Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 10, 1915, Final, Page 7, Image 7

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.i1 . .. j .
flw Thrilling lavemuves of a Primevttl Man
unu, un tuner ican uirl
ton"- "' Dy LT
. . . i. k .. t Mi-finrcp uomuany,
S . .mMtaMltr1i
ciiaptuu -r: -
" k k ago that sentence would have
. A wc .... ,itiitt. now It depressed
ma her w"" """
(" ilh.l she hn never mei uiu
i She wish"' ii , h , v . seen
r8f4 WW orrv .. - -
R, 0,,, forest Koa ' hJ ouhli
mM. before the, cabin the day
H w return from mo juhkii:,
fc f if nil? .Sned by Tarzan of the Apes
. - j bo tms new ''
! wn -another of the wild denizens or
KStbl" forest what might he not do
fc W t'lm ",5-, Vnke up." she cried
I T'Sike me so Irritable, sleeping
, rou maKO..."1.8.'" . nerfcctlv
lhe f f TeU,;yorld is filled with sorrow."
& M?" screamed Esmeralda, sit-
j Tic,""lt.VhIti am it now7 a nippo
?Un up.. What an Mgg j
nrouai ,da lher6 lg notlilng.
"Konsnse. Efmera. . cnouRh
"li1 but jou aro Infinitely worse
f itke." bul What's de matter
nA8'ni, honey. D"i actg sorter
few '" ji"7niiiB.ted d s obcninv
J&ir Seralda. I'm Just plain ugly
?1i -said the girl. "Don't pay any
IdiilsM. f'L .that's a dear."
"S?1 iS h6M now you-all go right
"rf' Yo" nerves an. all on aldge.
!V, if all deso rlpotamusea an' man
Kf nluMS nut Marso Philander been
?f"r.V,r. -hm.t-laws. It ami no wonuer
; -.i rvous prosecution
i ! tV,rtr crossed the little room.
1 ??. Poli!T kissing the faithful old
luck chMk, bid Esmeralda good-nlght.
brother men.
when d'Arnot regained consciousness,
fc. found himself lying upon n. bed of
tolt ferns and grasses beneath a little
A-shaped shttsr of boughs.
At hli feet an opening looked out upon
. trecn sward, and at a little distance
Jyond u the dense wall of Junglo and
'"l" was very lamo and soro and weak.
ndia full consciousness returned ho felt
the sharp torture of many cruel wounds,
and the dull aching of every bono and
" 1 i v,i hodv- as a result of the
SSu beating ho had received.
P Sen the turning of his head caused
I Mm auch excruciating agony that he lay
,U11 with closed eyes for a long time.
'"' tit tried to piece out the details of his
hi ndtenture prior to the time he lost con
s' icloumcss to see If they would explain
vj hli present whereabouts he wondered If
fj he were among menus ur .u,
-,, it i.nsth he recollected the whole
hideous scene at the stake, and finally
recalled the strange uhlto figure In whose
arma he had sunk Into oblivion
D'Arnot wondered what fate lay In
itore for him now. He could neither see
nor hear any signs of Hfo about him.
1 The Incessant num oi me jungie me
rustling of millions of -leaves, the buzz
of IngcctB, the voices of the birds and
monkeys-seemed blended Into a strangely
ioothlng purr, as though he lay opart,
i fir from the mjilad life whose sounds
i came to him only n3 a blurred echo.
At length he fell In n quiet slumber,
sordid he awake again until afternoon.
', Once mora he experienced the strange
JL lenso of utter bewilderment that had
B marked his earlier awakening, but soon
. w he recalled the recent past, and looking
through the opening at his feet ho saw
i the figure of a man squatting on his
i haunches
& c The broad, muscular back was turned
r toward him. but. tanned thouch It was.
d'Arnot saw that It was the back of a
white man, and he thanked his God.
The Frenchman called faintly. The
nan turned, and, rising, came toward the
shelter. His face was very handsome
the handsomest, thought d'Arnot, that he
had ecr seen.
Stooping, he crawled Into the shelter
healde the wounded officer, and placed a
cifol hand upon his forehead
D'Arnot spoke to him In French, but
the man only shook his head sadly, It
B Then D'Arnot tiled English, but still
ins man snuoit nis neau Italian, Spanish
, nu uerman orouent similar d tcourace-
D'Arnot knew a few words o Nor
wegian, Russian. Greek, unit nlsn limi
ILi fettering of the language of ono of the
"mi v-oasi negro triDes the man denied
tnm all
After ftrnmlnln, TVAvrm, .... hh u.
man left the shelter and disappeared. In
half an hour ho was back with fruit nnd
a hollow gourd-like vegetable filled with
D'Arnot drank and ate n little He
aa aurprlsed that ho had no fever.
Again he tried to Lonverse with his
range nurse, but the attempt was use
Suddenly the man hastened from the
Livi only to return a few minutes later
wn several pieces of bark and wonder
M wonders a lead pencil,
Squatting beside D'Arnot he wrote for
Vr v . on the smoo'h Inner surface of
Kan. the" hB h8nded " to thB
briSot as aB'onl8hed to see, In plain
Eih: cnaracters. message in Eng-
W' v"'ai? Tarzan of the Anes. Who nr
r iv. n you rea1 tnla language?"
t .,"rr.not seized the pencil then he
if i..iFp,,.Th.ta strange man wroto Eng-
h? "tI!;, enJ'y ne was on Englishman.
P I iMv I? D'Arnot, "I read English.
IB tintu, "I""' we may talk.
JP htV.n! m? tnank yu for all that you
in "" ion for me."
,. JntenTn.u0n,r snook hls neai and
fL ?,.? I?. the Penc mid the bark.
KiriTn,iiieu. crled- D'Arnot. if you
f-S Was." then that ou can-
P Uw minwL'" n "asn u came to '"
L r .M a mu'e. posslby a deaf mute.
1 l ". "rnOt Wrote a. musaaire nn th.
A " " English.
3 taw of v Ar""i lieutenant in tne
I ftu h-ancei x ,han,t ou H" what
biii t-"a in r' j. . . 1 .
tut iiT. J Jr me- you nave 8aved
May 1 :.n a" that have Is yours.
Eniilsh n how u ,a 'hat one who writes
"'sn does not speak It?"
trt,?,;8odePI." n"ed D'Arn0t WUh Stl"
S trlbeJSf. nly ,ne language of my
J hk' .-J .l apes, who were Ker
I TantoV .lnd ,B llttle of hp languages of
t-' IM or 8 el!ghant. an Numa. the lion.
f . t,j u liter rnitrn nf ih iimota i
W mu. ' "VVUh a human being I have
m Itr bv ., "' ejtcePt onc with Jase Por-
I fvTj? written words."
S-Mlirown ,tharl ,,V(1 UP" ear a
8 ith . ,mar who had never spoken
i rlte. at 8Uch a n could read and
H "tD? nl? a8al11 at Tarzan's message-.
ff CS."f w"h Jans Porter." That
m rrtd in.n ll Kn f" who bad been
&Arnnt A?"1 cr''mnee4 to dawn
' lTPen!li 4 Wr0-
rto'of",th hI pPl 'n he cabin of
"uTi. ' ,he Apes."
Thlnni dd tnenT Where was ibsT
SJ.'fPPWtd to her?"
" ta tv..dad- She wa taken hy
ihlm w away trom Terkoas and
73 be could harro hr.
litfThi".6111' l am
ArJ, Ap-lBlaWy Bgfet.r."
nt "i8!?, h la saft jMUn dm to
s" will INI wfalW '
t. rt Wtan ,ou ar, ei 1 thail
r JJ ba.k ta u, ,..i. '
"" """V 0s D Arnot toy upon U
bed nf ortr -...
would die nml l,c knew Hi lie
h? henn5anot !? ,,,m' Ue o""cd
31o called T,r' 0,,,?ht, of ll llPlor
rtmu 1ll ho uj ,,nm1,. lm1lcnUl hy
1'ntran had foirl.V ,' N1(r"?' nml wl'e"
D'Arnot wrote. d the lmr,t nnd ,,";t,
them nh$ fti ,TrLWPU n,,d ,cnd
you may (ak M )i, a "'ess"Bc that
follow you" thcm' a,,d lhcy IH
JrrM0k "'S ,,rnd n"" 'X"S the
bui1 ihadc,nr1(!:1ort v?2r nrst day:
often in 1 1.! 1110 great npes come
here won X, "I"1 " ,hty fm
nere;) wounded and alone, they would kill
Tarrn1!hsrt'; te,,10", ln dc!lrl.itn. nnd
' S Z r---n!lsS
fff a? w .t r lchoU:veu,reIcnf:
ops'rt's ;:c
one of those that commons attack whles
in he jungles of Africa, nnd either kill
Two dnjs nftcr, D'Amot was totterlim
about the amphitheatre, TirTnn's stro 5
TnevbSUtl I'"" 1?'t"n '..m from fa, n
trln nJ K nta1 ,no """do of a great
iw ,u rat.z," f0UmI BOme smooth bark
that they mljtht conierse v
D Arnot wroto tho nrst message:
tii 111 Ttt l ,d0 ,0 repay u for "ll
that you have done for me?"
And Tnrzaii, In repl :
"Teach me lo speak the language of
nd so D'Ainot commenced at once,
pointing out fnmlllar objects ami repeat
ing their names In Trench, for he
thought that It would bo easier to teach
this man his own language, since he un
derstood It himself best of all
It meant nothing to Tnrznn, of course,
for he could not toll ono language from
another, so when he pointed to the word
man which In, had pi luted upon a piece
of bark he teamed from D'Arnot that It
was pronounud homme, and In the same
way he was taught lo pronounce ape,
singe, and tree, nibre
He was a most eager student, and In
An Unusual Story of Unusual People
Begins in the Evening Ledger
on Saturday
two moi dayi had mastered so much
French that ho could speak little sen
tences such ns- "That Is a tree, ' "this
Is grass," "I am hungry," nnd tho like,
bul D'Arnot found that It was difficult
to teach him tho French construction
upon a foundation of English.
Tho Frenchman wrote little lessons for
him In Ensl'sli nnd had Tarzan repeat
theni In French, but as a literal transla
tion was usually veiy poor French Tar
zan was ofU'n contused.
D'Arnot icallzcd nDv mat he had made
a mistake, out f. seemed too late to go
back and do it all over again and force
Turzan to unlearn all that he had learned,
especially is they wcro rapidly approach
ing a point where they would be able to
On the third day after the feverbroke
Tarzan wrote a message asking D'Arnot
If he felt i,trong enough to bo carried
back to the cabin Tarzan was as anx
ious to go a"s D'Arnot, for he longed to
see Jane Porter again.
It had been 1 nrd for him to icmaln with
the Trenchmai all theso days for that
very reason, end that ho had unselfishly
rfnn. on nnkn mhro glowingly for his
nobility of character than oven did his
rescuing 01 ine '"'
Mbonga'o clutches.
D'Arnot, only too willing to attempt the
JdUrney, wroto: -
"But you cannot carry me all the dis
tance through this tangled forest.
Tarzan laughed.
"MalB oul," he said, and D Arnot
laughed alo-td to hear the phrase that he
ussd so often ede from Tarzan's tongue
So they let out. D'Arnot marveling as
had ClaMon and Jane Porter at the won
drous strength and agility of the ape-
mjlld-afternoon brought them to the
clearing, and as Tarzan dropped to earth
from the branches of the last tree h s
heart leaped and bounded against hU
ribs in anticipation of seeing Jane Porter
ENooneawasn'ln sight without the cabin,
and D'Arnot was perplexed to note that
neither the cruiser nor the Arrow was at
anchor In the bay.
An atmosphere of loneliness pervadej
the spot, which caught suddenly at both
men an they strode toward the cabin
Neither spoke, yet both knew before
they opened the closed door what they
would nnd beyond.
Tarzan lifted the latch and pushed the
great door ln upon Its wooden hinges. It
was as they had feared. The cabin was
The men turned and looked at one an
other, D'Arnot knew that his people
thought him dead, but Tarzan though
only of the woman who had kissed him
In love and now had fled from him while
. , carvlnir one of her people.
A great bitterness rose In his heart.
Ho would go away, far Into the Jungle
and join his tribe, Never would he see
one of his own kind again; nor could ha
bear the thought of returning to the
cabin. He would leave that forever be
hind him with the great hopes he had
nursed there of finding his own race and
Vtnenmlng a man among men
And the Frenchman? D'Arnot? What
of htm? He could get along as Tarzan
had Tarzan did not want to see him
more. He wanted to get away from
everything Jbat might remind him of
JTaJ Tarzan stood upon the threshold,
brooding. D'Arnot had entered the cabin.
Many comforts he saw that had been
left behind. He recognized numerous
artleles from the crulser-a camp oven,
wine kitchen utensils, a rifle and many
rounds of ammunition, canned foods,
blankets, two ehalre nnd a cot-and se
eral two and periodicals, mostly
TThey wust Intend returning," thought
D'Arnot. . ....... t
He walked over to the table that John
Clayton had built so many years before
to serve a a deek, and on It lie saw
two notea a,Mre4 to Tarzan oi the
One wa in a. tron- masculine hand
nd M unhealed The other, In a. woo
to s hand, we sealed
"Here are two me for you, Tar- ,
zan of tnt Ao. ' -rte4 D'Arnot, turnja
toward the door; but his companion wan
not there.
D'Arnot walked lo the door and looked
out Tarzan was nowhere In sight He
catted aloud, but there was no response.
"Mon Dleu!" exclaimed D'Arnot "he
has left me. I feel It. He has gone
back Into his Jungle and left me here
And llien he remembered the look on
Tarran's face when they had discovered
that the cabin was empty such a look
as the hilntcr sees In the ejes of the
wounded Vteer he has wantonly brought
The mnn had been hard hit D'Arnot
realized It now but why? He could not
The Frenchman looked about him The
loneliness nnd the horror of the place
commenced to get on his nerves already
weakened by the ordeal of suffering nnd
sickness ho hnd passed through.
To be left here alone bpslde thh awful
Jungle ner to hear a human voice or
sen a human face In constant dread of
savnge beasts and moro terribly savage
men a pley to solitude and hopelessness
It wni nwful.
And far to the east Tarran of the Apes
wni speeding through the middle terrace
back to his tribe Never had he traeled
with such reckless ipeod. He felt that
he was running away from himself that
oy nuruing tnrough tho forest like a
frightened squirrel he was escaping from
his own thoughts Hut no matter how
fast he went he found them always with
He passed aboe the sinuous body of
Snbor, the lioness, going In the oppoMte
direction, townrd the cabin, thought Tnr
znn What could d'Arnot do ngnlnst Sabor
or If tlolgnnl, the gorilla, should come
upon him oi Xuma, the lion, or cruel
Tnr7an paused In his flight
' What nro 5011, Tnrzan?" he asked
aloud. "An ape or a man?
"tf 5011 nro an npo. you will do as the
apes would do leave ono of your kind to
die In the Jungle If It suited ur whim
to go elsewhere.
"If you are a man, 5ou will return to
protect your kind. You will not run nwav
rrom one of our own peoplo because one
of them has run nwav from you "
D'Arnot closed the cabin door. He was
ery nervous Even brave men, nnd
d'Arnot was a brave man, are sometimes
frightened by solitude.
He 1 ended ono of the rifles and placed
II within ensy reach. Then he went to
tho desk and took up the unsealed letter
addressed to Tar7an.
Possibly It contained word that his peo
ple hnd but lefttho bench temporarily.
Ho felt that It Would bo no birach of
othles to rend this letter, so he took the
Inclosurc from the envelope and read
"To Tarran of the Apes
"Wo thank ou for the use of our
cabin, and are sorry that you did not
permit us the pleasure of seeing ind
thanking out In person
"We have harmed nothing, but have
left mnny things for vou which mny add
to jour comfort nnd safetj here In jour
lonely home.
"If you know the strange white man
who saved our lives so many times, and
brought us food, and If you can con
verse with him, thank him, also, for his
"We sail within the hour, never to re
turn: but we wish you nnd that olher
Jungle friend to know that we shall al
waja thank jou for what jou did for
strangers on our shore, and that we
should have done infinitely more to re
ward jou both had jou given us the op
portunity. "Very respectfully,
" 'Never to return,' " muttered D'Arnot,
and threw himself face downward upon
the cot.
An hour later he started up, listening
Something was at the door trying to
D'Arnot reached for the loaded rlfln and
placed It to his shoulder.
Dusk was falling, and the Interior of
the cabin was ery dark; but the man
could see the latch moving from its place
Ho felt hla hair rising upon his scalp
Oently tho door opened until a thin
crack showed something standing Just
D'Arnot sighted along the blue barret
at the crack of the door and then he
pulled the trigger.
Club to Enlarge Quarters and Wants
Next National Convention,
Plans for the enlargement of the Poor
Richard Club, so as to Include the ad
joining houses, 241 South Camac street,
and plans for sending a large delegation
of Phlladelphlans to the annual conven
tion of the Associated Advertising Clubs
of the World, which will be held In Chi
cago next week, were adopted at the
weekly luncheon at the club today. A
large part of the membership was
Herbert S. Houston, of New York, a
member of the Executive Committee of
the Association, who was to have ad
dressed the meeting, was unable to at
tend, gantzatlon at the convention.
A determined effort will be made to
bring the 1916 convention to Philadel
phia. If this Is done the buildings at
the University of Pennsylvania, which
have been offered for use, will probably
be the headquarters of the convention.
It will be the first time In the history
of this country that an Institution of
learning and a, purely business organi
zation have co-operated In such a matter.
More than 300 members of the club have
already signified their intention to attend
the natonal convention in Chicago this
Special Trains and Private Car Parties.
A serial of rtmirkabla tours under per
sonal eaeort.
all at CALlirOHNIA, Including- TWO EX.
From 2a to 68 days. Incluilv ratei. 1J0
and up. Through Pullman Standard, Sleep-
ril.ln. nil n.waB fara
yrMiunt stona. ineludtnr I
beat Hotels.
Write tor "TRAVEL TOURS'
HIS Walnut St., Philadelphia.
Bejel MU Twjn-Seiw Geared Turbine
CiuucroaU,Juao ll.5yoi'ruicJ!U,Juna iijim
Vox rtUea Md fun (Uitleulara auDlx t
J. J. UiGRATU, 181ft Watmit SU
KOUI. TAiLOR ft CO.. 83 Vfalcat 6.
Or Aa &eal Axcct.
Boat From India Docks Here
After Dodging Typhoons and
BulletsCrew Gives Trouble
Brimful of excitement was the 67-day
Vojage of" the British steamship Mansurl,
which arrived here today from Calcutta
Ma Colombo, Suex and Oran The vessel
brought In a large cargo of atuable
East Indian merchandise. Dodging ty
phoons In the Indian Ocean and Turks'
bullets In the Sues Canal and a fuss with
members of the Chinese crew were a few
of the events that prevented the vojnge
from becoming one of absolute monotony
Shortly after leaving Colombo the
steamship ran Into a fierce tropical ty
phoon, which was prevented from making
a wreck of the craft by the expert navi
gation on the part of the officers.
Behind and bags on the bridge the of
ficers directed tho course of tho vessel
when passing through the Suez. On tin
shores Turk snipers kept up a continuous
fire, but tho Intrenchments of the ship's
otllccrs were Impregnable
May 22 the superstitious Chinese in
the crew beheld the strnnge hnlos around
the sun and became pnnlc-strlckcti They
refused to work and Insisted on standing
and gazing Into the sky In nn nued
manner or In prostrating themselves on
the decks while the rent the air with
weird Incantations
When Chief Engineer "Bill" Murrav
tried to convince the Chinese by the use
of "moral lunslon" that their presence
wns Imperative In the flrerooni. ho win
attacked bj I.lng Fung The cclestl.il
rushed at his chief with a knife Things
looked bad for Murray when the unet
pectcd Interference of Captain Turner
prevented bloodshed The captain hnd
only a few sceontls In which to net after
he took In the situation lie established
a new record ln running from the bridge
to tho deck, according to his subordinates
and knocked the knife from Ling Tung's
Tho Chinaman was placed In Irons
He's repentant now, however, nnd will
not be prosecuted unless he shows
further evidence of nn ugly disposition
Proceeds, $100, Anonymous Benefac
tor Gives for Belgian Relief.
Here Is a true story of how a riilhi
delphlan has responded to the plight of
famlne-strlckcn Belgium It tells of a
gift of ?100. enough to Imj sufficient food
to prolong the life of live Belgians for 40
A few months ngo a middle-aged mill
walked Into tho office of the Ienn)I
vanla State Committee for Relief In Bel
gium In tho Real Kstnte Trust Building.
Ho handed Miss Kllen Cnssldy, who was
in charge of the ortlcc. n crisp S10 nolo
"Just a little contribution now," ho
said, "I will drop In ngnln, soon, nnd give
a llttle more."
Today he entered the olTIco and laid
100 In blllH .111 the iIpkU
"I invested a little money which I ex
pected to jleld riu prollt." ho upl.iliicil
"1 Intended giving It for tho relief of
Belgians. But the Investment turned out
Just twice as successful ns I thought lt
would nnd so I glvo the $100."
He refused to give his name.
Temple Business Students Finish
Store than one thousand relatives nnd
friends of the 120 graduates of Temple
University business courses witnessed the
exercises last night In tho college hnll.
Broad nnd Berks Btreets There are S5
girls nmong the graduates. Addresses
were made by Clyde M. Tobo, president
of the class. Vice President Florence P.
Cornman, Secretary Charles Nase, Jr.,
and Treasurer Roy F. Krabcr.
Occupying; un nllro block of orean front n4
connAteJ with the fnmoni Doantnalk In
the popular Chclira aeetlon, capaclt) 100,
unusually large, cool roo-ns wltn unobstructed
view of the ocean from all. every appoint
ment and comfort, aea and frcah wl,r In all
bathe, runnlnr water tn rooms, 400C ft of
porches aurround the hotel the row dlnlnc
room overlooks tho aea, tlneat culalne and
white aervlca, orchestra of aololata, danclni
twice dtlly, social diversions, magntniAnt
new Palm lounge, 1S alngle room rkly:
booklet mailed auto meets trnlna manaca
ment hy nwnera JOHN C nopsLCR MBr
Atlantic City, New Jersey
The Leeds Company
Leading Illgh-Clasa Moderate-Rate Hotel
AI RFMARI F Virginia av. nr Bch Cap.
AUacmAKUC 350 Eiator,privatebath.,
etc ; excellent table June rate, $10 up
wkly.; 2 up dally. Dklt. J P. COPE.
Only Boardwalk hotel. K. A. TO UNO. Mar
Bar Harbor, Me.
Bar Harbor, Maine
Open July 1 to Sept.
L.C.IVIUOH, JIgr, Hotel Lenoi, lloiton
Cbebeague, Ma.
Bedford Springs(Pa.) Hold and Baths
Spend your happleet, neaitnieti summer at
thla alluring reaort. Eatata of 3000 acrea In
the moat attractive section of the Alia'
gheny Mountains MAONEellA WAtBII
that rivals that of Marlenbad and Carlabad
Every outdoor and Indoor dlveralon every
convenience Now open for automobile
tourlata. formal opening June ISth.
U. E. DEMI8, Manager,
Tho hotel with th Incomparable situation,
2800 feet above th aea, on the .summit of
the Alleghanlea Golf, tennis, beating awl
5h. floeat of freah water bathing, etactrle
lights, atearo heat, etc AUw bungalowa wilt,
ieal at Inn. For booklet and terms ad
dress WILLIAM WOOLS, Manager. ,
toat'r, bata'g. flah'r. Tennl. Bklt. O.M Carl
Delaware Mi Uap.Te. i
Naar Button and rlvar Bxeallut
ti mm1' tlma Wt C Howard
Jlarshall'a Creak, Fa.
xMsest. BoekitL Ji HVSriUK Pre.
Mrs. Rebecca Webb Holmes, Mother of Two Boys, One of Them
in-High School, Modest in Discussion of
Prospective Honor.
When the Joung men and women who
put In four jenrs of more or less hanl
study at Swarthmoro College step for
ward lo take their bachelors' shccpsklnt
nt lommencement next week, a woman
who began her college work with the
class of 1SS9 will be sitting somewhere on
the platform waiting for tho "It's" to ho
cnlled That K unless Mrs Itcbccca
Webb Holmes, the mother of two boys,
who Is the belated graduate. Is overcome
by modesty nnd decides to wait for a
quieter moment before becoming n certi
fied Ilachelor of Arts.
It Is Ukels that Mrs Holmes will wait
"All this publicity," which enveloped hct
when someone learned sho would grndu
ate with the clnss of I9tt this vcar, has
reduced Mrs Holmes to nn almost Im
penetrable seoluslvcncss Ilesldcs bcllU
the mother of two bojs, one of them In
high school. Mrs, Holmes Is the wife of
Professor Jesse Holmes, of the chair of
nibllcnl Literature and Philosophy nt
Swarthmoro, nnd mnlnlnlns nn active
Interest In woman suffrage rurthrrmoro,
sho keeps house
"Another nevvspnper mnn," Mrs. Holmes
exclaimed, npprnrlng on the vernnda of
her home on College row, within sight of
the Rwarthmoro enmpus
"Well, I don't know whnt the) all see
ln mv graduation. Imagine coming nil
tho way out here tn nsk nbout It" Sho
choso a chnlr, quieted "Tcddv Holmes,"
the fox terrier, who greets lsltors with
n loud harking, which Is much worse than
hltt bite, Mrs Holmes declares, nnd pre
pared to be Interviewed
"I know just what ou vvnnt," sho ns
serted anticipating questions nnd recit
ing rapidly:
"I nm in graduate with the class of
lDtr, I stnrted with the class of '89 I
live here with my husband, I)r Jesse
Holmes. He Is professor of Hlhllcnl llter
nlure nnd philosophy. I have two sons
The eldest Is Herman, 15 Ilobert, tho
hunger. Is 13 cnrs old Herman Is In
High School I did not find graduating
erj hard work "
"There," sho said, smiling. "I hope
j on know nil nbout me nnd the gradu
ation " She rocked contentedly, and
Teddy Holmes, the fox terrier, standing
In the sun, wagged his tall nnd grinned,
tlog fashion "1 think I'll go on with mv
mending," said Mrs Holmes, nnd lifted
some work from a canvas pnri.li swliu
ne.irhy Ilccs snooped over tho ornnda
rail and settled, droning, In a (lower hot
beside the swing. Hut Mrs Holmes was
Intirrupted again
"Old 1 keep it schedule nnd studv o
many hours In tho cvonlng nnd send the
bos off to school before I went to col
lege nnd all thaf" she asked "I am
sorry to say I did not I had onl two
hours n dny In class, nnd theie was only
one morning a week when I hnd to leave
before tho bos I don't see how ou inn
possibly work up a schedule that t fol
lowed. It rcall was very oas work.
There Isn't nn thing to make a fuss
"I studied biblical literature, es. bib
lit," the students call It, with my husband,
and 1 had a course In public speaking
with Or Fnul M t'euison Of couise,
I was In m husbands class Did I ever
Hunk when he asked me question In class?
No, 1 did not I nluujH knew my lesson "
Mis. Holmes stitched steadily as she
nnswercd, and locked In lier chair, while
Tedd Holmes snapped at Mies
"You guessed lt," she said to another
IH rw ill mt I M $' W
MB JOf MS .9f IB -JST U tm BLf arm S JB?jmJUr M in
gBb saaaaaeaw aawaflaW gfflr VKakaMle' Vasaw gg aaaaaaaeesb &aa Wa&aW iIot tSSSS aaasr aaafiahev saavasaBBBB?
Common Sense For
Former Governor of Kansas
WHAT'S the Matter With Our Legislatures? is the ques
tion asked and answered by Former Governor Hodges.
In compact, vigorous fashion he sums up the case of his peo
ple against the average State Legislature, with its notorious
incompetence, its prodigal extravagance, its ill-considered,-slap-dash
legislation and all the shortcomings of the system
based on the fallacy that mistakes mere numbers for democ
racy. Mr. Hodges believes in one House and a small one at that;
well-trained, well-paid legislators and a Governor shorn of
the veto power. He would concentrate power in a few
strong, capable hands and would require of them efficiency,
economy and common sense.
Other Features in this Number
A Dispensation, by Will Payne; Contraband of War,
bv Constance Skinner; The Sick and Sorry House, by Mary
Roberts Rinehart; Over the Bar, a new Matt Peasley yarn,
by Peter B. Kyne; The Great Terror, a timelv paper on the
German Spy System, by Melville D, Post; The Brute, by
Edward Mott Woolley, and an important article on China's
boycott of Japan, by Samuel G, Blythe,
Five Cents of all Newsdealers and Post Boys
iiiriTrinnnini i i r
10. 1915.
1889 TO GET
quest on. -I nm a suffragist I am vice
president of the Swarthmore Equal
that" LcSR,le ' 'orRot to mention
"Here," she called, rousing Teddy from
n br ef nap lit the sun "Come here while
i ask ou-a question."
The dog moved lazily over and stood ex.
"NoW." SAM Mr, ItMt, ...til...!...
him firmly, 'Teddy Holmes, which would
mi rat.ier be, a dead dog or an antl?"
Teddy Holmes considered a moment.
Then verj deliberately he lowered him
self lO tllfi Door. PlirlnH un kl nan,. ..1
closed his ejes Uut ho neglected to keep
bis till quiet
Mrs. Holmes smiled admiration and
P'ttcd tho suffrage dog. Then she an
swered ono more question.
"Did the students ever 'horse' mo or
joko because 1 was In their class?" s"rte
"You can bo Very sure they did noth
ing of the kind Had )ou forgotten that
my husband Is a professor?"
Talking Machine Compnny Employe
Exposed in Alleged $1000 Steal.
An envelope that did not match the
stationer) of a bnnk led to the arrest
today of Milton I, Morse, II venra old,
of 1212 South Md street, who Is accused
of forgery and of being a fugitive from
justlre. He was arrested by Detectives
William Drown nnd Joseph Coognn nnd
was held by Mnglstrnto Beaton to an alt
requisition from Camden, where he Is
Morse, who was private secretary to
Kugrne T Keefer, of the Victor Talking
Machine Company, was discharged about
six weeks ago. when Keefer was on n
vacation One of his last acts, It was tes
tified, was to mall to his emplocr u stnte
ment from a bank, using nn envelope
which did not correspond to the style
generallv used b tho bunk Investigation
showed that the statement had been
"Juggled" and that moro than $1000 had
Ikoii forged on chciks of small nmounts
The Girl Who Had No God
The Biggest Story Ever
Written by
Begin Saturday, June 12,
in the
One Cent.
Will Not Be Required lo Pans
Test in Seeking Promotion to
Higher Grades.
Teacher In the public schools of this
city will not be required to submit to ex
amination to procure trorriAllon
Announcement to that effect wag made
today by Simon drat, vice preeldent of
the Hoard of education, lo remove the
fears of thousands of young Instructor
that their satlsfaclrr work In the schools
could not bo used hereafter as a means
of obtaining higher positions The word
of Mr. Oral Is accepted as authorita
live, because he Is chairman of the Com
mltteo on Normal School and Qualifies-
nun ui xeacners, wnicn lias Jurisdiction
In auch matters.
An amendment to the school code, de
scribed as a "civil service act," wag
drafted upon direction of Governor Brum
baugh and pasted by the Legislature lev
eral weeks ago. 1 1 was feared that thl
amendment would change the statue
of teachers now working In the public
school system with a view of promotion
Elevation of men and women Instructors
to Higher grades Is tjesed upon the Work
actually accomplished" by the teachero
It was believed the amendment would be
so Interpreted that faithful service would
no longer be accented as a renann tnr urn.
motion and that whenever an instructor
might be desirous of teaching a higher
grado he or stie would be subjected to
competitive test,
Accordingly, the Philadelphia Teacher'
Association opposed tho passage of the
bill, and Senator Patton, of this city,
vclced theJr objections In the upper,
branch of the Legislature. Senator Vara
supported tho measure because lt was
fathered by the Governor, But the bill
was referred to the Committee on Ettuca
Hon, of which no Phlladelphlan Is a mem
ber, and It was passed.
Vacation? Make
It Colorado
This Year
Have you ever felt the thrill of the
mountains, that deep mysterious some
thing that comes from n wide sweep
of plains nnd mountain tops, that In
describable fooling that overwhelms
ou, when jou see the glorious and
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of the Rockies for the first time?
It's there for every one ln Colorado
and to get there In greatest comfort
there's the nock Island's famous
"Rocky Mountain Limited," a modern
train providing every comfortand con.
venlence only one night out between
Chlcngo and Colorado. Other fast trains
dally from Chicago and St. Louis. Au
tomatic block nlgnnls Finest modern
all-steel equipment Superb dining car
Low fares for round trip dally, June
1st to September 30th, only 130 from
Chicago; .'5 from St. Louis.
Only direct line between the enst and
both Denver and Colorado Springs.
"Write, phone or drop In at our
Travel Bureau for our booklets and
folders on Colorado, hotels and board
ing houses ln Colorado, Little Journey
In Colorado, etc. 101!) Chestnut SU
Philadelphia, Pa. H. M. Brown, D. P. aH
Phone: Walnut 121. '