sD IBjjywyjt-wwiiwKyaBW WWIIWiWW',ipiffllJI(pWU mmgmimm 'n in. pii ,mwpi . mil i THE EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY SECTION, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1915. 11 "50 Miles Prom Boston" by the Lubin Players One or the most unique theatrical per formances of the season -will bo given in the South Broad Street Theatre, Wednes day evening; June 15, 'when the entire Xdbln studio will present George M. Cohan's three-act musical comedy, "E0 JDles Prom Boston," for the benefit of the Lcbin'a Annual Beneficial Associa tion. Una will be the first time that so many weU-fenown photoplayera have appeared In a iegrUmata production. Practically very one connected with tho Lubin studio will appear tn either tho cast or the chorus and the audience win hare PERCY WINTER Of Lobin's, director of the coming show the unusual experience of not only seeing their favorite motion-picture players In real life, but seeing them sin?, act and dance as well. An interesting feature of tho evening win he the appearance of three of Lu cia's new comedy stars In Impromptu monologues Marie Dressier, one of the funniest women In the world. Billle Beeves, who won International fame as the drunk In "A Night In an English Music Hall," and Tom McNaughton, the Englishman who has made two hemi spheres laugh. Incidentally, the mem bers of tho Athletic baseball club will appear In the baseball scene In the last act. For several weeks the Lubin perform ers have been rehearsing a number of special stunts for the occasion tn addi tion to the regular program. There win bo over 150 players In the production and a Bpeclal orchestra. Delegations of photo players from the studios in and near New Tork are coming to Philadelphia on a special train to attend the performance. The cast Is: Nathan "Wcotcctt. a farmer. .Carson Davenport Mm Westeott, his wife..,, .Marie etcrUnx Mosely. bis hired man ......Gilbert Ely Joe Ripley, captain of too B. B, C.Leon Kelly Barry Bums, foreman of the Ore com pany Jrank Smiley BdVlleMaekey ...Clarence Jay Elmer Jed WoodU ......Xemptcn Greene lira. Tllford. tas town crier. Jel Terry Save TTarrtpin. the Brookfield Beau .Brum mol ... .....JrtUnaod Tldmarsn Bulla Woodla, tho postmistress. Mary Caarlesaa Tim Barrlssn, laxprletor of Hairlzaa's Emporium ......7. Jtttr Lane Gam Oralnerd, the town ccstatte.... ...... ... ...Arthur Matthew" Joe Westeott. Sarnud, 'U.. ....... ....... Oeorre Eooto Spencer Anat Sat Woodl3.............Qara Lambert Places Woodis. Ui flower of the BocJu... .7T..............Ocrr & TrlmMo Keine. Harrlcaa .......... Minnie KloUr XllUo Jamoe. ........ ......... stances Parker TUne Haines. ....... .....m. Macula Kepler Vatlr production under the direction et rrcy Winter. lrMfitwn nt ffi riMira--nrtTudii St. Claire. Mary Crouso. Lucille Kepler. Dorothy Stoy. ITiTills Mar. Lillian Mae Burke. Irene Farr, Helena Wilson, Kathryn (Darreli, Mas EUel man. Charles Kbblnrer. Donxlaa felbola, Bm mond "reefy. Frank ireCullouxbClaude Stall nan, James Burns. Howard BTumbaagn, Her bert Smith, BJward MeLaosnUn, ttarles Boon. Brookfleia befles Orac "Wagner, PesKf An derton, Beatrice Inman, .LUllaa M. Burkfk Gertrude St. Claire. Ethel Mernell. BTortnee Bowers, Ethelyn Dunmyer Mary Crote, Basel Mae, Nan Adler. Blancse "WoodhuU. Florence WUson. Brookfleld Band-Charles Hyatt. Earlj White, Wallls Helston, Edwin DeWolf. Ferdinand C Beck. Charles Leonard, Josepa Keegaa. James Bennett. Brookfiold Quartet. Lofcfai ee -CJnb-JVink Bmlley, Alfred Noone. Ilas Sbole, Bay noml Osi, William Banscber. David Bender, Thomas Shields, rrank MeCullousn. Pmnin elrls-Fiorence Williams. Aida Charles, Edith Ritchie. Vlrr tola , Keen . BJaacnj Smith. Eleanor Barry. Mat tie 2J"3CJ!S: SnMMteii! Mary Rowland. Marearet Stnart. Liberty Studios Busy w xx. - . ...... M..1r nn tenxTtiT than in me laai mire ;-- -- - i jii.m Trvnt!nfir lndenendent produdns companies have visited the Liberty studios at Germantown. From Mr. Musten. we general iuim- --. ,..... nf thu TJbertv Mo- tlon Picture Company, It is learned that the Uberty nas maue Dj .- ... n. rnilimlMnhla the ln- dependent producers who work In and about New Tork. and In this manner make Philadelphia the home of Indepen dent productions. n. r ii. .....Una with Ave artin- lo iim:n.j omu-, " -- " daUy lighted and five daylight stages, tho up-to-the-minute laboratories for printing and developing, the quantity of props, costumes ana omer acrou.c .i... .. A mvVn nn n. eomiilete and modem plant; the studio farm of two hundred acres, contamins muiuiuuua, lake, quarry, railroad, and buildings Ideal for locations to produce outdoor scenes, appeal to the visiting directors as the right place for producing at rea sonable cost. The fact that the Liberty Motion Picture Company does not pro duce pictures, but rents its plant to pro ducers, meets with the approval of the visitors. From all outlooks by next fall no fewer than ten companies wfll be at work. NOT A MOVING PICTURE THE NEW BROAD STREET THEATRE MOVIE FANS Lo&ViSKSf APPEAR IN PERSON IN GEORGE M. COIUyS "50 MILES FROM BOSTON" THEY SING THEY TALK THEY DANCE One Night Only Wednesday Evening, June 16, 1915 George Soule Spencer Peter M. Lang Ferdinand Tidmarsh Carson Davenport Kempton Greene THE CAST George a Trimble Gilbert Ely Clarence J. Elmer Arthur W. Matthews Frank Smiley Leon Kelly Mary Charleson Clara Lambert Marie Sterling Jessie Terry Minnie Kloter THE PHILADELPHIA ATHLETIC BASEBALL TEAM ALSO TAKE TAKT " Direction, TEItCY WINTER. Tickets on Sale at Box Office. Monday June 14. 1915. Business Manager ISADOR SCHWAnTZ WE TEACH YOU PHOTOPLAY ACTING Every detail taught by a well-known director. TERMS REASONABLE The only school In the world with their own Studio and Laboratories. 1 WRITE FOR APPOINTMENT PHOTOPLAY STUDIO 20 EAST HERMAN STREET, GERMANTOWN, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Fortunes in Wild Animals for Movies MTTHrmi of dollars have been invested la wild animals for motion picture pur poses, far the performances of wild beasts are Interesting; to lovers of the plctnre play; Stony manufacturers of motion Die- tares are apedaUzlnjr In wild unfmaT com edies and dramas, and nartlcularlv la this C case with the Sell Polyscope Com pany. SWIowlna; the Ideas formulated by Wn Bam It Selij; president of the SeHjr Com pany, there was recently completed at f Ancelea a wonderful tnstltutlen termed tho Sells; Jungle-Zoo. It fa not a press agents story when o statement Is made that tlw . sateway alone cost J60,G6Q. It was de signed by Carlo KomanelH, an Italian sculptor, and the archway of elephants carved llfeslse out of stone la a moat Im posing and beautiful pieee of art werk. It la asserted that Mr. SeBs owns the largest private collection of wild birds and beasts in the world. Be has every thing In his Jungle zoo collection from elephants to monkeys. He has, It H said, the most complete collection of eat animals. I 8 LUBI'S The Sells lungle-zoo covers many aeres of land. There are Hardens, sanitary cages of concrete and sted far the ani mals and a conservatory which contains almost every known plant and flower. Up-to-data motion picture studies, mod ern dressing rooms, a restaurant and beautiful buildtega prove tho wonderful strides made by the art of eraesates raphy dnrlns; the last few years. PE0MNENT PERSONAGES iJLltBINj ROMAINE FIELDING Actor Author Managing Director Xa&ta Artuma Cpaay rv O. Box ISM riunli. Azbua ARTHUR D. HOTAUNG Manarlnf Oh-ectar, Southern Stadia, JaelcsanTlUe, m. MAEHOTELY TUK&VB jBelwunina. nerbla. StmEo Jjqbtn SonOxrn Rradl BUJJE REEVES ITUN CTPAl. COJtRDIAN JtVonIIle. JPU. PATSY DEFOREST Ingenue Leads JOHNNIE DOYLE BILLY POTTER AMY WEBB AMY FORREST JACK O'NEILL Assistant Director CHARLES GRIFFITHS ROBIN WILLIAMSON EFFIE POTTER SUMMER STUDIO Atlantic cmr. Tf. J. MR. BARRY CNEIL Feature Productions GEORGE SOULE SPENCER Feature Productions Leads DOUGLAS SIBOLE ITUh Mr. CNeU's To-tan ProdKllon ROBERT E. GRAHAM, JR. With Mr. Barry 0Jeir Co. OCTAVIA HANDWORTH WALTER HITCHCOCK "The Climbers" BEATRICE MORGAN ARTHUR WM. MATTHEWS JACK STANDING Leading Man LEON J. KELLY GEORGE CLARKE In SIR. BARKY CNXIIS FEAUJKE rRODOCTIONa THE GREAT RUBY Za Preparmiloa WILBERT MELVILLE Wrrctor Western Company, Los Anseles, Cat. L. C SHUMWAY lead Xnhta's Western Cempany K Anselea, OU. VELMA WHITMAN XomI XaWa IVfiBteni ComDaor ROBERT GRAY Iads lubin' Wentrrn Cmapmny Ixb AnxeleS, CaL JOHN E. INCE Director JOE BOYLE Assistant Director PRODCCXNO "ROAD O' STRIFE" rHOTOGR.U'ItED BX WILLIAM -BLACK and A. LLOYD LEWIS CRANE WILBUR MARY CHARLESON "Road o' Strife" "Road o' Strife" P. THAD. VOLKMAN Amlstant Director Ceo. W. Tenrffllrer Co. GEORGE W. TERW1LLIGER Director author EARL METCALFE lead TerwOlIseT Company "HERBERT FORTIER mintmnt T.TLtri5l Ceo. W. TerwUllser Co. WILLIAM HTtORNER Characters Comedy ORMI HAWLEY Tfd TerwIIUser Company WILLIAM S. COOPER Photographer Geo. W. TerwIUIser Co. GILBERT ELY J. H. De WOLFF JUST ATMOSTUKKK with BEST FIRM IN FlUtDOn JAMES J. CASSADY Characten jack McDonald" Character Mma TATST BOIJV.Ut" ggRTBB GEORGES. TRIMBLE Characters PERCY WINTER Director Actor ELEANOR BLANCHARD I.PBIN yPM3 JOSEPHINE LONGWORTH KEMPTON E. GREENE ropaquJrt leads BERNARD SIEGEL Characters CHARLES F. LEONARD WILLIAM H. RAUSCHER" Jmeallo JACK rRINCK In Pmtey BoHrar 8erle GEO. a BUSS OW Trapper In Tins TR.vrrgK'a rkvknok FRANCIS JOYNER DOROTHY DE WOLFF fQueen of JuvenDes, FRANK SMILEY Y!B?-SSSSB3
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