FINAL liteliJLL A 1 1 ii 1 1 ffSHtBBnk Til MrI 1 1 1 rJNAI vol..i-NO283 ' "- '"" '""" PHXLADELIHAt SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1015. Coneronr, 1015, it inn Posits Licati Courixi. ACKS PLAY FXTR A TNNTNf - rfc.-Btt. . w-a. .m. Bk.A. 1 .A. JH. J. t". X j PHIL PBIOJ3 ONm asm r GET LEAD ON CUB HARVARD DEFEATS PE fALIANS RUSH M GORIZIA IN S fcvaders Follow Up 3radisca Victory by lierce Assaults on Jext Objective. gcrsiiglieri Make Desperate At tempt to Cross Isonzo River 'artd Outflank-Austrian Posi tionsBombardment of Tol 'mino Continues. SPECTACULAR MOMENTS IN HARVARD-PENN GAME TODAY Irafee Italian arhilea have been hurled jfpdnst tho Gorlzla line, following tho Suture of Gradlsca, on tho Isonzo Slier, by the invaders. In addition, SersagHerl forces are endeavoring to cross tho Isonzo near Itubbia and at tack Gorlzla on tho flank. SThe bombardment of Tolmlno is con- pulng without interruption. Tho Ital- aro striving to occupy the town Ed seize tho railroad running south to rieste. The Italians aro concentrating Ftir efforts In tho capture of Important Iujtran positions on tho Isonzo, with E end in view of capturing nil tho Railroads leading to Trieste and cutting Bif Ui Austrian lines' of communlca- iThe fighting in tho Trentlno has Ebited domewlmt In tho last 48 hours'. Kie Italians are proceeding with their R&vince on Trent from Rovereto, which Swy occupied a few days ago. in. offlclal statement by the War twice- states tha.t the Austrian armies pre completely demoralized by their de Beats and that tho Austrian command- Fare' having1 a- great deal of trouble preventing desertions and rehabllt- Ung-the morale of tho soldiers. Uan forces havo occupied Porto ptpse$a, south of Monfalcone. Porto &s!ga contains a largo shipyard. IRpJLE. June 12. Three Italian armies w closing In upon Gorlzla, capital of the pSirlan province of that name, and a fftrcfr battle Is now raging west of the Btr upon a (en-mlle front. he city Is being shelled by Italian bat- rfu stationed north of Mossa. The Aus- Ccntlnned on Tage Four. Colamn Three MAIN HEADY TO PAY U. S. OWNERS OF SEIZED CARGOES LONDON, June 12. Al s result of aultntlnn In the United lEtitei over British Interference with otrican shipping, particularly In the initter of cotton cargoes, the following nUKraent was Issued today by the For fc'jn Office. Whfnever claimants Drove their own- U.(p of cotton seized by England an ad IRnceoJ 10 cents per pound Is being paid, Iweently 35 000 wna paid In this manner. llfilJ boned that 1500.000 more will be Da Id ron JJonday or Tuesday. One claim s been paid In full. All claimants are goestW to furnish documents showing BMswp, The British Government is MM and anxious to effect an Imme- m settlement In all cases." "mIim ' ' ' ' i " ii ! iii bJ&fl?? KAfxefHama. i l ' ' i --wsBa' MAHAFS PITCHING TOO MUCH FOlT THE RED AND BLUE Harvard Wins Tilt This Afternoon at Franklin F i e 1 d Occasion Is a Gala One for Pennsyl vania University Men. HARVARD. AB. n. H.PO.A.E. 'Wllfe Brown Beats Higgins E Ihfl (ZmrAmn 1k.l.. la. lnk In na .-. P1 Amateur cUna Willie Ilrown beat Youne Sgwu, three rounds, lloh Stelxer topi3 wi If-'Ulfli. li("'Smlth. two raunda- Rtava O'Neill IWtr Aleund.r. thr.. rnnnH., KM flnVnnldl ink Williama fm,i rniinda In thft 11R !fnal. nobby William, beat Kid Sul.l- Abott, 3b 3 Frye, cf 3 Nash, lb 2 Gannett, rf ' Harte, c , Hardwick, 3b 4 Brlckleyl If Mahan, p ' Tled. as 2 r In tho upper picturo Hardwick, of Hacvard. is lookink after his hit, in tho 'fifth. -Koons is catching'. JriIOia JowlrfTfntttrSR.aimcc, of Penn-; fs seen trying to put Moore out nt first. EHclio Mahan, the Crimson pitcher, made tho nrst run (a nomcr;, oi tnc any, in tne iutn. BOX SCORE PHILLIES-CHICAGO GAME PHILLIES Ber6t, si Byrno, 3b Bckerf If Oravath, rf Whitled, cf NichoffSb lutlflr'ug, lb Kllle'for, c Mayor, p Pakert. Totals r h o a e ' CHICAGO 2 4 12 1 Good, rf 1 0 2 2 o 'Fisheries 13 4 0 0 'Sohulte.lf . 1 If 3 0 0 jZim'mrtn, 2b if Ii o a O 0 0 0 0 1 4 .2 0 0 0 1 0 0 tf G 0' l . 1 0 0 Saier, lb 1.12 4 o Williams, cf 1 '3 8 1 0 Eronaluvn, o 3 2 4 ,0 o, Phelnn, 3b 2 2' 1 3 0 i. Tierce, p 11 1 0 0 lz.ftb,l' ' Standridge, p Totals' 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 2 1 S 3 6 3 0 1 0 0 " 13"18 2712?1 if 0 0 i 0 O'O 1 0 0 0 0 6" 2 27 18 U L.k TODAY'S BASEBALL' SCORESr Detroit .022 020 00 O'O 0- ATHLETICS 000 240 OOOO yO Dubuc and IrlcKco; Shawkcy and Scbnng. PHiLLin; 0020532 0 CHICAGO OOOOOOOO Mnyti and Killefcr; Plcrco nnd Bresnnhan, HAIlVAItD 00 0 02002 PENN OOOOOOOO IT. Wallace and Koons; Malum and Harte. AMERICAN LEAGUE 1-13 18 1 p O 2 G 0-470 0-0 6 1 st.louis 2 OsO 0 O 2 00 1 5 10 NEW YORK ." 3 i o 3 1 ' 0 ,1 0 x 9 12' Hamiltoa-aud Severold; Caldwell and-Swo'enoy. 0 o CLEVELAND 2O0200O0 BOSTON 201 1 1000 Coumbe nnd O'Neill; Gtegg and Cady. CHICAGO OOOOOOOO WASHINGTON 00200000 3enz and Schallt; Boehllng and Henry. 0-4 7 ST- x- S 12 2 1- 1 x- 2 4 3 7 1 NATIONAL LEAGUE boston 00 000080. 0S PITTSBURGH Q Q O 0.0 2 0 0 0- 2 10 8. .'JJoganiFrind WballHg; damsand' Gibsori.4 i. & f WAY PITCHES TODAY AGAINST PRINCETON Yale and Tigers Battle in Ex cessive Heat Great Crowd Sees Nines Play. Totals 23 PENN, A.B. Mnnn. 2b 0 J 7 27 IS 0 Bchlmpf, ss 3 0 Irwin. If 3 Matchett, rf J n, W' 0 Koons, c .' I J Moore, cf, .s.v.. J o Kane, 3b.., . II, WallaceK-p 3 Murdock. p, .'..... 0 0 Elchelbereer, cf 1 H. 0. A. 0. 3 2 15 1 II' THE WEATHER FA I F elcnowledge we were- wrong. For wm or bq the Insinuation has been py us. amounting at tirnes to a dl Srie, that ths climate of Phlladel- changing- that winter would ti he summer and summer winter. re many reasons to believe this ie. There were bllizarda In Mar m waves in 4une. We had reason nre. inraiiffh in. ii. infnrmflnon Hft ronfidenco bv the weather author- I nd which we are not at liberty to i j"jne at this time, that the course uuit Btream was ohanglnif, that ' dire Blttlia and norlenta In the rCUCh Aft rlntra urnnnrf (h. a,,n A... '- ' ..,.p WU4,W ..,13 WW,, I W.W.. tending to make the weather here Htt aumillty we bow to the dreadful r..'" MMIU are not chanzlnir Dlacee. Re lame Did mnimtti. nnl. thmt hal J4 'ai1 the ueual amount of bumld- all the other symptoms, W. reallv .l . wj n .,.- I""1 of other eummera and count itehtu. You'll And tthev won't or than half a dozen to the 1 1. about half a dftxen. FOXSOA8T PWadelpkla mtd vtcdtUvfatr 0M HunUau. eaaUr toniait. W", moitht iuM&uwt. to Bauvk Ma- m..i 33 0 6 27 Homera-Mahan. DWe;"'ed' ""fL" wick. SacrlncM-IUed. Abbot. Stolen . t..,i nirnrk out By Manan, -, Dfteea ji"- M..-- .--.. -A ,-,,, n.,..iv 1 Baiea on Daiis-uu nw, 2! Mahan. 5. Double. plays-Abbptt Nash. Wild pitch-Wallace, nan. FRANKLIN FIELD, June li Harvard aeauTpenneylvanla'ln the Alumn. Day game this afternoon by the score of 4 to 0 In the pre.ence of 10.000 students and graduates, the latter representing classes as far back as JSI5. The battle was an even one up to the fourth Inning, when Mahan, the Harvard Ditcher, cracked out a home run to cen ter Held and scored Brlckley ahead of In the eighth Inning the Crimson added tvo more run by means of , a two-base hit and a wild throw to Koons. II Wallace, the Pennsylvania pitcher, held Harvard down until the fourth In nfpKI IU waa knocked out of the box In the eighth Inning. FIRST INNING. Abbot went out. Schlmpf 49 R. Wal lace" Frye filed to Matchett. ash walked, but was out; stealing. Koons t9 RchlniDf. No runs, no hits, no errors. Mann out, need to Nash. Schlmpf struck out Irwin walked He stole sec. ond. Matchett retired his side on, a grounder to Nb- N" ". no hJu no ttTO"' SBCOHD INNING. Gannett filed Kane. Harte foulad to Kape" HarfwJok ttld to Irwin. No runs. 1Uv"aS4rwt out, Ma"han to Abbot to ikash. Hardwick threw out Koons. Moore wa)ked. Kane singled to left. Moore gotag to second. Moof e, ajtd, Kae WalJTee atruok out. No rns, one hit, no eXror THIHD INNING. Kane threw out Brlokley after a won derful stop. Mahan singled toJefL Beed iMesaTn Wallace to Wallace. Abbot Sttuck out No runs, one hjt, no Mni went out, Mabaa to Nut Ab- j i ' (teUaued oa rage TfaUUg,.0llnntt bU PRINCETON TALE Hanks, If L. Mlddlcbrook, cf GUI, 3b Easton, If Scully, 2b Mllburn, 2b Green, rf Legore, ss Drlggs, cf Hunter, c Douglas, lb Bush, lb Kelleher, c Bellly, 3b Law, ss Vaugh, rf Doyo, p Way, p PRINCETON, N. J., June 12 -Tale met Princeton on the latter's field here this afternoon. The rain of last night soaked the diamond thoroughly but the hot sun of today dried It out enough to- put It In fair condition. Both teams got away to a bad start In their first Inning. Princeton, however, scored a run when Way made a wild pitch nftcr letting Hanks single and hit ting Gill. The first man up for Yale. Mlddlcbrook, single tq Hanks along thlrd'base line and went to second when the latter booted the ball on the pickup. Deyo pulled out of his hole, however, striking out Easton and after Mllburn's sacrifice making Le gore fly out. FinST INNING. Mlddlebrook hit past third and took sreond on Hanks' fumble. Easton struck out. Mllburn sacrificed, Deyo to Douglas. Legore filed to Drlggs. No runs, one hit, one error. Hanks hit to short right. Way hit an ion on the arm. Scully popped to "Way, Way made a wild pitch, Hanks scoring and Gill taking third Greene filed out to Mllburn Drlggs, filed out to Legore. One run, one hit, no errors. SEQOND INNING. Hunter filed to Drlggs. Bush out. Scully to Douglas. ReJIly filed to Hanks. No runs, no hits, no errors. Douglas struck out. Kelleher grounded out, Bush to Way. Law out, Scully to Bush. No runs, no hits, no errors. ' THIRD INNING. Vaughn out. Law to Douglas. Way out. Gll to Douglas, Mlddlebrook out, Deyo to Douglas. No runs, no hits, no errors. Deyo filed to Easton Hanks fouled out to Bush. GUI filed to Easton. No runs, no hits, no errors. FOURTH INNING. Baston out, Gill to Douglas Mllburn flledi to Hanks. Legore struck out. No runs, no hits, jw errors. Scully hit to short left. Greene forced Scully at stcond. Way tp Legore. Bush collided with Hunter when the lattt caught Drlggs' foul. Greene taking sec ond. Douglas Med to Mllburn. No rtins, one hit, no errors. FIFTH INNING. Hunter tisgled to oentre, but was out at fceeond. Driggi to Law. Bush doubled U left Rellly singled to centre, eoarla Bush. Rellly was out on an al templed teal. Kelleher to Scully Vaughn filed to Greene One run, three Aits, no errors Kelleher struck out Law filed out to BANCROFT'S DOUBLE SCORES FIRST RUN IN CUBS' CONTEST Small Crowd Sees Phillies and Chicago Battle for First Place Mayer and Pierce Are the Pitching Selections. WHST SIDE BALL PARK, Chicago, 111., June 12 The Phillies and Cubs fin ished up their series today under favor able weather conditions Instead of hav ing n record-breaking crowd there were less than 4000 present when the deciding game of the Important series was staged, A shower of rain fell shortly after noon, but It cleared In time for the ground to dry up. Mayer and Pierce were the pitchers selected for the fray, Pat Mo ran and his aspiring Phillies will leave for Detroit tonight, where they will play an exhibition came tomorrow. FIRST INNING Bancroft singled through Fisher. Byrne forced Bancroft, Zimmerman to Fisher. Becker fouled to Phelan. Byrne out, Bresnahan to Fisher, stealing. No runs, one hit, no errors. Good out, Luderus to Mayer. Fisher struck out. Schulta filed to Becker.. No runs, no hits, no errors. SECOND INNING Cravath fannedt Whltted singled to right, Nlehoff struck out Whltted out DETROIT AND THE ATHLETICS PLAY LONG, SLOW GAME Cepttaratd oh t o SfclrieecvCehwa Wt Continued on Tase Thirteen, Column Scren GOVERNOR ADDRESSES ALLENTOWK CHILDREN Pelted With Roses by Great Crowd of Boys and Girls. ALLKNTOWN, Pa., June 12 -To be pelted with rosea by 10,000 Allentown school children was the pleasing exper ience this afternoon of Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh, who is in this city In the Interest of the playgrounds movement. A committee headed by P. B. Ruho and Mr. Malloy. president and vice presi dent of the plaj grounds' association, with a party of about 36, went to Philadel phia this morning to meet the Governor and bring him to Allentown aver the line of the Lehigh Valley Transit Company, President Sparks of State College, Com missioner of Labor John Prlee Jackson and Private Beeretary Furman were In the party At Lansdala JCOO school children had as sembled. A bouquet four feet high was presented to the Governor by Mlw Char lotte Strker. daughter of Julius Stryker, president of the Beard of Trade. The Boy Scout were there, and th Camp Fire Girls, too. Stop were made at Souderton and Selleravllle, the party arriving In Allen town at exactly 12 o'clock. Luncheon -was served at tb Livingston Cfaib. at which the Oovraw and hU party were guests of Cotttl Harry C Trexler and Colonel E U. Yausff, of the Governor's staff After the luncheon tfcf was an auto mofeUa trip to visit the playground. Judge Prank M. Trexlsr presided at the meeting which followed In West Park. Introducing the Governor who spoke on "The Relation o( toe Child to the Com amnio " At i o clock the Governor left In his. auto for PhlladelpsUs. Score 6-6 At the End of Ninth Inning H e a v y Hitting and Poor Field ing Responsible for the Many Tallies. SHIBE PARK, June 12. Manager Mack made a change In the Athletics' line-up today, switching Eddie Murphy In favor of "Shag" Thompson. Thompson went to centre, while Strunk moved over, to right, as Thompson cannot judge balls proper ly In right. Murphy's work has been ragged of late, and Mack decided that It was time to mako a change. Wally Schang returned to the game, but Lajole and Oldring will both be out for afew days longer as they are not recovering as rapidly as was expected. Jean Dubuc, one of the stars of the league, was Detroit's nUchlng selection, while Bob Shawkey was on the mound for the Athletics. Detroit's line-up pre sented six left-handed hitters, an unusual array. FIRST INNING, ; Bush beat out a bunt, VItt filed to Thompson. Cobb was given a great ova tion when he stepped to the plate and a committee of Shriners and local friends presented him with a handsome gun. Cobb forced Bush, Barry to Malone, Cobb died stealing, Schang to Barry. No runs, one hit, no errors. Thompson walked, Barry went out to Kavanaugh unassisted. Walsh walked. Mclnnis filed to Veach. Strunk filed to Cobb, No runs, no hits, no errors, SECOND INNING. Crawford hit over the right field fence for a home run. It was the first drive BROOKLYN CINCINNATI NEW'YOBK ST. LOUIS 0 0 0 0 0 1 o 2 110 2 10 q o o i 020 0 O O 5 0 0 3. FEDERAL LEAGUE NEWABK' 0 O'O 0 O 0 0 0 BROOKLYN 0 0, 1 00000 Moian and Karlden; Uphnm'and Pratt. 0- "x- o 1 8 3 Continued on,ras Thirteen, Column 6U i ii i w iBii"--'!' " u i ii i sum The Kenslngtonian Says; Jtiohmond mov expect another olMti-up week, at Arlaur Kfr ( pedrfftn? toap. LOST AND0TJND and will b -5JI erurr. CaWm AX.t.rHnMJ8 are araed bm le &ffimsnha&2i rBd wiii i JOiint aurtFovi wg w , chln- H. A Bvn, aimed Truu OeaiwBjr. LoOTBowEwrSilldeg, trtalk wlegssTftB and Dlcsiao LrST-M'' iwl -Wednesday Ju n.Hnivlvanla fmJlKk bTauiuMi leuardedby rommaeteetbm with p ill, jjdrjr g"i- . TOB-Wouma.' larje pockatteok. fclwtn St T.twn, UO.M. vui i ,w.i us! wvsrd- Cerpenur rrlaz screw eurlai, la CbMUut H1U. Mir suttee Ptader woi foul aul lruai end Suruve U. Lib- xazx ucw I. (our Henry LABf We4n4 sUvu-liMded Alcm to rH' Liberal I .lifcans. ISSO ctuatriut TiaT J una 8 watch H U t to till N itth t cmt fruin 6Z1 N sen t kRuui a oses jfcef. solo1 i on bak .Reward. Hchva If rmraed llth. Reward BUFFALO BALTIMORE 00002000 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0- 2 x 3 7 2 7 2 ."Krapp and Blair; Bender nnd Jacklltscb, PITTSBURGH ST. LOUIS CHICAGO KANSAS CITYi, YALE " PRINCETON ... 1 0 1 o OOOO 0 20 0 OOOO 0,0 2.3 0"O.tOtO11 H5'0 0- 2. 'S0 1 0-00-0-0-0-0 0-13 -2 COLOATE 0 0 0 2 5 0 0, - CORNELL 0 0 2 2'0 0 O "" SWARTHMORE 00. OOOO 10 12 SO' LAFAYETTE 0 2 , 0,020 2 0 "b- 1 International leaoue PROVIDENCE G 10 0 JERSBYOXTY '4 10 2 RICHMOND 1 4 3 NEWARK 10 10 1 ROCHESTER " O S . O BUFPALa g TORONTO 10 16 1 MONTREAL 1 7 1 UNIDENTIFIED SHIP SUBMARINE VICTIM IN NORTH $EA LONDON, June IS. The Pall Mall a&aye; nnnouupad tnUl aftw naa tiat an ualdtntiflad twms,lilp, QMryfop a crwoI S8 a jjound for Buenos Airai, was Jqirjped aa jruulc ly a l)majlae usr AldeburgU. It is ceyeyea his ofw w syw. ROYAL II WINS LATOKIAMKBY f " ' LATQW3A, Ky.,a8e lAxin. Xhtkf, wertb sJlHsW won by-Boynl II, a wiViUyfl afaatoe, tMltaA. mgmHm S-JSS. Tetau was mc awl Dortcb thlr. . hfinwa SteH. ' Qthw0iwHi U a foam It art StaHnS-y " AMU ti a 1; aj Jr.; . Wit S. urn iii i tmMtmMimammmmaMmwimt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers