$mmwmm ' " : " EVENING LKPqBB-PHILADBT.PTTT.. tttttt ,TUNE , 0, 1015. faOAL EDDKCS ' ' ' -1 I'm ,. . . BJK & t'BL- jflBw z J If Sm 1 1(7 am iiii i ii i nv vt -" - " I I! I I I feAw kon r ...,, nnnaE WOOD- .S3 Will B" a Bmn" 'lftnC0 " SW" . .u. ..nun visitors who dnoro u int now going on at the 5Tek.t Club, St. Martin'.. flu lln Charles Wnllon will Rlvo WiZt tonight at their home In i" ... e hip. nnu Airs. rfirr Walton, tWv 11 Ah u . ..... t.mtla C. Sladelra will U4 ', ,minv at their home, l-trAn pal. .----. -. int. "W n. . b., jiSB c. Blea' : reV. Margaretta D. Myers. 1Tn honor of Miss Marian "TV -in make her debut J.t wno " :-.-- ...... i. " tr.. Maucirn win " " irlTlnR by Ml. B" " . tws Jiargarcun v. wjcn, lift? . PhrlJtlne H. Stockton. Mies H&aWi S Lewis, Mto- Emm; A. itMfftr, Miss Kato Furnoss HF OM"'.' 'i rtrtrrl Mian Prnn- mWZ Anne Melrs. Miss HIM $fuw ! Anna n. Brlnton, Miss Eft. Ml" B MISS !? ri.rk. Miss Sarah H 9" win Margaret O. Kemnk, Mis: vWM. M"' f i).. nnrbara Benson l&H.WMO'nr,mtlli gB Qi n6gn. 5HIJei" ' . . , ... Lewis, itass. l"Sr M.,1 Freda Le Initio. Of Whllinv.iic, . C . (. younger set are attending WlL ion 2rcl.es at the United fttiiuHlon "' ,hlll -ck. Th0 I?l hop thl. evening, review nnd 5. m the secretary ui r..i, e...-$m.-;i. and the graduation bait ken P " IP . , .Mtinn Milrrl.venr medical Ij.i t'Blterilty of Pennsylvania, who f C . "the Orenfeil JIlMlon. iStotwe tor Battle Harbor, Lab- ju Hefen Bell, of 1314 Locust street, J .. . r. tnnntli'H stav In Cal- Kfi Tl,tlng the Panama Exposition .Other P13 ' "i--" W n Mrs. Harry Pond Wllmer havo B. .?. n...ln nvnnlln lln. J rlllW K "" ' ' V," " , n r I Jolr ! woen """J " "-. - v. u' ... .. Wnlnnt. nne. Mrs. IJr'r w Uls 1Ielcn rarker bcforo BmS9 a loriniBi". "b"- !S... it.. rh-tren Pnttcr. Jr.. and Ilwl Master Spencer Potter, of 2110 'nMiirw. n '""-":- :- Sarth road, Chelten Hills. iiud Mrs. A. A. Moyor. of VVashlnR- n (renin, rauni. - --- Jftadftli weddlne anniversary last tJw it their homo. Ouests attended "STi.i. .-, nQiiimnrn. New York. i wait iiuiw " . -.r iw d Gr, Itlverton, Bryn Mawr .. L.. .m thU pIiv mill Its SUU- 3WICUU1UCI v... .- rSVAn (Uborale supper was served be- "ipupiMU ieil on a laio iruui. .on. j Mrs Moyer received a number of ':!m gifts. ilr. nd Mrs. Edgar Marbtirc, of 4310 .fc! ... ....nit n'lll Atilnrtnln 111 thn V$8igslan Club on Saturday nfternoon HtBunc tne engaRcmem oi ineir er, Miss Frances Tomlln Mnrbure. iBilia Samuel J. Zelsler, Jr., u. fa. n. iSairburc eraduated yesterday from iw College, t Alone the Main Line 7RlfiVrr Tfltvn RnViwnrtw will 1?Iva itternoon tea Saturday at Houpton, :it of Old Lancaster road nnd Syca witenue. Mrs. Schwartz will bo as- r Kllen, of Easton, Fa., who will r&u ia weeK-enu ni uoupion. w Waller T. Baird, of Brooknoll. llTnind nif nt trio mmmap ennnnn In a Eirkitilre mils. wtwa Mrs. Charles Hcese wontz, of fj-a unaes lane, are being consratu SS linoil thh hlrlh nf n nnn PlnilrRnn JW, on Sunday, Juno 6. )M0R&-Dr. and Mrs. Harold S L of RlntflnfrtvnnH will lAtivm H1I3 9 'w Maine, where they will spend sliramer, llwi and Mrs. A. need Mclntlre, of rwin roaa, win spend tho month of it at Eagle's Merc, Pa m Aiirea O. Hare, of Iloberts road, u snoriiy ror Kast'nampton, L. I., rilllAwni vl.l. 1... .,. -r nA,. yooatb. Chestnut Hill ll1nirin1ll!,Ml?, Venrr 13Utler A1Ien- Whose marrlaBO took place In New York on May :;'AnV0 "''""i1' fro' their wedding trip m1? 0,ccuPy'ng their house nt 7711 St. Aal,rrNef Yr!n M,8S ,0n Ml fiti.1 Xf niip.., .. !,., .1 . -""""' "niieome llawley 50lUrn.C1' from ,,,clr wedding trip and nre at homo nt 222 Nippon street. Miss Kteanor Scott, of Pittsburgh, Pa ls the guest of Miss Eleanor Moyn, of Graver s lane, for whom Miss Scott will act as bridesmaid on Wednesday, June 18. Along the Reading Miss Edith Lahdell, daughter of Mr. Chnrlca Landell, of Webster avenue. Wyncote. cntertnlne,i Informally at her resldenco last evening, nt 8 o'clock, In honor of some of the members of tho Sigma Alpha Epsllon Fraternity. 39th and Spruce streets. Miss N'nn Kent, daughter of Mr and Mrs. William C. Kent, of Kent road, ncote, who left this week lo ntteml the Wcllcslcy commencement exercises, will also be tho guest for a fortnight nt n large house party given by Mrs. Bruce Barton, nt her homo In Foxboro, Mnss. MIkb Kent will icturn to her home about tho 22d of June. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnrles Yodcr nnd their daughter, Miss Gertrude Yoder, of Web. stcr nvenue, Wyncote. have left for an extended visit at Hnrrlabtirgand Schwcnk vlllc, Pa. Miss Emily Lewis, daughter of Mr. Howard Lewis, of Washington lane, will leavo this week for n visit to Miss Sarnh Campbell at her home In Pittsburgh, Pa. Many Informnl entertainments will bo gl'tn In her honor during her visit. The first tennis match for ladles of tho Old York Itoad Country Club will start on Saturday at 2.30. First and second rounds will be played oft that day. Semi finals will bo played on Saturday, Juno 1!, and finals on Saturday, June K. Tho chalnnun of the Tennis Committee Is Miss Esther A. S. Wass, of Jcnklntown. Germantown Ii,'JIo7'srd Sneblc, Jr., of BIS East Iawra lane, whoso marriage to Miss Mot CDay will take place Wednes Ib' 1S entertained his best man KSrt t a house party In Capo May - -iv-cna. ine party included J.T1,1'. Morlce. Mr. John Blake- Vt ITari Willi-... . . JfcVv. "wiiwiw, air. rrann uiqk Eiw , hard Taylor. Mr. Harold uT.v,; """man lute, Jr.. Mr. .mtcheU and ltr. Humphreys. mWJ P.etV arant- who has been ISf" of Mrs. Simpson Wesley : zr-i,""r. Bireet' lor past 'TOe. K e lS2?.k J ."non, of XS East Chel L S il y"terday 'r Waslt JRui7. .; ,V.'" ncl as usner a; ffilfiSL,01 J"' Doris Virginia 'lrt'r of Mr- a"d Mrs. William mfiSFS: V street. N- w- t raK',.W(ll-lng will take olaca on if, June 18, frltrfndri L,oyd- of JU West ibu. "''"tertalned the members club yesterday. The mem- ii a T Mm i,a"y Grove. Miss in cloeIe. Mrs. J. Dlsbrow tw Harry nichards, Mlsa Mil- r Sr.' . ai.arjr Goodwin, Miss ' ecu' Miss Emily Moftly.' fEL ARRIVALS fwISAWORD-Mr. and Mrs. J. h Qrim1Vo1.fhJmnf' Sharon. P.: tt i ai-.PvUublUn. P.i Mr and K,ul"han. PJttuburgh; It. U . VBt55trVta T"'l w- a W?'nl Bthlhra. Pa. i Unteirar. ,' arriourg, mim : N vi!?' J'lvUBd. O.; H. uLKubn. HavuftWl. P. T. wnirt.0". .. t: k mc- aAU''iWMWat, Va .-""" '" RlTtr, N. J. " tkttol'o,, y' . ?! '- i,,aa. 8 H CU. fe- "7,1. ..ii". hSjTTK -" T"T- West Philadelphia The marrlago of Miss Bella Burrlson, of 670t Chestnut street, to Dr. Samuel C. Jaspan, of Trenton, N. J., will take place Wednesday evening, Juno IS, nt 8 o'clock in New Garrlck Hall, 415 South 8th street. The brldo will be attended by her sister, Miss Elizabeth Burrlson, ns mnld of honor, nnd by Miss Augusta Jaspan, Miss Ger trude Jaspan, Miss Mamlo Jnspan, all sisters of tho bridegroom, and Miss Bca Bio Horwltz ns bridesmaids. Mr. Julius Jaspan will act as best man. Rabbi H. Harris will ofllclate. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Montgomery en tertained nt dinner followed by cards jt their homo In Oakmont on Monday. Their guests Included Miss Mao Montgomery, Miss Jcanno Montgomery, Miss Clara Montgomery, Mr. Clinton Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Montgomory, Mr. Hoy Eppclshelmer nnd Mr. J. A. Coylo. Miss Sophie, Rlnge, of S343 Woodland avenue, cntcrtnlncd In honor of her mother, Mrs. Mary Hinge, of Wllllston, Md., nt her home Sunday. Mrs. Mary Itlngo motored from her country estate In AVIIIiston to Baltimoro and Washing ton before arriving here. She will re main the guest of her daughter for tho text few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mercer Hicks will closo their apartments at tho Nether lands ahorlly and will go to Chelsea for the summer. v&ZM mmmm I II mmx. &? u $maBtmF&Bir9mMKtfsmb 1 1 IHI jBH . VI wv.t; . TBMummmmLmmnm. & . .- -.".-:. v.i. i ;TrtiT moTi i.r rtmmwmni - i " IHI Wm ' ' jjiiiMM!! Rum iVitWjiar i.- Hfejcyos Br SBk. ' boro . South Philadelphia Mrs. Raphael llalnos, of 1820 South 17th slrcot, entertained at dlnnor In honor of tho Rev Dr. John Grant Nowmnn nnd Mrs. John Grant Newman nt her home last week. Among tho other guests pres ent were Mrs. Hugh Shannon, Mrs. Thomas Pntton, Mrs. Aaron White, Mr, nnd Mrs, B, H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George iV. Haines and Mrs. John Floyd Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Coward, 803 Whar. ton street, will leave today for a s'nort visit In Atlantic Clt with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Rnnsloy, 13H Ellsworth street, hao opened their sum mcr cottage In Chelsea. They will re main until the middle of October. Mr. and Mrs. WaUer G. List, of 2203 South 22d street, are being congratulated on the birth of a daughter. Phnto h Ollbcn A IJucon MISS SARAH FRANCES PEARSON DntiKhtcr of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam P. Rowland, of Gcrmnntown. Miss Pcnrson's marriage to Mr. Robert Emmot Tracy, of Boston and this city, will tnko placo Juno 24, nt tho home of tno bride's pnrcnts, 444 East Tulpchockcn stroot. Tioga Mrs. John Carroll Logan has Issued In vitations for tho marrlago of her daugh ter, Miss Louise Carroll, to Mr. Henry W. Moser on Wednesday evening. June 30, nt 7 o'clock, In Trinity Reformed Church, Broad nnd Venango streets. At homo cards aro for Tuesdays- In October, 4521 North 13th strcot, Logan, Pa. The Misses Learning, of 3722 North Brond street, spent tho week-end at Moorcstown, N. J. Mrs. Arthur Goldsmith, of 1501 West Allegheny avenue, who Is passing the summer at Havcrford, has been visiting her slater, Mrs. Paul Bloyden, of Wash ington. Mr. and Mrs. GaTrlol Gutlohn. of 2103 West Tioga street, with their family, have gone to Atlantic City to romnin until nutumn. ""fev ?!,. IrnkJw AT LAST tho day for tho "Melo . dramatic movies" by "people ou know has arrived, and they will be shown today at Dolobran, tho beautiful Haver ford estate of Mrs. Clement A. Grlscom. The performances will be given at 3:30. 4:30 and tonight at 8:30 and 0:30. Tho scenario has been furnished by Miss lfntherlno Russell Bleeker and the cast Is as follows: Jiicob Mvlnr.ton, banker.. Mr. Geo. D. JJaraer Itobert Do Forest. In levIth Gloria raullno narten. POtne a. tftled forlner. Clifford Barton, hu.nana oy!,,, Sluranl elM Lonrtal.. a P'rofcDa,V(0gn,,,ald Oates Scorch, th. lanou. ""'llUam D. Whel.a Two plain elothearoen. n..-i.i. i ljutler Mr. J. nandall Wllllam. Jr. One of tho scenes of the movies will In clude a "gambling party." The picture was taken in the Racquet Club, and among those participating are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clark Zantilnger. Mr. and Mrs. Frazler Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Piatt, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. B. Franklin Tepper. Appearing in the dancing scene are Mlsa Mary Stuart Wurts. Miss Eulalle V, 11 cox. Miss Eveleyn Chew, Miss Isabel U urts rage, Mis Edith Smythe, Miss Eleanor Pepper, -Ir. L. Brooks Edwards. Mr. Joseph Slnnlckson, Mr. Theodore Smythe. There Is n "tea scene" taken In Mrs. Griscom's home and the actors Include Mr, and Mrs, William Ellis Bcu 1. Miss Margot Scull.. Mrs. J. Randall Williams. Jr.. Miss Dorothy Ball, of Boston; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chapman Thayer. Consul General of the Netherlands and Mrs, A. Van do Kande Bakhuywn, Mrs. Samust Bettle. Mr. 'and Mrs. Randal Morgan. Mra Edward Beecher Finok, Mrs. Mali Ion Kline. Mrs, Frederick Jordan and her small daughter and Mrs. Horatio Gates There Is also a tea scene taken In the Rltr-Carlton in which appear Mr. and Mrs. Charles Piatt. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. B. Franklin Peppar. Mrs. William Baker Whelen. Mr: Coleman Paaoo Brown, Mra Clarence C. Zantalnger. MUa Adeline Papper and Mlaa Nancy Scott. This unuaual anttrtainment U for the baneflt ot tna Chartotte Cuahman Club, mh and Locust trU. a clubhoiMe for actraaaaa. where rooms and board may be had at moderate coat and In eomfort. abl surroundings. The officers of the club are a follows: Mra. OU Skinner, president; Mr. Mor. tiar Brown, vie presldant; Mrs. Sam iTchwrrat vteo pra2flt. Mrs. Jaw Latae vtfe rWnt. Mm. Olik t8Bo".wZlrU. trarer. MU SMtioc atreet. Mra Kdward Baacaar IC secretary. Mr Newton n: Pott ZorMBPondlntl aecratary. Mrs WayWud HoyT Mra Mahlon M Kline. Mra R. Kmott Hare. Mra Jamea Elveraon. Jr. Stt T Morrla. Mra William Bum m Mr- fUine C ZaiiUlnaw. Mra. HWr B Jiartow. Mra Edward T Stotea burr, Mr.. JiQ!fa iaie Uoyi UU ! ranees Gilscom, Sirs. Theodore Voor lices The patronesses nre os follows. Mrs Clement A Grlscom, Mrs. Charles M Lc.i, Mrs J. Oglesby Paul, Mrs Charlo magne Tower, Mrs Thomas Mckean, Mrs Jasper Ypates Brlnton, Mrs. Nor ton Downs, Mrs. John Kent Kane, Mrs. O. Helde Norrls, Mrs. Sidney Keith. Mrs David 8. B. Chw. Mrs George B Warder. Mrs. Richard B. Brlnton, Mrs. Sidney E. Hutchinson. Mrs. Joseph Har rison, Mrs. D. Evans Williams. Jr., Mrs. Arthur II. Lea, Mrs. John L. Wentz, Mrs. Samuel Bettle, Mrs. Randal Morgan, Mrs. J. Randall Williams, Jr., Mrs. W. Yorke Stevenson. , Among tho prominent matrons who will chaperon are Mrs, Clement Grls com. Mrs. Charles M. Lea, Mrs. J. Oglesby Paul, Mrs. Charlemagne Tower, Mrs. Thomas McKean, Mrs. Norton Downea, Mrs. John Kent Kane, Mrs. Jasper Yeates Brlnton, Mrs. Otis Skin ner, Mrs. Mortimer Brown, Mrs. James Large, Mrs. Clinton Rogers Woodruff, Mrs. Edward Beecher FInck. Mrs. G. Helde Norrls. Mrs. W. Bydney Keith, Mrs. George B. Warder, Mrs. Richard 11. Brlnton, Mrs. Sydney E. Hutchinson, Mrs. Joseph Harrison, Mrs. D. Evans Williams, Jr., Mrs. Randal Morgan, Mrs. Samuel Bettle and Mrs. Davis S. B. Chew. Thoto by llrun.l MRS. FRANjCLIN SWIFT GIBSON Mrs. Gibson, who was married yesterday in St. Paul's Presby terian Church, was Miss Kathleen Mario Lucoy, of West Philadelphia. Northeast Philadelphia Tho Idanoo Girls' Club gave their sum mer dance last evening at nclflcld Coun try Club. The dance was attended by many prominent In tho affairs of the Northeast The proceeds will be donated to charity. Tho floral decorations were tastefully selected and the hall was beautifully decorated with ferns and pink roses. Tho members of the Idanoo Includo Miss Marguerite E. McBrlde, Miss Helen DeC. Dnnohoo, Miss Edna Mae McBrlde, Miss Theresa M. Keogh and Miss Reglna D. Farrell. Mrs. Wallwork, of 1316 East Columbia nvenue. Is spending the summer at Ocean City. Roxborough At the Children's Day exercises to be held at the Fourth Reformed Church on Sunday evening, "Uncle Jimmy," of the "Billy" Sunday party, will deliver an address to tho children. The wedding of Mr. Matthew Sherer, 4141 Laurlston street, nnd Miss Jennie Gnughan, of Manayunk avenue, will tako place on Tuesday, June 15. The 25th anniversary of the founding of St. Timothy's Hospital will bo cele brated tomorrow with appropriate exer cises at the institution. In addition to this event the annual lawn fete will also be held under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid. Notices for the Society page will be accepted and printed In the Erenlnc Lmlter, but all nurli notices mutt be written on one aide of the paper, must be signed In full, with full addrc... and when poMlblo telephone number rami be (Iren. Bend all anch communication, to "Society Kdltor," Erentng Ledger, SOS Che.tnut atreet. Unlets thee requirements are carried out to that erlricatlor. may be po.slble, the notice, will not be published. W.W.AHERBURYWEDS MRS. A. M. MACLEOD Pennsylvania Railroad Vice President Marries After Ru mors of Engagement. Friends of Mrs. ArmlnU Rosengnrlen MacLeod and Mr. W. W. Attcrbury weto not surprised to hear yesterday thnt they wero to be married today. There have bren persistent rumors of an engagement ever since Mrs. MacLeod obtained her divorce from Mr. .Malcolm MacLeod two jenrs ago. The wedding took place at noon nt the homo of Mrs. MacLeod, In St. Davids. It was a very quiet affair and only tho Immediate families attended. Aftor tho ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Atterbury left for the Tacldc coast on their wedding trip Mr. Atterbury is vice president in charge of operations of the Pennsylvania Railroad. He has been In the service of that company slnco 15S6, when ho en tered tho Altoona shops as an apprentice. He was born at New Albany, Ind., on January 31, 1868. HIb grandfather was Lewis Attcrbury and his grandmother Catherine Boudlnot, niece of Ellas Bou dlnot, at one time president of the Con tinental Congress. Ho was graduated from Yale before taking up railroad work. From 1889 to 1S02 ho served na assistant road foreman of engines on various divisions of the rennslvanla sjstem. On October 26, 1S36, he was appointed superintendent of motive power of the lines east of Pittsburgh and Erie, and on October 1, 1901, made general superintendent of motive power. After serving as general manager of the lines east of Pittsburgh from 1D03 to 1509, ho was elevated to the vice presidency. Mr. Atterbury is a member of the Rlt tenhouse Club, the Union League of Phil adelphia, the Union League of New York, the Duquesne Club of Pittsburgh, the Maryland Club of Baltimore and the Met ropolitan Club of Washington. He also Is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Society of Civil Engineers. Mrs. Atterbury Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Harry B. Rosengarten. She has three children by her flrst marriage, Eliz abeth MacLeod. Malcolm MacLeod, Jr.. and Harry R. MacLeod. She U a sister of Mrs Lewis Nellson, and her brothers are Adolph Rosengarten, G-eorga Rosen garten, Fritz Rosengarten and Joseph Rosengarten, Jr. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Known the world over as "the best baking powder " Royal Baking Powder contains no alum. It is made frpm pure cream of tartar, which is derived from grapes. Hencq, it assures wholesome and appetizing food, free from all adulterants that may go with would-be substitutes. Royal Baking Powder Is Used by Mrs. Carroll, the Lecturer in the Evening Ledger Cooking School at Horticultural Hall, THE wedding of Miss Mildred Thorpe and Mr. Frederick Stanley Whlttaker will take place this afternoon, at 4 o'clock. The ceremony will be per formed In the home of tho brldo nt Devon, tho Rev. Andrew Mutch oftlclnt lug. The bride will be given In marriage by her brother. Mr. Hnrren Thorpe, and will be attended by her little niece, Miss Theodora Thorpe, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Warren Thorpe, of New rork, as flower nlrl. Afr wi.ii.aI.... ..ih i..... 1.1. u ..... .....nuno, ll.ll IIUVC HID brother, Mr John Hammann Whlttaker, us oesi man Tho bride Will Vfnr nn Avmil.ll nMM .... .... ua'.uictiiv e,f.'i of white satin and duchess lace, finished with n. rourt train Her ell will be of tulle held In phco by a coronet made ot Iho duchess lace, nnd she will carry a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley ih" little flower girl will wear a simple frock of white lingerie, with pink ribbons, and will carry an old-fashioned bouquet 0 ,.,FW.e?.",Mrt roe" A. small reception will rollow the ceremony, after which Mr nnd Mrs Whlttaker will lenve on an extrude, wedding trip, and on their re turn will remain In Devon for the summer. HALnY-SHANAHAN. A very nulet weddlnc .ni.ni..i yesterday Mien Miss Eileen C. Shanahan. mugmGr oi .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shnna hnh. of M7l rwHAn .-.... ......... .... bride of Dr James H. Haley, son of the .u or, r. j. nniey. of 3733 Market street. The couple were married by the Rev. James C. Monahon at St. James' Church, Chestnut street and 3Sth street, In tho morning nt 8:30 o'clock. Among those present nt the reception were Mr. and Mrs Thomas Daley. Mr nnd Mrs, John Daley, Mr. Michael M. Sullivan, Mr. Paul Connelly, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Haley, Dr. P. J. Haley. Jr., Mr. and Mrs Michael MncGownn. Mr. nnd Mrs Wil liam. Hennessey, Sir. nnd Mrs. John Clark. Miss Ellen McOownn, Miss Grate McGownn, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Taylor, Mr John Hughes, Miss Mary Hughes. Miss Margaret Hughes, Mr. Peter Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McDermott, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Mulcahv, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Orlftln, Sirs. Catherine Hartncv. Mr. and Sirs. Samuel Mnson, Sir. nnd Sirs John Kelly, Sir. and Sirs John Far nan. Miss Anna Fnrnnn, Mr. Hugh Fnr nan, Mr. Patrick Farnnn, Mr Charles Fnrnnn, Mr. and Mrs. James Stnrtln. Miss Agnes Stnrtln. Sir. John Martin, Sir. Jo seph Mnrtln. Silas SInry Martin, Miss Phllomena Martin, Sir. and Mrs. John Farley, Miss Anna Horton, Sir. nnd Sirs. G L Mitchell, Sirs. Michael Conor, Miss Lillian Connor, Sir Harry Connor. Mr William Connor, Sir. Thomas Connor, Sir Leonard Connor, Mr and Mrs. Wil liam Connor, Mr, Prank Steeple, Miss Cn-a Steeple, Miss Emma Steeple. Mr. Harry Steeple. Mr. William Steeple nnd Miss Anna Steeple. After the reception the couple left for Honnnke, Vn , whero thev will spend their honeymoon. Returning, they will reside at their new home,' 2J3 South Al den street, West Philadelphia. LOFLAND-WALKKn. Tho marriage of Miss Sine Elizabeth Walker, daughter of Sir. and Sirs Joseph R. Walker, ot 225 South 46th street, to .Mr William J. B. Lnfland, took place Inst evening at 8 o'clock nt tho homo of the bride's parents. The Rev. George Hubert T-op, rector of the Church of the Holy Apostles, oinclntcd. The bride was at tended by her sister. SIlss Edith Vance Walker, as maid of honor, and M'ss Ada Currey as bridesmaid. Miss Bus runston and SIlss Eula Ylnnrnrd as ribbon boarers. The brldo wore a gown of soft white duchess Fiitln trimmed with duchess laco with a court train Her long tullo veil was caught with orangn blossoms and she canted a bouquet of bride's rosos and lilies of tho valley The maid of honor wns gowned In butT-colnretl crepe de chine nnd carried sunburst roses, whllo the bridesmaid was In palo pink pompauour sine carrying pink rosebuds. Sir Clifford Stretch acted ns beat man nnd the ushers wero Mr. Joseph runston nnd Sir. Bayard Vineyard. Following tho ceremony a reception was held, after which Sir. and Sirs Lofland left for their wedding trip. Upon their return they will live nt 223 South 46th street. PETERMAN-GRUVER. Sir. nnd Sirs. Charles Henry Gruier an nounce the marriage of their daughter. Miss Pearl Clruver, to Mr R Manley Pcterman, which took place al their home, 561 East Leverlnglon avenue. Rox borough, last evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. and Sirs P a t e r m a n after their wedding trip will reside at the home of the bride s parents, where they will be at homo after July 1. SHEETS-CHAMBERS Announeem.n. I m,r. a. .k m. ! s.i-. .r.u'w"",.'.;"!"' " .......... . .,... lq ncnucn tnamoers, aaugn tcr of Mr. and Sirs, Albert Wlnthrop Ford, of Norwood, and Mr. George Bheels yesterday. The ceremony took plaee In tho First Baptist Church, 17th and flan eom streets, at 7:30, the Rev, Dr, O H. Ferris officiating. A reception for the Immediate families followed at the home of the bride's aunt, Sirs, a HSrIn Wes- Sftlfl. Sttl.1: T?lfir.r,rtA HWAH..A ..- W..I..I. , .. . ....iiba imviiuci aft. ci ...iiii tho couplo left on their wedding trip, and uh men- reiurn wm d at noma Thurs days In Soptember at 85 Knowles avenue, Glcnolden, Pa. At the wedding of Miss Alice Burns nroinlley. daughter of Sir and 'Sirs. James Bromlley of "Allrene Hall," Frankforl, and Sir. William John Coghlan, of New ark, N. J., on Saturday, June 28. Mrs. Lclghlon L Dorey nnd Mrs. William Chester Yorkes will bo matrons of honor; while the best man will be Dr. Jasper Coghlnn, brother of the bridegroom, and the ushers will Include Sir, Walter Bromlley. Mr. B. S. Poor, Sir. Lelgh'ton Dorey, ond Sir. Walter P. Coghlan. Announcement Is made of the marriage of Miss Hanna Gertrude Bchwanfcld and Mr N. Louis Bhnten, on Sunday. Juno 6. at the homo of the bride. 3203 West Montgomery nvenue. The ceremony waa performed by Rabbi Slarvln Nathan, after which tho young couple left on their wedding trip, nnd on their return will re side In Easton, Pa, "WRATS DOING TONIGHT ?" Commenrnnent, Cnllei. at Pharmacy, Acao-em- of Music S o'clock ' ,-,,.:n'Vi,!'.,,V.ll.w".r'1 'oung M,n' nepubllcan Huh. Ifot.l MaJ.ailc: 7 o'clock. ..,!n.r.K".nl,,lon rnflln, Democratlo Club. 1SW Walnut urcet, 8 o'clock. Homeopathic County Mciicnl Hoclety, Hahne nmiin 1'nll.Bii: 8 o'clock. ' Municipal IlanJ concert, lVrney Post. Bus qu.rtanna avenue and 0th .treat, IT.. Manarunlc Hoard ot Trade, Manayunki I 0 clock. Iee. Commercial Etching directors, nouns: 8 o clock tancaiter Avenue and JCd Street Du.lneia Men. l.an.don avenue ant! Kd .treat; 8 o clock. Free Haddington uoaid of Trade, Cllrard avenue and IWth itroct, R o'clock. Free. Ormantown Improvement Association: 8 o clock. rco. Locan Improvement League, Proad street and Windrlm avenue 8 o'clock, Fr. Orartuatlon Frankfnrrt Hoanltal nurses, Nortb Frankford llaptl.t Church. H o'clock. SUFFRAGE EVENTS TODAY woman SL'FrnAan rARTT. S p. m. Suffraire ma..-meellnr at the Whir ton Mreet Methodltt KnLcopal Church. 31th and Cntharlne atreet.. Sneakers. MIbs Ade.lli I'ntter nnd Georac O. Swam. Mrs. Harriet Lowers at the orsan. S If. p ni.-Opcn-alr meeting at 40lh Ureal and t-ancaaler aienue. Mra. II. C Powell In Lhnrfie. ti p m -Mlsa Mars Wln.or .penka borore lha Artleuna' Mutual 1'iotectlve Order, 3US0 Lan caster avenue EQUAL FRANCHISE SOCIETY", Noon Ml.a Anna McCue addres.ea emnlovas at the A) era blanket mlll-v 3d and Cumber land streeta. Noon Ojen-alr meeting at .Tld atreet and Woodland avenue r);aker, Mies Denhi Sap. ovtta. Noon Ml.a E.tcllo Rua.etl addreaae. rm- Elojca of the Philadelphia Electric Storms attery Company, 18th street and Allexbcny avenue. ft p m. Mlsa Uerthi Banovlta apcaka before the Hebrew Literary xocfety, under the au apices of the United Waist nnd Oreaamak.ra' Ornanlratlon 8 p m. Mni, Donjan. wife of a former ploslclan to tho Sultan of Turkey, speaks at a aufrracg m.etlnK nt the re.ldence of Mr. Ada HUT, 722 Bpruca street. H.r aubi.ct I "Condltlona of Life Among- Turkl.h Women and In the Harem." Mra A. M. Sweat and Mr j. Curtis Waser-Smlth In charge. Ms. Una" open to the public. NAZATIETJI. PA. uuWUU.WtUft 1 Nazareth Hall Military School Takes the parent's place for boya from eight to sixteen years. One of the oldest Boarding Schools for Bojs In America. Established In 1765. Send for Catalogue; you will be pleased. Rev. S. J. Blum, D.D. Prin., NAZARETH, PA. HAnnisiiuno, pa. Harrisburg Academy- A country school founded ITS. Modern huUdlaaa. large campue Advantage of mill ctlsi and Individual Instruction. Thorough codec preparation Rates 1400 tbOO. SupervIsM athletics aWparat. actum for yovirow boys. We Invlta cloawt Invea tlaatlon a personal tlslt If poa.lWe. Wrlta for our catalogue and plana of new dat mltory, Addre.a AIITHCII E. 1IHOWN. H. A., Headmaster FRIENDS' CENTRAL SCHOOL SYSTEM for BOYS and GIRLS FROM KINDERGARTEN TO COLLEGE Separata Department, for boys and girls la the High School School of this ay.tem located l.llh & Race m. .I.'tli & Lancaster A v.. 17th A Glrard Ave. Greene A School Lane. CHn. WltlTK FOtt BOOK OF FltlBXDa SY8TBU WM. ELMER BARRETT. SUPT. t&TH AND RACE STS.. VlIILA TRENCH FREE INSTRUCTION, GERMAN Rook SO Centa SPANISH No toih.r expense. ITALIAN I No obligation. FOSTER SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES 1600 Chestnut St. FRIENDS' SELECT SCHOOL HOYS HO .V tetli St. GIRLS All grade.. Write for catalogue LKWISnURO, PA. Bucknell University 1915 Summer Courses Begin June 22d For bulletin of Information writs WALTER S. WILCOX Registrar LEWISBURG, P;A. CIIAMIIERSbl'ItO, PA. WYNNKViOOD. PA. COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL FOB 1IOY8" Will own September 13th oa a alia Ideally sltuataofer school purposes, one-ball mil. I com Wysaawaod Station Bo. up until u 1MB ' X ag will be admitted 0a. uaiiuii. alwwan and eight acre of ground. KeTTOlbiou JleU. A.D. 11.11., llaad Sla.ter, 8110 Na.aboe Street. Cbeetnut Hill, Peao. .ILLKNTOHN. PA. "TLLaWTOWK PRWARATOBY SCHOOL Btimrrt- geisltw epeaa Jua 1M Preaafea bora fir ldti eoUeaaa and ualvMattlee. Jflgb. rtiid.. lSi3al dr?t oc younger bof.Ktw auueuve ..j. vii, S3S aaganan. a. as., j .- $.ati taleg Freak L WB6T CHB6TBB. PA. NORMAL SCHOOL. lge-UW r year a M STATE s Bath yHiura prie Bexea. STAUNTON. VA. Sitiy Beldwte gwaiaajg. ataaaten, Va. Lo XT aSaneavloab VlUy al Vlrsleia. Ualuroaued cltiuete. modern apawrWHteata. T.jnJoderai. Puui ma eater ay tW Ciai. Wm X. C. Weaeaat, psSetavaT PEt rojcirfiiirrjnfDJDirjflWD ti. .schooi. SB JN HALL SCHOOL tun uiuui Located la lb beautiful Cumberl.nd Valley Collet. Preparatory Modern Laagvag aad Special Cstusea Cenlfl cale PrivllegM Room, with w'vat. aaik Hotel Gladetoaa, AtlaMle City. X J, occupied by school during- May each year Work continue wltbeut ia t.rruitlon. Rates, tMO For catalog lJ CV.. addrea PRANK S UAG1LL A M PrlaUpal IMfaaWIWsBlgajrasigxaBja ULA1K8TOWN. N. J. BLAIR ACADEMY FOR BOYS IM.aor oa-Bunj.; Ukc. iBatal., A jgjrrtrKrt afi.Vp'rV BALTIMOKE. UP. Affordby Normal bchoul J.'.'lS plouia The lTth Seaeion olna Sepi tt Couth HUiaWr Pria IW daertet . Blt M4 UI1T. VA. UNDEN HALL MINARY r UirU. ata-HM. IUll AaiaWa tl.UUvjjF. h