i n Tor --ststisj iWl-WS 1' - WSPSUf UAjJ wMit- 11 EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1915. GOVERNOR APPROVES THE ESCHEAT BILL Now Revenue Raiser Forfeits to State Property Unclaimed ' for 17 Years. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES Independent Order Odd Fellows The Board of Directors of the Employment Bureau nt lh lait mcetlnir voted the Institu tion a greit luccese and It Is now a permanent denertment of this ernnd rrnternai orner rrom feu ruary 16 to May JI II has placed Sml men In positions nt an eiier.se nr fl.to ler man plseed Tlili certainly e n commendable showing of tlw board or represntam fllllv fAf t-tlltM from thfi lurlsdletlons or call' forma nml . Jlnaathii.!ti asktnr for methods,, rules and regulations of this bureau with (he object of establishing uuirauB i.iers nate oeen recenrM. . . Tl.ero will e another meeting held tn Jul? 0. 8 p. m , at 17 Arch street, hy the dlrec tora nnd representatives and An Invltntlnn Is extended to tha parlous lodge, encampments na neoeaan looses, not memuers 01 im bureau, lo send mireeentntlves to hsnr of the Jood work an J .nance their lodges to Join the ureau for greater aucceaa Tim nfTI.'.ri nrm V.. A V Hhnnev. preal. dent: Chariot r) Hnmllton, secretary! I)udley T. Ttce, trena irers J. N i.ltchltsld, maniiKer, todrd of director. It. Itnss lai'ller. ehatrmaitl ..i i. : ..--'..." i.. -. T .. . nnrici li. Hamilton, guinea 1A. manncn, HAnmsnUHO, June JO. - Governor Brumbaugh announced lotlny that he find signed the escheat bill frnmed by At torney General Drown nnd which I one of the revenue miners pnescd by the Leg islature. The law In effect provides that all moneys, securities or other property unclaimed In the hands of any bank or other Institution engaged In the business of receiving such deposits nfter a period of 17 years shall become the property of the flute. The lnw applies to deposits of money or property received for storage or safekeeping, the dividends, profits, debts nnd Interest on debts of corpora tions, companies, banks, trust companies, Insurance companies, limited partnerships nnd partnership associations orgnnlzed under the laws of the State, except mutual saving fund societies nnd build ing nnd loan associations. lleports nro tequlrcd of all such com panies concerning moneys on deposit, and 'heavy penalties nre provided for violations. By provisions of this law the Htate lli , ,, . , , ,, , , memoer or me ooaru or uireciors or me cm- will Ret all bank deposits unclaimed for I Plnyment bureau, apoke of tlio good work the 17 years nnd all Interest or dividend pay- JT" IB'l .,. ments that have not been clnlmed for six years, but the owner of any escheated money may have the same refunded Dubois will appear In this colrmn next Thurs. day nAINMAKKTtS OP AMBIltCA Tetonka Council Installed tha oflcera of lnt Lenipe Council laat Saturday night Great Chief Ilalnmaker Lewis J. List commended Te tonka on being the first to perform tha In stallation ceremony under tha nam of Jlaln makers. Comrade Ed. MacDonald, of Tetonka Council, apoke on chanting the name of Italn- nho hare worked so faith- maker to Sunshine, lut he raid the rain In tha L.euers i "si iw wrens maae me rosea stow, ana nc niiani cave, k, a, iieru, en-nuei 11 row, I orand Thomas 8. Uonial, llcorae ft. Arhworth, uiw I MaUr. Jr.. (lenrze h. Duo. Jr.. Deillamln K I Calierlt. 6.ar (Whom. lErnrat Vnaner. Alex- I T .-. ander Me.Muin, tillllam Moorliead, Ualtcr Culp and 1' F. Conn ay Mllle t-ode conferred the Initiatory degree on (leorge W. Davis, William At. Uhlttaker, William Sword. William flotterhelsa. Charles C. Hamilton and II, F. W Parkinson. Among the visitors presont wero llrother Marshall II. Williams, of Good Samaritan Lodge, of Taunton, Mass , who made an eloquent ad dreso, Drother Tred Ilummler, of Tacony Lodge; Itrolhcra J I). Mossel and U W. Uel leu, of South Carolina Lodge, 1 (J Denner Is Mill enthusiastic about tho Odd Fellows' outing on July 21 at Wlldwood. P. O. Oeorgo Lrasrlmann, chairman of the board of stew ards, announced the anniversary uould bo lilrl nn Jnnn In V. CI (-hll1a 1. TtrAnnftn. member of the board of directors of the cm- within ten yenra by proving his claim to the State. The Governor also signed 10 other bills and vetoed five. The other bills signed wero: Supplement to net nf Sfnv m its? ..- tilatlng the practice In trlnls on actions I "rg"dy of debt Instituted under the terms of I InT .y "X" """"en, which secures to laborers within tho State benefit of tho exemp tion laws. Kegulatlng tho legal business of the Commonwealth and the employment of attorneys, nnd defining the duties of the various departments, bureaus, boards, ngents nnd commissions. Bringing the legnl business of the State entirely under tho direction of Iho Attor ney General's; department and giving that ........... .: iu ncicci an special attor neys. Making It unlawful for nttorncys, of ficers, clerks, scrvnnts and employes or persons otherwise hired to recelvo com pensation for life Insurance on the lives of their clients, pnrtners, employers, etc., nd flxlnc penalty for violation. Fixing tho salnry of Deputy Chief of the Department of Mines at J3OT0 per year. Increasing the salary of tha CMr nt n, Department of Mines from J4000 to J5O0O a year. Defining "conditional sales," regu lating the manner and form In which they may be made and providing blank form of legl contract, together with pen nltlon for violation. Bringing the soldiers of any Amerlcnn war, whether rellevod from duty or hon orably discharged, within the. meaning of the law governing tho burial of nol dlers, sailors and mnrines nt thn . pense of counties In which they die or have legal residence at time of death. Authorizing the boroughs of the Stnto to organize a Stnto association for the purpose of holding annual meetings and providing for the representation of each borough In said association. rearranging Slate highway routes In Erie, Cambria, Allegheny, Clearfield nnd other western counties. Governor Brumbaugh vetoed tho bill fixing the salaries of writ servers and process servers In the olllco of tho Sheriff In counties containing a population of more man j.iw.uuu innanitantn. He said: "The bill as passed is amended to In clude deputy sheriffs nnd clerks to deputy .. I.D. jiio mm is noi nearly as Drone ns the body of tho bill. Perhaps It was neglect. Tho bill Is pro tanto unconstitu tional and tho Increases In salaries are so widely applied as to make a serious charge upon tho taxpayers. For those reasons the bill Is not approved. He vetoed the bill authorizing permit ting municipalities owning water works, electric light, heat and power plans to lease the some with tho consent of tho Public Service Commission, because, he says. It "gives no hint as to the dis cretion to bo exercised by the commis sion. Such unlimited and absolute power In a matter so vital to the welfare of the people of a municipality ought not to be given to any commission. It more over In this particular, gives tho com mission power that Is not given in sec- ''" s na i or article E of the Publlo funo0n,."aW relaUVe t0 lta ?"" The bill amending the act of May 11. untvrVnS'nVor, the BPPlntment of county and city Inspectors of weights fhnf "?."""?' '." ve,oed " th0 around that it eliminates the protection now given by law to the Inspectors, and Is unanimously oDoosed hi- th nm.. cerned. The bill, he says, would Piac8 the Inspectors "wholly at the mercy of partisan politics." nJil!. .bi"' .d,re.SUn.sr the s,at0 Armory Board to set aside In each armory rooms 0T. ti?e !a? ot veterans of the Civil and Spanish-American wars. Is disap proved on the ground that this would necessitate the erection of special rooms a thing impossible in some Instances of accomplishment." and which would lead to contention and confusion. PORT OF PHIMDELPIIIA Vessels Arriving Today ?tr, pIi ,(?,r K Thameahaven. ballast. Charles 11. Taylor's flnn, "-.. -K'JiiQuaP.,lcot "ton. paasangera and mer tto1,'lclopineyr.Ch",, "d """' """ m?!-V l,Vn"t0.n Jacksonville, paaaengera and P..1l?.nn1'ceompi'n,y.h,nU and T-8.8b,.rn.,Te3r,ua.-ol?Wiu5 SSZiJ?""' 6UO' n".&tnf'&arPon '""" '"" Outt mfrcWduPida (Br' Ub yU Baltlmora, son Lli. Dteh), Jucaro, augar, Uun- o2vi rci"1 (Br,) 8fu' uar' a,u,y gawd i'co (Br0' 1,U1," or'' U "" AmVrlcin"iia..'DU,Cb)' R""""". ""nd- T(ed ufcnV. P"' -An,""0' """' J2Z A.,WDWgfi5lp4na,lWSe '"". Tonleht Mills will rnnf.r tits flrst desrea in full form, tho Inst time until September, unless this unusual spring weather remains Msltors always welcome Merchants' Lodge on Friday eienlng last had a largo attendance. Including setcral etrange faces. After the business session the "boys" Indulged In a lively game or "base ball" much to the amusoment of tho onlookers rb well ns the participants. The social fea tures In Merchants' tend to Increase tha In terest In tho lodge and lead to the upbuilding of Odd I'cllowship. Snrlnc flarden l,odffa was nartleularlv hon ored June 3 by an unexpected visit from piaster J r llalo Jenkins, who, tnougn man. paid this lodge a big compliment Id sametlilna worth while Other dis tant lsltors were llrother Scott, Clrand Itlvor L.onse. inornton. am . ijimoert uecKinan. Uutier Ixdge, South Ilutler, N. V., and ('. i: Von Ixmar. Toledo Ijdge, Toledo, O, There was a delegation from Ilernard Ilrown Lodge and almost an oerflow attendance of local members The Initiatory degree was conferred upon six candidates and tho work of the atnrt was high) commended by all. llrother J. L Cushlng. tho third member of the relief, haa eitrrlrlentl" recovered to leao the Methodist Hospital for his old home In Lancaster, N. Y. It Is to be hoped that Spring Unrden members will keep up their attendance for three good rensuns to support tho clnlr officers, encour age the degree team nnd benefit themselves Elm Tree Lodgo held memorial senlce last Thursdm evening In honor of the deceased brothers. Tho degree staff, under the direction of P O. A. C. Thorne, will confer the Initiatory degree on three candidates tonight The brothers are doing good work, cundldntes are rnmlnv rdilnrlv nnd fivrvthlnr notnta tn a busv summer for the degree atari, as they will do the work as long na the candldntra come In, The lodge has Just purchased a new player- Mono ana expects to ueme mucn pieaiure rom It. Kim Tree Lodge meets aery Thurs- hivlng a rose About as big as himself, he pre sented It to the chief rainmaker of Lenl ienap council. Good talks were made ty Ureal Chief Halnmaker Lewis J. List and Great Secretary Charles J Foulke and by comrades of Tetonka and Lenl Lenape Councils ,I.enl Lenapo's fife and drum band waa out with Its new uniforms for the first time. Tho band Is dnlnr remarkably well for the ahort time It has been onranlred. Lenl Lenape Council will Instal tho olflcera of Tetonka Council tomorrow evening. Foresters of America Court Passyunk, assisted by other neighbor ing courts, last week tendered n reception to Chief Hanger L. V Pilot. The Grand Rfiitlv Coiinelt wa .tt!i. represented. The remarks of the grand chief ranger wont straight to the hearts of his hearers, and pledgea were mads by all to stand by him and his administration Sen ator Richard V Farley, grand treasurer, made two very elo quent addressea. one to tho members and, later, one to nnnmimh... w1tlh t---.il. A tn securing IS applications for membership, Ursnd Secretary Comber, known and lovod by all, extended his felicitations on tho home coming of the Orand Chief Itangar, Grand Lecturor M. J, Clancy, a former deputy of Court rnssyunk, dwelt extensively on the proposed supreme funeral fund, and, aa he U mii -aperi insurance man. nis juagment can bo taken aa to the feasibility of the new fund. Deputy Orand Chief Hanger Jamea J Durnss, who holds Iho record for putting more mem tiers In the order than any other man. prom ised to add ono member to tho roll of Court standard for each one added to tho roll of Court Pass) unk. Thomaa Dohcrty, the gen eral nnanclal secretary of Court Noanammy, a former deputy of Court Passyunk, also an stirring address. Drother John Farrell, of Aortnern I.trmritca anriram- ri.li.,u ... ti.. wlru representative of tho young nnd pro greashe mombera of the order, addressed him- -j.. fni.ii, o i mo young men not members ?A.F'10 ord'r' "lvlnS many excellent reasons why every young man should seek admission 1? the- foresters of America The lecturer. Past Orand Chief Hanger John J. Oucrln, expressed himself ns deeply Indebted to IJrothnra Shultx. Tclst, Costello nnd O'Hnr.i for tho talent furnished Lntertalnmont und rifreshments follow ed. Court General Oarflcld had a big meeting and ln,a ?r,?.y,,l.wf.,co,nS to Delegates K. D. Uurka n-.-?0j!" V'."lc'. lh0 lal,cr being elected a 5lniCourt tn,.'f9..Bt ,h9 rc"u convention, Spoechcu congratulating Drother White on tho honor conferred on wero made by llrother. Oeorge Hollsworth. rVank (?annlir .i, Vtiir i,n,lcnn,.i?.e??. -lc.k.- .A committee of -- " ri"sivu iu uiiiiiko ior a. rncfinnnn in llrother White's honor with Frank t'annlng, Jr , chairman, which will Bpnro no expenae to duced and for an Interesting narration of war-time occurrences, which was thoroughly appreciated. Captain Coburn and hl Dill Corps, dressed In Continental costumes, mads a picturesque appearance as they formed a tableau around the American flag. They also acted aa ushers. The camp wishes to express Its sincere thanks to those who joined In making the occasion a success, and especially to the Presentation Committee, composed ot Brothers Sehlll, KJn kead and Knorr. Camp 810 presented with llnpresslvfl cere monies n. silk 11.1 g to the Holmesburr Presby terian Church on Sunday ovenlnr last. The (presentation speech was made by Paat Stats 1'rwldent Samuel C. Wells, who apoko in a patriotic and Inspiring manner. After the In.lnff .f ,h- "Qtae-HrMinfftAit MSttn.e1 Oi. flag was accepted "on behalf of the church by ' inn iiev vv. iwiei tfiurmj, wiiv, i uno urn.. Jind a church In Baltimore, the homo of Francis Scott Kevs. nnd waa thereforo Pre pared to tell of fnrldenta In the life of the author of "8tnr-Rpnn4led Hanner," which were new to many of the organisation, Camp Nli) has sent an example for other patrlotlo organlsatlona of Holmesburg. as this was the Jlrst time In hs history of the place that such an evont has taken place Tn ths thrlvlna manufacturlrr Inffn of Cut ler, In northern New .Jerssy. there wta In stituted on lune . William JKK mandery, xvo. ti Inlev Corn nmn.mA m ll.a. ....... iianuerf, i.. i... uiuiiiuiiuci j .jcuciiii. ..i..- mander-ln-Chlef Samuel J. MacOonagle, assist- ed by Past commander-in-cntsc unanes n. Davis, Junior Vice Commander-in-Chief Horace V. MacFadyen. Hecorder.ln-Chlef J, .Harry rumherlflnl nnd Chantaln.ln.Chtaf Walter S. Smack, performed the services of Institution and dedication. All tho applicants except two were between the ages of IB and 21i and It Is predlcteJ that hy September 1 there will be a full company of 113 men, Plans are under way for the uniforming of at least 23 ns a starter. Interesting addresses nn Ihm wnrklnra and objects of the commandery were delivered by thn commandery general officers, while ths Initiatory work was performed by a degree team from Keystone Commandery, No. 4R, Philadelphia, under the direction of Drother Ctarles II. Davis Commandsr-ln-chlef Mac Oonagle offered tho services of ths Dxecutlvs Committee to tho new commandery. Dutler business men are Interested and promise to do everything to mako the commandery a success. Camps nro making nominations for delegates to tho coming State Camp session to bo held In Heading In August. The camps of Heading and Darks County nro determined to make ths annual aesalon ths banner ovent of ths order. Heading la noiea lor lis nospnaiiiy, ana delegates aro looking forward with Interest to this con vention, Oeorge W. Dtnkc, ono of tho founders of the Patrlotlo Order Sons of America. Is dead. He tins ths Ufa Ions- friend nf ths 1st- (Ttsr. men 1. Huth, who operated the military branch of the oraer and who died last weak. For years Drother Dlako served as secretary to nlchard Wood, head of H. D. Wood A Co., Iron merchants. In which concern his father long held nn Interest. He was conspicuously Identified with the Itoxborourh Baptist Church. He was a veteran of tho civil war nnd was associated with sovernl Orand Army posts the land A few years ago for a little less .than ill 000. Senator John A. Ackley played the part ot auctioneer. Fratcrnnl Pntriotlc Americans State Vice Councilor William II. Sheneman paid a fraternal visit to lone Council, No. TJ, last Mondiy evening, and was much pleased to note the elegant condition of this council y. ftW may well bo Pud y. '? officers and nem6'n... th. the good work which tney lire ,mP"h J? S.'; entntlon of an .American flag to tho church at Lanereh last year has done much to attract (rry ravorably the attention ef tho residents of. that enter- prlslnr suburb lo the value ot this organna- on. rl.. c.-. .,. v ....-IIa- M trstftrnat visits .1.1. ... ... ..,..... .d.. M. Inn M. TtOSS. No. SMj Hamilton. No. 8 nescue, No.,J and Loyal, No. T81, for tha purpose of Inter esting (hem In the great flag Presentation to be held br Integrity CounellNo. 833. Sunday evening, Jam 10. to ths Ml. Ilermon (Methodist Episcopal Chyrn, :0th and I'orter streets All councils, guards and members will meet promptly at T.-1S at 17th and Porter streets for ths purpose ot formation. The State vice councilor earneatly desires the eo-operatlon ot the various councils, guards and members to assemble Monday evening, June 21, at Htli street and Woodland avenue, for tne purpose ot paying a. monster visnaiionio Mount Morlah Council, Nb. W0. A moat In tereatlng event and a large'Mtendanoa of mem bers, flags, guards, accompanied by music, are assurea. NAVY ASKED TO JOIN IN CELEBRATION OF "4TH" Battleships Will Probably Lie Off City Front Religious Ceremonies Planned. piano and expects to derive much from It. VAm Tree I.odce meets aver dsv night nt Hltchle's Hall, Oermantown ave- Nama. Steamships to Arrive yRHIQHT. From, ffihiX' r."": :"i:!S am; a- , . . .-. ..-...'.; v. see: H!53 " SL. ggUt tjnn .".',.. .'.'msjda m o MtswU n'finln sssvai niinaisni gsfitaaT sVsa wSSr ........ WMjiaisl jlartisilsr MllUr .' ."VncbMr II1IWWIM . .. ..tadlVBSll iCstw AMWfauta Awn o .April iu . Anrtf 41 Talbot ... Aprfi Ss ,4iay 8 -May 11 -May 1ft .l.V ......May M IT . ... .isy n HrS ...May" ...JlUM 1 .June t Jub a Jua s o iruuuMi.. " r wmamuv ..JI1B Z MilLih ZZ T nne nnd Ilrrks street. Visitors welcome. The list meeting or i orona r.ncnmpmeni was largely attended and the patriarchal degree was conferred hy tho degree staff on Brothers Ar thur S Tnrvln and Simuel II. Chestnut. On June 15 the golden rule degree will bo con ferred. The enenmpment colebrated the -5th anniversary In Ffbruory ond gave a allver pencil to all attending. Visitors are wel come General Harrison !.dge held Its annual service at the Odd Fellows' Homo on Sunday. Tho Hev. A C Schenk. pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran Church, preached the sermon. Tho music wns by tho choir of Trinity Lutheran Church, Oermantown, under the direction of Oscar U Crowcrs, chorister. The servlcea nt tho Hebekah Homo were under tho auspices of tho Dplacopal City Mia slons, and were conducted by the nov. Chnrlea B. Williams. The muaio waa hy the congre gation, under ths direction of Miss Hachel Davis organist. An address was made by President Mary A. Fngelman. These lodges, constituting the Fifth Phila delphia District, joined In holding the servlies at mo uoa l'enowa virpnanage. i-ennsyn-nla. Independence. Good Samaritan, Oriental, dusker City, Templar, AJnlon, Moyamonalns and United. The sermon wss preached by tho Itev. 1) It Appenxeller. paator of tho Flrat Keformed Church, 10th and Wallace atroets. Addresses were made by District Deputy Grand Master U O, Fergaas, who presided. Presi dent Richardson and Chairman Ilobert Love. A pleasing feature of tho aervlce was the pre senting of a handsomely framed Isrgs photo graph of lhe children ot the Home to tha managers liy Miss Lillian Parks. ansa vioia rarwen, wno was raiaea in tne Home, whero she still resides, was the recipi ent of many congrrtulatlons over her success as a pupil of the ear's claas, of which aho will lo ths valedictorian at ths commence ment, on June 22, In the Academy ot Music. Improved Order of Red Men Eyota Tribe commemorated tho fifth anni versary of Its Institution last Saturday night with a banquet at tho Rlttrnhouse Hotel. Jiemoera ana meir lamuios to the number of ICO were pres ent, and many members of Waseca, Menoken, Neahemah and Wtnnspurkstt Tribes and Lakota Council, D. ot P., at tended, and the affair was a nugo success eclipsing Kyo to's annual banquets In ths Dast. Greetings of welcome were spoken by Chair man Charles H. Darker, and an eloquent ap peal was mado by Sachem Warner P. Grlfflng. "Cyotd, Our Tribe," was covered by Chief of Itecords P. 8. William II. Eller; "lledman slilp of the Past," by Deputy Great Bachsm Walter Flxter, and "Hedmanenlp of the Prea ent," by P. 8. James L. Dougherty. An etched glass candlestick was presented to each lady as a souvenir, several solos were sung by Master Oeorge Wolts, and engaged entertainers kept every quo In good humor. One of thu unique features was a printed mock vaudeville program attached to ths regu lar program, the acta on which. It carried out by thoae on the bill, would have caused a sensation. This special show was supposed lo start at a. m., ana ona ox tne nets Diueq ths Chief of Itecords W. II, Eller as an acro bat and eontortlarlst. Those nresent knew that their etnclent chief ot records would shins as a monologue artist, but as a contortionist they Insisted on being- shown, and he failed to deliver ths goods. Mlnonk Tribe on last Friday's sleep had T. S. Lewis Cor, who haa been absent for nearly twelve months traveling and visiting the differ ent tribes In various States and towns ot the country, and gave an Interesting description of hla oxperlencea. Mlnonk Is having Its by-laws revised In order to make soma important changes and members are urged to come to tha meetings to vote upon the subject, P. 8. Ouerner, of Bapanna Tribe, was a visitor and gave a very good talk. Ha Is ths representa. tlve for his tribe at the Orand Council session at Dubois this week. Mlnonk Hay Makers elected the following officers to serve for tha ... .1. nrnnlha T ftmllli Vanll . v. . Jesse Yarnell, assistant C. II., Clyde Scnllpp! past C. II. t Edward 8. Itahn. collector of atrawa; David Hammond, ksepar ot bundles: Charles Daltcn, overseer: Harry C Upright, representative. They will bs raised to their respective ladders on tha fourth Friday of this mouth This society Is In a riourlshlnr conrii. tlon. The tribe meets at 3840 Lancaster ave- Watahtunk Trlbs, of Llarneirh, will k1t a farewell party tonight to their hustling Ssnlor Sagamors. L. i McKnlght, who la leaving for Milwaukee A report of tho Qreat Council session at - ------ --. --- -. ..... ua...lu all, raviiir; iu h.lIL,.JCwinn1ertftken fv Program or excellent tnlent will bo tngiifted This reception will take Place In hVptember and Invitations will bo extended to tho newly elected Grand Court Officers. Th nieml)mhtn rnnln Ias..i -. ts- a Ing with the award of prltos to the following brothers. Michael Shugrue, winner of first prlio. received a handsome gold watch, Frnnk Canning Jr , winner of aecond prlxe a gold Tv"h-hth5n ,ef.r', cr'Pln nnd tie claipl a acarlpln "n'1 wu"m zehndcr, niiHl1, ,!uHg'r Singer, on behalf of tho court, nfMTO?1?.1! "'? ''f1."."' To nl1 a vaconcy tn the Oannms?rH"rUb;ch '(.."."'e'"1 ee; Frank rnously alcct'eS Mlt-I",cl ShUKruo were unanl- ihre'o Fn'"nount. received tho delegates to lei?irihvM2Couirt. LVmventlon, who presented a. ?na'r.mAnv Drother Fred Justice. An Invitation n.d?'. Sr. '!'? e"llnsT or llrother Ld lCen ned' daughter was received ond on Wednes- h. ...i i rlni?., ,lrBO neiegatlon or members iin,V.VJ.J,y."1!' Court Fife and Drum Corps, under tho leadership of llrother Mlchnel Pow Tvn.i,,lrocf,ed"1 , to ,hB country residence of ,,r'r Kcntmly end enjojed a bountiful ,,p.pef. "!"l 5 concert and danco The imislo ?.?f, '"fnlshed by the court orchestra under dl- Gni"!0' ,Jrolhe.r ' 'Utter, nnd vocal selec ilons were cleverly rendered by Hrothers VV III M"l 1'oore , and Hlchnrd Klnslow, Kd. i inJ!edy' yenael Powers. Abe Torcman, nen Llndlev and others. .i1ou.r.t .J.oh.n Pku1 3on" et aside Inst Frl SK.1''nt for organising a Junior branch of Eh"'r u Mnilir tn'" brothers William ?f..,,rft' ehalr-nan; J. M Kollv, D. F. ljin '""V. Ed Vrt Hubert and Harry Hutchln r?n..i i " 'rom ,2 ,0 17 ifnTH can Jln Th0 ......... ,,l4 n,iH rnroiica- unymonn nna josepn Kaljeken Hubert. Lancaster, Ooorgo Kelly. Sii'iL'J" -n'. .'. W,'1-, Wnnl Dadum. George Stalley, Wilfred Heck and many others. Ihev PXnOCt. Id lit It-last I'll,! nliiil lin IKil, July The nembers will note that during ?p?2tfTO$S Knights of Pythins Continental Lodge Is still keeping up the good work of the Booster Committee through tho efforts of ths hustling officers. Tha rank or pago and esquire was given by the degree team to four candidates last night.' This degree start Is second to nono In tho city In per forming tho dramatic work, as hob demonstrated to many visitors on May 2il when two esquires were proven In the rank of knight. On June 2J the rank nr ltnlflit will 1, given In dramatic form on eight esquires. Nomination of officers waa made laat night. Tho brothers are urged lo keep up tho good attendanco nt Castlo Hall, 814 North Broad street. Steuben Lodge, which meets at the southeast corner of 8th street and Montgomery avenue, has boon giving the rank ot knighthood to can didates numbering from five to sight on the proper meetings during tho year. Tho mem bers arn Intetllfffnt. active vounr men Tho Infusion ot joumk blood of this calibre In duo time will make this one of the greatest work ing lodges ot this great order. The offlenrs aro of He lent and obedient to the chancellor commander, llrother Dlcksteln. whose effort, llko that of the hard-working secretary. Broth er Goldbaum, means steady progress for the lodge. Prominent brothers of various lodges aro expected and welcome at future meetings. Jr. Order United American mechanics To the fntr-crleas young man who grnduatca with the highest honors from the Northeost High School, Dlghth and Lehigh nvenue, Juno 22, will be awarded a special prlao by John It, Marlln Coun cil, .No. 20, Jr. O. U. A. M. Marlln Council haa on Its membership roll many young men who havs to strugglw without the support and aid of a father. This organiza tion realizes that under thece conditions the young man who cotiuuors tho flaht and attains should receive n special reward. resent to tno win andsome engraved Battleships stationed at the Philadelphia Navy Yard will probably participate In tho nntlonal celebration of the) Fourth of July. A committee. Including Congress man William a. Vara nnd Charles A. Am blcr, Speaker of tho Ilouso, will call on tha commandment of tho yard and ask that the ships be brought up the river on Independence Day, so that the army and navy may combine In celebrating; the bur event. Tho auraestlon of the Evbmno: Linden, that religious services be held In churches which existed during HevoIuUonnry period, has Met with the approval of their present pAstors. nn nunrfsv. .Tnlv I. tmtrlotlo services will Ths 40lh District will hold an Important b h..a in o)ji gt George' Methodist r'.nlk7ordV?rrnS?y,,,.n.?g0'.,,e.h0 Epl.pM ClTeh, 4th street above Vine. This Is tha oiucst cuuico oi u. "'"" nation In tho world, and Its pastor, the Itev. Dr. J. 3. Hughes, wilt endeavor to havo a speakor of national prominence for tho occasion Patriotic services will also be held in thn nM Tinn Rtrent Presbyterian Church. A delegation of clergymon, headed by the rtov. Dr. William M. Hunter, vis ted the committee of Councils and Invited Us M.Mv... nM,i tit!. iHstlnB-iilahed guests to attend services there. Old Christ Church and Bt. Joseph's Church aro other edifices which stood In revolutionary times. To Impress the public with the fact that a safo nnd sane celebration of the Fourth Is beat for all concerned, tho recon structed Fourth of July Committee will send out WO.000 circulars this week. They will be distributed all over tho city. Each will bear tho picture of a boy killed by fireworks. Word was received today by councils that when tho Liberty Bell reaches Boise City, Idaho, It will bo met by Governor Alexander and the State militia BOOMS MAY BE LAUNCHED Republican Banquet Tonight May Pro duco Candidates for Mayor. Mayoralty booms may bo formally launched tonight when the Itcpublloan Organization chieftains, for tho first time since City Chairman David H. Lano and David Mnrtln, of the 13th Ward, urged "harmony." will meet nt a public unc tion. They will attend tho annum ban quet of the Young Men's Republican Club of the 15th Ward, to be held In the Hotel Majestic. Addresses will bo made by Senators McNIchol and Vare. Congressman Varo, Register of Wills Shcehan, Receiver of Taxes Kendrlck, City Treasurer Mc Coach, President Judge Brown, of the Municipal Court; Coroner Knight; OBITUARIES meetln irrmnlttnrA Svaniia Mnnlii. Inst., when a prominent speaker will address ino meeting, ntats vice councilor onenemii. State Council Secretary Ford and ths various deputies will be In attendance. Excellent work Is being done In this district especially. and in tha cltv aenerallr br tho D. D. S. C. of the district, Brother Charlea W Walton, of Frank ford Council, No 170, All councils should eend delegates to the next meeting of the employment Bureau, Am erica Council, No. 30, 11th street and Columbia avenue, Friday. June 18 This movement la tound to ba a auocsaa If continued on ths sound lines suggeated at the first meeting, and It should, therefore, receive the encouragement and support of every council tn Philadelphia, Several hundred members of the order at tended the class Initiation of ths B2d District In John IU Murphy Council, No. 10. There wero 20 candidates who took ths degrees. All of the prlncloal members of the team which officiated ot Lu Lu Temple on Washington's iiirinaar mica me various positions in tno staff. All the councils of the district brought their candidates, and there were several can didates from America Council, No. DO. These were brought by Brother A. II. Goebel, who ncted ns warden Tho other officers were Elmer II. Sherwood aa councilor, V, C. Peters as vice councilor, Itobart Denslsback as Junior past councilor, Albert Kern ns conductor, William r. Mann as chaplain and V. C. Baumgard as Inside sentinel. The Diligent Guards conferred thn den- of patriotism and their military evolutions dieted praise One of tho Interesting features ot tho Initiation was the "mysterious" cabinet used by Bro. Peters In his vice councilor's charge. This cabinet wss made by Dro Peters, and prnted to be a great success. Among the not ables who gavo Informal talks were State Vice Councilor Sheneman, State Council Sec retary Ford, C. 1 Cadwallader, secretary of the Funeral Benefit Association of the United mates; jonn .uciieircy ana nis arum. District Deputy State Councilors Alrey, Bauman nnd Walton. Hcfrcahments wero servod by th host council, nnd every onp left with the satis faction that the occaalnn was one to be re membered. Tha Initiation wns pleasing nnd Instructive, nnd it Is honed that tho visitors will boom similar Initiations among tho vari ous districts ot the city. A union meeting of tho district will be held on Monday evening, July 12, at Independent Council, No. 8. northeast corner Germantown avenue and Berks atreet. Brother Bauman, who Is deputy of the district and a member of No. 8, has a surprise In store for the mem bers, and It Is hoped that each council In the district will have n Jnrga representation there, ond an Invitation Is extended In all memoers or tno orurr to come to tnis meeting. HARRY P. DARLINGTON President and Director of the Am Leather Company. Harry P. Darlington, president and rector of the Armour Leather Comt of Chicago and a native of this cl dead at his homo In Chicago. n6 stricken with heart disease while plai Mr. Darlington, who was born It, city 65 years ago, was the hnVi,. the late Joseph G. Darlington fe president of the Union Leaguna f?5 leading merchant here. n b,, business career with the old Phli..i. packing Arm of Washington Buffi Sons, and later connected with tha humblest position, ho worked his ? to chief exeoutlvo of the firm. Me n llngton served In the Civil War win. Army of the Potomac He Is 8uriT' his widow and two daughters m, Warren De Coster, of this city, 's Robert J. Wlnsmoro Robert J. Wlnsmore, 61 years eld i merly a member of the firm of RtHsJ Wlnsmore, shipping merchants. wmV? since been dissolved, died yesterdaV his apartments at 1810 Green street' i was a brother of Thomas Wlnsmor. . ond vice president of tho People's tS Company. Dr. A. Davis Wlnsmore . i! list or maiey rark, is a rolallv. V, Wlnsmoro Is survived by his iV. " two sons. The funeral acrv "e wni-i held Saturday afternoon, at tn- nl'if1 of D. H. Bo wen & Son, th street Baltimore avenuo. "" ' Richard B. Greenwood .' NEW YORK. Juno 10.-nichr,t 9. Groenwood, Assistant Corporation l sel In tho Brooklyn iZ ni" - with which he had b'sSS ??' years. Is denrt t rC"':""nf f, te-"s"a War, having eerved as a aduated and ie self in Chicago. In 1S73 h. t.; i'f Brooklyn and m,i .h.e"lui ''i naving served as a llnt...rt tho Union army. Ho v,L BradUa M tho Columbia Lnw eoi.-i :"!lM .. ::. -. una gsverr ifrn pm engaRVJ ln bu"iness fo? Brlvn08";...1" ?.. "'urn, - .mum ma inw practice! MAHHIEI) s Tllghmen, at Easton, Md ' on Juno. S'iS IN MCMOniAM j rnONALI In chorlahed and lovlnr .-!" SmVl? lCB,irrUE3 FANCI3Vtod7,All MOTHER AND BISTER? no,nln.MXM Cunningham, clerk of Qunr- tho coal Thereforo the council will June, July and Auaust tho court meets the second and fourth Friday nights All mom beis having tickets out for the neadlnj ex- IPPI curslon aro urged to mako return to tho socre C.lUrt 1 In .1.1 In p nn h..nl .1.. MM.., r Brother George T M. Taylor, a delegato to tho Supremo Court Convention ut San Frnn cle.co. of the transactions of tho arand Court Convention IIo ofTorcd a cash prlio to every member who will get 10 new members Into the court by the time he returns from Sai Francisco. Bro. Charlea F. Kelly wns made chairman of a rommltteo to arrange for a banquet to be given In honor of the election of Bro. George T. M. Taylor, and ho will communicate with ths other West Philadelphia courts to combine In honor of their suctessful members who wero elected grand court officers or sunreme reo- resentatlvrs The contest for getting In new members will close this month, and Bro. Thomas Culbcrtson Is still leading, with Bro, John Bracken running a close second. Brother Culbertson has taken an Interest tn the court lately and has signified his Intention ot going tnrougn tne ccairs. Patriotic Order Sons of America Mors than 1200 persons filled the Bethlehem Church, at Broad and Diamond atreats, on Sun day evening last and participated in a Joint patrlotlo and rellxloua aervlro connscieu witn presentation or tne cnun this on usual prelude. In which the congregation sang patrlotlo nnd religious hymns, William Weand, State socretary of ths order, In behalf ot Camp No. 320. mads tha nrBnlHAn pcecu, the formal atlon of a silk flag to rch by Camp No ita of rder. Following the nt mh! t,lJ.c.r."r J ,h Stars snd Stripe uni.mJlS'i'!'"'.. who fought gallantly hi SUr.,'.1!1'?. "W. f's-ht endure. Partloula lis recounted ths un ies and hat Its .-.!. - -: nhfls. ... i'i. iiiiim eiiuuri. I'arviouiar em- aa.. s "s1?'" tve5 tanilH IHIV ft WaiT S.tw,T'i "nd u w" Pointed out that the ih.t. ,. 2Lor" ?!S ,al"n ,nt0 b" only wnsn the honor ot the country waa at stake. The response and acceptance of tha banner S.'rdmadf0 .?rmon2 n.amb0' chairman ot"th. ?Snn n0'".'.. of ,h0 church Ths Hev. in i EaJ''.n' ,.ne P"tor. preached a sermon on "An Old Testament Patriot." The mueto Knd'S ih 5? ,th" "a","1 States Mirtn. iiand, stationed at League Island, mVJSftf a"emD'1e will not soon forget tha memorable, flag preaentatlon ceremony Veld under the auaplcss of Camp 80s In the Wis'l nomlng PresbyterUn Church. Almost hun. drod members ot the camp and from camns tn adjacent Places Joined In the service 'On. lnVi.Vbr,,,'1 "'." wal sungwltti much animation, and prayer was off.Jed' by tn" ..-...,..., WVw v..iu ui iiib cnurcn. an Imprsaslvu apeeoh presented a silk Amsrlcau The Rev. W. A. Cook In a very pleaatng iS: dr" accepted the flag ln behalf of his c5n grejatlon. Following ths "Dnole Bill?" Dur yeo. Wlsslnomlng-s "old vst," was Intro. ner on craduatlon dav n gold watch and the expression of trust that tho winner will put forth the samo energy to make hla life's battle a success as he did his battle In outh. John It Marlln Guards will havo a grand excursion to Fenton's Beach Park on thn auamshlp President on Saturday afternoon, Juno SO. This will bo the annual reunion day vi me guaius vvnen tney ana tneir xriemis vvlll meet. 'Die guards held their monthly business meotlng and aoclal June 4. Privates Albert C Hwlgiar and Albert Utll were ap pointed corporals. The Guards of John U. Armatrong Council, No. 110, are putting ths final touches on their clrllls for Inspection, which vvlll tnko placo on Juno 11. Captain Fred Hudson Is leuvlng no iiiuiio unturned to make Armatrong uuam tho beat In tho city. Benjamin Harrlaon Council, No. 01. Is or ganising a degrcs team, and expects toy early fall to have a proficient staff fully equipped. Chatham Council, No. 283, has started a membership campaign that bids fair to be successful. Sfir,nB,.cuJr Council, No. 000, presented a solid gold national representative emblem on Monday evening to National Itepresentativo John T. Wagner. I.??10.".'1 V c' ,P- Heath, accompanied by a delegation from Company A, of tho I'd Regl "J.ont. Jr. O. U. A. Jl.. volunteers of Pennsyl vania, visited lone Council, No. 705, on Mon day evening for the purpose of Interesting the member; In forming a company. Tho Colonel was cnthualaatlcally received, and tho new com pany will be known aa Company 1. Tho councils of tha city, together with the local comnanlAs of thn nA ,i,.. ",:!" -."T at Relief Council room on Sunday evening at i o'clock to attend divine aervlce and fUg Pr",fe',nh,aUT Sihi"aPcoc,c 8tre8k Methodlat Church. A very pleaalng program has been prepared by the paator and tha committee rep resenting rteltef r'nunpll Ma n """ ,,,, ,7, has destroyed the meeting place of Wllllamsport Council, No. 483. causing a heavy loss In paraphernalia anrf supplies. It will meet temporarily in the Sons of Veterans1 icllor, William Illdler, vice chancellor. 'Charles JfacOonaltl. treasurer, Eugono K. I'orter. flnan- ." .rerturr. inomna wise and Joseph 1 ox jr?cord!nif ""otory, Harry llcrgo. chaplain, rtJi!,.rBriirnol,L S,,,uctf' Alfred Day. wnr Srnii ,vl.1.llnm Flckcrshlll, Inside sentinel; Jo seph Hell, outside sentinel, Charlen Bleldhorn, trustee. Only ono candidate Is up for each ot itic, VVltll thn .Tf.ntl.n nt .!. n.AnA m. ... t?.IiJ": awretary. now held hy Thomas Wise, brother I ox was nominated by Al Lelnlnger. an!i ftOvarm "6ht I" nntlcipn.ea tJetween Wise Ii.'i.i M t."8 8'nies might Indlcato The Juno 13 eld at ,h0 n"1 meetlna". Order Independent Americans The Actlvo Workers' Association ot Chester. Montgomery, Bucks Delaware nnd Philadel phia Counties will celebrate the 11th anniver sary of tho order at Point Breeze Park next Saturday. Thero will be nn all-day fnm !.'.&lllcnlc 'n the grove, with .'COO tables which will be re served for the excluslvo uso of the members and friends of tho order. Tho program Is made up as follows: i p. m j'-ias raising on pa- .. V1.IUB, entltf COOK, vvvjy tcr Sessions; Representative A. H. Twl bill and City Committeeman John P. Col lins. Mr. Collins will preside. Tho presence of Coroner Knight nnd Heceivcr of Taxes Kendrlck, whose booms have been sounded, and of Con gressman Vare, whoso friends assert he will enter tho primaries, has caused a rush for tickets, nnd developments at tho dinner will be watched with Interest by politicians. -"-" - ". "... menii my. The seventh annual convention of the York County Association waa held in Ooldsooro last Saturday. Beautiful decorationa. oerfJci weather and hundreds of visitors from al? parti of the county mado the occaalon k big siccsss I&. bu' n;' "Vlon ot .,h morning opened "J 8:30 o clock and was attended by three dsla! gatea from each of ths 1 councils in ,h. county. Ths work of the last year in thJ county was reviewed and plans for the iominS "J.d. """'! "ndaloptsd. . AddreaseJ w'erf vi"'"' DWl" j-Tiunciior u. K. Horner. Stats lce Councilor S. a. Scott. Junior p,i S5f.I Councilor Ur. William II? Paimer! 8Ut? Sec?. n Wfc ,M' .,." "t'onil 'Chapllln C,h, Rsv, Jf. D, Lichllter, Nat onal Organixar E t S Pn,m:Ba,e.1ia,,. match, Alpha Council. No. 1, ofTronton, N. J. (champions of tho order) vs. Franclavlllo Council No. 837. Philadelphia raceP tubSri 'nn"'.!1""8 race' wheelbarrow race, tub race on tho lako. atandlnr broad Ju"Rj running Jump, 100-yard dash? "fe. iii- ?' m,- Band concert In main music pa- liL'S? (fca".nf capacity. JOOte. A special pro- gram of patriotic mualo has been arrangecl i P. m. Uress psrads and review or h First Ileglment O. of I. A. (paradorounds) Colonel William D. Single commanding" '' fougft (,pa7n,aagroud."a,Sdmad,',e. S" ,.bv9 ""'.erj and Infantry-, loooo rounds ot im jnunltlon will be used Tills spectacular dls P'ny. Promises to excel previous "tattles" to wnfch tho rsslmsnt has teen ! engaged. 'n t . . ..I, m. Addresses In band rmviiiAn Patrlotlo addresses will bo dtlhered by thi rSi'ln u.nJ..on"r. distinguished ISeslJ nnd NjlTlo"lud Wyft,", i1?."' a?mond Mac tinl , VtWHi" Si MLnlclpnl Court, Phlladelohla If??: V " '"-r? lUmse? IIouae of nepresenti iliSd Kti..1!'" Sl.a.te. Councilor. Chester. Pi ass.-jt.sa-KggM ju esassE- at ,ntina SfeenSras oApuglr .Vlu'J.'. Sl''Kay w " f""'i ot ""'a' bomb,, detonating afdMelf?fnS!;,"1 bombs-bombs and rocket, oi ass.nttSrPtt,0nSfl. ,.et.l?lec?, .r "reworks rap. tM a Vsatur. ' ' "" United states will thl'rn-rtt",,laev?i.btn mailed to all councils of vant? tTrSLn ."P District of Pennsyl vania. Councils desiring additional tickets can procure a limited number by wltlng to BSldlng!CreUnr W""am A rik- 1H3 ..Th, active Workers will meet In ths hall of Herwyn Council, No. 3 Herwyn. Pa on SSSSfrJSSSfi.'aJSul !- jffveJ liroad promised to b. I larg." cSe. The Mrflln.'T Councils will turn out In force. M m Un' The Summsrflsld Jlothodlat ISplacopal Church. Kensington, received a flag from Walter S" ewhan. Council. No. 203. list BundiyV lirry S-'..fif V BMm counclfor. mid. tn. prssentatlon address, and Blshon Thomas li ?r.e,V?,"01 " ia on beta'fi of tKTcon1: gregutlon. Walters. National Itepresentatlv.s Ctarl.i r nf,"." i' 1 .""i'i-J ""at. Representative K Noa- II. Baldwin and loth..' Th."?Vi"i"i"" afternoon was participated In by ths Bth Resl. ment. Jr. O. U. A. it.. Volunteer, of PennsyJ vanla. tho council, of ths county and tha children of Ooldaboro. At OJtT I aporoDrls.t2 exercises were held ln connection with thf i! entatlon by Goldsbcro CounolJLnNo."f53fe0,rls American flag to. tho School Board, Perseverance Council, of Vlneland. N1 t sold ths hlstarln r- iX l.ii."'iSr! If.: auction for 183,630, The council purctae'd "In upon tha soul, 21 Itespond to Evnngelist'a Appeal HEADING, pa-. Juno 10,-Twenty-four penitents, is of them members of a boys' club which attended the service ln a body, hit tho sawdust trail at last night's revival aervlce at the Stough tabernacle. There was a-noticeably small attendance despite the fact that weather conditions were favorable. As Doctor Stough made his appearance on the platform, the audi- nffni 'ldv.?r th8 chorus' cheere a"1 ap plauded him for more than five mlnutea. The evungellst preached a forceful ser mon on moral leprosy from the biblical story of the leper who won healed by tho Bavlour. Ho conuardih. i. .!."; worklnga of the disease to the ravaBes of sin unon th snni ,! or BRUMBAUGH NAMES NEW COMMISSION OF AGRICULTURE Governor Indicates Purpose nnd Du ties of New Body. HAHRISBUnG. Juno 10. Governor Brumbaugh today announced his appoint ment of the following to constitute the State Commission of Agriculture, which wilt direct the affairs of tho Department of Agriculture under a law passed by the session of tho Legislature Just ad journed: Frank S. Black, Garrett, Somerset uounty; Marvin B. Bushong, Quarryvlllc, Lancaster County; Alba J. Gllfillan, Smethport, McKean County; Henry T. Moon, Morrisvlllc, Bucks County; Maurice T. Phillips, Fomeroy, Chester County; L. B. Seton, Rome, Bradford County, and H. V. "White, Bloomsburg, Columbia County. "John Mulr Trail" in Sierras SACRAMENTO, Cal. June 10.-aovernor Johnson has signed the bill passed by the California Legislature, appropriating J10 000 for the construction of a trail In the high Sierra region connecting Yosemite National Park with Mt. "Whitney and vicinity, to be known as "The John Mulr Trail' in honor of the late John Mulr. who performed nn inestimable service In making known to the world the wonders u mo muumuins or. uaurornlo. Funeral of Mrs. Mary It. Maxwell The funeral of Mrs. Mary Itlttenhouse Maxwell, widow of John D. Mtw.ii prominent hotel proprietor of this city, was held today from her home, 60S Ger mantown nvenue. She died Monday at the General Wayne Hotel, Germantown ave nue and Manhelm street, a landmark of ?AaVOJU,IoJlarr War' one ot 'h states held by her husband. Mrs. Maxwell was one of the oldest members of the Trinity Lutheran Church of Germantown. Inter ment took place in Hood's Cemetery WORTHY OF A MASTER Ult I'lNANCE! Let your small change buy a million-dollar organi zatlpn's promise! Make "the Artisans" a little quarterly payment and: at once re ceive the Order's Certificate t0n?? the famlly SiOOO or $2000 at your 'death. Sim pie, brilliant, easily possible and comprehensive. OOK. - On June 7, 101B, at aien norV m i EDYTHB BRAtVsON beloved As ,fi Charles O. Conlr nn .in ..-iT.J .. .?."' "d Nellie O. Keys.r, in h2th ye'ij." ISnfn n niaay mo'ns, Juno l" atlt ?n?h0ck.' at. h.er Pfents' residence, Tu "Ji 10th st. Interment private. -ioru DOHEHTV. On Juno 8. 101(5 nnn' DOHEnTV. Itelatlvcs and frien?A,B if vlted to attend tho funeral, on sSbhi.SJt v,V 5i..?i'J0.S..c'ock. from her late rssldiSS a? in,., 1. "A.V H'mn ItcQUIsm aiti 1W South 18th st.' y oi. Patrick's terment nrivnta JJONPB-0n iU1?a 101B' CHAMJ3 t. junta, ayod 8 years. Relatives frit nds, also Courtland Saundef. Po", In.,? A' .P" mPloy of U, S. Custom lit spectors. the l'cu and Pencli club, and tS rnernb, of Washlnston Camrl ail, P. 0J 2:-.' A" BrS lnv"ed to attenU the fantnd services on Saturday, at 2 o'clock at ths residence of his son, Thos. n. Jones sS Os-den street. Interment at FemwSS'csS from 8 to o. may Frldar ,m$ LESTEIt. On June OIOIB, JOHN LESTER.' husband of tho lata Elizabeth Lester? li l3 Mst year. Relatives and friends are lasltij to attend tho funeral services on Frldu evcnlntT. nt 8 o'clock preclaely, at Ills uu residence, 4011 Uarlnj st. Interment prints at Mt. Vernon Cemetery. -" BJcCONOSlV. On June 8. 1813. FHANCIJ CALDER. son of Paul L. and Anna R. Ifc. Conomy, as;ed 1 year 8 months, at his eiri enta' residence, B07 N. 21st St. Intermentlt Lancaster. Pa. M,FJSlIAsrn June . . JOSEPH UENEDICT, son of John and ths lats KUn" both Melxhan, nged 24 leara. IlelatlTts nd friends are Invited to attend the funeral, ta Saturdav mnrti n. n. n.tn HAt..i. .:' ' ... father's residence. Limekiln pike' and Mu ?v,,.t&n?aV"vn' ..BolJmn nequlem Mm it Immaculate Conception Church, at 10 o'clock 4iivctiiiciib a., iio.v wtiijieurai uemeicrv. O'CONNOKV On Juno 8. 101S, MICBAB, husband of Ilridirot O'Connor, aged 61 jttrS ,.cu,c. aim ...onus nro WVlICtl tO 1ISW1QI remains at his lats residence. S2S8 Nonh llii street, on Thursday evening. Interment t p Id Cemetery, Mount Carrael, ri, w BUS,EJ?il'i?Iy' on J""' 8. . and Olivia Scheetz, of Doylestown. Ftminl ssrvlcee will be hold at his late reslilsnc, IS Last Court St.. Doylestonn, on Saturday fnw. noon. 12vh Inst., at 11 o'clock, to which tts relatives and frfsnds are Invited without to ther notice. Interment prhate. WALSIIOn Juno 8. 101S. HUBERT It, "" .", ".iu . ona Annie v. wsha, W6?. J? yt,2rl' ,naWv ""d friends, sS Visitation Bchool children, are respecumu lnviten ro attend the funeral, on Saturiu ...u, ,.,.., i o.ou, jrom nis parents' resiaioo, ll1.?",,ttLhJfh Bve- Solemn Requiem llus at the Church of tho Visitation, at 10 o'clocl -...e..Mciiv fc .inw v.ainearai tstiJ li i'i.ij-JXI... .a.lU 1 V I I. NO. 10-THE GEOMETRIC KIDS-MA ClKCLIj MEETS CY'S FRIENDS WITHOUT Wm. II. Itocap's "The Lightweight Situation" Or the why and wherefore of who's who and what's what in this interesting ring tan gle. Sea what Rocap says in SUNDAY'S Sports Magazine PUBLIC LEDGER AN INTRODUCTION Ml faa Xfitt Antonio .JjbS; es ...Jus a JBM1 4 Mmm IftaflsXHH if Steamships to Leave PAbflENOER oi NapKS Wat. tsanssr. UaHsv Waiirtmtsr ' Jtitsitt "1 ii i i Wsx . i " -...! RA.STUS SAID .T uS uitS va f,Cur I JAT JAlU iM-STl-TU-SruiN. XM.'V S 5SM 6CftS effS Ndl tt.. Wg Outers Rg-TRIB-U-SHUN lv w LrB"ftW.P8S?J fbe FEAsr WHEN RHOMBOID SMASHED rUS iWBW U?S t ClftCLB HSARD hua 8ATlH. Ml .,. TT7!" .THAfAg H0Wfe 55 CU1B MA WA4 STARTLED TMH T PlrlP Vf SlTTlNr, Ctv ruo nrna.C ". itlfc ITUATiOM. !uraa'rJBsWnis8II coMcerieo JVTw WWRX FABtE