohio basin. U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Observations Uksn at S . m. Eastern time LOW last rtaln. v.tM. Station. 8 a.m n't. fall. Wind. irnr..,k.. t ia t ":::""" a i' i-laudv VERSO rncoiL. Intanto un telegrnmma da Udlno dlco chc gll Itallanl contlnuano la loro nvan aata verso II passo dl Predil a verso II punto dl unlono della fcrrovla dl Lalbach a Turvls. II genorale Rlcclottl Garibaldi, suo flsllo I'epplno c due nltrl llgll sono ora arruolatt ncll'esorclto Itallano. Ad essl la popolazlono dl lloma ha fatto una n tuslastlca dimostrazlone. Da Innsbruck telegrafano che si con ferma cola' che gll Itallanl hanno occu pato l'lmportantlssimo nasso dl da dove mlnacclano le llnee dl comunlca zlone austrlacho. Dutch to Strengthen Nnvy THE HAGUE. Juno 12. The Govern ment will shortly Introduce a bill In Par liament providing for an appropriation of JIO.000,000 to Incrcnse the Dutch navy. The expansion program Includes two cruisers, four submarines and six hydro-aero-Plancs. .SUMMER RESORTS NEW ENGLAND Mapleivood. N. II. Norway Lost 29 Ships in War CHRISTIANIA, Juno 12.-Norway has lost 23 vessels of all classes, through mine or torpedo explosions, slnco the war started, tho war Insurance bureau an nounced today The aggregate value of the ships was J7.500.000 CALIFORNIA Special Trains and Trivate Car Parties. A. series of remarkable tours under per- nunni escon. V,!':"ln& ..IJAJ?J?.5ANY0,N OF ARIZONA, PoaiTfogR;:, yosKmi' vaZlby. CAN ADIAN ROCKIES, MT. YELLOWSTONE PARK OHAPO ROCKIES RAIN1EE and also tne CUL- Abllena. Tv Atlanilo Cltx. .' tllimarck, NT D Iloston, Mass, . uurtalo. jj v 7 7-t 711 02 50 BO 72 72 54 34 Sfl S3 KO BS 60 fiO tm in St B2 i 42 82 74 70 ft4 7rt in t . . Z -.-. TV iieiena, uoni,. Huron. B. D Jarksonvllla.FIa. 71 C'Mcaxo, III.... Cleveland. O Denver. Col. . . Des Molr.ts, la,. (jcirou. Mien. .. Duluth. Minn.... Oalvston. Tm.. Harrlsburr. I'a,. iiiiera( si. i;. . .anasi l-liy.MO. 73 70 .18 U ivy. .12 SW 4 Clouftr ' .76 NE IB Rain - W 14 Cloudy l JJ' a Clear 5b. ?' Cloudy SB. '2 Clr - KV IS clear 22 SE 12 Cloudy Pi E 10 Clear 12 NE IB naln ,. S rt p Cloud 08 IS ,i ftclSSSi 3 m X'S8 ?w Vi Cludy 59 M ,42 S 12 Clourfv In rt - JULY, AU0UST. SEPTEMBER From 20 to 8(1 days. Inclusive rates, S270 and un Through Pullman Standard, Sleep, ers. rilnlng and Ilsgcace Cars Frequent stops. Including best Hotels. JVrte for TRAVEL TOUKS" Cefore booking. GILLESPIE, KINP0RTS & BEARD 111S AVulnut St.. Philadelphia. The Social & Scenic Center of tho WHITE MTS. MAPLEWOOD, N. H. MAPLEW00D HOTEL Cottnp;cs - - Casino - - Inn OPEN JUNE TO OCT. NO HAY FEVER One Thousand Acre Park 18 Hole Golf Course Unsurpassed. C000 Yards. first Annual KEUISTEUED WILDWOOD BY THE SEA And Wlhlivooil C'rrst Send your family here for the summer It Is the Ideal family resort, becnuso it is so cool and clean and snfr in every rospect. Coiy cot tages, bungalows nnd apart ments for any site family nnd every size pockettjook Come down and make youi selection at once. Thev nr going fast. Rest bathing, Ashing, boating and urn,, moblllng on tho coast For details and beautiful book let, write today to --- J, AVhltesell, City WII.DWOOD, '. J. Clerk Manlowood TRAP SHOOTING TOURNAMENT July 26th-30th incluslvn Dally Concert and Dancinjr Every Evenlnp Rooking Office for Hotel; 1180 Broadway. New York. Also for Inn. Maplewood. N II W.ON II. CHTleY. Mrr. l'ranconla Notch, Orafton Co.. N. M. RIVER STEA.MHOATS TRENTON I1IIISTOE IILRI.INGTON HLR1.INOTON I8L.NI) PAItlf. 72 S toulavllls. kr. .. 70 eg Memphis. Tnn,. 74 72 New Orleans. . SO 78 New- York 74 61 .02 w Oklahoma, Ok... 74 72 Philadelphia. ..." 7 70 Phoenix, Arli... 68 ea Pittsburgh, Pa,, 60 84 I'ortUnd. He ..68 34 Portland, Ore.,., 64 34 Quebec, Can 64 48 St I.OUM, Mo ,.72 H8 St Paul, Minn.. GO 66 Call lka. Utah. SO H ban ITranclsco... 52 32 8 rantan Pa m Tamna, .,,, 7 72 10 I' 24 PIm. KH in r,fc.... 02 S- 8 c oudC ?B P.CIoudv 12 Cleir bii.aaajagv- ,i.j ...a.. 1. !!. 1 rui.l. hU.lUIEIl SCHEDULE IN EFFECT REO. 30-DAY EXCURSION TICKET 80el 25c HPcla' 1-day excursion ticket oe. Not good Sut., Sun. or Holidays c H-E.'V3I? WTl,T,?,r- V,B.U "? AY8 6, 10.31) A. M., 1, 8 (Ilordentown Accom.l, 4 V. M, Extra trip on Saturday 8.30 P. SI. SUNDAYS ' 8.30, 10.30 A. M.. 1.30, 3. S, 8.30. 10 SO 1- M .IIUIII.INr.TtJ.N'lSLANil I'AIJI? l,M' i-P m !nK "eafon no.!v 0Pn. No Intoxlcat. Ing liquor sold or allowed In tha park. WHITE MOUNTAINS NEW PROFILE HOUSE TWENTY COTTAOEa OPEN JULY 1ST Catering to those who nlsh a Summer Homo In a resort favored with a clientele of tho highest order. ON IDEAL TOUR Flos Garage. Golf, Tennis. Boating, Fishing. C. H. QREENLEAF, Pros. Booking Office In Charge E. II. RICH, Hotel Vendome. Boston. Mass. THE BELLEVUE 8TH AND OCEAN AVENl'E OCEAN CITY, N. J. 0PEX8 jvxe nrit E S SCHANTZ, Prop. mamm 1 jwh v&JVtaY .Delaware d Charmina cation Spots Saratoga Springs, Lake George, Lake Cham plain, Adirondack: Mountains, Au Sable Chasm, Lake Placid, Cooperstown, and many other romantic and historic resorts of Northern New York are reached by the Hudson SAarferf, Qukkesi andBesiZineBetweenMndiork andAfonfoal. In this wonderful mountain countrvvou can f.nmvmnnMn .l:. atning.BOlr.tenmi. Inexpensive nnd of ensynccess. "D.&H." through ttaini leave Nov York Grand Central Terminal. Hudson River Boat Lines make connections with "D.&H." trains nt Albany orTror. "A Summer Paradise " Contains photpgraphi and descriptions of hundreds o( delight ful plscss to choose from. Send 6c in stamps to corer mailing. !M tt .1! A tvma .,!i'naniinitnn:-'- 'l-PS ",nMarBSt3BaUB3HaU'!' WWfi?.KK nan t as &. .". &in-t "y M. J. POWERS. G. P. A. Albany, N. Y. WILDWOOD'S LEADING HOTELS Capacities 500 to 250. Near Beach Boardwalk and Amusements. Pleasant fe.'al '& d,,0" "t al" trains '""k H&i. r?rw'a''a. ?,"," " following ....... ... ....unvut., Al. . ; DOHSEY. EIHiETON INN..., II ADDON HALL..., bHELDON ADEI.PHI-WITTE. . IIEACHAVOOD ...J. E. Whlteseli . .J. A. Harris .. N. A. Randolph ..D. J. Woods ...Mn.II. Ultt. . . C. II. Kurt. Hlock Inland, II. I. The HOTEL MANISSES annex ana IB MILES OUT AT SEA. Accom. aoaiuu? I'fu,1"1 N5 mosquitoes i IUhlng. sailing and' bathing. Exceptional cuisine. Own 'arm products. Orchestra. Tennls&golr. Boat direct trom New York. UKtt. c E BROWNrpron NEW NATIONAL HOTEL -"' .8- urlea and Pleasures. Bklt. R. O. lewis Every Comfort and Cmumlmce ut THE BRIGHTON OCEAN CITY, N. J. Ideally located In the finest section of the beach fiont An establishment noted for cuisine and service; Invigorating breezes from Ocean, Bay and Inlet; H hour by Irolley from Atlantic City. Write for booklet and special rates. Opens June 2(lth. n. R SOOY, Prop. ..vr'.. 'V XA New York City Information Bureau, 1354 Broadway FORT VVILUAM HENRY HOTEL LakeCeorio.N.Y. HOTEL, CHAMPLAIN en Lake Champlain, Bluff Point. N. Y. Albert Thiariot. Manager. t On the line of the D. & H., also reaeheol by auto. Com. gleted State Roads-scenic route from points via Albany f",xt0I f "M Ce0'. Sehroon Lake. Elilabetluowi. Lake Champlain to Montreal. Hotel Dayton ?'n ?" capacity .r -230- nne table; all outsld. 'I rooms. Coach, music & bklt. , uiuuiig . waior: early season mi. I T,, L . .. . .- " " a. iicjjurray. Hotel Reading lP E- Oak Ave. Large. . . o airy rooms. Superior tahta Near depots, beach A amuse. C. Wambach' HOTEL ELBERON 33 B. Poplar Ave. - nmp. ttr. iicn Hotel Havilla XI:JK BALTIMORE Sm- ,?22 B- "wi Ave. Near Beach & amusements. THE OCEANIC Rooms, with both, near the Beach. Ele vator to street level. A E. BAKER, Owner and Manager. ivumvoon north, n. j. The Narragansett "ennM- j,niui ........ & h.W'-..?:iltt lor STEAMSHIP NOTICEH Washington ..TO 63 ... IT 1 nw 14 roF . . S 22 Clear .00 NW B P.cliuqy 12 W iq Clear f i S I r W w 4 P.Cloudy Observations at Philadelphia 8 a. m. "'-t Barometer ,, -..... 36M v!S8"Lta" ' 8'".-?li; T6 iVy"4 Nortbwr i?lM lplttuwlv'hour;...;,.', toutt Minimum temperature .... Maximum teMpratBrj ','.';.' M Almanac of the Day Sui, rLws toaarrow- ANCHOR LINE Royal Mall Tivln-Screw Geared Turbines NEW YORK and GLASGOW Tuscanla. Juno JS.8nmTuacanlu, July 3,5pn or rate; and full particular, apply to . J. J, McORATlI, 1011) Walnut St RORT. TAYLOR ' CO.. 00 Witaut St. Or Any IjMral Agent. booklet. ALTON II. MOTT, Prop. The OTTENS De?ch 'rt"l location, ap,. -a imti UIHII tiuty inn SHERWOOD 212.?',21',' ' ocean vi.w Excel, table. 18 per week un Saunderstotvn, It. 1. Saunders House 5)I?,.Mlf:",' batMng. flshlng. Isnnla. Direct! on Bay. Oood boatlair. J. L. RODMAN. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. O S T E N D Occupvlni conntK1 the po; unuauu '.,nf '!.Sn"!'e b'ok of ocean front and ted" with the famous Boardwalk! ni jpular Chelsea section: capacity BOO- illy larae. COCl rnn. n.l.K T.t.t".'.."! view ot "the "ocean from allV'.VerV appoint: ineiit and comfort, s.a and fr..U Slr IS ill baths: runnlnir urn, in --. .xr JH all porches surround the honV ,hV J.'-..0' room overloaka tha .-.. -...".V1"1" SUMMER RESORTS NEW ENQLAND Par Harbor. Mo. e 7.29 a, m, t'JU) p. m. Lamps to Be Lighted Auto and other vehlcl..., ltl5 p- m On the Pacific Qoast The Tlrjea EXCLUSIVE NOTED CUISINE Higi water 1 OB PORT RICHMOND. i.i H l o wacar .t ? Hib water tancrisw . '..'.'.'."..'. i'M Si tai i-IHWTMUT STiijiST WHAftf. icn aatar 1jw atr Hla water ua(i BsB6F V jsi ft v Ni.'t. aatr rtr 'WieV'T flrmlti Ui - ur -J,.,,.. , A,Sf THE LOUISBURG Bar Harbor, Malno Open July 1 to Sept. IS Lflpmnn r ir.,.i t. .... 11 ' -.. w.v muui, uostoa new j-aim I-oiings; JIB, slnBlero.imw.ili;! booklet mailed, autmeet,8 nfS rnVnti , ment by owners. JOHN C. aoSBLERl Mgr CHALFONTE Atlantic City, New Jersey The Leeds Company WILDWOOD CREST. N. J. JUSTICE '" bettch tt," amusementsj r ."M--; ... v. wuoxiwu STONE lIAnnOILNJ. HOTEL TRAYMOBP Tf rnM ,rfJ2Srr nnepBoor besobt ifeH HJ HOTEL IN THE WORT.ll r tt A BskJ ArhllMt'. rM-n.i fSutlfw. f. .L. a...r Ifll aSMrfMa tCBUiniNC CJUU. gurWMS 'E3J 1'eake Island. Me. YE LONGFELLOW INN 0'i, to Lgt. snasilu&t j..iiiw cla.i,iH. ou.. A.,i.lK 7,, .1fll.JS '"- - yw. 9il Up. Zl a Mrfi I,i?h"Q'" Moderata-Rate Hotel nLncniALC ,V.'S.'",F' nr-Wu. Cap, S0. Elevator, private baths.' wkly.iiaup-dalTyDk"' "J?.' rAfV' Finest Power Boating on the Coast at &TQME HARBOR Thniainlficent Great Chtu nel at tbli polut is the widest and dffil pert of the ft. inous loliod Waterway, tod toe woDderful sirttem of bott htrtwrs opening from It mikrt Stony lUrbor a, verlitbla fjnttinanTs Paradise. Ererj tin!' -JfHH Sf outdoor sport. Vina ysebt Club and Country i?lb.: .Vera best water. Da' lljhtful and bealthfal. COTTAGES AND BUNGALOWS HOTEL SINCLAIR SSSJoax Uodirat rates 1 1, u.w . it. u. Homellka. day; 1. U.M par wing our family to Stone Harbor for th. Sunimer. Com. Bay View House u'?f, g . f.. au ri AB1J. ' bklt. JSUft 5 02 p oa 10 ii p i 5 11 i ,i. ir t-mmim.J...'.'.,'n.', S a i. m. w p. ttl PEAKS ISLAND HOUSE e puautua py tuu. fury from Pa n u sub BwoJiiet. Ralph e. ro PertUud. Mc. atf. " " Brunswick Hotel ft5 2-. JflL1E5?ffiBS:flS KEW CHASE HOUSE " S'? u. !. at?;m'- SEASIDE PARK, N. J. jjgg iiiiuirD -r M ROS Rtsssletor Open Jub 18th Directly on Boach, Strictly First Claia. Booklet, gWUNO J.AU.V PEACH, H. J. THE BREAKERS w" SFJmP? srauia LAKi xov rttes. Good train service ft? commuters so both mJs. Rf 3i"to '""B" writ to- LEO MoCnAVEH, lorough Clerk, ftlUHC HflHDUtf,' Nt J. i The Griswo EASTERN POINT, NEW LONDON, CONNECTICUT Finest Summer Resort Hotel in America 2J4 Hours from New York or Boston OPEN JUNE 16 TO SEPT. IS NEW A LA CARTE GRILL 18-Hole Golf Course, Also New and Completely Equipped Club House DrlvfnirTenn'is'5rDalnPcnet''1 ThroUKhout' SuV"io' Yachting, Boating. Bathing, Motoring. visb Also the BELLEVIEW, BELLEAIR HEIGHTS, FLORIDA EAOLE'B MERE. PA. THE CRESTMONT INN EAGLE'S MERE, PA. mn 'J1.0,"! -.!'.". ine '"comparable situation. Ffc. ii," kal,?v' thi "' on " summit of !h! nnf.hen."; Oo". ttnnlt, boating and the finest of freah water bathing: electrla raiZ' ItreTmhat etct A',, ""aalows with meals at Inn. For booklet and term a a. dress WILLIAM WOOES. Manager. BEDFORD SPRINGS, I'A. tiih rnmnivr CENTRAL AVE. AND NINTH ST. OCEAN C1TV. N. J. ' Qua'y rvlce Hot -water heat OPEN ALL THE YEAR W. II. DEISROTII, Prop. SiwwwwwisnMWsjiipi I f OCONO .MOUNTAINS. PA. raradlso VaUey. Pa. THE OLD INN "orn,1- radi.. ina. aMot3E5ol.'i0nm th po.8nttEocp!nS"in.',R; Opens May 2T MUs llrlr. 4158 Parks", '.v.' Bhawnee-on-Delawarc, Ta. LenWOOd 5"nt location. Bath'g. ooafc. " flsh'g. Bklt. DETRICKABON. THE ANATOK "" ,,0'- Near golf Units. Uooklst. CuratlT. Watars Equal to Majlenbad and Carbbad at Bedford Springs (Penu.) Hotel and Baths Other AttiBclionj-Ideal. Iy located in tha final tection of tho Allegheny liSrf'f""' ,'l, "i of 3000 tcm UUO feet above tea level. Col, leaaii, ric, powiiag and dancing. Betutiful ojo-rrr-tool, Invuorsung clunste. Hotel noted lo? j' modem appoutmenutadeacellentcuiiine. MitercKnt. Mnow. H.E.&mlt.Maiaet Marshall'a Creek, tm. THE IDLEWILD Sloorlyn Terruco OCEANCITYl n ., K. MOHrB5N1.U0'w'.TL M.naasr. -. ' ' ' ' w ASIIUltV. N. J. DEVONPORT INN "" " salt wamr baths atSariu. JTBwBljir 6EA ISUS OITV. v .i BUSCH'S HOTEL irf. " iSST . " -. MII . CAPE M, W. J. CHALFONTE HOTEL Sy. ' ' - - - '' iSh&LBJUmsS: L4- ' ' ' "- UABSHALLS FALL8 HOUSE Modern In ..-,' respect. Bookl.t. N. uufmij? K Canadensis, pa. Pine Grove House ,Moil"i rood ioca. Bkttv H. ramvLE" tablts from farm. The Pines Jpc"y - Book, u . ,tory. MTT.ON E. prior PINE KNOT INNWrlto for termTTnd folder, q. w. Crane. Cresim. p. ROCKLEDGE T" ' Boow.i: TOCONO MOUNTAINS, PA. Delawaro Water Oap, Ta, THE BELLEVUE . (,. ... r Excellent table. Rooms with running wtu' Dancing, golf and tennis. The popular touil fcr youns people. Booklet. CONWAV BLAIR. LAUREL RIDGE .- bptti. .Bortw. i W. BneiienMrjif. , . Mt. Poeono. Pa. HOWARD PRICH OPEN ALL YEAR Tenth Season Same Management HA. W, SMITH THE BELMONT ; ""m eat, tath.7 4S2sjrj5nis rtwtat Howard Near Station and river, Excsutat " accommodation.. Bklt. C. HowtrA FORREST HOUSE ff TiXr.1' ' Craig's Meadows, Pa, WATER FRONT fA"u- r:f.1.?: Phone. Homa products. Horace! MotUtr. Poeono Lake, Pa, Mountain Home. P- fU Constance w hi locatio's: farm. II . Booklet0 'V "r?fn.- ,R Heller's Mt. Airy " j"o, Bi,ii: -- ? E. litller. Pro J H. B. MsUer. Pro.! ButhldU. Pa. Lome to the RR1PUTAM ,Yr8liSl ita'. luvo. iHi, .-srr .T" w U9 at. braiTfr'S3L, ?- vacauaBi 'rom au rOU Bay anJ atfKn. atla city. OAK RIDGE H5"BB'TaWMupp!i,4rr0D; ftp. N. Water D.n i ir'Ri?klet. i "'-, - mantiiim, Dingman'a Terry. p riAit.,,,A tjn..&A yii.. m ' . ' -ru uuusK -;; ' nm. u Laurel Inn -i "SLfiS -4 H1 !" "" - - w-i AtLftg, l3QQKllt IV BATBB- . i. Hartonvllle. Pi Tl POKONA FARM T ",r w"lc w J par day, Jfl O.T ALLHUJMfc,, , Analomlak. Pa. RapidS Hotel M Butloa; nwmw j a-slcoms. Booklet. RUSSELL 8. PLACB,' jl Mflnctnn UA..M. lvl.. -- .niidiutt nuuic ' w terns and " A. L. Albr,h. STITES' MT. HOUSE "2" 5i """'r tvv. ueoiuet. thou. . hi". EgTPt Mills. P.. RrnntcUn c. r...... . I -..wwuw 4-rtHH r, Btt.S ,. ITa-tlJygjgogtiyai htroudnbura. P. cHURLBicHiNNarisr let. u,CMft..:Bo,. Aloha Jnn -fw , vgiWi5rs: r, V 7i i &TRAUa wtt.- i 4I3BRVIN KUt UriitK-. Brooki s MEDIA. FA. Kl&IftS,.S;i?9pi CQIXEOEVIIXE. PA. Cba itgeaiM OUBNWOOD HALLQn th. Psrkiomta ctA . i . . a . - - -: -- . ". ". ''"at apavtiKm. ot. i BgUWENKViijj;. PA. - PERKIDMRM IWM Idaal modtra rs! boafg. t-tt,, ,-,. -T-f" S'ut W88T CHESTER, PA- -- m il I U THE BREaHTers 5L!1- t-wT K A ?0UN0. , , KEITH HALL Li wy Av, -: lUWl kt. JtwjXJT " r". Q THE PERENNIAL 7"- kmS? j-.t 4 sssr81 if. AttNML . GREEN TREE INN -.-- la ti . vtavwratrw-'ft-iKfunak- gsggjpjy v, T" I 'iH 1-Sat mu. C Unc. -if t I iii m HHsttr