Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, June 10, 1915, Final, Page 10, Image 10

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Bl -1
f By Ellen Adair
The Daily Story
The Pros and Cons of the Situation
have the connotation that she beard his j
whether to the end of. her unys or
IT BEiEMB ImpoMlble to net away from
the problem of the war brlilea. lllu
rnlnatlng discourses In the papers only
acid to the confusion. The question of
marrlARe In wartime has Riven rise to
floods of Information from all sorts and
conditions of, learned or would-be learned
people who sign their perorations by any
name other than their own. "Sweet Sev
enteen" and "Confirmed Hachclor" and
even "Unappropriated niesslne" swell the
throng, while "Mother of Ten" ndds her
somewhat biased quota of Information
on a subject already rendered conruscu
nd, anyhow, Inconclusive.
,"I can't understand the anxiety of some
'war brides to set married," declared a
m.itter-of-fncl, If somewhat cynical Indi
vidual, the other' day, "1 admit, of course,
that a honeymoon Is n thin? to be got
over ns soon ns possible, but one would
Imagine that a marrlaco on tho frltiRe or
the front, so lo speak, would be too much
hustle and bustle for the most modern
ftlrl. Half an hour for the license to take
effect, half an hour for lunch, half an
hour for packing and unpacking, then a
hasty exit on the part of tho bridegroom!
Well, upon my word, If I were a war
bride I don't think, honestly, I should
know whether I was really married or
not. Of course, some people who have
been married for years don't know
either. Now, I dare say you've hcHrd
that marriage Is a lottery. Hut then you
don't believe It. It Is Just a bad Invest
ment, now that all the lucky numbers
have been snapped up."
5Iy personal opinion Is, that If two peo
ple are In lovo with each other and are
desirous of marrying, then by all manner
of means marry, whothcr there be n war
or not to prove the hindrance! After all,
I really can't see how tho war has so
very much to do with the question. Of
course, there Is the risk that one's hus
band will never come back any more. Hut
at the same time, the girl will always
The opinion of a mere man on the sub
ject Is Illuminating, "t can, thank Rood-
nets," he writes, "lay It down as an
axiom that the way of a man with a
maid Is the only thing that has neither
required nor undergone any Important
change since the days when our first pa
rents discussed the pretty problem In the
Garden of Helen. We could eliminate
from the world's history all the wars that
Iimp ever been known, nnd though we
should be here under perhaps slightly dif
ferent conditions, yet wo should still be
here. Had we been able to eliminate the
lovo quesllon-wcll, matters would have
been quite otherwise."
By Wire
Kelfer, of telegraph station 12, Huller's
Survey, had not been absent from duty
In three years. He had not wanted to.
Hut with that bit of ribbon Just ticked
from the Instrument before his eyes he
underwent a Budden chanjje. He would
accept the vacation so tardily offered
and make (he most of It. His books said
that n chance was good for a man's soul,
nnd he would come back refreshened In
mind and body. He loved the sand views
of station 12, for they signified homo; but
the changeless monotony of the four sides
had crown n little oppressive since the
"That egregious person, Bernard Shaw,"
he continues, "whose motto In life Is to
leave the world n little worse than he
found It, will, I know, try to tell J on that
the rcpeopllng of this world should be
under the control of a board of directors,
with himself, doubtless, at the head.
With such self-evident absurdities you
need have no concern. Loving Is heaven's
(lrst law. and It's the only thing In the
world that no one has ever tried or
wanted to Improve upon."
My opinion on the expediency or Inex
pediency of marriage In wartime Is that
each should act according to ills own
lights. Hernnrd Shaw certainly docs try
to lay n ban on everything, nnd loe Is
his latest target. I3ut then the world
Is so full of klll-Jos and cynics that
really one mustn't pay any undue atten
tion to them. So the war brides will con
tinue to cheerfully accumulate, and a
good thing for England nnd other coun
tries that this should be so. If the girls
really paid intention to those who urged
them not to many, there wouldn't be
any race worth talking about In 50 cars.
And the motto of a certain Jester Is nn
excellent one: "Never put off till to
morrow what ou can woo today!"
Tomorrow's Menu
"With the exception of the heel of a
Dutch cheese which Is not adapted to
the wants of n. younp family there Is
really not a scrap Hf nnythlng In the
larder." Dickens.
Cereal and Cream
Beef Hash
Toast Coffee
Shepherd's Pie
Lettuce Salad
Graham Salad
Orange nice
, Vegetable Soup
Boiled Lamb Chops
.' Escalloped Potatoes
Creamed Asparagus
Tomato Saled Cheese 8traws
' Lemon Jelly
Beef Huh Mince cold cooked beef add
little grated onion and a parboiled and
finely chopped green pepper, moisten
with gravy, stock or water, heat and
serve on toast.
Orange nice Cook half a cupful of rice
lr water until tender. Then add a quar
ter of a tablespoonful of salt, a table
spoonful of sugar and half a teaspoonful
of butter. Keep hot and dry and add the
grated rind of an orange. Serve with a
sauce made of a beaten egg white, to
which a tablespoonful of sugar and the
Juice and pulp of an oranga are added.
Tho -auce must
bo ma'de Just
Cheese Straws This reclpo calls for a
pound each of flour, butter nnd grated
cheese, a well-beaten egg, cojenne pep
per to taste, half a cupful of water and
a teaspoonful of mustard. Cut the but
ter Into the flour and other dry Ingredi
ents, add the cheese nnd then the egg
and mustard. Roll thin, cut Into strips
half an inch wide nnd bake light brown.
nrrlvnl of 18.
Before ticking back nn acceptance to
the home office, he let his finger fnll upon
the Instrument for a moment-touching
the hand tf his new friend, ns It were.
"Hello, Kaufman." he called, "are you
In for a vnrntlon, too?"
"A week." came back the prompt nn-
nuer. "rnmmpnrilic oil the -3d."
"The 23d! i hv mine ends on that date,
nnd It's two weeks. But, 1 understand,
l'e been Mure three cnis and you only
three months, nnd now It's n dull tlmo
fimv're pnlnu to Ini von control this sec
tion while I'm nwny, nnd then I'm to do
the same for ynu. Too bad, though, for
I'd thought v-t. might go off together.
Odd, Isn't It? I feel thai jou'ro the best
friend Vf got In tho woild-nbout the
only one, for t'mt mailer, for wo've wired
no end of personal gossfp and ambition,
nnd our tastes tun about the same way;
and yet I've never seen you and don t
know whether jou're short or tall, lean
or fnt, a hejthen or a Y. M. C. A., or
whether voiir mustache Ir still to sprout
or your while hair Is dropping out from
old ngc. Queer world, Isn't It, Knilf?
But say! I believe I'll run down nnd
spend my vafnllon wltn ou Thcre'H no
other place 1 cun think of, nnd we can
see how each other looks, nnd talk and
smoke, and"
There wn.i a quick, prolestlng click.
"Don't you do it, Kelfer what Is your
name, anyway, the whole of It? Kelfer
Is so so ui.rrremonlous nnd blunt. But
about tho ncntloti. You musn't visit
me now inuntn t. Why It m Impossible.
I I haven't tin- accommodations, nnd
nnd I'm so busj, and"
There was a call from the home of
fice, nnd with a hurried explanation to
Knufmnn he flushed In nn acceptance of
the proffered leave of absence, look nnd
answered the '-'all, made a few final ar
rangement., then bent oor to contlnuo
tho conversation, hesitated nnd Hwung
back from the Instrument.
"I won't do It," ho chuckled; "Knuf's
likely ashamed of his looks, bald-headed
or fat or one ecd or something, and
den't want me to know. I'm going to
visit him on the next train, and I'm not
f.olng to give blni a chance for any moro
excuses. Ashamed' Great Scott! Don't
wo like the same books and music and
everything else? What do I care how
tho old chap looks? Ho ought lo know
my regard rises nbovc such petty consld-
before I eratlons nnd I believe he thinks Just ns
much of me His personal confidences
prove it. I'll Just drop In on him so sud
denly nnd affectionately Unit he can't
help tnklng me In his arms."
Pamphlet Will Enlighten Visitors
From Latin Countries.
The advantages of the port of Philadel
phia are to be exploited In the South
American countries In a brochure now
being prepared by William J. Barr, of
Pittsburgh. Mr. Barr Is now accompa
nying tho Pan-American delegates about
the country ns a special commissioner of
the Government, and called upon Direc
tor Meigs, or the Department of Wharves,
Docks and Ferries today and requested
that Mr. Meigs co-operate with him In
furnishing the details for the pamphlet,
which will be printed In Spanish. Mr.
Barr will undertake the work because
some of the Pan-American representa
tives on their visit here expressed amaze
ment that a place like this city should ho
little known In the Latin-American coun
tries. A vast knowledge of the needs of South
America was obtained by Mr. Barr when
ho served as a special commissioner of
the United States Government on the
Panama-Pacific Fair Commission n 1913.
Seen From an Elevated Train
THE other day when I was taking a
ride on an elevated train, what do
you suppose happened? Something hap
pened to the motor of the train and there
we were stuck up high In the air, be
tween two stations so nobody could walk
to the atalrst And there we stayed a
good long time too. till the motpr -was
mended and the train could take us on
our way.
But did we mind waiting very much?
No indeed! And I'll tell you why we
Right under the place where the train
happened to stop was a most Interesting
farm ysnU "A farm yard In a city?
Right under an elevated train?" do you
ask. Yes! Right thero under our noses
we were all quite as surprised as you
couja possibly be. But It was a farm
yardVa real one with a cow and some
pigs and a Jot of roosters and hens.
Qnly they were awfully crowded those
farm yard creaturea-and they looked as
though tf they had the choosing, they
would have a lot more space than Just a
small city baek yard. But, of course,
they didn't have the choosing.
Evidently they were used to all kinds
of noises and sights and they wouldn't
hav minded one bit If our train had
gsjie dashing by with a whirr of noise
ftd alatier. But they were not used to a
train stopping there aye their heads I
Tby erased their neiSs, the chickens
did, and elaekUd and sputtered an It they
were trying to ask us go away.
The nuise and fuss the cjilckena mda
atld the attention of the pig to t&
evr-hed visitors; tbsy hadn't noticed us
before Aa mod ay tlwy saw us, they
begae snorting and grunting sad running
twut as if tbey fsjysd we were getmr
to try to catch then. They little gud
few h!plM we win up there or the
Through all the grunting and eUeklng.
the comfortable old tow lay Jut as Mill
and 4uKt as If aba didn t notice us at all
ami woulJn t be afraid oi us if tU did
sec us She just la thrte m the middle
vt me a -J and fletked ufr sn u.castoual
fl an"! it ed tu t-l.uw t)u other leatuin
u.i nu.e sa nu v-iauw tor icltront
- KM i hod UmM utxedd tiful
la eWi-kns and ply wi abovt
ready to (iu worrying over u and t:iu
to their own business, who should come
along but some workmen to nx the train.
With a great noise nnd racket of pound
ing, the men went to work
That was entirely too much for the
animals below!
A urtiyurii in, a cityt
The biggest, oldest rooster set up the
alarm and all the others followed his ex.
ample. They fluttered and clackled; they
screamed and they flew about the yard
The pigs, big and little, ran helter-skelter
Bround the yard, grunting and squeallne
as they ran.
Sensible Mrs. Cow stood It as long as
she oouid. Then she raised her heid
and said In her plainest voice. "Slo-ow.
sle-aw. slo-ow! Go slo-pw! Why are
U w excited? There Is nothing to
be frightened about! Go slow! See how
eal I ara.".
(nuSidlately the farm yard creatures
were lea excited. They dgd oyer to-
to take eare of them. Si, a har
tali In a casual, unconearned fashion and
";" jrwi h wut soon be gone!"
They mil to bllve her. They set
tled down from the axciumW and
nestled close by h.r big cowfoaW sWm
And really, aha mmi save knows, for
hardly had afa. to thaw "th
would oA be g." when U head
WMitawo abouted. Alt right! Oo Awd"
sad wont oo our y.
C9SptiffM- Chtm Jufran jujo I
So when tho throtich freight slowed nt
the wntcr tank Kelfer swung himself
Into the caboose with n generous outilt of
tobacco and books and a brand new pack
of cards ordered up by the freight con
ductor. And this same friendly conduc
tor, when they reached tclcgrnph stntlon
13, obligingly slowed the trnin so Kelfer
could drop Into the white, Icldinc sand,
the familiar, unvnrjlng landscape of his
own station.
"Accommodations," he chuckled, ns ha
strode eagerly toward the open doorway
of the little building. "Its got two
rooms, like my own, and that's plenty
accommodations for any reasonable
man. But perhaps Kauf was used to
a big house nt home. Hello! Window
curtains, and flowers at the end of the
liotise, and Lord!"
For a young woman, pretty nnd
neatly dressed, nnd with lips nnd eyes
that were meant for smiling, but which
Just now wcro sober with inquiry and
consternation, hnd suddenly appeared In
the- doorwny. Kelfer had not seen n girl
In over three years, and such n girl as
this une nppeared to him, never. His
mouth opened and shut, without u
"Well?" the girl Inquired at last.
"Is-is Kauf-ln? How's Kauf well?
T tell Kauf I'm out here to see him,"
answtred Kelfer dazedly.
"I'm Knuf Adella Kaufman." said the
girl. Then tho utter blankncss In the
face before her seemed to restore the
girl's equanimity, for she smiled.
"You'ir Keif, I suppose er, Mr. Kelfer.
I mean," she said. "Didn't I wlro
you "
"I wouldn't take It," miserably. "I 1
thought 'twas Bomo foolish excuse of a
man who wasn't used to Usltors. I
heard the Instrument calling, nnd recog
nlied your touch; but I wouldn't listen.
After tho first time I kept my bnck
turned, and dodged out soon's the train
camo in sight." He looked townrd the
track, ns It to see It the freight were
still waiting for him; but all that was
visible of It was a dark line trailing Into
the white horizon.
"Train's gone," he said tentatively,
"and It's BO miles to the nenrest house,
and there aren't any more trains either
way until tomorrow. Now If I'd brought
some food I might walk the SO miles,
or fctart off one way or the other to meet
a train; but It's been eight hours since I
had breakfast, and 60 miles. You see,"
depreciatingly, "I felt so sure that Kauf
I beg your pardon, Miss Kauf Kauf
man, I mean I I It don't seem possible
there Isn't any real Kauf. after all the
talking we've done."
"You've camped outdoors a good many
times, I suppose, Mr. Kelfer all Western
men have?"
"Of course," Inquiringly. Then, with an
odd note of eagerness coming Into his
voice, "You mean I may camp right here
by the track until a train comes It won't
be presumptuous, after after my density?"
' I only control the station, Mr. Kelfer,
and you have a right to camp anywhere
you please out of doors. But what I
wish to say la that I'll be glad to have
you take supper with me and all your
meals until the train comes. At home I
was considered a very fair cook."
The next day the down freight was
four hours late, and when It began to
slacken speed In answer to his signal,
Kelfer released a hand which he had
caught suddenly on the first appearance
of the train Into the sand's level horizon.
"I'll go and fix up my station some,"
ha said, hla voice tremulous with the
awed wonder In it, "and maybe have an.
other room put on. The company wlh
stand that much. I think. Then I'll run
back and transplant the flowers, and take
your things, and the day before my va
cation expires m wire for a parson to
meet us here. You'd better send In your
resignation at once, Kauf."
"And announce ray promotion, Keif,'
she finished softly.
Copyright. 19151
"Penny Foolishness"
Penny, foojishne&s haunts the delusive
bargain counter; penny foolishness be
comes dollar foo!l)ueaa when It econo
mize oo meat because the piloe Is high
and makes up with calstr'and pastry.
The wise housekeeper treat on eooaomy
substitutes stews for roasts and apples
for lees. She cut off the luxuries of the
fare, but not the essentials,
To wonaa whose few gowns are of
good material, n made and tons worn
Is batter dressed at the same cost than
She who buys cheap material or labo
riously remiuiels her uutolls according
fl "tyt." T
Mars ehtapntss U no virtus.
. -t
m iyb, I
Hi itSfarisHMsBPHiiS 91
1 ' iffin I
fit mMWmmwBmRi F Wk
fil mmrnmmmaUk M H
3 fljBHHWiliii M
" - "
iiX'W r!cu
kaSHflPlv J-
An Evening Gown for the Matron
ery Is the broad band of beaa tj
STYLE books In general show plenty of
fashtonable gowns for tho young ma
'iron, but It often happens that the
elderly woman Is left sadly In the cold.
Why this should be I'm suro I cant
see, for are noi our otu. ..
most attractive women of any country?
And, as Buch. I think they deserve all
tho attention and time of the fashionable
A fashionable gathering held recently
brought out many Interesting discoveries.
One was that tho matron of today isn't
content to dress llko a matron. Sho
wears Just ns gaudy and, Incidentally,
Just ns becoming gowns nn do her grand
chltdren. The stately, majestic typo of
dress Is a distinct Institution of the
American matron. The gown shown in
the Illustration Is one of these.
It Is entirely made of black crepe de
chine, that most serviceable of materials
for tho elderly woman. Tho only real
trimming besides tho artistry of the drap-
whlch la, used as a panel at th $
Th tiartl' tt.1. i
...- .. ,, gown is .si
collete, with wide sleeves of fcjjw.
fon. It Is a good plan to use Ih.lB
decollete on the, gown of an o!ije, afe
because tho deep V-neek hs , ,&
to make a woman look stouter il
nt nil Inclined toward avolrtjajjai
white chiffon cloth lining U UiJ M!
sleeves and bodice. The wide jf
girdle Is made 'of tho bed iffi
with an edging of black lrldsctntS
xne wans oi iroy motifs er i,.ij'fl
fanfltntn till. iME-nln.,,4 ..-.- .H4.M
" cu " or m
tume. ' a
Tho skirt lo made with a soft Q
me dock, nunougn n is not t
any great oxtont. A short tunlo
like a peasant apron nn th. w,
edged with beads. This Is drape! $j
a manner ns 10 seem to be WrapMJIj
mo nguro in joias, reaching to the a
More Bargains in lints
nose-umea reus are a scajw
For the following suggestions sent in by
readers of tho Btsm.no Lkdokh prizes of l
i.Aml r,t cents are awarded.
All suggestions should be addreFsed to fc.uen
AilAlr, ndltor of Woman' Page, EvsMNO
I.EixjEit, Independence Square, Philadelphia.
A nrlzi nf SI lian lipen mrnrileil to Misq
Mnhel Mrllvnluc l-nxtolTirr Ilnx 380, Ilet
erly, N. ,1., for the following aucgrntlonl
In making hot cakes, you need never
grease the griddlo If you add a table
spoonful of melted butter to tho batter
Just before baking. The butter entirely
provents tho takes from sticking to tho
A prize nf A0 cents has been awarded to
It. C. Daniel, 33 Kant Springfield nvemie,
Chestnut Hill, for the following suggestion!
If you get grease spots on your wall
paper, daub them gently with a small
sponge full of benzine. You will find
that they will disappear. Do not rub
tho spots, remember.
A priie of 80 cents has been atvnrded to
Mrs. I. Klsele, 211 Thayer street, I'hlladel
phlu, for the following suggestion!
If you wish to keep the yolks of eggs
from drying up, after you have used the
whites, cover them with water. They
will never dry up, and you can use them
A prize of SO cents has been awarded to
SIutt C. Kennedy, 1315 Toronto street. I'lilt
ailelpliln, fur the following suggestion!
The best and least expensive way to
renovate an old black Btraw hat Is the
following: Into a quarter of a cunful of
warm water stir a heaping teaspoonful
of sugar. Apply with an old toothbrush
or some email brush and dry on a flat
surface in the shade. It will look like
For Remembrance
It was once, long ago, In the twilight,
With tho hush of the dusk In the sky,
And wo stood at the gate of jour garden
And the scent of the flowers floated by.
"There's rosemary, that's for remem
branco" Your cheek, as you said it, grew wet.
And I knew that 1 loved you that moment.
And I whispered, "I shall not forget."
I have never forgotten I loved you so
In the dnyR of the rosemary, long ago.
The rosomary of long ngo turned to tup
uui my neart tin I die will remember you!
I can see you again in the garden,
With your eyes full of tenderest trust.
Though the years with their tears have
And the rosemary now is but dust;
Yes, I see you, and, though you were
There are tears on your cheeks even
And I dream you remember In heaven
One who loves you, nnd cannot forget.
I have never forgotten I loved jou so
In the dny of the rosemary long ago
The rosemary long ago turned to ruc-
,my ''r'V" J dle wl" remember you!
-Clifton Bingham, In the London Magazine
UNTIUMMED hats are Just ns Impor
tant to the average woman ns trim
med ones, and, to a still greater majority
of women, untrlmmed hats aro essential.
Tho largo department stores are selling
out their hats nt reduced prices, and plain
hat shapes seem to bo going equally fast,
riusli, felt and velvet trimmed shapes are
very much In evidence, and even now n.
few fnll hats aro being shown. This is
nbsurd. of course; but Judging by the
popularity of BUinmcr fuis, the lnnont!on
Is moro or less Justified.
A lovely evening hat shape was shown
in one of our htre stores. It was made
of tho finest possible quality of hntler'a
plush. In bany blue, tan, black and white.
Tho brim wn decidedly floppy nnd fnlrly
lurgc, llko tho many leghorn shapes seen
this year. Tho crown wits rather high
and sllghtlv full at tho base. Tho price
was only $3.75. A trimmed hat or virtu
ally tho samo Btyle was selling last
week for $2i.
vatlon, nnd, untrlmmed, they Mil jjO
storo for 11.98. These nlso corns Sim
hlitrt tan. trrnv an.1 mnti.. 's
u.uv.1 .... p ctr whu iiiuihc, IfliVtyfl
trimming used on a hat like tMrti
onor n, 11.1 tnlf . 9
White chip, mllan or plain M
aro seen In every possible stiaptif
trimmed with crowns of either wEm,
black hatters plush. These make" cfe
Ing hats to wear with a llngeris An
nnd cost from t2M up to (1(3 $C
store. Velvet crowns are also iceveS
blncd with velvet bands around thefc
or facing tho same. These arsfromt;
Cretonne sailors are cnjojlng uft
mense vogue, especially when wonfw
the Palm Beach suit. Colorlnriit!
varied and futuristic, with vetT
n .... ..due v.xuujl wiwicii luting unattt.
brim or largo bright red pln,s it &
side of the front Beading is aho.ijr
wuii suiaii lectors oi ueaas at Ice (nrJ
inc price oc tneso tints begins it
a rule.
.mil miinim.mn Illllllll IIIIIIUUlllliM
PIst fo?f i fit
"Coats no mora than.
For seventy-six years, the dentists of
the world have recognized the fact thatj
the standard of quality, in all the supplied
used in their profession, was set by us. tm
Tooth Paste. In Paste or Powder, 25c. If not jj
at your druggist s, mailed upon receipt of price.
New York
San Francisco
Toronto, Can.
Montreal, C
Imitations flatter, also deceive
substitutes for CREX
Rugs do both. Beware of
them. When ordering see
that CREX is on side bind
"Jfj fc,mLeans the genuine
CREX, the first made wire
grass, floor covering, and best
in every point of excellence.
CREX doesn't hold dirt of germs
is easfly cleaned and handled
light in weight tough and strong
in wear varied in design many
Jizea for all purposes always
cool, healthy and dependable,
Color schemes to suit all tastes.
P"6," from 35c to $15,00.
Tht dtaUr "mah, more" on tub.
ting CREX. The nam ron the
binding protects you. W, our
suwantes of nnsn,.
Crs Carpet Coapaay, New Ywk
Watch for the Evening Ledger's Big
Saturday, June 12
It's the largest motion picture supplement ever issued by any
aaily newspaper. Special articles, timely stories, latest illustra
tions, crisp news of the doings of movie stars and newest develop
ments in film craft in short, everything that's big and live and
Sni"- IT mpresented the best writers, critics and pro
ducers in the game.
Three Headliner Articles to Photoplay-Goera by
David Belasco William E. Shay Herbert Brennon
Other Big Features Include
"The Photoplay From the Producer's Viewpoint"
By Siegmund Luhin
"My Early Childhood," by Charles Chaplin.
The Film Exchange," by Harry Bryan
I'Screen Fashions," by Eleanor Kinsella McDonnell.
TvlTTr9 Present,-by Edgar Mels.
tC n in finyr by Kenneth Macg,
The Original Drunk." bv Bill? t?, s
Drunk," bv Billie Pc
nn ..... ..,
of thTsSof PnsyJvtia" Chief motion e censor
totSlS Viewpoint," by
Philadelphia alone? urnis"es attractions to 46 theatres in
Here is Philadelphia's "reel" nicture ,. t i.
movie patrons ev'er prepared ba newSDaDer !? y?n.the. S"5 cat for
big photoplay section tucked u youTS V ?" miss You' " he
Remember the date-and the paper "S Leag?r on Saturday, June 12.