-.- I 0 EVENINrf LEI)ftER-rniLAT)KT,PTTTA TIITT RHDAY, JUNE 10, 1915. !miRbSIHWBD INCREASE Of' 102,354 TwSbWSm p& MOVED qP; msusJ jNcwrorU. ud sai- I LAkHupIrTor rT7T7rTr7r7; - ! nr- - - mn tT --JH1IC SiUUViiUMl, JIARKET OVERSOLD qtiecialties nnd Coppers id on Swing to Higher Ter- Sory. t . ff ynic, Juno lO.-DlsrcRnrdlnir, ....... n leant, the strained V.i.l relations, tho trading elo I ..v ave mora attention to the il today" . ,imnn n th. . juiiuoi"- .,.Ma nf a rnenrd.urenk- .fy-ine p"""-"" -- , ,: , , ... rrOO. a Million nounr lurcign toialMie for tho fiscal year and the " t abundance of moncy-wlth Lm that prices wero marked Up all f" .... ...fit. eneatmi nn flir, ' ..IliiUhm fartirtf trl (tin nrl. WP c?.nA"Th smalt floatln lot Blocks, Indicating very plainly ",y1 warfcet was In an extremely . technical position ana nble to Lfhard knocks. That unfavorable Una ""'"..,.., Iinvi. n n ' . .iiarniititrtl. was shown ...'i:. in thn tradlnir yesterday . fJiaUllj ,,.. . U.MlnfU 11t..nrt i. the realBnaiiou u. '"' .,... W .,.if a temporary setback, ro- Emftrfl from tho cleaning out of Jv. Mounts than sclllm? by Beared u w. lh tnnrUpf todnv wax .1 oversold condition,, buylnrr orders S1 times MM much lorser -an tie W'ti lhrn was nctlvo bidding and r.Ve shoved up easily. K.: wnrne the custom of Into on I upward movement for the war spe litis to lead the way to the higher illdrv. and this was not uovmieu iruin ''' nj-nr attention, and between the '& lHrt rnwps the trading was centred, that . u-MZ i.rrer part of It, while; tho stand- issues were again I nactlve The old- nl Issues, nmni ,,.,....,,....,, j.nJ ravers, stic.li as mo uig rati SUMS, .r rxm u,t l!'t?I Mra "If if? wm i wi wwOl ctttigl t tt( ft tnij'J 'W i'o is t-I; M,t Hht, ?wii tkthi ?sJ lta W'llfiJ at Iff ".1 lull J ' tri tape$l uSI mod (3 l.;tj eerifSI IMlfcl ! It vora ,rt rlnni w tern llS0t. blew. "If u.i..n-ij ..... 1,t ' "Uh. !. Clotw. AhiTrh3rffffw ?! m 35 3SK AllU-ChalmMfupf!'.!; coH Atnaltamated Copoet.i 7if Am Mr Chemical 62 Am Beet Sugar. ...... am Am Can W Amcanpf qo Am Cf & Foundry t2H AmCar&Fdypf Ho Am Coal Products 07 Am L-oairtod pf 107 , uiiun uii. . .. ,, ,, Am Hide and Leather.. Am tee Securities Am Unseed..... Am Unseed nf Am locomotive '. jr,l Am Locomotive pf S3 Am Malt AmBmclttncf '.'.. 7414 771? AmRitt).ri...i.. ..r' L7 v: - 107 Am Tel & Tel AmTobabco Am Tob pf new tm writing Paper pf 4dH OH 11 20 nix em 74H 72 fil 62 4M( AdH Wi 40! t 1025. 100 65 62f 110 111) 97 I7 109 10!) 48 4QH AM OX 30 20.'( 10)j 10H 20 29 481S 4Gj 03 05 6? Cl 18!i 61 74 ( 61 40J( 44H 102)j t!f 110 07 109 48 0J 30 10)i 20 4RW 05 Of &(, were pWed up In sympathy with J. .... i iho market. Gains around Eij.. ,ntred from 1 to nearly 7 points, tfteril Electric scoring the largest ad C;.w1dle Dethlehem Steel came sec- Li Strength In the coppers was large b due to the further advanco In the R..A t metal to 20',4 cents. Coppor pro- froatllaceri are only maklnj: quotations for w..tal U understood to bo large. kit MS generally expected, tho report of ".,,., A.ra nf Ihn Unltnd States Steel Bsfwas larger than tho previous month, l.kL ttensiM amounting to 102.3o4 tons. ffto total of unfilled orders on May 31 ftU'CWM tons, against 4,162,244 on 'IprttS). In anticipation of this favorable Hrtt nd the expectation that tho ''lot, ijuarterly report of earnings will fe'iiow an Increase, tho common stock aiima&tths corporation was strong, going Xjili- - 4alnn rtt iwn llnlntn hlchnr ill. Wore the end of tho llrst two hours. ''JaKU present tho Incoming business of tho ",wtorUtin. Is at tho rato of about 40,000 fflnproverrlnt started. Incoming business la the previous rour monins 01 ira caien 'Ju rear averaged between 30,000 and TtW tons. The fdll productive capacity Is 43.0GO tons a day; therefore orders now sfs trat a few thousand behind full. rations are at the rato of SO per cent. When tho favorable statement had been iilmilated In tho afternoon tho market general moved a fraction or so higher. td Itself succeeding In collecting A triSt more, showing a gain of two points. gtiie was some littlo liquidating all t--ounJ. but not to any treat extent. Jtocks were very well taken and what JuH losses were made were decidedly is-Kuui. irauuit; wui jiui as largo as pyurlns the morning session. Tho market mta sirong. ;.Wding to the general situation was the Bllef that the noto to Germany was by g means an ultimatum, which was borne Bl by & statement purporting to come Jreta high official sources. Therefore, the EtrefiL a A whntp rHU hiiMVAii ti,nt 'e differences between tho two Govern- jw. vuuiu Kb uu fiiiucuuiy semeu. , people went so far, as to venture predict that Germany might yield to grdemands, on some points at least. NEW YORK CURB I 111,1. Asked 111 IUV3 in iiiw 1 7-10 lis iesli 1 nj iont 107 111 116f ltfi MRU 122 122H 122H 122i 225 220 220 225 1085 1085 1085S 108JJ Anaconda Coppor ni4 365( 34! ORU i;iTa;::: T g 1 Bank of Commerco... .. 105 1R5 10'- llclhlehcm Steel 1025 iom lfi'J imt Bethlehem Steel pf 17 118 UCM nR ButtoA superior 74 705 7.-, -nil California Petroleum... UK fill 14 U fl! California Petroleum pf. 3055 39 30 to Canadian Pacific....... is")? mH i??u ,iu Central Leather Co aw, agH S 'Si Central Leather Co pf. . 103 102H 102U I02U 40 40 40 40k 455f 47 45)i 46! Chicago III &P 18, low in 10 Cluettrca&Copf....l02W 1025 i 102H 102! i'Jti UMi 30 325 1.1 120 11U 8 ,isiLn--'m i-hMM, :L ii",.c,u..c,?w oa....jun jim 2JW1 Am WrlllnS'Haper M 1WO Atchlcon adj t 8314 4.0I do cv 4s BOS S3E WWW ,rtn cv 4 W .twu Allan .Co Line lit ii w ,V55K URlt & oho 4" wi iJ-yU "o cv U sir. iSSSlrfc.?!-.::::'1 "A'T'.!8::::::! .J5K j-.1.0? & Kleo Ba--- n "Mi 5J ffi 5-'n! filler 1st Ss... B liliii :irMVt rhM . ni.,. jt,. ...r .,!.'. llKWC'hes tk Ohio M ...'.".lOiit SUMO Chl A Viv !lla T,.iT sywi 0 ij & o joint is ; : ; : H(t Su iwih 102(4 iw T5U 1W4 7lll Bf MS 11K 58 ni Halt. 110V, Siljj 113 lo-'Vi 100 l'l! TMJ, '"!. .RWOU i t u itr la uufj vuii uu 1,f?ni it & at p cv ss rct.ittiit ltKif: iut. ?2K c. M Ht p a "S 77S ;7'4 Chesapeake & Ohio Chlno Connor. Chicago Mil & St P. Colorado Fuel & Iron. ComstockTunnal... Consolidated Gas Corn Products Iter Corn Products Hef Df.. . 16 14 16 12554 125M 1255 l. I4H 14 mi 30 88'; 085. 12 1J.K S .MD,J?t.! v 4w- Im !".. wui tauuiii IB. in...., Vi (iiwu Corn Products ;.a ....110 luuy Ciimticrland Tel fa .. iwia 1000 Del & Hud 4s 11110.... uufJ .jWO IJen & Hlo tlr rfd J.. 4l(J 1U0O Hctrou United 4V4S .. Vi& 4W0O l)l eeciir forp . : . 07 looo Erie conv 4s 8er U. . . 01); 2000 Urten Hay Oa 102 Hkbio llaMimi t!ic 5s 20 low Hock val 1st 4Ha.... tau filOOO ins Cop cv us... laoti 1..W.0 tnsp cv ret 3d p 0 'HUSO Rnuii mterh Mpi 4U 70(10 Interb T ref 8s.... ITriin inter Mrr Mar 4j... MOO Intnl stm Pump as.. "000 l.k 8h deb la lula... .10(10 l.k Hh ileti 4s 1050... "Oitl IrllUrd Ri in) lxirlllard 7 1000 Minn & fit L 4i ..., hW0 Mo Par 4s 33000 Mont Power Bs 1000 Nut Knnm & Btn 6s., 1.100 Nat Tube Bs 41)00 .N V Canal Is ttilll :SJS iBft WI54 l'2f, loo); ... -ot; t...iuiU us. iii " 11S J nafj OIK.f, 47U 72',i 01) 07 4 102 Mtt ll'il, 12s 127 54 7.VI, 07 ;5 00 J Oil, r.t Will, 40C t0U l'25 nsij lOO)), jii, 77i 315; 88i 685 12 75. 30. 885 085 12 1145i: 114H 1UM 1145 3!S 22! 225. Crucible Htool 201f Crucible Steel pref.... 895 . Cuban-Am Sugar 085 J uen&llloarandopf... HH uciruii aaison. ...1 Distillers' Securltlas Krlo 25! Erie 1st pf am Federal Mln & Sm 24 Federal Min & Sm pf. . . 47 General Chemical of.. . . 1 10 General Electric lruu nnu mr.u i?n General Motors.. 1485 1605 1485 150H General Motors pf 1005. 101 1005 101 uuuuiicii 11 r 1.0 44J1 4Rif 46 4, 205 41 30 62Sf 101 205 405f 23K 48)f 109 20 41 30 51f 109 1175 118!, 1185 1183 33 015 20 21 i 72 . 30K 265 455i 34 04). 20 2IJ 725 325 20 45 335 025. 20 215 725 31 25 445 1435 143J 143 117 S95 G1M 101 335 fil 20 215 725 325 20 45 1435 705. 2Ci 12 49 80 38 1175 117 115 11 735 i 20 11H 435X 1705 105 118 119 122 122 16 155 04K 07 1095i 111 85 873 15W 155 035 045 875 875 295 285 735 71 11754 1175 1171 90 00 00 005 00J GO 1035 1025 1035 44i 43)1 435 85 375 117 105 745 255. 115 4S5. 105 119 SO 375f 117 105 75i 2f.f 12 40 105 119 1215 122 155 155 045 111 87!. 15 63! S0!f 285f 735. 005 111 87! 155 045 805 285 74 SAVINGS DEPOSITS LARGER B?4. 1 T!? IV ,he flscal yar ni ,111 :.- 4ra . . Wo Tobacco old wo tocco new Sneas Cananes V.'.'.'.'.V.V.'.''' K0I9 . ... rent saifj ...:'.'..'..'.'.. ains , , , , . , Jievitor ....,'.',"" S?.VJ'srw'5ii":" 'Oiito Pm.filntJ ' SslUd Clraf Sln.j. : wSSSiV Slore Pf' ..'.'.'.105 4 KK . 35 .ico .70 . 03 .100 ? 'ari.1 IHiM j& Cell V.'.'.'.V.".'; 37 170 0 7354 Ol) 170 2 II-10 37 100 11s 354 454 24 ?".'!?""' Ior the flscal year ended .. 1 , " ladcPhla. tho Weatern. , ln.S'o1 fn? the Gormantown Say. nn,. b.S::7 "Y "-'""iiiuwn o 'ourZtu , Bnow Bubstnntlal n- attL0Lountsr a Ih shown by . ...0 lautva. Total deposits mis 1011 121.40,152 ?11S.S14.RI3 ?J. T1 ,0TO 34,232,521 15,110,421 15.015,250 " 10,533,183 10,362,002 4U P?ii 1 femeui':! M" Kldtkl jffii Great Northern nf, GtNcfs for ore prop.. Guggenheim Expln.... Int Agricultural pf.... Inter-Met vot t c Inter-Met pf Inspiration Copper. . . . Kansas City Southern. Lack Steel Lehigh Valley Louis & Nashville Loose-W Bus 1st pf . . . Looso-WBus2d pf. .. Manhattan Shirt pref. Maxwell Motors 4:1 Max Motors 1st pref 87 Max Motors 2d prof.. 385 , xvi err aa Ai Mo Kan & Texas Mexican Potroleum... Miami Coppor Missouri Pacific Montana Power Morris & Essex , National Biscuit , National Biscuit prof . Natl Knamcl & S National Lead National Lead pref.. New York Air Brake. . Nevada Con Copper. . NY.NH&1I Now York Central.... NYO, & West North American Norf&Wcst Northern Pacific Pacific Mall PennRft Peoples Gas Chi Pittsburgh Coal Pittsburgh Coal prof. . rressed Steel Car Pressed Steel Car pref. Ity Steel Spring Bay Con Coppor Heading Rep Iron & Steel Rock Island Co pref. . . Rumely, M. Co Seaboard Air Line.... Seaboard Air Line pf . . StLouls&S F bLoulsSSF2d pref S!cs-ShefS&I Co... Southern Pacific So Hallway Standard Milling Studebaker Co Studebaker Co pref. ... Tennessee Copper .... Third Avenue Un Ion Bag & Paper . . . Union Pacific 1255 128 1265 127!f USInd Alcohol..' 49 50 40 405f USOIP&F 14 145 145 145 United Rys Invest.... 10 15 15 15 U 8 Rubber W, 055 04 055f U S Rubber 1st pref. . . 1075 108 107J 10S U S Steel 67 59 57)f 50 USSteel pref 1095 109J 1095 1095 Utah Copper 65 095f 67J 69 Va-Car Chem Wabash pref Western Union Tel. . 7tlU llll( p.". 103?1 Wri ,2 tml Inin 1(100 NYO II -sU 4.10UOO N Y C ft It (Is rrt wu i 1 re ii is V ixw N V C & 11 4l4... -ii 1000 N Y City 41 1035 1U 1000 N Y CUy 4 oitff 2000 N Y City 4s lBf0. . . 115 WKX) N Y City 4Hs 11103.... lot 2000 M Y City 4Jn 11)04.... MtU KXK1 N V rial, 11 n J. (? 3000 N Y l.acka & W 9..107 lu(ll tX... ti .. ' ll K.J1 U....A11 111 imn, .k 1 nwy ret is 7H4 2000 N Y State 4)6 Oil 3000 n y Tel gen 454 Vi "i;vv .ori a: wcbi KPn us..iin .iimii .or rue prior is 7000 Nor Pne gen 31 fiiK.'O Oro Ily & N con 4.. 30(H) Ponna cv 3)J 110OO Penna 454s l!i21 , 420OO Penna col 4Ss 31000 Penna col 4)m sen.... .l(H) rtny Con Copper fls... OOTO ncmllnit gen i 10OO rtep Culm ."s '01 4000 Ilep I & S Ba MHO Hto O W clt is..., 1000 Hock Inlnnd 4 24COO nock Island rfd 4s 1100(1 nock Island Bn 1000 iiy att spg r.s 11.... U110 Ht L I M & So 5a.... :i000 St I, (, s V rfd Bta. 4s. 03 WKXI Senhd A L ndi 5 05 10(100 South Hell 5a 07' 7000 foutli Pnc cv 4a.... sin; 1I1HR) do i'llCO SOI 0000 Sou tmii 111) oow Wl't 47U J2)i OU 07?i 102 211 .02U 1304 130 "li li7w 42J .. 01 11 MS .Wi 1211, 4ire 40', l'0' j)2J lOU'i IDllSJ IKS life 44 !Sfa 101 ooji 041, 1074 lit 71)4 71)4 oo no 354 U3)4 lis lis 11154 0154 HIS MP hIP M " lobtj loou iw m. wL wiyk 103U loiji lo.it; OS 07i 075 122 151 121 03 02 j; 0254 07)4 07U tl7ji 02), lJn (12(5 70)1 "Oil 70'. 1) SIT 05 HIT 4.V4 454 us!; nsJ. mil.7, nail m 03 uuii, 1 i; tv ta. . . . ni',. 0IV4 (to cv let t p 5a '34.. 110(4 tm'A 011th Pnc rfd Is.... Silti 80(4 outli I'ac Term 5s.... 70S "nil 0( nnji 77 102)4 102 o:.)i 20 10114 102J1 ssil 0114 8 IS sI)m 11.1 4.V4 tW" 011)3 03 03 07! Mil 4 noii JWU 102)4 102 03)4 1035 103) 1035 1035 105 10051 1055 1005 265 305 2751 2951 100J 1005 100)1 1005,' 1153 11551 1155 115!1 22 23 2151 23 01 01 91 485 405 47!1 90 45)1 09 81 245 97 335 .'W 14255 14411 113 2a 5 1 145 33 4 551 3251 805 155 60 7151 99 365 615 0 1951 55 4 13! 1 30 4V 0 34 87J 10 61 745 09 38)1 525 0 97 97 32 335 245 245 113 14451 2851 29 H 5 4 4 13 13)1 3331 36 45 45 5Ji 63 33 31 873 873 153 10 51 51 72 733 99 09 375 383 52 525 0 0 . 34000 South Itwy gen 4.... (H4 0000 South nwy con Os.... 00H 7000 Tns Co cv 00)1 10O0 Third Ave ndj Bs 77 2000 V S nubber As I02T1 28000 II 8 Steel Bs 102)! 4500 t;nlon Pnc 1st 4s o.Mi 1000 Wabash 4s 22 WOO Wnh Kcju ct Bta 4s 20)j 2000 Went Cheater 5s 10l(J 114000 West E & M cv 5a I02H 10000 Wfat Fhoro reg 4a.... OOtJ 1000 West Union 4)6i 01' J 4000 Wlecon Cent gen 4a. . 84H Total sales. $1,077,000, compared with $2,501, 000 yesterday: thus Mr thla week, $S,0,000; aamo period last week. ft),013.000. 20'4 101)5 10214 nou ni' LEAPED SKYWARD Violent Rise on Heaviest Buy ing been in Long Time Er ratic Movement in Cramp. .i"1". '"I'lk" Superior stock over b(?i? i'1' talt e,!e " t,,n Philadelphia stock ExchnnKc today. Dcfore midday .. , ""a"1 n ueen taken, the price advanclnK In tho process two full points Foreign offerings were readily absorbed on tho way up. Not only Is the company understood to bo receiving a substantial proportion of wnr orders, but for some time It has been obtaining Good sized steel rail orders from the United states ns a result of tho tnrirf situation, rue Inconto bonds also advanced nearly five points. From an opening quotntlon of 10. com pared with o4 last nlKht, I,nko Bupcrlor rose steadily to 11,. Hero tho supply or stock checked the rise, and It reacted a fraction. Tho day's totnl nnlng nmnnnimi to about 40.000 shares. In the bond division Philadelphia Company 5s were In demand and trmvd ,,r. n r,nH,iAn while oddly enough United ltnllway In vestment Gs fell two points on light sales. Cambria Steel moved up n fraction on the news of (ho Pennsylvania Railroad's rail order. Tho company's share Is 31,830 tons, and Pennsylvania Steel obtnlns a slmllnr amount. The stock of tho latter, however, was not affected. Crump Shipbuilding moved erratically, first crosslns C2. on the news of the closliiK of contracts for two lO.OOO-ton freiBht steamers for an Kngllsh concern. mo company is now building seven ships, which take all tho present spaco avnllnble for new construction. Tho stock did not hold its Bnlu in the later dealings and reacted below 49 on a sudden outburst of soiling. The annual report will be out this month and Is expected to show over 10 per cent, rnrned on the stock. Predic tions for the current year say 20 per cent, or mori' should bo earned. . Ualdwln Locomotive remained n.ulot iicrc, uui moved up in New York. It became known today that tho company had received an order for 100 littlo loco motives to bo used In carrying ammuni tion through tho French trenches. An encouraging feature of tho loeni financial situation was disclosed today In tho Juno statements of tho four lean ing duvlngs fund societies of this city. Their totnl deposits June 1 wore 1182,366,. 029, nn Increase of $4,210.07 over Juno 1. 10H. Tho number of accounts hold In creased 1551 during the year. Saving de posits nro a good indication of industrial conditions, reOectlng the financial status of tho wage-earning class, hence the gains recorded are taken to mean a gradual recovery from thn trado depression. i xjuxj jnAur-nuuKJUX SAJUHiS 10 (o 10.30 A. M. i 9,in i m S Pennaam.,: rf f?,e 'K "!, Ru C" J ! ?5 W P Cor 111 MWMh iiysiSi.Siiifi 229 w.crwnp t i Ss "i SSiTfc- ," ,:" 95 "55 Sa' Lof ami iiko sup cor IO! IPO do.... I0(k ai tin inu do 10 do I9J4 do 10 do 10(4 Ho 10k do )0j4 do 10U rln Iflti BOO Lake 6up Cor 10 t ijo. an 10 do in 0O do 10 300 do 10 100 W Cramp t c W 3J U B, Steel.... S7 .25 Cambria Steel 47 100 Uike Sup Cor Of ..7 Tenna .... Bit 7-lil 100 Ut Sup C. D 15-10 100 BO do.. O't loo sorteadln 7l an 100 Penna WlC 100 100 pen Asphalt. 27(4 10 10 U S Steel.... a? ', 200 10O ., do 57T4 50 1(41 l.k Run n ni;.itl nn w "0 11 15-10 50 V Crnmo t o 52 J" "Jo ...10 M) Ijke Sup Cor toti J2J ., :- : " ,'1-.,() 10" . do. lol, 50 XJ 8 Steel 57)4 30 W Crump t e 52 Si "i "'P -or i" iisi ikp aup cor J(i ; (Jo 10 50ii do......... 10, !k.S-!5un Cor nW 0 W Cramp't'o 50V m Wrnmp l c 2S& m u ? Steel.;.: m B? i-,- jog loo do fi H-"J ' : ?2 JW do... llti .) rflmn t n Kni, nm Tt r... a a" 200 Uko sup Cor ll "w " ""'"" ' u" BONDS. 100 Amer Clas ft Eleo 5s 85)5 50 .In 100 do 300 do in y R steel.... r.9 40O Lako Sup Cor 10 0 15-10 100 do. 0 15-10 200 do. 0 13-10 100 tT O I 10 1B Mi tt I Sales in Philadelphia Local Bid and Asked Baldwin 53 do pref 10314 iiurr re sua i do prof .... Cum Steel Today'a Ycsterdny'a ilia. AaKcd. lim. Askrd 305 345 203 34 H 5 J 3 C05 005 60 CO) 94)1 905 055 0051 1263 1305 127 12951 102) 1023 102 1023 Elec Storaga .... Gen Asphalt .... do pref Key Tel ........ do t e do pref Lke Sup Corp . I.ehlgli Nttv Lfhlgh Valley .. I-ohlgh Val Tr... do pref Pennsylvania ... Phlla Eloc Phlla. Co An Tt n.r rnt. do (1 per cent. pref. Phtta 11 T do t e Tlcadtng Tonopah. Belmont . . Tonopah Mining1 Union Traction U O I U S Steel York Hallway do pref Wm Cramp to Ex-dlvldend, oref. 13 . :tni4 . 474 . 31)5 . 27 . niH . 14 . II . 7l Ilk . 7214 . 71)1 . 14 , 2S4 , 53'.. -V'1' :$ : h 31 Y) , 821 , 5H ', 43 51 51 i 52 1P5 102(5 101 LT4 13 13)4 4014 3D)4 41 i 48 47(4 477. 51 Ji 52 53 27)j 271 27i 05)3 04 03 3 13 11 15 13 14 15 08 07 )J (18 1134 0 H-18 0 W W' 1.5 14)4 14 14)5 211 2Ni; 20 53',, 53)i M',, 234. 2.3)5 r.i. 34 13 34 34)4 33)4 34)4 40 r.n 411 0 814 8H 0 US )i 72W 7IU 714, 4)4 4',, ! 7)4 7 7'4 32 32 32 824 82)4 824 60 57 8714 7)4 T 7(, 32 . . 32)4 lW St 31). FOREIGN EXCHANGE NKW YOHK. Jun 10. Tho foreign exchange market opened with demand sterling un changed, sterling Franca Marka Llres Cnblea 4.78 15-10 5.4294 82 11-10 5.00 Demand .... 4.78 7-10 3.42)iS2H 3.0014 10 Am Can 20 Am Milling .... 75 Anaconda Mln.. 45 Bald Loco 10 Cam Iron 01 Com hteel 50 Kite Slor loo (liiirgen IIxplo... 2ii Hen Asphalt ... 10 (5e uiec , 47 Inn Co N Am... 3071O Lake Sup Corp. 47 I.ehlah Nav 2 Northern Cent.. 301 Ponna, Itallroad Yes. close. High. 4.1 33'i M' 42U 171'. Low. Close. :r;? i, 52l 2114 721. 81 KIM I'a Steel pref. 50 10 Phlla Co cm pf. 218 Phlla lilectrlc. 75 P, It T tr ctfa. m Hay Cona 41) S1J4 t 7!4 S 35 M)4 42 4.H 52U 3t. 27'., lll'.l', 21'J ii'; ii 4.1 35 ra'i 43 5-v4 33 5l)i 42 474 32)1 lilt. TU. 1ll.ll If M'l. 50 30 1J j4! -J' .4 J, 7,, 714 71",. 4.T, 4, 1011), .10 23)4 8 1. st; 4; 24; n "Ii, 32 82); 511 4S4 02 53 07'. .12 82 4 57C 4.8)5 compared ' J 32 e2fi' 48), 02 48)4 with 4.1 P.eadlnR 200 Tonopnh Bel 170 Ton Mining 100 1'tnh Conner 220 Union Traetlpn 32il 324 U O 1 ' 82jl 2J35 U S Steel 57(4 10 W J & H ...."49(5 20 Wca'm Coal ... 0014 2610 W Cramp & S 3t4 Total aalea. 47.243 aliarrs. nl MO .hoMa ti.nl.r,lni' thus far thta wmaI 115,242 shares; samo period last week, 41.3SS aharea. BONDS. Loat prev. sale. High. I.OW. Cloae. 130O Am u it Kl oa.. m(S mis 44 Cam 8 rp "in., osu 427 do May 1017.. 1171 12 do Keh 1917... HT 1000 CTty 4s 1H41....10UJ ion) El & Peo Tr 4a. 81 25300 Lk Sup Inc 5a.. 30!i :ooo 1, isnv gen -tvjs. in, 1000 L, Val gen 4a. 80'i 1000 20O) do gen cna 4)ja OS'S do gen 4a 200" l'ft con 4s i r.mih ilOOO do gen 4la t c H8H 70,1,1 Phlla Co Int 5a. 00 1000 Pnnn Am I Ha .1001, 1000 I'n Itwa t c la. 7414 30(10 do Inv 5a ... 04 1000 W N Y&P 1st 5s.. .. Total salea. J53.2S3, compared with $33,507 yesterday: thus far thin week, $101,407; samo period laat week. $t0l,7O3. 1 r.., p.M P.2 S? S55 l'1-J "71 IMW 07t 07)4 l'7'5 on; 101(4 ini u .. ..? 3oJ as (mil noi: J IIS)? 0S)J A 118(4 nsw. ....r 4nn.f OS 08 Oft onu lot 101 74)4 74U 02 02 ioi4 ioi; I Ln( OS OS! 103)5 08 on ii 101 7414 It2 01 i PHILADELPHIA MAEKETS GHAIN AND FLOUR 122,100 bush. lower under 1V1IEAT. Ilecelpta, market was again 3c, Tho light red western, ""'"""';' ern Duluth. $U30Ll2. ..$182,366,020 $178,153,222 "?i?- Accounts 1015 283,810 03,810 13,031) 20,209 329,510 300,050 1014 281,780 03.318 15.217, ;3,0J. BANK CLRAnivi-ic My last two rumniiMrf ,. -- twn van.-. m vorrn lAl " '" lii.tM.IVv,. m.m. Ts,;,t'u loiy. wiv;T!v fai.nM..i.ii i7ti liitvnn rw-.-sSSfcff &t&iii ;? s? '' s l lj?UU,tiV RATES FOK MONEY ,wa ... ?" T'me. .::::::::::::: I2 ms Sl'i' A1IS ttSCH BANK STATEMENT June 10 manca. oi ,375, 200,000 3.BU... '?Pl5,70O0OO W&LXa 3.WB.70O.OOO -" 4,lOO,000 620,100,000 Westing Kill. WUlys Overland WUlys Overland pref. Cents per share. Quoted ex dividend. Total sales. 507.400 shares, compared with 677.000 shares yesterday; thus far this week, 2,081,000 aharea; same period last week, 1,221, 200 shares. BIG GAIN IN STEEL TONNAGE June 3. Francs. 3,016.100,000 . S75.30O.00O n, 020,200, 000 2.114,500,000 2,639. 000, COO 74,200,000 013,000,000 Reichsbank Gains Cash wE tor'IS: LmWu Bank of tSW Mffl.&fe-LSiSS . "S ' !"" l TlS ' .wi I 41111. nrST' It . . n elreyjatlon a.i 1 -'"-. iTVUSUnr bills Jmu.i 4s4ri"V .'i"4d bIWo&T wT wmi discounti in. mdraa. iSUNA BANK CLOSED ? "-J"!?., 1fcT8t-u5ttL .& BfcBn.'ft r7Vfe.SSKBrS ara mS, hoops k to M ".w rj'm ,i?-rA MvMo of B "Of .ttSiMr PE8 N(1W M,z r, May Orders Increased 102,354 Tons Over April. NEW YORK. June 10. An Increase of 102,354 tons was shown In tho unfilled orders of the United States Steel Corpora tion for Slay. The total was 4,261.501 tons, compared with 4,162,24 tons on April 30. Comparison of unfilled tonnage Is made with previous report. -- . . 4,218,571 4,813,080 7,827,368 , . 4,313.371 6,026,440 7,0311,114 ,. 4,255,740 4,653,823 7,108,030 .. 4,1(3,244 4,277.0.18 0.078,762 . . 4,201,908 3,008, 100 0,:i24,:i22 ,. 4 032,857 B.SOMIT ,, ... 4,158.580 S.SM.'S.'ia 4,213.331 5,223,448 ,. ....... 3,787,067 5.001. 783 , 8,461.007 4,613.767 , 3.321.502 4,308,347 , 3,836.6)3 4,282,108 CoilN.' nicelpte, 600O bush. Demand was irV'ivi :li...V.,. namln-illv unchanged. ouo atlon.i Cur lots for Io5at Fade, as to loca- r' .: -" . i U. 4 PROVISIONS lair Job- tlon No. yellow, SlMSlHo.: ateamer So. 3 yellow. 77)41) 7b!4c January . February March . ., April .... May ..... June .... July .... August, . September October . November December ENGLISH RESERVES EXPAND IXJNDON, June 10. An Increase of over a million pounds sterling was shown In the Hank of England's reserve In tha re port for the week just passed. The pro portion to liabilities rose from .?0 per cent to ao.SO or cent The discount rate remained unaltered. Details follow: rhi.tt.. Li.1 wuk. Last-year. mnmlatlea ..iS, 152,000 3S.5M.O0O f28.0M.0O0 Sfhlli dM . 1 311 000 181 7W.0OO l.a8,000 J,";i. Ir,. Q1 4i2IO SoV'ScSir ii oil ado 5i o4oap (g&r MClli.. 1818,000 lSS.8f3.0O) n ma&rva ftvpo. ef rea. to llh .Bulllos . 3a nk rate-.. 43.Mz.000 20.80 P.C. se.nss.bw 5p.C. M.tOD.e. M,aw.7b 9 p.e. 45.50 p.e. 39,036,000 3 p.e. COTTON HEW OR Jwe W. Tlie cotton taartft XUl$ throughout the greater Srt S y5TW. ,irt rising from 3 to W eoSW li) tlm riy dealings and ex xwfiag tl galiu slightly in the aftsr- 110440- din. OiMa. 9.144 8.41 M.7Z 10 02 10.07 10.81 July . Octotwr DecesoUr JaAuary MiraT . . .ia . 07 IS 01 io. a . .u n,ih 8 Si Low. Close. Sin l 10.12 10 Oj 10.11 in. ii to oS iota io is tau 10.J4 8.T0 r " (i.... ' JlA77ni4l- OAi-8 Uecelpta. 113.18 1 bu.h. The mar i,. ruled, iteady. but there was not much de mano "' Quotallonsi No. 2 white. B3 itlSOc.: SaSdard white. 51H833C.; No. 3 white. 54) fl5Fi:oun. Recelpte. 650 bble. and 1.450,805 rld: '"n't'eV- cl?aUr?,a k?Sti?' IV,' (ute sacks, $3.85aa; "Prlne. Aret clear, id itSASS: do "straight. $0,551(5.40: do-, mt Int It! 4080.03: do., favorite brands, .75f7; Mti miilaT choice ond fancy patent. ;75il7. i !X mills regular grades-winter clear, tS.T59 i!tydo?, straltT joe6.23; do., patent. 10.23 e6i'tYK 1'I.OUlt was quiet but steady under Jill buppI". We luo ""fby and West S. in wood.st $630.50, a. to quality. REFINED SUGARS The market wm quiet but ateady V quote flnar' 1IBE unv?. '-- ,-..-;---. aibc : eitra fine granulated, o.iue. a.20c.; contectioner 63.85c. FRESH FRUITS rucelpts were quite liberal, and cherries and .ma kinds of berries were a snade easier. fiJofatton.: Apples. New York, per bbl.-Bald-Sm 35l Ben Eavls. $3ira.5pi other good eat ni varieties. $2.2383.50: medium, $22.23; do., !M.,.S mV bin. $ta2: do.. Delaware and Pennly"vanla. per hamper, otewc.; peaches, awncta. per erite. $2.5083; lemons, per box. l5fw.aa.50: oranges. Vlorlos. pes box. W,5o: nowdered. soft grades, fi.A J?E1.f".perherrlM: sweet, per lb.. 812c; lii as .. BiriSOl .tea tir rAe.ekSv r-D."Alckberrles. Forth CarolTns. per qt., II i?JS gooseberries, per t., 4ocj per qt. P1'.!. aucBieiwr- iS. riTot.. loeisc, VEGETABLES rhtte poiauM.. y " zl'xzl ,'rx' m.v Tbrk. as to quamy. wjjjooo, KorfolW, pr bbLNo. 1, 9 jputafcutw $2 352.75; white 502.76i paiv, ;:-.-..; ..,. South Carolina. SS hbL-No. I. . KXW.lt,: .No. 2, $1.30; rJ j, nntatAaVl 1 Bivrft lUUtOM. HJVi wvw---Mtf .-. d. ..I..M .,. I 3. . steei.3'. wwm.mw. -i -. ia.!tern Bhote. cr BWj-a. J. snax Co 2 t.W)l'j s4, 4r"y. per 52 1 $!To4.7J; No. 2, $22.K). sn 'yf pw SSVket 76e.$l'.3.onl?f.. i N No. jy, vt lexas, sweet eotatoe. bU-Na. 1, $2.2oa.t.25; tr ooi. sweets. iter basKM, iaa.srei.ao: oniou. -i:xaa. "cuiimer-crate, Ne, 1, 0OC.W1; onions. per C41U4M.e4 vn. HU, a. urytwi., . North Caxoiln and .Norfolk, per rrrv. 40eeoc.; do , iin tarojioa. and wor JSvV'iitbW,! 40iie.: do., SJuttern Shore. r crate. lOjJSOc.; ciuliaowjr, Norfolk, per fiJmpwJ 078c-: beaas, p 1.4-Vbl. basksT toutV CoTliva and QeorsU. greea and wax. Ivuasfic. North Carolina, green end wax. 360 ISf?M. Norfolk. porVbbl. bafket. 50 iS-- Deas. Eastern Shore, per W-bbl. basket. suftfec eMBlaut. Florida, per box, $21.50. ctfiowwi? Florida, per basket, to.p! 50. SSstb. Vlorlda, per bsut JlOc $41 23. uJoen Florida. Pr carrier. 11 "XafS-BO. baU. rtcrt'. Per cu-rtr-riMiy. 1.502, cholee. fltjl . aparu per bujeb 08i)e. : ttSui-oooii. pr 4 lb. baeket. 0c.$l.jS The market ruled steady, with bing trade. me rouowing nre the quota tions; city dcoi, in sets, smoitea ana air-urlcd. 25ti20c.; Western beef, In sets, smoked, 239 28c; city beef, knucklea and tenders, smokod and alr-drled, 27028c: Western beef, kuncklea and tenders, smoked, 27828c; beef hams. Sill 32: pork, family. $22S22.50; hams, jf. p, cured, loose, UHtiac. do., skinned, loose, 12USI12)kc. : do, do., smoked, 1,'l'HfHc.; other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average, WVilHc.; hams, smoked. Western cured, 13),S(llc. , do., balled, boneleba. 22iJ21c. ; picnic ahouldera, S P. cured, loose, lOiiailc. ; do., smoked, HSHVfcc , tellies, in pickle, ac cording to average, loose, H)4in2c. ; break fast bacon, as to brand and average, city cured, 101tl7c; breakfaat bacon Western cured, 10817c; lard, Western refined, In tierces or tubs, 103illc. ; lard, pure city, kettle rendered, in tierces, lO'.Sllc.; lard, pure city, kettle rendered. In tubs, lOtiSUc. , DAIRY PRODUCTS nCTTKIl. There was a good demand and values ruled Arm. Following aro quotations: Western tnlld-packed creamery, fancy specials, 30,ic: extra, MHc. ; extra tints, 2gc.; firsts. 27c; seconds, 2ilc; nearby prints, fancy, 32o.; average extra, 30631c; firsts, 28820c, seconds. 2t)c; garlicky, 23c, Jobbing tales of fancy prlnU .188S8C. 1:0(1H were iteady for Una stock, which was In fair demand, We quote aa follows: In free caset nearby extras, 21c. per doi.; firsts, $8.19 per standard case: nearby current re ceipts. $3.83 per caae: Western extra firsts, 18.15 per case; firsts, $3.83 per case; Southern, $3.104S.70 per case; ranry selected candled eggs were lobbing at 20627c, per dox. C1IEE8K. There was little trading; and prices favored buyers. Quotations. New York full cream, choice, new, lBMdlOV.; specials, higher; do., do., fair to good, new, 133.iflt)c; do., part fklnis. 8813c. POULTRY LIVE. The market was quiet and broiling chickens were again easier under freer offer ings. Quotations: Fowls, as to quality, 13)4W lou ; roosters, 111112c.; broiling chickens, fancy, not Leghorns, weighing 114S2 lbs. apiece, sossoe. ; Droning, cnicaens, not Leg- hAma v..lffli!ni? 16.11'. 111. Hlllau-.,. 4ifiJ,.. mv,..-. --;.,--- -i-'-, ---- -r'-l'T'. "t'J 1UUL' lilM'. I-eg- ahlnjf lulli lin.lllMir (.hlckens. Leshorns. welahlnir lbs. apiece, 22621c; broiling chickens. liorna. weighing lt2 lbs. apiece, luejsic.; du.ks. Pekln, 110130,; ducks, Indian Runner, 12913c; pigeons, old. per pair, 25430c; do., young, per pair. S0r32c DllKSSEI). Fine desirable-slied stock; old fairly and values were well sustained, with fresh-killed fowls He. higher. Quota tions: Fresh-klllSd poultry, fowfs. 13 to box, dry-picked and dry-packed, fancy selected, UUc: weighing 45405 lbs. .apiece, 18)4c.; weighing 3fe$M Ita. aplso. 18Hc; welghlns 6 lbs. uplece, ISSHTtsc: under J lbs. apiece, lUidlowc i tee-packed Western, 4 lbs. and unty. 95S4UC. weeiexn, weigniag IH92 lbs., MSI4.I., , WW- ..iwiw, .r.r. ,",., aauabe, per aox. ivniie, wen ",lr dm .1184.80. white. el Ser dui., W.lOJKi.SO; wbitt, weighing 8 lbs. per oj, $2.50sW.TO. do., do.. 7 lbs. per 4ojt.rl S .; ao., m. wwiw. per uaj., si.zaai.au; irk. I1.26l 40; snail sod No. 2. $1. Froitn poultry, fowls, as to quality. 16l8c; chl.-k-eoa. dry-picked and dry-packed, la boxes Ullk-fed. 11 to is lbs. to doa... ISc: Ik fid' .7 to lbs. to dos., 18c ; nald If to 47 m. to dM., 18o. : milk-fed, U lbs. to tfox., luc; milk-fed. CO lbs. and over. 21c; core ted. 31 to 42 lbs. to dox., 17c; corn-fed, 43 to 4T lbs. to dox., 17c corn-fed. 48 lbs. to del., 1WC , corn-fed. SO lbs and over. 20c: chickens. dry-Pleiad and dry -packed in bbls.-Weatera, corn-fed. S lbs. and over. 18t . Western, cora ftd. 4 lbev, 1717)v.. Weswrn. ura-(d. SU ll, lHc.; Weitern. core-fed. 2ij3 lbs.. u 15C . 44UnW9. an -UlCKea 4Ui ar,-M4vs.ett; Fliocy. X4SAXXC tJUiS. IStSllG. over apiece. Ibo.; do., waaller elies, mQ lllic, old roosters, dry-picked, 12Vu.; brolllig ebickans Jfrnsy. fancy. 4uiMc. . other nearby ATftn&r-MCi velgBloE U to 12 bs. neishlnB 0 to 10 lbs. fair to good. 1 o4d 200 100 100 200 200 ICO 13 00O 50 10 50 10 do.. an... do... do... do... do.., do... do... do... do.!, do... do... 10 , li) 10 10 10 10 ID 10 10 10 10 10 500 Lake Sup Cor 111), 200 do 10. ",00 do 10 100 do 10rk 50 W Cranio t e 52 100 Lake Sup Cor 10 tl"S 01 i 5H '14 100 do.... 200 drt.... 10 dm... diw no. iiiw, 11) ftsh Copper. 07'f, 200 Lake sup Cor loI 100 do 10).. 10' 4 JOS l"Ml no.vns. JS!S -ake Sup Cor Ine Cs 10OO Am Gas & Klec 5s 10:30 to 11 A. M. 1?!'. so). 200 Lnk Sup Cor 1014 ino w cramn t 0 52 10 ttke sup Cor lo'4 200 -4 t-enna .... 0,1 n-in 11K) lAka Sup Cor 10'4 ,V.r 11 b cippi OH I KO 00 do lou, 40 Tononah' M'ln! 7tl mi' , a ., - . , A I ,-ii. 1 ionopnu 111, 4?. :oo do loi. 25 do 104, 30 do 10 4 195 ; 2:30 to 3 P. M. IS? w .Cramp t 0 41H . 5 WeslmorCoal 'H;, 3 9 Ion t7 S Steel.... IK) t.ak Sup Cor 1111 100 do -L" .. '10 11)4 10 Pli Cn eum of SO Ji? " Cramp t 0 48U 1110 Ike Sup Cor 11 10 do istf 200 10 us ste.i.::: i? -S.1 ke sup Cor ll 1oo 200 do 114 inn do n 200 10 Penna M 7-Pi 10) i' Jh Nav . . . 72", 200 25 Cramn f n Rn inn 13 do 50 9.1 WHEAT CLOSED LOWER AFTER EARLY ADVANCE Argentine portable Surplus of Wheat 136,000,000 Bushels. .Good Rains In Australia. ake Sup Cor 11 "4 do......... UK do 11U do 11 do... do., do., do., do., do., do.. do.... .... II, :::: l$ .... iii '..'.' 1 Lake Sup Cor 11 173 W Cramn t ii4 100 u S steel.... r.s i' s steet.... 574 50 do::::::::: ioii Lake Sup Cor 1UJ4 200 Phlla Elea . . 2I( do 10U 3 tl O 1 82) 100 do lOV 50 renna M) do Mti 100 Lake sup Cor 10)4 20 W Crnmp t 0 52 73 Anac Mln .. 35 200 Uiko Sup Cor 10J4 100 do 10 U S Steel 5 20 do 6S'4 200 Lake Sup Cor 10)i 100 do......... int4 10 U B Bteel.... MS 20 Lnke Sup Cor lu4 1 Penna .... 53 5-10 100 Lnke Sup Cor 10'; 25 Penna .... 53 3-1(1 100 W Crnmp t c 51 "i 100 Lake Sup Cor 10 inn it a at.. 1 f.air 100 U S Steel.... 58), 10 Cambria Bteel 57i 10 Iike Sup Cor ini, 111 An lllli 10U "4 21(3 200 do. 100 do. 25 do. . . . 20i do..,. 100 do.... 100 do.... 400 do.... 100 da.... 10 do 10)4 II) do. 10 Pa 8teel pfd 50 40 do 20 Lake Sup Cor 10)4 100 Tonopnh Bel 200 do 10S 10 V 8 Steel... .25 do 10(4 a Ins Co N A, 100 do 104 ItONDS. 2000 Lake' Sup Cor Inc 5s 30!4 jixju Ln vni gen cons 4-:a uv, 71 Cambria Hteel scrip May 1017 1000 Electric & People's, Trae 4s. . . 11 to 11:30 A.M. 41 Ins Co N A. 21)4 100 Lnke Sup Cor 10)4 100 1-ake Sup Cor in), 00 do 10 400 do 10 40 do 101, 50 do 10), 10 do 101, 10O do 10 4 10 do Hi 40 V 8 Steel Ssl, 25 do 1014 10 do 5814 100 Union Trac..32 Id V Cramp t c 32 4 W Cramp t e 51 r, Phll.i Klec .. 2314 100 do 52 10 Penna .... 53 "10 000 Lnkn Sup Cor 10'j 100 W Crump t c 52 MO do 10. 0 Penna .... 53 5-1(1 ion diiggcn Kxpl. 03)4 n t. 0 .a,.. 1 P.Ql.. .in f ni. c... t.nm ,nif IV V, n .1.1TI , , , . " '7B -."W ..r.V tlMl V.W1 .",1 'Si in do 5814 10 Cambria Steel 49 100 Lake Sup Cor 1014 10 do 10'4 15 do lll) .".0 W Cramp t p 52 li 100 Lako Sup Cor 10S 100 do 10, lb Cam Iron ... 42 50 W Cramp t 0 32',. 50 do 32U 100 00 nay cona .. -ii, .iii uikp a 41(0 Iike Pup Cor 10 100 do.. 100 U S Steel.... si 200 do.. . BSll do... 10 do Hi'. 00 do 10)4 45 do HI 100 do 10 100 W Cramp t 0 5214 100 U ft Steel.... .v)4 23 U O 1 82 33 do.., 82 10 Lako Sup Cor 10 tr. do in-i, 10 den Elec ...100(4 100 Lake Sup cor m, aa .,- inr 10T4 noNtis. 1000 Spanlsh-Amcr Iron Os 2000 Phlla Cn let 3a 1000 United HwyB t o Is... 211OO Penna gen 4!ia t c... .101 . no . 7414 . us 11:30 A. M. to 12 JI. 300 Lake Sup Cor 10)4 15 Lako Sup Cor 11 700 do.... It 73 P It T t c... ,VL 200 do 11 20 Lake Sup Cor llja 11H m do.. do.... do..,. do. 11 200 11 10(1 11 . 100 It 10 do 11)4 3(H) do lllJ 2(10 do 1141 25 60 W Cramn t c 62 100 100 do 53 83 50 Lako aup uor 11;, iw 50 do 11 200 10 20 220 200 100 200 300 150 100 100 600 100 10 11 5 100 100 200 do.. do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... 11 8 do do do.... do do 11)4 do 11)4 do 11), do 11)5 do 11)4 do 11J4 do 11 do 11 25 do 11 50 W Cramp t o 52 4 Pennn .... 31 3-1H 5 Lnke Sup Cor 11 100 do..... ,.n VV t'rnmt t r. ,,, "Iff . ?. Steel.... r,S!i 50 in JV ,C"'P 0 4!) 100 J? Lfko Sup Cor 11 100 i?J5 "i,Cf.nP e 40(5 loo 100 Lake Sup cor 11 100 100 ji 11 500 200 Lake sup cor II? Joo Sffi 3 11 100 111 do. . . . ..if m. 200 do : n r.n 40 "" Lake Sup Cor 11 1114 11 J 11 11 :::::::: m 1$ 32 ii2oo do:::.:::::ii 1,00 u h steei:::: iw ioo a": ::::::: fi iW Iike Sup Cor tlJ 15 We.tmor Coal o5', S'2 .!'?: 11 800 Lake Sup Cor 1114 do.. do. do, do. do. do. do.. do. do. do. do. do. llfi 11 11 11 23 Httldnln 5lll ItO.VDS. ! !'.h8" Valley gen 4141 12X I-'h1" v"a 'n 4s .. 2000 Lehigh Nav gen 4Hs . . 08' 801 00) Financial Briefs m .. ii. "I4 .. 11 1155 11 1lI 100 do. 11 3 do 11 100 do 11 ino do 11 10 do 100 Union Trao.. 32 20O do in IjiUc Run Cor 111', 1(H) do 35 do 11 10 Penna .... Bl 3-10 12 Tenna .... Kl 7-til 10 Ijiko Sup Cor 11 ino Lnke Sup Cor 114 20 U S Steel.... ,JVK 200 do 11 Tp() W Crurnp t c 52JJ 10 do 11), 100 Clcn Asphalt. 27)-, 100 do 11 IIONDS. 1C00 Lake Sup Cor Ino 5s 2000 Lake Sup Cor Ino 5a 4fH) Iike Sup Cor Inc 6s 200o Ijike Sup Cor Ino 3s 300(1 United Ilwys Inv 5a 6000 Lake Sup Cor Inv 6s 2000 l-iko Sup Cor Inv 5s..,. 1000 Lako Sup Cor Inv 5s .... 1000 West N Y & Pa 1st 5s.. .... 31J4 .... 3IV .... 3!' :::: ? .... 33 . ... 33 ....iot; 12 JI. to 12:30 P. JI. 10 Lake Sup Cor 11 10 Lake Sup Cor 11 20O do 11 20 Klec Storage. 62 101) 25 300 1(1(1 100 100 1110 100 do. do. do. do., do., do.. 114 50 Lake Sup Cor 11 no.. ii'H nf no 117, do 11T4 lOd do 11 do 11 5 W Cramp t o 62 iiw ou no nv; 11 50 Lake Sup Cor 11)4 ll'J 60 do 11W 11. 25 do 11 .10 do 11 200 50 W Cramp t 0 62 10) 100 do 62 5 '.() Lake Sup Cor ll'J 100 100 do 11 50 200 do 11 25 100 do 11 125 150 do 11 40 100 U S Steel.... 68t 100 1(HJ IIKU OUil V-ur .,79 100 do 11 do... do... do... do... do... do.. H 5 llf, 11 J IS 20 30 do 11 do ll'l do 111! do 11) 111. do.. .10315 . 31 . 33 :STS . 3.1 BONDS. 2000 Penna cons 4)js tow I 2000 Lake Sup Cn- Inc 5s 200D Lake Sup Cor Ino 3 .112 Cambria Steel scrip May 1017. 1 Out) Lake Hup Cor Inc 3a 500 Lake Hup Cor Ino 6a IOO11 Phlla Co 1st 5a 12:30 to 1 P. M. 20 Penna .... 53 7-10 50 Lake Sup Cor lit, 60 I.ake Sup Cor 11 20 do 11), 5 Phlla Blec .. 23 100 do 11 35 Lake Sup Cor 111! 300 do......... 11 15 Eleo Storage. 62 60 U 8 Steel.... 58)4 8 Phlla Eleo .. 33 43 W Cramp t o 31)5 30 Ton Mln .. 71-10 100 Lake Sup Cor llW KC.7 200 Lake Sup Cor 11 50 100 25 100 100 10 23 50 do do do do do.. do. do. Sup Cor 11)1 50 do ?..... .. U)t 10 U 8 St.... llC 10 do 11 200 do 114 20 Cambria Steel 58 o 11! 30 do... 11 ino Lake Sup Cor 11 llri 10 do UK BONDS. 10 Cambria Steel scrip IBIO 08 lOoO Penna, gen 4M t 88 1IW1 PhUi Co lBt Sa OU IH Cambria Steel scrip 1018.......... 68; IB camoria ate; riu j.ay jo... ... uij.. 10 Cambria Steel serlp May 1017.... 07)5 1 to 1:30 P. M. 100 Lake Sup Cor 11 180 Lake Sup Cor 11, 100 do "39 3 do 11 tho 32:: us36 d s 4 W Jer & 8 S 4V Else storage. 52(1 J5 ftJV S lk iffi Laatlup. .5f ill fj&.; $' ao;;;;:;::. iS Lake Sup Cor llg 10 no 11 fj do l.Te do 11 do 118 100 U IT Steel.... IMC .no do UK IM Use Sup Cw It), so Union TfM.. U S Steel.... 583 i dT. ill To js&wS or. d do-. .. UK 2S Lake Sup Cor llg sKsNDtl. 100 LWb VxUfy n cons l)is Wj oa Auar OS & Jawfi Ss . HHJ J00 Amr OS 1:30 to 2 P. JI. 4S Lake Aup Cat 11 U S St--.! 2 Peaavf, .... a I WTir ail H 300 Wi l0 as... ...... wrm re xvxsiaL St 1 .J. Buc Car Ufs 25 W Cramn t at 100 Lake Sup Or It do 11 do 11 10 de.,... Ha Id win W Crajap t a I SH,. 8 25 100 1AA sous st) SAO ,0 . . . SS lk. iw Cr It), 10 da l"" HON Del. 12 CaiabrU, Vol scrip 1U. l! Catbri 8te! n:rtB ly 1917- 10O Like Sub Cat U au do in 150 do 10 do 50 W Cramp t Frank. Bulllvnn Smith wns elected a member of the Executive Committee of tho American Llsht and Traction Com pany, succeeding- tho late General Thomas Hubbard. Emerson McMlllin was elected chairman. Tho Genernl Chemical Company has organized a food department for salo of Broccry specialties, which will bo mar keted 01) a national scale. Tho S5.000.000 General Rubber Company 3V5-'cnr 5 per cent, debentures were over subscribed 11ml have all been disposed of. They wi'!.j quoted S7"8 In the inarltct. Tho Boston Elevated Company has do clded to sell $1,000,000 6 per cent, bonds dated 1912 nnd maturing In 1042. The Southwark National IJank has add ed $15,000 to its surplus, making that fund $150,000. The Aptll earnings of tho Intcrborouch Itnpld Transit showed a groas decreaso of $03,51! nnd a net decrease of $U7,03S. Imports of sugar Into tho United States during March amounted to 735,377,616 pounds, valued at 121.332,936, as compared with 267,927,833 pounds, valued at $11,010, 231 In February, und 633,151,410 pounds, valued at JI2,297,:S6, In Jtarch, 1914. Tho Aetna Explosives Company hns ac quired control of tho Jefferson Powdor Company, of Birmingham, Ala.,' and the Pluto Towdnr Company, of Michigan. Tho Republic Iron and Steel Company has a moderate Interest In tho Jefferson Powder Company. , The number of stockholders of the United States Steel Corporation is 141, CS3, M10 largest on record. There nro 85,763 preferred nnd 55,917 common stockholders. Within a week, It Is understood, tho re organization plan of tho Missouri Pacific Hallway will bo announced. There has how been deposited for extension 91.S per cent, of the outstanding notes of tho com pany. Actual deposits are J22,73S,00O. The American Iron nnd Steel Manufac turing Company passed the dividend on tho common stock. Tho rate had been 1',; per cent, quarterly. Tho 21t annual convention of the Penn sylvania Bankers' Association will bo held at Cape May, Juno 17 and IS. Finished steel Is now being produced In thn United States at the rate of about 1,750,000 gross tons per month, against less than 00,000 tons last December. Henry & West were largo buyers of Lako Superior. Gold to the amount of 12,500,000 was re ceived from Canada nnd deposited In the New York subtreasury. The Lehigh Valley Coal Company .will close Its collieries on next Saturday, Mon day and Tuesday. nliH?0' Ju.nc. ".-While the market ?'m-flro"8 ,oA.y ll wa tno 8"'-l inll crl """nif 'radtr that continued lack of outside buying and Ihdlfrerehcu on the part of foreign countries will forco ft decline In wheat values to a level whero buyers will take hold inoie readily. July ....1..1 ni to ji.ui, an advance of c SIT Ji.est?rdn'8 ,clM0 oC "-07' Septem. ber wheat, on tho other hand, dtopped H cent, with on opening of .03. but rose to tl.0?)i In tho early trading. JJL.i 5,tn,,00n th rriB tonowas Jim" y movIn "P w &&OVO In the final dealings prtrcg suddenly o0.k a tumble, July fell to ,1.05)4 nnri September dropped to 11.01 at tho torn was strong and higher, due chiefly to weather conditions, nnd tho buying was genernl, Oats followed other grains with no particular feature. The market jeoms pretty well sold out and a rally from 0 further dip would not be sur prising, England shows a noticeable Improve, ment In her genera! aemond at the da. ....., "c U"J'"S- ino ro- f. Jiu " nro fthlP'. but consumption so MltllU. .u,001"1,'1"111 demand for wheat has nbated, owing to tho nearness of tha thus fr satisfied. innucnced by American and foreign pres sure. Argentine cables report an oxport aDio surplus pf corn estimated at 136,000,000 tnrtiVi,..- Thla. C0,mr"'-8 with an official Indication on April 27 of 106,000,000 bushels. For tho season so far, Argentine ship ments of corn have amounted to 15,023,000 uushcls. AnaYru bcnc"5Ill r'Vns "av mien In Vvfi"11!? Bn'1 tho "Brlcultural outlook Is J?3;,"1;. Prospects for North Africa aro favorablo for wheat nnd harvesting has commenced. "s XPimtnno8fli.0'' u0t, 00'000 bU8ne'8 " old' ?.n J!0)000 U8i,cls ot now wat wero reported yesterday; also 10O.O0O bushels of OH 104 Leading futures ranged ns follows: Wheat July September 1,0m (now delivery)- ' July 71 721 Sentember .. 75 ' Juno Oata- July September June Lard July September Hlbs- July September Pork- July 17.S7 September ..18.25 Bid. tAskcd. Va.ilil. ?ss- i!Ja& ?3Ba.,?lfflfc ?5 1 nr.v 1 mil i nn.7 .j'X-r-s fvirs 4 a.u-ki n.ui 1.U574 5 ;!.. til; 70)4 tio .... :z "; 12I4 1 4li 3 fil 43 .in; ' 40 nu no !n2 )i 40 4CS flOrl tS 0.02 o.ia n.RO nnn Him i.uu p.us 0.83 P.S5 .10.47 .10.77 0.8T 10.50 10.43 '10.43 M0.4T 10.82 10.77 M0.77 10.80 17.00 17.83 tl7.KS 17 S 18.30 18.20. 18.20 flS.20 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS n.in?HirA90, Un". 10..rOO8.-nclpt,- 51.. j7hjoaryb,i ?tfgjx T'T HATTM. .11....... Hnni. ... u. .r lr:Arrzlr' ,,uw mnrKet strong; S'm'Ti. T-0lTl'.6p: row. and heifers, 7.73ji 8,siit?S'i."n?J 7i2?n8jS0llvM' 58.5010.25. HHEEP.-Itccelntsi, 13.000; market weak, 10c. lower: native Hflu.iu. nnd Western, ilgs.OOj limba NEW YORK COFFEE JIARKET NEW YOHK, June 10. Although a downward tendency characterized tho cortce market, lit tle trading waa done. At the opening futures declined 2 to 1 points. Klnal uuotatlona showed losses of us much aa 13 polnta. Prices follow. iTOy xoaaj-s Yca'day's 07 April ... Olny ... funs .... July ... August . September October F.'ovember uccemDer Unnuary February jiarcn opening. .-,.u .tn.0.1 . aooif7.oo .'6.87 .'Ii.3 .' oo'eKdi ..0.113 .n.ns rloie. Inicp. O.OSia 11.07 7,1IIB7.11 7.CXM7.02 7.I5K7.17 6.80fl3.SS 5.853.0O ll.83All.Hll II.U3nM,Ull (tiRSJO.IU (I.0U4)0,U1 6.7800.70 . .,,,... (i.70(i'.8o Vn.ii(b:6i ' O.SOfiO.82 ll.BI.Kl.01 o.8!(jn.si! it,o7an8 O.K7IHH.8II 7.01l7.(rj 7,0037.00 n.00fI0.D2 7.03)P7.t7 Uld. tOffered. Total sales, 8000 haga. NEW YORK HUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. June 10. BUTTEn-Slarket firmer In all gradea. fiecelpts, 10.490 packages. Extra, 2Sti28i4c.: higher scoring, 2Sa2:ie.. State dairy. 2S028t4c.: Imitation creamery, 23f?23l4c. i;nOS,-Market Irregular, fiecelpts, 23.054 packages. Eitra first. 20H2lc, fresh gath ered: first. 1020c. fresh gathered, nearby whltea. 2IB23e.; mlied color, 20021),c. i nearby browns. 22r,23)4c. ' MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. JIINING COJIPANIES ABSORBED The Toncrah Extension Company, of Tono pah. has absorbed the Merger and Victor properties In the following terms: Tha Exten sion assumes the debts of the Merger and pays the Merger at the rate ot one share of Eiten sion for evir seven shares ot Merger stock now Ibsued. All of tho Victor debts are to be nrsumed by the Extension Company, which pays the Victor at the rate of one share of Extension for every, eight shares of Victor stock now Issued. Thorn who participated In the neeotlatlona and the agreement on May IS were Charles M. Schwab. M. 11. Ward, Secley W. itudd, Key Plttman, Frank A. Keith. John G Klrchenn nnd S. A. Brown. This, merger will give the Extension Company an Immente acreage, much of which has been proved to contain large and valuable ore bodies and tho remainder or wmen nas Dig nos.iuuturs. me Tononah Extension win now n of 378 acres. c a, total area American Paper Reorganization SPRINOFIELD. Mass., June 10.-At a meet ing to be held next Wednesday plans will b considered for the reorganization of the Aroerl. can Writing Paper Company. The Immediate difficulty la over the pajnient of Internet on a sinking fund 20-year gold bond 3s. Iisue of nearly 114.000.000, which falls due July I. It Is probable that trustees will be appointed on that date to determine a course ot action In reorganizing. uue BAR SILVER NEW YOBK. June lO.-The price of bar nlfver was 40 cents today, with Mexican dol lar at BSH oents. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Olrard Trust Company, regular quarterly per cent., payable July 1 to stock ot record June 17. Union Traction We have prepared a circular showing the Investment possibilities In the stock Jf tbl company, A copy may bs had upon request JAMES G. BALFOUR & CO. 584-586 Drexel Building, Phila, Members of' tales l'hlla. Stock Exchange KT1VDAKD CAST IKON 1'IPB rOUN IlilV COMPANY a FIRST MOUTCAOE coi.ni1o?.a. nt'B July isr, low. Notlc I Weby lyn ttvat pureuant to the teruas of the Mortgage dated July 1st. iSm IM80O Of tb said bonds, numbered iibellw. Pv been drawn for redemption it 184444 and accrued Interest, as ot July 1 1913? out ot BWMy hn payaM t th Asking Fund, when all laurwt tberta.wttji cTS'.DVtly'bMl for 10e each: i HB a sa w ss Ten boids for 1500 each: Th boftf wU 4I lujMlurd coupons ttcud. should b pftsd for Davmeut t the otBt of the TruU as or Jfte7 Jul I. 1- OIHARD rill'BT COMPANY, Trwue. UOR(iB H STUART 3D Trurr. FhlladelpliU. fa. Jus 8. l14. Tll,1 A.l Jim nutler in .si MacNamara -. rei ,04 Miaway ,.,., ,111 Mtzpah Extension 23 Montana , .30 North Star .15 Tonopah Pelmont ,...,,. 4 Tonopah Extension 3 Tonopah Merger 40 Tonouah Mining '...71.. Rescue Eula ' ,0s West End OOLDF1ELD STOCKS. Atlanta lllue Dull Pooth bulldog , C O I) Comb Fraction .......,..,.. Dlamondfleld 11 n Daisy Florence , Ooldrield Consolidated ,. (loldfleld Merger Jumbo Extension ....; Kenans , ,,..,.... Oro Hand Kan ................., Silver Pick .88 18 .27 .112 a .41 7 .10 .00 , .32 .3.1 , .04 M . .52 .53 . .03 .04 , .03 .07 .00. .10 .02 .Ol .05 .07 .50 .15 1'.. 14 I'm i'h .14 10 . 10 .07 .00 .10 .11 MISCELLANEOUS. 1'nlrv Attee .... Klmberly. , Nevada Hill .... Nsvada Wonoer . ,02 . .05 . .20 .1.70 .04 .07 .2 173 LEAD 7 CENTS NEW YORK. June 10. Lead has been- o,d In this market at 7 rent, a pound, It Is understood. ' Our l"k. grain and ration department. offer efficient service for the prompt execu tion of orders. Our special curb department I fully equipped, quotation brine ronatnutly posted on all of the active curl, securities. Hughes & Dier BANKERS AND BROKERS Member of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange. 1435 Walnut Street PHILADELPHIA The Girl Who Had No God Tlio Biggest Story Ever Written by MARY ROBERTS RINEHART Begins Saturday, Juno 12, in the On Cent I 1