ipifi mmmwunmrnf1 prnvlPiiii EVENING LEDGER PHILAI) ELPHIA, FRIDAY. JtTKE 11, 1015. ' 17 ""' ' ' '" ' ""'" ""'""" ' ''''e"- - " ' II1 ' ilii.M.iiiMiMiai.l.aiiil iijiii I It. i in, i lh , ,. . , . , i.i.Tf , ( i i.iwxiihsjiI .HI I is.maW .Men in ilrffiinmUi illillll i Mtimie$xilmLiiiMiwnimmmmwmit$ MNTED FEMALE tS?TS l8 1 Ledger Office 5?i..,t moil figure, wanted Kffry Sp"3 6 m- S.SSSS'S'SCTIS d,e?W!lL10 & J0 Woodbine ave OvcrbMt, -T.tBIt OtnU flPBAKINU TwTtntt MRU S'BAKi.iu PInBSBnAi' iIousbwohk; 5m?St " mt aihy Avn, JTj,..j inopers on wnuo coarse rVifrst'week, faro allowed. Key $?mhis. spr cltr. ra. iff -T . i, -., rnAU .'VtceUent placo'fSr rcllbl l0jt,j ceiiem Central. (me -"'.z rot, woman, fond of ne who prefer Rood WC.v..ti0n Call imLSE!5I: . SjRFhitTtfii. 'to go to .eashor., L 4llh I SUATIfSWANXEI-:MAI,E utlh CTpetlnc tftwvriuiamn nmmmn Ji! . pl commtrslon or small iwiitrv and rommlMinnreleren5einij. Ledger cent? rVltv .Ti.wnu " rlence, " JefJrineM 4d"S,' Bni'.ral "'? work, best for inV.11 22 kPt. corrc, attended -ili!L5r0ctUrm9 mod.' L 30; Led'. (Jit. lrvnttnin 1 a. - .. - - iSlh Jt white woman for fen, hawk,! f. required OTaoBojw jit. I tyo.Hi.-. - -rr,r,on3encla r .. ;.., a bub '.era es- wen ";i n.-n-ra nn 1UU CSS-fcw " MyS.""m.;nlh. SB prenere seno 'M .1 oortugue 0 el trances rupra "'i nifflrie coff oferte dclajladin W P'VHf JC l" der Central'. . tr7ennrSHts" for two days' $ Ir! ffill. between 10 and 4 p. ill 1 3 WANTED MAIiE IBOOK SALESMAN BfrnlEnS requlro n, book Bales 362 hid retail experience. Apply jHm?eau. Fourth floor. Wf'arocH. uilOKElt; established !J2,j5Ri, eervlces of a salesman JtSeeeMfully sell meritorious stocks iSrswrlal ! ssues. on strictly commls Jt! 1fort favorable opportunity for nt man. Answer with refer- ffun. Leaner Central. rS5"M'A"N to asmimo charge of Sid department of large maniifac ffleritlonr state age. whether mar risen 1 reference, experience and al S3 L 411, LtdrJntTajL ,Vritora on Jones, A Uirnson and KREuon turret lathes also hind JifThiSes and horizontal and vertical lm "hud?: no labor trouble, work Is ?Rldieirt. Conn,, plant, on both 1 nllht ihlft- To capable men wo V.atKdr employment at good wages, mr???" between 0 a. m. and 8 P m., TOyrt",trrhliadeiphla,"Pa: ij to run rip saw on cabinet work. vYrMTl. Inc. 814 N, Lawrcnco st 7id to work on upright moldef. Shelp Spin. Inc., 814 N Lawrence st. ACCOUNTS . AUDITED. systematic and hSe nfi?i,.pt ' "duced rate during sum mer months Accountant, JK1 S&lat st. A4CyraI'?EnU1A,t 'V,nMr- aTeellege" grid., .'T. ""d and office em. !, , i.-.- tHri'J !!. J?!Iiie. for ronltlon with manufac turer or contractor II 45, Ledger Central. ABermIAF JBOOKKEIlPEn wishes to have mem? 7?VJL0n,w,,h.chn' of adance mentj Pierce h8radoji3!I.ed. Cent. mSm . H"'. 'nc m9n- se 21, 0 cars' 2fif.r ??i d",lrJfP.sl"o1'. mnnufacturfng or . ..,. v, vta, iaRcr uenirai. INSTRtJCTION ItAGTIME In 20 leesont Call or write Chrl tensen 1'lano Schools, 3828 oermantown ae., l" Talker t Pl.t TB LKsStlffS wanted, cost must bo low. i !. .rarer muicc STORAGE IK81' Monarch Storage Co, Auto ?,."' jllLA. Ing and shipping. $S,0 lineatter v WKSl' I WANTED CAST-OFF CLOTHINO Highest rrlcc paid for cast-off clothing jpostal. 11, Harris, 1100. Ualnbrldgc. , HOOMS FOR RENT 111111K h r.L-iii-n k.. ..-. "ccouni?.ann nnance of U. of P. . member of evening !,i., i . """ma ana nnance or u. or p., beet reference, ji .in. i..ir.r i'.;;i B2?MS?EhB,n fn5 ""nographer, 7 years' ex KSSm..1 h,?5Jak.en,fu" charge of oltlce and accounts. !I2jjW:ejwri?ai Di'.i:S3 MA.M' ePrlenced correspondent, salesman, englneor. technical and university ......, .11.11,3 pojuion, u udi. Leqger t-ent. ,.""" macninist, white, single, 27 ears old: li! years' experlencei sober, hon est careful drler, best references, repair and drive any car, city or country. Ask fqr Otto. Dell phone plamond2ICa V. CHAUFFBUfl-Young man, single, age 20. de sires position In tlrst-class private family, 10 ears' experience in Europe and this coun- try, city references. 2' 214, Ledger CentraJ. CHAUFFEt'll. colored, first class, desires per- required operate any car, ref , exc, ret,, salary tip. O 2B7, Ledger Central. CHAUFFLUft, single, thoroughly cip. , 7 yr ' best references from last employer, 118, iirancn Leogcr, Wayne and Chellen aves CIIAUPrilUtt, Swedish, wishes situation, prl- ate coachnuin oer la years, Al references .111, ItfUlfr WLKCi for both. CHAUFFEUR, mechanic; do all repairs; 0 yearB' oxperlenco, reference, temperate, care tul driver, go any place. D 324, Led. Off. CHAurjTiUK-ioung man BALTIMORE A 47TH-Newly furn. rm.; beau tiful iiniinrtlnB, Vtinn Wnnrflftnd 2094 V UROW.S. llll-Coiy suite, ad bathi Idea home slnffle D-nntlemfln. 'i.KO. Photo Led Ccn CHESTNLf; M10 Rlegantlv furnished room, ror one or two Rentlemen prnateamuy, (?HE'5TNlJTl 1800-Attracttvefy furn. rooms) south exp cont'ous hotwater.sprucojwjs CHESTNUT. 1004-ROOMS, SINOLB Oil EN avur ieicyiioiic, iwtuoi, mi COLlIMHIArnS" Unfufntrtied second or third uw.r lur leiii, lenEuiiauic, ,m mh-iv LOCUST AfcuTfTH Attractive suite. 2 large rooms, with or without bath, fur, or unfur.i private fjmlly. Phone Locust 278JJ; LbOAN SQllARrTliSpN "TSlK)-Dllghtful room, elngle or en suite, a homo for tn dlscrlmlnatlng,referencesexchongea LtXSAiN SQUARE (220 N. 18th)-beelrablj 2d- ttoor front, run water, other vacs , pnone. POWELTON, 4010 (cori-er houee)-llrlht. alw room, nexth bath Protestant family, near u. PRESTON BT 801 FUrnleheiTor unfurnHhed rooms, all conveniences, housekeeping 8PiU?TrE, il25-Futnlhe3bachelof apartment lor rennea genneiiieii. oiciem." bPltt'CK, 1135-AttractTvo front rooms, single or communicating, private tamjly ,phone; SPRUCE, 20i2-l)esirable furnished room; jMeaths,aummerrates .Locu'tJSS-i-8PRUCE. lOW-Lnrge eocond or"thl'd floor rront rooms, summer raien ,muuv .. once, best reference. S. Alden at. I rMN1 nvnfirl. Harold Watklns, 835 CHAUFriJUR-Own repairs: sober, willing; rererenco. ii'oi i.awrenco si. CHAUFFEUR, white, 5 anu repair any car i years' experience, drlvo 11 148 Ledger Central, Pr . ,nf nv ixf rvpn. fffinlTTOUS JfAN (2 TO !M YEAR3 a -TO i SELt. OUR PRODtlCTS TO lerAIL TRADE. POSITION IS VEST WITH OPPORTUNITIES nVANCEMENT. aALARY. REPLtES SlVE ATTENTION MUST OIVE MIOHT, WEIOHT. EXPERIENCE. inDEMTT ROND REqUIREIl. WAFFUOATION ONLY WILL nE irnm NO PERSONAL INTER SmpT DT LETTER OF AP MKwf II. J HEINZ CO.. SALES mil AND SEDaLEY AVE., DEtPKIA. .ts wanted; prof. sum. work; Open iffi r.clatlon. H 210. Ledger Cont. "0HLY experienced mlsilonary alcs l acquainted with retail grocery f Philadelphia and vicinity, to Boll do- 1! none except thoso with highest tiTnUd IPPly- P 71B, Ledger Offlcq. a tvtry brain worker In Philadelphia TUNmt the efficient and result-pro-rtervlca of employment experts at ICentraL Tho Commercial Registry kelps Ledger advertisers to positions nltid to their capabilities and with irie. Ak Mr. Hunt for freo booklet, alt: mii to keep stock records, office man tor concern: state age experience nn.1 S receive attentlon.P 7gl Lcd.Off. UAN In offlce.lirato age, salary and ifirence. D 322. LedRer Office. B'lfANUFACTURER with a national ittoB desires ono who preferably has at Werlenco In the Introduction utility from house to houao and with 411 merchants to act aa road juper st of a largo demonstrating and sen se! tna work will requlro ability to tat tact: it will also necessitate con lettravellng: therefore a single man 'ertMvr glvo particulars of provlous seat, itc H 810. LedgerJCentral. JIONS WANTED EEMAIiE LEHK expert; 5 years' exp. genernl mt: Remington billing machine opor- 1144. Ledger Central. cf women's ready-to-wear coat suit, Iwwrate skirts, bathing and gymna sutta; 10 years with last employer. I R M. Ledger Central. CRWOllK or waiting, exper. colored rf-rwashore pref. 721 S. Bmedley t. ERWORK and sewing: publlo or prlv.. tled woman; refs. L 120. Led. Off SBWOrtK or wall's; young Eng. girl, oa ynt't place. Ph. Rryn Mawr 418. ESW0RK and waiting: exp.; white audi reference. M 133. ledger Office. BMVORK or housework, referencca, n'or uty: wnite. lata jiciuei m. CHEr, STEWARD, superintendent, refined man (30), polyglot, having copious proi. exp. and refs. from first-class hotels, club, aris tocratic houses, also Carlsbad, will consider similar ros'n whero ability, energy and hon eaty are appro'd. Ad. JAyi.!r-N'17ih-lt- CLERK, 3 years' business training,- clerical work or shipping and order department, wlll Ing, ambitious, refs. O 144 Led ger Cent. COACHMAN or chauffour, married, no chil dren. M 101. Ledger Office. COACHMAN-OARDENER, coin prancncB, oeai reta. single; long exp. D 3LI. Ledger Off. CREDIT MCJR., 30 years, slnglo. 10 years credit and collection experience large mfg. concerns, any locality. II 141, Ledger Central ELECTRICIAN, recently graduated, wants to locate in manuiaciurinK ur w.un. ",; of reliable company. H 300, Ledger Central. I3TH S . 237-COMFORTAULBllOOM.Wfal.il furnIsi 'XTi2Ii-l-WALNUT 7182,'v' 1BTH, S , 230 Furnished room, single or com municating, run, water, gentlemen ,..-.- ...... n n, , D..kl.i ,..- iia. Tnrn rnnm. ninnlnff water, light housek P g IilTlI N, r811-pelrable furnished and unfur- nuhed run , iMuwipnon'ja1;. "- z . - . ... t. ...... -.In fm.. MST, S., 223 (corner)-Fur rooms, priv lam.. near L ucimoni xi .-nnm .... - B2D, N 050-Furnlshcd rooms, private lamui, with or without board Jjeljnoiit338U B4TH 8 , 410-Second story ,'ront. communicat ing, furnished ; JioujekpngiaulLPhone. HANDOM"ELY furnished front room. In large, modern, prlate home; electrlo ''"'. to iijimit.a ei. Cltv Hall Telephone BarlngJlB. Subnrbnn 1 . 77T7 ... .-- llnnri.nm,lV OERMANTOWN tun w. -i "'7""'",' nVar furn. rooms, aentlemen, excellent meals near by, Oermantown 3160 W. BOARDING OLEVATOR MAN or watchman l'ousn mnn, 30 years old, wants work to support wife arm six small children, former employer peaks well of him, can't do hard work because, of now artificial limb recolved after losing foot In accident, boclcty for Organizing Charity, r,j w, cneuen avc, uuu)miu"i - ENOINEER. mechanical, IB y.,JP"-n "h2g worn, estimating, raira uciub ,J", ,,,S men on Indus opera, familiar with requlr nf mnri nrndencv methods. O 211, Irfd. con FRENCH chauffeur, single, 23 jears. wishes pnBltlon, apcakB English, German, good me chanic: good homo n proferenco to high wages desired. nrst-clast city references Add. nuokland. Im r "'" " '"'" "" BROAp, S.TOiTThe Oraham)-Cool and at- !?2"."e 'U'V" 'ci',.'uv,o. bote serv . 7 up. iSy-JSff- lSJSSSt KSSSIV 7" mlnuteato City Hall,' referencesjexchanged. ILVCErritU-Tralned nurse has pleasant home. n nanmn iinHituiK aawwu -- ?,erlalcaro oT Invalids or eldrljMrsong. i '"x . . Z7. s tth nrlval v.t rr?p. rrasonable. Uelmont i". BORUltnAN FIREMAN wants poaltlon, city or country. jiij. n miiii v el ref- "rences from present employer, who Is clos- U JllU. Jjg-UfVV w.a..v. I'lllST-CLASS butler, English Prot erenccs n Ing house GARDENER, single, can run car. nvo , jrQiu'g. 123 Spring QARDENBR, single; best reference, lencer wnn-. D 809, Educated, practical, thorough knowledge ma chinery, poultry raising, 'mfiftc-LinrSpnn,t all-round mnn. ago 35, exp, O 843. Lcq.ipni. MAN nnd wife. English Prot.: competont but to and. cook; tot-class, refs. from present .mn who IS Closing llouro ., a.... v... PAINTER, nrst-clas mechanic, , ,, maKe mmsoir useiui '"'".", ""- rererenco. iuw .. .". PAYMASTER. BOOKKEEPER, age 2V. x neicncld In construction an1 manufacturing, Kneral office and cost, finding, ab a corra fnondent. moderate salary, until worth Is '?ovod. G 740, Ledger Central. ( SALESMAN-SPECIAL AOENT Married man. residing In Central Fcrma.. .,,,,7. reDreeent a flnnnclal firm, eellig SSmp"'ldrexpencern KONB to outing party or charge Unen t tesilde hotel. M 108. Ledger Office. iURSB or chambermaid; girl wishes (tMUntlc City. Apply morning be- y ana iz. present place, qKM oprucw. iURSE, North German; children oer toci wer. L 133. Ledger urtice. iI'R(ltI p-flnArf n-H-An. . Tlpnt fllllV latest ref. M 130, Ledger Office, TOSE, experienced Prot.; take entlro it one child. M 131. Ledger Office. -Experienced Hie. entry clerk and gerv lies work; bright, energetic; best ret- Q 833. Ledger Central. D (URL wishes position at general Tl reference. 411d Baltimore qve. Q0K or chlldnurse; young, rennedl MProU hospital ref. L 121. Led. Off Protestant, wants place In small privates rimhore or country. 4338 Market st. iXrman Protestant, wishes poaltlon; asMOJJNorthllancockiit; 1E?CED housekpr, where servant are jt?e pc. lor Oct. H 47. Led Cent. Gllli In adult family; good rook, and woman. L 132. Ledger Office rmirrtSE, thoroughly exp.j reference i?. D 320. Ledger Office. JOSOT woman wouia tai,0 care of aTsum.i high, ref. Phn. Baring 7TP4. Tt city for the summer desire to 'rympetent and trustworthy maids gnW and waltresa. 103 South 21st &2iLocut 6-33. .?B?o Competent white woman by Ittx home. 2023 Pemberton st. saipsMAN married, 35, for contractor's of 8ALbMi '.' material, experienced o T, paMvTa" married, 3 years' experience, r 055 Ledger Central. II 319, Ledger Central, - 5SSS51.ilaS as competent. English. Prot,. for 2-. exp. and ref. L 121. Led vamreA lrl ,,AAi.. ..-i. - S,. opa aaiainiiL ing. Phone Preston 4251 I. Off. house- erences ioujl.--. -.. ,. mmv&t!?v& CB.rs,i.imi refs" O 140, Ledger cntrn -J37HEPTw'lll handle coffweTndenee 6?0UrN3 wMkl" " 4n,LedjeirCintrat: sofeiV? &KjS'?oiI,,"!VL!Z M?,v,lVi?" r mother' helper; r gW Prot,-, highest refs. M 111. jWAIjind detail work. exp. tenog 2Jf"liMPr: familiar with broker- T... '- ..-: 1. J.. 1 ' ffl i"ne commercial; excellent - 865. Ledrer Central. BR. asilstant bookkeeper and! jndcapable O 058. Led! Cent. r"ERscretarial work; xollnt 1 fully capable, having taken full SJflce and cor a 047. Led. Cent. fgjHER and aeemtary, 8 year' 2bly capable. O 831. Led. Cent. fHSH, exp., high school educa it!; ' T " M8, Ld- Cnt' ;. xi, rapia, accurate, gooa i tLSTjewrtter. 1 tg. Ledger Cant .PilStl. nkn lmnlibun.. Jin-nill Int. .7T7Z .t"I7JTV.'V. iVlff4, ,r''' Po'n together, cham E? "SSja i,wlng. nurae, cook. Jenkln-iii- 1SC7 CarDntar Ph nick sail Y Itr chmbwk and waiting. eaaore. f.alghm ntfarance 2848 Sear t oraicn. wants posltuw, perwa JWrary II 48. Ledger Central. competent and truatworthv. Anolv )loVr. 2019 Walnut at. J!25i-l2-jTV7fi.rnan would like summer yUNtTcOLLLOL man woura rl,nc0 ,n poaltlon, capable tutor. 1 40 La. Cent. JSSSB1 desire, position a 'VtTTnan, .colored deal rflr,;.Sias. refer- c erk, 7 year fi" ,. F.dera at , phlla. iotSll? communicate wttn a. r M ani fS workvUl be ? appreclafed; reference, r, 1 LcdgerOfflc": 33. with lat HP'55,V,t S as purchailng S5S. .'t" rfSMSSowfjl 'volume of bu.lne... jVi t a-m rntrai. 11 34 J, r nFJIMANTOWN. 235W IJltenhous , t (be tween Wayne and "r"e' atn ir.73 X. story room, gggdjab.. cont vltni--. ST'iARTlirslaprlngfleld Inn. "5 W. Spring field a.-mtprtBD.o room.. aiemenl. mln. wallcrjromBta.. u..u. "--u--v--7-m- bVERBROOK. W Drexe nfw-jffl--. ,. roomn wun ""'"" ";: ,'r.va W r.fnrences. Phone Prestonjj.-1 w. BOARD WANTED Suburban v rWffiSssffl ttirarTS ojn, ledger central. ' '- . . II . . .JJ - - - M ' F-.--... -"'"" fe " Scrapple ; A Night Attack We Love This Man THE PADDED CELli j WSLm ,WEARWEl.E! h&hkt! FATHERS . I Father (trying to give the concealed bSLbSJ JffB t J 'h III III V!Pxrt '5' t2'7 ( ) do8e)-AVell, well, you are a funny boy. tfUF Ulf3PE. $i5?U I f2"S Xs yMmar-m 1ET ' May I nsk why thl sudden extraordinary u iwne P& . SZZf RLif ACS dlellko for jam? WHO UKES r" - ( ?rv "S SWvf f (iSoS I Chlp-'Cos I b'leove Ifg mlned.-London TOWON vM M I CjJ 0,u 1Hh r-N.Ail eketch' vourhato m H fyywS'K B cs ki - - ' pl)vL HL1 WSn IT'S ALL RIGHT IF YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH IT I L--I 'I (z7J wPX Y I ) WHr?-;EN tJOLlAUsI I" VEL.SlU,ir No.No! UEVER MINp To I Vl I "'N f ' I ' riV. WOULONT 6NE A CENT MMB&'' WlNOoi Font H5 ) 1 1 ) I Of V OVER N1KE.BJCK& )! p XCOUL0 BE-TTER mWOti! F I I I ' UT W V V, W. U?. V A JO? I M Iff TiT &sB. El YT Wl? Jl fe'SrAJl ? . - - .IHHtH sVl .SVv'OKLiift .. : ' I BSSBBSflBLUH ' ' I lWQW "- Nj l xcapcrmo niuiuuiiui irffifffMii 1 1 1 llh 5 i i : V.WV-K-iU.I .iflllllIlBlllflUlll III. ISrVrffCZ' -. 7iWW.i ' ' 9fflfiWn V ttiKmMWmWM ffii'ftV ,"' (CW&, sSorT-Dad, what Is a publicist? -London Sketch. -' , -1 SOI1 Father.-Boft "c." my eon. Well, a publicist Is a man who makes a thunder- MS & T " Ins Vood I living handing out to tho publlo tho sort of flapdoodle, the averago froBi 2w5,I2r ic fellow can't even get his wfo to swallow. APARTMENTS rrrrHfir-OS-Rcmodelcd 2-room aptiT VSh and private hall. Apply janitor. TTTTrnTSHEP APARTMENTS i?n5rp5ni'i;lh'ar2dwooa SSS private bath, eiec. iisi'i j, Spruce 41 JO D?at'e Dbn.- lg-Vf!BL2J?!!l--T epYa wt rhlladelphla uT.iiT T-TFurnIshed. perfectly appointed, TO 8UDLET-1 urms j- oedrooms. sleep. 8-room apt. , cneenui, iuu.. bachelor lnff oorch, suitaoioio' '".' -, 8-room i nearTCflnis, HOUSEKEEPINAPARTMENT SD-7SfNE7s-E LANCET APTS --' .ti AMn Vma . bath. DlV'it.-'rVf "2d floor, $M. rm"-4 ""S kitchen, all cor. rmjJJa JdtHP!-" """ '7 Kitcneii'-ii ,nI)BiCP(.Ding flat YnSSXSe. "?cuh" du-mbwaltcr: SsISsEsase Vet rhlladelphla. cTiiiriRAwdrp;&B" o0c0am"-' Hm ii Vrnnn?- ""'-ches: ph. Pre..M30. meat mri." t,..i,,.iilng apartment. S FOTTRENTo hoYouf at. "nd Raltl rooms and batn. corner pr.,t0n 81.13. more ave. For na"- T-at. TRTATE FOR SAI.E CITY ". vtrEXCHANOE8 . . . J8Drl?riildgAlb " MAIN T-1NE. FA. It- It. qTl?. Sffter: NEW JERSEY He We will be married at once and I'll buy a ltttlo farm, and we'll 1)0 happy as turtle doves. Bhe Oh, Tom, how lovely! Toil needn't buy mo a milking stool for I havo 'one already. It's tho prettiest you ever saw all decorated wlt,h hand some plush and cherry-colored rib bonsl Father reads the evening paper f BY GOLL-f 1 AINT n& h CHA.NCE.TO WENS IK NE au-pw! woNocmF Ten WW fMOOE SHIPS SUNK? DrV.CAHYA SUr-tfE'THV 1 HEBEt-wkn! I XKHTjeUL-WnV IMM.IH'BlCKEtiS ABfi, atOtta. UrrESBU'CAKr iiaildonflelil, N. BJ1 Federal n.. ..-" -. mtt? mi n'P'M'r' nfAT, "ESTATii ojxuxj -- ao nce3i and or .... 1 . ... r-rrr- ledger and brdsr dark, deelre Wtog t, future. O 310, Ledger ', tldptlonslly jooJ educatfaw. . uiua, noowi or ueaogreaey. Yreigerlenc4 bookkBr tujd , Metre so, well nttad for bo. ttt refe. H 344. Ied. Cent 3S WANTED MAI.E bi PiwlttoE TiajrTwuaalJla ll v J.ta(m r.Bh nnyl u Ai uv tlr'i- of m.I ur . 1.. ia, !AitB.-u that ' Wit ICist bu.tJU: LurrftDUDlili. Ba,te frjut ciaWyitsra ' Kew iS frlt.iif(l t , jrudftbur AUTOMOBILES yor Sala T!! .', ii Mndemer. S300 0-H. J-. BTAHUf, ., 0f wter. Dob wzwm&gM 10-H tTaoto1jverTaoarage3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES irKd1.': hnurMW,Uw..ne M! -Xgi-fecaTton nr 2d and Che.t CtaARfF'rtSiwIll .ubl,t rear SiVt'ton at V T' "" """" w'""" ' ZTZZ771 MONARCH BTORAQa, CO. WP"' aVSlra LANCABTgR AVE. " rANINO AND DYEINQ " from IT to isu. J1"",',. 18230. Merchant qtn . wpnn J.-.Ctio chestnut t. tlnlnn Trun V"- REAL ESTATEWANTED .Hi-- --- ' "'tli nr &U PTntedT modern houifscuy .'".'; 1 --'--,vtfs. weit I'luiift. w'r'. --'--' SST. consld'd II . Ledger Central BEAL ESTATE POR RENT '. ..i i.nelMK.IH ROOMS. ETC. wOioundfloor. W. ". rm., . . J250 inliia f r: s:.i5J w ai& .r- Corner uU; -.' AWi Tnr.l Bldg feSlS JJHM, vwm g-..' .m'S Parry Bldg. Keyetone poone "JSf- ThmTn ffr-'" K1H3- L saB- ''"' t-,n' Wayne Junction ., oi...n.t and iuut deslrabl 3-story. all tonvenlnoe.P". Q(n- v-millURKAN KlklnVjark(rj 0W5"3L, Vrm MUmOT.1810 Chattaut. riiwn - BPWAKTNQAND MILXINERY " " I-OR SALE acre 0 f.1!!' iir'in Bulldlaa. acre; o ?r. ntNT8R. NO! l.ll. "Parlf. Pau . . t t!ntjlTKV ! PLAck om a .tr T Voom: bwutUuI urroiu FOR RENT FURNISHED tQ Lane -TTrrTMiii bouai. neat beautiful location In NINVROy w7 iuttoJ and trolley. I or S iUHJinnrl V. J. IfUUYr , '. nrrnVBLY t utjld Nortawooa, a -rniviff1 lurnld wortbwood. aijarC mSMmMmm fl.rrwUU.Jl n AMiIir lBkott VtooL MiviArofUi t Fbeae PopHr 160 MORTGAGES "5nEYFoR MORTGAGES w. a. ou, BJ No1 I . ..-. . . I 1 I I TrO cikit th CAM VA I I ' TOUrftOSKA I cie -ruo I SL1? Wt THA I I MiW-THtMWif atE TrlE- tauirritinn ., I -3 -I. - Win UfW" PlINNIR'l ' tr- I SECTteHTUAifl.? Orl I . .. I FUNNIES. 1 ' -tove W" S"T TOT I - 1 7 " sArT -nti-r t - I ' W. 6rrTHEOU6H? J I BfOks aaaeassaaa.... IDI TVJ I " "" " the burning question -AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME , , r 1 llFWtF EaMM 3 ll s r x r w thjpn v vyiw zLhLJ& X liif assure sag cra"u py .utfu-i- J ""j" SMffimrLf V R T" VH ,.,.a.aaa-PeMaFe - ' " Ij -f ffiJbcS. " S f Cr Initial Error BMlfafltflilll ?iSr ii J ,-. .1 I 1 ?' s.i.d1n on hU patients, old Doctor WW. MKiiH J ,, "1 1 C3r 1 I P Brown dwlded to take a mush-needed JMbi HIQI 1TViiaW ,'V-., llTmsLtr' when the old .atlMoa reiuroed. tM HfcSO iiHK i , Vl5Klia 'HllhiTr25: younger pbyMcto toW bl. awons other Pv P11'"'!!! -Wip;aii55J ! an ! M4 and wealthy pter. of Mr ff V I 3 W oertaLy t you; bt i f M trough ; coll"-Harper MagaijB,, f0PFW ... Literary Food ilaawtWW. J 's2jft a-4re uu i'id of Bir ft'icers- , . , ' rvsa - v....?u. . ucra. nntiuuwii wtia. a- f Jr-WSM 9 a -- "I i" 'W ; -- - j Literary Food . ... . ..a t Ki nrtB.ffi Sf but i urexar RWi,etlt,J-SV fr tst OkAjaamL I Amjiht ajyttknw W4 to hl- VK