iimiTnffc IMjfUfcVfP irfrf-j smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm : - ik gsggffflg5g W0ltXlBlliSUy THE EVENING LEDGER PHOTOPLAY SECTION, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1915. .jj(il Movie Business Good By DAVID BARIST Tha shutting down of a number of pic ture theatres In Philadelphia In the last year, owing to lack of business, represent ing a condition that is pretty nearly gen eral throughout the country, has raised the question whether the popularity of the moving picture business 13 on the de cline. In one of Its weekly issues recently a prominent theatre journal pictured a rather gloomy outlook for the entire film business, declaring that many picture the atres are operating at a loss and that there Is a "smash" coming. This view will probably coincide with those of the saloonkeepers, who trace their loss of business to the Increase In Mm theatres, and the members of the le gitimate profession, who find in the movie theatre a competitor that has grown to serious proportions. The brief history of the film business from a condition of comparative obscur ity 15 years ago to the distinction of be ing the third largest Industry in the United States today is one of the miracles of the century. In the rapid development of the paraphernalia used in its projec tion. In the marked improvement In the excellence of its productions and in its wonderful Increase In the favor of all classes, the motion picture defies com parison with any similar event or Inven tion. And almost all of its success nas been achieved in the short space of 10 years. The present commercial unrest in the film business is not due to any public apathy to the motion picture, but to the fact that there are too many theatres now operating and too many film com panies producing. There is no diminu tion in the public Interest in the movies. On the contrary, the general increase In excellence In feature pictures has added many new devotees to the screen drama. A change In existing conditions, however, mist take place. Theatres that have been operating at a loss since built must close definitely, shifting their business to the nearest competitors. Theatre rentals, which in many instances are absurdly high, must be reduced. The cost of big feature productions, for which there is a great demand at present, must be lowered. The movie business is destined for a great era of prosperity. So far only the amusement end of It has been properly exploited. Most Informed persons are agreed that it Is only a question of time before the picture machine will be uni versally used In the schools for instruc tive purposes. This prosperity will not come, however, beforo a general shakeup has taken place. A number of theatres will close up in the next year or two; prices of admission will be changed; the number of reels per show at 5 cents re duced; the cost of films lowered; and other such changes occur that will make for the good of the third largest Industry In the United States. CARLYLE BLACKWELL MOVES Screen devotees from coast to coast will bo Interested in the news that Carlyle Blackwell has signed a Lasky contract, and will appear as leading man with Ina Claire in the forthcoming Lasky releases. Cabbages cant smell like roses but the air in your theatre will be sweet if you use Com Noleum (Disinfectant) For freshening the air in all Auditoriums, Theatres, Halls, Moving Picture Theatres, Schools, Lodge Rooms, etc. Free Sample on. Request West Disinfecting Co. 1303 Race Street, Phila., Pa. GARRICKI Sc Last Week uSp.m- THE JAMES BARNES EM-EDITION Central Africa rm most thrilling exposition In picturesjxid UNCLE SAM'S NAVY jutcw - FIRST 3HOWINO of the Great Nsval Flcttt Inr Strenrth of th United Statu. as shown recently to N Tort Harbor. W ' -. L- ... "uif - " BESSIE EYTON Of the Selig Players. "I'm the Original Brnjik,0 Says Billie Reeves By BILLIE REEVES I am the original drunk. At least I thought I was tha original drunk until a short while ago, when a prominent theatrical manager told ma that Noah -was ahead of me by many thousands of years and that I was trying to steal his copyright. In the 21st verse of the ninth chapter of Genesis, I discovered that the theatrical manager was correct, for. In speaking of Noah it says: "And he drank of the wine, and was drunken." Professionally speaking, I have been "drunk" for the last dozen years. Not from choice, understand me. but because the public liked me In the role I created, and there has been such a demand to see me "Inebriated" that I have continued in this condition ever since. Back in England In 19W. Fred Karnc produced a vaudeville act that is known to every theatrical patron In the world. It was first called "Twice Nightly"; later. "The Humming Birds." In this country it was known as "A Night in an English Music Hall." and I played the part of the drunk In the box. This act was played In almost every country in the world. Later both Billy Ritchie and Charles Chaplin played In the role I . created. I Not long ago Hitchle. Chaplin and I ! had a sort of a three-cornered debate over this part, and I offered to wager $1000 that I was the original drunk, and here old Noah comes along and Is entitled to the money. It was while I was playing in the Zieg- feld's "Midnight Follies" on tne Amster dam Boof that Mr. Lubln asked me to join his company- and appear in come dies. People often ask me if I don't injure myself In some of the falls I take. 1 rarely hurt myself, even when I fall down a long Sight of stairs backwards. It's all In the training. I was taught to land on almost any portion of my body without Injuring myself. In the type of work I do I believe the screen gives me a much wider opportunity than the stage. I rarely spoke a line on the stage, for which we should all be tvmnvfnt, so to pictures I do not miss the vocal end. I have been playing silly roles for a long time now, but there la this to be said about It. I have made a success oX It and I have left a lot of laughs behind me, and I sometimes think that If any one can make people laugh and have a good time, he's accomplished a little something- In the general scheme at things. I llMary Plckfordlf fj Favorite Photoplayers' Photographs HANDSOMEST COLORED OR PLAIN FOR SALE BY Calehuff Snpply Co., Inc. Race and 13th Streets Philadelphia, Pa. SEND FOR tlST OP SUBJECTS Cell Phon Walnut SSH Kvutonm Phonm Raca titt i SSW&Z-z "W - H wfc m Zwvm m rw: JVVVSSN MLMLM.WL wPjfc ULiMLWT LAHERO OF THE MILLION DOLLAR MYSTER y x Will Tell You How To IVrN W Ite A M .-ii f sr-c r r S' "n. yr : . r tT-w . "X. m P ovle AcIjoi m m m 20,000,000 Movie Fans Demand New Faces, NewTalents, NewPersonalities Fortunes For Movie Stars Movie acting offers enormous lewaida hi those who succeed. It is an avenue to big earnings that is open to all kinds of people. One young girl who is making over $100,000 a year was not earning as many pennies a few months ago. Movie stars have come from all walks of life, from the other pro fessions, the offices, the factories and from behind the counters of stores. Movie acting does not require stage experience. Many of its most successful stars had no previous training in acting. Some of the biggest firml-r favorites jumped from the obscurity of private life to stardom almost over night. A Wonderful Opportunity No other profession offers such wonderful rewards so easily won. None requires so little special framing so little y'M knowledge. There Is a tremendous demand for new talent, says Jim Craze. Photoplay producing is just beginxunst to reach its development New companies, new producers are springing op every day and to supply the evermcrrasing de roand for movie players is one of the problems of movtt directors. Hare you ever considered the possibilities offered by this great profession? Haven't yon told yourself over and over again as you watched some photoplay on the screen ef roer favorite movie theatre that if YOU had the OPFOKTinTY you could do far BETTER than those yon see on the screen liasnt it been your secret amoifinn to win a place among tha stars of filmland? Haven't you craved a chance to prove your fitness to win success in ibis, richly lew aided professoc? Haven't you envied the film favorites who have wen a ptace in the affections' of miTltom of movie fans afj over the world? Then Let Jim Cruze Teach You Knowing the enormous demand lor new faces, new talerts new personalities m the monies Jim Craze has txxsdexta&cs to prepare a limited number of ambuJoua pecple for this tpk-oiJa profession. Yoa an know Jim Croze, xtarof TheM2Scn Dollar Mystery." of "Zudora" and of teens el ether seE tional film successes. II is eminently fitted to t4i yea. You can learn IN YOUR OWN HOME. J&a Creseto erS pared a remarkably complete course ef instracriaa fa Monk J"3sS ' Actios. Scenario writing, play pro ducing, directing, makeup, etc Emiiooed with the knowledge tha course gives you. vou will enioy a tremendous advantage over the un tutored aoolicant for a chance to nlav for thi. mnv. ies. It is rjossihl. tn tMr-H apt. tng. Jim Cruze graduated from a school of dramatic are and won his way to the front. WHY NOT YOU? fcSllSS- What Can You Do? Study yourself, sars Jim Cruze. What can you do? Can yoa portray by facial expression such emotions as anser, hatred, love, suspicion, surprise, sorrow, pay amusement, sooro. horror or joy? Can you nde. swinv run. jump, climb ordance?. Cm you sad a boat, paddle a canoe, row, drive an auto, engine or team? Can you play football, tennb, baseball or other games of skill? Can you wear fine clothes and look handsome and beautiful? Any of these special gifts may win you a place. Remember your personal appearance and age gsve nothing to do with getting a chance. The movies are REAL. LIFE, and they require all types of men and women, just as in every day life. Get Cruze's Book On Acting . Thisis a wonderfully fascinating volume on movie acting, fun of the inside secrets of filmland, cxntaliunz hundreds of facts about the players and the trade and many loety trictura of filmstars. Cruz has also prepared a great TEST lesson and examination ta assist you in determining whether yon are fitted for this careen He will send you this book, test lesson and examination papers if you will send 25c in stamps or coin to help defray the cost. You owe it to yourself and to year ambition to send fortius book, lesson and examination papers. , tI,y?,iPiu'on "Ep will be corrected and reported on 8 rua will fin it out and send u in. Scores have taken the Crnze FII?i,,t toVe Pleasure of learn ing the inside facta of film landitteus. Others have taken it to taorove their natural 2Sti2?f,n.aa personal magnetisra. The majority tow ever have taken it because they want to learn W act for the govta. Send for thb book and lesson AT ONCE and oegaj preparing yourself for this most richly rewarded ef au professions. jm CRUZi. MOVIE ACTORS ASSN,MteC590,1327IIkBrf,CmcagoJ HI tehata.gtfcl.vit
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers