mfiimmfmii .vm 6 EVENING LEDGER-PnTLADKLPniA, THURSDAY, JTTNE 10. 1015, i n THOUSANDS OF TEMPTING OVEN DAINTIES DISPLAYED IN EVENING LEDGER CONTEST i . - - ... - Judges, Headed by Mrs. Blankenburg, Begin Examination of Bread, Cookies and Cakes Prepared by Children Seeking Prizes in Competition at Horticultural Hall. inhibit Open to Public Friday and Saturday Mrs. Carroll, Expert, Continues Lec tures and Demonstration, in Which Interest Grows. LA GIOVANM D'ARCO ITALMA CONQUISTA UN INTERO VELLAGGIO , If you think cooking likely to become -, lost aft, have a look at the UvmriNa -IBWBn oooklnv conlMt entries at Hortl i (.cultural Hull, llroad street below Locust You will several thousand loavei of ''J'bread, sponge cake, blseultn and cookie. bakl by Philadelphia's future homo t wl and presented In the content which will go down In the annala of cdoklng I comcsis ns one or tno biggest events of t lt kind ever conducted here. ltortlciiltural Hall nag crowded with "Children from 9 o'clock jenterday morn- ' Ing Until 7 o'clock last night. When the . (.time, for the presentation of entries cloied It seemed next to Impamlble that such a "'(Treat number of children could compete ,Sn ?ne t-nnteit - The Judging of the entrlea slnrH at 10 " o clock this morning, ami It la probablo "that It will require the greater pftrl 0f . tho day to complete he task Mrs. Anna t A. Carroll, tho cooking expert, lecturer and demonstrator, will go her usual 'I'CtUre at 2 30 o'clock this afternoon Tho public Is iniltcd to hear this lecture, and If tho Judging Is completed to have n look " at the' great niray of entries EXHIBIT Pit I DAY AND 8ATUHDAY. The entries arc sure to bo on display to tho entire public nil day Krlday and Saturday. Tho closing lecturo of Mrs vnrruua course win bo delivered on Sat urday, when she will speak to tho chll dren entered In tho contest and girls of J the cooking schools. A special treat Is being arranged for the children for that nfternoon This will bo announced tomorrow In connection with the lecture to children the nnnounce- rtlsinf lull! 1... . m .' w iue or inp winners of Hismmiiii i HIBMII'I m wM,. & W.'HI 'Z i V A tit 'VJ rt. ' mmm r."&3HHIr iT3 i 1 HI I KAaBsSt ' , m K . - MjHK ' M' n. tnra if ' 'V't? :jiLUMmaim,'i'. '"' "?-iASMiim a t ' -j. u. 4 WiA t-.; -M aaailiTirsjasn.ssssssssssssssssjTr ' . . CM al n i-m ?2M& i 7 'nm 'tm jnracjBH i mmmm v laiBb. g!-l li.t II tr !! i up Knur.!? kivm Una Colonna Nemica Scon fitta a Cortina d'Am pezzo Quattrocento Austriaci Fatti Prigioni eri dalle Forze Italiane. A MODEL EFFICIENCY KITCHEN The efficiency of this kitchen is in its nrrnnccment find in its adoption of up-to-dnto contrivances which put nn end to waste of time and labor. The combination of tho lust word in gas range con struction and modern sanitary npplinnces is especially notable. The kitchen Is that of a maker of gas ranges sold in Philadelphia. ment will prizes. Mrs Carroll ul lecture this afternoon rrf Ui n,?nl!? fomorrw afternoon to tho during tho earlier part of the course, will - "V",' ? ho ltclxr '""Sin at 2 M o'clock icsterd-iy afternoon the attendance t .3. ",m0nh,nt ,arK" ,han on any pw! ' - "I!1',, " i".l that a total of more than 00 were In tho hall nt r?nR l,er lecluro yesterday Mrs ,Carrol commented upon tho advisabil ity of eervlnc flsh Sh n..ii, - SJf.PrniVB ''i"" B0 ,,,ey wl b" both -fhe u.,,rnnfln,nUtrlt,0U8- Sh0 " -r ine use of fish as one means of helping h meat yesterday was diet of sole, creolo " 5resCSlng"d hriM Chlkm "' crca HOW TO KKCP MILK , uunng tnc course of tho lecture Mrs I.. .Carroll Bave the women a special talk , on tho proper care of milk for all uses . She complimented milk denlors upon tho excellent and clean manner In which - IS"?.I.,.",rvc1 th'ao ,!ns n"l suggested tha It Is not dinicnlt to keep milk sweet during any kind of weather for at least tno day,,. So,ne one In tho audlonS jea ncr whose milk she was using. p!irtnmnk that a" wns u,lns Sup: NOTCS FHOM YnSTERDAT'S LKCTUflK Soak spinach 20 mlnutea nfn.. .-.. Ing. wash In cold water. It requires less tlmo to cook tho skin side of tho chicken than tho other. You can cook It with half the ga turned down after It starts to brown. Keep a plato just for broiling fish. Tender fish breaks i.nniii.- . .. shell from the body. Ilcmovo tho meat nnd mix with cream sauce Take out the liver, which jou will know bv tho green ish soft condition, nnd fill with tho batch or mlxturo mado for the cream siuco and cover with bread crumbs and broil under the broiling flame In lower oven for nbout 20 minutes SWEETUrtCAD PATTIES Ono pair sweetbrcadi, 1 cup cream, 3 tablespoons flour, cayonne. 3 tablespoons butter, K tablespoon silt, 1 pound mushrooms Wash and soak the sweetbreads In cold wnier 16 minutes nnd simmer gently in boiling wnter about IS minutes until tender Drain, cool In cold water nbout 16 minutes nnd break npart Wash tho mushrooms, rcmovo tho Ktems and throw them Into a colander Put butter In a anuccpnn, plnce In oven with cover on nnd steam IB minutes. Make cream sauce of butter, flour and cream and add sweotbreadi and mushrooms Servo In patty cups CHICKEN LIVERS EN DROCHETTE Plato the livers nnd 4 slice of bacon on a skewer alternately. Place in pan, onsie with a llttlo butter and bako or bioll nbout 10 minutes. PINEAPPLE SALAD-Soak H envelope Baker gelatine In W cup cold water 5 minutes Dlssolvo In 1 cup boiling water, add 1-3 cup sugar, Juice of 1 lemon nnd 4 cup plnenpplo Julco Set away In a cold place When It begins to thicken, add ll3 cups diced pineapple nnd 2 table spoons chopped wnlnuts Mix thoroughly nnd pour Into Individual molds and chill Sorvo nve to six persons POPOVERS-Ono pint flour, 1 pint milk, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon salt. Put flour, salt und unbeaten eggs In milk. Put through a slcvo Into nnother bowl and bako nbout SO minutes This quantity will make 18 popovers Heat the oven five minutes. leave both burners going full for 15 minutes nnd finish bak ing with half heat In gns oven HOT RISCL'ITS-Threo cups flour, 1 tiihlesponn shortening, 1 cup milk, 1 tea spoon snlt, 2 tnblcspoons baking powder Hub shortening Into flour, salt nnd bak ing powder Add milk Itoll out and tut out with biscuit culler Unko In flat tin panR IS minutes In oven that has been healed five minutes. OOLD CAKE-Ono-hatf cup butter, Hi cups sugar, yolks of 0 egs, 3 cups Hour, to cup milk, 2 teaspoons baking powder, flavoring Crenm butter, surar Add well-bentcn yolks Then flour nnd milk alternately, then baking ponder and flavoring This makes a big -nke If baked In one loaf Light oven burners, turn down burner one-half nnd bako ealco JO minutes DROILED CHICKEN Place In pan about half wnv down In broiling oven with tho cut side up After tho chicken has scared or turned white, rcduco tho flame Cook 20 minutes on tho cut side and about 10 minutes nn tho Rkln nldo The judging of the entries In the cook ing contest will be done by tho following: Mrs. Rudolph Rlankenburg, chairman Mrs Charles Hlrsch, 900 Pino street, Biiffrago worker Mrs E F Rlchnrdson. Hamilton Court Mrs M. D. Hitchcock, 221 Buckingham place Mrs W. E Lee. 3I North 21th street, food expert. Miss Caroline Kntaenstcln. suffrage headquarters. 3J South 0th street. Mrs. George D rieldt. 233 South 33th street, suffrage worker. Miss Alvcrta Van Dusen, J02S Walnut airccL Mrs Albert II Trill, 127 West Spring field avenue. Chestnut Hill. Miss Elizabeth Masscy. 2153 North 21st street. Mrs. A . Eddowcs, 4032 Green street, Germanlonn. Mrs Charles LaWall, 12 Walnut street. Miss Marlon Harris Nell. 3C02 Spring Garden street. Dr. E SI. H Sloore, 1022 Clinton street Mrs. George Plersol, 4721 Chester avenue Sirs A T. rollnrd. 230 SoutlflSth street. less and w easily taken from a deep plate. . ?.. 1 Arcn:n uress ng s mado from two-thirda oil and one-thlrd vinegar ? Elf.! hl.s dresalnff can bo saved In tho A,,Imi"n2 ou a,wn5s httV8 1' on hand ' butter, cream and flour moke a fine dressing foV chicken CALLS LECTURES INVALUARLE Mrs. Lo Baron Rlefsneldcr, of 38H Chester avenue, who has attended nearly every ono of Sirs Carroll's lectures, was asked yesterday to comment She said .m.1 am "y. hnppj' to vall myself of mMh?,POr,,U.n.lty, t0 lnd0"e Mr, carroiri method, both In her use of tho can a"8', " '? "em''"rat!ons in cookery She la most practical Hr ,fi.v,T ' both delectable andUtrittouSa" w.U as attractive, and I nm ..,..'."? " ."Wlve'-T. no! hM,,.i ;- H "L '"ese lessons given through the courtesy of tha Eveniwi .DI,"!- i,aVln,r re"ty purchased a gas range for my kitchen; I hav found VaTuaWe T aV tha U" " " -valuable. I do not sea how any nn ke.pZuecrahr. ?s ini :: fl?,.? hi " ''? p buJ ho neatly bene- " " - ""'""" mesa lectures. To ho uklHn,e " Jn a.rt' and " every woman to U .hnb,Iefrd Wl,.h a horae would seS band and 'Jtf, ,""""" " to her hus! oana and children nn nr n,. matter h ni.i .' "."?. "?"' " unhapp'nes..'V.w'er'"d.o7Ubl..,9 healthier children MENU TOR THURSDAY. JUNE 10 "chuSHTn'i-i Swee"read Patties ti.. ike2 ,Uver e" Brochette Pineapple iialad. Boiled Dressing. Popovers. Hot Biscuits! MENU FOR FRIDAY. JUNE 11 Philadelphia Eggs Bechemel Sauee rv,.,,. slanli Omelet. ' Canada Bggs Egg. a U Marten. .. Wheat Mutllrw lettuce Hearts, French Dressing. niled with warm S.r I UW tho lobf tack UPPudtahf.Tn'",!,P""r h- " tta f.fM,iPUt hl "'J"1 undsr water and harn ln.iri ' u UOBLn ,ne D"" w "h narp knife Remove the, alawa and hard PHIZES FOR THE WINNERS IN DIG COOKING CONTEST sf-'i?' .a,.nS5?f',,,.1,,,l ,T?i."U.'?.1JJ br , i'lUdelpUl mnufc- ?" " '" " r" ,"u " A JUS Ooalllr Cabinet Oa Ranre. of fered bj- tb. Robert Maudrr Stoi. t.f f.''!l.,l!' Cbbt 0 Iliinr. of fered bjr (be Thomas, ltobrru, Stereasoa c"Pf" fr lb. bt bread. ,. 51 Cwk'asT Cablnrt Raosr. Ji? '"" iUIr Cabbut (las ftWjt Ha HeatKi bread. No. MARINES LEAVE CAMP FOR HISTORIC BRAND VWIXE First Brigade Vinits Famous Revolu tionary Battlefield. Twelve hundred men of the Drst Bri gade, United States Marino Corpi, left camp at the Sharpless estato near West Chester this morning and marched to the .uiiiuus uranaywmo battlefield Tho United States Marino Band of Washing ton, gave n concert there In the early afternoon, nfter which there was n base ball game played The marines, all from Leaguo Island and In command of Colonel L. W T Hiuirr, leu mo Navy Yard yesterday morning at 7 30 o'clock, went to Marcus Hook on a Pennsylvania Railroad ferry boat and then marched the 17 mii . the Sharpies, estate There camp had been prepared by the Third Signal com pany which reached tho site a day ear lier ' Sieving pictures In the open nlr were ;hh.wn 'fe mf"1 '"t night Tomorrow they will participate In tho ceremonleJ of unveiling the soldiers' and sailors' monument at West Cheater, nfter which they will engage In various war maneu- eat at on tno Sharplesu Cholera Reported In Vienna PATHS. June 10 -The Havas Agency lias received a dispatch from Sladrld saying it Is officially announced h.r ih. epldemlo of cholera has broken out in Vienna. $5000 REQUEST WILL ENDOW BED IN EPISCOPAL HOSPITAL Alice II. Richardson Set Sum Aside From ?50,000 Estate. Tho Episcopal Hospital will receive J500O from the $30,000 estate of Alice II. Rich ardson, who died May 31 at 2Cfi South ICth street Tho bequest Is to endow n free bed In memory of William H. Richardson. A nephew, Gardner II Richardson, will receive JJO00 under th rma r .v.. ...m admitted to probate today, and tha resl tluo of the property goe, to Edward P. Langley, who Is named executor. George W. Morgan. late of 3W1 North Broad street, specified a numh nr h. ?.U,S t0 relat'ves in disposing of his n .i.11' ,a ,e" lne residue to Temple Baptist Church for tho poor fund Other wills probated today Include those of John Sleraher. who left J33.000 In pri vate bequests. GUhnrt T. r,i, .e. Constance AV.Pclletler. ,10.000. 'August Haller. ,7700; Henry C Heist. $3500, nnd John A. Lehman, Sr, $2000 Personal property of Sarah E. Blga low has been appraised at JtD B2I 53 James P. Young. I,S62.E3, Anne M Slontgom ery. 33.732.13, and Sarah E. Kerr, $2109 a Jane Addams Goes to Spain P.OSIE. June 10-Jano Addams, of Chicago, who Is touring Europo In the Interests of peace, haa left for Sladrld otlcan officials gave Stlss Addams to understand that they believe tho present time Inopportune tor a peace movement ROMA 10 Glugno Starla. Abbrlanl, una glovanetta. dagll ocelli ncrl e dall'aspctto cnerglco, o la GlovnnhA d'Arco delta gucrra dcll'Italln contro ('Austria, cd a lei ro Vlttorlo Em manucle hn confcrlto oggl la modagla at vnlore milltare, per avero ella guldato I Bersagllcrl ad un assalto alia balonetto contro II vlllagglo dl Slorl, net Trentlno, sotto un fuoc-o Infernnlo dello nrtlgllerle nemlche E con la mcdaalla II ro la ha mnndnto un tclcgramma dl congrntula zlono La glovnne Maria vlveva con suo nadre. Kla' vacohlo, nel Trentlno, cd era perelo' una suddita nustrlaca Ella pcro' Bcappo dal suo vlllagglo per nrcorrcre a salutare le truppo Italiane qundo questo si avvl clnnvnno nlle tcrro Irrodonto cd a Mori dalH parte dl eud. Lo batlerlo autrlache nprlrono II fucco sugll invasorl non nppena si nccorscro dcll'nttaceo. Starla accompagnava I juirengncri r aomanno' al loro coman dnnte II permesso dl portnro nnch'essa nu itiriie, pennesso cho lo fit nccordnto Per hen otto ore ella nmnso nol plu folto della tuschla sparnndo tuttn lo volte cho lo venlva fatto e guldnndo I Her sngllcrl nttrariso lo vlo del vlllagglo e per I sentleil dl montngna. In un nttucco sul flanco dotll nustrlacl. Noll' assalto flnnlo alia, bnlonetta ella romando' dav voro una iqunJra dl Hei-B.iRllcrl clip enc clo gll nustrlacl dal vcllligglo I aoldatt rkonoscentl le tcRnlarono una unlformo complcta dl Itersagllcro Innnata ltallnna the mnnovra per at tnccare Trento dn nord-cst ha sconfltto uno rolonna nustrlaca nello vlolnanio dl Cortina d'Ampezzo o si avvlclna ora nlla clovuta forterza nustrlaca cho difendo II Posso dl Falznrcgo, ad est dl Cortina. OH ttallanl hanno preso le poslzlonl aus trlacho a Prclkonel nrendendn nl nnmlrn ancho parecchl cannon Oil Itnllanl sono ora padroni dl Slon falconc Uno furlosn battnglln e' nncorn In corso aul fronto del Hume Isonro. II Sllnlstero della Gucrrn ha pubbllcato ii ocsuraif comunicnto umclale "Le nostro truppo operantl nelle vicl nanzo dl Falznrcgo hanno combnttuto con sitccesso a 10 mlglla da Cortina d Amporzo, prendendo nl ncmlco un can nnno o molte munlzlonl La poslzlono uuoiriaca ui I'rclKopoI fu conqulstata dal nostrl mnrtedl' scorRO, quando nol fnccm mo tin centlnalo dl prlgionlerl Lungo II fronto dcll'Isonzo contlnuino I combnttl. mentl c lo nostre bntterlo bombardano lo I i 'hiziotu cue gll nustilncl nncora tcngono nrl dlntornl dl Slonto Nero Nol nbblamo preso una poslrlouo dl fronto a, que,ta, uno e siaia evncuatn dal nemico. Illtl randoal Kn austriaci hanno Insclato sul enmpo 100 mortl e GO ferltl Nello -vlrl-nnnzo dl Caporctto CO soldntl bosnlacl austriaci Imimo dlsertntn n nl sonn nm. sentntl nl nostio nLCumpamcnto Lo pcr dlte del ncmlcn sono stnto gravl xveiio giornato dl luncdl' o martedl' nol nbblnmo contlnuato con succcsso lo nostre operazlonl per cacclnre gll nus trlacl dallo poslzlonl favorevoll cho cssl occupano sulla destra dcll'Isonzo e per stablllro fortl tcsto dl ponte. "II ncmlco ha offerto tenneo rilntonTn favorito dalle condlzlonl del terreno cho rendono difficile sfondaro le llnee, avendo lo plogglc reccntl rovlnato pontl cd nlla- gnio siraue aci Dasso Isonzo. "Lo nostro truppe hanno combattulo dappartutto rol plu' grando vnloro ed hanno potuto conulstaro IhipoVtantt poslzlonl "Nol nbblamo occupoto Slonfalcone II fuoco dello i.ontro artlellerlo ha vlslbll mento danncjBlnto parecchlo battcrio nemlche "Nelle montacno dello roglono dl Jlonte Nero nol nbblamo preso una Importanto altura dopo che II nemico no o' atata enc- tmio uai moco uel nostrl cannonl In nltrl puntl lungo l'loonzo nol abblamo preso plu' dl 400 prlgionlerl." LA GRANDE VITTORIA. Dalle notlzle cho glungono dnl fronts dl bnttaglla si deduce cho gll Itallanl hanno guadagnato la prima grande vlttorla della mm jsuerra .Nena prima fase della grando battaglla cho Infurla tuttora nella vallata dell'Isonzo gll Itallanl hanno conqulstato II centro forrovlarlo Import antlsalmo dl Slonfalcone, quasi sulla eosta deU'Adrlatlco. La caduta dl Gorlzla, vnpltalo delta provlncia, o rltenuta ora come Imminente Nol settoro scttcntrlonale del fronto dell Isonzo. nella reglone dl Slonto Nero, un reggimento dt Bcrsagl.erl cacclo' gll austriaci da unAltum rocclosa dopn un coipbatllmento corpo a corpo alia balonet ta II nemico si dledo alia fuga IMeUndo sul terreno cento mortl ed una clnquantlna dl ferltl. II rapporlo del general Cadorna dice che le perdlto sublte dagll Itallanl eono dnf iimi montrn l nrlslonlerl nus trlacl affcrmano the II nemico ha sublto raMIIa ffrfllrl. Slonfalcone o' ft dodlel mlglla dalla frontlera Itallana cd a sedlci mlglht a nord-ovest dl Trieste La ccnqulstn. dl questft Importanto cltla' costltulsce la plu notevolo nvanzata fatta flnora dagll Itallanl In terrltorlo austrlaco dnll'lnlzlo della gucrrn T.-nin otm delle annate Italiane operantl nella vallata dell'lBonzo csegul' rattacco nnaie contro te posizioni ai .ion falcono da Ronchl, sublto dopo cho l'arllgllcrla Itallana aveva rldotto nl sllenzlo lo bntterlo nustrlacho cd aveva dlslrutlo 1 lavorl In cemento fattl nel dlntornl dflla cltta' La gunrnlglone au, trlaca. trlnccrala dentro I fortl cslernl, mmhatto' con grande valore per parccchle ore o minndo si rltlro' tllstrusse la sta2lono della ferrovla che porta a Trieste OORIBIA EVACUATA? Un telcgramma da Vienna dlco che. mentre btiono notlzlo contlnunno a venlro dalla flnlrla, lo notlzlo cho glungono ntla capltalo austrlaca dal tcatro dolla gucrrn a sud-ovest non sono punto roaeo ai dlco a Vienna che la popolazlono dl Go rlzla ha riccvuto dalle autorlta' mllltarl austrlaeho I'ordlne dl ovncunro la cltta'. Nel clrcoll vlennesl non si nascondo afTato che gll Itallanl fanno progress! lungo la linen del flume Isonzo, p si sa cho gros'l cannonl nustrlacl sono tra simrtntl a Flume, dovo si vanno raffor zando lo oporo dl fortlflcazlone qui a Roma cd In nitre cltta' deU'lta Ila b! trovano moll! rlfuglatl da Trento. Essl dlcono cho la popolazlono civile dl quclla cltta' ha rlcocuto online dl Inset- aro Tiento per tlmoro cho gll Itallntil la bombardlno Slolll edlflzll pubbllco dl quel la cltta' sono statl trasfprmatt In ospcdoll eu hanno lesato la bandlera delta Croco Itossa per cssero rlsparmlntl dal ennnonl Itnllanl L'nrcivcscovo e' vlrtualmeuto prlgtonlero nel suo pnlazzo SI dice puro che le autorlta' nusttiache stnnno pen Bandn dl cvacuaro la cltta' o cho moltl ausrtlacl ferltl sono stall Invlntl nd Innsbruck. POLICEJBSl JKBBCTOIiafl COURJ Scientists agtco that plenty of light Is good for tho constitution. So does Jack MeRoyd, To glvo practical Illustration of his Ideas, ho went nbout Itlchmond try ing to concentrate tho sun'a rays, lis carried n email mirror and a magnifying glass, which ho used according to his own whims. Whether scientists would ngrea with sreRoyd'fl system Is Irrelevant, as the residents of Richmond emphatically opposed It. When Jock saw n. woman sitting at a window ho put his glass In lino with tho sun and directed a fresh hot ray on her cheek or neck. Words could not convlnca tho scientist that he was wrong, therefore several women had lo uso rolling1 pins ana frvlnir nnnt. From his exalted Intellectual heights Jack attributed such disapproval of his views to Ignorance nnd continued his experiments until ho encountered Tat StcQrnnahnn. Pat felt a burning sensation In tho back of his neck. Ho saw MoRoyd shooting a ray on him a few feet away and throw tho box at htm. Tho scientist went down with tho box on top of him Ho was up llko a flash, nndthen McRnyd nnd Me Qrannhan waded Into each other Hut when Stcarnnahan saw Policeman Balkla windows to net n 1m ... Half a doicn women discovered iiT'"1 ers nt tho same lime Each of thm w''4 mo jionrn una mo xoungsosky k '" were awakened from their nan V, man MeCrredv. v "' man McCrcedy. Pells. He took thorn before Staclslf.iA .. ! for an explanation. As tho broft.8 in yuiinjumr, mo duuao daiii ik. """in House of Correction for ten dajs '" Sixty Electric Lamps to Be Relnc Councils' Electrical Committee tM7J approved an ordinance imuL. ."""r. location of 60 claotrlo lamps In v. sections of tho plfv tu,.. ni lamps nro on tho recrpann i. oe' foot of f!hfBlll1lf nml 1. ... . " Bircetl BATTAULIA ALLO STELVIO. A dleclmlla plcdl sul llvcllo del mnro gll Alplnl Itallanl cd 1 Cacclntorl tlrolesl sono Impegnatl In una furlosa battaglla per 11 possoiso del Passo dello Stelvlo, la plu' alta strada rotabllc doll' Europa. II fra goio dello mltragllatrlcl si odo dovo era pocho scttlmanc fa la Mecca del vlag glotorl per dlporto. fill nustrlacl si dlfcndono dletro tilncoe scavato nella roccla, mentra sll Alplnl tentano dl con qulstnro qucste poslzlonl con vtolcntl tis saltl nlla balonetto. Dallo nlturc soprastantl gll Itnllanl hanno dlstrutto una dopo l'altra le dlfcsc degll nustrlacl, facendo scmpllccmcnto rotolnro gross! massl sullo trtnceo nemlche. La scena cho si svolgo null'nlto Passo dello Stelvlo ecrtnmento sorpissa ognl nltra OH Itnllanl hnnno nvanrnto verso lo Stelvlo dalla plttorcsca Vnltelllni c combnttono per 11 posscsso dcgll altl plcchl ncvorl Nella vnlle dell'Adlgq gll Itollnnl con tlnunno a bombardaro dn lungn distanza lo poslzlonl fortlflcato austrlaeho attorno a Rovercto, dovo non o' Imnosslbllo che k! abbla un assedlo pluttosto lungo Altrovo sullo Alpl avvengono ognl glorno com bnttlmentl tra lo avnngunrdlc Gorlrla a ora sotto II fuoco del ennnonl Itnllanl. o le autorlta' mllltarl Itallano aspettano cho gll austrlaol ne escano fra pochl glornl. Con Slonfalcono nelle loro manl o con un'nltra loro colonna cho tleno la ferrovla a sud-est dl Grndlsca, u iiunnni nannn messo gll nustrlacl In una sltuazlono cho dlvcnta ognl glorno plu" per( olosa coming ho retreated As many complaints had been mado against SIcRoyd ho was taken to tho Front nnd Master streets stntlon "Physical sclenco will suit jou bolter," said Sfaglstrato Scott, addressing the prisoner, "and you can experiment at the House of Correction for 30 days A bed of roses Is supposed to bo con ducive to sleep Perhaps that's the re-iron thnt Abo Youngsosky and his brothor Philip lay down to rest In a floral bed fronting one of tho beautiful homes In Ovcrbrook Tho frngrance of roses nnd other flowers soon sent them to dream land, nnd their velvety couch had some thing on the most expenslvo boudotr In n. swell hotel Thcj Biiorcd contentedly until tho fair residents looked from tholr second story neaumumess assured in Fairmounl Farms IV f AY) MARRIAGE LICENSES Horace I'rlSB. Jr J-tner Johncon, I'ennlyn, I'a Talor ThnniHa V TV... inn. 'i-S,n,?M?,S.",ri'-tiAll?.d' J?" rolrmount avc M ' rn UeSieV N,V!" t"8!"""'. nnd Anna .. M' SVrTnn- 80' Capitol t Un,n. Klakowlcs, 1M) atllm et , and Mnry c minnicn J Itn a, it.. .. u luij' fy iSffTrano'rJ'VJ, " ' an" n,anch' BMfr II IJIWMnce. Ml lbourn. P. "The Ole Swimmin' Hole Accused" C. F. Moorcs says that tho greatest fiport of kidhood days doesn't mnko the best swimmers. Tho heartrending indictment appears in SUNDAY'S Sports Magazine PUBLIC LEDGER What use to be careful of the purity of your food and then drink milk perhaps from unhealthy cows? Be sure drink Fair-1 mount Farms Milk ' and know that its1 health fuhicss from tne very source is made positive by 'the tuberculin test. That it has greater rich ness, greater cleanli ness. Pure, rich, de licious, and above all, safe. Supplce milk has "a better flavor." "TL. C... l i ne ouppiee Alderney Dairy Seven Ga'd Mtdalt :' Uthel V. Charles V TruMcn, rh B Wih st I? am m flir Iifi- ui-g( mi t iiimio. ! nd ihv willing,. 6-i ,.....;""-"' ra oro- -. ......... ..n, u.j . ...uiuiiun ae dlfrman Jphannten, Jr. 291 Mancher t and Jcpnlo OlbBon, sdS N. Bth t ' Giovanni Selplont. Wilmington, Del. and Ida Lnnarl, Detention Homo ' ' nna iaa c'namVrf.,??." I"- and C"" " Tlnel Da.DbkoenVM"a TlSSTr?" Kalh" Klnrv Anriinnn Mil- ri.. ,u HI Antonio Frugoll, ' 1134 Christian t n . o .. batlna Dornlnl' nttentlon Ilnu.?' a,", Sab Alvann Itlccl, U4J Gerrltt t nmi a i. . Pslmlerl. retention IlouVe' d Ann" V Vlncenzo Paluirl. Camden N J. and ci.n nla Foriona, l)et,ntlon Iloujc. '"vnn- "v?vr .;"" -" nriiiian st.. nn,i II nl Mclantlin ir.. "" sarin Domini nini.n w ... i . - . .. '...:. ""vji liuurn Anianio ni j-iirpo. WVI fl 12th M vnnnlna Blcclottl. Detention irouae. PROUD FATHER OF NEW-BORN BABY WHIPS TWO COPS AND TWO DOCTORS Simon Stajoder Firmly Convinced There Is a Plot on Foot to Rob Him of Treasured Infant, So He Vanquishes Tor- mentorsHad Moved Into Quarantined House. BAKER'S GELATINE (PLAIN) is of superior quality and is favored by the most careful housekeepers. Try this recipe. caret ui Co. tot I ho bmt BtLuoa IS HWUU Mtwi B uhhis ik. mm Vwrnl at MllHwMi ur f Third pri. fat ...h dlrUIwi 9aur ..i2.". JE2H.." d ! ' "W.r. Kmu1hm !. """"'' -Iwaam- tmt,t Umtrw. ZsSld t! A little baby, which arrived at the home of Blmon Stajoder, 1132 North American atreet, will be assured of a strong pro tector aa long as Its father lives. Stajoder Is firmly convinced that there Is a plot among the police and physicians generally to take the baby away from mm ny way of showing his disapproval, he whipped two policemen nnd two phy sicians and he l still out of Jail ne arrival or tne babe and the Inter-J lrnc of tha authorities all at ona time l enough to send any normal man on the rampage In the opinion of Magistrate Scott, so he vvas Inclined to be lenient with the frantic fattur. The house In which 8tatvtr u ..... quarantlnad a f.w days ago, but the fam" " nmw iiu eceupiau u previously mavad out Btajod.r haPP.a4 "along the trt and, needing a house n a hurry h r-fltwl tb quarantlMd pLus, unaware Li L"" bid wUh y health au- 8taa4ar (baa workaa tkaid for a wool mt4at of tkc "vtag" tha mo, bab ir- and madlctne and putting furr-ite to BtU.r tha father au -n M 7LT .T to lell Mm he h4 vloliaj tH Uw. B.ajoder threw him euL Th dctL- WU i'ulkemen liauser and ria.v ivT rT .- . ., nwu ma- v men ha sAllad Inln ifc... urn iviei and drove thm Into i J hen a natfol mill. - ...... .i, . " PIIMU vl.?IrL,V, ""'. and attar a vtatoua I ttM. rron, and M.t7.trT. staT l I iou u ut ltantBi atwut w,, a,rtV4j !i1l"f ,'01usthol1 a"d 'he "Judge" Imme diately dlschnrged him. Tha man had barely gotten home when Dr. Joseph Markowlu arrived, and una. w"8 of Stalotler-, previous trouble, ""id him about tha quarantine. Th doctor fhTUJX y W.f th.lown out Whim he told the police they threw up their hands. Juder en ui ic aiit.i Problem of Fresh Eggs Solved See Our Booth at Horticultural Hall BONSOR Of Terminal Market Eggs only 24 hours old. Laid today sold tomorrow. Nothing finer tot Invalids and Family Trade. STRAWBERRY PI.fiAT Soak W envelope 11AKER OEI4ATINE In u p cold water: dhuniva h.".'l1'. '?.. W w.rC"irtrt"r; d"",lve tandhTa- In bo?lng H ernAddpdu,S hU.n -TOVh.'g.Uf 'J,fS until light, add the e Lbeiten white" It beat gra and nnur in ,1.. mi.." "'"' ""'" 8ay nn. B.rv. 8 to'o parson.: Coir." 23c. Jprlc. Vf'strw b.rrlea bad at 12o per quart raw. Baker's Ecnnnmionl r: t.-. Bent on rnnim.i J'upie 11 win serve. Baker, U used ,n IZS Franklin Baker Company, Philadelphia, Pa Manufacturers o( Uaker'a Premium Coconut Imperial Excelsior Gas Range "Made in Philodtlphia" This is the range selected as one of the first prizes In' the Evening Ledger's Cook. Ing Contest. It includes a box cabinet with warming closet and plate shelf. Urge baking and brqiling ovens. For sale by U. Q. their branches, and dsalsrs. and all all good bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVi6sL ! iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIH MSM ffBttl iff JB BBBaBsflScHSBBBBBBBBBBfi - -Jbh ISAAC A. SHEPPARD COMPANY ssuAucirllA, PA. ' """ rmiaaelpr JW-I :v,- -jW 'IWrMHilWBiMMI iPln linn m..a-r ..miiiiiiii ' tj s -j BSfr 7- -'4ib -E'lffifti'iBiBaKBlIHssWsBM WiiliTTiirtti n, i . 4 iffi'Z ' TEtT -iScl K "InTinFaMfcassiBssssBMasBslssaassassssBsssWsassMMM Jr " i k,3"&- '''S WTKIHsiHsWeWlsssss!fsaBsaBssssB Wjj- 5 ' I J J A Cookeasy ff for her Cookies! ; Your daughter has a M and II L . . till uwnce to get you free a fine ' i ; no- I is; , III JIB' am ai0. - llip GAS RANGE .! h -, V cc Particulars about the I t c pat Horticultural Hall Cook- L- v mg Contest in this paper. ft"' I j - 1 I F1j ff If you are moving into a new - I & -ludaB sure if will be a fir Cookeasy home-equipped with the . I U . ' ookeasy Short Cabinet 'No. 1002. I i he very latest thing in Gas Ranges. I $ I M... . IB 3BS,, r a&ffl I II HsssmMiir v'' 'rTill AmBJIiPEP 111- tr,3 I I Ha,e and Kilburn Co. U 'c I i - .t4WB rmiadelpma I a "