Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 11, 1915, Final, Page 7, Image 7

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ijmportanza dell'Occupa'
atone cli moniiucune aa
'Vr)wfn rifip-ii itanani 11
i?n riiI Fronte di Bat-
JIG wi"-
'! noMA. U Ulugno.
1U letejramma da Glnevra, Svizzera,
". ' . ..-- itntlntin Vinnnn rarolntn
,ihI truiia " -
flO"" . ...(..It. 1 Ait,!
Carnlche, a v w " "...
,h .Innsbruck, e lo hanno occupato
tl tpresd oggl cho gli Insortl alba
8..P1 intnntn la ncnUbbllca dl
WU bnno proclamato la
K.r..3,. che le tiuppo s
i se
serbo cho hanno
Kktos i'
glunto ela' a
iii. luiMirai o"
fcivi la -
1 che a iin" " '"-j
U&ino ora su q""-' '""" " ,..
Jfl'i Euntl qui dalla f rontlcra dlcono
.Jv,nnto un lolentlsslmo com-
Sr.iLnlo nella vlcinanzo dl un ponte sul
Kwnio, clnquo mlglla a nord-ovest
KnrnArixia' 6 cue tuna ' '""""',"?'""?
fMad per rlconqulstnre lo I
.? 5.1 Paeso Frclkopel
KsMijtl- . 2 oro n battaglla altorno
't 1un certo gli ltallanl lanclarono
iTiittHto rcparto a passnre n uumc, ma
"Li,,, .Wlmato da un vlolento fuoco dl
Swillatriel e flu COB'rctto a '"Tarsi.
r"""..-!...! imiinnl hanno nnerlo un
kSu.nilislrao fuoco ail ill un ponte verso
ft WW""1" ,it.nnin. n In hn-
r ,u wr rldurre al sllenzlo lo batterlo
iJtrlache contlnua con crcscento aidore.
it: r.nnmtto flno a sud dl Monfnlcone
t k wtuglli volge a favoro degll ltallanl,
ftmmunt6 the la resldno dtl basso
W-fionio la I" Par, Inonunta. Ua quando
''""" ... . ,.1.nl,, . ll.llJinl
liAliane iui nun"; " - .....
Mnno fatlo prlglonierl plu' dl mlllo aus-
lHil .
r g(bbn8 Yl aePBe(" itn"w p" ui uw
.jt,i tn mortl o fcrltl ncl precedent!
ImiSiUtI dl rlprendcro le perduto poslzlonl
-.i Pnn Frclkoncl, gli nustrlacl hanno
rinuwlo l'attncco dopo nver rkovuto
v italtrik i nniuiu uci iucnu tum
lle.cb 8010 piccoie cuiuuiiu jiuhouiiu eo-
i?ri l!HPnato nel combattlmento, ma
I ,t(mal Invlano suhlto llnforzl.
I'jrtljUerla pesanto si o mostrata
I balls l P dl l'"rclkopel ed In allre
bctllUi dl nioiuagna uovo Bono sireui
fl'iuiL Alcunl (annonl lcsgerl da mon-I-urai
lono statl portatl In azlone. ma
-tfcpirtsplu' lmponamo e- sosienuia aano
' Bltraillalrlcl. Le truppo scguono In
5 et.iil coir.t)Attlment! la medeslma tat-
tfcv I dlfensorl fll barrlcano dletro lo dl
!cm trette atjravurso la strada nol suo
nnntotilii Btretto e dl la' ranno nglro lo
fj.nlmgllatrlcl. II corpo cho attacca devo
r' fAnq nnH.irA rnntrn nucsta cr.indlno
,dl palloUolc, e al puo' ncllmcnte linma
!lbu quatl Biano le pcrdite. Quando gli
latriaci -lurouo cacciaii uaiio iuiu puai
J..i m ! (tnllunl nntKMprn nrriinnrlp In.
frtrtd ra coperta dl muccht dl cadavcrl
tn dlspacclo da Glnevra dlco die gli
isstrlitl hanno perduto flnora nella vlo
Jnti battaslla con gli ltallanl aul fronte
dtl nine Ieonzo, 0 speclalmente nco Bet-
jtore dl Gorlzla, tra tsOCO o 10 050 ulmlnl.
. Cnm sl ?ilft il trnttn. dl una. V(m. n
frnnde battaglla,
r'? itata annunclato ufllclalmcnto oggl
"(dl Xt truppe ltaliano hanno occupato
naspo. nel Trentino, a che gli aus
'bUdYanno nncora furiosi attacchl per
prtnrttre le poslzlonl perdute a Frei
ttetl wntlnua ul fronte dcll'Isonzo la batta
H Mr 11 possesso dell alture cho hanno
fjfctportaiua. strateglca sulla rlva orientate
KM Came e verao Tolmlno. Gil espcrtl
jnuun mengono come dl grande Im
potttnta I'occupazlone dl Monfalcone da
frtc d(ll ltallanl.
ratttto da varle parti glunge notlzla
,fl nlterlori progress! degll Itnllanl, ma
Lton l e aacora alcun cho dl lmportanto
ffr Xella battaglla svoltasl nel glornl 7, 8.
BUttrCnte Der II noaRann HpTIa nnaklnnl rll
KJtelkjipti perdlte degll austrlacl furono
Rfi.) mortl, 400 ferltl e 220 prlglonierl
K7T UB ael s u1ustio Bll austrlacl
i una serlB dl attacchl per ricon-
I'.edu Importanza, ma furono resplntl con
IfeVHJncr'.t.''-' "n1 JI",U"
r.T" S illinium. IMwnlnirtniDn
iWT E. Iairni ri r
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T&lS&SffiP, "?!'?? ft., and Helen
and IUchel
and Annie
wianart at,
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I ' f WiV-..VS8E Pomona it.
and Edith
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rat irV:..; ""caster ave.
liwWSffito iiiiW".nawli .t.. and
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aoif. very. N. j
and Lavlnla
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Llftsrrw(V, " i., ana Agnei
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riorenco M, 'Brown. SOS E, Ml.
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Irene. 18ST ',,, .,
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SSSaaf'l!"'. 8-lHsonzo"
combftttnn ..""" 180nl( B Italian!
l'accamin ,. :mnt?. P uperar6
f?coPn"?Omna0nane L ..'"' - on-
thfl r,A Mi.l ..
;..",r"l"0..luU8 le "Hare viclno
" "-urano II poeo.
bombardamento dl Blorno e dl notto con
JrH a? C?nnl d'ftMe"o contro I
che dlfendono Hmporlnnto poslzlona
San'" J0"""10 Nel "Po .11
auatriac schleratl lungo I'lsono rtcexono
nuovl rtnforilal fronte della tinUil.
r.rclduca Eugenic e' glunto da talbach
al fronto dell'lsonzo.
11 Mlnlstero della Querra ha pubfalieata
un comunlcnto per smcntlre 1-air.rma-xlone
nustro-tedesca cho sulla cupola dl
.1 ..lurco 0 sui campanile
sono statl coliocatl cannonl
dl Venezla
contro gli
.Ui..iiii. Jsvidentemente ell
fS.".r'?1?..?. bnrdr. la ttmo.a
nllo diTandalK"0 ?,Uetlr """to
Jic settore phi' settcntrlonale del fronte
nustrlnc! d.illo im
Croee ed hanno occunnto 11 r.,..- ".1"
tjviiiiuni ui Ainntn
fe dopo tro glornl dl battaglla Ql ,,"-
SJ1'1"" ", dl.Perata reMrtenii.
aveva in. in?6 '"! c ""awtania ilinle
comro nil H.,P,lV0nc' e Bl 'elar on..
tlvn ,11 riL ln' ln M" dlsfrnto tenirt-
ncrdiitn SB,UaBn're qu!l10 cha "vevano
ncrtiuto, ma senza rlusclrvl in nuesti
inrtigllcrla ebbe poco da fare, titnecl o
SS""..',;"l.i,e"!!?. ""i .? u,i.
rlirnn I ... V lllmrUCI" 6 gli Uttlnll, In
rhe i
;"."J """'" riparnndosl
dletro le
Ad un certo mmin rin .....
ih... ... , :: -.m-w KiuiisG Buna
trunnn ?hntllmel,., J"1 r8l"iento dl
truppo fresche auatrlachc. che fu BUblto
lanclato contro gli Italtn.nt. Gil Alplni
furono dapprlma rlcncclatl Indletro. mn
sublto dopo si rlordlnnrono. prcsero una
Wolenta controffenslva o rlprcsero II tcr
reno perduto Gil auatrlacl attaccarcno
dl nuovo, ma nndarono ad urtare conlro
una selva fortlsslma dl balonette contro
la (itialo la loro offenslva st lnfranso. In
tonto gli Italian! nvevano avuto un po" dl
tempo per scavaro qualcho trlncea, e
Muunuo kii nustnacl ricevettero ancora
rlnforz! I loro attacchl furono resplntl,
Pochl austrlacl rlmasero vlvl In qucsta
lotta corpo a corpo, e quelll cho scam
parono furono ben llctl dl esscre sfugg,tl
alia Calonctta degll Alptnl.
11 succcsso oltenuto dagll Itnllanl nella
rcglono dl Xlonfalcono con l'occupnzlono
dl qucstn cltta' e' stato delta plu alta
Importanza, ancho perche' Blnblllsce la
superlorlta' dello nrml Itallnnc su quelle
austrlnche La perdlta dl Monfalcone p'
II prlmo grave cotpo nescstato contro gli
nustrlacl che dlfendono Trieste, glacche'
a Monfalcone oono gli stabltlmentl clect
trlcl che danno la luco o 1'energla a
Trieste, o Monfalcono o' ancho un lm
portanto nodo ferrovtarto. Con gli ltallanl
padroni dl Monfalcone, gli austrlacl
trovoranno grand! difllcolta' nelle loro
manovre sulla Ilnea dl Gorlzla.
Dallo alturo dl Monfnlcone gli ltallanl
possono ora vedero la clttn" dl Trieste,
cho essl si propongono dl occupnre al
put' presto posslblle. Una volta che Mon
fnlcone (' ncllo manl degll ltallanl, gli
austn.tcl si vedrnnno nella Imposslblllta'
dl trasportaro rnpldamento rlnforzi o
munlzlonl fra Trieste. Gorlzla e Tolmlno.
Fiend Dies for Slaying Women
RICHMOND. Va.. June 11 -Kor one of
the foulest murders In Virginia's history,
I.uther Canter was electrocuted today.
Canter was convicted of tho murder of
Mrs. Jnmcs Wilson, whom ho shot to
death as she was about to become the
mother of twins. Canter had been a
rejected suitor of the woman and when
sho married he continued to try to force
his attentions upon her.
NE hundred and
The Making of Pi
George Washington took the oath of office as the first Presi
dent of the United States, John Jacob Astor founded the first
Piano business in America. This business, the foundation of which
was coincident with the "birth of the nation," is to-day known as the
Bacon Piano Company. A detailed history of the growth of' this
establishment from those early days down to modern times, would be
The Famous
Francis Bacon
(Mahogany or Fumed Oak Case)
Regular Price (CQQO AA
$550.00 Poy6W
Bench or Chair, Cover or Scarf, 12 Rolls
of Music and One Year's Tuning Free
Delivered to Your Home) x aa
on First Payment of p-uu
Then Pay $2.25 Weekly or
$9.00 Monthly Thereafter
, DESCRIPTION Height, 4 feet 7 inches; width,
5 feet Si2 inches; depth, 2 feet 8 inches. Fitted with
the most" complete and efficient player action; with
automatic tracker; flexible striking fingers; metal
tubing; full open key slip; key locking device; pat
ented folding pedals.
FlTBEBT strebt
Exciting Time at Sixth and Diamond Streets the Sequence of Lavana Cassanass' Patriotic
Desire to Hear the Band Play Policeman as Peacemaker.
A dozen quick shots women's screams
-red objects flying through the air
trumpet calls crash of drums-angry
volces-nnd a crowd, rinalty-a monkey.
Thcso were tho somowhat peculiar ele
ments which figured In some quick ex
citement nt 6th and Diamond stroets.
Tho monkov belonged to Lannn Cns
sanass He towed It along on a rope. In
one hand ho held n ttock of bnlloons. Ho
was Just about to go home uhen ho
heard tho band playing at 6th and Dia
mond streets There was something In
tho music which arouBcd his Italian
pntroltlsm. and ho wna charged with the
spirit of battle Some say that Cassanass
walked unsteadily toward the music and
tho surrounding crowd. He elbowed his
way through the spectators with tho bal
Lock Haven Man Killed in Gruesome
Mnnner Police Baffled.
WILLIAMSPOrtT, Pa., Juno ll.-Cllnton
County officers aro blocked In their
efforts to find a clue to the murderer of
David Shearer, nged 33. who was found
dead In his home ln Lock Haven. He
lived alone. His eyca had been gouged
out and the brain pierced with a sharp
Instrument run up tho noso. A coroner's
Jury after examining the body was ready
to give a verdict of suicide, when an
undertaker found tho man's eyes had been
cut out. Shearer had been dead sev
eral days when his body was found.
Private Bcquesla in Wills
Wills probated today Include those of
Mary II. Stark, lato of 522t Cedar avenue,
who left $10,S00 In prlvato bequests,
Amelia M. Schroedcr, $1300; Jnne Mc
Sniggan, J2SO0. Personal property of
Frederick A Doyle has been appraised
at J33.166.6o; Matilda Galbralth, 2l,2.9t;
Max Dclmont, JI3S7.SO; Theresa T Pedrlck,
$1019 52, and Emma B. Thudium, $2120 59.
twenty-five years ago,
Francis Bacon Pianos in the Strawbridge & Clothier
These Prices and Terms by Special Arrangement for Anniversary Montfi
Only. No Interest or Extra Charges of Any Kind on Either Instrument
loons cluttering about and the monk
tugging mutinously It evidently scented
troublc-nnd It was right
Some one carelessly let a cigarette burn
a hole In a drooping balloon There was
an explosion followed by another tho
next Instant The Italian swung wildly
nt tho occupant of the cigarette, but he
slipped his radius and landed on a neu
tral Tho monk got mixed up In the ropo
and mnss of Indefinite legs which
scrambled about. Cassanass was Jolted
In a circuitous route until he was In and
out of tho crowd like a wild torpedo
There were more crashes and half a
dozen balloons soared away to other
Then one of tho musicians blew a trum
pet call nnd It wns answered by the
United States In tho shape of Policeman
Jncoby Ho chaeod tho Italian and the
monkey through tho crowd nnd Cassanass
Escaped After Man Attacked
Her, Notified Police and
Identified Him Upon Arrest.
Miss Pose Hunter told In court today
of an attack upon her on her way to her
place of employment ln Oak Lano by a
man who threw'her to tho ground several
times, and with whom sho struggled
desperately and Anally eluded by a clever
Tho prisoner said he woa Vincent Lynn.
20 years old, of 6102 York road. Ho was
held under l00 ball for court by Magis
trate Pennock In tho Ornnchtown station,
having been Identified by Miss Hunter as
her assailant.
Sho Is employed ln tho household of
II. C. Ball, at 7th street and 6Hh avenue
On Wednesday night at about 10 o'clock
ano History
in the same year that
An instrument structurally sound, musically perfect, quickly
responsive to the touch, beautiful in design, and with a rich sonorous
tone not excelled by instruments usually sold at double the prices. The
culmination of more than a century of conscientious effort to produce
a PERFECT Piano that's the Francis Bacon !
- j . -gur
was flnnllv caught He beat tho cop with
his balloons, but they exploded and left
no marks
At tho patrol box nearby, the Italian
declared, the cop wns picking his pocket,
but ho was excited and tho bluecont over
looked tho charge
Today Caaeanaas, together with hla
monk and tho balloons, wag arraigned
before Magistrate Glenn. During tho tea
tlmony, the animal blinked nervously at
tho array of evldcnro ngalnst his master.
Hut his sly winks made a hit. nnd finally
on seeing ho prisoner was repentant the
Judge decided to dlschargo him
He was grateful beyond measure. To
prove It he gave tho Judge and each of
tho cops a balloon and they took them
home The Italian kissed his hand to
tho court as he bnde a picturesque adieu
and went off with tho monk chuckling
happily under his arm.
she left a trolley car at York road and
Chelten avenue nnd started nlong 64th
avenuo toward Mr. Ball's homo. At Uth
street a man who had been following her
called to her to stop. She went on with
out turning her head until ho ran up
and stopped her. He was so threatening
that sho was afraid to scream and there
was no ono ln sight.
Ho overtook ner ana threw her again,
and again she freed herself, and thla was
repeated several times, tho girl each time
gaining ground In tho direction of homo
nnd safety. But her strength was falling,
and feeling unable to keep up the battlo
longer sho thought It wise to parley with
tho man.
"If I do not go home now," sho said,
"I will be locked out for the night. Let
mo go homo nnd tell tho waitress not to
lock up the houso, and I will come out
again and meet you."
The man wna satisfied with this argu
ment and making her promise to return,
stood ln the street waiting for her while
sho ran to Mr. Ball's house, where she
locked nil doors carefully and then nearly
collapsed. The Branchtown police wore
notified and given the description of tho
Washington to Wilson
one of a steady, conscientious adherence to the highest ideals of qual
ity and workmanship. It is,, indeed, a far cry from the old-fashioned
Spinnet produced in George Washington's day, to the handsome and
impressive Francis Bacon Piano of President Wilson's time. The point
is this a Piano with the prestige of 125 years of constant develop
ment and achievement, is the kind of an instrument worthy to be
introduced to the inner circle of YOUR home.
Many Selfish People Would
Profit, He Asserts, but
Majority of the Ameri
can People Are in Favor
of Peace.
A belief that war with Germany Is not
within the range of possibility was ex
pressed tndny by John Frederick Lewis,
of Philadelphia, an admiralty lawyer of
national repute. Mr. Lewis nt the same
time nfllrmed his complete confidence In
President Wilson and expressed emphatic
disapproval of the Jingo talk which has
arisen since Secretary of Blato Bryan's
resignation from the Cabinet because of
the stern tone of the President's second
note to Germany.
A few selfish people might profit by a
war, in tho opinion of Mr. Lewis, but
tho country as a wholo could gain In no
way. nor does the scntlmont of the ma
jority Indicate that thcro Is any feeling
for war.
I have aufflctent confidence In tho Presi
dent's sound Judgment to say that 1 do
not bellevo Hint a war with Germany la
within tho range of possibility. While
thcro nro a great many selfish people who
would profit by a war with Germany or
with any other country, I bellevo that the
vnst majority of the poople of tho United
States are In favor of peace and aro not
In sympathy with tho selfish desires ol
thoso who regard war as a menns ot
making money. In fact all through this
present horrible conflict In Europe the
American public has been shocked by the
attitude of those who seem to regard the
present conflict as n means of Increasing
business, nnd who look upon the strug
gles of their fellow men abroad as a
source of private personal gain
"I believe It Is tho duty of ovory right
minded citizen to do his utmost to prevent
thin country being Involved In a conflict
which does not concern It and which Is
tho result of conditions that do not exist
In this country.
"I do not mean for a moment that tho
foreign policy of tho United States Gov
ernment should be pusillanimous or
should Indicate tho slightest weakness.
On the contrary, I believe that tho Ad
Public Ledger Receives Translations of
The Italian
Green Book
This important collection of letters just made public by
the Italian Government contains all the diplomatic
correspondence preceding the formal declaration of war
with Austria-Hungary. Sunday's Public Ledger wUl
publish the famous book's first English translation in
America and a complete summary of its contents.
Order frpm Your Dealer Today
Upright Piano
(Mahogany or Fumed Oak Case)
Regular Price
Stool, Cover or Scarf, Instruction Book
and One Year's Tuning Free
Delivered to Your Home)? aa
on First Payment of pa-w
Then Pay $1.50 Weekly or
$6.00 Monthly Thereafter
DESCRIPTION Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width,
6 feet 4 inches; depth, 2 feet 3 inches. Overstrung
scale, Boston fallboard. Seven-and-one-third octaves.
Hardwood back. Double-veneered case. Plain pol
ished panels. Full bronzed plate. Copper bass
strings. Ivory keys. Solid brass hardware. Three
pedals. Best felt hammers. Automatic swing music
ministration should insist apoft fh jw
teetlon of ttoneewtnuants wherr Hwy
may be and whatever" their tkms.Vi(,
and should, ef coarse, mote jiaH
safeguard th Interest of Americana)
"War is what General Sherman d
scribed Itt o be, and wa- with Oerrrany
or with Bngland or with any other for
elgn Power cannot possibly help this
country We need no more territory
"Wet are perfectly able to continue as
w have been, developing our resources
In n wonderful way, and should avoid
what Jefferson called entangling alli
ances "War Is nothing but a national fever
nnd can be compared to n. fever harvest
ing a man's body. While the fever is
on his passions may be Intensified and
he may be even capable of doing things
which he cannot do when In normal Con
dition, but one thing Is certain, that If
allowed free scope for hit passions ha
will probably commit acts of which In
his saner moments he will bo ashamed."
In regard to the Berlin note defending-
me sinning oi tne wiinam r Fry. Mr
Lowls said the commander of the Eltel
Frledrlch acted within his rights In sink
ing the vessel, since there was no port
to which he could have towed her.
"The claim of the United Btates Gov
ernment In behalf of the owners of tha
William P. tfrre Is merely a matter of
money compensation, and I regard It as
immaterial whether the amount of that
compensation Is fixed br a. rniaa court
or by diplomacy, so that if be honestly
and adequately arrived at
"Tho commander of the Prlna E1U1
Frledrlch In slnklne tho Frya probably
did so beoause there was no port to
which he could tow her where her rtghta
could be adjudicated. Taking her to Ger
many waa Impossible, and the American
courts could not pass upon tho queatlon,
as they did not belong to an oily of Ger
many. I suppose that under the circum
stances ho sank her, realizing that what
ever claim her owners might have waa a
mere matter of money and could bo eailly
arrived at, and that sinking her waa tha
only practical method of preventing tha
delivery of tho cargo of cotton to Eng
land. "Fortunately, no lives were loat, ana m
I understand tha present situation thera
wilt bo no difficulty In arriving at a satis
factory agreement between tha United
States and Germany with reference to tha
Coroner Exonerates Track Driver
William Boyd, a chauffeur, living at 3313
North Wnter street, waa today exoner
ated by tho Coroner's Jury of, all blama
for the death of eight-year-old John
Myors. Tho lad waa struck and run over
by a motortruck, drlvm by Boyd, ln
front of his home, 2342 Lawrence street,
a week ago.
3 1 3vJ
.. HTSIV'a
T''""1ffT"T' " -j i4.aJaJl-fa.Ja-.
Jr ga Knatoju u.